The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-09-20, Page 4THURSDAY, SEPTESDBER 20, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Continued, from page 1
.Heavy Draft—(Brood mare, R.
Huntex’, Garnet Jacobi; Foal, R.
Huntei’, G. Jacobi.3 year old, R, D. Hunter, I
R. D. Hunter. R. Hamilton,
old, G. Uacob-i; Team, J. Scott.
Wagon Horses—-Brood mare xvith
foal* Milton Luther, Clayton Frayne fbal, Milton Luther* and Franklin
Skinner; three year filly or gelding,
AVilfred Alack, Alanson Bros.; two A ” i . . — . •» — ’ • - 1 —' - - -
year, Ant FoTd, "f. Skinner;
animal, Wilfred Mack.
Roadsters—Brood mare with foal
N, Keys and Sans, R. Geiger; foal,
N. Keys and Son; pair in harness,
AV, Alagui-re; -single, H. Truemner,
J. C. Smiley; lady driver, Airs. Rader
Mrs, S. Chambers.
Judge, W. L. Mossip
Shorthorns—Aged cow, W. Oes-
triclier and 3rd, R. M. Peck 2nd; 2
year -old, AV. Oestniclier and 3rd, R.
IVI. Peck 2nd; 1 year old heifer, R.
Af. Peck; AV. Oestricher and 3rd;
Heifer calf, AV. Oestricher, R. Al.
Peek, AV. Oestricher; Bull Calf, AV.
Oestricher, R. Al. Peck, AV, Oestrich-
er; Bull two years and over, W.
Oestricher; Bull one year and over,
AV. Oestricher and 2nd; Diploma for
best animal any age, AV. Oestriolier-;
Herefords — Aged cow, O’Neil
Bros,, Stutt Biros., J. Hirtzel; 2 yr
old Heifer, O’Neil Bros., J. Hirtzel;
1 year old Heifer, Stutt Bros., J.
Hirtzel; Heifer calf, Stutt Bros.,
O’Neil Bros.; Bull Calf, O’Neil Bros.
Stutt Bros.; Bull, one year or over,
■Stutt Bros., O’Neil Bros., Stutt Bros
Bull, two years or over, Stutt B-ros., O’Neil Bros., J. Hirtzel; Diploma for
best animal any age, -O’Neil Bros,
ing and 2nd; Two year old Heifer,
Polled Angus—Aged cow, P. Dear-
P. Dearing and 2nd; Heifer Calf, F.
Cornish, A. Etherington; Bull Calf,
P. Dearing, F. Cornish; Bull, one
year or over, F,. Corni&h; Diploma
for best animal any age, P. Dearing;
Herd, O’Neil Bros., Stutt Bros,, W.
Jersey—Aged cow, Prospect Jer
sey Farm, St. Alarys and 2nd; Two
year old Heifer, ‘ Prospect Jersey Farm, T. Bruck; One year old Heif
er, Prospect Jersey Farm and 2nd;
Heifei' Calf. Prospect Jersey Farm;
Bull Calf, Prospect Jersey Farm and
2nd; Diploma f-on* best animal any
age, Prospect Jersey Farm; Rivers’
special best Jersey Cow, Prospect
Jersey Farm.
Grades—Aged cow, F. Ellerington 2nd and 3rd; Two year old Heifer,
F. Ellerington and 2nd; One year
old Heifer, F. Ellerington and 2nd;
Two year old Steer, F. Ellerington
and 2nd; One year old Steer, Albert
Etherington, Andrew Park, F. Eller
ington; Three Heifers, butcher, un
der 10 019 lbs., F. Ellerington; Di
ploma for best animal any age, F.'
Elerington; Traquair & Lindenfield,
for bst calf any breeed, Albert Eth
Judge—Wm. Charters Seaforth
Doi'set Horned
AI-r, P. Dearing won six firsts and
three seconds, also W. W. Taman’s
. . . D.
Thomas Brock;2 year old
1 year
year, Art Ford. Robert Rundle; one
Oxford Downs
Shearling Ram, S. Pym and 2nd;
Ram Lamb, S. Pym and 2nd; Ewe having x’aised Pym and 2nd;
Bros., S. Pym
and 2nd.Shropshire
R. D. Hunter; ... w .
inas Bros., R. p. Hunter; Ram lamb
R. D. Hunter and 2nd.
Lincolns—Aged Ram, A, D, Steeper, Geo. Penhale; Shearling Ram,
G. Penhale, A. D. Steeper; Ram
Lamb, A. D. Steeper, Geo. Penhale; Ewe, Geo. Penhale, A. D. Steeper;
Shearling Ewe, Geo, Penhale, A, D.
Steeper; Ewe Lamb, Geo,
A. Nicholson.
Leicesters-—Aged Ram,
Graham & Son; .Shearling
D. Steeper; Ram Lamb, D. A. Graham & iSon; Ewe, D. A. Graham &
Son, A. D. Steeper; ^Shearling Ewe,
D. A. Graham and 2nd; Ewe Lamb,
D. A, Graham and 2nd; A. D. Steep,
ner; Sweepstakes best animay in any
class, any reed, D. A. Graham & Son
•Geo, Penhale, A. D. Steeper.
Jas. Roy, Mitchell, Judge
Yorkshire—G. Miners took four
first and 2 seconds; Sow, under one
year, A. Etherington, Chas. Prout.
Berkshire—(Sow, undex* one year,
T. M. Snowden, A. Etherington.
Tamworth— Boar one year old,
Manson Bros.; Boar, under one y<r.,
Gelinas Bros., Manson Bros.; Sow. two years old, Manson Bros, and 2nd
Sow, one year old, Gelinas Bros.,
Manson Bros.; Sow, under one year
Gelinas Bros., Manson Bros.Chester White—-Best Sow under
one year, A. Etherington.
Judge, Chas Harvey
Light Bahamas, h., Mrs.
J. Kochems 2nd; ckl., J.
and 2nd; Dark B-rahamas,
O’Brien; Any variety Cochins,
Mrs. H. G. Whiting, J, Kochems, h.,
Mrs. Whiting; Silver Grey Dorkings
c. and li., D. A. Graham, J. Kochems
ckl., and p., J. Kochems; Buff Or.
c., Mrs Whiting, J, Kochems. h., O.
Battler, Mrs. Whiting; ckl., and p.,
J. Kochems and 2nd; Barred Ply
mouth Rocks, c., Mrs. Whiting, O.
Battler, h., Mrs. Whiting, ,ckl., J.
Sutton, E. Cudmore, p., E. Cudmore
Buff Wyandottes, h., Lloyd O’Brien
and 2nd; White Wyan-dottes, c. and
>h., Alfred Nicholson and 2nd; ckl.,
A. Nicholson, IL Cudmore, p., H.
Cudmore, A. Nicholson; Any other
variety Wyando-ttes, c. and h., D. A.
Graham & Son, Lloyd O’Brien, ckl.,
and p., D. A. Graham & Son; S. C.
Rhode Island Reds, h., ckl. and p., J.
Kochems and 2nd; R, C. Rhode Red
h., 0. Battler; Buff Leghorns, c. and
h., Llovd O’Brien; Brown Leghorns
c.. Mrs. Whiting, Orland Battler; h.
Mrs. Whiting. Lloyd O’Brien; Any
•other variety Leghorns, c. and p.,
Mrs. Whiting, 0. Ba.ttler-; Black
Spanish, c.. h., J. Kochems and 2nd;
Black Minorcas, c. and h., J. Sutton
and 2nd; ckl., Mrs. Whiting, J. Sut
ton, p., J. Sutton, Mrs. Whiting;
White Minorcas. h., Lloyd O’Brien
and 2nd; Andalusians, -c., h., ckl.
and p., O. Battler and 2nd; Anconas
p., L. O’Brien and 2nd; S. P. Ham
burgs, c, and lx.', L. O’Brien, ckl., L.
lambs this- year, S.
Shearling Ewe, Dick
Ewe Lamb, S. Pym
Downs—Aged Ram,
~ Shearling ram, Gel-
D. A.
Ram, A.
h., “L.
O’Brien, Mrs. Whiting; Black Ham
burgs, c. and h„ O. Battler, Mrs.
Whiting, ckl. and p., O. Battler;
Campines, Golden, c. and h., Lloyd
O’B-nen and 2nd; Campines, Silver,
c. and li., Mrs. Whiting; Polands, Golden, c., li„ ckl. and p., L O’Brien
and second B. B. Red Game, ckl. &
p., Mrs. Whiting; Any other variety
Game, c., -Mrs. Whiting, h., Mrs.
Whiting. L, O’Brien, ckl. and p., Mrs. Whiting; Bantams, Game, c.
and hen, A. Nicholson, ckl and p.,
A. Nicholson, Mrs. Whiting; Golden
Seabrjght D, Graham & Son, Mrs.
Whiting, h., ckl. and p., D. A, Gra
ham & Son; Any other variety of
Bantam, c. and h„ Mrs. Whiting, L.
O'Brien, ckl.. and p,, D. A. Graham
& Son, L. O’Brien; Houdan-s, ckl, &
р. , Mrs. Whiting; Red Caps, c., h.,
and p., W. J. Bowden; Sumatra
Game, h„ Mrs, Whiting; White
Rock, c., r\ ", . L. _, 2„h., L. O’Brien, T. M. Snowden, ckl., I Collection
J. Kochems '
с. , . ’ham & Son, J. Kochems, p., J.
ehems, D. A. Graham & Son;
other variety Fowl, ckl., and p„ Whiting.
Turkeys— Bronze Turkeys,
Cornish, won 4 first.
Geese, Bremen, old, G. Miners.
Toulouse, old, c., W. J. Bowden;
cld h., O. Battler, W. J. Bowden;
young gander and goose, W; J. Bow
den; any other variety Geese, old, O.
Battler, young, R. Brock & 2nd.
Ducks—iPekin Ducks, old drake,
and duck, John Selves, O. Battler,
young drake and duck, Roy Brock,
0/ Battler; Rouen Ducks. AV. J.
Bowden won seven prizes; Any other
variety Ducks, old drake and duck,
J. Kochems, R. Brock; young drake
and duck, R. Brock and 2nd.
Miscellaneous, c- and li., J. Selves Belgian Rabbits, old buck, young
buck, Wm. Stanlake; any other- var
iety Rabbits, old buck, old doe, M.
Cudmore; Hydro Shop, for best pair
of rabbits, Mervin Cudmore; Coll, of
Pigeons, Mrs, Whiting.
AV. Ortwein, Hensall
White, AV. R. Dou-
Cauliflower, C. Heywood; Red Onions, Dr. J, Grieve; White or Yell
ow Onions. J, Battler, Mrs. H. Des-
jar'dine; Spanish Onions, Bari Par
sons, AV. Sanders; Potatoes, Andrew
Campbell; Citrons, round, Mrs, C.
Sims, M. Cudmore; Parsnips, AV.
Sanders, Jacob Battler; Hubbard
Squash, H. Truemner, Dr. J. Grieve Table Squash, R. Geiger, Wm, Stan
lake; Tomatoes, Jacob Battler, AV. Sanders; Collection of Vegetables,
Jacob Battler, Warren Sanders.
Judges—Rd, Coates, Paul Coates.
Manufacturers and Implements
(Pair Blankets, all wool, Southcott Bros., Mrs. George Churchill; Wool
len Yarn, Southcott Bros.; Tailor
Custom Suit, W- W. Taman, Southcott Bros.,; Collection of General
Goods, -Southcott Bros,, W. W. Taman; Collection Tailor’s Goods and
Furnishings, AV* W. Taman; collec-,, AVi'is. vvunuug, VV1ULC p unusiuuga, vv. xaxixau, cuiieu-
T. M, Snowden, L. O’Brien tion of Groceries, SouUhcott Bros.;
_M, x. AM. jOXXVW-UCU, cm., I Cunevuuu
Kocnems, J. Selves; Black Giants J Southcott
J. Kochems, h., -ckl.. D, A. Gra- ' "
~ ~ - - * - Ko_
SEPT. 28th and OCT. 12th
Friday, September 28th
To delight youth and adults
In the glamorous story of “Cinderella” which will be the fea
ture presentation at this performance over thirty life-like figures
Of men and women, beautifully dressed in period costumes will be
“GRUMPY’ ’—4-act Comedy Drama x
Presented by Bob Hanscom Company
“Grumpy” is an internationally known play and was one of
the biggest successes in London and on tour in the langest cities o-n
both aides of the Atlantic. -Cyril Maude, the eminent English ac
tor. starred in this play both on the stage and more .recently on the
screen where it has proved a^very popular favorite, being given a
four-star rating.
Mystery, thrills and comedy abound. The play is not only en
tertaining in the -highest degree but is sweet and clean and decided
ly a credit to the modern stage and -screen.
Friday, October 12th
DeWillo Serueratt—Concertina Artist
Maria Maty as—Mezzo Soprano
La Noami Coffin—Violinist and Pianist
Seldom is an artist company so fortunate as to have a person
nel made up of artists of outstanding musical ability and program
material that is thrilling and altogether appealing.
(Pronounced—Ter-yee She-ar)
A most remarkable, effective, dynamic speaker—a Chinese
with the rich heritage of ancient lineage and culture will again
grace the Canadian Chautauqua platform. His brilliant mind, keen
wit and graciousness charm his audience.
Here is truly a great statesman who is doing a great work- In
world citizenship. His Messages are of intrinsic value in establish
ing international goodwill.
“For many years it has been my privilege to count Dr. Tehyi Hsieh
among my personal friends. I have the very highest opinion of
his character, his devotion, and high patriotism and for his ability.
He has done much in America to foster and stimulate better rela
tions between his own country of China and the wide world. It is
men of his type of which the world today stand's in greatest need.”
—(Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell, K.C.M.G., MP, FRCS
Season Tidcefs—Adults $1.00; Children 50c.; Single
Admissidnsy Adults 50c., Children 256 J Adults toi
Marionettes 25c.
Judge, J.
Fall Wheat,.....................
gall, Hilton Truemner; Fall AVheat
Red, Milne Rader, Herb Des-jardine
any variety Spring AVheat, Airs. 0.
Cunningham, H.‘ Desjardine; 6-
'rowed Barley, Alilne Rader, H. A.
Fuss; Black Oats, H. Truemner;
AVhite Oats, AV. R. Dougall, H. A.
Fuss; Timothy Seed, Mrs. O. Cun
ningham, Airs. S. Fennell; AVhite
Beans, Jacob Battler, AV. R. Dougall
Clover Seed, AV. R. Dougall, H.
Truemner; Collection grain in ear,
Roland Geiger, Airs G. Churchill;
Ensilage Corn stock and ears, ohas.
Prout, I-I, Desjardine; small peas,
Alilne Rader.
Winter Apples, F. Ellerington;
Fall Apples, any variety, F. Eller
ington; Rhode
Airs. 0. Dailey, Northern Spies, x-. Qut»uj.5iuu>
Airs. Dailey; Roxboro Russets, Airs.
0. Dailey; Golden Russets, H. Cud
more, Airs. 0. Dailey; Spitzburgs,
Harold Cudmore; Baldwins, Mrs. 0.
Dailey, iF. Ellerington; AVestfield,
Seek-No-Further, Airs. Dailey; “Snow
Apples, Roy Brock, F. Triebner; G-ravensteins, Airs. Dailey; Colverts.
Airs. Dailey; Fall Pippins, Airs. Dailey; King of Tomkins, William
Stanlake, Airs. Dailey; Alexanders,
Airs. Dailey, H. Truemner; Canadian
Red, Airs. Dailey; AVagners, Airs.
Dailey, H. Cudmore; Grimes G. Pip
pins, ATrs. Dailey, H. Truemner;
Alaiden’s Blush, Mrs. Dailey, Wm.
Stanlake; Ben Davis, Airs. Dailey,
H. Cudmore; Ontario, C. Heywood,
AVm. Stanlake; Wealthy, IL True
mner, C. Heywood; Duchess -of Oldenburg, Airs. C. Sims, William
H. Smith; Blenheim Pipipins, Airs.
Dailey, H. Truemner; Talman Sweet
H. Desjardine, Airs. Djatley; St.
Lawrence. C. Heywood, H. Cudmiore
Flemish Beauty, Mrs. Dailey,
AVm. Stanlake; Duchess of Anjou-
line, Airs. Dailey; Clapp’s Favorite
H. Cudmore; Beurs Clairgeau, Airs.
Dailey; Fall Lucrative, Mrs. H.
Desjardine, Mrs. Dailey; Sheldon,
Fred Brock, Mrs. Dailey; East
Beurre, Fred Brock; Louise Bonnie
De Jersey, Fred Brock; Bureau An
jou, Jacob Battler; Bairtlett, Mrs.
Dailey, Mrs. -C. (Sims.
PlumsCo’s Golden Drop, H. Truemner;
Imperial Gage, Mrs. Dailey; Dundas
Purple, Mrs. Dailey; Lombards,
Mrs. Dailey; Any variety of Plums,
H. Truemner, Mrs. Dailey; Pond’s
Seedling, Mrs. Dailey; Grand Dukes
Mrs. Dailey; Bradshaw, Mrs. Dailey
Rein Claude, Mrs. Dailey.
Aloore’s Early. Mrs. Dailey, Mrs,
George Churchill; Niagara,
Dailey; Concord, D. Rowcliffe,
Geo. Churchill; Delaware,
Dailey; Roger’s No. 15,
Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Dailey; Any
other Variety, Mrs. Churchill, Mrs,
G. McLean; Best Collection of
Grapes, Mrs. G. Churchill.
Early Crawford, Mrs. Dailey;
late Crawford, Mrs. Dailey; any
other variety, Mrs. Dailey; Air. I-I.
S. Walter, best display of Fruit, H.
Cudmore.Judge—D. Rowcliffe.
American Wonder Potatoes, Alil
ne Rader, Herb Desjardine; Beauty
of Hebron Potatoes,! W. H. Dearing
Fred Brock; Empire State Potatoes,
H. Desjardine, Jacob Battler; Red
Elephant Potatoes, Jacob Battler,
Roland Geiger; Carmen* No. 1, Mil
ne Rader, H. Desjardine: Rur-aJ
New Yorkers, H. Desjardine, AL
Rader; Irish Cobblers, M. Rader, R.
Geiger; Green Mountain, M. Rader,
Earl Parsons; Dooley, H. Desjardine
Chas. Prout: any other variety Po
tatoes, M. Rader, H. Desjardine;
three varieties potatoes, properly
named, H, Desjarine; Blood Beets,
E, Parsons, Warren Sanders; Globe
Beets, W. Stanlake. M. Cudmore;
Sugar Beet Alan golds, W. R. Dougall, w. Stanlake; Long Mangolds,
C. Heywood, H. Cudmore; Globe
Mangolds, W. H. Dearing, W. San
ders; Intermediates, C. Heywood,
W. Stanlake; Early Horn Carnots,
W. sanders, Earl Parsons; Nantes,
Fred Brock, W. Sanders; Lbng Or
ange or Red Carrots, W. Sanders,
Mrs. E, Pym; White or Yellow Field
Carrots, F. Triebner; Sweet Corn,
white, F. Ellerington; Indian Corn
Jacob Bailer* C. Heywood; Bantam
Corn, H. Desjardine, M. Cudmore; Water Melons, H, Desjardine* M.
Cudfnore; Pumpkins, F. Ellerington
Jos. Stacey; Squash, Roland Geiger
W. Sanders; Mask iMelons, W. H.
Bearing: ssveed Turnips, Wni. Stan
lake, W. H. Bearing; 5 Turnips,
dhy Variety* J* Selves, F* Triebher;
Island Greenings,
Hilton Truemner;
F. Ellerington,
of Boots and Shoes,
_______ Bros.,; Assortment of
.'Tweeds, AV. W, Taman; Pair Ladies
■ Boots, Southcott Bros., Pair Gent’s
■ Boots, Southcott’’Bros,
i Dairy Products
5 pounds butter, Jacob Battler,
, Mrs, Cunningham; R. N. Rowe, special for Best Dairy Butter, Jacob
Battler; 10 pounds, -butter, H. A.
Fuss, Mrs. Cunningham; Pound
Rolls or Prints, Mrs. O. Dailey;. Most neatly arranged plate of but
ter for- table use, Mrs. Desjardine,
Mrs. C. Sims; Jas. Lawson, special
for ten pounds of butter, H. A. Fuss
Iloney extracted, Mrs. E. Pym,
Mrs. S. Fennell; Honey in Sections
<5 lbs., Mrs. Geo. Churchill; Maple
• Syrup, 193'3, AVm. Stanlake, John
Selves; Home-made Bread, white,
Mrs. AV. Dearing, Mrs. L. Reynolds; Home-made bread, brown Mrs.
AV. IL Dearing, Mrs. Reynolds;
Eest homemade Roll®, Mrs. A. Pen-
hale, Mrs. Dearing; Best Tea. Bis
cuits, Airs. Edgar Darling, Mivs. O,
Cunningham; Best Tarts, maple,
Mrs. A. Penhale. Mrs. Cunningham;
Best plate of cookies for afternoon
tea, Mrs. Cunningham, J. W. Powell Angel Cake, Mrs. R. Motz, Jacob
Battler, Mrs. Dearing; Light Caike,
Mrs. Steiner, Airs. Cunninghram;
Dark Cake, Mrs. Steiner, Wm. H.
Smith; Apple Pie, 2nd, Roy Briock;
Pumpkin Pie, George Jaques, Mrs.
Motz, Lemon Pie, Airs. B. Pfile,
Mrs. Motz; Red Currant Jelly; Apple Jelly and Berry Jelly, Airs.
Cunningham, Mrs. G. AIcLean; Sour
Pickles, Airs. Cunningham, Jacob
Battler; 3 varieties .Sweet Pickles,
Mrs. Cunningham, Airs. E. Darling;
2 kinds Catsup, Jacob Battler;
Raspberries and Strawberries,
G. MciLean; Canned Pears, and Peaches, AVm. Decker,
Cunningham; Canned Apples
Grapes, Mrs. Cunningham,
Dearing; Canned Corn, Peas
Tomatoes, Mrs. Dearing, Mrs. _ ningham; Two varieties Vegetable
Marmalade, Mrs. G. McLean, Mrs.
Steiner; Canned Chicken, 1 qt., Mrs. Cunningham; Lunch for two,
5 pieces each, Airs. B. Pfile, Mrs.
O. Cunningham; Cured Ham, H. A.
Fuss; Assortment of Cured Meats,
H. A. Fuss; Meat Loaf, ready for
table, George Jaques, J. AV. Powell.
Oil Paintings
Scene, Airs. O. E. Martin; Miss
L. Grant; Fruit or Vegetables, Miss
Lucille Grant, Mrs. J. AV. Batson;
Flowers, Miss Livingstone. Miss T.
AVhite; Animals, Mrs. A. Penhale,
Airs. O. E. Martin; Marine view,
Airs. 0. E. Martin, Miss T; White;
Still Life Study, Airs. J. W. Batson,
Airs. 0. E. Martin;.
Water Colours
Landscape, Airs. N. |J. Dore, Miss
T. White; Seascape, Mrs. N. J. Dore
Miss Livingstone; Fruit or Flowers
Mrs. Batson, Mrs. Geo>. Churchill;
Original Study, Miss T. White, Mrs.
Batson; Portrait, Airs. Dore, Mrs.
0. E. Martin; Any Subject not list
ed above, Airs. Do-re, Miss Grant.
Pastel, any. subject, Miss
White, Miss Livingstone; Charcoal,
Mr-s. Martin, Mrs. Stainton; Pen
and Ink (Sketch, Miss Grant, Mrs. Batson; Pencil Drawing, scene, Miss
Grant, Miss Livingstone; Sepia,
scene, Miss Grant, Mrs. O. Dailey; Crayon Study, Miss Grant, Miss
Art Grafts
Crepe paper display, Mrs. Stain
ton, W. H. Smith; Sealing Wax ex
hibit, Mrs. B. Pfile, Mrs. Batson;
Painting on cloth, Miss Grant, Mrs.
Batson; Painting on glass or wood,
Mrs. D. Hackney, Mrs. Dore; Sten
cil design, Mrs. Dore, Miss Living
stone; Any New Craft, Miss Living
stone, Mrs. O. Dailey; Hand Paint
ed China—Convential -designs, Miss
L. Grant, Mrs Batson; Realistic,
Mrs. G. Churchill, Mrs. S. Fennell;
Lustre Work, Miss L. Grant, Mrs.
G. Churchill.Photographs—-Collection of ama
teur snaps, Mrs, 0. E. Martin, Mrs.
N. J. Dore; Photographs, Jos. Sen
ior; Display of Photographic views,
Jos. Senior.Judges—Miss Ross, Miss Brown.
Begonia, tuberous, Mrs. Reynolds
Airs. Churchill; Nolvety in potted
Plants, Earl Parsons, Mrs. J. Ja
Cut Flowers
. Mrs. G- McLean, Canned! Cherries,
Mrs. and
Snapdragons, 6 spikes, Mrs. E.
Heywood, Mrs. Geo. Churchill;
Snapdragons, col., Mrs. Churchill,
Clifford Heywood; Asters col., W,
H. Dearing, Mrs. Reynolds; Asters, white, AV. H. Dearing, Mrs. Church
ill; Asters, mauve, Mrs. Churchill;
Asters, purple, AV, H. Dearing, Mrs.
Churchill; Asters, pink, W, I-I.
Dearing, Mrs. Churchill; Asters, os
trich plume, Mrs. Churchill, W. H.
Dearing; Coxcombs, display, Mrs,
Reynolds, AV. H. Dearing; Coxcombs
leathered, Mrs. Reynolds, W. H.
Dearing; Cosmos, single and double
Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Reynolds, Dahlias
decorative variety, Ivan Smillie, An_|
drew Campbell; (S(Dalilias, cactus var-'iety, Mrs. E. Heywood; t Dahlias,
pompom variety, Mrs. C. SimS, Win.
Smith; Dianthus or Pinks, coll.,
Mrs. Reynolds, W. H. Dearing;
Gladiolus, 1 spike, Andrew Camp
bell, Mrs. Heywood; Gladiolus, >6
spikes, Mrs. Heywiood; Gladiolus,
coll., Mrs. Heywood; imipatiens or Balsams, Mrs, Dea-ring, Mrs. Rey
nolds; Marigolds, (African, Mrs. Dearing, Mrs. Reynolds; Marigolds,
French, Mrs, G. Sims, Mrs* Dearing;
Phlox, Drummondi, Mrs, Dearing,
Mrs, .Reynolds; Phlox, porrenial
Mrs. Dearing; Petunia, single, Mrs.
Heywood, Dave Rowcliffe; Petunias
double, D. Rowcliffe, Mrs. Reynolds.
Pansies, colt, Ahdrew a Campbell
Mrs. Reyndlds; 'Salvia, Mrs, Hey
wood, Mrs, Dearing; Stocks, MM
Reynplds, W- H, Dearing; Sweet
Peas, Mrs. Dearing, Wim. Decker;
Verbenas, Mrs Dearing, Mrs, Hey
wood; Zinnias, -crested or curled,
Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Dearing; Zin
nias, dahlia flowered, Rarl Parsons,
C.‘Heywood; Zinnias, Cliffiord Hey
wood, Earl Parsons; Collection of
annuals, 'Mrs, Reynold. Mrs, church- ill; Collection of Perenials, Clifford
Heywood; pride’s Banquet, Mrs,
Dearing, Mrs, G. McLean; Basket
Cut Flowers, C, Heywood, Mrs.
Reynolds; Hand Bouquet, Mrs.
Churchill, Mrs. Dearing; Novelty in
Cut Flowers, J,. W. Powell,
Living Room Accessories
Centre Piece, Mrs. C. Sims,___. ... .. . An
drew -Campbell; Table Scarf, Mrs. C. Sims, Mr. E. Darlmg; Cushion, Mrs.
S. Fennell, Wm. H. Smith; Card
Table Cover, H A, Fuss, Mrs. Fen
nell; Afghan, Mrs. Fennell, Mrs. D.
S. Hackney.
Dining Room Accessories
Buffet Set, Mrs. Fennell, Mrs.
McLean; Buffet Set, Mrs. Hyndman
Mrs. Darling; Centre Piece, white,
Mrs. Darling, Miss Livingstone;
Centre Piece, tatted, Mrs. Reynolds;
Tray Clo-th, ..Mrs, Hyndman, Mrs.
Darling; Lunch cloth and serviettes
Mrs, Darling Geo, Haques; Break
fast 'Set, Mrs. B. Pfile, Mrs. Darling
Tea -Cosy, Geo. Jaques, Mrs. Church
ill; Doilies, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Liv
ingstone; Ta-ble Mat-s, Mrs. Darling,
Mrs. Hyndman.
Pillow -Cases,
Darling, Mrs, c.
other sort, Mrs. _
Jaques; Guest Towels, Mrs. Darling
Mrs. Churchill; Bath Towel, Mrs.
Fennell, Mrs, C. Sims; Vanity Set,
Mrs. Darling, Mrs. J. Jaques;
Dresser Scarf. Mrs. Fennell, Mrs.
Darling; Boudoir Pillow, Mrs. Pfile
Mrs. Hyndman; Bed Spread, Mrs.
Fennell, Mrs. Petrie; Comforter,
Kathleen Kestle, Wm. Decker; Quilt
best hand quality, Mrs. Fennell-)
Mrs. Churchill, K. Geiger; Quilt,
best pieced, Mrs. Fennell, Miss Liv
ingstone, Mrs. Hackney.
Kitchen Accessories-—Tea Towels
Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Hackney; Pan
Holders, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. Fen
nell; Curtains, Mrs. Pfile, H. A.
Fu-ss.Domestic Class—-(Floor Mat. braid
er, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. Pfile; Floor
Mat, hooked, W. McGuire, . Mrs.
Pfile, It. Geiger; Floor Mat, cro
chet, Mrs. I-lackney, Mrs. Churchill;
Men’s Work Shirt, Mrs. Cunning
ham, Miss Livingstone; Men’s Knit
ted Socks, Mrs. Pfile, F. Carbert;
Knitted Mitts, Mrs. Hackney, J.
Battler; Knitted Sweater, Mrs.
Churchill, M. Rader.
/Ladies1 and Children’s Wear—
Apron, dainty, Wm. H. Smith, I-I. A.
Fu-sb; Apron (serviceable, -Mrs. S.
Fennell Mrs. C. Sims; House Dress,
Wm. H. Smith, Mrs. Cunningham;
Night Robe, Wm. I-I. Smith, H. A.
Fuss; Knit Indoor Wrap, Mrs. Hynd
man, Miss T, White; Baby’s Dress,
Wm. Decker, Mrs. J. Jaques; Baby's Jacket and Bonnet, Mrs. Hyndman,
Mrs. Dailey; Baby’s Carriage Cover,.
Mrs. Hackney; Child’s Play. Dress
and Bloomers. Mrs. Hackney, Mrs.
Dailey; Child’s Wool Sweater, Mrs. Motz, Mrs. Churchill; Child’s
Knitted -Costume, Mrs. Sims, Mrs.
.Hackney; La-dies’ Fancy Sweater,
Mdss Livingstone, Mrs. Hackney.Miscellaneous— Italian Hemstitch
ing, Mrs. Pfile, Mrs. Hyndman;
Fine Cut Work, Mrs. Hyndman,
Wm. Decker; Fancy Crochet, Mrs.
Darling, Mrs. Hackney; Fancy Knit
ting, Mrs. Hyndman, Dr. Grieve;
Tatting, Mrs. Churchill, Miss Liv
ingstone; New Cross Stitch, Mrs.
Hyndman, Miss White; Best small
articles, suitable for gifts, Mrs.
Jaques, Mrs. M'cLean; 2 specimens
Of any new Needle CraM, Mr.s. Fen
nell, Mrs. Jaques; Smobking, Mrs.
Hyndman, Mrs. Hackney; Best .ar
ticle made from old stockings, Mrs.
Desjardine; best made article from
1 yard factory cotton, Mrs. Hackney
Mrs. C. Sims; -best piece of fancy
work done by lady over 75, Mrs.
Hackney, Mrs. Dailey.
Green Mountain Potatoes,
Cunningham, Wm. Decker;
Cobbler, Mrs. Cunningham,
H. Carbert; Eureka, Fred H.
bert, Mrs. H. Desjardine; Golden
Bantam Corn, Mrs Desjardine, Fred
Ellerington; any other variety of table corn, Mrs. Desjardine; Blood
Beets long, Frank Triebner, Cliff
ord Heywood; Blood Beets, short,
ger.Frank Triebner, Cliff. Heywood;
Chautney Carrots, Fred Ellerington
F. Triebner; Any variety of Car
rots, F. Triebner, F. H. Carbert;
Yellow Onions, Hilton Truemer, Dr.
J Grieve; Red Onions, Mrs. H. Des
jardine, Dr. Grieve; Dutch Setts,
Fred Brock, Roland Geiger; Swede
Turnips, Mrs. Desjardine, John Sel-
'ves; Celery, Clifford Heywood;
Tomatoes, Wm. Decker, F. H. Cor-
bert; Cabbage, Audrey Sims, F.
Triebner; - Table Beans, F. H. Cor-
bert, Wm. Decker; ‘ White Beans,
-Clifford Heywood, Mrs. Desjardine;
Mangolds, Mrs. Desjardine, R. Gei-
Ciit FlowOrkAsters, Mrs, Reynolds, C. Hey
wood; Phlox, Mrs. Reynolds, C.
Heywood; Sweet Peas, Mrs. Rey
nolds, Mrs, J. Jaques; Nasturtiums
Earl Parsons, C. Heywood; Pansies
Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. J. Jaques; Ger
anium, Audrey Sims, Labelle Sims;
Balsams, Mrs. J. Jaques, Mrs. Rey-
embroidered. Mrs..
Sims; Pillow Cases Darling, Mrs. J.
nolds; Dahlias, C. Heywood; Mrs.
Cunningham; Gladioli, C. Heywood,
Mrs. Reynolds; Collection of Weeds
from Huron County, F. H. Carbert
Mrs. Reynolds; Collection of Leav
es, F. H. Carbert. Mrs. Reynolds; Writing first stanza of the National
Anthem, pupil ten years Old and
under Mrs. Reynolds, Joihn Selves;
Drawing of Huron County, ten years
old and under, Bessie Brooks, John
Selves; Drawing Province of Ontario, over ten years, John Selves-,
Herb Desjardine,
Winter Wheat, F, Triebner, Mrs.
H, Desjardine; Oats, F. H, Carbert
Mrs, H. Desjardine; Barley, F, H.
Carbert, Mrs. IL Desjardine.
Domestic Scienfeb
‘ * Mrs.
Cunn ing
ot rasp- Cunnlng-
Mrs. J.
; Apple
Home made bread,
ham; School Lunch,
ham; jah of plums,
ham, Mrs. Reynolds
berries, Wm. Decker,
ham; jar of strawberries,
Jaques. Mrs. Cunningham
Pic, Mrs. Cunningham; ____
Doll, Marjorie MAy, Frances King;
Pair hand worked Towels, Mrs; J,
Jaques; Sofa Pillow, mounted, Mrs.
J, Jaques: Taney Apron, Mrs. J.
Jaques, Kathleen Kestle; Fancy
Pin Cushion, Mrs. J. Jaquee; PIai«
liand-sewing, 4 pieces, Mrs. Jaques;
Button Holes, six, Mrs. Jaques;
Painting, any object, Donald Sivern®.
Elmer McDonald; Pillow cases, Mrs.
Jaques; Darning, 2 varieties, Mrs,
Jaques; Patching, 2 varieties, Mrs.
Jaques; Special for largest and best
pumpkin pie, North End Service
Station, Mrs. Cunningham.
Harness Special, Mrs. Whiting.
Hogarth Hatchery Special for best
pen of three pullets and one cocker
el bred -to lay Barred Rocks, E, Cud
Baby Beef Competition—Usborne
Twp.. A. Etherington and 2nd; J, T.
Hern, Hern Bros. Baby Beef Open,
Andrew Park, O’Neil Bros., A. Eth
erington and 4th.
Malting Barley Special, Milne-
Rader, Mrs. O, Cunningham, Orland
Battler, H. A. Fuss. R. Geiger.
Harvey Bros., for best loaf of
white bread, Mrs. Dearing; f-or best
loaf of brown bread, Mrs. Reynolds,
Super special for Angel cake, Mrs; Miss V. Essery. for angel cake
Mns, Dearing.
E. R. Hopper for best display of
■three new Art Craft, Mrs. Dailey.
Jones & May, best quilt, R. Geiger
Southco-tt Bros., Hooked Mat R.
Mrs. E. J. Christie, ladies’ fancy
sweater, Miss Livingstone.School Children’s Special Prizes—
(Miss M. Armstrong for best writ
ing of child 12 years and under, J, Selves; Dr. W. E. Weekes, for best
collection of stamps by public school
child Rd. Stanbury for best British
Empire collection, Rd. Stanbury,
Dr. M. C. G. Fletcher, gives $2.
fo-r best map of Dominion of Canada
drawn by pupil in grade 5 and 6,
Dr. Dunlop, for best collection of
named Butterflies, by boy 15 years
or under, Dick Bros.B. W. F. Beavers for best display
of carpentry by boy under 17 years
of age, F. H. Carbert.Grigg’s special for best pieced
quilt, Mrs. Hackney.
Friday, Sept. 28th
A large bill of Racing
Contests, Vaudeville
Greatly increased prize
eluding $10 cash prize on
List in
plate of
six potatoes; $5 value for bushel of
fall apples; $5 value for bushel of
winter apples.
The prize list is full of wonderful
Membership $1. No Entry Fee
Come to the Parkhill Fair
Admission: Adults 25c.
Children 10c,; Cars 25c.
— of ---
The undersigned- (auctioneer has
received instructions to -sell by
public auction on
Lot 16, Concession 6, Stephen,
1% miles north of Creditor
193 4, at 1.00 o’clock the following:
HORSES—Sorrel team rising 12
years; black horse, 5 years old; 1 ■
black driver, supposed to be in foal;
Belgium roan colt, 2 years old;
Belgium sucking colt.
CATTLE-—White cow fresh; red
cow, fresh; red cow due on 10th of
December; red cow due in October;
red cow due in October; roan -cow
due at time of sale; heifer 3 years
old ’supposed to be in calf; cow with
calf at foot; fresh roan cow; four
steers rising 2 years o-l'd; 3 heifers
rising 2 yeans old; 2 heifers rising
one year old; 5 steers rising 1 year
■old; (Hereford he'ifer (rising
years; )3- small calves. These
are all A 1 Durham cattle.
HOGS—York -sow in pig; 7
er pigs.
POULTRY—5 dozen mixed
IMPLEMENTS—Colony house
by 12; chicken feeding crate 12 ft
long 18 ins. wide; Deering hinder,
6ft. cut; 12 hoe Fertilizer drill F&W
spring tooth cultivator; 4-section
harrows; Dane hay loader, .nearly
new; 10 ft. M. H. steel rake; two
drum steel roller; Fleury riding
plow, new; Fleury walking plow;
2-furrow Alaple Leaf, nearly new; At
H. bean scuffler with puller, com
bined; 2 disc; manure spreader;
high wagon, neW; low wagon, near
ly new; flat slide rack 16 ft.; rack,
16 ft. wagon box with double sides;
st-ook rack, 2 gravel boxes, light rig
with .stock rack, pig crate, pair of
bob sleighs, pair of bunks, nearly
new; Wm. Thiel si eel buggy, a few
hay rack cills; a few gravel box
sides. 3 steel tire top buggies, one
Portland cutter with doors, nearly
new; chime bells, fanning mill,
Clinton; 40 good, 3 bushel grain
bags, sling ropes 2 sets-, new big
rope for track 1615 ft., 2 new neck
yokes, 3 heavy double trees, ice
racik, combineci for logs, pea harvester,
HARNESS*—2 good sets of double
harness, .god set spread rings, five
good horse collars, good set jingle
harness, 2 spring seats. z
3 loads of mixed hay, forks,
shovels, hoes, root, pulper, seperator
100 capacity nearly new; coal heat
er and other articles too numerous
to mention.
All 'Slims of $10.00 and under
cash; over, that amount 7 months’
credit will be given on furnishing
approved joint notes with a discount’
of 4 per cent, straight off for cash
on credit amounts.
ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer