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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-23, Page 3
TjnrilSIMY, AUGUST 23rd, 1934THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WILSONS REALLY KILL One pad kills flies all day and every day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each packet. No spraying, no stickiness, no bad odor. Ask year Druggist, Grocery or General Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont, Letter from California 'The following letter was received by Mr. R. S. Lang, 'Toronto, from his son, Mr. Elmore Lang. Box 694, San Pedro Calif., July 17, 1934Dear Father: It’s just a month today since I wrote sending compliments tor “Father’s’-Day.” When I wrote I didn’t tlhijik I would still be on the idle list a month later, in fact' I’ve been off the .pay rol for seven week's today. You will be getting all the strike news in the Toronto papers so there isn’t much more I can tell you. \A general strike was initiated in Frisco yesterday morning which has literally paralyzed all activities and the city is actually confronted with the spectre of hunger. (The general strike was called when the Governor called’ out the National Guard to .patrol the docks, after thvo longshoremen had been killed iby police, two others diied from their wounds, and about twenty others were wounded by police pistols. The strike lhad reached the pro portions of :a revolution, and I think the Federal Government will soon step in and settle the controversy by arbitration. The strike situation has been rather peaceful here late ly, except for a few violent denion- tsrations by the “Rec-s” who are taking advantage of tlhe opportun ity to further their own cause. And they don't try to disguise the fact' that their ultimate object is to overthrow the government: Some of the working class are being apparently carried ahvay iby these spellbinders on their soap boxes, but the .bulk of the American people are too intelligent! and well educated to fall for this Commun istic Bunk. They realize that if the communists were in control like they are in Russia, there would be no sudh word as “Liberty’’ any more, and they would be put up against the wall on the slightest pretext. They are only “Destruc- tionists” and should be ruthlessly suppressed. ■In fact there is a secret organi zation being formed throughout' the country that has for one of it main tenets, the suppression of these half-baked fanatics, and they will ■be prepared to go the limit if necessary. I note that you still think Roose velt is leading the country to the “bow-wows”. Accordiing the vote conducted ,by the Literary Digest', THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on — pain gone. Get the new large econ omy size—Also avail able in smaller, regular SPEEDWAY TREAD TIRES At prices no higher than you would pay for "bargain" tires of an unknown make. Come in and see these amazing values. F. W. Clark, M. Peariso, Crediton Grand Bend G. Fi Penwarden, Centralia the people over here don’t think so —not .by a long shot. It is the belief in some quarters, that Roosevelt will eventually evolve a complete new “System” of government where organized money won’t be in control and there will be a more equitable distribution of tlhe “good things” that make life worth while.Using the language of the day, “YTou ain’t seen nothin' yet!” Wait until the next congress convenes and you’ll likely get an eyeful, on the new legislation thati will be passed. When. Roosevelt is sure of tlhe general support that he needs, you will probably see him taking some “Real Strides” in. his New Deal. The “old order’’ is passing, and I believe Roosevelt is the man who will give it the Coup de Grace.I note there is quite a gold rush on in Northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba with new . mines being opened up all the' time. Airplanes taking in supplies and bringing out the gold. Yes, airplanes will soon be as common as autos. There are plenty of lakes in that wild country for them to come down on, Pon toons in summer, and skiis in win- ter.Your picture of the simple life on a homestead free worn the wor ries of meeting the rewt and other expenses in the city, loolks good on paper, but it doesn’t work out in practice. iTihe winters, are too long up in that country—a dreary life for a, man’s wife, so far from civil ization. That sort of life is dandy for a change, but permanent, no thanks!Now a fruit or chicken ranch in Ontario would be more appealing. One would be n the centre of things near to a good town, 'having a car, radio and all of tlhe modern appli ances made possible yy the Hydro- Electric. That is my idea of a per manent home. And anywayi, I’ve already served my time pioneering in the wilds, That sounds like I’m getting old doesn’t it? No more enthusiasm for the wild and welly. However I have other plans by way of making a living; and working in a. lumber yard for the rest of my days, isn’t part of the' plan.I heartily agree with you when you say the world is on the verge of a “Great Crisis.” And this, will probably culminate in the Greatest' Conflict that the. world has ever seen. Maybe we are on the verges of the ‘Great Battle of Armageddon’ Well I hope this strike will be settled soon, so I can go back to work. It seems that all my vaca tions are of the lay-off variety. . I expect things will boom for awhile when the wheels start turning once more. How’s the apple crop this year? Do you expect to make an other deal with the firm over in the old country?Your affectionate son, ELMORE CELEBRATES ANNIVBRSARY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seager. Sr., of Goderich, celebrated their 65ith anniversary of their wedding on Sunday, August 19th. Mrs. Seager is 88 years o'f age and Mr. Seager is 9 0. Mr. Seager practiced law in Goderich for more than GO years and was Crown attorney for 2b years The Bishop of Huron ds an only son. Miss L. M. McDonald R.N., London, has been appointed Public Health Nurse for the town of St. Marys for the balance of the year at a recent meeting of the Town Council. THAMES ROAD The meeting of the W .M. S. was held at the Manse where they were the guests of the Mission Circle. A very interesting afternoon was. en joyed. The president. Miss Ruby Chambers opened the meeting with the singing of a hymn and prayer by Rev. Hugh Taylor followed by the roll call to which the girls responded with a verse of Scripture with the word “love” in it. After which the W. M. S. called their roll and singing another hymn, Mrs. C. Johns, of Elimville, recited “The Voice in the Twilight” for the Circle and “The Legend Beautiful” for the W. Mi. S. both splendid numbers and ■much enjoyed. Mrs. Mackie, New York sang a fine solo accompanying herself. “Trust Ye in the Lord.” Mrs. IMackie also gave a splendid talk on “Devotion to Christ.” It was a pleasure to hear both. Mr. and Mrs. Mackie (nee Agnes . Fenwidk) who have spent their holidays here among friends and relatives. Mrs. A. Etherington gave a topic on Ka- gow-a. Alfter collection Mrs. A. Mor gan gave a vote of appreciation to all who had 'contributed to such a helpful afternoon. Rev. H. Taylor then gave the benediction aud lunch was served on the lawn by the Circle girls. Grand Bend Visitors (Continued from the previous page) “Dip and Sip”—IMlss Jean Harley of Algonac, Mich., was a guest for the week-end.Hamilton’s Cottage—Mr. and Mrs. W. Sliapton, Winston and Helen; Mr. and Mrs. E. Shapton. and Bruce; Mr. and Mrs. Hedley May, Douglas, Murray and Kathleen; Mr. .and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Marion and ‘Margar et and Lloyd Walker, all of Exeter, spent •several days.Mrs, Carson’s Cottage—'Miss Me-, donald, of London, guest for the week.“Shady Rest”-— Mrs. John Rich ardson and Donald Goodgear, both of London, have returned to their homes after several days visit. Week-end guests were John Kerton Stanley Ball and Mass Helen Cass ell all of London. Rev. M. C. and iMi's. Parr and fainiy left Wedne sday after a vacation of seven weeks)Detective and Mrs. Chester Langford and Doris and George of London, will occupy' tlio cottage for the rest of the season starting on Wednesday. “Bonnie1 Lassie”-— Mr. and Mrs. G.O. Thomson, Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, of Exeter, were Sunday callers with Mr, and Mrs. Tlws. Willis."'Sunbeam”— Isabelle Johnston, Beatrice Doupe, Velma Doupe, Bes sie Roger, all o£ Kirkton; Eleanor Doupe, Marion and Elba Hazlewood of Stratford and Mabel Berry, Laura Rundle, Ethel Copeland, of Wood- haffi. “Parkdale”—Dr. and Mrs. E. N. Lewis, of Toronto; Mirs, R. Hackett of Parkhill; Mrs. J. Beatson and iM’iss A. Morley, of Granton; Mr, J. Iteatson was a guest for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. Atkinson have returned to Granton after spending several weeks at the cottage. “At Rest-A-Wec”—Miiss Doreen and Dorothy Spain, of Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith, of Ingersoll; Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Dearing, of Exeter Mrs. Leonard Ridley, and son Billy, of London and Mr. Leonard Ridley, of London as a week-end guest. Barkhill Side “Aberdovey”—Mrs, Stewart Drap- and family, of London. “Sunset”— Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Godfr ey, of Windsor, woro w eek-end guests with Dr. and Mrs. H. B, Smith, of Windsor, “Never Dun Fillan”— Miss ;Mauo Robinson and Dr. Batson, of Park hill, guests foi- Sunday. “Ozone”—Miss Helen Vizzini has returned to Detroit after an extend ed visit with Mr. and Mrs. F'. H. Griffeth.“Bona Vista”-—Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Shore and son John and Miss Janet Ireland, all 'of Kilworth, were week-end visitors with Dr. and Mrs. Schram, “Del Mar”— Miss Celia M(ay, of London, gpent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. Norman. Schram. Mr. Harold Klopp, of Detroit, is visiting for the week. < “Ward Cottage”—< Mr. and Mrs. John Porter, of Wingham, guests for a few days. Mrs. Stanley Rosin, Smith’s Falls, Miss Diane Fishley, of Toronto, guests of Mr. and Mrs'. J. E. Porter, of Windsor for a week “'Dunelg ”— Mr. and Mrs. Lome Broley, of Brantford, guests for the week-end. “Riverdale”—Mir. and Mrs. W. J. Allen, of Toronto and Mrs. Chant, Sr. were guests for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. 'Chant. “ Gibb’s Cottage ” —■ Miss Jessie Ruse, of London, guest for the week-end with Mrs. W. H. Down. “iGillhaven”— Mrs. D. H. Gillies Mrs. McNeil and Mrs. E. F. Sage, John and Kenneth and Douglas iSage all of London. “Claremont”—Mrs. Wm. Jackson and Miss Paxman, of Parkhill. “Kumonin”—'Mrs. J. J. Dyer, Sr. has returned to London after a pleasant holiday. Mirs. Wm. Dyer, of London; Mrs. Jack Harrison, of Deroit and her mother, Mrs. Wm. Longman, of London, are staying for a week as is also JMaster Bobby Har rison, of Detroit. Mr. Robert Phil- more and Miss Jean Bash, of Lon don, guests for a few days. Mr. Dyer and Mr. Longworth spent the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dyer, of Flint, have returned to their home. “.Sunnyvale”—Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Puncher and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mullins, of Kitchener, were guests for the week-end. “ Argyle Lodge ” — Mrs. Frank Brown, of Parkhill; Mr. Campbell, and wife and family and Mrs. Web ster, of Port Elgin. “Inverary”—■ Mr. and Mrs. Dun can Fitzpatrick and daughter, Diane of London, were guests for the week-end. “La Siesta”—Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clinger, and children, of Halifax, N.S., will be here on Thursday for their vacation with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Clinger. “Ohio”—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hager, of Kitchener, were guests for tllG W66k. “Sum R Holm”—Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Demyes and family, /Mt. and Mrs. 'John Cowi and Margaret Cowi, all •of Preston. “ Mor Rest ”■— Mr. and Mrs. B. Skidmore and son, Donald, Mrs. M. Wilkins, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Knoff and family, all of Detroit, guests of Dr. and Mrs. Morrison, Janet and Shirley.“Buena Vista”—Mrs. Switzer, of Shipka, Miss Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Kerr, of Crediton, were guests for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lougheed and daughter, Lois, of Winnipeg spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Zwicker.Miss Betty Gibson, who has been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Either and daughter Bernice, returned to Guelph with her parents, Professor and Mrs. Gib son were here for the week-end. “ Ellerington’s Cottage ” — Irvin Ratz, Gertrude Ratz, Dorothy Ratz, Earl Ratz, Ida Sweitzer, Nola Swei tzer, all of Crediton; Fred and Helen MicPherson,-of Parkhill; Roy- lance and Alan Westcott, of Exeter; Mary McGregor, Greenway and Jean McKenzie, of Shipka. Mr. and Mrs. YOU fo ''»>"• .................. S = of theT>hafiat£l peninsu}ajv^nv;n tlirouR poultry, modern aSticUltTrials, featuring etc tor ttra;ts the very best tha»no Speed Coda’s Bteateso _of A-X?HK' HATIOHAl EXH I BITION KSgfflS Mat. Sweitzer were there for the week-end. “So Homey”—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edighoffer and daughter, Blanche, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer and family, all of Mitchell. The latter and Mrs. G(?orge Edighoffer and daughter are remaining. Mr. and Mrs. Gould have returned to their home in St. Marys. “Ponnsy Lodge”— Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wilds, of Dashwood, were guests for the week.“ Glenview Guests with Mrs. Blowes are: Mr. and Mrs, William Turner, of Freehold, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Blowes and daughter, of Hensail; Mr. and Mrs, I. R Pearce and son of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. A. W- Blowes and two children of Mitchell. “Abide A Wee”— Miss Gladys Marsh, of London visited for the week-end and Miss Laura McKay, of Woodstock, is remaining for a few days with Mrs. Little. Oakwood “Oakwopd Inn’—Oakwood Inn was again filled for the week-end and many of the guests are remaining. Among the visitors were: Miss J. Clement, of Goderich; Miss Nancy Clement, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Beck, Miss Edith McKimmie, Mis,s Florence Kessler, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. St. Clair, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Muopley, Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs, E. V. Rohr- beck, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Chautney, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Polock, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Smith, all of Detroit; Dr. and Mrs. Box and daughter, Caroline, Mr. Wm. J. Bradley, Mr. G. A. Swalwell, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. E. Cassan, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bourday Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Houghton, Miss M. F. Gaudet, Mrs. H. .F. Taylor and daughters, Miss Irene Bradley, Mr. Jas, W. Cochrane, Miss M. A. Hays, all of Toronto; Mirs. T. A. Witzel, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jaimet, Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Gregeb, Mr. Currie Will son, all of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McElroy, of East Windsor; Mr. F. S. Harrison, of Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Shotwell, of Lansing, Miich Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Nelles, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Weld and Diana, Miss F. M. Smith, all of London; Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Windsor; Mir. Gilbert Brockman, of Cincinnati. Miss Kathryn Woods and Miss Dorothy Matchett, of London, are holidaying with Mr. T. .S. Woods and Miss Marion Woods. Oakwood Lodge — Among the guests at Oakwood Lodge are Mrs. Horton and Miss Ball, of Goderich; Dr. and Mr.s Freeman, of Cambridge Mass, and Dr. .Freeman Sr., of Ma con, Ga. Miss Helen Whatley, of Detroit; Miss GriUin and Miss Car rier have returned to Detroit. Mr. Boland has returned to Detroit. Mrs. Boland and daughter Barbara are remaining. Col. and Mrs. Bingle, of London returned to their home Tuesday following their vacation One of the guests at Oakwood, through the columns of the Times- Advocate was able to get in touch with some old friends and together they spent a most enjoyable week. “ The Pioneer ”— Dr. L. L. and Mrg. Follick and family returned to St. Marys Tuesday after spending the summer at their cottage. They plan to spend the week-ends during the rest of the season. Mi>s Mabel Follick, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mrs. H. Baker and family. “Donelg”— Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Tovell and son, Bill, of Brantford. Their week-end guests were; Mr. and Mrs. Lome Broley, of Brant ford; Mr. and Mis. V. G. Tovell and Mi-- Vera Weston, of St. Marys.Mr. R. B. Hamilton, Philadelphia, and Miss Zeta Hamilton, of Strat ford were week-end guests with Mrs. A. G. Walsh.“Ivanhoe”-r-Mr. Norman Nettle ton, of Chicago; Mr. Robt. Mitchell Mr. John Fraser and lady friend all of Detroit returned to their homes on Monday. Mirs. Mitchell and her daughter Mrs. Nettleton still re maining at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Liepert and Miss Dorothy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Power. “Fairview”—Mrs, R. W. Travers, of London, with Mrs. W. J. Robinson Hemphill’s cottage—Mrs. J. W. L. Davis, of Toronto; Mrs. W. C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. A. Case, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook, of Hensall with Mr. and. Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill.“Kan-Nata”—Mrs. G. L. Parsons and Peggy, of Goderich; Mrs. Chant, itjli N........................................................................ -............ ——I Arkona Woollen and Knitting Mills BLANKETS, THROWS, RUGS, LADIES KNITTED SUITS. SWEATERS, KNITTING YARNS, PULLOVERS, BATHING SUITS Store next to Casino ....................................... ............................................. —| HOWEY'S — For — SOUVENIRS China Films Patent Medicines Toilet Preparations Cigarettes, Candy Stationery Howey Special Poison Ivy Lotion Sun Burn Creams Newspapers, Magazines EXPERT WATCH REPAIR We are prepared to repair any type of pocket or wrist watch or any make of Clock See our line of Sun Goggles and Watches J. Butcher B. Chesterfield Next to Casino All Work Guaranteed RAVELLE’S SUPERIOR CHAIN STORE MAIN CORNER AVE WISH TO THANK EACH AND EVERY PERSON FOR THEIR PATRONAGE DUR-" ING THE SEASON GET DODGERS FOR WEEK-END SPECIALS A. E. Ravelle of Toronto were visitors during the week . Master Martin Taylor and Higgins were week-end guests. Mrs. McLean, Isobel and Maxine were visitors in Kincardine last week. Mr. and Mrs. Judd and Patsy, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. West. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cockshutt, of Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cockshutt'. London Side “Pine Croft Cottage”— Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Kingsbury and Mr. Doug las Kingsbury, Master Norman Smith, all of Toronto, guests of Mr. T. H. McCallum. “Hurondale”— Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Luney, of London; Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Currie and family, of London “Jackson’s. Cottage”—M. F. Glad man, wife and family, London; C. V. Pickard, wife and family, of Exeter and A. W. Pickard, of Regina Mr. and Mrs. G. Saunderson, of Toronto visiting V. C. Reeve.“The Mayflower”—Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Rowe, of Exeter, visited with Mrs. J. G. Jones and Miss May. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McGuffin, re turned to their home in London for ■a. few days are returning this week. TORONTO CENTENARY YEAR COTTAGES for Rent or Sale All modern or built to suit. Electric stove for cooking. All Simmons beds, mattresses andi springs. Hot or cold running water with showers. Every cottage Up to the minute We do repair work or carpenter work of all kinds. When at Grand Bend See W. H. Bender I,,.—— .................. .........-■ RELIABLE ICE MAN MASON $1.00 a week [to your cottage ON WOODWARD WE DELIVER DAILY a——---------— »■ Pass a Pleasant Hour at Pete’s Place POOL TABLES Ic© Cream and' Refreshments CAPIKS TO RENT JACK’S BARBER SHOP Opposite Brenner’s Hotel PERMANENT BARBER Work Guaranteed ........ Hamilton’s Dairy Daily Delivery morning and evening All Cream and Milk handled in clean and sanitary surroundings We appreciate your patronage