HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-11-29, Page 2THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WOODHAM KIRKTONFARM NEWS Sunday School Lesson THE CHRISTIAN AS WITNESS Manitoulin Island will contribute its share of turkeys again for the Christmas season. A survey indi­ cates that the number of thirds for market will be about the same as last year when 5U.U0U pounds were marketed by the co-operative assoc­ iation. Reduction of one-half per cent, in interest on leans made by the On­ tario Agricultural Board has been an­ nounced by Premier Hepburn, The interest in future will be only four per cent, compared with the previous rate of four and a half. Timothy Rust If the severity of rust attacks on timothy in the gra-s breeding nurs­ ery. Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa, is any indication of the amount of damage which may result from the disease throughout the country, then the efforts which are being made to deveolp rust resistant ■varieties of timothy should result in considerable benefit to this crop. More than half of the plants from commercial seed at the Central Farm have been practically destroyed by rust during the past two years and many others have been more or less injured. In marked contrast are the plants and strains selected for rust resistance. These show no rust what­ soever, and in consequence they have made a strong, vigorous growth. Only rust resistant selections are being used as parent plants in breeding new varieties of timothy. At the same time, an effort is being made to- determine the losses due to ruist on timothy as it is growth in farm practice. presentative. This is partly due to the short crop, but mainly to the better prices prevailing on the local Canadian markets. The Ontario ap­ ples have met with a good reception some, red snows making 30 shillings and' some Jonathans 28 shillings. Buyers are paying very little atten­ tion to apples without colour or quality. As November is usually a poor month for apple sales, Mr. Ful­ ton‘does not expect to isee prices, even for attractive dessert barrelled apples change from present values, which are ranging from 22 to 27 shillings. More satisfactory values will be made, he believes, for some good quality, coloured barrelled ap­ ples of the hard winter varieties as the season progresses. Mr. Fulton also believes that the future demand is going to be for the red dessert ap­ ple.-, rather than for the ordinary run of culinary apple. In ordinay seasons the English orchards will take care of the cooking apple re­ quirements. Glover and Grass Seeds The Current Report on produc­ tion of clover and grats seeds in Canada gives the following informa­ tion; RED CLOVER—It is believed that the total 1934 crop in Canada may be around 1500,000 lbs. as compared with 3,0,00,000 lbs. last year. This crop was due to an almost total fail­ ure in the principal production dis­ tricts of .Southwestern Ontario due to drought. ALSIKE—This seed in Ontario wa<s practically a failure this year. The total production may not have exeeeeded 375,000 lbs. as against 1,500,000 lbs. in 1933 and an. annual average of 6,500,000 lbs. Sunday, Dec. 2.—I. Theiss. 1:1-10 Golden Text “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is conw upon you: and yet shall be witnesses un­ to me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Santana, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth."—-Acta 1:8. Replace Apple Trees Agricultural Societies in Grey and Bruce are to be commended for giv­ ing leadership in the very worthwhile project of replacing apple trees kill­ ed last winter, states J. A. Carroll, of the Ontario Department of Agri­ culture. At an Agricultural Society District4 Meetng at Paisley, November the Sth discussion revealed some Agricultur­ al Societies were not only recom­ mending that apple trees be plant­ ed, but were prepared to give advice on suitable stocks and also arrange club orders from reliable Nurseries to take advantage of special rates. Th bi is another indication how the Agricultural Societies may as­ sume responsibility for agricultural welfare in their respective commun­ ities. ALFALFA—Production will be less than last year due to wet weath- ier and damaging frost in August, jThe total Canadian crop is estimated I at 1,650,000', lbs as against 2,50b.- ‘ 000 lbs. .in 1933. SWEET CLOVER—,Total produc­ tion of this seed in Canada may equal the average for the last five years, 14,000,000 lbs. TIMOTHY—The total yield' in 1934 may approximate i5,000,00'0 lbs. as against 4,00'0,000 lbs. last year and an annual averge of 2,000.- 00 0 lbs. last year. CANADA BLUE GRASS—This seed was practically a- .failure this year due to drou,ght in Southwestern On­ tario where its production is largely confined. To Train Young’ Farmers New Home Ready For Chicago Stock Show Finishing touches are now being made on the mammoth new home for the International Live Stock Exposition which will cele­ brate its '3.5th anniversary at” the Chicago Stock Yard's from December 1 to 8. When completed, it will be the finest structure in the world devot­ ed for such uses. The central section or amphitheatre, will seat nearly double the number who could be ac­ commodated in the old building which was destroyed in the fire that swept the Chicago Stock Yards last May. The foremost herds and flocks from every state in the Union and provinces of Canad'a will contest the continental championship of their kind at the 193 4 Exposition. Accord­ ing to the management, entries clos­ ing on November 1st were the big­ gest in the history of the largest of the continent’s agricultural shows, where over 12,000 animals were ex­ hibited last year. British Apple Market Only very small quantities of On­ tario apples have been arriving in the United Kingdom, according to Andrew Fulton, overseas fruit re- Under the auspices of the Work­ ers’ Educational Association of On­ tario, University of Toronto, a two- week school for young farmers has been arranged, commencing Monday, Novemer 2 6th in the Department of Economics, University of Toronto. The object of the school is to de­ velop the latent talent for leader­ ship among young men .and women on the farm so that they may .fill im­ portant places in their respective communities in developing an under­ standing of the economic position of Agriculture and its relation to the general field of Canadian, and! Inter­ national Economics. It is hoped that the’success of this school will result in the formation of County schools and also of study circles in each ru­ ral community. The school will meet .for two ses­ sions each day—morning and after­ noon at the University. At dinner each evening an interesting address will be delivered, by prominent edu­ cationists and others. At it is proposed to limit the num­ ber of successful applicants, every­ one who wishes to attend should send in application now. Co-operating with the Workers’ Educational Association in the pro­ motion of this Agriculturist Varsity are the New Canada Movement, Unit­ ed Farmers of Ontario, Junior Farm­ er Associations, and the Co-operative Union. A witness is not asked or expect­ ed to offer any opinion. He has only ue duty: to tell what he knows to be facts. The word itself, witness, is from the Anglo-Saxon witan, mean­ ing to know. It is of vital importance to keep before us this meaning and purpose of witnessing, especially in relation to Christian witnessing. Christian­ ity is not a theory, a philosophy, or a matter of opinion. Christianity, and every Christian doctrine, are matters of fact. Tin- true Christian witness testifies, with unshakable assurance and c. nvietion, to what lie knows to be facts. So Paul, the greatest Christian witness among men, declares with triumphant con­ viction: “I know Whom I have’ be­ lieved, and am persuad'ed that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.’’ (II Tim. 1:12.) But Christian witnessing goes be­ yond a merely truthful stating of facts. It is supernatural. Tha is, the work of a Christian witness'—and every Christian should be a witness —is done in a power that no human being has by himself. Not only the human being, hut also God, is at work whenever true Christian wit­ nessing is being done. This means results that only God! could bring to pass. Twice in this brief lesison chapter of ten verses we are told of three tenses in the life of the Christian believer, these three tenses stand­ ing also for three attitudes or activ­ ities that should be in every Chris­ tian lifter Paul writes to the Thessalonians Christians: “Remembering without ceasing your work of faith and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” This means lit­ erally: “Your operative .faith, and laborious love, and hope-filled pa­ tience.” At the end of the chapter Paul writes: “Ye turned! to. God from idols to serve the living and true God; and to wait for His .Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.” Dr. .Scoffield notes that these three tenses of the believer’s life are log­ ical and give the true order, and.' he explains them as follows: “The ‘work •of faith’ is to ‘turn to God from idols’ the ‘labor of love’ is to ‘serve the liv­ ing and true God’; and the ‘patience ot hope’ is to ‘wait for His Son from' Heaven.” the same for them, and. will, if they will let Him. The world is keeping its eyes on Christians, to sec whether they are really living the. way they profess to live. A Christian witness is in the limelight whether he wants to be or not. iFive things that every Christian Christian witness has; .SALVATION SURRENDER SEPARATION SERVICE HOPE The four facts about Christ the Christian witnesses: HIS DEITY HIS DEATH HIS RESURRECTION HIS RETURN RECEPTION One of tiie largest wedding recep­ tions which has been held in the community was held in ‘Watson’s Hall, Kippen, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haugh, of Brucefield. During the course of the evening an address was read by Mr. T. N. For­ sythe and the bride and groom were presented with a day bed and cedar- ette. MjRS. MALCOLM GRAHAM The death occurred in Alexandra- Marine and General Hospital, of Han­ nah Catherine Leonard, beloved wife of Malcolm Graham, Goderich, fol­ lowing a heart attack. Mrs. Graham, who was in her 37th year was born in Goderich, being a daughter cf Captain James Leonard. She had been ill nearly a year and leaves a family of four boys and! one girl, al­ so her husband, father and two brothers. TOWN OF ST. MlARYS (Seventy years ago in 18 64 St. Marys blossomed .forth as a full fledged town. Thomas Ingersoll and his men commenced the building of the hamlet in J 841, the first build­ ing to be erected being the grist mill. It was then called Little Falls During a visit of the Canada Com­ pany Commissioner from Goderich it was decided to change the name and as a result the honor of giving the name was bestowed upon the wife of the Commissioner. Her name was Mary and so .in 1844 she named the hamlet St. Marys. .'Mrs. Jones contributed ten pounds towards the erection of a school. In 1845 a re­ gular mail service was established from London and an active trading qentre was established. All early buildings were made of log or stone. The Grand Trunk Railway reached St. Marys in 1815'S. The first Mayor was T. G. Guest when the town was incorporated in 1864. IT’S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel necessary For you to feel healthy and happy, your liver must pour two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels, every day.. Without that bile, trouble starts. Poor digestion. Slow elimination. Poisons in the body. General wretchedness. now can you expect to clear up a situation nke this completely with mere bowel-moving salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gum, or roughage? They don’t wake up your liver. You need Carter’s Little Liver Pills. Purely vegetable. Safe. Quick and Bure results. Ask for them by name. Bcfuee eubetitutee. 25c. at all druggiate, 54 The cost, apart from living ex­ penses, will be a registration fee of on,e dollar. Applications should be mailed to Donald R. .McLean, Muirkirk, chair­ man of the Organizing Committee or Drummond Wren, Secretary of the Workers’ Educational Association, University of Toronto. FARM RENTED Mr. David Geromette and! family, who have resided for some years on the Brisson farm south of St. Joseph have .recently moved thier effects to a farm they rented near Mt. Carmel, Or. Wood’s Don’t Blaine Mother Norway Pine Syrup For the Children’s Colds Despite all the mother can do the youngsters will run out of doors not properly dressed; have too much clothing on; get overheated and cool off too sud­ denly; get their feet wet; kick off the bed clothes, and do a dozen other things the mother cannot prevent* Mothers will find & few doses of Dr, Wood's Norway Dine Syrup is all that is necessary to ehock the colds before any serious trouble may develop, The children will like it too, it is so pleasant to take. For sale at all drug and general stores, In other words, the Christian wit­ ness is one who has personally re­ ceived Jesus Christ, as Saviour, be­ lieving .that Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, are the only way of salvation for lost sinners—which means all of us. Having thus been saved.’, the be­ liever is enabled to turn away from “idols” or sin, and be separated from the world; be in the world but not of it. Life is then lived, in God’s ser­ vice, gladly and gratefully. And the Lord’s return from Heav­ en to earth, His Second Coming, is the sure and continual hope of the believer, no matter how long delay­ ed. One who .is living in this way is continually witnessing, even without speaking a word. But the witness does not speak aloud. He tells men that they are lost, because “the wages of sin .is death” and “all have sinned and.1 come short of the glory of God.” He tells that he knows of the only but certain cure for .sin: Christ ■as Saviour. He urges them to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, receive Him as their Savour, and be saved. He shows them, from personal kowledge and experience, the, joy of living an entirely new kind of life, in the keeping power and fellowship of Christ and! the Holy .Spirit, The Golden Text tells us also of three vital steps .in true witnessing. Only “after that the Holy Spirit is come Upon you” can you be a true Christian witness. “Ye shall receive power” for ef­ fective. convincing witnessing only after the Holy spirit has entered in­ to your life and heart and has join­ ed you to Christ, After these two facts and exper­ iences, the receiving of the Holy Spirit by faith of Christ, and being empowered by the Holy Spirit who is God Himself, does true witnessing follow. And1 where Is witnessing to be done? At home. In our neighborhood Out of town. In the world world. That is what the rest of the Golden Text tells Vs. Wg Etro to iyttiiOios to whut Christ has done for us; that I-le has saved us, that He has entered into us and taken us Into Himself, that He gives ub a hew, supernatural freedom from the power of sin, enabling us to live “the life that is Christ.** And we are ‘to tell all whom we can reach that Christ longs to do The Y. P, S. have postponed their social evening until next Monday ev­ ening December 3rd. Kiikton Horticultural Society will hold their Annual Meeting on Mon­ day evening of this week in the Ab­ erdeen Hall, Kirkton at 7.30 p.m. After the meeting Dr. Krupp, of Russia, will give his travelogue with moving pictures. A large crowd is expected. The sudjden death of Mr. John Hooper took place Friday last at the home of his daughter Mrs. Sawyer, of Toronto and the funeral took place from the home of liis daughter Mrs. Wm. Urquhart, of Kirkton with in­ terment in Kirkton Union cemetery. Our sympathy goes out to the be­ reaved family. Mists Evelyn Wynn, of Loudon, visited Sunday last at the home of her parents here. Mr. Jas. McCollough is able to be out again after his recent illness. Mr, and Mrs. Squire attend­ ed the shower given in honor of the bride-to-be, Miss Pearl Harris, the former’s niece at Cliiselhurist Wed­ nesday evening of last week. Miss Elizabeth Lovegrove nurse­ in-training at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott and family were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oiville Cann, Monday of last week. Mrs. (Rev.) Lovegrove was quite ill for a few days last week. Dr. Mor­ peth was called but we are pleased to know she is bettor again. Several load.-, of gravel wore drawn and put on the track to the church shed which will help cut a great deal in muddy weather. Rev. Mr. Lovegrove will speak at the Junior Farmers’ Meeting on Tuesday evening at Rannoch Hall. Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul, of St. Marys spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. Humphreys. Dr. Campbell and Mrs. McCurdy visited friends in Sarnia la.-t Sun­ day. Mrs.' Jas. Howe and daughter Betty returned after spending the past week in Detroit with Mrs.YLeo. McCurdy. Lome Marshall and Mr. J. Mor­ peth is spending this week in Toron­ to attending the Royal Winter Fair. One of our oldest citizens of the village Mrs. Mahhay has gone to spend the winter with her sister Miss Wilson in St. Marys. Dr. Campbell, Mrs. McHardy, Mr. and Mis. Ira Marshall spent Friday evening at .the home of Mrs. S. N. hliier at Bryanston. A Biuifqnct BRIDAL SHOWER A pleasant event took place at the home of Peter Connolly Mitchell, when about one hundred freinds and neighbors gathered to honor his niece, Louise, whose marriage takes place shortly. The gifts were drawn in a prettily decorated! wagon iby Lenore and Donald Nicholson, niece and nephew of the bridegroom while a fitting address was read by (Miss Mary Connolly. On Tuesday night a social event of unusual merit .took place in the Kirkton Church. It was a banquet put on by the young people and S. S. teachers of the Kirkton circuit. There were about 15 0 sat down to a supper of roast chicken, scalloped potatoes, carrots, pie and coffee. Af­ ter all had partaken of this supper which was interspersed with com­ munity singing. Ross Marshall call­ ed them to order and proposed the toast to the King which was re­ sponded to by singing “God Save the King.” Mr, John Stephens propos­ ed the toast to “Canada” and Dr. Campbell replied in his humorous way. Mr. Lome Ilodge proposed a taast to “Our Community” and Dr. Jo.-e replied. Mirs Ethel Hodge then favoured them with an instrumental. Mi.-s Nellie Atkinson proposed the toast to “The Church” which was replied to by Mr. R. Radcliffe. Mr. Trueman Tufts proposed a toast to the mixed .oft-ball team and Mr. Wilbur Cluff the manager replied. Miss Jean Switzer sang a solo. In proposing the toast to “The Young People” Rev. C. Lewis introduced ■the speaker of the evening. Rev. J. Finlay, of London. Rev. Finlay in his usual witty manner left his friends with something to think about. Mr. Fred Switzer moved a very hearty vote of thanks to Rev. Finlay and Miss Winnie Gallop sec­ onded it. The banquet was brought ■to a close by singing “Abide With Me.” All returned home feeling that it was an evening well spent. NINETIETH BIRTHDAY Mrs. Ranson Field celebrated1 her ninetieth birthday on November 15. She was born at Bayfield and has lived there all her life. (Mrs. Field recounts many hardships and adven­ tures of the pioneer days. She was twice married, her first husband! be­ ing Henry Howard. Nine children were born to this couple, six of whom are living. Mr. Howard died in 18- 97 and in 1900 Mrs. Howard was united in marriage with Mr. Ranson Field, who passed away in 19 29. 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