HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-10-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1931 and Mrs. A. J. friends in Sea- and Mr. Moore, with Hay and for the HENSALL Mr, J. Ashton, of Seaforth, visit­ ed in town on Monday. A lot of sugar beets are being shipped from Hensall station. Mr. Donald McKaig, of Grand Bend visited on Sunday at his home here. Miss Eleanor Skinner, of London, is visiting with Miss Florence Mc­ Donald. Dr. and Mrs. Collyer and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook spent Saturday in London, Mr, Bert Horton, who has been in Texas for some time is visiting at his home here. Mr. Jas. Sangster Foster visited with forth on Monday. Mr. Th os. McNeil of Clinton, were calling on friends in town on 'Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Case spent the week-end at Wiarton. Mrs. John Murdock visited her sister Mrs. Jt> H. Petty, of township .on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle children visited for a few days in Ridgetown last week. Miss Mae Crawford and Miss El­ sie Heywood were week-end visitors at their homes at Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett and son Ross visited over the week-end with relatives in Stratford. Mrs. E. Rannie, who has been vis­ iting her daughter in Detroit the past week has returned Home. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Drummond visit­ ed with friends in Guelph on Sunday Master Raymond Higgins visited over the week-end with his sister Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer at Beach-o’-Pines Miss McKinley, ,of Toronto, and Miss Matheson, of Goderich, were week-end visitors with Miss Minnie Reid. A number from town attended ■the funeral o-f the late Isaac Car­ ling in Exeter on Friday afternoon last. Mrs. E. Miller has returned to her home in Windsor after a pleasant visit with her relatives and friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. L. McEwan and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman called on friends at the Beach O’ Pines on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jiohn Cann, of Thames'Road visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and family.. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vincent and Mrs. Castle, ;of Clinton, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of Detroit, visited over the week-end at the home of Mrs. Harris’ mother Mrs. E. Rannie. Mr. Wm. Vanhorn and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Vanhorn of London vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Mrs. Edward Van-de-Keere and children, of Simcoe, are visiting here 'at the home of ber m.other, Mrs. .Susie Smit. Mr. and Mrs. Bgrney Heilderandt and son, of Seaforth, were" Sunday vistors with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fos­ ter and family. Mr. Lloyd Passmore 'and friend of Delhi visited on (Sunday with Mr. Passmore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and family. Mr. William Beavers, of Kitchen­ er is here assisting the iSteele Briggs Co., in storing away the big crop of onion setts grown in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle and children were recent visitors with Mrs. Carlisle’s mother, Mrs. Landsboro.ugh, of Tuckersmith. Mr. Robert Higgins spent the week-end visiting with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer, at the Beach O’ Pines. The auction sale on Thursday af­ ternoon last .of the stock and imple­ ments of the late Robert Buchanan was well attended and good prices were realized. Mrs. Harry Harmon, who has been in poor health for some time has gone to reside with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Davidson for the winter months. Mr. Fred Corbett of Hay, had the misfortune o,n Friday morning last, while working around the barn to slip and break a small bone in. his ankle. Mrs. David Robinson< who has been quite poorly for the past two weeks is somewhat improved. Her many friends hope to see her in her us­ ual health again. Mrs. George Hobkirk and daugh­ ter Miss Margaret accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Bean visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hun­ kin, of Farquhar. The Carolina Jubilee Singers of Chicago* gave a splendid concert in the United Church on 'Tuesday even­ ing to a large and appreciative audience. The concert given by these artists, was under the auspices of the Young People’s League of the United Church. Mrs. Vanlandoham, who was acci­ dently shot in the hip, several weeks ago was again taken to the iSeaforth Hospital last .weak for an X-ray examination, the wound not 'heal­ ing properly, Another operation was performed and she is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. William McKay accompanied by liis two daughters, Misses Lillian and Marion were visiting relatives and friends in the village last week, They were former well knbWn resi* dents and their many friends here are always glad to McKay is recovering serious operation. A meeting of the Association was held in the Town Hall here on Wednesday evening Last with a splendid attendance of members. A number of important recommendations were made. A Court of Revision of the local Municipal voter’s list was held here oiij Tuesday evening in the Town Ilall, his Honor, County Judge Cos­ tello, presided, A number of addi­ tions Avere made and a number of other changes. Next Bunday, October 21st will be Anniversary Sunday f,or the Young People of the United Church. A young people’s choir will give the music and special speakers have been secured for the day. A very enjoyable Sunday is being looked people of see them. Mr. from a recent Huron Liberal employed old King We under- this building will be a creamery which is to immediately. This prop- be very suitable for a forward to b,y the young the United Church, A number of men are this week repairing the George Hotel property, stand that turned into be started erty will creamery with plenty of room for storage purposes. A business of this kind shouuld be a success in Hen­ sall as there is no better dairying district in the province as is sur­ rounding Hensall. Wins Senior Boys’ Championship In the Huron County Athletic Meet held at Goderich on Friday last we notice some of our Hensall par­ ticipants were successful in winning some of the events. Bob Passmore won the Senior Boys’ Championship with 19 points. He has set a record as he has Avon the Junoir, Interme­ diate and the Senior Championships which has not been equalled before in Huron County to our knowledge. J. Simmons wion 3rd in the 100 yds. •and 2nd in the 220 yards race in the Junior competitions. Miss Mc­ Kenzie Avon third place in the hop- step-and-jump in the Junior class. Laid to Rest The funeral of 'Thompson Murdock took place from her late home on Thursday after­ noon last, and Avas conducted by the Rev. Arthur .Sinclair. A large num­ ber of friends called at the home to pay their last respects. The flor­ al offerings Avere beautiful, showing ■the great affection and respect that the people of Hensall and vicinity held for Mrs. Murdock. The pall bearers Avere: Messrs. George Brock Fred Hess, Fred Manns, Thomas Welsh, Thomas Parlmer and John Rowcliffe. Interment took place in the Hensall Union Cemetery. Among­ st those from a distance Avho at­ tended the funeral were Dr. and Mrs. E. Campbell, and two daugh­ ters, and and Mrs. Hunter, of the late Mrs. son, Keith, of Toronto, Murdock’s brother, J. S. Gilmour, Iowa. Relief Car The churches in the community are co-operating to send a car-load ■of supplies to the West. The car will be shopped on Tuesday, OOctober 23 and anyone having anything to do­ nate is asked to bring the same to the station at Hensail. While, iwe in this county have enjoyed an abundance of harvest there are those in the West wfho have brought in nothing from their freinds for two or three years. Successions of drought, grasshop­ pers and sand-storms have left many communities in a sad condition. The car from Hensail and vicinity will go to Storthoaks, Sask., wQiere it will needy cording Rev. W. A. Young from the Commis­ sioner of Public atchewan. The people of asked to give of those who have all kinds is acceptable: vegetables, fruit, raw and .canned beans, and so on. Clothing cannot be accepted. The date is next Tuesday, October 213 rd. Celebrates 84 th Birthday Mrs. Hannah Paterson, one of our best known and highly respected res­ idents celebrated her 84th birthday on Friday last. Those present were her son, Jas. A. Paterson, village clerk and two step daughters, Mrs. Andrew Dougal and Mrs. Fred Ben- gOugh. Mrs. Paterson was born in 1850, half a mile north of Hensail and has lived all her life in this district. After her marriage to the late Robert Paterson, they moved to what is now the village of Hensail where Mr. Paterson started a con­ tracting and building business and built a planning mill on the prop­ erty now occupied by Hudson’s gar­ age land oil station on the London Rd Mr. and Mrs. Paterson were married here on January lolth, 1875. For a number of years Mrs. Paterson ran a private hospital in Hensall spec­ ializing in maternity cases. For the last few years she has lived alone in her fine .home on South Richmond Street. Mrs. Paterson is hale and heatry and her many friends here wish her many happy returns of the day. be'* distributed among the of the community ac- to a telegram received by Welfare for Sask- the community are their abundance to nothing. Food of potatoes, Reception and Dance The recaption and dance given Mr. ond Mrs. Ernest Shaddick the town hall here on Friday last by their numerous friends was well attended with some SOO guests be- to in ing present. The large hall was beau­ tifully decorated for the occasion. The music was furnished by the Boyce orchestra and Mr. Lloyd Hunt- ter wa« was led ing in a the floor manager. The dancing by the bride and groom dur­ evening CREDITON and Mrs. Karl Gretzenger, visited at '.he parsonage (Saturday Rev. of Fenwick, Ont., Evangelical and Sunday. Communion service was held hi the Evangelical Church Sunday morning at which Rev. Gretzenger preached an inspiring sermon. Rev. Gretzenger will give an il­ lustrated lecture on Tuesday even­ ing on “Seeing Modern Russia in Pictures.” Miss Myrtle C. Pletch, R.N., of Hamilton, is spending a few days in the parental home, Rev. and Mrs. A. E .Pletch. Mr. Charles Eilber is visiting re­ latives in Detroit. M'r. and Mrs. F. R. Clrk and son Glenn of Detroit, spent the week­ end at the home of Mf. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. Mrs, Clark and Glenn re­ maining for a week. The Department of Instruction of the Christian Endelavour of the Evangelical Church presented a program at the regular meeting last Thursday night. Mr. Gordon Ratz presided at the meeting. Mr. Pletcli an address on “Basic Virtues” corresponding scripture was by Margaret McMaster. Miss Smith gave a reading and Mr. Miss Ruby gave The read Alma Freeman Morlock (and Finkbeiner contributed a vocal duet Mr. and Mrs. William Bowman and Mr. Rodney Bowman attended the funeral of John Tweedie, the former’s brother-in-law, at West Corner McGillivray on (Saturday. Mrs. Ollie Willis, *of Goderich, formerly Miss Mildred Salisbury, of London, is visiting in Crediton for a few James weeks with her aunt, C.oickwill. CREDITON EAST I Big Annual Red & White Harvest Sale October 18th, 19th and 20th REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR NO. I CREAMERY BUTTER ........... 10 lbs. for 54c. . . per lb. 22c. Mr. Mrs. and David and Mrs. David Sturgeon son Russell, of Grand Bend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Baird /and Mr. Sam. Merner. Mrs. John Baird ,has returned to her home after spending some time at Thedford and Grand Bend. Mr. Sam. Baynham is spending some time in Forest at the Bossen- berry hotel. Mi', and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, spent .Sunday with the lat­ ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz; Mr. and Mrs. W. Motz and Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ land Motz and two children, of Exe­ ter and M.r. land Mrs. Wm. Heather- ley, of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Messner near Dashwood. Mr. and attended wias held Mrs. Ed. last. Mrs. Eli Lawson was called to Exeter on Sunday owing to the ill­ ness of her brother-in-law Esli Hey­ wood who is now improving. Mrs. Sam. iSims and family the turkey .supper which at the home of Mr. and Faulder o.n Friday evening STAFFA Anniversary services were held Sunday in the United Church, Rev. A. Sinclair, of Hensail, conducting both services. At the morning service Mrs. W. R. Goulding and Mrs. C. Stewart, of Exeter, sang two pleas­ ing duets. Beautiful flowers adorn­ ed t'he church. (Special music was furnished b,y the choir when large congregations were present. On Tuesday evening a fowl supper was served in the hall and1 a splendid program was enjoyed, talent being present from Mitchell and Exeter and some local talent. We are glad to report that Mrs. Frank Tuffins, who has been under the doctor’s care is improving. Master Lynn Turner was operated on for appendicitis in Scott Memor­ ial Hospital, Seaforth. He is doing as well Rev. ventibn on ■a.s can be expected. Mr. Turner attended a con- in St. Thomas ion Monday. HARTLEY Miss Chrystal Hayter went to Lon­ don on Monday where cepted a. position. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Petrdlia, spent Sunday sell Hodgin’s. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and Billy and .Mr. ..and Mrs. John Rock Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Scott at Ravenswood. Mrs. W. Baker of Grand spent (Saturday with her Mr. Isaac Bestard. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Love and Morris spent Sunday in Exeter. Mrs. Maggie Hayter and Miss Marion Sherfitte visited on Sunday with Marion’s father, ’Mr. Clifford Sherritte. Mr. and Mrs. Fijank. Statton, of Grand Bend ,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter. Miss Doris Grebb, of Exeter, Is spending a few days With her sister Mrs. Hugh^Love. . she has ac- Hodgins, of at Mr. Man- spent John Bend, father, An auction sale of farm stock is being held to-day (Thursday) on Jot 7, con. 11, iTuckersmith, three miles east of Kippen. John A. McGregor, proprietor. CHOICE QUALITY PUMPKIN, large tin ......... AYLMER SOUPS, VEGETABLE OR TOMATO SWEET WHITE CORN, Choice Quality............... ............. each 10c. ... 3 tins for 25c. . . . 3 tins for 25c. 11c. 25c. 19c. 21c. 15c. 14c. Red & White Coffee .... 1 lb. tin each 39c Ready Cut Macaroni...........2 lbs. for Falcon Mincemeat ............. 2 lbs. for Fry’s Cocoa, large tin ............... each Fresh Soda Biscuits...........2 lbs. for Vanilla, tall bottle............... 2 for Good Cooking Rice ...... 3 lbs. for Golden Spray Cheese 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c. Kell°gg’s Corn Flakes..................2 for 15c. Fresh Broken Sodas......................3 for 25c. Wonderful Laundry Soap .... 10 bars 25c. Manyflowers Toilet Soap .... 6 for 25c. Derby Soap Chips............. 4 lbs. for 25c. Big Five Cleanser...............................each 5c. Choc. Mallow or Short Bread Cookies lb. 15 Fresh Toasted Marshmallows , . per lb. 19c Chocolate Coated Peanuts .... per lb. 19c. Fancy Cooking Figs...........3 lbs. for 25c. Fresh Large Prunes...........2 lbs. for 25c. New Table Figs............ per pkg. 10c. New California Grapes ... ... per lb. 17c. Seedless Grapefruit....................5 for 25c. Macintosh Red Apples, large basket 35c. Watermelon ..................................... each 5c. Sweet Potatoes.........................6 lbs for 25c. Large Crisp Celery .... 2 bunches for 15c. Good Cooking Onions .... 10 lbs. for 15c. Codfish in pkg...................................each 15c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 CENTRALIA “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neil and young son and Mr, Garfield Neil of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Neil over the week-end. Mrs. John Essery visited with her sister, Mrs. Heighway in Lon­ don, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pollock, of Ripley, visited for a few days last week with their daughter, Mrs. Lome Hicks. Mr. Trum’an Mills is visiting with friends ’in Toronto. Mr. Thomas Willis who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, was able to re­ turn home on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. J. Sleamon is confined to her home with an attack of appen­ dicitis. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Margaret Hicks, R. N., of London, spent the -week-end at her home here. The Harvest Thanksgiving ser­ vices held in the church here on Sunday last were largely attended both m.orning and evening. The guest speaker for the day was Rev. Gordon Butt, of Gorrie, who preach­ ed very interesting isermons. Spec­ ial music was provided by the choir under the leadership of Mr. L. Hodg­ son. Miss M!a,ry O’Brien, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Kershaw visited with friends in London over the week-end. Mrs. Baskerville and Mrs. Brok- enshire are visiting with relatives at Grand Bend. CROMARTY A Fowl Supper will be held in the Presbyterian Church in Cromarty on the 30th of October. A good time is expected. The farmers are at present lifting their roots and report an excellent crop. Mr. John McCulloch a.nd daugh­ ter Lila attended, the funeral of Mr. Silas Wood, of Logan on Sunday last. Mr. Wood spent a good part of the summer two years ago with Mr. McCulloch in the village. Mrs. 'Tufford, of Toronto, spending the Aveek-end with sister Miss Currie. Mr. Quance Avas at home to of his friends on Wednesday ing last. All present spent a enjoyable time. ELIMVILLE is her many even- very The Mission Circle paid a friend­ ly visit to the Thames Road Society on .Saturday afternoon last. A number neighbouring last Sunday. The Y.P.S. ing. Mr. Allan Johns had charge of the program after the opening exer­ cises and business session led by the president. Lome Elfiord read the' Scripture lesson from Matt. 25:31-46 Gilbert Johns read the talk on the lesson. The topic "Jesus standard of Christian Living” was introduced by 'Thelma Skinner. Fred Long led in prayer and meeting closed with a hymn and benediction. It was de­ cided to hold the annual Hallowe’en party at the home of Marion Miners on October 29th. Bear lit mihd the Anniversary ser­ vices to be held next Sunday at 10.- 3|O< a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Robert Hicks will preach at both services. The choir is pre^aripg special music for the occasion. from here attended anniversary services met on Monday even­ I i i i KIRKTON DASHWOOD Mrs. Geo. Harrah is visiting with her brother Ralph Denham, Bridge­ burg. A goodly number from the village took in the St. Marys Fair and re­ port a good showing. Twenty of the young people of St. Paul’s Anglican church were con­ firmed on Friday. Mr. Rueben Shier and Ira N. Mar­ shall motored to Bungesville and purchased some very fine apples. They report a wonderful crop and excellent quality. Mrs. Wm. Nairn and Mrs. Gadkey are visiting with their father Mr. R. Davis. A number of our Institute ladies went to Fpllarton Wednesday last and were entertained by the Fullar- ton ladies. They report a good time.. Bill (Switzer and Mac Howe visit­ ed over the week-end with Miss E. Walkom at Munro; Mr. spent son. Mr. onto spent the and Mrs. John Cluff. Mrs. Cluff re­ turned to the city with them. Miss Rachel Kirk was tihe guest of friends at Lucan while attending Chautauqu'a. The extreme frost and cold nights of Thursday and Friday dropped the temperature to eight degrees of frost. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burgen spent Sunday at Russeldiale. Those that spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Routly were: Miss Ella- Routly of Rannoch; Miss Nettie Routly, Lon­ don; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Routly and family, of St. Marys land Mr. F. Routly. 1 Arthur Gunning, of Granton, last week with his son Emer- and Mrs.Fred When, of Tor- week-end with Mr. Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. The community was shocked last Thursday to .learn of the sudden death of Alexander Held, of Olcott, once a resident of Dashwood. The funeral was (held at Olcott, N. Y. and interment took place at Buffalo. Those who attended the funeral from Dashwood were Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Held and daughter Sadie, Miss Maggie Held, Mr. Henry Miller and' Mrs. August Miller. Mr. and Mirs. Maurice Anderson attended the funeral of Mrs. Ander­ son's mother in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Evans, o£ Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman. Mr. P. Schroeder, of Monkton, is visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. McEwen, of Ailsa Craig, spent Tuesday with Mr. Mrs. Earl Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader are iting in Detroit. Special Anniversary services be held in the Evangelical churcbi on Sunday, October 21st. Rev. E,. Burn, of Zurich, will occupy the pul* pit for the morning service at ldj a.m. and Rev. A. Pletch, of Crediton will be the speaker at the evening service at 7.30 p.m. Special an­ thems (will be rendered by the choir. The congregation has been very fortunate in securing “The Mis­ sissippi Four” a coloured male quar­ tette from Erie Pa., who will supply t'he music for both services. On Mon­ day evening, October 22nd these ar­ tists will give a concert in the churctj shed. These men have sung in 'many; of the leading churches in United} States and Canada and come to us highly recommended. A delicious hot turkey supper will be served in the Evangelical church shed on November 1st under the auis- • pices of the Ladies’ Aid. Mrs. Harold Weber and baby Joan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Renelt at Lake Smith. and vis- will THAMES ROAD Anniversary services were held in, Thames Road church at which large congregations were present. Rev. W. D. MacDonald, of Agincourt, Moder­ ator of East Toronto Presibyterial delivered two eloquent addresses. He was assisted by Rev. Hugh Taylor in the morning taking for his text “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.” The choir rend­ ered suitable music and were asssit- ed by Mr. Weir Elliott, of Wingham, baritone, who sang two fine bers at each service. At the ing service the minister spoke the verse, “Except the Lord the house, they labor in vain that build it, except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waiteth in vain.” The Thankoffering was received at both services. Mr. Weir Elliott and Mrs. Elliott with Mrs. Peter Gowans were guests on .Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Monteith, Rev. W. D. MacDonald with Mrs. MacDonald were the guests at the Manse on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Smale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey spent Sunday with Mi', and. Mrs. Pollen. Presentation num- eve n- from build WINCHELSEA a number from this com- attended the Anniversary; at Thames Road on Sun- A large dance was held at the hall on Friday when neighbors and friends presented Mr. and Mrs. Robt.. Mavers with two handsome chairs, tapestry covered, and an end table add ian address, which was as •follows: y Dear Bob and Jean,— We, your neighbors and friends, have gathered here to spend a jolly evening with you. It is with great pleasure twe present to you these gifts and may you long be spared to enjoy them. With best wishes from your neighbors and friends. Quite munity Services day. Mrs. S, Miller ana Mrs. of Cromarty spent Friday week with Mrs. Chas. Godbolt. Mr. F. C. Davis spent the week-* end with friends at iSaintsbury. Mrs. F. A. Dobbs, of Lucan, spent a few days last week .with her daughter Mrs. N. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman and Bobby visited on Sunday with their friends near Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter and Earl, of Centralia., visited one even* ing last week with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horn. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and family spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Leslie Thomson at Lumley. Mr. and Mfrs. IWa/Iker Kerslakd and Genevieve spent Sunday with! Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Stone at 'Thames Road. ’ Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Horn vis* ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs* P. Whitlock at Thames Road. Miss Marjorie Fletcher spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, JOhjit Fletcher in Exeter. Miss Dorothy Bend spent the parents Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, son Harold, of Sunday with Mr. and Mts, Nelson) Clarke. 'McKellax; of last} ’Camin, of Grand ■week-end with heri Mrs. Cecil Camm. George Frayne and} near Exeter ,spenti