HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-23, Page 4THURSDAY, AUGUST fiSrd, 1934 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE GASOLINE SALE Saturday, August 25th TRE HURON GAKAGI3 progressive and forward-look- irganization in Exeter is the m Garage by Stewart Brothers, modern building housing the equipment jod-will were taken over some ars ago by Cecil Stewart, who Cash Price 14c per gallon Total 6c tax a gallon Price Not more than 5 gallons to one customer 20c & Our car business has increased Our service business has increased. We now have three experienced mechanics to serve you and we thank you for your patronage. AVe are determined to have our share of the will sell AVhite Rose best grade gasoline on gallon plus tax and after Saturday our price pump in Exeter. AVE AVANT YOUR GASOLINE BUSINESS Gasoline Business and Saturday for 14c. per will be as low as any LOCAL NEWS I Messrs, Joe and Ray Creech are' holidaying with relatives in Detroit Aliss Helen Brown, R.N., of Tor­ onto, is the guest of Aliss L. M- Jeckell. Caven Sunday .School are holding, their picnic at Turnbull’s Grove this] AVednesday afternoon. Aliss Ila Sweitzer, of I^ondon, is spending this week with her grand­ mother, Airs. L. Sweitzer. Ross AVard cut a nasty gash in I his shin1 with a hatchet which re-, quired several stitches t° close, i Air. and Airs. Gordon Sewell and family, of Welland, visited on Tues-' day with Air. and Mrs. Claris© Snell. Mr. E. J. Pym, of Usborne, has a Shorthorn cow that on Tuesday i gave birth to her fourth pair of twin calves. James Street Young People will present their popular play “Civil Service” at Chiselhurst on Friday evening of this weeds. Air. and Airs. Chas. Harris, of Kingsville, returned to their home Friday after visiting with Mr. Airs. AVm. Sillery and others. _ __ _____ ___ ______ ___ The Times-Advocate has on dis-| one’ month *if“they"did' not give“full and A ing ' Hun The ......... - „Huron Garage and the and g ' six ye.. „ _ _operated the establishment till the first of the -year, when he took hi'S brother Charles in as full partner. The veteran organization with the new blood and- modern methods and ideas has grown slowly and surely all- these years. 'The Stewart1 Bros, do not believe in a lot of fus's and fanfare, but take their and chances of steady and progress on handling only qual­ity products and in giving their pat­ rons cheerful and prompt attention. The Huron Garage handles Ply­ mouth and Chrysler products, Alon- | arch Batteries, British-American gas and oil, Super-Lastic tires and tubes and they are the official On­ tario Motor League Road Service garage. They service and repair every make of car. The Alessrs .Stewart Bros, have made the automobile business i their life work. They realize that I they could not remain in business Going Forward with Exeter and District SANDY EL I OT ■■ HURON GARAGE Phone 64 “The Ohl Established Ford Garage*’ HICKS FAMILY PICNIC The Hicks family picnic was held •on Friday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Leary at Staffa. The honored guests of the occasion was Mr. Howard Leary, of Edmonton and his bride-to-be Miss Elsie AVitt, of Wallaceburg, who were married in Toronto on Saturday evening. A pleasant anj sociable time was en­ joyed. A sumptuous repast was served. During the course of the day a number of races were held. It was decided to retain the same officers for the next year and the next picnic will be held at Turnbull’s Grove, Grand Bend in June, 1935. The results of the races were as fol­ lows: under 7 years. Labelle Blair, Douglas May, Donald boys and girls under Blair, Donald Blair legged race, Donald Jim Blair and Iva Blair and Stanley kicking the slipper, Al. Greenwood. Mrs. kicking slipper, Blair and Hedley May. Southcott lo, Bobby Iva Leary; 3- and Jack Blair Leary, Andrew Peter; ladies Iva Leary, Mrs. Jim Blair, men Andrew Blair,J. DEARING FAMILY PICNIC The fourth annual Dearing picnic comprising the descendants of the late AVilliam and Jane Dearing was held at the beautiful picnic grounds at Spruce Grove Gas Station, the home of Air. and Airs. Chas. Isaac, just three miles south of Exeter on AVednesday afternoon of last week with about 55 members present. Sports and amusements- were enjoy­ ed and a sumptuous picnic supper was served. There being a booth on the grounds at the gas station to serve refreshments made it pleasant for all. The officers were elected for the coming year as follows: President, Mr. Percy AVebber, Exe­ ter; Treasurer, Air. Jas. Dearing, of Dorchester; Committee in charge of sports. Air. and Airs. Alvin Essery, AVilliam and Luella Stanlake. Those who came from a distance were Mr. Harry Cornish; Air. and Airs. Wm. Haist and daughters Ina and Jean of Kingston, Mich.; 'Mr. anj Airs. Howard Gottlieb, of Detroit, Mich.; Air. and Airs. AVes. Isaac, of Grand Bend; James Dearing and family, of Dorchester, Ont.; Air. and Airs. Abe Steeper, and family of West AlC'Gil- livray The results of the races were as follows: Candy scramble for tiny tcts, Helen Lightfoot, Joyce, Wil­ lard, Shirley Taylor, Gerald Dear­ ing; Boys 10 and under, Billy Es­ sery and Billy Reynolds tie; Donald Dearing; girls 10 and under, Mar­ jorie Essery, Ina Haist; boys 16 and under, Philip Dearing, L. Reynolds; young ladies stretching gum, Luel- ia Stanlake, Elva Dearing; single men’s race, Lloyd Reynolds, Billy Reynolds; peanut race, married la­dies, Airs. H. Lightfoot, Airs. H. Gottlieb; ladies throwing ball thro’ hoop, Mrs. Percy AVe'bber, Airs. AV. Dearing; drinking race, W. Haist, Preston Dearing; filling the bottle, Abe Steeper’s side; passing clothes pins, Harry Cornish’s side; lunch race, AVm. StanHake’s side; plate mace, Philip Dearing, Wes. Witmer; whistling contest, '.Mr, and Mrs. Al­ vin Essery. Air. Wm. Dearing, of Exeter, received the prize for being the oldest member present. Leo AVitmfer, young son of Air. and Airs. AVes. Witmer, of Exeter, received •the prize for being the youngest member present. Belling, Airs. Fred AVood. of Guelph, spent last week with her cousin, Aliss AVilson. Aiaster Clive Bropehy had his sils removed last week. Mr. and Airs. John Bullock family and Air. Elmer Pickering’s family were guests o>f Mr. and Airs. Ed. Bullock on Sunday. There was a family re-union of Air. Ed. Alason’s family on’ Sunday in honor of Airs. Mason’s birthday. Air. Dawson Woodburn is on a motor trip to New York.Airs. C. Rickhorn is spending a few weeks with Air. and Mrs. Lonzo Romphf. Airs. AVilon Eagleon, of Peterboro an'd Carruen AIcLinchey, oif Byron, spent last week with All*, and Airs. AVm. Hicks. Aliss Nile Foster has been holiday­ ing with relatives here.Aliss Eva Gilholm, of Vancouver, spent the week-end with Airs. C. Grieves and Air. and Airs. Roy Poll­ ock, of Kerwood at the home of Air. and Airs. Edmund AlcPherson. Air. Stewart Hicks, of Parkhill, is visiting his aunt, Airs. Robt. Pollock The men of the community had a bee and harvested AH'. Lyle AVood- burn’s crop.Miss Viola Curts of. London, is spending a week's vacation at her home here.Air. and Airs. Russell Pollock? spent the week-end in Fordwich. Airs. Pollock remaining to visit with rela­ tives for a week. Aliss Eileen Toll, of Loudon, and Aliss Lorraine Eagleson, oif Sarnia, visited Airs. Lawrence pollock on. Thursday. Aliss Alary Corbett has returned from a visit with friends in Ford­ wich and has gone to London. A large number from here attend­ ed the funeral of the late Mr. Ernest Luther in Crediton on Monday. He had been ill with arthritis for sev­ eral years and was a great sufferer, but pneumonia and heart trouble were the immediate cause of his death. He was iborm and spent his early manhood in this neighbourhood so the sympathy of the community is extended to his widow (Aliss Alyi’te AArickett) and his son Murray and his daughter. Fern, also his broth­ ers, James and George. Col. Dolziel, of Toronto, who is second in command of the Salvation Army in Canada preached in the United Church on Sunday. His ser­ mon and music were very much en­joyed. The Mission Band held a success­ ful ice cream social last Thursday evening. Games and refreshments were all enjoyed by the young folk. Proceds were $9.25. Mr. John Hotson has bought the farm known as th$ Rufus AloPherson farm. Mr. Mae ton- and play a large tomato weighing < and three quarter pounds, grow by Mr. AV- H. Martyn, of town. Mr. Oliver Davis and two chil­ dren, of Ft. Erie and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and two children, of St. Marys, are holidaying with relatives Evangelist Beavon, of the S. D. A. church, London, held a farewell meeting at the home of Mrs. T. Collingwood on Saturday last prior to his umbia work. Mr. nasty „ left hand on Monday which requir­ ed several stitches to close. He was sawing a stick of wood with a buck­ saw and was holding the stick with the left hand when- the saw jumped out and cut his finger. Mrs. Frank Johns and two sons were called -to Toronto Sunday ow­ ing to the death of the former’s father, Mr. Joseph Hardman’. The deceased had not been in .good health for some time but his. death was unexpected. Mrs. Johns and children had been holidaying with Mrs. AV. Johns and Mr. Johns came up from Toronto to take them home WHALEN reputation up-building one I value and service and they pledge i °wn a continuance of the methods which I have made so many friends and satisfied customers for them, departure for British Col- where he will continue his Ernest Collingwood cut a gash in the forefinger of his HURONDALE INSTITUTE On Thursday night the ladies of the AV. I. served a supper on the lawn of Charles Keddy. About 400 sat down to the tables. After sup­per the men enjoyed a game of ball followed by the splendid program given by the “Brunswick Trio” of London. The weather 'being ideal helped to make it a real success. The August meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs, Arthur Ford. It is children’s day and an invita- tion is extended to all children to be present. ELIMVILLE The AV. Al. S. met on Wednesday afternoon of Horne’s for Mrs. Elford . with a hymn and prayer. Mrs. Chas, Godbolt and I.L.t. ?’* ----- . -■> in sentence prayers. read the Devotional Leaflet, “The Resurrection’’. Roll call was answer- ered by a quotation on ‘Abundance’ The treasurer, Miss Murch gave a report also. It was decided to hold a unique social evening on the church ground's on Labor Day. A committee was appointed to arrange for it. Mrs. Elford read the intro- last week at Mrs. AV. the August meeting, presided ,and opened Mrs. Chas. Johns led Mrs. H. Ford GASOLINE AND MATCHES IN SHEAF OF WHEAT AVhile threshing was in progress on the farm of Ross McGregor, Mc- Killop township on Saturday, a bottle . _ _ of gasoline fell out of a sheaf of duction to a number of leaflets, deal­wheat when it struck the feed- table, | ing with the manner in which A-I'i'SS- the sheaf having having been thrown j'ionaries spend their holidays in from the mow. Further investiga-; different countries, Mrs. Godbolt, tion revealed a box of matches tied Korea; Airs. Murch, China; Mrs. S. to the binder twine which secured Brock, India; Airs. ~Prance, the the sheaf. What would have hap-1 Homeland; Mrs. Bell, Trinidad; Airs, pened had the gasoline and matches Ed. Johns. Mrs. Chas. Johns, Africa gone into the machine can only be j Mrs. Harry Delbridge read an ar- conjectured. " ’On Sunday Provincial Constable' also gave a reading. Rev. and Mrs. P. E. AlcCoy took into custody John Peters sang a lovely duet “AVho Morrison on a charge of vagrancy. Else But Jesus.” The next meeting He has no fixed place o'f abode, has! will be at Airs. Ford’s and a ten been hanging around the district cent birthday tea will be served, and was seen on the McGregor farm. I Air. and Airs. Bruce Cooper visit- ‘ ------ ---- the ed at T_ Hodgert’s- near Seaforth tide on Stewardship. Mrs. Elford A serious charge may be laid, constable said. MAGISTRATES RETIRED Ninety magistrates in the _ ince of Ontario and some 10,000 justices of the peace have been re­ tired by the Provincial government Twelve magisterial districts, are be­ ing set up in old Ontario and six in Northern Ontario. Forty-eight magistrates will be in1 charge of the’ work outside of the six large cities previously done by 13 8 magistrates The services of C. A. Reid, of God­ erich and J. C. Greig, of Seaforth, have been dispensed with. C. AV. Hawkshaw, of Lucan, will be Sen­ ior Magistrate in District No. 2 which includes Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford, Perth and Huron counties. J. A. Makins’, K.C.. present magis­ trate of Stratford will Wave charge of the northern section and E. S. Livermore, of St. Thomas will be magistrate in the southern part of the district. Magistrate Makins, of Sratford conducted court Monday in Goderich for the first Among Exeter AV. D. kin. prov- for the first time, the justices of the peace in who have been retired are, Sanders and Frederick Hun- DESTROYED BY FIRE The large bank barns and drive and Mrs. Thos. Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Guuning mo­ tored to Ipperwash Beach on Sun­ day. Miss Wilma Green, of Stratford, is holidaying with her friend Miss Velma Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tookey, Lu­ can, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning. Mr. Clark Sherwill spent' Sunday at Norwich with friend's. Mrs. Hector Millson, of London, visited recently with Mrs. Geo. Mill- son. Miss Ruth Hodgson visited during the past week id London with Miss Mrytle Millson. Miss Marion Tookey. of Lucan, has been holidaying during the past ATTENDS CONVENTION On Saturday evening last SALES AND SERVICE ON Plymouth and Chrysler Products FIRST CLA^S REPAIRING ON ALL Al AKES OF CARS British American Oil and Gasoline Monarch Batteries, Super-Lastic Tires and Tubes Official Ontario Motor League Road Service STEWART BROS. Main Street Phone 155w TUCKEY’S TRANSPORT LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING GENERAL TRUCKING “Service that Satisfies” Bonded and Insured Vans Service to London, Toronto, and intermediate points Prompt ' Careful ' Economical Imperial Gasoline and Oils Goodrich and Atlas Tires & Tubes AGENTS FOR FOREST CITY LAUNDRY & DRY-CLEANING Phones: 25w and 25j R. G. SELDON GRAIN ELEVATOR Hard COAL COKE Soft Thrifty householders realize that NOW is the time to fill their bins while lower warm weather prices are in effect. We (believe that our reputation, for handling only quality fuel is unquestioned, and we guarantee that you cantnot buy better fuel anywhere. PROMPT SERVICE Station, Exeter Centralia Phone 90 shed of W. E. Donaldson-, 7th con. week with her cousin Maida Morley, of McGillivray were destroyed by.______________ fire together with the entire sea-| ■son’s crop on Wednesday of last I week. The threshers had just fin- j ished when smoke was noticed pour­ing from the mow and soon the en-' tire structure was in flames. The ---------- -- — —threshing machine of Air. Morgan, the R. C. cemetery here on Monday of McGillivray, was also destroyed. a-t 10 a.m. with Requiem Mass. cele- ________________ | MT. CARMEL „„ The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary The Mclsaac, of Dashwood took place to GREENWAY Rev. J. B. Moore, B. A. will on Sunday. Mr. Scott Whaley and Mr. Fresh- mey, of St. Marys, visited one day last week with friends here. Rev. apd Mrs. White, Betty and Bobby, also Miss' Plant, of Woods-, »ee,( renewed acquaintances. here the first of the week. They were on their way to Tobermory where they will spend, their vacation. Mrs. Wilcox was taken to London on Wednesday of last week for an X-ray a fall Co-Operative Co on her hip which she hurt in some months ago. GRAIN FEEDS SEED FLOUR and all farm supplies CENTRALIA, ONT. An organization formed and com­ posed of farmers to be of real ser­ vice to the farmers of this district. We are vitally interested growth and welfare of our ity and are constantly on to serve our patrons in a and mutually satisfactory jn the commun- the alert practical manner. Crediton phone 40r22 W1NCHELSEA hereQuite a number from around attended the circus at London last AVednesday. Mr. ana Mrs. Newton Clarke and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher at Exeter. Mrs. Eaton, of Regina, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley on Thurs­ day of last week. Master John Batten spent a few days last week with Bobbie Cole­ man.Miss Jean Davis is holidaying this week with Mr. and Mrs. Warner Mc­ Roberts at1 Lucan. Mfr. and Mrs. Fred Seers; and fam­ ily of Lumley spent Tuesday even­ ing with the former’s parents' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Seers. Misses Audrey and Marjorie Flet­ cher spent last week grandparents iMr. and Fletcher at Exeter. The Misses Dorothy, Elaine and Gertrude Camm and Genevieve Kersi- lake spent Friday afternoon with their cousin Miss Evelyn camm, of Woodham. Mrs. Cecil Stewart, Mrs. Rebecca Stewart and Miss Lydia Stewart, of Exeter; Mrs. Moffatt and their children, of Oshawa spent Friday with Mir. ana Mrs. Walker Kerslake. Miss Doris Blackler, of Kirkton, spent a few daysi last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley and family spent the week-end at Turn­ bull’s Grove. Miss Ilene Andrews, of Exeter, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winer Bros LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Trucking of All Kinds We Specialize in Moving Cattle 'Courteous and economical service. Modern equipment and • thorough experience. At your service day and night. Phone 91 w with their Mrs. JohnOn Saturday evening last while attending the annual convention of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association in Montreal, the editor of the Times-Advocate and Mrs. Southcott were surprised to meet on the street Mrs. J. S. Earvey, of town, Mr. and Mrs. Normam'Stacey and Mr. Stacey’s mother, of Will­ ow Grove who were in that city following a delightful trip through the- Thousand Islands. The conven­ tion of weekly newspapers was held at the Mount. Royal Hotel and the address of welcome was given by Mayor Houde. Thursday at noon a banquet was held addressed by R. F. Stockwell, provincial treasurer of the province of Quebec, in the afternoon a garden party through th© courtesy of Lord Athelstan was given at “My Mother Home,” the residence -of the late Lord Strath­ cona. A dinner dance was held at the Mount Royal hotel in the even­ ing, On Friday afternoon the ladies of the party were entertained at a country club and a theatre parity was held at night, on Saturday the members of the party enjoyed a de­lightful sail down the St. Lawrence through the courtesy of the Canada Steamship Company. The business sessions of the association were ad­ dressed by several oustanding men in journalism and included, address­ es on "The challenge of Journalism to-day.” by Floyd S. Chalmers, edi­ tor of Financial Post; “The Weekly newspapers part in building a na­ tion” by B'. W. Keightley, advertis­ ing manager of Canadian Industries Limited; “Display Advertising and Typography” by H. A. Nicholson, editor* of printer & Publisher and others. The conveptfon was both entertaining and instructive. Among those ffom Huron county, who at*- tended were Mr. and Mrs. Arm­ strong, of Wingham aiid Mr, A. Y. McLean, of Seaforth, Exeter Lumber Company Ltd. Prepare Now for the Winter 4* SAVE FUEL BY PUTTING ON STORM SASH and DOORS LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON CLOSING IN , YOUR VERANDAH Bailey. Mr. Frank Davis is spending a few days this week in London, Mrs. Henry Delbridge spent the week-end with Mrs. Fred Delbridge in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. -Clarence Fletcher and family spent Sunday with Mirs. AV. J. Davis of iSaintsbury, Mrs. Garnet Murray , we are glad to report, is home from Victoria Hospital in London and is some­ what improved. Mr. and 'Mrs. Walker Kerslake and Genevieve spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Alexander at Lum- Mrs. Simon Milldr, of CrOmar'ty spent one day last week with her her niece Mrs. Ray Fletcher. Mr, and Mrs. Al Camm, of Catherines, visited, recently Mr, and Mrs. Ray Fletcher.Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, Jean visited on Sunday with J, E, Creery of Kirkton, brated by Rev. Ft. Corcoran. Mis Lizzie Miller returned home on Sunday after spending several -months with her cousin Mrs. A. Smith of E.urich. Mr, George Dietrich, of Sarnia, is visiting his sister Mm A. McCann and other relatives here. Mr. Thomas Cassidy accompanied by his mother and sister Miss M'ae Cassidy, of Detroit, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mm Joseph Glavin. Miss Elsie Houlahan, of Chatham, spent the week-end at the home of her uncle John Houlahan. Rev. J. B. Moore, B. A. will oc­ cupy his own pulpit in the United Chur.'h next Sunday afternoon1. We are glad to report Air. Lyle Woodburn has returned from the hospital and ,is well on the way to recovery. I Messrs. George Luther and John Luther, of Grand Bend, visited their | brother. Ernest patient in St. London. Mr. an'd Mrs, _ _____, __, and Mrs. Pym ahd Mr. and Mrs, H. Prance with their children visited Air and Mrs. Thos. Bullock last week ‘ Aiaster Tom. Pressey, of Sarnia, i 5s a guest with his aunt, Mrs, Elton I CUTtS, IMrs, Annie B011, of Detroit, has I ... ___ _____ been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, James Carey. Your Local Creamery Luther, who is a Joseph's Hospital,I Mr. Mac'k McDonald is Seriously 1 ill with an attack of the Flu. Mr. Daniel Morrison returned to , Detroit last week after spending ‘ several mofrths with his brother Mr. i Stephen Morrison, Mr, and Mrs. R. Etue and family, of Detroit, is spending a few' days of Detroit, has I with Mirs. Etue’s parents Mr, and J. H. Prance, Mr St. ■With and Mr«. Gasoline 20cts per gallon oh urday, August 2<5th, at the Garage.—-Sandy Elliot. Employs Labor, Pays Wages, Supports Local Stores and Industries, Distributes thousands of Dollars Weekly throughout the Local Commun­ ity. It, therefore, pays to patronize ydur local Creamery in soiling cream and buying butter. Exeter Creamery Company Limited Creameries at Exeter and Winchelsea