HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-30, Page 8THURSDAY, AUGUST BOTH, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE The interior of the post Office lias been brightened with a fresh coat of paint. The work was dmie by Mr. Samuel Hoss. Mr. Geo. Beavers returned to T >r- onto on Saturday after holida-ing for a week with his parents, Mr. Beaver", who is with the advertising department of the Canadian Chew­ ing Company, leaves early in Sep- temhvr fox* New York and for the next two years will bo rngug-d at vari-m> plants of the eonipanj in dif­ ferent states of the Union. The II. Al. Smith Beauty Shoppe will be flux'd from Augu-t 27 to Sept. 3. inclusive. Exeter Markets Wheat 92c. Barley 6 5c. Oats 3 6e. Buckwheat 60e. Manitoba’s Best $2.90 Model $2.80 Welcome $2.6>* Low Grade Flour $1.45 Bran $1.3u Shorts $1.35 Creamery Butter 24c. Dairy'Butter 19-22<•. Egg, extras 17c. Eggs, firsts 15c. Egg-, seconds, Hogs, $8.00 . CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, R.A., B,l). Alinistei’ Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“Honouring God”. Sunday evening service will be withdrawn in favor of Trivitt Mem­ orial Anniversary. SPECIALS IN DRESSES PIANO TUNING & REPAIRING S. Board man will be in Exeter and district Tuesday, Sept. 4 th. Please ’phone No. 3. W. Martin. 11 vqars with Heintzman Co., o 11 i LOCALS 1 I0—I— »| O ■—i II' ■— 11 an— O ■mi it 1 i <0 All av irk demothed. cleaned and guaranteed. “Wai. lor Boardman. it pays’* HURRY HACK - "to Grand Bend f t.’ the “End of Season Sale.” Evi ry thing io be sold at deep-cut priie- at Grieve’s Drug Store. VETERANS ATTENTION I Tie Annual Huron County Veter­ an"' church Pai ado will be held in BrU"-el" o;i Sept. 9th, Ab thi> wear­ ing i f berets at all future Veteran's Parades i- recommended, will those Veterans who have no beret, com- muuieate with M. W. Pfaff not later than Sept. 3rd. so that they may be supplied in time for this parade. OLD AM) NEW BAND MEMBERS ATTENTION A m "ting of all those interested both Old. Band Members and New Recrui’s will be held at the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday evening at 8 o’el.'ik to consider the orginiza-, turn of a band for the village. We look for a full meeting. Come; NV. D. Sanders, Reeve; H. 0. S’lithcott, and J. Senior, Committee NOTICE— Members of the 47th battalion who‘are interested in a banquet for the purpose of organi­ zation to be held in Goderich some time in September, please get in touch with R. H. Cornish, Exeter. notice Having sold our business to Air. T. McVey,we wish to thank the many <-ust omo rs fo r their splendid patronage.All account" are now due. and must be s ettleu1 by the 15th of September 19114. .A.fter that date all out"ta ndin g adcount" will be placed foi illecti on with costs added.— '\v‘. O.Dixtin, Alooresville. W ANTED--100 a c re farm; good built ling"; lo ts of watei ; close to sc ho 11. AVill pay cash — Apply to Time ‘S-Advoca to. POT A TOES FOR SA LI I—6 De, per bag vs on ly, while we dig. Thui "day. F rid ay and Saturday. Sept ls‘. U omo and bring your bags and take them off the field.— Earl Gai-er,I).l"hwood. MAN WANTED with ear as dis­ tributor for Ward’s Quality Food Products , Toile: Preparations direct to established users in Huron Coun­ ty. An all Ontario Company. Write T. H. Ward Company. Hamilton. HORSES FOR SALE—Five horses all go‘d to drive, work and ride; 2 young ponies, 2 saddles; all priced reasonable. Apply to NV. J. Roberts at Brenner's Barn. Grand Bend., COTTAGE FOR SALE—.Ajiply to Mix Cottle. LOST— A collie pup with white ring around heck, collar attached. Kindly leave information with Mr. Turnhull at Turnbull’s Grove or the Time>-Advocate. DANCE TO—“Shorty Grant's New Orchestra” at Bayfield, Saturday. Sept. 1st. All the latest hits. TO RENT— The lower storey of the residence of the late Mrs. I. Hall Exeter North, comprising five rooms furnished or unfurnished. FOR SALE — Electric washer, Raymond sewing machine, parlor furniture, all in good condition. Apply this week to the executors of the estate of Mrs. Nancy Hall, Exe­ ter north. ltp. NOTICE Dr. Roulston desires to announce that his Dental Office will he closed for a couple of weeks. Date of re­ pelling will be announced in ’he next issub of the Times-Advocate. UNION SERVICES Main Street and James Street Rev. A. H. Elliott and Alain Svreet Choir will be in charge during August 10 a.m.-—Sunday Schools 11 a.m.—Alain Street The evening service will be with­ drawn in honor of the Trivitt Alem- orial Anniversary. Prayer service Thursday August 30 at Janies Street. This week we offering our entire stock of Dresses at special This stock consists of Voiles, Celanese and Crepes It will pay you to see them. prices. in printed and plain materials. Note the following reductions:I Gerald week Bert the Miss Young, of Seaforth, is visit­ ing with Mr.s J. A. Stewart. Miss Ina Jaques is visiting at Chesley. Mr. Wm. McKay spent the week­ end at his home in St. Mary.", Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sayers spent the past week holidaying at Grand Bend. Miss Marjory Ml’dd returned t” her home here after holidaying in i'.'route. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and fam­ ily, of Centralia, are holidaying it Grand Bend, Messrs. W. J. Beer and Skinner spent a l’ew days last at Grand Bend. Messrs. George Grant and Clark spent the forepart of week in Detroit Miss Mary Gorle, of Toronto, vis­ ited for a few days last week with Mrs. J. Hamilton. Mr. Thus. Moffatt, of Napanee, is visiting at Mrs. W. G. Mr. and Rochester, and Airs. Wm. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams, of Rochester, N. Y., spent a week with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Lampman, of Burgesville, spent a few days with their son, Mr. K. J Lampman. Messrs. Wallace Seldon and Frank Strange, of London, visited at their homes here on Sunday. Mr. Kenneth Hockey and his aunt Airs. F. AI. Boyle, motored to Lans­ ing, Mich., to visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. David Hall and Mrs. Rinshed, of Detroit, are holi- g this week in Exeter north. on for a the home of Mr. and Medel. Mrs. Lewis Law ton, of are visiting with Mr. Gladys for a the Chas, day in Mrs. Gertie Hockey returned Saturday after holidaying couple of weeks at Lansing, Mich. Misses Hazel Elliot and St.'ne left on Wednesday week’s motor trip ar-ound Muskoka. Mrs. Frank Squire and Shirley, of Whalen, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. AV. T. Forrest. Bo­ gota, N. J., are visiting with Eacrett connection in this commun­ ity. Miss Leila Welsh and Miss M. Thomson, of Toronto, visited re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ho- wald. Miss Agnes Prebble. of Ilderton, returned home Tuesday after spend­ ing the past month with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Sillery. Airs. A’ L Roulston and Airs. A. Frost, of Simcoe, spent a few days last week with the former’s parents Air. and Airs. E. A. Howald. Air. and Mrs. J. H. Jones, Nejl and Gwenneth motored to Toronto the forepart of the week to visit with relatives and take in the Ex-f liibition. Air. and Airs. Al. Snell and daugh­ ter Alae. Airs. N. Baker and Eileen Snell have returned home from Grand Bend where they have been holidaying. The Exeter branch of the Cana­ dian Canners started canning corn on Tuesday. There are several hun- drew acres under contract and the crop is splendid. Exeter Fair will and Tuesday, Sept. The Forest Boys’ Canadian Cowboys, ers of London, will be features of the fair. Air. and Airs. AV. H. Dearing re­ be held Monday 17th and 18th. Band and the radio entertain- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M<. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss AlacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middleuiiss ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY a. m.-•Holy Communion —Sunday School —Morning Prayer & Sermon S 10 a.m. 11 a.m.- The Ven. Archdeacon Sage, M.A. D.D. 7 p.m.-—Evensong and Sermon Canon 'Warner ALA., D.D. ...The Finest • • • in PERMANENT WAVING Croquinole, Spiral and Combination L. Stackhouse Phone 245 Now on Display NEW FALL DRESSES The very latest in style and pattern SILK SUITS, HOSE & SLIPS Ward's Ladies’ Wear Come and see our stock You will want to buy. LOCAL NEWS iLondon, spent i with his father | Values to $4.50, Sale Price $1.39 Values to $6.95, Sale Price $2.95 Values to 9.95, Sale Price $4.95 EXTRA SPECIAL IN Fine Shirts V* 400 Men’s Collar-attached Fine Shirts in a wide range of new and smart patterns. These shirts are made by Tooke. They are good full fitters, beside being fast colors. You will do well to lay in a supply at these low prices. Sizes 14 to 17 each $1.19 or 2 for $2.25 See them in North window Grocery Specials that will Save You Money Jewel Shortening 1 lb. pkgs..............1 OC Aylmer Pork and Beans Large Tins .............1 OC Comfort Laundry Soap 4 bars for 14c TEAS ARE STILL ADVANCING IN PRICE—TRY OUR BULK TEA AT 49c, A POUND Good Cooking Rice 3 IBs. for 14c Campbell’s Spaghetti 3 tins for 25c CHIPSO large pkg 19c PLUMS ARE NOW AT THEIR BEST, LEAVE US YOUR ORDER Peanut Butter Finest Quality Large Jars .............fcwV SUGAR Granulated or Brovyn 10 lbs. for 56c MUFFETS per pkg 9c FOR SALE—Baby Buggy in A-l (■•million. Apply at Times-Advocate NOTICE—Having sold my busi- ih1-.' *o Mr. James Bowey I wish to thank ‘he many customers far their splendid patronage. All accounts are now due and must be settled by the 30‘h of September. 1934. After that date all outstanding accounts will bt» placed for collection with added. Payments may be made • either myself or Mr. C. J. Luke.’. -Mrs. E. J. Christie. 8-23-2tc FOR SALE -Junior No. 6. Seed Wheat, bald white wheat, free from luo-e head, smut or weeds. Good yivlde". A winner at all fairs. Hii- * «n T:u -mmr. R. R. 2. Zurich phone 85 r 11. S--23-2tp. FARM FOR SALE Sruth mart of the NVe-t part of Lot 17. ten. 5 ar.d Lot 16. Con. 6. Tow:.-mip of Stephen. 15h acres mo.’i* ur h1" » wm'd by Paul Schenk. Th. •> are 1” a« re< ><f good bush on tin- p.ae>>. a brick hau-e. bank barn, drivi: g "bed and pig stable. Farm well drained and fenced. Good water supply. 1 A miles north of Credit- on * Apply to H. Either & Son, Cn ditom _ FOR SALE-—The brick house and j land where the late Susan Atkinsonj lived on William Street, Exeter. I Apply to R. N. Creech. I Air. Reg. Beavers and Aliss Dm-’ othy Alisener, of Sairnia, visited with i the former's parents over the w.-ek-; end. ! Airs. Proger, Air. Alvin Proger and! Aliss Alarion, of London, motored up; and called on friends in town on' Alonday. Air. and Airs. Jas. Ogden, Alisses Aleatha and Jean Ogden, of London visited Airs. John Ogden at Dr.1 Fletcher's hospital on Sunday. | Air. Louis Day Sr. has been visit-( ing for a couple of weeks with his < | daughter, Airs. Holmburg, of Sault I I Ste. Alarie. Aliss Alary Tapp, ,5x1*8. □uceie and Miss Gertrude Camm visited ’ _foil- several -days last week with Airs.! “ C. A. Southcott at Grand Bend. j . Air. and Airs. Robt. Gambirill have If returned to Palmerston after lioli-* daying with the former’s parents, I Air. and Airs. A. H. Gambrill. ( Airs. J. T. ] _ Aliss Vera and Airs. Brown, of Sarnia' visited with Airs. Jno. Snell and other relatives over the week-end. William (Duke) Appleby, of Tor­ onto, was in town over the week­ end interviewing Al. AV. Pfaff and R. H. Cornish in reference to holding a banquet sometime during September,__ __ .............. and oraginizing the members of the on display a snake cucumber that 47th Battalion, C.E.F. (measures 44 inches in length and Mr. Ray Aloore, of Fergus, visit- weighs seven pounds. It was grown ed> over the week-end at the home ■ J^utHng. .A^cBmbing bean : of Air. and Airs. ] i SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ontario OFFERS FOR THE FALL TERM, 1934 . Courses: Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial & SPECIAL COURSES CORRESPONDENCE COURSES to those who cannot attend school Write or phone 19 8 I B. F. Ward, B.A. Principal AL Sheere' M. A. Stone, Com. Specialist V. Prin. Gordon Hewlett, Jack. Blacker, Arleigh Bunston, Lawrence Down­ ing and Len Paddock, of Oshawa O. M. 0., visited with the former’s . mother, Mrs. Al. Hewlett on Friday. ■ — iThe bovs were on their way home FuBer^ and daughter I after attending Chicago World’s T <" Fajr< j Last week the Times-Advocate I mentioned having a tomato weigh- ! ing one and three qarter pounds in iouf window. Since then a tomato weighing two pounds has) been on (display. The tomato was grown by I Mr. H. Sparling. AVe have also had 47th Battalion, C.E.F. i Air. Ray Aloore, of Fergus, visit-j - h Gam brill ^Mi^ Inieasures 24 inches in length Moore' san J T very ' delightful' solo’ I and grown by Mrs. Sweitzer was mr. ana mrs. w. n. .wearing re-jat the union service in James Street in^° ^he office on Tuesday, turned recently after holidaying for united Church on Sunday morning, two weeks at Grand Bend. They lefts , , , , . 'on Tuesdav to spend the next two | and Airs. Frank Johns accom- » Mr. and Airs. Cairns and' j son motored up from Toronto and , spent the week-end wjth the form­ er’s mother, Airs. AV. Johns. Airs, i Johns and children are remaining i for the week. Gerald Skinner, while at Grand Bend last week was successful in landing a large black bass. It was 18 inches long and weighed 3U lbs. and was largest to be with a hook ordinary dew Mr. E. Al. Howard Dignan are leaving today fo: ‘ ............. wi hibiti posit i< High :ew du tie The Exeter Fair Board are plan- ;ing a splendid pr >gram of enter- ainmunt fthe afternoon of the evund day of the fair, Tuesday, leptemher 18th, There will be trials if speed, softball game. The Forest Soys' Band and the Canadian Cow- >.»ys, of London, real entertainers, ind a daiue at night. weeks visiting with relatives at Sar-j Ponied^bj’ ^M nia. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Belling and son, Donald, of Detroit, are visiting with Mrs. Selling’s parents Mr " ‘ ~ just r< the M: Coast. Th< Streel their hu rst week, were the do; and Mrs. turned ritime A. Fran ci; from provinces They have a trip through :o the East People of Church the pr> at James “seated Cli f p ere 4 MKI New I » Young United play “Civil Service" 1 on Friday evening The large crowd treated to pie and ice ie. Union Services by the James St. United Churches wil intinued next Sunday with ser at Main St. in the morning evening service will be with versa rj Ma 1- last resent am at ! and he e vice The drawn in honor of the ana. services at Trivitt Memorial Church r Fall Necessities ******** CHOOSE YOUR SUIT NOW FROM OUR NEW FALL SAMPLES OF TIP TOP OR BURGESS SUITINGS FALL HATS IN ALL THE LATEST SHADES COME IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CAPS, SOCKS, SWEATERS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, ETC IT WILL BE WORTH WHILE W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 X EXETER, ONT JJ A REAL BARGAIN .g and weighed 3U said to be one of the caught off the dock and line. He used an worm for bait. Dignan and son Mr, Toronto where they will visit h ■’datives and take in the Ex­ it, The latter has secured a n on the staff of "the Thorold "Chool and will commence hi" on Tuesday next. DRESSES& SUITS o y C MASTER CLEANED AND TAILOR PRESSED SYSTEM OF DRY-CLEANING WHITE FLANNELS CLEANED................. THE FOLLOWING AGENCYS WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU W. W. Taman, M. C. Sleamon, J. M. Ross & Co., S. Rannie, Exeter Centralia Lucan Hensail E. W. CROUCHER, DIVISION REP. MARVO ALL GARMENTS INSURED MSB ra