HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-11-22, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1931THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 3HENSALL New Canadian Dinnerware made in Canada from Canadian material. When in Exeter call and see it on display at S. B, Taylor’s., Jewellers. Eldrid iSmith, of (London, is visiting tor a few days in town. •Miss Doris Dover, of Omer, Mich., as visiting with Miss Helen Smith. Mr. Josh Ashton, of Seaforth, was .calling on friends in town on Tues­ day. Mr. H. 0. Dayman has returned ■home from a hunting trip in New Ontario. Mrs. Edgar Stewart, of Toronto, visited for a few days with friends in tiown. Mrs. Ailice Joynt, of Toronto, vis­ ited over the week-end with rela­ tives in town. Mr, and Mrs. John Parks have got nicely settled in their new home on South Richmond St. (Mr. Arthur .Dick, of London, vis­ ited over Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dick. Owen Geiger & Son have their flax mill running, and are giving em­ ployment to a number of men. Mrs. Samuel Stacey, and son John, of Detroit, were recent visitors with friends in Hensail and Hillsgreen, (Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron­ to visited over Sunday with iher parentis, /Mr. and Mrs. D. McNaugh­ ton. Mrs. Chas. Jinks returned home on Monday from Windsor, where she h'as been visiting for the past two. weeks. Mr. and |Mrs. Thos. Consitt spent a few days last week visiting at the home of their son, Mr. Russell Con­ sitt of Hillsgreen. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Love, of the. Town Line, Stanley Tip., are moving into the village and Will occupy the MoArthui* house on King St., east., Mr. Manley Jinks \yas taken to the Clinton Hospital on Monday and was operated on for appendicitis. At the time of writing Manley is doing as well as can be expectecr. (Miss Annie Consitt 'and her sister, Mrs. Coleman, have returned home after spending several weeks visiting relatives and friends in Detroit and other points in Michigan. (Mrs. Gibb, of Toronto, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. R. Bonthron for several weeks was tak­ en seriously ill on Saturday. Mem­ bers of her family are in attendance. Mrs. M. Muir, of Saginaw, is vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Sheffer. (Mrs. Thos. Coleman and Mrs. F. .Smith, of Seaforth are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and children of Beach-O’-Pines and Mr. and (Mrs. Orville Beaver, of Far­ quhar, visited, on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Higgins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy Visit­ ed over the week-end with friends in Otterville; Mrs. Woods who, has (been visiting with them for a few weeks returned home. The Arnold Circle of Carmel. Pres­ byterian church intend holding a sale of, fancy, work, aprons and other articles suitable "■ .fori Xmas gifts in the basement of the church on Saturday December 1st from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. The invitation Committee for the Old Boy’s Re-union to, be held here next July, have alre’ady received a large number of Names and expect to mail the invitations in the near future. They are anxious to h’ave all the names of former residents in rural district and would appreciate receiving a list of names and addres­ ses before the end of November. On Monday evening the Masons of Zurich Lodge 224 at Hensail had a most interesting and very largely at­ tended meeting, the occasion being the official visit of the Rt. War. D.D. G.M. Bro. Geo. Jefferson, of South Huron District, and the exemplifying of the Initiatory or First Degree by Rt. Wot. Dr. A. R. Campbell, and of­ ficers, which they put on in a man­ ner that called for much favorable comment. With the closing of the lodge what is termed the “fourth degree” was put on and much en­ joyed. With the Wot. Master very ably presiding, splendid addresses were given by the Rt. Wor. D.D.'G.M. Geo. Jefferson and- was followed by the former D.D.GJM., R. iS. Coles, of Listowell; Rev. Mr. Naylor, of Lis- towel, Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Kippen and Geo. G. Sutherland, of Hensail. A beautifully served (lunch was given and a pleasant houi’ spent ,in a social manner, after which all joined in ‘singing Auld Lang Syne. Visiting brethren were present from Strat­ ford, Clinton, Exeter and Listowel. The (Mission B'and of the United church met on Sunday afternoon in the /basement of the church with the 1st vice-president in the chair. The meeting opened by singing hymn 413 after which Audrey Twitchell re'ad the Scripture lesson. The following program Was given: A violin selec­ tion (by Miss Greta Lamnnie; read­ ing by Irene Saundercock; sold by Mardon Sangster; mouth organ sel­ ection by Bobbie Hess; instrumental by Goldie Cross. Dorothy McQueen told a very interesting story. Mirs. George Hess sang a hymn with the band joinging in the chorus. This in­ teresting meeting came to a close iby singing hymn 446 'and Mrs. McDOnell led in prayer. The Welfare of YOuth Club of Carmel church held their meeting on Monday evening with a large atten­ dance. The vice-president, Irene Dators took the chair. The meeting opened (by the singing of hymn after which Mr. Young led in prayer, Dorothy Daters read the .Scripture lesson. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Business whs discussed. Mr. G. M. Young of Nairn gave the address of the evening on “The Christian and His Pleasures/’ which proved very interesting and profitable to all. An Oped discussion then took1 place which was very interesting. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and followed with a prayer by Mr. 0. M. Young, A very pleading event took place On Saturday evening at the hiome of Mr. and Mrs, Roy McLaren when the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyter­ ian church entertained Miss Helen Smith, bride-elect of this week. The house was tastefully decorated in pink and white, and the lunch table was beautifully decorated with pink and white streamers extending from ' the decorated lights to the table. During the evening Miss Smith was presented with a handsome silver* basket. The evening was spent in playing different games. A d'ainty lunch was served, Mrs. II. Arnold poured tea and Mrs. Lad McEwan served the lunch. Miss Smith is one of Hensall’s most popular young ladies, and her marriago to the Rev. M.. B. Parker, Rector of St. Paul’s Anglican church, Hensall, takes place in fit. Paul’s Anglican church on Wednesday. A pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, November 17 th, at 2 o’clock, at t'he Presbyterian Manse, Hensall, when Rev. W, A. Young united in. marriage Beatrice Lavada, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland, of Kippen, t'o Louis ! Elgin Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, of Varna. The bride was becomingly gowned in midnight iblue chiffon velvet with blue suede slippers to match. The young couple were unattended. After the cere­ mony Mr. and, Mrs. Taylor left on the 3.39 train for Detroit, Mich., and other points. The bride travel­ ling in rust and brown tunic with ibrown cedar bark suede coat with hat and accessories to match. On their return they will .reside on the groom’s farm near Varna. The best wishes of their many friends goes to these popular young people. Nomination Meeting A meeting will be held, in the town hall on Friday evening to nominate candidates for the offices of Reeve, four Councillors, three Public School Trustees, and one Public Utilities Commissioner, for the year 193d. If :an election is necessary it will be held in the Town Hall on Monday, December 3rd, from 9 a.m. to £>» p.m. There will ibe a contest for the Reevethip as three have already an­ nounced their intention to run. Mr. William Jones, the present Reeve will seek re-election and will be op­ posed by O. Geiger and David Rob­ ison. The council of 1934 have had a good year, and have been (a very successful Council Owing to ■the concrete road debentures being' paid off last year the council were able this year to. reduce the tax rate to 30 mills and a reduction to 28 mills is very/probable for 1935. Our roads were all oiled, and gravelled this year and <are in splendid shape and all public buildings have been repaired. The deibt of the village is (being reduced each year and. more than 'half of the remaining debt is provided for so the town is in a splendid condition financially. The next council should have a. busy year The Old Boys and, Girls Reunion will be held ‘ next year and every effort should be made to, (improve the ap­ pearance of the town. The employ­ ment situation in the village should be looked into and every effort made to provide work at good-wages for all those seeking employment. There is very little relief, if any, (being ask­ ed for, in the village, which is a fortunate situation, but if this its to continue something will have to (be done to make employment. The holding of the nomination and elec­ tion earlier this year, will be apprec­ iated Hoy the voters, as it will take it away from the holiday .season. WOODHAM The teachers’ training school will be held at Motherwell, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and even­ in of this-week. Teachers and all others who can attend are invited. Bring your basket and the 'ladies of Motherwell will provide tea and coffee.' A splendid humorous iplay entitled “The Tinker” wil'l be put on here, by the Young People of Kirkton on Friday evening November 30th ;at eight o’clock in 'the Orange Hall un­ der the auspices of the W. Associa­ tion. A Sunday School executive meet­ ing was held a week ago. and appoint­ ed committees to make arrangements for a Christmas Concert to be held here on Friday evening, December 21, at eight o’clock. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lovegrove and son William have returned home from their annual hunting trip, hav­ ing secured a fine deer. The Misses Amanda and Sarah Shier were Sunday visitors at the home of iMr. and Mrs. James, Squire. Miss Evelyn .Wynn who has been convalescing at her home here for a few days after having her 'tonsils re­ moved has returned to London. Miss Ethel Copeland, of Western University, London, was home with a bad co'ld for a- few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair and son Gordon spent Friday last in Lon­ don. It was decided last Sunday to have the Sunday School meet every Sun­ day afternoon at 2 p.m. THAMES ROAD • A pleasant evening was* spent at the home of Miss Charlotte McKay recently when the many girl friends of Miss (Marguri'te Rohde entertain­ ed hei’ with a miscellaneous shower, who is <a bride-elect of this month. The evening was spent In games, after which a dainty supper was served by the hostess assisted by Miss Charlotte Gibson, The Young 'Wbhions* League Of the Metropolitan church presfeii'ted Miss Marguerite Rohde with a beau­ tiful pair of eider down (blankets al a social in her honor last Friday night. Mise Rohde has been rt faithful church-goer to this church since be­ ing in London. CREDITON New Canadian Dinnerware made in Canada from Canadian materia). When in Exeter call and see it on display at S. B. Taylor’s., Jewellers. Gordon Rati? arrived home this week with a fine deer after spending two weeks hunting in Northern On­ tario. He was accompanied on the trip by Roy and Simon Ratz. Mrs. Fred Kerr is visiting in Tor­ onto. We are glad to see Edward Fah- ner out again after being confined to his bed for a. couple of weeks. Mr. Thos. Trevethick and Mr. Bert Kestle spent the week-end in Lon­ don. Fred Kerr arrived home after hunting and fishing in the Bruce Peninsula. Mrs Louisa Schwartz is in Victoria Hospital undergoing treatment. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery. (Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel visited friends in Lucan on Sunday. Mrs. John Haist and Mrs. Chris. Haist spent the week-end in London. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Sparling and Claire, of Walkerton, accompan­ ied by |M.rs. W. M. iSippell and daughter Evelyn, of Hanover, spent Sunday at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. ELIMVILLE The W. M. G. met on Wednesday afternoon of last week for their monthly meeting and election of of­ ficers for 19'315, at the home of Mrs. Philip Murch. The president, Mrs. Elford, presided and opened, with the usual exercises. Mrs; Elford read the devotional leaflet. Some busi­ ness was dealt with and minutes of the last meeting were read and ad­ opted also the minutes of the last annual meeting. Twenty-one mem­ bers answered the Roll Call, subject for respnose was “Great leaders of the Bible." Mrs. Peters t'pok charge of the election of officers in the absence of Rev. Mr. Peters. Re­ sults of the election were as (follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Chas. Johns; Pres., (Mrs. Will. Elford; 1st Vice—Pres., Mrs. R. D. Hunter; Recording Sec’y, Mrs. Wes Horne; Qorres. iSec’y, Mrs. Will Ferguson; Treas., Mrs. Philip Murch; iSupt. Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Hy. Delbridge and Mrs. Pranc.e; Organists, Mrs. N. Clarke and Mrs. H, Ford; Baby Band Leader, Mrs. N. Clarke; Assoc’t Helpers Sec’y, Mrs Chafi. Johns; Miss. (Monthly Sec’y, Mrs. Sher. Brock; Temperance Sec’y, Mrs. Wes. Johns; Mission Band Leader, left over till next meeting; Press Sec’y, (Mrs. H. Ford; Supply ISec’y, Mrs. Ed. Johns; Mite Box Sec., Mrs. Geo. Coward; Flower Commit­ tee, Mrs. W. Ferguson, Mrs. N. Coul- tis, Mrs. S. Hunter; Heralds, Mrs. R. D. Hunter, China; (Mrs. H. Ford, Japan; Mrs. Frank Brock, India;’ Mrs. S. Brock, Africa; Mrs. John Prance, Trinidad; Mrs. T. Bell, French work; (Mrs. Will Johns, Or­ iental work in Canada. The Y. P. S. met on Monday even­ ing as usual, the president opened, the meeting with a ihymn, prayer, minutes and business. Then Miss L. Cooper took charge. Miss Laura Ford introduced the topic' “The Challenge of Expansion.” The Scripture lesson, Isa 54:2 was read by Miss Margaret J,'ohns. Talk on the lesson was given by Mr. Gilbert Johns. A poem “Trust” was read by Mrs. John Brock. |Mr. Allen Johns led in prayer after which the meeting closed with hymn and, Miz­ pah ibenedictipn. A good number from this society attended the * Young People’s Con­ gress held in James St. Exeter pn Friday evening last. Miss Ruby Johns is ihome aftpJ working in London for a time. / Mr. and Mrs. Harry |M;urch, of London were Sunday visitors, at the ■home of Mr. p. Murch. Mr. and Mrs. George Squire, Miss Velina and Master Harry Squire and (Miss Mary Dayman were visitors in this community last Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Sam. Hanna of Sea­ forth, visited at the hiome of Mrs. IT. Bell one day last week. Mr. Fred Hern of Bengough, Sask., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Chafi. Johns. Miss Ila Herdman, of Strathroy,- spent the week-end with Mr. and Mns. Wm. Bradshaw. Mrs. Len. O’Reilly is visiting her relatives at Sault Ste. Marie. HARPLEY Mr W. Lehehan, of London, is spending a few days- with Mr. David Eagleson. Mr. and (Mrs. F. Station of Grand Bend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter. Miss Beulah HodginS, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here. ML and Mrs. T. Love and family of Parkhill moved back/ bo the farm on Wednesday. Messrs. Mansel and B. J. Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hodgins of Petrolia. iMi’s. M. Sims, Miss E. Hayman and Mir. M*. Edwards are visiting this week with friends in Ingersoll. We are in a position of supplying your Christmas heeds in Lamps, End Tables Coffee tablas, living room tables, smokers, occasional chairs, living room suites, dining room and bedroom suites at very low prices.-— E. R. Hopper’s Furniture Store. ™ RED & WHITE store GROCERY SPECIALS FRESH FROZEN B. C. SALMON....................2 lbs. for 35c. REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR...........10 lbs. for 53c. SUGAR-CRISP CORNFLRAKES..............................4 for 25c. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES...................................3 for 21c. GOLDEN WAX BEANS..................'.........................per tin 10c. FALCON BRAND NO. 4 PEAS........................2 tins for 19c. CHOICE QUALITY SWEET CORN............... 3 tins for 25c. P. & G. WHITE NAPTHA SOAP...............10 bars for 29c. DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS—assorted flavors 5 for 25c. Singapore Sliced Pineapple . . per tin 10c. Wheat Berries......................5 lb. pkg. 25c. Falcon Mincemeat................2 lbs. for 25c. Good Cooking Rice...............3 lbs. for 14c. Peanut Butter in Bulk .... 2 lbs. for 25c. Golden Spray Cheese 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c Ginger Cookies........................ per lb. 10c. Large Meaty Prunes...........2 lbs. for 25c. Fancy Cooking Figs...........3 lbs. for 25c. Spy Apples, good quality per bushel $1.25 California Grapes..................2 lbs, for 29c. Seedless Grapefruit....................5 for 25c. Sweet Potatoes........................6 lbs. for 25c. Spanish Onions......................6 lbs. for 25c. Smoked Fillet of Haddie .... per lb. 15c. Fresh Oysters............................per jar 25c. WE HAVE A FULL RANGE OF CHRISTMAS GOODS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS, PINEAPPLES, CHERRIES, ALMONDS, WALNUTS, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” EXETER, ONT We Deliver CENTRALIA Don’t forget the Hot Chicken Supper and Bazaar in the church on Thursday evening, Novemer 22nd. Followed by a good program. Mrs. Pollock, of Ripley, is visiting her daughter (Mrs, Lome Hicks. Mrs. iSpencer and daughter, of St. Thomas, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills on Thursday of last week. Mr. Maxwell Baynham, of Toronto, is visiting with his parents (Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham Sr. Mrs. Wesley Hodgins, of London, spent a few days last week with her friends in the village. ■ Miss Evelyn Clarke spent the week­ end with her mother in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. (Miles McCabe and son Mac visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis on Sunday. Rev. Dr. J. Harris and daughter Miss Aletha and Mrs, Ewar.t Powe, of London visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks. On Tuesday afternoon of last week the ladies of the congregation quilted two quilts for the western relief and also packed two hales of new and second hand clothing. Sunday last was Missionary day. In the morning Rev. 'Mir. Johnston, of Crediton delivered a very excel­ lent address in the interests of the M. and M- Fund of the church. In the evening the service was in charge of the W. M. S., Mrs. Arthur McF'alls who is president of the society led the service and introduced the speaker Mrs. (Rev.) Taylor, of the Thames Road. Mrs. Taylor gave a very interesting address of the work and'* conditions ini China while she and Rev. Taylor were there as Mis­ sionaries. There was special music by the choir. Missds Jean and Aletha Ogden, Mr. Gordon Ballingall and Harold Sutton, of London, called on Mr.‘and Mrs. Joe Wilson also Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wilson near Centralia on Sun­ day. See Rhapsody in Steel Free at the Ford Garage neMjMonday night, No­ vember 26th. MT. CARM^ A social and drawing will be held in the hall on Wednesday, November 28 th. Miss Eileen Boland, R.N., of De­ troit, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Boland. Mr. Dennis Mahoney is on the sick list. His friends wish him a speedy recovery, Mrs. Corie O’Brien returned home from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week,- much improved. Mr. Joseph Mahoney, of Ilderton, spent a few days last week at his home here. Mr. Mike Doyle is visiting friends in London this week. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff and daughter Delores, of Woodham, is visiting the former’s, parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff and daugh­ ter visited Sunday with (Mr, and Mrs. Nelson ischenk north of town. Mr. and M'rs. Alex Hamilton, of Grand Bend spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and /Mrs. Harry LOwiS. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Lewis is visit­ ing with their daughter and son-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton At Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Russel and son Robert And Miss Mabel Hay, all of ■Exeter, spent Sunday with their grandmother Mrs. WilSbn Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. wm. Miote and Mr, and Mrs, Henry Matz spent Sunday in Exeter with Mr. and MrS, Roland Metz. DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. New Canadian Dinnerware made in 'Canada from Canadian material. When in Exeter call and see it on display at S. B. Taylor’s. Mrs. L. Edighoflfer and family, of Mitchell, spent a few days with her mother (Mrs. J. Guenther. Mrs. A. Hooper, of London, is visiting her daughter Mrs. E. Guen­ ther. Mrs, Finkbeiner and Cathern has returned home after a two week’s visit with her daughter in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. George Edighoffer, of Mitchell, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and (Mrs. Vernon Schatz. Mrs. Peter Regier The death of Mrs. Peter Regier occurred early this morning at her home on the Goshen Line .in Stephen Township after about a month’s ill­ ness. She was in her 28th year and was formerly Victorine Loretta Den- omme. She is survived iby five small children, Lennis, Lee, Francis, Annie Marie and Victor, also her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denom- me of the 14th Concession of Ha'y; three sisters, Mrs. William Ducharme Jr,, or the 14th concession, Lottie and Marilee -At home, eight brothers Dennis, and Gaston, of Zurich; Ad- rine, Harry, Alfred, Loftus, Andrew and Matthew, all at home. The fun­ eral service will Ibe held on Wednes­ day morning at 10 o’clock at Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church with Rev. Fr. W. T. Corcoran officiating. Interment will take place in the Mt. Carmel cemetery. Dashwood Hockey Club Holds Successful Euchre The euchre sponsored by the Dashwood Hockey Club in the furni­ ture store of David Tiernan on Mon­ day evenng proved a decided success Fifteen tables were in play. The honor prizes were won by Miss El­ la Martinson and Milford Merner, and the consolations by Miss Amelia Willert and iMervyn Stade. The com­ mittee responsible for the success of the evening were Clayton Pfile, Elgin Merner and Louis Fisher. Lunch was served at the close. The officers of the Hockey club are: Pres., Thomas Klumpp, Vice-Pres., Addison Tieman; secretary, Clayton Pfile; manager, 'Sidney Baker. It was decided to hold a similiar even­ ing on Monday, December 3rd. Dashwood E.L.C.E. Entertains Crediton Young people The young people of -Crediton were the guests of the League of the Dashwood Evangelical ‘Church last 'evening at a well attended meeting. | A splendid program was given by the visitors, a special feature being, religious drama “A Sinner Belov­ ed” which was well presented. (A piano duet by Misses Lavina Smith and Marguerite Amy, a male quar­ tette and an address by Rev. Pietsch were other interesting numbers on the program. The drama was pre­ sented under the direction of Miss McMasters, Miss Ella Martinson, the local president, in a few well chosen words thanked the visitors for their attendance and the splen­ did program. At the close of the program the members of the two leagues repaired to the basement where refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed. CROMARTY The W. M. S. held their thankof­ fering meeting on Sunday last. Mrs. Reidie very nicely addressed th© meeting. Although the weather was not so good quite a number were present. Mr. and Mrs. Reid, attended the funeral of Mrs. Reid’s brother-in- law in iSt. IMarys last Saturday. Mri And Mrs. Reidie spent a few days in Erin last week at their form* er home. Mrs. LammOnd, of Loudon, is at present visiting with friends in the vicinity. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per will be observed in this congre­ gation on November 25 th« I WINCHELSEA Mrs. Peter Whitlock, of Thames Road spent one day last week with her daughter Mrs. Freeman Horn. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horn spent Sunday with friends in St. Thomas, •Mr. and Mrs. M. Fletcher, Exeter, spent Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake. Mr. Alex‘Smith, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Prance. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott and .family, Mrs, W. J. Davis and Clar­ ence Davis, of Saintsbury, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clark and Burdene spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turner of Saints- bury. ZION Next Sunday will be W. M. S. Sun­ day in the church. Service at 10:3»0' in the morning. Rev. Hugh/ D. Tayior of Thames <Rd. Untied church, will be the guest speaker and a ladies’ choir will provide the music. Mr. Ivan Culbert, of Lucan, spent Sunday with his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern. (Ma*, and Mrs. Harold Hern and sons Harry and Robert, spent Thurs­ day of last week with their aunt, Mrs. H. Kyle, of Exeter. Mr. Henry Hern spent Wednesday; with his daughter in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Peart, of Rockwood attended the twentieth wedding anniversary of the latt«r*.s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, Monday evening. The W. M. S. held their November meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Hern Sr. with a good attendance. Meeting opened by repeating the watchword singing a hymn, and repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved' It was decided to have W. M. S. Sun­ day In November and asked Rev. Hugh Taylor, of Thames Road to be the speaker. A committee was ap­ pointed to secure a ladies choir for that Sunday. The December meet­ ing is to be held at the home of Mrs. Milton Brock. Devotional Leaflet “The Circle .of Friendship—'Hopeful Friends” was read by Mrs. R. E. Pooley; a poem was read by Mrs. W. Brock followed .by sentence prayer. An instrumental duet was given by Mrs. Earl Johnston and Mrs. Alf. Brock. The Study Book Leaflets were read by Mrs. Warren Brock, Mrs. Harold Hern, Miss Myrtle Earl, Mrs. Ward Hern and Mrs. George Brock. A) thanksgiving legend was given by Miss Edith Earl. One verse of Hymn 189, “Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone” was sung after which Mr. Peters took charge of the elec­ tion of officers which was as fol­ lows: President, Mrs. Warren Brock; 1st vice- president, Mrs. Melville Hern; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. T. Hern; rec. .Siec’y and press sec’y, Mrs. Earl Johnston; cor. sec’y, Mrs. Geo. Brock; treasurer, iMrs. Jamed! Earl; Mission Band .supts., Mrs. R. E. Pooley; assistants, Mrs. Melville Hern and Mrs. Rev. Peters; Chris­ tian stewardship, Mrs. Milton Brock; sec’y and assistant, Miss Myrtle Earl stranger supt., M'rs. W. J. Brock; Baby Band supt., Mrs. J. T. Hem; Mite Box sfipt., )Mrs. Geo. Earl; as­ sociate helpers supt., Mrs. Wilbur’ Batten;temperance supt., Mrs. John Johns, Mrs. Allen Jaques;Missionary Monthly supt., (Mrs. Harold Hem; pianist and assistant, Mrs. Alf. Brock Mrs. Geo; Brock; flower committee, Mrs. Harold Horn, Mrs, Ephriam Hern, Mrs, Thomas (Morley. Herald# were appointed for the following countries, Japan, Ghlna, Korea, Homeland, India and Africa. The meeting closed by singing the lMWt two verses of 189 and prayer by Bev. (Mr. Peters,