HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-10-25, Page 3m All Wool Blankets Big double bed size with candy stripe. SALE PRICE $6.49 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY OCTOBER 25th, lt>34 T !ll IM SOUTHCOTT BROA Phone 16 Exeter 3 lb. Cotton Bats | A heavy weight Bat for : Comforters, Regular 70c. ■ SALE PRICE ......69C = S3 | Our entire Stock of Men’s Overcoats, Men’s Suits, Furnishings, Underwear, | Shoes, Ladies’ and Children’s Coats, Dress Goods, Sweaters, Heavy Rubbers, | Wool Blankets, Staple Dry Goods, Floor Coverings and Groceries on sale. This | is the event you have been waiting for. Prices will not be as low again this year iaa Sale starts Thursday, Oct. 25 and lasts until Nov. 10 j IH Young Men’s Winter Overcoats The season’s newest styles -| J A r* SALE PRICE ........................................................$ 111 .V 3 Men’s Tweed Suits Outstanding Valdes SALE PRICE ......................................$8.95 — EXTRA SPECIAL — Ibex Flannellette Blankets Largest size. Grey or White with pink or blue borders. rtr» aaSALE PRICE ........................... Ip Z. J“ Men's Fleeced Combinations Fine quality and good weight. Reg. $1.50 (Cl 9Q SALE PRICE ............................................................. Ladies’ Fur Collared Coats All reduced in price Beautiful Scarf given with every coat Ladies’ Tweed Dresses In snappy styles SALE PRICE ..........$2.95 Men’s Fine Worsted Suits Values to $25.00 SALE PRICE ........$17.95 Men's Ribbed Combinations A good weight and lovely finish. Reg. $1.50 (Cl OQ SALE PRICF ............................................................. Ladies’ Silk Crepe Dresses New Fall styles d* J SALE PRICE ......................................................... Boys’ Bloomer Pants Sizes to 34; Values to $2.00 £ A SALE PRICE ................................................................ 1 Boys' Bloomer Suits EE Sizes 34 and 35. {P 1 AO EE SALE PRICE ............................................................Apl.ifO Men's Overalls - Best Make Regular $2.25 Value SALE PRICE ................1.79 H Men's Lined Smocks SE Warm and comfortable. Reg. $2.50 value A 1 A = SALE PRICE ................................................................&.LV Men’s Fleeced Shirts and Drawers Excellent quality. SALE PRICE ..........79c- Men’s Heavy Ribbed Underwear Wool and Cotton. Mixture. Regular $1.00 RQC- SALE PRICE ................................................................. DRY GOODS AT WORTH WHILE SAVINGS White Flannelette 27 iriches wide .7......................... Regular 22c. White Flannelette, 36 inches wide . . . . Regular 20c. Colored Broadcloths.......... Regular 15c. Turkish Towelling............ Regular 18c. Turkish Towelling .............. Reg. 55c. Table Oilcloth 1 1-2 yd. wide Reg. 49c. Table Oilcloths 1 1-4 yd. wide Regular 35c. Cotton Dress Flannel........ Regular 25c. Pure Linen Towelling .... Regdlar 25c. Colored Chintz . ................ 15c. yd. 17c. yd. 18c. yd. 2 yds. for 25c. ........15c. yd. ..........49c. yd. ............. 39c. ................29c. ........20c. yd. ..... 22c. yd. KnHBK£9MMI Women’s Shoes A real opportunity. Value to $5.00 ztftSALE PRICE ....................................................> 50 prs. Ladies’ Rubbers | Regular 85c. Odd lines. £* EE SALE PRICE ................................... AJC EE Ladies’ All Wool Sweaters In Brown or Black. Limited quantity SALE PRICE .....................................................1.98 ALL WOOL FLANNELS In .five colors. Regular $2.50 a yd. Full 54 in. wide. ® SALE PRICE ALL WOOL SERGE Black, Blue, Green and Brown. Great for children’s wear. Regular $.1.50. 79c SALE PRICE .... LADIES* CORSETS Mostly-small .sizes. Values to $1.50. 79c SALE, PRICE US] LADIES' VESTS AND BLOOMERS In cumfy cut or short sleeves and V-neck. A real value. 49C SALE PRICE . Men’s Merino Shirts and Drawers A good weight for the man who does not wear heavy un­ derwear. Regular $1.00 85C* SALE PRICE .................................................................. Groceries! Groceries! Get your stipply of these Specials • Prices Always the Lowest, Quality the Highest Grey Flannelette Work Shirts A good warm short for cold weather. Reg. $1. QQc. SALE PRICE ......................................... MamaM* Men’s All Wool Sweaters In new check patterns. The best valiie we know of. Regular $3.50. $2.98SALE PRICE V4 Men’s Pyjamas & Night Gowns In a good quality Flannelette* Regular $1.59 (Cl QQ SALE PRICE *..........................-............... ........... .. SUGAR, Browrt or White.......... 10 lbs. for 53c SARDINES, Brunswick 3 f" 13c, 6 for 25c ..2 f<»- 25c .. 2 c™ 23c CHICKEN HADDIE ................ CORN BEEF FRESH SODA BISCUITS Men’s Collar Attached Print Shirts The material isi worth more than we ask for them AQCr SALE PRICE ....................................<............... * • • MACARONI . .. . . per lb. 9 lks. fdr COFFEE, Our own Blend V ¥■ • H ¥ ¥ * *per lb. Boys’ Wool Sweaters In V Neck or Button* A real value. SALE PRICE .................................................................. Men’s Sweaters Without Collars A good coat for rough wear* (Cl 9Q SALE PRICE ......................* Fingering Yarns Grey, Black, Fawn & Heather 9RC* SALE PRICE ................*............ skein, lb. Men’s New Felt Hats In the newest shapes and shades. 70 SALE PRICE ................................................................... .... per lb. aW RICE, Good cooking........................3 !•>»• for 14C PRUNES, Med. size 2 lbs. 19 New Fruit large size^lbs. 25 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE . ¥ « Women’s Flannelette Gowns Women's Flannelette Gowns. In short or long sleeves QQc. SALE PRICE ... *........................... I