HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-11-15, Page 5! TWRSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934THE EXETER TJMES-ADVOCATE HENSALL Miss Bella Smale visited in Strat­ ford the first of 'the week. Mi\ Lawrence Battersby spenf a few days this week visiting in Stratford. Mrs. E. Gibb, of Toronto, is visit­ ing with Mrs. Robt, Bonfhro.n and other friends. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Holman, God­ erich. visited with friends in town on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hutton, of Guelph, visited over the week-end with friends in town. Mrs. Robt. Cameron and Miss H. Smith spent a d'ay visiting friends in London last week. Miss Bradry, of Tor onto, visited over the week-end with IMr. and Mrs. George Hudson. |M'r. and Mrs. H. Mew, of Goder­ ich visited on 'Sunday with Miss M. E. Ellis and other friends in town. iMr. Jphn McLaren, of Seaforth, spent a few days last week visiting with his brother Mr. W, L. McLar­ en. Miss Edna Butt has returned to Toronto after attending the funeral of her aunt the late Mrs. John H. Petty. Mrs. (Rev.) W. A.. Young was vis­ ited over the week-end by her sisters Mrs. Smith and Miss Waldron, of Ottawa. Mrs. Win. Buchanan, one .of -Hen- sall’e, oldest residents has. (been in poor health for several weeks and her condition is not much improved, Rev. Arthur .Sinclair has' 'been confined t'o his room for the past week through illness. His many friends hope to see him in .his usual good health again soon. Owing to the illness, of Rev. }M!r. Sinclair last Sunday the service in the morning was taken 'by Mrs, Rev. Taylor, of Thames Road and in the evening by Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Kippen. The play entitled “Silas Smidge From Turnip Ridge’’ which is. being prepared by the Chamber ,of Com­ merce to be put on in the ne'ar fu­ ture .promises to be a real treat. Watch for the date. A class of the United Church in­ tend putting on a ipantomine play entitled “Kidnapping of Betty” in the basement of the United Church Hensail on Friday evening Novem­ ber 16th. This promises to be a treat. Come and bring your friends. The Euchre and Dance put on by the Chamber of Commerce on Wed­ nesday evening November 7 was a splendid success, the hall 'being fill- edB to capacity. Prize winners for the euchre were: ladies’ first, Miss Mar­ garet Elgie, Kippen; 2nd, Mrs. John Tapp, Hensail; gents first, Arthur Anderson, Kippen; 2nd, A. Foster, Hensall; lucky lunch ticket, Miss Fotherin.gham, Kippen. At the con­ clusion of the euchre lunch was served and dancing was indulged in to the music of the Hyde orchestra. Harry Horton was floor manager. Dedication of Lectern The service in St. Paul’s Ang­ lican church Sunday morning No­ vember 18th will be taken by Canon E. Appleyard M.A., of .Seaforth. During the evening service 'the beautiful new brass Lectern which is being presented in memory .of the late John and Ahn Petty by the fam­ ily will be dedicated by the Rector M. B. Parker. The late Mr. and Mrs. John Petty were the parents of Mr. L. Petty, Hay; Mr. G. C. Petty, of Hensall and Miss Bl’anche Petty, of Toronto. Celebrates 50th Wedding Anniversary Monday evening was. a very pleas­ ant event in the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Buchanan of this village, who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, being 50 years married Member of the family and immed­ iate relatives were present and spent a social evening coupled with a din­ ner. IMr. and Mrs. Buchanan were married 50 years ago by the late Professor R. Y. Thompson settling on the groom’s fine farm about two miles east of our village. They mov­ ed into Hensall some 19 years ago. The family consists of Alex at home; Miss Margaret R.N., of Pt. Huron; William, at home; Mhs Mary, Supt. Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas; Jack with 'the London Life Ins. Co., Lon­ don and Mrs. George Armstrong, of Hensall. Two grandchildren, Jean Armstrong and Keith Buchanan. A son George was killed in British Columbia some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan were members of the Presbyterian Church until the late Union when 'they became members of the United church and always took a great interest in church and municipal matters until advancing years and impaired health prevented them from attending. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan received many nice gifts and messages. Remembrance Day Services The Remembrance Day services of the local churches were held in Car­ mel Presbyterian Church at 2.30 on Sunday afternoon and was well at­ tended. The memorial services both at the church and at the cenotaph were very impressive. The order of service at the church was as follows Call to worship, Psalm 74, Invoca­ tion prayei* by Rev. Elliott, hymn 648, Scripture lesson by Rev. M. B. Parker followed bv the Lord’s Pray­ er by Rev, M. B. Parker. The ‘Last Post’ was sounded by Bugler Beer, followed by two minutes silence; “Reveille” and a solo by Comrade T. /Sherrtt, hymn 310, offering, de­ dicatory prayer by* Comr'ade Rev. J. H. Staint'On, anthem “Bring Praise, O God”; address “Bought With A Price” by Rev, W. A. Youfig; solo, “The Homeland” by IMirs. J. w. Bon- thron, hymn 644 and benediction. After the service at the church a short service whs held at the ceno­ taph which was as follows, the Dashwood band being in attendance. Opening address by Rev. W. A. Young; address, comrade, Rev. J. Pi. Stainton; two minutes silence, “Reveille” nnd ‘Last Post” by Bug­ ler peer after which Mrs. Fred Sim­ mons placed the wreath for the gcv’t and Sidney McArthur for the Legion. God save the king was led by the band and the benediction. Owing to the illness of Rev. Arthur Sinclair he was unable to attend. Rev. W. A. Young presided in his place. The choir of the three local churches assisted with the music. There was a splendid attendance of Veterans. Death of Mrs. John Henry Petty The death occurred at her late home in Hay Township near Hen­ sall on Wednesday, November 7 th, ol Sarah Ann Butt widow of the late J. H. Petty, in .her 75th year. She was the daughter of the l'ate Mr. and Mrs. Butt and was born in. Ueb'orne Township. After her mar­ riage to her husband the late John Henry Petty, they moved to the farm known as the Pettv homestead and where she has sincg resided. Mts. Petty has been in poor health 'for some time but until a month ago had been in fairly good health when she was confined to her bed and despite ■the best of nursing and medical care she passed away on Wednesday. Her husband oredeceased her several years ago. She leavesl to mourn her loss one sen James S. Petty and three daughters Mrs. Leroy Giddle. of Denfield and Misses Nora and Flor'a at home. Three sisters. Mirs. J'ohn Dinsdale, Hensall; Mrs. Han­ nah Taylor, Filmore, Sask, and Mrs. John Murdock, Hensall; alsio tone brother Mr, Wm. ,Butt, Seaforth. The funeral which was held from her late home on Friday afternoon was largely attended. Rev. M. B> Parker had charge of the service. Mr. Sidney Smith, tof Detroit, sang a solo and interment was made in the Exeter cemetery. The pall bearers were. Wm. J. Petty, W. E. Bu'tt, R, Dayman, Chas. Dayman. Gordon Oke and Frank Slieere. The floral tri­ butes were many and beautiful show­ ing the high esteem in which Mrs. Petty was held. She w'as a loving mother, helpful friend and kind neighbor. She^was a member of the United Church and will be sadly missed by a large number of friends. Friends were present from Detroit, Hamilton, Goderich, Clinton, Kip­ pen, Tuckersmith. Exeter and Hen­ sall Q Keep youi’ eye on Chevrolet. DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. i DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. IM'rs. J. Schroeder spent the week­ end in New Hamburg. Mr. G. Keeler spent the week-end at his home in Mitchell. Inspector Beacom, of Goderich, visited our school on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A'lex Zimmer and son Earl and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zim­ mer attended the funeral of a rela­ tive in Waterloo on Thursday. Mrs. Martinson, of Elmira, spent the week-end witlh her daughter El­ la. Miss Zeta Nadiger, .nurse-in-train­ ing in Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. IMr. and Mrs. Clarence Rutledge, of Kintore, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birk, of Guelph, spent the week-end here. Miss Verna who spent the past two weeks here returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rasc'hke and son Bobbie, of Detroit, were ^week- end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Merner. Mr. Czar Steinhagen, of Tavistock spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs Charles Steinhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elsie, who Spent their honeymoon in this vi­ cinity left for Detroit where they will make their future home. The King’s Daughter’s Sunday School Class held their class meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Web­ er on Friday evening. ' A Progressive Euchre party will be given in Mr, D. Tieman’s furni­ ture store on Monday, November 19, from 9 to 11 o’clock under the aus­ pices of the Dashwood Atheltic As­ sociation. Admission gents 2.5c.. la­ dies to provide lunch. The young people of Crediton Evangelical church will visit Dash­ wood League on Tuesday, November 20th when a religious drama “A Sin­ ner Beloved” will be given by a num­ ber of the young people. Dashwood Hockey CuUb Meeting The Dashwood hockey'club held their annual reorganization at the hotel on Thursday evening with Mervyn Tiernan as chairman. The netfly effected officers are as 'follows President. Thos. Kltunpp; Vice-Pres., Addison Tieman; Sec’y-Treas., Clay­ ton Pfile; Manager, Sid Baker; Asst. Manager, Kenneth Wein, It was de­ cided to hold a. progressive euohre party on Monday night, November 19th and also will present a play in the near future. Keep your eye on Chevrolet. KHIVA Inspector Beactom, of Goderich, Visited the school here on Wednes­ day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkins, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade, (M'ies Claira Dpuglas spent the Week-end at her home in Ildertoh. Mr. and Mrs. B. McUanft, spent Sunday with relatives in Zftrich. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Peter Regier is seriously ill. Her mlany friends hope for a speedy re­ covery, Mr. and Mrs. !S. Adams, of London, spoilt Sunday )With Mr, and Mrs. ®. G. Krlaft. CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Treitz and son of Sarnia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Treitz on Sunday. Inspector E. C. Beacom, -of God­ erich. made an inspection of the school last week. Special Armistice Day Services were held Sunday at both churches. Two minutes silence was observed at 11 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle, Exe­ ter, visited over the week-end with friends in town. IM'iss Lulu Kerr, formerly oif Lon­ don, has left for Toronto where she has been transferred to the head of­ fice of the Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd. Next Tuesday evening the Sr. E. L.C.E. Oif the Evangelical Church will meet with the Young People of the Dashwood Evangelical Church at the latter place. A program is be­ ing prepared including the Biblical drama ‘A Sinner Beloved”. Mr. and Mrs. George Grant and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. C'arey, Exeter, were week-end visitors with Mrs. Walter Clark. Mr. Fred Ha'ist is in Victoria 'Hos­ pital, London undergoing treatments His many friends wish ihim a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth, Miss Eiva. Wuerth, Reginald and Reynold Wuerth motored to Detroit on Sun­ day. Elva will remain to continue her schooling. Her many friends wish her success in her studies. Mr. Sandy White accompanied by his niece and the Masses Thelma, Edith and Ruth Weber spent Sunday in Sarnia the guest of Mr. Cuthbert Carr. Mr. Wm. H. Brown is visiting his friends in Detroit. Mrs. Louisa Schwartz is confined to her home through illness. Mrs. C, Zwicker-dias returned from New Hamburg, Mrs. Rintoul has returned to Wingham after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tel- fer. * Special Missionary services will be held in the United Church on Sun­ day. Rev. Mr. Stewart of Centralia, will have charge of the services here while Rev. Mr. Johnston goes to Centralia. Everyone invited to at­ tend. Death of Samuel Stahl The death of Samuel Stahl, 120 Albert Street, Waterloo, occurred quite suddenly in Chicago, where, together with Mrs. Stahl, he had been visiting their daughter, Miss Gertrude Stahl, for -the past two months. IMr. Stahl was in his SiOith year, 1-Ie has been a resident of Waterloo for 5-0> years and has lived retired for 20 years. He was born in Crediton. Surviving .are his wife, four daughters, Mrs. W. G. Robin­ son, Aurora, Mrs. Hebert Duering, Waterloo; Mr's. Leo Rejesky, Water­ loo and Miss Gertrude Stahl, Chi­ cago, also two sisters, Mrs. Under­ hill, of Winnipeg and Mrs. O. M. Umbach, of Waterloo and five grand­ children. The deceased was a brother of the late Levi Stahl, of Crediton. The funeral ,was held on Monday with private service at his late resi­ dence thence to Emmanuel Evangel­ ical church for public service. In­ terment was made at Mount Hope cemetery. Rev. H. A. Kellerman conducted the services. Those who atended the funeral from Exeter and Crediton were Mrs, Rosina Stahl, Mr. and Mils. Norman Kfleinfe'ldt, Mir. and Mrs. Everett Fahrner and Mr. and Mrs. John Preszcator. CREDITON EAST Mr. Sam. Merner is confined to his bed through illness. Mr. Roberf Carruthers is visiting relatives in Greenway. Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and daughter and Mrs. Stanley Kelly, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mrs. Wilson Anderson has return­ ed home after ia week’s visit in Exe­ ter with her daughter Mi’s. George Hays. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Baynham vis­ ited relatives in .Shipka Sunday the latter remaining for a few days. Mrs. Henry Motz and Mrs. Eli Lawson spent Thursday in Exeter with Mr. and IMtt’s. Roland Motz and Mrs. Harry Parsons and Mr. Esli Heywood. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird ancl daughter of G-rand Bend, spent Wed­ nesday with relatives here. Celebrates 100th Birthday Mr. Henry Motz received word last week from his mother living in Napinka; Manitoba, that she was 100 years old in October. She is remark­ ably smart for her age. The wo­ men’s institute of that place cele­ brated her birthday there being 34 present and she was the oldest she received some lovely gifts. Mrs. M’otz before moving to Napinka was a resident here, iShe has ten chil­ dren all living in the West except Henry Motz here. We wish her many more birthdays. ZION The Sunshine Mission Band held their regular monthly meeting in the church on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Parkinson in London. Mrs. Allen Jaques and children spent the eek-end with her mother Mrs. A. Gunning in Exeter, A large number of the community attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Taylor, of Granton, a former resident Of Zion. Mr. Howard Kerslake and sister Josie, of Exeter spent iSaturday of last wefek with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern. Mrs. R. lOeinfeldt who to been keeping house for 'Mr. Wm. Hern for the summer has gone to spend a short time with her mother Mrs. S. Brown, of Staffs, Mrs. W. J. Br'ock is again don- fined to her bed through illness. Miss Minerva Drock is in attendance. RED & WHITE stok£ GROCERY SPECIALS SERVUS CREAMERY BUTTER, No. 1 quality per lb. 22c. REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR...........10 lbs. for 53c. SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLES........... per tin 10c. WHEAT BERRIES................................................5 lb. bag 25c. SUGAR CRISP CORNFLAKES..........................per pkg. 7c. FRESH FIG BARS................................................2 lbs. for 25c. NEW CHEESE ........................................................2 lbs. for 25p. P. G. WHITE NAPTHA SOAP......................10 bars for 29c. SPY APPLES, Good Quality ........................per bushel $1.25 1 LARGE TIN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER—1 GOBLET FREE.............for 25c. Ready Cut Maraconi ....................per lb, 5c. Kolona Coffee.......................... per lb. 29c. Falcon Mincemeat.............2 lbs. for 25c. Good Cooking Rice.......... 3 lbs. for 14c. Fresh Broken Sodas...........3 lbs. for 25c. Golden Spray Cheese 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c New Cranberries........................per. lb. 22c. Shortbread Sandwich Cookies per lb. 15c. Peanut Butter in Bulk .... 2 lbs. for 25c. Fancy Cooking Figs...........3 lbs. for 25c. Large Meaty Prunes...........2 lbs. for 25c. California Grapes ..................2 lbs. for 29c. Seedless Grapefruit......................5 for 25c. Sweet Potatoes..................... 6 lbs. for 25c. Good Cooking Onions .... 10 lbs. for 15c. Palm Olive Toilet Soap...............3 for 14c. Tasty Old White Cheese .... per lb. 25c. Fresh Mushrooms......................per lb. 39c. III W.II ........ (■■■K ... I I A FRESH SUPPLY OF FISH EACH WEEK: CODFISH, KIPPERINES, FILLETS OF HADDIE ALSO OYSTERS IN JARS. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” EXETER, ONT. We Deliver e ( ELIMVILLE The W. A. held their monthly meeting at the home of the president Mrs, Wm Routly last Wednesday afternoon. There iwere fifteen mem­ bers present. The afternoon was spent sewing in preparation for a bazaar to be held in December. (Mirs. Thos. Bell and granddaugh­ ter Miss Mildred Miller visited with Mrs. Robt. Bell near Hurondale over the week-end. Mr. Lewis Woods, of London, vis­ ited at the home of his father Mr. Robert Woods one day recently. Miss Mabel McEwen, of Toronto, is visiting with her cousin Mrs R. Williams. QuPe a number -from here spent a day in London last week. (Miss Catherine Peters, of Western University spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Wilson enter­ tained recently in honor -of their 48th wedding anniversary and the birth­ days of three grandchildren, Misses Aleatha Ogden, Jean Ogden and Mlaster Billy Wilson and Mrs. Wil­ son’s sster Mrs S. J. McLeod. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wil­ son, Helen and Billy, of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Witson, Isobel and Audrey of Saintsbury. Mr. Mer­ vyn Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Og­ den and Aleatha and Jean Ogden, Mr. Harold Sutton, Mr. Gordon Bal­ lingall, all of London and Mrs. S. J. McLeod, of Lucan. The Y. P. S. met for their meeting on Monday evening. The president opened the meeting with hymn 148 and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes were read and adopted. Business was then dealt with. Mar­ jorie Delbridge then took charge and we s'ang hymn 354. The topic, “The Christ of Peace and Good Will’ was given by Lavona Cooper. The worship period was opened with quiet music? and the call to worship. Hymn 3 76 w'as sung and Horace Delbridge led in prayer. The Scrip­ ture lesson Corinthians 3:1-9 was read by Gladys Johns, Delmar Skin­ ner then gave a talk on “Co-Oper­ ation.” Helen Mutch and Lavona Cooper sang a duet “Alone.” The meeting closed with hymn 373 and Mizpah benediction. SHIPKA The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid was held last Wednesday after­ noon at the home of Mrs. E. Keyes. Eleven members and four visitors were present. The meeting was open­ ed with singing the hymn “Blest he the Tie that Binds.” Rev. Johnston lead in prayer and read the Scrip­ ture lesson. The business part of the meeting was taken by the president. The afternoon was spent in quilting •Lunoh was served by the hostess and ;the meeting was closed fwith prayer. Mrs. John Baynham is seriously ill at 'the time of writing. Mr. Percy Mtollard spent last Thursday in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. L, Flnkheiner and •family spent the week-end in Lon­ don with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Dietrich returned to their home in Windsor on .Saturday last, Miss Audrey Yearley from Cred- iton is visiting with her aunt Mrs. A. Keyes. * Mrs. J. McNair and Jimmie have returned to their home in Ilderton after spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mils. Ed. Lamport. Next Sunday the Rev. Mr. Stewant Of Centralia Will occupy the pulpit at 10,45 a.m. THAMES ROAD A number of neighbors and friends held a reception at the hall Wednesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cottle. The evening was spent in dancing. At the lunch hour Mr, and Mrs. Cettle were presented with a handsome tapestry upholstered chair and small table as an expres­ sion of the good wishes of all for a happy and prosperous. wedded life. Mission Circle Meeting The Mlsison Circle held their No­ vember meeting at Miss L. Millet’s home with a good attendance* The meeting opened with hymn 172 fol­ lowed by the Apostle’s Greed® in unison. The treasurer’s report was given and the Mlite boxes were then collected. Mrs. Taylor then led in prayer after which all joined in sing­ ing hymn 493. The Scripture lesson and prayer were led by Miss Jean­ ette Stone. The topic was given by Mrs. Taylor. Ann Morgan sang a solo and Marjorie Etherington gave a reading. Evelyn Hunkin, gave an in­ strumental number after which hymn 488 closed the program. A short period was then spent preparing the work for the layette after which the lunch was served. Steele-Remnant On Saturday evening November 10't‘h a very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. A. Y. Campbell, Thames Road, by Rev. H. Taylor, when Doris Remnant, daughter of Mrs. A. Y. Campbell and the late J. Remnant became the bride of Leo Albert, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Steele, of Brantford. The bride was charmingly attired in a blue crepe de chine gown and car­ ried a bouquet of pink Mums. Miss Pearl Padfield, of Brantford, cousin of the groom acted as bridesmaid, wearing a gown of pink crepe de chine and carried a bouquet of yel­ low mums. The groom was assisted by his brother Mr. J. Steele, Brant­ ford. The groom’s gift to the bride was a necklace to the bridesmaid a string of pearls; to the best man a gold signet ring. Mr. Frank Kenny, of Kinkora played the wedding march as the bridal party took their places before an archway entwined with pink and white crepe paper and banked with evergreens. The mother of the bride escorted her to her place and gave ber in marriage. Af­ ter the ceremony the bridal party and guests numbering about fifty sat down to a table that was taste­ fully decorated with pink and white crepe paper and pink and white mums. Guests were present from Brantford, Galt, Preston, Stratford, London and Kirkton. After dinner dancing was engaged in until mid­ night., music being furnished by Jas. McKellar, Frank Kenny, Mr. Arch Veneaver, of Brantford and brothers of the bride. The young couple left on .an extended honeymoon and will afterwards reside in Brantford. .Mrs. H. Leslie, of Ontario Street ■Stratford spent a few days with Mrs. A. Y. Campbell. CENTRALIA Rev. R. F. Irwin, of Kingsville, visited with Mr, and Mrs, George Thompson on Tuesday of last week. Mr, Leonard Abbott, of Detroit, visited with Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Parsons on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. (Rev.) R. N. Stewart, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, was able to return to her home last week, Mrs. Clara Abbott left on Friday of last week for California where she will remain for the winter months.Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard and Miss Greta pollard visited with their friends in piarkhill oh Sunday. Mr. Kenneth HOdgins spent the week end at his home Mirs. Margaret Fletcher and chil­ dren and Miss Evelyn Clarke spent the week-end with the former’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie in Usborhe. Mr. Gordon McDonald is holiday­ ing for a couple of weeks with rela­ tives in Glencoe, Hamilton end Tor­ onto. Mrs. Ray Laughton returned to her (home in Appin ton Tuesday of this week. M.fes Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. * Miss. Edith Davis returned >to her home in Exeter fen Thursday of last Week.On Friday evening of last week the first dance of the season was putt on by Mr. b. Cook ia thfe Dtifferi® Hall. A very enjoyable evening WS spent in told and hew tiftie dancing Mr. H. ’i’heandet and MU& Dickens wero the prize winners for waltzing. Music was supplied by the Shamrock Orchestra, of Lucan and Mr. Henry Hodgifts, of Lucan tvas floor mana*- u ger. Lunch was provided by the la­ dies. Mr. George Baynham is able to be around again, having been confine* to his home owing to illness for the past couple of weeks. .Special Armistice Day services were beld in the church here on Sunday last. Rev. R. N, Stewart the pastor of the church was the speaker for both services. He preach­ ed two very impressive sermons. On. Sunday next Rev. Johnston, Credit­ on, will take charge of the morning service in the church here. The ev­ ening service will be taken by Mrs. (Rev.) Taylor, of Thames Road, speaking in the interests of our Mis­ sionary Work. Mrs. Taylor is very interesting speaker having spent several years in China. (Mr. and Mrs. John Willi--, and family, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Willis. WESTERN CONDITIONS Mr. R. J. Selves, of Science Hill, recently returned from a visit with his sister at Hamiota, Man. He tells of some of the havoc wrought by the drought and grasshoppers throughout some parts of the district, On some farms the only plant life left by the grasshoppers are the plants in the windows of the homes. Soil drifting has been so bad that fences have been built on top of where the old fences stood. On one farm of 425 acres with a< promising crop of wheat only 31 loads of it were cut and this was to be used for hay. Y. P. OFFICERS’ CONGRESS The Officers’ Congress for the South section .of the Huron Presby­ tery Young People’s Union meets in James St. Church on Friday Novem­ ber 16. The rally begins with sup­ per at 6.3b followed by a sing-song. The worship service at 7.30 -will be followed by discussion groups in the different departments. The address of the evening is to be given by Wm. J. Fuller, of London, vice-president of the London Conference Y. P. All the young people are invited to be present and especially the officers of the local Societies. STANDARD TRAINING SCHOOL A Standard Teacher Training School under the auspices of the Stephen, Exeter and Usborne branch of ,t'he O. R. E. C. Association was held during the past week from 8 to 10 each evening. Three classes were offered. (1) Leading children in worship, taught by Mrs. (Rev.) Hugh Taylor, of Thames Road U. church. (21^'The Young People’s Programme, unit 2, taken by Rfev. J. B. Moore, Grand Bend. (3) The Bible in the Church School, (New Testament) .taken by Rev. s. M. Gordon of Caven Presbyterian chur­ ch, Exeter. A large number of young and adults availed themselves of the splendid opportunity, over thirty receivings'their certificates. Rev. R. N. iStew-art of Centralia acted as Dean -of .the School, Ruby Fink- beiner as Secretary. BE WELL DRESSED 0 MfeN’S LADIES’ Suite Coats Topcoats fl Suits O’Coats " V Dresses HIGH QUALITY, LOW PRICE Dick Harness, Agent Free Delivery Moderne Cleaners