HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-11-01, Page 8THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1934 THE EXETER TIMESrADVOCATE You Desire J BEAUTY • The answer is an artistic Bonat Permanent Wave. Bonat offers not only the finest and latest in hair­ dressing ideas, but backs them up -with a world-wide reputation for bet­ ter results. .Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Phone 231j Exeter; Residence 30r31 Crediton H. M. SMITH Exeter Markets Wheat 93c. Oats, 36c. Buckwheat 43c. Manitoba’s Best $2,75 Model $2.75 Welcome Flour $2.70 Low Grade Flour $31.00 a ton Bran $2'5.00 a ton Shorts $27.00 a ton Creamery Butter 24c. Dairy Butter 19-2 2c. Eggs, A large 40c. Eggs, A medium 37 c, Eggs B 200. Eggs, C 17e. Hogs $7.60 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. MOW0 Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—-“Taking Christ as Pilot. 7 p.m.—Reverance for God. Remembrance Service will be held on Sunday, November 11th, Veterans will parade to the church. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH QF CANADA BEAUTY SHOPPE Peoples’ Cash Shoe Store Exeter, Ont. Wm. H. Partlo, Prop, Foot Specialist and Maker of Arch Supports to Individual Impression Proper Shoe Fitting at Economy Prices Qi ■— Il «u« ii —.1 li Il ■■■ II M, II MM........... " li <Q I Ij LOCALS I i I — I II — II «■«! ■ »■» Ki ll <0 We have the agency for Bulova. Watches and have all the latest mo­ dels in stock. S. B. Taylor. LOCALS Southcott Bros, are -holding Annual Fall Sale. See full advt. their page D. A. Gordon spent a day in Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m. —- Rev. C. Malcolm, M. A., B.D., chairman of the Huron Presbytery. 3 p.m,—Sunday School. Evening service witdrawn in favor of James Street Church Anniver­ sary services. Monday—Y.P.S. Thursday, 7,30—.Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. November 7tli( Wednesday)—Men’s Union. 11 Rubbers and Galoshes at Tremendous Savings Shoes for the Whole Family at Saving’ Prices Mrs. Wm. H. Partlo Agency Genuine English JAEGER YARNS The Yarn that Goes Farther Special Peerless Selected Yarns Specially adapted foi* hand knitting 2 ozs. for 25c. Free Directions POULTRY WANTED Canadian Canners are now in the market for Poiiltry. Head, feet and feathers off, contents of crop removed, but not drawn. Prices on application. Telephone: Office Exeter, 28; Manager’s residence 36. Having remodelled our store we extend an invitation to the pub­ lic bo visit us 'and see our splendid assortment of China, iSilverware and Jewellery. We invite you in, you are under no obligation to -buy.— S. B. Taylor. Buy your Anti-Freeze and Heater now at the Ford Garage.—Sandy El­ liot. MAN WANTED—Good reliable farm hand immediately. Apply at Times-Advocate. Itp. LOST—Near Exeter school, side curtain for Chevrolet roadster on Tuesday October 30th. Finder please communicate wiith H. Brereton, 269 York St., London, Metcalfe 1525. FOR SALE—Winchester rifle, 38- 55 high .power in first class condi­ tion. $23.00. Albert G. Hess, Zurich. LOST—i Between Dashwood and Exeter on highway, a ladie’s purse with nickfle clasp, small sum of money. Please notify Box 32, Thed­ ford, Ontario. XXX Shearlings and r-am lambs, eligible for bonus; pure bred Bour­ bon Red turkeys, cross breed and see the difference.—R. D. Hunter. 11-1-ltc FOR SALE—To clear, about 40 pairs pure bred Carneaux Pigeons at $1.00 per mated pair. — Pickard, Phone 165, Exeter. <C.V. Lotta Callus overstayed her wel­ come at the Foots’. Cress Corn Salve got rid of her. At Browning’s Drug Store Exeter. STRAYED—From north half lot 4, con. 6, Hay Township, a red steer with small white spot on shoulder, rising two. Anyone having any in­ formation report to Luther Reynolds Hensail R.R. No. 1, -or to W. H. Dearing, Exeter. ll-l-3tc. BAD DEBTS COLLECTED No collection, no charge. We lect accounts, notes anywhere, will surprise you with results'. Send in your debts today. United Credit & Collection Co., Owen Sount, Ont. ll-l-2mc. col- We STRAYED—From lot 6, con. 6, Hay, a red heifer with horns. Kind­ ly notify Wm. F. Alexander, Hen­ sail. Phone 82rl3. 10-25-3tp STRAYED— From pasture farm in Hay Township, 2 2-year-old heif­ ers, one red and one black. Kindly notify Charles Tuckey, Exeter. 10-25-tf. FOR SALE—By the Exeter Hor­ ticultural Society, a number of daf­ fodil bulbs, dingle and double. RowcIIffe, -president. D. lot cow LOST OR STRAYED —From 12, con. 2, Stephen, a Holstein with part of one horn; mark in top of right ear. Information gladly received by Mrs, Cecil Walker, R, 1, Exeter, Mrs. 'Chatham last week. Mr. W. J. Ford, of Usborne, is confined to his -home through illness. Mr. C. W. Birney, who has been ill fo-r some time, is now able to be up and around. Mr. O. McPherson, ;of Montreal, is visiting at the home of his father Mr. Alex McPherson, Mr. L. Chamberlain and Miss- H. Bloomfield, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. F. Bloomfield. Mrs. Harry Jones, who has been confined to her bed for some time, is in a very critical condition. Mrs. Wm. Blatchford, of to, visited over the week-end home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank The many fri'ends of Mrs. Welsh, who lias been so critically ill, will be pleased to know she is slight­ ly improved. Mr. Wm. Sims, who has spent the summer in the Central Patricia min­ ing area in North Western Ontario returned home last week. Mrs. Suson Lightawler returned to her home in Seaforth Tuesday after visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Perkins and other relatives. Misses Dorothy and Glayds Ryck- nuan accompanied by Mrs. Steeper and Irene, of London -spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ryckman. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson and daughters Thelma and Luel'la, of Detroit, visited with relatives here and in Mitchell over the week-ed. Miss Dorothy Traquair, who re­ cently underwnt an operation for -appendicitis in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, returned' home last week. Mrs. Jas. Thomson and son Alex, Mrs. A. McQueen and daughter Mar­ garet, of Brucefield where visitors at Mr. and, Mrs. J. Bowey’s last week Mr. Reg. C. Abei, of Warburton & Co., Ford Agency, Toronto and .his uncle, Mr. John Abel, of Seaforth, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell. The store of Mrs. E. Willis, form­ erly occupied by Mr. S. Davis has been rented by the Modern Clean­ ers, of London, wh-o are opening up for business. Miss Jessie ‘Brooks, R.N;, of the Queen Alexandria Sanatarium visit­ ed for the past week with .her broth­ er, Gordon, at the home of her aunt Mrs. Fred Delbrid-ge. Mrs. Mary Pfaff, who has spent the summer with her daughter, Mrs. R. M, Love at Thedford’, .has return­ ed to Exeter and is visiting son, Mr. M. W. Pfaff. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grant, and Mrs. Gordon Wells and of London and Mr. N. Floody and W. C. Davis of Exeter, spent the week­ end with friends in Detroit. Mr. Sydney West, of the Times- Advocafe staff, his secured a position with the Fergus News-Record, and will assume his new duties next week. Mr. West is one of Exeter’s popular young men and will be much missed in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd, Vivian Sylvia and Mr. Bert Totty, of Tor­ onto, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. Billy, who has been visiting with his grand­ parents for the past three weeks re­ turned home with them. The Salvation Army here enjoyed the presence of Envoy Clarke, Strat­ ford on Sunday last. The Envoy has been here before but is always welcome and certainly can entertain with his spiritual addresses and ex­ periences of a Godly life. Misses Marguerite Cann and Ilene Sims visited with Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton in London last week and attended the farewell services for Commissioner and Mrs. Hay of the Salvation Army, who are short­ ly leaving for England after being in command of the salvation Army in Canada for five years. The first snow storm of the seas­ on visited this section ion Saturday. Rain fell during the day and at night about nine o'clock there Was a heavy fall of snow, motoring was difficult and a num­ ber of minor snowed again the ground with a white mantle to the depth of a couple of inches. Practically all of it disappeared on Monday, JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader Toron- at the Dovzn. Harry with her and Mr. Caroline At that hour accidents occurred. It on Sunday covering PULLETS FOR SALE—Barred Rocks, well grown and fully feather­ ed from Canada Approved Stock. Hogarth. Baby Chick Hatchery Exe­ ter, . ......... SPECIAL for SAT., MON., TUES. AND WED., NOVEMBER 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th PANTS 25c Master Cleaned and Tailor Pressed BH Dresses & Suits White Flannels * .* . 59c. . 50c. Fall Coats ..........................., 79c. Winter Coats ............... 99c. No extra charge for fur collars & cuffs. MARVO SYSTEM OF DRY CLEANING The following agencies will be pleased to serve you W. W. TAMAN, M. C. SLEAMON, J. M. ROSS & CO., Exeter Centralia Lucan E. W. CROUCHER,ALL GARMENTS INSURED S. RANNIE IlensaU DIVISION REP. inKMKKMBKKI EMKES ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Anniversary Services will be held next Sunday with Prof. Fred -Lang­ ford, of Emmanuel College, Toron-to as the special' speaker. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Special music by the Choir assist­ ed- by Mr. Herbert, of London, at the evening service. 3 p.m.—Sunday School Prayer Service Wednesday evening Thursday, November 1st, Young People's. Special illustrated lecture on India by Rev. H. Taylor, of the Thames Road. -Come and bring a friend. FANSON—WIGGINS j A quiet wedding was solemnized recently at the home of Mr, and | Mrs. Robert A. Wiggins, pf Lillian Street, when their only daugnter, Miss Gertrude Ileen Wiggins, yvas united in marriage to Mr. Lyle George Fanson, son of Mrs. Walter Connor, of Ontario Street and the late Mr. Raymond L. Fanson, of Exeter. The Rev. H. M. Paulin, of­ ficiated. The ceremony was perform­ ed before a setting of palms, ferns and pink chrysanthemums. The bride, who was given, in marriage by her father, was lovely in a. gown of white -satin, made on long straight lines with silver and white access­ ories. She wore al gold; bracelet, which had been given her grand­ mother on her wedding day, and car­ ried a bouquet of Rapture roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. A. H. Ellis,, as matron of honor, wore a- gown of sea green taffeta and .carried Talis­ man roses. The 'bridesmaid;, Miss Feme Swatman, chose siren blue taffeta and -carried a Johanna .Hill roses. Mr. son assisted his brother Mrs. Smart New Furnishings FOR FALL i^- Shirts with ties to match JiZ.. Mufflers, in th e new patterns Hnfrc *n shades and llttlS, dark grey, blue grey and brown 10 11 $2.50 Sweaters, C°at Sweater. V-Neck Turtle Neck 2.50 W. W. T A M A N TRIV1TT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemlss i a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Glass . a.m.—Holy Communion and mpn •Subject—“Our Refuge” p.m.—Sunday School Evening service withdrawn vour of James St. United anniversary. 3 Ser- in fa- church PERMANENT WAVES Marcelling Shampoo and Finger Waving * Manicuring I). SALTER Phone 245 LAUGH AT HEATING WORRIES The house holder with the broad smile IS' a user of D. & H. Lackawanna Anthracite His heating troubles are solved. Why not join the happy D. & H. group? Phone yiour (get acquainted) order NOW ! I ! can supply you. We ,aim to please Jas. P. Bowey “Insurance of All Kinds” We Howey’s Drug Store “WlHERE SPENDING IS SAVING” 69c. 49c. 55c. 89C. 69c. 69c. Specials for the Week One 50c. tin of Holdtite Dental Plate Powder and one 35c. -Clean Best Plate Brush, both for 59c. Giant Kruschen Salts ............... Vapourizing -Salve, 2 sizes 29c., jad. Salts Standardized Cod Liver Oil ..... Mineral Oil (Russian) .............. Milk of Magnesia -3-2 ozs............ With one ’3 5c. bottle of Italian Balm we give one of their new 35c. after shave Lotions, Dreskin away absol­ ute free. A 7i0ic. value for 35c. We have a new assortment of Bridge Cards, Tallys and Suitable prizes, Your inspection is invited Plione 50 forToronto Star Weekly and your vorite Magazine We are sole agents for Jenny Lind Chocolates fa- REPRESENTING The Great West Life Assurtance Co. The Casualty Company of Canada We are in a position to give you the best service on all forms of Life Insurance also Fire, Sickness . ic* ut; .cident, Automobile, Burglary,of the sight Of school children. | Gi&gg, Guarantee Bonds and; It is advisable to- know the true J Insurance. condition of your child's sight andj We Welcome inquiries this is your Opportunity to do- so moirabn without expense. Send or bring’ yours to his office on above date. Phone >165 i On Saturday November 3rd dur­ ing his regular office hours also in.' the evening from 8*10' p.m. S. Fitton will give a free examination and1 test bouquet of E. Ray Fan- as best man Robert Wiggins wore beige crepe wth brown accessories and a shoulder bouquet of Talisman roses and Mrs. Walter Connor was dress­ ed in wine colored crepe and wore Johanna. Hill roses. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride. rphe table was centred with the wedding cake dec­ orated with Briarcliffe roses and white bebe chrysanthemums. Immed- a-tely following the re-ception, Mr. and Mrs. Fanson left .flor-a short mo­ tor trip, the bride wearing .an ensem­ ble of maroon and black. Among the guests at the wedding were: Mrs. J. W. Harrison, of Grosse Point; Mrs. William Carr, Mrs. Minor Jones, Miss Roma Edwards, of Detroit; M-r. and Mrs. Walter- Connor, Mrs. Geo. Rooke, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ray Fanson Mr. and Mrs. F. Durdle. Prior to her wedding the bride was enter­ tained a't a sur-prise miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. A. H. Ellis, of Giles boulevard, and Mrs,. C. W. Grenville and Mrs. Bruce Harper were joint hostesses at a kitchen shower for- Mrs. Fanson at Mrs. Grenville’s home -on Hall avenue. Border Gities Star. PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Mr. J. G. Acheson, of St, Thomas, Visited with his mother in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Head, of London, spent Friday with Mr. Thos. Hatter and family. TORONTO HOG PRICES DECLINE 10 CENTS Holdover of 3,000 Head Clutters Toronto Market at Clojsje Live Stock Receipts Monday Cattle ............................... 5,640( Calves ......................... 1,-5180 Hogs .............. 1,260 Sheep and Lambs „...<....... 3,8-50 Three thousand he'ad of cattle hold-overs cluttered up the Toronto Live Stock Market Monday as the division completed one of the slow,- est o-pening-day -trading sessions in recent months. On a 6,000-head sup­ ply trading was almost at a complete standstill ion butchers and only fair­ ly active on Stocklers, Hogs showed the -only price change -of the day, closing 10c lower, while calves, sheep and lambs were all steady. Exporters took a few weighty at $4.60 to $|5'.25. Bulls moved with­ in a range of $2.25 and $2.75 for butchers to $2 for bolognas. Cows closed firm a.t $1.75 to $2 for best, while fed calves brought $4.75 to $7 cwt., according to quality. Stock­ ers and feeders made $2.7(5 to $3.40 with -others -down to $2.75. The hog division opened unsettled with bids 10c lower than last Thurs­ day’s close. The division settled that way and closed with the loss at $7..5’O f.o.b., for bacons, $7.90 off truck and $8.25 off car. Calves closed steady and unchang­ ed at $6j5-0 to $7 for choice vealere, Some extra choice got up to $7.50. Grassers ranged from $2.,50 to $2.- 75. Heavy Western calves could not be sold. -Sheep and lambs closed firm. The former at $6.25 to $6.40 for good ewes and wethers, the latter at $1 to $2.75 cwt. Other grades- of Iambs sold from $5 to $6. Village of Exeter COURT OF REVISION 1 Notice is hereby given that a court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of tile Village of Exeter, on Monday, November |5th, 1934, at 7.30 o’clock p i 111 • & Ac- Plate Wind (JIOSEP’H SENIOR, Clerk of the Village of Exeter Dated at4Exeter this 25 th day of Oc­ tober, 1934, X------'-----------~....... * It All Depends Sidk Millionaire—-NUree, I’m leav­ ing you a month’s salary In my will. Nurse—’A month of yours, sir, or Exeter a month of mine? PARENTS Give your Child this Advantage SOMETHING every parent of a growing child should know—a survey of 10,000 school children has proved that a typewriter, used for homework, improves general school work enormously. Spelling, reading and com­ position are especially bettered. Why deny your child this help, when it costs so little? Not only your children, but you, and all your ill enjoy using the Remington Port-family, will enjoy using able Typewriter at home. REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS may be purchased on deferred payments at low as a month Come in and try a REMINGTON PORTABLE for yourself To'Day at the Times - Advocate