HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-09-06, Page 4THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1934 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE MARRIAGES BOSSENBERRY — BARTOW ™ At the Trivitt Memorial Rectory on Sunday, September 3rd. 1934. Helen Lucille, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. B. R. Bartow, to Harry Robert Bossenberry, of De­ troit, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bossenberry, of Forest, by Rev. M. A. Hunt. DEATHS RYAN— In Biddulph township on Monday, Setpember 3. 193 4. May McLean, beloved wife of Caleb Ryan, in her 69 th year. GODSAVE—-Suddenly in Lucan on Monday, September 3rd, James Godsave in his 66th year. ROUTLY- i .......... — ' nesday, Routly, Routley in her "3rd year. ESSERy—On Friday, August 31st, Pheobe Evans, beloved wife of the late Samuel EJssery, of London, in her 74th year. • in Woodham, on Wed- August 2 9 th, Minnie beloved wife of James motion of M estcott-Sliier. Treasurer’s Report—1933 tax ar- tears $2§5.'O1O;“ Penalties $8.90; fee fur Township Rail Prov. election $8. Passmore^Moir—That the follow­ ing accounts be paid viz: B. M. Francis, agent, premium on Road Insurance, $115.40; Co. Clerk Twp. portion Hospital bill $17.10; Albert Etherington, ewe worried by dogs $8.00; Fred Ellerington, ditto $12.00; Wilbert Glanville, weed cut­ ting $3.75; Chas. Glanville, ditto $9.98; Orville Cooper, ditto $9.98; Wm. Bradshaw, ditto $18.31; John Kellett, ditto $22.06; Wilbert Bat­ ten, ditto $18.99; Walter McNicliol, ditto $7.'0ill; C. N. R. per H. Ford, freight on bridge iron $5.29; Henry Ford.’ superintndanee $47.40; Can. Steel Co., bridge iron, $35.67. ■Council adjourned to meet Satur- October 6th at 1 p.in. HENRY STRANG, Clerk. day, DASHWOOD ENGAGE3LENT Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold, of Dashwood, announce the njent of their second daughter Nelda Elizabeth ence Thomas Routledge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rutledge, Thamesford, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly on September 22nd. engage- youngest to Clar- youngest the CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson to thank their many friends neighbors for the kind expressions of sympathy shown them during their .sad bereavement. wish and the on ac- re- bill be Guelph Fraser, be re- USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of Township of Usborne met at Elim­ ville on Saturday, sept. 1st with all the members of council present and Reeve James Ballantyne in the chair The minutes of the meeting of Au­ gust 4th were approved as read motion of Passmore-Shier. Correspondence—Re Hospital count of Geo. Brunzlow. Letter ceived from County Clerk enclosing statement in full of bill for same giving corrected dates of entry and dismissal of patient. Westcott-Moir: That the paid. Carried. Requisition from the Board of Health that J. J. District Officer of Health, tained in office.—No .action after consideration. Notice from Dept, of Lands and Forests re Relief Settlement plan.— Tabled. Re Miller Drain, Hibbert Bdy.— Report by the committee of Coun­ cil appointed at last meeting to the effect that according to agreement entered into by Townships for the division of Usborne-Hibbert Bdy. each was the the the Town­ ship agreed to bear the cost of the drainage on their own portion. Moir-Passmore—That a commun­ ication be forwarded to Hibbert stating the Council’s opinion. By-law No. 6, 193 4—Re levying rates for Municipal taxation for the year 1934 was read and passed on THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile —Without Calomel .. You are feeling punk" simply because your Uver isn t pouring its daily two pounds of liquid y,our bowels. Digestion and elimination are both, hampered, and your entire system is being poisoned. y.0U n?ed ,’a a ?ver stimulant. Some- thing that goes farther than salts, mineral water, cancJy or chewing gum or roughage Vrhich only move the bowels—-ignoring the real cause of trouble, your liver. Take Carter s Little Liver Pills. Purely vege­ table. No harsh calomel (mercury). Safe. Sure. ask lor them by name. Refuse substitutes. Zoo. at all druggists. 53 I Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. Wm. Tieman and son Nelson, Stratford, spent a few days with relatives. Mrs. 0, Restemeyer and son Don­ ald visited hei’ sister in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kleinstiver, of Chi­ cago, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Klein­ stiver. Special Missionary Services will be conducted in the Lutheran church on Sunday when Rev. Woelfle, of Delhi will be the speaker assisted by the choir of Seebach’s Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Milford M'clsaac, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his parents. Misses Mary Mclsaac and Maxine Bischoff returned with them after spending their vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bills, of De­ troit, visited relatives over the holi­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Henrich and family of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Henrich. Miss E. Coulter, of Port Burwell, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. May and Miss Tillie Ehlers, visitors tricher. Mrs. of Kitchener, were holiday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Oes- Wm. Nadiger has returned home after spending a week at the home of her brother, Mr. James Og­ den, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kraft, of De- ' 1 t Sun-troit, visited relatives here on day. Mr, and Mrs. 0. Pedersen family were Sunday visitors in don. Miss Ruth Tieman left on Monday for Windsor where she will attend Kennedy Collegiate. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Dr. J. Routledge in Zurich on Tuesday. , Mrs. T. Hopcroft and Ruth and Russel returned home on Sunday after spending last week with rela­ tives in Woodbridge and Toronto. Mr. Jack Taylor, visiting his brother H. Taylor. Mr. and family, of father Mr. Mr. Adam Goetz is attending Tor- oronto Exhibition this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher were week-end visitors in Dorches­ ter. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Fassold and son Harold, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weil, of Tav- and Lon- of London, is Dr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. C. Detroit, C. Baumgarten. Schlemmer and are visiting her istoek, and Misses Margaret and La­ vina Diechert of New Hamburg were week-end visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brenner* of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brenner, of Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs Hendy Neuswanger on Thursday. Mr. Bryant, of Stratford, assisted by a male quartete will conduct the service in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening. The annual Sunday School Rally of the Evangelical church will be held the last Sunday in September. Miss Alice. Willert, who spent sev­ eral weeks with her parents return­ ed to Fort Wayne on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. -Smith, Windsor, and Mrs. P. Brown, of troit, were holiday visitors with and Mrs. R. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ajdams, Hyde Park, spent Sunday at lwme of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reste­ meyer. Of De­ Mr. of the SHIPKA held Sept. Rev. I Anniversary Service will be i at the United Church Sunday, 16th, afternoon and evening. A. E. Elliott from Main St. United , church, Exeter, will be the speaker at both services. Special music will also be given. The public school re-opened oii . Tuesday with a fair attendance. Miss L. Thompson, from Strathroy is the 1 teacher. Miss Alma Ratz left for Stratford were she will attend Normal School. Miss Ruth Lamport spent a week visiting with her sister Mrs. Gordon McNair, of Duffield. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Keyes, De­ troit, spent the holiday with their relatives. Mrs. Geo. Keyes and Miss Sue and Miss Bernice Keyes return­ ed home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and babe from near London spent the w'eek-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. F. LaFond and fam­ ily and Miss Erma Finkbeiner from Sarnia spent a few days with. rela­ tives. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the Lamport reunion at Spring­ bank and the Haist re-union at Crediton on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wuerth from Zurich called on friends here Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold and babe from London spent Labor Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milt. Ratz. The many friends of Mr. J. Ratz are glad to report he is improving after a week of illness. Mr, H. Kellerman and Mr. Earl Ratz attended Toronto Exhibition last week. Miss Grace Kellerman has return­ ed to her school in Toronto after spending the holidays at her home here. Reeve and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer vis­ ited Sunday in Us’borne at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. Butler and daughter Marie, of Cleveland, 0., visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Schroeder. Miss Vio-let Sharpe left on Mon­ day for Auburn where she has re­ sumed her duties as public school teacher. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lamport and family attended the Lamport reunion at Springbank on Monday. Miss Ila Sweitzer1 returned to Lon; don on Saturday after spending the summer months at her home here. Miss Leia Mollard, is holidaying with relatives in Hagersville. Miss Mildred Lamport left on Tuesday for London after spending the summer months with her parents Mr. Lionel Gale, who spent the summer with his uncle Mr. Clarence Gale has returned to his home in Windsor. K EXETER FAI MONDAY and TUESDAY, 17^1 QfU SEPTEMBER 1 • Ct 1OU1 n Tuesday Afternoon Attractions better than ever RELAY RACE 2 horses half mile each $8, $5, $2 Usborne, Stephen and Hay Twps. GREEN RACE One mile, $15, $10, $5 For horses that have not started before September 1st. HALF MILE BICYCLE RACES GIRLS’ SOFTBALL GAME TWO MILES Special attraction in front of the grandstand by the CANADIAN COWBOYS iMUSIC BY THE FOREST BOYS’ BAND In the Evening I ) A N C -E In the Opera House Good music COME TO THE FAIR! SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE Prize List for Exhibitors may be had on applying to the Secretary Wm. Coates, Pres.,T. S. Woods, Treas.,R. G. Seldon, Sec’y. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and son, Russell, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Meaner. Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and two sons and Mr. Sam. Meitner .-pent Sunday in Bayfield. Mis. Harry “ ‘ - with Mr, and Brinsley. Mr.-. C. R. Mildred, of week-end with Mrs. Wilson Ander­ son. Mrs, W. Spencer, of St. Thomas and Mrs. Harry Mills, of Centralia spent Sunday with Mrs. Wilson An­ derson. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Heatherly and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pace, all of London .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhn spent a few days in Windsor and Detroit Their daughter, Mrs, Blake Heathe and two children returning home to Windsor after a few weeks holi­ day here with her parents. Mr. Chris. Rau, who recently re­ turned home from the hospital was no quite so well last week and had to take to his bed again; but pleas­ ed to say he is able to be up and around again. Mrs. Walter McPherson and three children returned home Friday af­ ter visiting for two weeks with her sister, Mrs. F. Motz in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scriven and son, Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. William Wolfe, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mr .and Mrs. Charles Schroeder. Miss Mildred Schroeder, spent the week-end with ents, der. Lewis spent Sunday Mrs. Wes. Lewis near Young and daughter Cleveland, spent the , R. N., her par- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroe- KIRKTON Miss Ella Routley spent the week­ end with her mother Mrs. M. Rout- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Doupe and family, of London, spent the holi­ day with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Doupe. Miss Allie Doupe, of London, spent the past week with Mrs. Kate Doupe. Mrs, Chester Hazelwood and Edison, of Detroit, visited at home of Mr. Walter Hazelwood past week. Those that attended Toronto hibition this past week were Mr. Mrs. A. Francis and Lome; Mr. Mrs. Truman Tufts, Marion and : ma, Mrs. C. Walker, Mr. Cluff and Mr. L. Stone. An Old Relic Mr Morgan, of Fullarton Town­ ship brought to Mr. Ira Marshall’s store for repair a lantern that has been in constant use for 84 years. Mr. Morgan’s father bought it in Mitchell as they were coming thro’ to settle in F'ullarton in the year 1S50. It is lit by the use of a candle and probably isn’t just as bright as the’modern ones of today, but Morgan says it is always safe. GREENWAY .son the this Ex- , and and Nor­ Wilbur Mr. W.L Next Sunday afternoon Rev. W. Wallis, of Toronto, will preach in the United Church at 2.45. L Rev. J. B. Moore left on Monday to attend a ministerial conference near Toronto. Mrs. C. Grieve, who has been vis­ iting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed-- mund Ma cP hereon left (this week on her return to her home in Aus­ tralia. .She plans to visit friends in Chicago and California and will sail from San Francisco on the 17th of ■this month. We wish her bon voyage. Mr. and. Mrs. C. M. Wilson, Nia­ gara Falls, were visiting with rela­ tives? here last week. Mr. Harry Steeper has year tuition scholarship University in general Congratulations Harry and continued success. Mr. R. English and Miss Olive English and Mrs. Roy Sheppard spent last week in Detroit guests of Mr. Seibourne English. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Myers, Zurich, visited Mrs. .Sherritt recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shettler, of Buffalo, are spending a holiday here and at Grand Bend. MiSis Laura Leask spent last week with friends in Sarnia. Mr. and. Mrs. Detroit, visited on Saturday. Miss^Colwill, of London, spent a few days with Miss Thelma 'Shep­ pard. The Y. P. S. are planning for a special anniversary service on Sun­ day, Sept. l'6th in the United church Further notice next week. MiSs Maude Brown and Miss Viola Curts, of London spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson and family have returned to Toron­ to after spending tlieir vacation at their suminer home here. Elmer Gilbert, of Parkhill, visiteu Mr. and Mrs. Lonzo Romphf last week. Miss Kleinstiver spent last Mon­ day with Miss Lois Brown. Last Tuesday was a lucky day for the boys of the community. They charvaried Mr. Byron Brown and Mr. Hugh Hodgins and their brides and were generously treated. Mrs. Sheffler has returned to her home in Detroit after a short visit with Mr. Ervine Eggart and Elmer fShepperd, Mr. Dawson Woodburn returned to Toronto oh Monday and Miss Ruby Pollock to Hamilton to resume their duties as teachers. Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor, Spent the week-end with Mr1, and Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Miss Ula Ulens has returned home after a few weeks visit in Windsor. Word Was received here on $un- «day of the death of Mrs. J. Laurie of Delaware. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brown have returned to their home in Toronto after a visit with Mr. W. J. Brown, won a two- at Western proficiency. Clare Laughton, of at A. M. Wilson’s Lawson Memorial Library The door of the new Library build­ ing faces the Mall. The building was erected during the winter and spring months of 1934 and will be opened early in the autumn. The University of Western Ontario is fortunate in now having an ade­ quate and suitable house for its valuable and rapidly growing lib­ rary. The provision of this equip­ ment marks another step in the progress of Western Ontario’s leading educational institution. Prospective students for Winter Session are notified that Monday, September 24th, is registration day for all freshmen. Lectures begin on September 26th.. There is a penalty for late registration. For information concerning courses, scholarships, matriculation requirements, apply to UNIVERSITY ERNWE ONTARIO LONDON—ONTARIO Last Wednesday evening the Y.P. of the United church gathered at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. Gollen to spend a social evening with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gollen who were married recently. After games had been en­ joyed Miss Rubie Brown read an ad­ dress and Mr. Bob Brunswick pre­ sented them with a set of knives and forks the Young plied in a the young consisting of watermelons and can- ■teloupes. Recently the young people of the Anglican church gathered at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Alfred Elson and presented the happy young couple with with the best wishes of People. Mr. G. Gollen re­ fitting manner and then men served refreshments a (Mr. and Mrs. G. casserole. WOODHAM Gollen) CENTRALIA The chopping mill every day. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. iamily have returned holidaying for the past at their cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson and .-on Reg. spent a few days last week at Toronto Exhibition, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgins and Ce- Ex- at is running Willis and home after* three weeks oil spent last week at Toronto hibition. They spent Monday Niagara Falls. Rev. and Mrs. R. N. •Stewart Lorraine returned home last week from Montreal where they have been visiting with relatives for the past month. They were accompanied home by the latter’s mother, Mrs. McDonald, who is remaining for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. O’Brien are visit­ ing with relatives in Detroit. Miss Spence, of London, visited for a couple of days last week ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. Miss Margaret Hicks R. N., has been spending the past months with her parents Mr. Mrs. Andrew Hicks has returned to London. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard and Greta spent the week-end at Miss Anderson’s cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. Trueman Mills, of Hamilton, visited on Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Kershaw visited with relatives in London over the holiday. Mr. F. Warner spent the holiday at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and family have returned home after spending the past couple of weeks at Grand Bend. Mr. J. Kestle near Dashwood, Brown and Mrs. day. Mr. and Mrs. ily spent the week-end with tives in Galt. Mrs, Maltby and the' children remained for a visit. Master Douglas Fletcher visited last week with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie in Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson and Mr. Cecil Hodgson .spent a few days last week at Toronto Exhibition and at Niagara F'alls. They were accompan­ ied home by Miss Robinson, of Tor­ onto, who visited with them over the lioliday. A number of young men motored: to Niagara Falls on Sunday and at­ tended the Toronto Exhibition on Labor Day, Mr. and Mrs. Anchor, of Lucan, visited oif Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Boyes, Mrs. Wilson, of London, is visit­ ing with her sons Messrs. Gordon and Elmer Wilson. A number from the village at­ tended the Decoration Services at St. James cemetery, Clandeboye on Sunday. School r-opened on Tuesday with Miss Evelyn Clarke, of Goderich in charge. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sleamon and June spent the week-end with rela­ tives in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. W. H. Smith, of Toronto, vis­ ited with his sister, Mrs. Nelson St. Clair and Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Sr., the past week. and with who few and and Mrs. Brown, of visited with Armstrong on D. Maltby and Mr. Mon- fam- rela- andRev. family at Hamilton on week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beavers, ter, attended the .funeral .of Mrs. James Routley on I last. The Misses Netta Shier and lyn Wynn, of London, spent holiday and the week-end at home of their parents. Miss Ruby Bretlior, is visiting for a ' few home here. Mr. and Mrs. Guy family, of Bright, attended the eral-of the former’s aunt here. Mr. Henry Squire, of Exeter Miss Pearl Harris, of Chiselhurst were visitors last week at the home of the former’s son Mr. Jas. Squire. Miss Verna Scott was holidaying last week at the home of her cousin Miss Hazel Gunning. The W. M. S. meets this week at the home of Mrs. Ben Wilson, with Mrs. Wilbur Wynn in charge of the program, convenor of group number one. School reopens this 'week with three new beginners, Kenneth Mills, Grant Mills and Lloyd Jaques. We are pleased to see Miss Gladys Shier out again after her recent at­ tack of appendicitis. Rally Day services will be observ­ ed here September 22nd. A commit­ tee in charge program. Master Roy week to attend London. Master Jack spending a few Roy Shier. Our very sincere sympathy is ex­ tended to Mr. James Routley and .relatives of the late Mrs. James Routley who passed to the Great Be­ yond last Wednesday evening. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her and will be greatly missed in the neighborhood. The , funeral ..was held Saturday _afternoon with interment taking place in Exeter cemetery. The services were ■ducted by Rev. Mr. Lovegrove, pallbearers were nephews of deceased. and Mrs. attended the Drake Monday Lovegrove reunion of this , of Exe- : the late Saturday Eve- tli e the of Kitchener, days at Ro utley her and fun- and will look after the Shier a High leaves this Scho ol in Switzer days with has been his cousin con- The the THAMES ROAD" Mr. Jack Rydall has returned to his home at .Shallow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd were visitors at the Exhibition in Toron­ to for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Allen, of Chatham, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen, bringing with them their “Rolling Home.” Mr. and Mrs. Benson iTuckey and Mrs. Hun-kin, of Exeter, were Sun­ day visitors with their relatives here. Misses Ethelyne and Ilene Johns, of Elimville, have returned after visiting their cousin Miss M. Gar­ diner. School opened Tuesday with Miss Hazel Thomson, of Hensail, as the teacher. Mrs. Price, been holidaying for with her mother Mrs. has returned. Miss K. Wiseman with Mrs. Wm. Ratcliffe of Ander­ son. The Sunday .School picnic was on Tuesday afternoon at Mr. Allis­ on’s grove with a good attendance. The afternoon was chill y but sports were well contested and interesting and with .swings and slide the wee tots were very busy. A igame of ball was played when married men play­ ed of Detroit, who has three weeks Laura. Kay the sin ale men. is a visitor HURONDALE KHIVA and Mrs. John HutchinsonMr. „ and family, of London, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason. Miss Anna Dietrich left on Satur­ day for Chatham where she will at­ tend College, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Sararas, Tor­ onto, visited on .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert. Miss Ruth Willert, who has been visiting her .aunt and uncle for a few weeks re­ turned homo with them. A number from here attended the picnic at Drysdale on Labor Day. Mr, Gordon Miller, of Parkhill, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mfs. Jas. Ziler. Miss Dorothy Dietrich, of London is spending a couple of weeks at her homo h6re. . Mi", and Mrs, Mason and family, Mr. and Mrs. IT. Eagleson and fam­ ily attended the ’Wilson’s reunion at Crediton last Wednesday. Miss Anha Dietrich entertained a number of her friends to a dance last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gfltchalk, Seaforth visited for a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs, W. Stade. The Children’s Day meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Ford when a most enjoyable time was spent and a good crowd present. The meeting opened sharp at 2.3'01 in the usual way. The roll call was answered with a “riddle.” After a few items of business had been dealt with a splendid program followed by the children; recitation by Hazel Williams; solo by Gordon Klein- feldt accompanying himself on the guitar; recitation by Marion Rundle tap dancing 'by Betty Ann Law; re­ citation by Patsy Mitchell; Law­ rence Dunn and Bobble Jeffery sang a duett accompanied by the guitar; mouthorgan selection by Norval Cann. Miss Ann Allison then gave a .......................... A few- on the 60 sat talk on “Infant Welfare.” sports were then enjoyed lawn, after which about .. __ down to a dainty unch served by the losing side of the contest. The Sept, meeting will be held at the home- of Mrs. Earl Mitchell. The wise wife never quarrels with lier husband the day before pay day. Nothing ever looked as queer as seeing you own name in print—mis>- spelled1.