HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-10-25, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY OCTOBER 25th, 1931 HENSALL Mrs. Robt. Bonthron is. visiting with her daughter, Mrs, McMarten, of Barrie. Mr, Donald McK-aig, Grand Bend, visited over the 'week-end at Jil# home in town. Mrs. Frank Coleman is visiting for a few weeks with relatives and friends in Lu-cknow. Mr. and -Mrs. H, O. Payman visit- _ ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. C, L, Wilson in Exeter. The Chamber of Commerce intend putting on a euchre and dance m the town hall on November '7th. Mr, and Mrs. Roy McLaren are spending a week visiting with rela­ tives in Port Huron and Detroit. Mrs. Frank Peart attended the funeral of her sister, the iate Mrs. David McHart on Thursday of last week in London. Mr. Win. L. McLaren visited for a few days with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell of Tucker&nith twp. Mrs, Pdck and children, Elaine ( and Ronald, of Clinton, visited over the weekend with Mt. Drysdale and family. Mrs. Robt Buchanan has got nicely settled she recently rented from Mr. G. C. Petty on Queen St., West. Miss Alma Scruton, R.N., of Lon­ don, visited on Sunday with her mother and sisters, Mm. A. Scruton and the M'isses Mildren and Joyce The many friends of Mis# Doreen Farquhar will 'be pleased to hear she has returned home from Sea­ forth hospital after her recent opera­ tion for appendicitis. Mr. Albert Whitesides, high chief constable, of Kitchener, and a form­ er resident of Hensall was recently visiting relatives and friends, in town. Mr, Whitesides’ many friends are always pleased to see him, Mr. Lance Battersby assisted on Sunday with the Anniversary ser­ vice# of St. Paul’s United Church, at Tillsonburg. Mr. Battersby is a member ot the St. Johns quartette of -Stratford, who also assisted at the same anniversary. Gladman and Stanbury have mov­ ed their law office from their former office in Dr. Smillie’s block to jvhat was formerly a part of Jv Passmore’s garage. This makes a much more convenient arrangement for both Gladman and Stanbury and also Dr. Smillie. Our merchants are getting windows nicely decorated for Hall­ owe’en showing some vet'}’ fancy looking hollowe’cn outfits. Mr. Bat­ tersby, who recently purchased ihe grocery business from Mr. Ortwein has got nicely both home and store. Mrs. Laura Miller of who spent several weeks her sister, Mrs. Chas. Jink# and rel­ atives and friends in the village and vicinity was taken seriously ill last week and was taken to the Scott Memorial Hospital at Seaforth for an operation for acute appendicitis. She i# doing as well as can be expected. The Y.P.S. of the United Church held their regular meeting on Mon­ day evening. Dr. Smillie gave a talk on “Heart’s desire in middle life.’’ A reading by MT#. Hess; solo, Bella Smale, also a solo by Jas. Watson. Next Monday evening, October 29th there will be a. Hallowe’en social. The convenor of the social committee Mrs. Maud Hedden has secured the services of the Four Smiller’s Male Quartette of Stratford, who Will give the entire program, consisting of quartettes, solos, reading, duets and musical numbers. This quartette lia-s won the gold medal three con­ secutive years in Stratford and this year in Woodstock. This evening promises to be a rare treat to music lovers and everybody welcome. Lunch will be served. Preparations are going ahead for the Hensall Old Boys and Girl’s re­ union to be held in tne early sum­ mer of 1935. At a recent meeting all the different committees have been appointed and the following is- the invitation committee: A. L. Case, chairman, W. A, McLaren, Garnet Case, Wm. Sangster, Miss Margaret- Johnston, Mies Ethel Shaddock, Miss Minnie Reid, Mrs. Bertha Bell, Mrs. John Sheppherd; Mrs. Agnes Mc­ Donald, G, M. Drysdale, secretary. It is particularly desired to have at an early date t'he names of all the Old Boys and Girl#, Of Hensall and district with their present addresses so that invitations may be sent to them and if our friends would help the committee by sending a list of their relatives and friend# with their addresses to any member of committee. Young people’s Day Young People’s Sunday was Mr. Robt, ..Varley; pres, vice pres, sec,, John Farqu- treas., Mrs. T, iSanvender. Af- and Mrs. M. and children in the house their J. W. settled in Windsor, here with this Young People’s Sunday was ob­ served in t'he United Church when large congregations were present at both services. A choir of some 30 voices led in the service of song. Rev. M'r. Moore, -of Grand Bend, was the guest speaker for the morning. Mrs. George Hess #ang and at the conclusion of the sermon a well ren­ dered duet was given by Dr, L S. Smillie and Sam Rennie. At the ev­ ening service R'ev. Stanley Johnston, of Lucan, was, the minister.^ The choir sang an anthem and a duet was given by Dr. Smillie and SanTl Rennie, while a solo wa# rendered by Mrs, Maude Hedden and at the conclusion of the sermon a quartet­ te was given by Mrs. Maude Hedden, Miss Bella Smale, Miss Gladys Pass- more and Mr#. GeoT-ge Hess, Dr. Smille was director and 'Miss' Elean­ ox* Fisher organist for the musical features. A* Y.I\ A. Meets The A^Y.P., of the St. Patil’s glicau Church opehed their fall Winter meeting# on Monday evening with the installation, of officers and a social evening," The1 meeting whs in charge nf-Mr Robt, Varley, The ■meeting opened by singing hymn 653. The 'Scripture lesson was road by Fred Banting followed by the mi,mutes after which Rev, Mr, Park* or took charge of the installation of the officers which are as follows: Ah- diid hon. pre#,. Miss Louise prujnmon-d Mrs. Di\ Collyer par. ter the installation -of the officers th© following program was given: quartette by Miss Lammie’e singing class -consisting of Misses K. Dobb§ J. Foster , B. Drummond and D; Drummond; accordian selection, Mr, T, Ruscell; the topic was taken by Mrs. F, Varley; guitar selection, Kathryn Drysdale; violin solo, Miss Greta Lammie. Hymn )li8 was then sung after which a pleasant time was spent in games and lunch was served. Chamber c.f Commerce A meeting :f the Chamber of Commerce was held in the Council Chambers on Friday with a good at­ tendance. The chair was occupied by the president, James W. Bonthron, who called the meeting to order with the secretary, Mirk Drysdale, first reading tire minutes of the last meet­ ing. The business of the evening; was then taken up wvhen a number, months. ’ of "committees made their reports.’ John Passmore reported re the skat­ ing rink in which he stated about forty-five dollar# would’ take care of needed improvements. The matter of the old boys’ reunion to be held here in June and the. first two days in July were discussed. In this connec­ tion the need of reorganizing the Hensall band came up and1 met with hearty reception. Several members . ot the Chamber of Commerce ware ready to take immediate action in the way of leading and doing all they could to make the band a great suc­ cess. A committee was named to provide a room for practice and gen­ erally look after required details. The entertainment committee met at the close of the meeting. An Address The following is an address read to Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaddock at their reception and dance 'held in the town hall last week. - Hensall, Oct. 12, ’34 T.o Mr. ‘and Mrs. Ernest Shaddock, » Dear Friends and Associates,—i It gives all of us here assembled this evening very much pleasure to meet with you this evening follow­ ing so shortly after your happy mar­ riage and to spend a social time to­ gether. You /‘Ernie’’ we have been well acquainted, we may say, from childhood and have always enjoyed and admired your fine happy ful disposition and pleasing ners which by the way, no made it easier for you to i alike such a pleasing, happy good-looking wife 'and while many of us present have not had the op­ portunity of knowing your bride as she lived at some little distance from here, we can very candidly say that we are .most favorably impressed with Mrs. Sh'addick and feel that you were most fortunate in winning ' - most that more pass- cheer- man­ doubt obtain and ■one with ,go,od locks and pleasing manners and trust your lives may prove more and happy as the days and years go ing by. We are desirous iof express­ ing our esteem and good will, not only by words but by something that may tend to keep in remembrance our happy evening together by wish­ ing you to accept this Kitchen Cab­ inet. which we feel is not only o.nra- mental but also very useful and we trust you may be long make use of it in your A real love nest in our believe us as ever your ested relatives, neighbors friends. Mr. Sutherland in his usual pleas­ ing manner made a. short address which was responded to by Mr. Shaddock ion behalf of Mrs. Shad­ dock and himself. A dainty lunch was served including the Bride’s Cake. Mr. and Mrs. iShaiddoick’s many friends wish them many years of, happy married life. .spared ito cosy home, village and most inter­ relatives, neighbors "and Af-ter reading the address ZION The W. M. S? held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday after­ noon, November 1st at the home of Mrs. John /Hern, fir. A large number of the Ziou con­ gregation attended the anniversary ■services at the Elimvjlle United Church on Sunday. Mr, and Mns. Jas. Earl and faun- lily spent Sunday with Mrs. Earl’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tookey in .Lucan. They attended the anniver­ sary services of the Lucan United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and sons visited' on Sunday with their aunt, Mr. and Mns. 'Myron Culbert, of Lucan. Mr. family Henry and Mrs, Melville Hern and spent Sunday with at Denfield. CREDITON EAST Mrs, twoMr. and Mrs, David Baird and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. visited Blake. Mr. ahd daughter . _ , .. spent Sunday with, the former’s par­ ents Mr, and Mis. Henry Pfaff Sr, and Mr, ai?d Mrs, Jos. Bullock. Mr. David Webb and daughter Millfe of Grand' Bond, spent a few days last week with f“ daughter Mrs. Walter and family. Mix V, Jeffery and Hdy, of Exeter, spent • the latter’s • grandmother son* AndOrson; ”, "’Mrs, Henry. Mou and ___ _ jLWSoft spent Thursday in Exeter ■With Mr, and Mrs. Roland’ Motz and Mrs. Harry Parson#. Miss Verda Hoffman, of Kenwood, spent the past week at her home here also 'had her tonsils removed at Dr, Fletcher’s hospital last Mon­ day, Sunday with Mrs. Oscar Delores, of relatives in Pfaff and Woodham, the former’s t* McPherson MfeS : Sunday Mrs, Mabel * With . Wil* Mrs-.fill DASHWOQP Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week* and at office ovg^ the Post Office, in ^Zurich, last three days of week. Don’t forget November 1st is the date of the big delicious supper in the Evangelical Church shed under the auspices cf the Ladies’ Aid. Following the supper a program will be given consisting of a\ play entitled Boomerang" and numbers. Mr. and Mrs. O. family spent the friends in Wingham Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader Mr. C. Baumgarten returned on Sat­ urday after spending a few weeks with relatives in Detroit. Miss Eether Graybeil left for Toronto where she will spend a few turkey of the "An Economical other musical Pedersen and week-end with and Walkerton, and M'r. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer and family were Sunday visitors with friends in St. Marys, The concert on Monday evening given by the ‘‘Mississippi Four" col­ ored quartette was well attended and can be highly recommended. Proceeds amounted to $51.3'5. *Mr. and Mrs. Percy rfumble and Ruth, Mrs. Lucas and Miss Jean [Gibson, all ot -Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mrs. Finkbeiner and Cathern. Evangelical ('hurch Anniversary Anniversary services were held at the Evangelical Church Sunday with a splendid attendance. In the morn­ ing Rev. E, Burn, of Zurich, preach­ ed the sermon ‘On the Early Church' Special music in the foi’m of negro spirituals was rendered by the color­ ed singers,' “The Mississippi Four." who are students at the Indastri.il School in Mississippi. The choir sang an anthem. Rev. A. *E. Pletcli, of Crediton, preached in the evening, topic being, “Music in Church Wor­ ship." The rainy weather did not prevent the auditorium from bein, filled to capacity. An the choir and numbers tette, also a trombone of the colored singers^ evening program, amounted to over $140. Club Holib Eighth Annual Meeting The Stitch and Chatter Club of Dashwood held their eight'll annual reorganization at the home ot Mrs. Garnet Wildfong, the retiring presi­ dent. Miss Anne Tieman who was vice-president last year automatical­ ly becomes president with the newly eleced officers are: Vice- President, Mrs. Alvin Kellerman, treasurer, Miss Ella R. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr#. Addison Tieman. Birthday Party On Saturday afternoon a number of relatives and friends of Mrs. Finkbeiner paid her a surprise visit on the occasion of her 80th birthday. A dainty lunch was served which was followed by a very sociable time during the evening. Mrs. Finkbeiner was also presented with numerous gifts. We extend congratulations to Mrs. Finkbeiner and wish her health and happiness t-o celebrate many more birthdays. The Late MY. Held Mention was made last week of the death of Mr. Alexander Held, who passed .away on Octboer 11th, 19|3i4 at his home, -one mile west of Alcott, Mr. Held was born in Dash- and spent his boyhood days i anthem by by the quar- solo by one were on the The offering secretary- Martinson. N. Y. wood there later gojng to Buffalo, N. Y. while In Buffalo he went into the contract­ ing and building business at which he was very successful. Retiring from the building business several years, ago he purchased a large iruit I farm on the Lake Road one mjle west of Olcott. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife and -three sons, one brother and' sisters and a host of friends. The .funeral which was held on Monday, October 15th was largely attended by immediate rela*- tives and friends from Buffalo, N. Y. and Dashwood, Ontario. Pohler-WlIIert A pretty autumn, wedding solemnized on Sunday, October 21st. at Zion Lutheran ’Church, Dashvood when Alice Melinda, youngest daugh­ ter of Mr. .and Mrs. Fred Willert became the bride of Mr. Richard Pohler, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., Rev. T. Luft, officiating. Promptly at noon the bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strains of the bridal chorus played by Miss H. Luft. The bride was lovely in an Ivory satin gown fashioned along pri’neess lines with narrow belt, large sleeves and train. The folds of the ' neckline were caught tip With a clus­ ter of orange blossoms. She wore a hip length circular veil and carried a white prayer book; The bride was attended by Miss Lydia Meyer, of Ft. Wayne, in pretty floor length gown of black transparent velvet with high neckline and collar of Seed pearls. The groom was supported by Walter Wiche of Ft. Wayne, Af­ ter the ceremony the guests repaired to the home of the bride’s parents where a Wedding The dining room ated in a yellow scheme. Out of Mr. and MJ'S. J, comparatively a .young man. was dinner was served, decor- cOlor were; Bon Pohler, Misses Ruth and Lucille Poli­ ter, all 'of Huntingdon, IUd., MiX and Mrs. Norman Schmidt, of Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Miss Josephine Groll, of Hol­ gate, Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. G, J. Chesna, of Birmingham, Mich. Mt. and Mrs. Pohler will reside in Ft. Wayne. was prettily and white town guests pohler, Mr. Miss Josephine Groll, of Hol OLD-TIME DANCE X- Mt. Aberdeen! Hall, Kirfcton, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd Music by McNichol’s Trio EVERYBODY WELCOME Gents 25c.; lAdies FREE RED & WHITE Redpath Granulated Sugar CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP .., CHOICE QUALITY PUMPKIN, large AYLMER SOUPS, VEGETABLE OR SWEET WHITE CORN, Choice Quality • < • • tin . ■ TOMATO Red & White Coffee .... lib. tin each 39c Ready Gift Mr caroni...........2 lbs. for 11c. Falcon Mince meat................2 lbs. for 25c. Sugar Crisps ................................per pkg. 7c. Fresh* Soda Biscui.s ...... 2 lbs. for 21c. Vanilla, tall bottle............. 2 for 15c. Good Cooking Rice ..............3 lbs. for 14c. Golden Spray Cheese 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c. Fresh Broken Sodas......................3 for 25c. Wonderful Laundry Soap .... 10 bars 25c. Manyflowers Toilet Soap - . . , 6 for 25c. Derby Soap Chips............. 4 lbs. for 25c. Big Five Cleanser .•.........■..................each 5c. ROLIJF’S GROCERY Phone 102 STOKE . . . 5 lb. pail 35c. , each 10c, , . . 3 tins for 25c, ., . 3 tins for 25c. Choc. Mallow or Short Bread Cookies lb. 15 Fresh Toasted Marshmallows . , per lb, 19c Chocolate Coated Peanuts .... per lb. 19c. Fancy Cooking Figs...........3 lbs. for 25c. Fresh Large Prunes...........2 lbs, for 25c. New Table Figs......................per pkg. 10c. New California Grapes.................2 lbs. 29c. Seedless Grapefruit . ...................5 for 25c. Watermelon .......... each 5c. Sweet Potatoes ......................6 lbs for 25c. Large Crisp Celery .... 2 bunches for 15c. Good Cooking Onions .... 10 lbs. for 15c. Codfish in pkg..................................each 15c. “Quality always higher than price.” . THAMES ROAD The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per and Infant Baptism was observ­ ed on Sunday. A large congrega­ tion was present and several new member# were received into the con­ gregation. A quartette “There’s no Love Like His Love to Me" was very nicely rendered by Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner. Mrs. John Hodgert and Mr. Robt. Cann. During the baptism­ al service Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thom­ son presented their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Alexander’s three children. The evening service was withdrawn in favor of Elimville An­ niversary. At the Friday evening “Prepara­ tory Service" a fair number were present to hear Rev. J. F. Rey-craft, of Stratford, iwho gave a very inspir­ ing address. Miss Jessie Mo/nteith sang a very acceptable'solo. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, of Seaforth, were guest# in our community on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett, of Mitchell, visited with relatives in our village Sunday. Mr. and moving to continuing crusher. Mrs. Fred Sears are the Bend where Fred is to work on the ELIMVILLE ij I t stone Miss Verda Kellett who has been on the sick list is recovering. Mr. and1 Mrs. John Hern Sr. and Mr. Henry Hern, of Zion visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns on Friday of last week. Miss Catherine Peters, of London, spent the week-end at 'her home. Miss Thelma O’Reflly of Sarnia, visited with her parents for the pas* week. Mies Bessie Hartnoil returned to Exeter last week after visiting with her cousin Mrs. Chas. Johns for a month. Mr. and Mrs.- Enos Herdman, of Toronto, visited with relatives in the village this week. ■Miss Lena Moore, of London, is visiting with relatives in this vicin­ ity, Mr. Chas. Johns, who has been on the sick list for a few days went to London on Monday for an X-ray and was advised to remain in 'bed for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Wjb. Batten celebrat­ ed their twentieth wedding anniver­ sary on Sunday and entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Willard and two sons, of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. W. Fletch­ er and children, of Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley and Mrs. Geo. Delbridge of Winchelsea. The Y.P.S. held their regular meeting on Monday evening. The president opened the meeting with hymn 120 and the Lord’s Prayer. Some business was dealt with after which Laura Ford, the Literary Con­ venor took charge of the Worship Period. Hymn 3 83 was sung and the topic, “The Poetry of the Social Awakening," was given by Mrs. Peters. The Scripture Lesson, Isaiah 3:1-8 and 41:4-8 was read by Squire Herdman and 1st Corinthians 13 was read by Fred Long. Discussion on the lesson was given by Marjorie Delbridge. Lavona Cooper read a poem, “Ai Road (Song" after which Margaret Johns led in prayer. The meeting was closed with hymn 8 84 and the Mizpah Benediction. The anniversary services of t'his church were held last Sunday morn­ ing and evening. Rev. Robt. Hicks, of London, preached both times and diis addresses were most interesting aiid' inspiring. The church was fill­ ed to the limit each time many of his old friends and acquaintances being present. 1A1 large number also came from our neighboring church Thame# Road. The choir sang two afithems jn the morning “I Will praise Thee, 0 Lord/’ and "Be Joyful Jn the Lord;” also a number *‘-0 Paradise’’ was given by a male quartette; Mes­ srs. Bruce Cooper, Wm. Elfotd, Wm, Johns and Kenneth Johns. In the evening the choir sang two anthems "Oh, Come Let U# Sing” and1 ”The Day Is Over/’ and Mr, Kenneth Johns sang a Solo "(Pilgrims' of the Night.” No fowl supper is being held this year in connection with this anniversary but ft free will of­ fering was received' amounting to EXETER, ONT. We Deliver i [ Among the many visitors who were here last Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. John Andrew and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. M. Elf ord and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Christie, Mr. Earl and Miss Celia Christie, of Stephen; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney and Miss- Irma Ferguson from Kippen; Mr. and Mm. Thomas ' Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hawkins and their daughters of Seaforth; Mr. and George Earl, Mr. Angus and Myrtle Earl, of Zion; Mr. and Milne Pullen, of Granton; Mr. Mrs. Thos. Morley of Whalen; M. Routly and Mr. and Mrs. Crago, -of Kirkton; Mr-s. J. and Mr. Allan Miller, of Mr, and Mrs. 0. Cann and Arnold, of Thames Road; Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Skelton, of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Foster and son of Granton. The.W. M. -S. met on Wednesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. R. D. Hunter with sixteen members present. Mm. Peters had charge of the meeting. A responsive reading was given by Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Elford. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Elford and Mrs. Peters. Roll call was responded to by a verse on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Ford read the Devotional Leaflet. The minutes of the last meeting were read i adopted also some business discuss­ ed. Heralds who reported were Mrs. Ed. Johns on Africa; Mrs. Win. Fer­ guson on China; Mr. Wm. Johns on Korea; Mrs. P. Murch on North Ho­ nan; Marjorie Hunter favored the ladies with a piano instrumental ‘The Witches' Dance." Leaflets were read by Mrs. B. Williams, Mrs. W. Johns, Mrs. E. -Skinner, Mrs. W. Horne, Mrs. Ed; Johns, and Mrs. Sherwood Hunt­ er. Miss Marjorie Hunter read an in­ teresting article on “Training of In­ dian Nurses.’’ Mrs. Ford' read a piece describing an Indian cantata, meeting closed with hymn and diction. GRAND BEND HARPLEY Mrs. Miss Mrs. and Mrs. Alex Harris Hibbert; Two large crowds greeted Rev. G, A. Leichliter, at the United church on Sunday last. Mr. Archie Webb, of Saskatche­ wan is visiting his .parents friends for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pollock, Kerwood, spent Sunday with and Mrs. Elgin Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig returned ■home on Sunday after a trip around through the States crossing at Buf­ falo and returning by Pt. Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. English, Greenway, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Pollock. Rev. Mr. Moore conducted morning service in Hensall on day. Miss Grace Hutchinson and Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, were week­ end visitors at Mrs. Abner Mollard’s Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wild left week for Florida where they spend the winter. They intend toring by way of New York. A successful social evening held here when Mr. Moore and his mother, Mrs. Moore, were host and hostess to about 40 members of the Women’s Association and their hus­ bands. Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. and of the Sun- Miss this will mo- av as and. Moore was Mrs. Norman Turnbull, president of the W. A. After a fine musical program, lunch was served by the members of the W. A. and The bene- and Mrs. and Mr. and Mr. Kenneth and Mr. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Hugh Love were Mr. Urban Pfile, of Zurich, Mrs, Oscar Greb and Mr. ■Greb of the Babylon Line and Mrs. Simon -Greb, of Exeter. Mrs. /Joe Carruthers Sr., spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webb, of Grand Bend. Mrs. Clarence Steele and Marion and Fredie, of London, spent Wed­ nesday with Miss (Sarah Hodgins. Miss Lillian Hayter, of Detroit, visited for a few days with Mrs. F. McLinchey and other friends. Mis# Lillian Webb, spent a few days last week with Mrs; Lloyd Taylor. Mrs. Hugh Hodgins spent Thurs­ day with her father near Parkhill. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins, of Centra- spent Sunday with his father J. E. Hodgins. lia, Mr, and and of Gran- her daitgh- Sunday at KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Marshall daughter Betty, of Hamilton, Mrs. H. C. White, of 6t. Marys, call­ ed on friends Saturday. Mi’s. William Lankin, ton, spent the week with ter Mrs. Ira Marshall. Mr. E. N. Shier spent Ipperwasii Beach. The goose supper and play entitled “The Tinker” that was put on by the Kirkton young people was a de­ cided success and much enjoyed' by everyone, Mr, and Mrs. John Wiliams spent part of last week with their sons .at Seberingville. Mr, and Mrs. ■and son Ronald of Mr. and Mrs. day at Winchelsea. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago and1 Mrs. M. Routly spent Bunday -with Mi*, and Mrs. Wxft. Routly at Elimville. MjSs Ellen Hazelwood spent Sun­ day at Anderson. Mix hud Wm, Hazelwood, of De­ troit, spent a few days with Mr, W. Hazelwood this week, Mr, C. HazeliVood, >6f ’ wHl-ton, spent the week-end' with his parents Mr. ahd Mrs', Albert Hazelwddd. Quite a number from here weht to Fuliarton Saturday night from Kirk­ ton to 'hear the Jubilee singers and reported a very fine -concert Etnerson Gunning visited at the home Will Clark on Sun- WIN CHELSE A Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fletcher Marjorie spent (Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Ed. Stone at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake Genevieve and Mr. and Mrs. True­ man Fletcher spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Fletcher at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wightman and family, of Seberingville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and family, Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Pooley, Mr. and Mm. Chas. Godbolt, Mrs. G. Belbridge visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten at Elim­ ville. Miss Mae Coward, of Hensall, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs; Geo. Coward, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Andrew, Miss Ilene, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey. Mr. and M'r#. Nelson Hodgins, of Granton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Mrs. Jno. Francis spent one day last Week with her .sister Mrs. E. Foster at Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gunning and son Ronald, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke. Mr. Clarence Prance is spending a few days with his brother Mr. H. Prance at Dashwood. SHIPKA Mr. and Mrs. Les Adams .and Bake of Hyde Park, visited over the week­ end with relatives here. Miss V. Moore, who has spent the slimmer months at her home here re­ turned to London on Tuesday. Miss Joyce Baker, who has spent the past two weeks at the home of Mrs. J. Sharpe returned to Parkhill last week. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the anniversary services at Grand Bend and Dashwood on Sun­ day last. Miss Boris Baker, of Grand Bend, visited last week at the homie of Miss Lorraine Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ratz celebrat­ ed their Silver Wedding anniversary* on Friday evening last, Last Sunday being temperance day inzthe-Sunday school a solo wa# giv­ en W Mr. Ed. Lamport, Miss Mildred Lamport Of Strat­ ford, spent Sunday with her parents here.Mrs, A. Marriott from Thedford, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr* ■and Mrs. John GOWeY. Southcott BroA ate (holding their Annual Fall Sale. (See full pate advL