HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-10-11, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1931 HENSALL Mr. and Mr#, A. D. McEwen daughter Donna ar© spending a. and few days visiting in Toronto and other points east.—Mrs. Archie Filshie is spending a week or two visiting friends in Toronto.'—Mr. and Mrs. George Gram have returned home after spending several weeks visit­ ing with their sons in Michigan.— Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exeter, were visiting friends in town re­ cently.—Mr. and Mrs, Ross Dick and son Douglas, of Toronto, were Thanksgiving visitor# with relatives here and at Hillsgreen.—Mr. Geo. Walker has returned home after a pleasant visit with freinds in Tor­ onto and North Bay.—A number from Hensail took in the ball game in Stratford between the teams.—Mr. to, spent the mother Mrs. Miss Eleanor.—Mr. spent the holiday in took in some of the big ball games. Thanksgiving services were held in all the churches on Sunday. In St. Paul’s Anglican Church Mr. Richard a Student from Huron College, Lon­ don took the services. Special mu­ sic was furnished by the choii’ also Communion was taken. At the United Church Rev. Mr. Malcolm of Egmondville took the service#. There was special music appro­ priate for the. day and good attend­ ances at both servoies. At Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev. Mr. Young the pastor took the services with special music. In the morning a quartette was sung by Mr. and Mrs. Young and Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Mc- laren. At the evening service the quartette was rendered by Mrs. Jas. Pa.terson, Miss Irene Hogarth, Mr. Jerry Denfield, Mr. Jas. Bengough. Next Sunday evening Mr. Young will take for hi# text the subject “Abide with Me.” There will be special mu­ sic.—Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Geiger, of Fenton Falls and Mr. Ed, Geiger, of London, spent the holiday here with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger.—Mr. Ira Geiger has receiv­ ed the appointment of enumerator for Hensall under the new Federal Franchise Act, to prepare the Vot­ ers’ List for the coming Federal election which will take place next summer. The enumeration will start October 15tli and end October 23-rd.—Mrs. Alice Joynt, of Toron­ to, spent the holiday at her home here.—'Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Drummond and family were Mrs. H. Doig, Mrs. L.'kAllen and son Gordon, of Guelph; Mrs. Drummond returned to Guelph with them and will visit there for a week.—Miss Doreen Farquhar who was operated on for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Tuesday morning is getting along nicely. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery.—Mr. and Mrs. R. Coles, of Listowel, called on their friends here on Thanksgiving Day.— Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wren, of Toronto; Rev. David Wren and son of Picton; Mir. and Mrs. Victor’ Heaney and son of Toronto; accom­ panied by Mrs. Frank Graham,* of London, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manns and other 'relatives in Hensall and vi­ cinity.—Mr. C. S. Hudson and son Harvey called on friends in St.-Marys on Thanksgiving Day. Messrs. W. E. McEwen and Ed. McDougall visited recently in Kin­ cardine with Ryerson Robertson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Thanksgiving visiting with Stratford relatives.—Miss Amy Lamrnie, Tor­ onto is visiting at her home here?— Miss M'ae McNaughton, of Toronto, was a holiday visitor here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, Mc­ Naughton.—Mis# Minnie Reid is making some improvements to her property on Queen St. tearing down the old barn and erecting in its. place a. handsome and up-to-date garage. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Ot­ terville.—Mr. Wi'lliam McLaren is spending a few day# this “week visit­ ing with his daughter, Mrs. Alfred Hunkin and family at Farquhar. —Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie and little daughter of Toronto, spent the holiday visiting relatives here. They were accompanied home by Mrs. A. McMurtrie Sr. who has been visiting in Toronto for several weeks.—Mr. Robert Eacrett is building a. garage and making other improvement# to his-fine property on the corner of Albert and -Oxford streets.—Miss I. pope of Toronto, spent the holiday visiting at her home here. 'Her mother Mrs. John Pope returned to Toronto with her and will spend the winter there.—Dr. Murray Fisher, of Gravenhurst, spent a few days here this week with his mother Mrs. P. Fisher, who is seriously HL—Mrs. Maud Hedden Iras returned_ home aftei’ a three weeks’ visit with her ■ sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr, of Monetville in the Sudbury District —Mrs. Agnes McDonald is spending a week or two visiting with friends at Wroxeter.—Mrs. D. H. Burley is visiting here at the home of her brother Mr. Thos. Sherritt.-—iMis# A. Kyle recently underwent an opera­ tion for the removal of her tonsils. The operation was performed by Dr. Collyer assisted by Dr. (Fletcher.— Miss Helen Smith has returned home after a pleasant visit of several weeks with her hother at Omer, Mich, —Mrs. John Snell, of Exeter, visited for a few days last week with her friends in town.—Mr, John McGreg­ or of the 2nd concession of Hay, who has been in poor health for s-ome time was taken .to :Seaforth hos­ pital on Saturday for treatment.— Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exeter, was in the village on Friday calling on friends..—-Mrs. Robt. Bonthron is having her house freshly decorated and other improvements made.—The Rannie Seed Co., of Toronto, have a number of men employed storihg away the Onion setts grown in this district this -season., Several carloads of setts from other points have also arrived here to be stored for the winter.—Mrs. Lippert of Zurich, is •vteiting with her daughter and fam* CREDITON Aus- win- win- Mi’#. Tor- on Thanksgiving Day Toronto and Stratford Alan Fisher, of Toron- week-end here with his Peter Fisher and sister Sam Rennie Detroit and ily, Mr. 'and Mrs. Geo. Fee.—Miss Martha Hunter, of Exetqyj is visit­ ing in town.—Mr. and Mrs. Lome McNaughton and 'babe, of Cromarty, spent Thanksgiving day visiting with relatives in town?—)Mr. Nathan Peck has returned to town after spending several month# with lus son in Stan­ ley Township and will spent the win­ ter at his home here, His sister and her husband Mrs and Mr. A. D. tin of Seaforth, will spent rhe ley Twp. and will spend tlie ter here with them.— Dr. and Campbell and two daughters of onto, are visiting relatives in town. —Mrs. Andrew Dougal, Miss C. Dougall and Mrs. Fred Bengoitgh were recent visitors with Mrs. L. J. Doig and Miss Janet Doig of Tuck­ ersmith.—Mr#, W. H. Thompson, of Winnipeg is visiting here with her sisters Mrs. Leiper and Mrs. McDon­ ald. Mr. and Mr#. Lome Scott and family, of Toronto and Miss June Kennedy, of Winnipeg, Man., visited ■over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty.—Miss Grace Brock, of London, spent the holiday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brock.—Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Love are spending a few days visit­ ing with Dorothy over the Mr. and McAllister is visiting Walker, The Fowl Supper for (the Evangel­ ical church has been set for the 30th of October instead’ of November 1st as previously announced. Don’t forget the Chautauqua pro­ gram# on Friday in .the Town Hall, Crediton. A musical program of out­ standing artists, will be given in at the evening program they| will give a. half hour tine to be given 'by Dr. Hsieh. This program will be outstanding and should not be missed. Musical program the afternoon and l^relude to tlie Jeo Mr. Howard Johnson, of Toronto, ........... ’ - 1 ■■ Tor- Rev. Mrs. Sun- Abel ™ RED & WHITE Redpath GRANULATED SUGAR,.............10 lbs. for 56c GROCERY f friends in G'oderieh.—Miss Kyle, of iLond’on, visited holiday with her parents Mrs. Tlios. Kyle.—Miss M. with her sister Mrs. S. Walker, of Hillsgreen.— Misses Martha and Annie Carlisle of London, were recent visitors at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle. Carmel Cchurch held their annual Thank-Offering meeting on Monday with a splendid attendance. The meeting opened by singing the Dox-i ology and Invocation after which all i sang the Lord’s Prayer. Hymn 57 i The scripture lesson was read 1 Mrs. Arn'old. Mrs. Edward# led in prayer. The Mission Band sang two numbers and the offering was taken up. Hymn 254 was sung after which Mrs. Young dedicated the offering. Rev. Mr. Young then introduced the guest speaker, Miss Williamson, of India who sp'oke on Bihl Missions Miss Williamson gave a very inter­ esting talk on the Indian Mission •field. After the closing hymn was served and during hour Miss Williamson Indian costumes and in India. the showed jewelry S. of the FREE RUNNING OR IODIZED SALT HEREFORD CORN BEEF.................. SUGAR KRISP CORN FLAKES .... McCORMICK’S SODA BISCUITS . .. GOOD COOKING RICE...................... BRUNSWICK SARDINES........... ... PEARL SOAP....................................... FALCON MINCE MEAT SPECIALSUniversity; Miss Maud Fair, of onto spent the week-end with and Mrs. J. Johnson.—Mr. and M. Teller and Miss Helen spent day at Wingham.—Mr. and Mrs. of Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. E. French of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Oestricher. of Windsor, week-end at the home Mr. H. Oestricher.—Rev. Faist, of Chesley, spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Faist this week.—Mrs. Gordon Mor- lock, Mrs. Emmery Fahner, Mrs. A. Amy and Mrs. Roy Ratz. attended the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago over the week-end.—Miss Betty Kenny spent the holiday at London.—Rev. Eddie Jones, of Fort Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Langford Jones, of Toronto, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jones.—Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Trietz and family, of Sarnia, and Miss Grace Lotter, of Alma, Micli., visited over the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Trietz. —Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lever and family, of Clinton, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Guettinger.— Miss Lulu Gaiser, of McMaster Uni­ versity, Hamilton, spent the week- } | end at her home here.—Mr. and Mrs./! Prank Triebner and family, Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Fahrner.—.Miss Kathleen Law- son, of Exeter, visited Sunday with Miss Dorothy Ford.—Mr. Richard Hill and Mr. iLorence Hill attended the funeral of the late Edward Brok- enshire in Atwood last Thursday. Successful anniversary services were held in the United Church on Sunday, October 7th. Rev. R. A. Brooke, of Blyth, a former pastor was the speaker for the day and preacher very impressive sermons at both services to large congregation#. Mr. Brooke, who has lost none of his old-tinfe vigour, chose*for his sub­ ject in the morning, “An Ancient Fallacy and a Modern Tendency” based on the text taken from I Kings 20:28 “The Lord is God of the hills but not God of the valleys.” In the evening the subject chosen was. “A Great and Effectual Door and many Adversaries.” This discourse was di­ rected chiefly to the younger folk whom the speaker inspired to- meet t'he temptations of life with manly hearts. The local choir rendered two anthems in the morning with Mrs. A, Baker and Mr. E. King tak­ ing the solo partis. In the evening' they sang one of Carrie B. Adam’s compositions “Let the Earth Re­ joice.” Miss Gertrude Haist and MisS Mary McKay of Goderich assisted the choir in the evening and also .sang a very pleasing duet “Drifting” while Miss Haist delighted the con­ gregation with a solo “The Stranger of Galilee.” The assistance . given by Miss Haist and Miss McKay was greatly appreciated by both choir and congregation. Marcus Ide, Lewis Johnson and Oren French, of Kitchener, friends lof the late Milton Finkbeiner were guests at the home of |Mr. and Mrs. ~ . .i—iMr. and ivf'vq I Mrs. Alfred Wuerth, Reginald andJ! Miss Alva Wuerth and Mrs. Louisa O m 4-w /x 4 4- TN 4,4- a lunch lunch some worn The W. M. M. Society held .their regular mont'h- Unit-Tlie W. ed church ly meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon Oc­ tober 4th with a splendid attendance The president presided. . opening exercises hymn sung. A Devotional talk by* Mrs. Cross, .tihe subject my Father hath sent me, send I you.” This was very interest­ ing and much enjoyed'by all. A duet was given by Mrs. Pfile and Mrs. T. Sherritt after which prayer was given by Mrs. C. A. McDonald. The new Study Book “Builders of the Indian Church” was introduced by Mrs. Ed. McQueen and the first two chapters was ably taken by Mrs. R. Paterson, Mrs. Hillard, Mrs. Elder, Mis# Margaret Hobkirk, Mrs. Hess- and Mrs. A. Rowcliffe. The meeting’ closed by singing a hymn and the benediction. the was After 109 was given , being “As , even so Death of Mrs. Thompson Murdock i ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER 1 lb. tin, each 15c. the and spent of Mr. and Mrs. F. a few days I Dr. New Raisins (Seeds in) .... 2 lbs. for 25c. Choice Blueberries .................. per tin 10c. Peanut Butter in bulk...........2 lbs for 25c. Pure Clover Honey.........10 lb. pail $1.10 Huron Toilet Tissue....................6 for 19c. Palmolive Toilet Soap .... 3 cakes for 14c. Broken Soda Biscuits • . . . . 3 lbs. for 25c. Shortbread Sandwich Cookies ... lb. 15c Chocolate Mallow Cookies........... Ib. 15c. Flip Flop Fly Coils . . . . . . per dozen 19c. Cranberries ............. per lb. 25c. Grapefruit...................................5 for 25c. Fresh Large Celery...........per bunch 10c. Cooking Onions....................50 lb. bag 59c. McIntosh Red Apples . . 11 qt. basket 35c. TRY SOME OF OUR FRESH CANDIES—CHOCOLATE DROPS, MAPLE BUDS, CHO­ COLATE-COATED PEANUTS, TOASTED MARSHMALLOWS, ASSORTED CHOCO­ LATES, SALTED PEANUTS, JELLY BEANS, LEMON- DROPS, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 DASHWOOD “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver EL1MVILLE THAMES ROAD H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON' At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. There passed away following a short illness one of the oldest and' best known residents of Hensall in' the person of M'rs. Jane Murdock, I relict of the late Thompson Murdock1 in her 80th vear ghe was a dautrh- Wm- Schwartz on Sunday.i in nei »uui yeai. t,ne was a aaugn ; Mria Pa„ .ter of the late Leonard and Hunter, of Usborne township was born in Usborne, where she spent her early life. She was married to the late Mr. Murdock at St. Marys in 1875 and c.ame to Hensall to live shortly after and they were among our best known’and highly respected citizens. Up to a week ago she able to be about quite smart active. On Wednesday last took suddenly ill and owing to advanced age failed to rally and passed away Monday evening, was a member of tihe United church and always took an active interest in church work. Her husband the late Thompson Murdock who was one of the best known men in West­ ern Ontaro passed away in March 19 30. Mrs. Murdock leaves to mourn her loss three daughters, Amy, M'rs. Dr. B. A. Campbell, of Toronto; Miss Ethel at home and Vera?, Mrs. A. C. Hogarth, of Calgary. Two sisters Mrs. William Lamrnie, of Hensall and Miss Mar.tha I-Iunter of Calgary. Two 'brothers RObt. Hunter of Los Angeles, Calif., and J. S. Hunter, of Gilmour City, Iowa, also six grand­ children. Tlie funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock from her late home interment an the Hensall Union cemetery. Her pastor Rev. Arthur Sinclair will have charge of the services. was and she her she She Schwartz visited in Detroit over the week-end.—Mr. and Mrs. Welling­ ton Treitz, of Harriston, visited with friends, in the community over the holiday.^—Miss Margaret McMas­ ter spent the holiday at her home near St. Marys.—Mr. anid Mrs. Herb Eilber spent Thanksgiving Day in Lucknow the guests of Mr." and Mrs. Fred Anderson?—The Auction sale of Henry Schenk’s farm stock and implements was held last Thursday and well attended. Fair prices were realized.—Quite a number of men from Crediton, Shipka and Dash­ wood are working ,on the County road west of the village. One mile and a quarter is 'being drained and the road widened. Two trucks are kept busy hauling gravel from Rol­ lins’ pit.—(Miss Bernice Eilber and Miss Isabella Fisher, nurse-in-train­ ing at Victoria Hospital, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber on Sunday. of the H. J < MT. CARMEL ■and Mrs. Andrew MorriseyMr. and the former’s brother, Jack Mor­ risey attended the funeral of Mrs. Morrisey’s sister, the late Mrs. Gibbs, of Detroit, on Thursday of last week.— Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fallon (nee Miss Alice Deitrdch) Mr. and Mrs. Josenh Dietrich (nee Miss Pearl Regan) on the occasion of their marriage at the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on October 3rd.— Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glavin is visiting with friends at Mt. Pleasant Mich.-—Mis# Marjory Regan, of London and Mr, Joseph Regan, of Simcoe, spent the holiday at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Regan.-—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Blundy, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. J. Carey.—Mr. and Mrs. Daynfo Gaiser pnd family, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mr#. Nelson Schenk:—Mr. John McGraw, of Sea­ forth, called on friends here last week.—< Messrs. Joseph Regler and Nelson Schenk spent Friday at Lon­ don.—A number from here attended the dance at Parkhlll oh Friday night. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton, Grand Bend spent Sunday with latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis.—Mrs. Harry Lewis is spend­ ing ia few weeks at the home of her niece and nephew Mr. and Mrs. Gar­ net Wilson near Centralia.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and son Jack of Sarnia and Mr. <and Mrs. Mervin Brokenshire and tiheir children, of Guelph, spent Thanksgiving with their mother Mrs. Wilson Anderson. —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and two chil­ dren, of Exeter, London with Mr, Heatherley.—Mr. left last week for Exeter where he has ^secured a position with Middle­ ton’s Bakery.—-Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein 'and two children and Mrs. Leonard Wein spent Friday in Lon­ don.—Mrs. Percy Bowman, of Loii- 'don, spent Friday with her parents Mr. . Mrs. Stuart Kuhn, of Baden, spent the holiday with the former’s ents Mr, and Mrs. John LaWson has from Exeter after __ with her son and daughter-’ ■Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson. Mr. and Mr#. Ira 'Tiernan, of Ham­ ilton, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan.—Mr. Mrs. E. Flynn, of London, were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman.—-Mr. and Mrs. E. Hiller, of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Reavert, of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parent# Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hen­ rich.—Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble, of Sarnia were Sunday visitors with the latter’s mother Mrs. Finkbeiner and Caitherne.—Mr. -Chester Gaiser is spending a week with friends in De­ troit.—Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Schatz, of Toronto, were week-end vis­ itors with Mr . and Mr#. Vernon Schatz.—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edig- hoffer and family, of Mitchell visit­ ed relatives here on Thanksgiving Day.—Mrs. Holland and daughters Edith and Nan and son Jack and Miss Ruth Tieman, all of Windsor, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris and lamily, of Sarnia, were Sunday visitors with relatives.—Mr. J. Cairns, of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kleinstiver. — Mrs. Betty Taylor spent the week-end in Flint, Mich.— Mr Wm. Maier has returned home after spending a few weeks in De­ troit. '—■ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schroeder and Mr. and Mr,s. Clar- mont, of Windsor, were Thanksgiv­ ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schroeder.—Miss Tbelma Fisher, of iStrathroy, spent the week-end „with •her parents.—M-r. and M'rs. Hemphill, of Wroxeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft.—Mr. Samuel Elsie, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives.—Mrs. L. Morenz is visiting in Kitchener. Do not Forget the delicious hot turkey supper to be served in the Evangel­ ical church sheds on Thursday, No­ vember 1st under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid. Following the supper a program will be given consisting of a play entitled “An Economical Boomerang” and musical numbers by the C. E. Band.—Anniversary ser­ vices will be held in the Evangelical church on Sunday October 21st. Rev. E. Burn, of Zurich, will occupy the pulpit l’or the morning service and Rev. A. Pletch, of Crediton will be the speaker at the evening service. Special anthems will be rendered by the choir. The congregation has been' very fortunate in securing “The Mis­ sissippi Four” a coloured male quar­ tette from Erie Pa., who will supply the music for both (services. On Mon­ day evening October 22nd these ar­ tists will give a concert in the church shed. These men have Sung in many of the leading churches in the Unit­ ed Churches in the United States and Canada and come to us highly recommended. So be sure to a-ttend the cert Sunday services and the as well. and of Mr. M. spent Monday in and Mrs. William Lome Baynham and Mrs. Chris. Rau.—Mr. and par- H. Kuhn.—Mr, returned homo a few days* visit •in-laW forIdeal weather prevailed Thanksgiving, The trees and foliage are a magnificent sight resplendent with color, KIRKTON •Mrs. J. Earl and daughter, Partage, Sask., are visiting with and Mrs. Roy Francis?—Mrs. Fletcher and children are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Fletcher.—Mr. and Mrs. Bailie, of St. Marys are visiting their daugh­ ter Mrs. C. Smith.—Dr. Campbell is spending this week in Chicago. Mrs. McHardy is holidaying at her home in Sarnia.—Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Veitch and family, of London, spent Sunday at C. A. Paul’#. Mrs. Veitch assisted with the music at the St, Paul’s Church.—Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor from Crediton spent one day ... anf| and Mrs. Mr. last week with Mr Humphreys.-—Kir, Doupe, of Huron Credit Eric Alvin and Mrs? Bert Doupe, of Toronto, spent the holiday with their brother, Mr, E, Doupe.—The recent frosts of the past week hasn’t destroyed the sec­ ond crop of berries as Mrs. John O’Brien picked a large dish of rasp­ berries on October the 8th.. Mrs. L. Kaye is visiting vith friends in the West.—Miss Kather­ ine Oliver, of Sarnia, is visiting with Mrs. Ed. Pollen.— Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Alien, of Aylmer, spent the week-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen.—Miss Joy ’Whitlock, of St. Thomas spent Thanksgivng with her parents.—The call for re­ lief for Western sufferers was heard from the pulpit on Sunday morning and plans are 'being made to anything both to wear and to cash will also be acceptable. Bridal Shower A miscellaneous shower was sented to Mrs, Robert Mavers Jean Duncan) by the Mission Circle at the home of Miss Mary Gardiner on Monday evening. The evening be­ gan 'by a mock wedding ceremony at which Mrs. A. Gardiner acted as minister in her usual jolly and humorous way; Beth Ballantyne as bride and Beatrice Knight as groom Anna Hackney as best man; little Audrey Hunkin ae page boy and Betty Hunkin as flower girl. Mrs. Taylor played t'he wedding music. A short program was arranged and much enjoyed. Those taking part Mr. and Mrs. Will Routly visited with relatives in St. Marys on Sun­ day.—Misses Marjorie Delbridge, Lavona Cooper, Marion Miners, Eula Herdman and Laura Ford from this Mission Circle attended the Rally for C.G.I.T. and Mission Circle Girl# held in James St. Church, Exeter, on Friday evening last.—Mr. Gilbert Johns, Misses Margaret, Mary and Gladys Johns spent the week-end and holiday at Hamilton and Nia­ gara Faile.—The W. A. had a quilt­ ing at the Church on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. They held their meeting and quilting at M’rs. James Kirkland’s last Wednesday when twenty ladies were present. A ten cent tea was served also. The fall anniversary services of this church will be held on October 21st at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Robert Hicks will be the speaker.— Mrs. Jennie Jackson, of Toronto, ha# been visiting relatives here dur­ ing! the past week.—Rev. and Mrs. Peters also Mrs. Chas. Johns at­ tended the W.C.T.U. Prov. Conven­ tion held in Stratford last Wednes­ day.—Mrs. Wib. Batten spent the webk-end with her aunt Mr#. S. Mill-j __ ___ _ ____ ____o er at Crom'arty.—Mr. Scott Whaley,. were Bert Gardiner, Anna Hackney^ of St. Marys, was a recent visitor in Evelyn Hunkin, Mrs. Tiros. Ballan- ‘ on tyne, Mrs. Ed. Pollen, Ruth and Missionary June Taylor. Mary Gardiner and Miss iLavona Cooper had'Dorothy McCurdy then brought in +.t.t#2 “Home Mission j the numerous and useful gifts in a T __> com­ pletely taken by surprise and thank­ ed the girls for their kind remem­ brance. A dainty lunch was served which brought to a close a very en­ joyable the vicinty.—-The Y. P. S. met Monday evening. The convenor, 7" charge. The topic __ _______ __ _____Dividends’’ was taken by Miss Laura I lined basket. The bride* was ■ Ford. 11-26 man. given Miss Marjorie Del'bridge read a poem Miss W. Ferguson led in prayer. Meeting closed with hymn and Miz­ pah benediction.—The Mission Circle met on Tuesday of last week at the home of Miss Wilhelmine Ferguson with Miss Gladys Johns in charge. Seven members and one visitor was present. The meeting opened with a hymn and Lord’s Prayer in uni­ son. The Scripture lesson Matt. 2S: 16-20 was read by Miss Eula Herd- man. The devotional leaflet /'The Followers of Jesus’* was read by­ Miss Laura Ford. Miss Gladys Johns gave a report of the W. M. S. con­ vention held in Hensall. The min­ utes were read and roll call answer­ ed by a quotation on “Abundance.” A nuprber of leaflets were read by a number of girls. They decided to accept an invitation to-visit Thames Road Society on Saturday, October 13th and a committee appointed to arrange the program. The meeting closed with hymn and the Mizpah benediction.—Mr. and Mi’s. Arthur Elliott and daughter, of Thedford, were Thanksgiving visitors at Mr. C. Stephen’s and Mr. T. Bell's. Other visitors in .the community were Mr. Ned Avery and Mr. and Mrs. Huber- son, of Thomas, at Mr. Wes. Horne’s Mr. and Mrs. Long, two sons and one daughter from Milverton and Miss Catherine Peters from London with Rev. and Mrs. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. H. Murch and W Bowers, Lon­ don at Mr. and Mrs. P. Murcih’s Miss Florence Bell from Luoa-n, at her home; Mr. Angus McPherson from Stratford,''with friends here; Mrs. McEwen, Misses Hazel and Mabel McEwen also Mr. Frank McEwen of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wil­ liams; Miss Joy Whitlock, Thomas with relatives; Mr. Walter Johns B.A., from Waterloo and Mr. and and Mr. The Scripture lesson Luke 19,' was read by Miss Eula Herd- The talk on the lesson was by Miss Catherine Peters. evening. SHIPKA of St. Mrs. Wm. Charlwood, Dennis Margaret from St. Catherines at Chas. Johns. WHALEN and Mrs. Aimer Morley andMr family, of Brantford, visited over the holiday with relatives.—Mrs. Viney Millson, of Mannington, Virgina, is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George Millson.—Master Russel Morley had the misfortune to break his wrist while cranking a car.—Mrs. George Squire is visiting at the home of Mr. J, Oke near Exeter.—Mf. ahd MTS. N. Ogden, of Exeter, spent sFHd&y with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire.—MasH ter Grafton Squire spent the week­ end in Lucan with Ralph Millson— Mr, F, Squire visited recently with Mr. Walter Parkinson, of Devizes, who has been ill for several weekis. take eat; pre- (nee Mrs. tury of cago over Thanksgiving,—Miss Alma Ratz of Stratford Normal School, spent the week-end at her home here.'—Quite a number from here at­ tended the Anniversary services at Crediton and Greenway on Sunday last. The Rev. Mr. Brooks taking! the services at Crediton and Rev. J. B. Moore at Greenway.—Last Sun­ day was Missionary Day in the S. School. A solo given >by Jack Ratz which was enjoyed by all present.— The relatives of Mr. Nelson Fink­ beiner of Redfern, Sask., received the sad news of his death on Sunday morning.—Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc­ Kenzie and Jim, Mrs. P. McKenzie, 3Jiss Irene and Jack of Walkerville, visited over Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mr#, A. Finkbeiner. —Mr. and Mrs. A. Webb and family spent the week-end with relatives in Detroit.'—There will be no preach­ ing service in the United church on. Sunday on account of Anniversary services at Brinsley. Sunday School will be at 10 o’clock.—Rev. J. E. Jones, of Fort Francis, Ont., called on relatives here on Saturday.—Mr. Chas. Lochner left on Monday tor­ tile United States for a two week#* visit with his brother.—'The sad news and sudden death of Mr. Nel­ son Finkbeiner, of Redvers, Sa.sk., was received on Monday. He was the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Finkbeiner of this place. The community extends their #ympathy to the family. Miss Erma Finkbein­ er left Sarnia on Monday for Red­ vers, Sask., to attend the funeral. Mr. Matthew Guen.ther, Carl and Mildred and Mr. William Bungho, qt Kitchener, epent Thanksgiving Day wtih Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Switzer and family. Miss Evelyn Switzer has returned London. Roy Ratz attended the Cen- Progress Exposition in Chi- to KHIVA Miss teacher Friday _______ her home ih Uderton.f^—i Mrs, Alex Neeb, of Goderich visited a few day»' last wefefc with Mr. and Mrs. R» Baynham.— Mrs. M*. Carruthers, -of Detroit, and Mrs. J. J. Carruthers of Greenway ,#pent last Eriday with Mr, and Mrs. H. Eagleson.—Mr. and! Mrs. John Hutchinson and family ot London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs W. Mason and otheij relatives. j Clara Douglas 's convention in and spent the attended the Goderich on week-end ait