The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-09-20, Page 5tu
HENSALL Chautauqua at Crediton
The Canadian Chautauqua will
present their fall program ait Credi
ton on Friday, September 28-tk and
Friday, October 12th. On the after-
UVULU CHU IHie WHPK . 110011 °£ 1116 flrSt ilS deBghtfulMr and Mrs Orvill BpAvav ./program of Marionettes that appeal Mr,, ana Mrs. o.iville Beavei, of bath tQ the youth an(1 adulj;g In t,he
evening a four-act comedy drama will I be presented by Bob Hanscom and
Company. The ,play is abounding with mystery, thrills and comedy.
Miss "Kellerman, 'of Elkton, Mich..
is visiting with Mrs? J. Pope.
Dr. Campbell spent a few days inToronto, the end of the week.
i.:.. -...i
Farquhar, visited in town on. Sunday.
Miss Mabel Workman left this week to attend Normal School in
^Mta'zulgler, ot Newton, visited' e“S"'a/nla
last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. 1_emoniDei.e.a.'a's praying Sun Up inremembered as playing “Sun Up' ...
Exeter which made such an appeal
to the public, On October 5it!h the
DeWillo International Artists will
present a musical program. “Maria Matyas, mezzo soprano, sanee closing
a season with ttlie Chicago Grand
, Opera Company she has been prirna
1 dona of the Spanish village of the
Chicago World’s Fair. DeWilla Se-
merau, fascinating Italian -artist and
hisi Concertina Grande has been
heard in many countries. He is one
of the world’s recognized masters
of this instrument. La. NaOani Coffin
Violinist and Pianist has won Ayide
recognition as an artist. These ar- 1 lists1 will provide the afternoon en
tertainment and in the evening will appear with Dr. Tehyi Hsieh, re
markable effective, dynamic speaker
Dr. Hsie'h is a Chinese with -a brill-
I iant mind, keen wit and gracious
charm. “It is men of liis type of
which the world to-day .stands in
. greatest need” said Sir Wilfred T. f Grenfell. Those who heard Dr. Hsieh
on a former occasion will want to
,-hear 'him again. The four programs
are being sold for $1.00, children 50c,
Mrs. P. Southern, of London, was
a recent visitor with her mother, Mrs. J. Pope,
Miss Nellie Carmichael, of Exeter
lias been visiting with, relatives and
friends in town.
Quite a number from town at
tended ithe fair at Exeter on Tuesday -afternoon.
Miss Olive Workman thias returned
home after a pleasant visit with
friends' in London.
Miss Margaret Slavin lias returned home after a few days vistipg with
friends at Varna. “ /
Miss Minnie Gib-b and friend, of Toronto, visited over the week-end
with friends in town.Mrs. J. Pope and Mrs. Kellerman,
have returned after a few days visit
with friends in Detroit.Mrs. E. Willard and- -son Roy, of
Grand Bend, visited with Mr. and
M-ns. E. Willard on Sunday.
Mrs. James Oarnochan, Sr.,
Los Angeles, Cal., visited last week
with her niece, Mrs. John Tapp.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of
Stratford, visited on iSund-ay with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbet, of Hay
Mr. J. Cawtlirope, of Tavistock, is
visiting with hits grandmother, Mrs.
Thos. Dick and aunt, Mrs. Bertha
Bell. . ____ ......... ...................
Mrs. Wm. Hildebrandt and son, ment on Sept. 28-t-h and Oct. 12th at
Joe have returned home after a the low price of $1.00.
week’s visit with relatives in Lon-- “ Mr. Hubert Buithia, of Hazelton, don. I Penn., is spending a week at the
1101110 of Mr- Thos. 'Sandens.” ~ Tillie Snider
Detroit, visit-
with Mr. and
Canadian Chautauqua, will present
| an outstanding series of entertain-
children, of Beach o’ Pines, visited. Miss' Kate Snydei~
■over the week-end with relatives in and Emma Snider o’f
t01Y11.' A . led over the week-end
Misses Mary and Annie Coleman I jyjrs. jac]t -\vein
have been visiting -relatives in Lon-| Mr. and Mrs.'Harry
don this past week and also taking London, spent Sunday
in the fair. 11ir— v~-’-Dr. and Mrs. Smith and chil-1
dren, of St. Marys visited with Mrs.'spent several days in London
Smith’s parents and other relaiveis
in town on Sunday.
Mr. Billy Coleman, of London,
-spent Sunday with his uncle and
aunt Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coleman
of Hay Township.
Mr. M. W. Ortwein. -of London,’ _ _
visited on Saturday with his parents Sunday with friends at ListoweL
(Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein also r Mr. Frank Sanders, of Barwick,]
other relatives in town. .Rainy River; Mi’s. Huber,t McGauley'
Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Sagi- of Indus, Minn.,’ cousins ■
naw Mich., and Miss Esther Graybeil 'Fahner visited with Mr.
Carrliss. of
with Mr. andMrs. jack Wein.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trevetliick
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood. first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, id
Zurich, last three days of week,
Dashwood Cider Mill is open for
business every day.—A. Zimmerman,
Prop. 9-13-4tp.
Canadian Chautauqua at Crediton
on Friday. September 28th and Oct.
12th. Four programs by outstanding
artists. Season ticket $1.00 children ■5i0ic,
Robt. Hopc-roft, has returned to
his home after -spending the summer
at Crystal Beach..
Miss Brubacher,
spent the week-end with Mr.
Mrs. E. Tiernan.Mr. Sampson Colosky left on
urday for Ohio where he will
his brother.
Mr. 'and Mrs. E. Nadiger ......
daughter Helen visited relatives in
Mt. Clemens, Mich., over the week
end.Mr. .Carl Henrich, of Kitchener,
visited his parents Rev. Mr. and
Mrs. Henrich on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Moore, Mr.
James Moore and Miss Audrey Web.
ster, Miss Helen Moore and Mr.
Scotty Baillie, all of Seaforth, were
visitors with Mr, and Mils. F. O.
Wilds last Sunday.Miss Helen Moore, of Seaforth,
left on Monday to spend a month’s
vacation with relatives in Chicago
and will also attend the Century of
Progress Exposition.
Mrs. Hy. Kellerman, of Elkton,
Mich., is visiting relatives here.
(Mrs. L. Morenz spent a few days
in Kitchener last week.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Ferguson, of
Saginaw,- Mich., and Mrs. M. Pope,
of Hensall are visiting -their sister
Miss Esther Graybeil and other rel
Mrs. Chas. Fritz,
Monday with Miss_ __ _
-Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich, spent
Monday with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. NIadiger spent
a few days visiting relatives in
Hanover and Owen
of Kitchener, and
Redpath GRANULATED SUGAR,.............10 lbs. for 56c
(FRESH BROKEN SODAS........................
Beaver Brand Blueberries..........................
GOOD COOKING RICE...............
. , 3 lbs. for 25c.
2 pkgs, for 15c.
.... per tin 10c.
...... each 10c.
. . 3 lbs. for 14c.
10 bars for 25c.
. . . 50 lb. bag for 59c.
of Zurich, spent
E. Graybeil.
and Mrs. Harry
last-1 Walkerton, I Sound.
a.x.k, x.xxxq-x^ .xxxJI hliiss Kathleen Merner has return-Mr. ia‘nd Mrs. F. W. Clark spent the- ed after spending a few weeks with
week-end in Detroit. ’...... *
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schenk spent
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclsaac and
her sisters in Detroit.Mrs. George Merner and Milford
the* we7k-end “in"*Wndsor"andJ1 De-, spent the week-end in Detroit,
troit. Mr. Elgin Merner is on t'he sick list.
Demolished When Hit
Truck on the Lake Road!.
Three people were injured,
of Mrs.! seriously, when -a light truck crasli-
__ _ ____ ______________ .......... and Mrs.; ed into a horse and buggy on the of Dashwood, called on their sister Albert F-aliner a few days this week.; lake road, a quarter of a mile west
•- Mrs. J. Pope on Monday.__________) Mrs. C. Zwicker is visiting with of Dashwood, about 8 o’clock1 Thurs.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin 1........."...... ‘.....................
family, of Farquhar, visited
Sunday with Mr. W. L. McfLaren Mt. and -Mrs. Roy McLaren.
The many friends of Miss
Hoggarth will be sorry to hear
has not been
for the past week, but she is much improved,
-Mrs, Fred Simm'ons,
Callis, Mils, J. Dinsdale,
in her usual
I Mrs. Cail(j -her sister in Toronto and her mother
on at .New Hamburg.
and1 Mrs- Herb F’ahner has resumed I her position in the Millinery depart-
-T ment at Zwicker’s store.i!" I Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ratz and their
hpaiHi claughters iklma and Ruth and Mr.
tn bpnr Melv,iu Lamport have returned home io neai aj>te.r spending a few days in Detroit,
; Saginaw and Flint.Harold' Sunday services in the Evangelical
H._ Tay- church were well attended. At the
, Mrs._ . _ __ _ _____
lor and Mrs. John Murdock visited l morning service Rev. J. P. Hauch,' of with Mr. and Mrs. Wih. Bu-tt, of Stratford occupied the pulpit and
Seaforth on Friday last. | ppoke on ‘Tlie Glory of the Universe’
Preparatory service will be held .The choir rendered an anthem en-
in the United Church on Friday ev-j titled “God is the Refuge.” Mr.
ening. September 21st and Sacra- Hauch addressed the Sunday School
ment of the Lord’s Supper at the‘on the subject of “Co-Operation.”
morning service on Sunday, ~ .......... . ’ ' ”
23rd. •
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hutton have very inspiring and helpful sermon moved to "Guelph. Mr. Hutton has 0,1 The Trumpeter and Trumpeting
been assistant C.N.R. agent for the Tlie ohoir rendered the a."
past year and their many friends | ‘Seek Ye the Lord _ tlie solo
here wish them success in their new was
Sept. I At the evening service Rev. Mr.
Henrich, of Dashwood preached a
here wish them success in their new
Mr. J. W. Ortwein has purchased
the grocery stock of Mr J. E-. Ken
nedy and has taken possession. Mr.
Ortwein was a former merchant- in
Hensail and well known here and in
the surrounding district.
. Mr. G. C. Petty accompanied by
his nieces. Mrs Fred Simmon® and
Mrs. Harold Callas, of Santa Barb
ara, Cal., visited in St. Marys on
the anthem
. part ,tiaken by Mrs. Gordon Morlock.
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Esper and three
children, of Detroit; and Mr. and
Mrs. W. Rocky and grandson Nor
man Rocky, of Stratford, spen£ Sat
urday with Mr. and
Miss Helen Bullock is
«xxv, _____ _ x.xv«.JO -...her bed with an
’Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Dr.; flu.Smith. | Mr .and (Mrs.
Harvds't Thanksgiving services 1 RS
will be held in St. Paul’s Anglican. SuEday ja1.
Church on Sunday, September 23-^. I Mr. and Mr-s. LeonardRev. Dr. T. Anderson, of Huron Coll-.^ Ehei and^Mi.^and Mis. Leonaid ege will be the speaker for the day. I We.and son Mal vin an Mi and
The church will be decorated w-itfc Mrs.f
flowers plants and gram. |
The choir of Carmel Church at their choir practice on Thursday i gtrckn < linlrl £1. ovonintr fl ftPT '
the usual hour of choir practice, i Jlc a
Games and contests were indulged in ed L<jn(ion rair last week, and a dainty lunch was served, a-lli ]
enjoying a pleasant evening. .......................
Mr. and Mr-s. Lyle Cassidy visited Mrs.^William" Hea-tiheriey and" Mrs.
■over the week-end with relatives- in Frank Schied-ing in London.
Otterville. They were accompanied | Mr. and Mrs. Heatherley and Mr.
(home by iMiss Lillian McMullen, of and Mrs, Gordon Dowell and their
-Otterville, who has been -spending daughter .Betty, all of London; spent
the past two weeks with her sister s,unday witli Mr. and Mrs. Henry
and brother-inlaw. Mat and Mrs. L. Motz and Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. .and (Mrs.
.Mrs. Eldon
confined t'o
•of intestinal
Pfaff and'Oscar
of Woodham spent
and Mrs. H. Pfaff, Harry (Lewis and
, . Albert
I Wolfe spent the week-end with Mr.
'and Mrs. Thomas Edwards at I-nger-
----I (Mrs. Wilson Anderson is visiting evening held a* so'cial evening ciltei jr-elntives in Exetter,
i , Quite a number from here attend-
Mr. Henry Mio-tz spent a. few days
the past week with libs' daughters
■Otterville, who has been spending daughter .Betty, all of Londo
the pas;t two weeks with her sister g,unday with Mr. and Mrs.
and brother-inlaw. Ma’. and Mrs. L. Motz and Mr. and Mrs.
Death of Robert Ernest Buchanan
The citizens of Hensall and dis
trict were shocked on .
morning to hear of -the death of
Robert Ernest Buchanan, of Tucker
smith Township, about two and a
half miles south east of Hensall. On
Friday Mr. Buchanan was- taken
suddenly ill and on Saturday morn- ------- ------- ----- — ------
ing was taken to Scott Memorial1 -Mr. and Mrs. William Leitch, of
Hospital, (Seaforth, where he was Goderich, have moved their house-
operated on for appendicitis and hold effects into Mr. Wm. Witzel’s
despite the best of medical skill he house. Wo welcome Mr. and Mrs.
passed away early on Monday morn-1 Leitch to our, Mr. Buchanan was- 33 years of | Mr. and Mrs. William Mason spent
Motz.Mr, Lome Baynham has returned
home frVm Exeter.where he has been
employed for the summer by Middle-
Monday t°»’s Bakery.
__ number from here attended
London Fair last week and also at-
i-1 tended Exeter Fair <on Tuesday.
l1' Mr. and Mrs. William Leitch,
ing, Mr. Buchanan was- 33 yeans of I l.„. ______________ _____.... - -
age -and the youngest son of Mr. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stian-
' ‘ ‘ " ""-lake of Grand Bend.
I A number from here attended the
funeral of the late William Miller
in Zurich on Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Louis Held and son Peter
who have been visiting her parents I Mr. and Mrs-. J. Hanover for a few
I weeks have returned to their home
,_____, __ __ ___ __ ~ . __ in Kitchener,ch-anan, of Hensall, two brothers1 and I Miss Tena McCann is visiting with
and Mrs. Andrew Buchanan, of
Hensail. About six years- ago he was]
married to Miss Mary Clark, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Clark, of Tuckersmith Twp., who
survives him; also two small children. Besides his- widow and ehil-l
dren he leaves to mourn his loss his I parents, Ml and^Mrs, Andrew Bu-J
cl.—.-.—, 2two sisters. The funeral was held ■
from the homo of his father-in-law
Mr. Louis Clark, Tuckersmith, on
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock interment in Hensall Union Ceine-!
tery, Rev. Arthur Sinclair, pastor of
the United Ghurcli, having charge
of the services and assisted by Rev.
M. B, Parker, of St. Paul's Anglican
Church, The pall bearers were Stan-;
ley Mitchell, Richard Traquair,;
Glenn Bell, Wilbert Dilling, Clifford
Moir and John E, McEwen.- The1
sympathy of the community -is ex
tended to the bereaved.
relatives in Detroit-.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eiagleson and family spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Arthur Willert.Miss Dorothy Dietrich hais return
ed to London after
past couple of weeks'
here.Mr, and Mrs. Otto
family spent Sunday
spending the
at her home
* Willert and
........„ ____ _____ with Mr. arid
Mrs. T, Miller of the 14th concession
of Hay.Mr, and Mrs. William Stade and
Melvin spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. (E. Rader, of the Goshen Line.
Peanut Butter in bulk . . .
Pqre Clover Honey.........
Palmolive Soap..................
Flip Flop Fly Coils...........
Chipso, large pkg...............
Golden Spray Cheese . . . .
... 2 lbs. 25c.
5 lbs. for 55c.
. 3 cakes 14c.
. per doz. 19c.
... 2 for 35c.
... 2 for 25c.
Choeolate Mallow Biscuits
Large Crisp Celery.........
Large Juicy Oranges . .. .
California Grape Fruit . . .
Large Basket Tomatoes .
Large Cabbage .................
, . . per lb. 15c.
per bunch 10c.
. per doz. 49c.
. ... 4 for 25c.
.... each 25c.
......... each 5c.1
Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver
day evening. Mrs. Geo. Link, con
cession . 14, Stephen Township, the
most seriously hurt, suffered leg in
juries, including a ruptured hlood
vessel, when she was pinned under
the top of the bu-ggy in the debris
of the vehicle. Her husband, Ge'orge
Link suffered face cuts and bruises
and Sa-ron Vincent of Dash-wood, who
was riding with Mr. and Mrs. Link
to a church meeting, also suffered
slight injuries.
The owner and. driver of the trurk
Chas. Anderson, of Dashwood, was
not injured. The truck crashed in
to the buggy from the rear and both
Mr. Link and Mr. Vincent were
throwp by the force of the crash
clear over the horse’s head. The
animal struggled to’ free from the
demolished vehicle and ran home.
Mrs. Link was extricated from
the wreckage by Mr. Anderson and.
a passing motorist hurried the
occupants 'of the huggy to the office
of Dr. R. H. Taylor, Dashwood,
where they were attended for their
Provincial Constable M'cCoy, of
Goderich -andi Constable
Steinhagen, 'of Dashwood,
gated the crash. It is -said that
bu-ggy was on the right side 'of
road and was carrying a light.
.Lovers of drama will want to
Bob Hanscom and his- Company in
their play “Grumpy” at Crediton Chautauqua , on Friday, September
28th.'Miss Kathleen Hicks, R. N., who
has been visiting with her parents
Mr. and Mr.s. Andrew Hicks for- the
past six Weeks has returned to New
Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe, of
Clinton, visited with friends in the
village on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Maltby, of Galt, is visiting
her son Mr, and Mrs. Delmar Malt
by.Mr. Th'omas Willis underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, on Wednesday of this week. His
many friends wish him a speedy recovery.
-Miss Evelyn Clarke spent the
week-end at her home in Goderich.
■On Friday evening of last week
“The Truth Seekers” Sunday School
class enjoyed a. weiner and marsh
mallow roast -at the river. The
ening was spent in games.
Mr.. and' Mrs. Wilson Morley and
Ola and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Morley
visited over .the week-end with rela
tives at Wiarton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton and Mt.
and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, of London,
visited recently with Mr, and Mrs.
Thos. Gunning.
Mrs. Cameron is a visitor of Mrs.
Alex Baillie.
Miss Mabel Elliott, of Lucan, spent Sunday with her friend Miss Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster at
tended the funeral of -the late Mrs.
Heywood at Elimville on Sunday.
air uncl 6,NoTman Vincent
Mr. Charles Roman, of
tended Western Fair at
Miss Edith Ball, who has spent
the summer months with her aunt
Mrs. William Sweitzer, h.a® returned
to London, whore she hasi accepted
a position in -the Snpersilk Hosiery.
Miss Lillian Thompson spent the
week-end in London,
Zurich, at-
Loiidon on
Mrs. William Sweitzer and Miss
Evelyne have left for Chicago where
they will attend “The Century of
Progress Exposition’’ and will also
visit the former’s brother, Mr. L. C.
Mangnus in Racine, Wisconsin.The anniversary services were
held in the United church on Sun
day, September 11th when Rev. Mr.
Elliott, of Exeter, Main Street gave
two very inspiring sermons. At the
evening service Mr. Elliott gave a
solo which was enjoyed by all pres
ent. The congregation enjoyed and
appreciated the music given by the
choir, assisted by Messrs. E. Haist
and Gordon Ratz, of the Evangelical
choir, Crediton.
Mrs, Fred Sharpe is visiting with
Mrs. Thos. Keyes.
Miss Alma Ratz left on Tuesday
to attend Stratford Normal School
Mrs. William Switzer and
Evelyn left on Monday for
week’s visit with relatives cago and other points.
Communion service
at the United church
September 3rd.
Last Sunday being
Rev. W. A, MacDonald, of Agincourt has accepted an invitation to
take charge of the Anniversary ser
vices here in October.
Mrs. Margaret Smith, of Saskat
chewan is visiting her mother Mrs'.
D. Coward. Mrs. Smith expects return early in October.
will on
...... .....................w Temperance
Sunday a .talk was given in Sunday
School by Mr. M. .Sweitzer.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair and
Jimmie of Ilderton visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lam
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphreys
visiting friends in Detroit.
A number attended the Fall Fair on Tuesday last.
Mr. Chas. Paul, Gerald and Leon
Dr. C. A. Campbell and Mr. W. Hazelwood attended ............
series ball games
week.Mr. Slade and
Grace Woods, of
with Miss Lizzie
also Mr. and Mrs. _
Mr. and Mrs. Roy _
Lome spent Sunday with friends at
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Middleton, of
Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Thos. Washburn.
the little world
in Detroit this
Miss Gladys and Stratford, visited
Collie on Sunday
Douglas of Minto.
Francis and
KAINE—In Scott Memorial Hospit-
on September 10th, to Mr. and
Mrs. I. B. Kaine, a daughter.
BRINTNELL—On the Thames Road
on Thursday, September 13th. to Mr. -and Mrs. Wilson Brintnell, a
'LU.SCHER—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos
pital, on Saturday, Sept. 15th. to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Luscher, Park
hill, a daughter.
BRODERICK— In Exeter, on Tues
day, September 18th, 1934 Mar
garet Broderick, widow of the late
John Broderick, in her 8 8'th year. The funeral, private, will be ’held
Friday at 2 p.m.
HUNTER—In St. Joseph’s Hospital London, on Monday, September
17, Richard Hunter in his 80-th year.
HEYWOOD—In Usborne, on Thurs
day, September 13, 193 4, Eliza
beth Parish, widow of the late
Thomas Heywood, aged 93 years,
and 21 days.
over the week-end.
MissThe iMission Circle met last
■day evening at the home of
Evelyn Cann with a very large at
tendance and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn,
president, occupying the cihair. The
meeting opened in the usual way.
Miss Hazel Gunning tools the Devot
ional Leaflet followed by _a poem
by Miss
call was
poem. A
Janet Thompson. The roll
answered by a/ favorite
short time was taken for
Miss Nina McNaughton
a beautiful solo and short
___were read by Miss Rea
Mills," Miss Gladys- Shier, Miss Myr-
land Wynn on Japan, China and
other Oriental Countries. 'Miss Viol
et Squire played a piano solo which
was much enjoyed. A hymn was
sung and Mrs. Wx Wynn closed the
meeting with prayer. The next
meeting will be held at the home of
Miss Rea Mills.Mrs. W. Switzer, Mrs. Wilbur
Wynn, Mrs. McNaughton and Miss
Nina McNaughton attended the
Presbvterlal Rally at Lisbowel on
Thursday of last week.
A weiner and corn roast will be
■held at the Church for the Young
Men’s Class and Young Ladies’
Class. A good time is expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Squire and
Mr-, and Mrs. George Squire, Sr.
of Granton, were Sundav visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Rodd „Miss Verna Scott spent Sunday
with Miss Violet Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Chappel spent
Friday in London
Rally services will be
•here Sunday, Sept. 23rd.
Anniversary services will be held
in the Zion United Church on Sun
day next, Sept. 23rd. Services to be
conducted by Rev. Mr. Pletch, of
the Evangelical Church, Crediton.
Service in the morning at 10.30 in
the evening at 7 o’clock. Music Will
be furnished by the choir.
Mr. Henry Hern returned home
on Tuesday of last week from a
short visit with Mr. and Mrs. George
Janney near Arkona, He was accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Janney.
Miss Myrtle Janney and Mrs. Stan
ley Janney, who spent the day with
Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Horn and
other friends in this neighborhood
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Hern visited
recently with their great aunt Mr.
and Mrs. E. Stoner, of Strathroy.
Mr. and Mrs E. Ward, of Union,
and Mr. Mervin Brock spent
day with the latter’s parents Mr,
Mrs. Alf. Brock.
M.f. and Mrs. W. J. Brook,
and Mrs. Harold Hern and
, and
__ _____ _ . sons
Harry* and Robert visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brock,
Of Missouri.The many friends of Mr. Thomas
Brock ate sorry to learn of his ser
ious illness.
and Curs. Frank King and
- Mr. __ w
children from near Crediton,
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Brown
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Everett (Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Blackwell
Petrolia, were week-end visitors at
Mr. John Heywood’s.Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Willis and
children from Stephen, (Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Cole and Miss Leola Johns, of
Exeter, visited a-t Mrs. John Johns on Sunday.
Master Jackie Cornish, who was
injured by a car in Exeter last week
suffered a relapse on Monday. He
had been making a fine recovery
and his friends hope to hear he will
soon be regaining his- usual health.
Miss 'Grace Brock has been ser
iously ill from a poisonous infection
She has been a little improved these
last two days and we hope will soon
be fully recovered.
Mr. Ed. Johns underwent an operation for appendicitis in Victoria Hospital -on Saturday last. He is
progressing favorably at present.
Mrs. Johns is staying with him at
present.Friends of Mr. Lewis Woods were
sorry to hear that he is in Victoria
Hospital, London, suffering from
blood poisoning in -his hand. He had
an operation on it on Monday. Mr.
Jackson Woods was down -to -see
him on Monday.
iMr. C. A. Whitlock, of St. Thom
as, also Mrs. J. McNaughton and
Mrs. R. Dennison, of London, were
callers in this vicinity on Thursday
of last week.
Miss Bessie Hartnoil, of London, is visiting with her cousin, Mrs.
Chas. Johns.Mr. and Mrs. Dia Cornish, of De
troit; Mr. and Mrs. G. Hutchinson,
Mr. -and Mrs. Cursley and son
Mr. Frank Smith, of London;
and Mrs. Clifford Talbot and
Ewart. Cornish, of Goderich;
and Mrs. Norman Hannigan
family, of Exeter, were Sunday
iters at Mr. John Cornish’s and
attended the funeral of the
Mrs. Heywood, Sr.Mr. Ivor Morgan, Mrs. L. O’Rielly
Mrs. Rich, Johns, Miss Alma Johns
and Miss Eula Herdman were all
on the sick list during the past weeki
but are able to be out again.
Mrs. Wes. Horne was called to
Exeter Sunday night owing to the
illness of her mother Mrs. White
ford.Miss Florence Bell, of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Stackhouse,
of Brucefield, announce the engage
ment of their elder daughter Leila
Grace, to Mr. Tom Stanley Neale, of
Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Neale, of Th-orold, the marriage
to take place early in October.
Mr. Mr.
vis- also
____ ______ ___ Lucan,
spent the week-end at her home.
Word has been -received here, on
Monday of the
Hunter in St.
London. He is
this place.
The Y. P. S. ... ening commencing for ithe fall and
winter, The president occupied the
chair and opened the meeting witli
a hymn -and the Lord’s Prayer in
unison. The minutes were read and
adopted. Mr. Allen Johns then took
charge and after singing a hymn the
'Scripture lessons wore read by Miss
Lulu Hunter, Mr. Ronald Elf ord and
Mr. Lloyd Bell. Discussion of les
son was given by Mr. (Squire Herd-
man. Prayer was offered by Mr. Al
len Johns, *The topic, “What does
Christian Citizenship Signify Today’
was introduced -by Miss Margaret
Johns. Mooting closed with a hymn
and Mizpah benediction,
death of Mr. Rich.
Joseph’s Hospital,
an old resident of
met on Monday ev-
Mi*, and Mrs. John Oke, of U.s-
borne, wish to announce the en
gagement of their eldest daughter. Nora May, to Alvin Laverne, young
est sen of Mr, and Mrs. James
Cottle, of the Thames Road, the
marriage to take place in October.
Mrs. Richard Hunter and family
wish to thank the many friends for
the kindness extended to Mr, Hunt
er during his illness and also for
the kindness and sympathy shown
during their recent bereavement.
‘The family of the late Mrs. Eliza
beth Heywood desire to express
their sincere thanks to the neigh
bors and friends, fon the many acts
of kindness and sympathy extended
during their
recent bereavement,
for the beautiful floral tributes
Canadian Chautauqua at Crediton
on Friday. September 28th and Oct,
12th. Four programs by outstanding
artists. 'Season ticket $1.00 children 50’c.
Quite a number took in the
young people’s services at Greenway
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pollock, of
Detroit, visited his parents over the
Mrs. Joe Oliver is spending a
week with friends in London.
Mr. Russell Warner is improving?
his house with a new dormer andl
to of.
Mr. Alf. Tiederman is visiting hisf
daughter in Pt. Huron.
Mr, Glenn Brenner- had a narrow
escape on Sunday evening when hie
car left the road just after he had
turned off the 21st con. on to the
Crediton road. After tearing down a
few posts nobody was hurt but -the
car was scratched up badly with the
Mr. Morris Brenner is on tihe
sick list.
Oldhanij of StinHci spout iH’Sti
-Sunday with (Miss Marjorie Jamieson
and taking the service at Greenway
■on Sunady evening,
Ireland—-Marsh Nuptials
The ma-rriage was solemnized at
the home of Mrs. Thos. Marsh, Ar
kona, of her youngest daughter Win-
nifred, to Leslie Ireland, of Grand
Bend. The ceremony was perform
ed by William Hynd, of Hamilton,
in the presence of the immediate
relatives. The groom was attended
by Bruce Jamieson, of Grand Bend,
and tihe bride by her niece, Mis®
Ruby .Fields, of Arkona, The wed
ding music was played by Miss Char
lotte Simpsion, of London. After1
the ceremony, the young couple left
for a trip to the Muskoka district,
afer which they will -reside at Grandi
Bend. .... Jf