HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-16, Page 1A ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16th, 1934 I* SIXTIETH YEAR, NO. 2818 Ladies’, COMPLETE SHOWING OF Fall & Winter Coats FOR I BAND CONCERT ENJOYED I A band concert was given Sunday I afternoon sponsored by the Exeter i Orange Lodge A crowd estimated at 7U0 gathered in Victoria Park and enjoyed music provided by the Da.-shwood Band conducted by T. Walper. The Main Street male quar­ tette, Harold and Gerald Skinner, James Francis and Frank Wildfong gave D. -P< pie tlir iar view Park V\ omen s Institute, several selections. Reeve W- Sanders acted as chairman. The insors declared themselves’ well used with the finances received ough a silver collection. A simil- concert will be given in River- ipons.)red by the Exeter Premier Gardiner Greets Thames Road Minister Misses & Children MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS We have taken early delivery of our Fall and Winter Coats and now have our complete range on our racks. Many new cloths are shown in all popular colors and the fur coll­ ars are particularly handsome. We have very attractive prices for early buyers. Exeter High School lias had an­ other successful year. The Middle Si-houl result-’ are particularly grat­ ifying. There were ill all 240 ut- tt mprs anq Of these 2t)5 were suc­ cessful. Of the papers passed there were 20.98 which were award- id fir-t class proficiency, (75 per cent, or over), while 31.22 per cent, received grade two profic-ency (66 to 74 per cent.) In grade 3 profic­ iency (6o to 64 per cent.) there were 14.15 per cent, making 66.35 or ’ tie’­ ll 11 25 per cent, off all Bathing Suits for Ladies, Men and Children. Many lines of Summer Merchandise at greatly reduced prices See our secial HOUSE DRESSES at... . 69c GIRLS’ SUMMER DRESSES, 8 to 14 years at .. . 79c SUPERIOR CHAIN STORE GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes .... 2 pkgs. 13c. Grape-Nut Flakes....................2 pkgs. 19c. Sunlight Soap.............................10 bars 49c Chicken Haddie..........................' 2 tins 25c Junket Ice-Cream mix,...........per pkg. 10 (If you have an electric refrigerator try it) Cowan’s Perfection Cocoa .... 1 lb tin 23c Mixed Fancy Biscuits per lb. 15c. • per cake 5c.Calay Toilet Soap Fly Tox, in bulk, bring your bottle 8 oz 25c Chipso, large package.......................... 21c. PURE SPICES AND HIGHEST GRADE VINEGARS. Jones & May Phone I 1) the passes. This ii illy t enipt- cent ■ Grease Cups Cup Grease & Oil Babbit Metal Leather Belt' Laces Alligator Belt Laces Belt Dressing Oil Cans Pine Tar Clipper Belt Laces Goodyear Belting Threshing Supplies Fly Swatters Wire Fly Traps Sprayers Horse Muzzles Rubber Hose Whizz Fly Fume Preserving Kettles Strainers and Collanders Pastry Mixers Window Screens EXETER COUNCIL regular meeting of the Muni­ council was held at the Town with Council Grieve absent. A cipal Hall .. _ The minutes of the meeting held on July 23rd were read and approved. ‘The Auditors’ report for July was read and accepted on motion of B'ierling and Ross. The following accounts we're read and ordered- paid: Exeter Lumber Co., lumber supplies R&B, $402; Grigg Stationery Co., books 'for Library, acct. $36.35; The Ideal M6at Market, R. N. Erskine, hospital fee $32.35; labor cutting weeds Parsons, ditto $9.75; ditto $10.25; $ll.'OO. Passed on Rowcliffe. Adjourned charity $3.68; County Treasurer, Harry Smith, $9.75; John jos.eph Davis, Webster, ditto I of .Bierling Thomas motion & 'by Rowcliffe. Jos. Senior, Clerk STEPHEN COUNCIL USE CONANINE FLY OIL ON CATTLE AND HORSES Paint those Barn Doors, Drive Sheds and Hen Houses with LOWE BROS. FARM SERVICE PASTE PAINT at $1.25 a gallon TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD 41 Mr. and Mirs. J. T. Fuller and daughter, and Mrs. Brown, of Sar­ nia are the guests of Mrs. John Snell. Mr, Grafton Cochrane, who is employed on one of the boats ply­ ing between Toronto and Montreal through the Thousand Islands, spent the forepart of the week at his home here. Mrs, Betty with Mrs, with Mr 1 Messer and daughter, of Toronto’,' are visiting __ ond Horton. Sunday visitors and 'Mrs. Horton, were: Staritt C. Trelevan and two daughters Wilma and Lois, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Sam’l Roach, the latter being a sis­ ter of Mrs. Horton; Mf. and Mrs. Bort Rowell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roach and two daughters, .Bernice and Lorntr all of Dungannon, . H. . Ann l the former’s parents Mr , H. ‘ i Mr ... Hefford and two .sons and Melville and Mr, and ‘Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Lindsay, of Wood- stock, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Dow, on Sunday and with them attended the Decoration Day ser­ vices at Roys cemetery. Mr. John Strange, who is recuper­ ating from the accident he suffer­ ed some time ago, was in London the forepart of the week where he had another X-ray result of jaw was Misses . . ............. ................. returned from a motor trip to the United States. While there they spent so,me time at the World’s Fair at Chicago, visited with relatives in Wisconsin and then crossed the Mis­ sissippi River at' Prairie du Chien. From there they motored through Iowa to Dubuque and during the remainder of their trip, among other places, they stayed at Indianapolis and at ‘Covington, Kentucky, the X-ray fractured. Vera and on his jaav. The showed that the Reta Rowe have Premier James G. Gardiner, of Saskatchewan, shaking hands ••• vWjWz □ third cf all sucee-sful leceived a grading of 60 or more. Only four of the dates failed'to obtain a there contributed among of the thirty-five unsuc- ■mpts. In all 85.4 per were certificates were mail- d J xty a per lem j.-sful t. c sed. on Monday afternoon, about two hours after their receipt from Tor­ onto. The subjects, of English Com­ position where 21 out of 22 passed; French Composition where all 17 passed; French Authors where 17 out of 18 passed and Latin Compo­ sition where 15 out of 16 contributed towards this fine cord. In six other subjects number of failures were either or three to a subject. The results are as follows: ♦Amy, Marguerite, P.hiys. 2. ♦Armstrong Geraldine, An. H. 2; Geom. C; Ch. C;'-L. A. C; L.C. 2; F.A. C; F.C. C. Baynham, Chas., Comp. C; 2; C. Hist. 1; Alg. 3; Phys. C. Beaver, Eugene, Alg. 2. ♦Bell, Alvin, Anc. H. 2; Ch. 2. Bierling, Phyllis, Anc. H. C; Ge. •3; L.C. 1; F.A. 2; F.C. 2. ♦Borland. Loreen, Anc. Hist. Geom. C; Ch. 2; L.A. 2; L.C. F.A. 3; F.C. 3. Brown, Frederick, Comp. 2. ♦Caldwell, Doreen, Lit. 2; Anc. H. 2. ♦Cann, Gertrude, Com. 1; Lit. 1; C. Hist. C; Anc. Hist. C; Alg. C. ♦Coates, Betty, Phys. C. ♦Delbridge, Bernice, Comp. Lit. 2; C. Hist.' 1. ♦Dunsford, Florence Comp-. C. Hist. 2; Geom. C; F.At C. ♦Dunsford, William, Comp. 2; Hist. C; Anc. Hist. C; Geom. C; A. C; L.C. 1; F.A. C; F.C. C Elder, Lome, Ch. 2; F.C. C. Ellerington, Frederick, Comp. Geom. >C; Ch. 3. ♦Essery, Beatrice. Comp. 3; Anc. Hist. 1; Geom. C; L.A. C; L.C. 3; F.A. C; F.C. C. Etherington, Richard, Comp. 3; Anc. Hist. C: L.C, 2. ♦Frayne, Harry, C. Hist. 1; Alg. 1; Phvs. 2. ♦Frayne, Lloyd C. Hist. 2; Alg. 1; Phys. 2. ♦Gardiner, Robert, Anc. Hist. Geom. 1; Ch. 1; L.A. 1; L.C. 1; A. 2; F.C. 1. ♦Hamilton. Mary, A/lg. 3.♦Hemphill,’ ’Mary, Anc. 1 Phys. C; Ch. 3; L.A. C; L.C. A. 1; F.C. C; Geom. C. ♦Hess, Paul, Comp. 2; Li. Hist. 2; Alg. 3; Phys. 2. Hess, Quimby, Anc. Hist. 2; Alg. 3 ■ Ch 3.’ *Heywood Clifford, Anc. Hist. C; Ch. 1. 1 ♦Hicks, Dorothy, Anc. H. 2; Geom. p t in n 11 lia; ed <0 » att f all papers attempted Tli - passed, re- the two1 C3 , Lit. 3; 2; 3; c. L. 3; 2; F. 2; F. 1;c. L.C.2; F.A.1; Ch. 3; L.A. 2; F.C. 3. ♦Horner, Jean, Comp. C; Lit. C. Hist. 1; Anc. Hist. 1; A|lg. Geo,m. C; Howey, Phy. C. ♦Johns. 2; Geom. < C; F.C. C. Jones C. Fred, Geom. 2; Ch. 1; L.A. 1; L.C. 1; F.A. I ♦Klumpp, Howard, Comp. C. Hist. 2; Alg. 2. ♦Lawson, Orville, Ch. C. ♦McQueen, Jean Alg. 1. ♦McQueen. Margaret, Phy L.A. C. Lome, Comp. 2; Lit. Mary. Comp. 2; Anc. C; L.A. C; L.C. “ 2; 2 3; 1; 2; H. F.A. Phy. 2: 1; FC 2 C;Lit. 2:Ch. with Rev. Hugh D. Taylor, pastor of the Thames Road United Church, on the occasion of the unveiling of two memorial tablets at that church on .Sunday, August 2nd. The picture is-'from the Border Cities Sta^, which contained a full account of the ceremony’ BOARD OF EDUCATION The monthly meeting of the Board of Education was held in the Pub­ lic Library at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 14th, 1934. Absent, L. Day. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Applications for the position of Primary teacher were read and Miss Reta Rowe was appointed at the salary of $5 00.00. Per JC. J. Delbridge. Adjournment K. MacFaul, Sec’y. Mrs. Cecil Rowe was removed to ,SU Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Tuesday where she will undergo a serious operation. _ ■> -y » A -* LEAVITT’S THEATRE STOLEN AUTO FOUND The automobile of R. Cartlidge, 137 Fullarton street, London, was found abandoned on the highway, near Exeter, more than two days af­ ter it was stolen. Traffic Officer Haight located the car, and it was taken to a garage in Exeter, while city police communicated with the owner. It was stolen Monday morn­ ing from Mr. Cartlidge’s home. IN CRITICAL CONDITION Glenn, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson, of Usborne, lies in a very critical condition in Vic-1 toria Hospital, London. The little lad was taken ill last week and on Monday was rushed to the hospital I with a ruptured appendix and an I operation was performed. On Tues-< day paralysis of the bowel set in and a further operation was found; necessary. The little lad was two, years old in June. He is the young­ est of three children and the only son. EXETER TO HOLD OLD BOYS’ RE-UNION At a well attended meeting in the Town Hall Tuesday evening it was unamiously resolved to hold an Old Boys Reunion in Exeter m 1935. The dates were not set. A nom­ ination committee was appointed to draw up a slate of officers and com­ mittees to be submitted at a meet­ ing to be held Tuesday evening of next week. They will at the same time gather all the information pos sible in order to make the occasion a success. The committee is as follows: Geo, Lawson, H. C. Rivers, E. Dignan, Jos. Senior, R. N. Creech J. G. Stanbury and Reeve W. D. Sanders. THURSDAY, FRIDAY,* SATURDAY August 16, 17, 18th CARNERA vs. BAER World’s Heavyweight Uliampionship greatest spectacle in ring history. “MURDER IN TRINIDAD” JO RY cast WEDNESDAY and 22nd with VICTOR An All Star MONDAY, TUESDAY August 20, 21st “ The Cat and the Fiddle ” From the musical success that ran two years on Broadway, featuring RAMON NAVARRO and JEANETTE MCDONALD THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY August 23 rd, 21 and 25tli Nature saves her greatest thrills for FRANK BUCK. “WILD CARGO” Greater than “Bring ’Em Back Alive’’ Buck strips the bush jungle of its secrets. s BALL GAME TO-NIGHT Zurich vs. Exeter Game called at 6.15 sharp' The last time these teams met the locals were victorious 5-2. A good game is assured. Admission: 20 and 10c. SUFFER and Entertainment Thurs., Aug. 16 thNEAR DROWNING ACCIDENT A near drowning nccictent took place at Grand Bend on Sunday when four Londoners were plunged into the lake when their sailboat upset. Mr. Earl A. .Siegrist, presi­ dent o£»R. A. Siegrist & Company, investmeilt bankers, of London and three, youths, Bob and Peter Ivev and George Brickenden, were in a sail boat which was running before a stiff wind, when the frail craft suddenly keeled over plunging -the quartet into the water, -One ’youth was almost caught under the sail. The four were wearing lifebelts at the time and fought their way to the boat which was floating on its side in the rough water anj was being carried quickly out into the lake by the off-shore breeze. The alarm was given by people on the beach who saw their plight and an outboard motorboat, manned by Len Carling, Bob Graves and Morris Turner, all of London, went to their rescue. George Bridkenden. aged 11, is a son of G. A. P. Brickenden, prominent London attorney. The ■hoy is an excellent swimmer. The two Ivey boys are' sons of C. H. Ivey, 199 St. James street, London. NEAR DROWNING ACC Lit.1;^Martin, Patricia, Comp. : C. Hist. 1; Alg. 2; Phy. 3. ♦May, Gordon, Anc. H. 2; Alg. Phy C. (Mitchell, Florence Geom. ♦Passmore, Robert Anc. Phy 1; Ch. 1. ♦Pepper, Nelson Anc. H. ■C; F.C. C. Russell. Irene Comp. 3. ♦Sippell, Evelyn, Anc. H.Chester! 1; Phy. C; L.A. C; L.C. 2; F.C. C.- 1 C. H. 1; Geom ; F.A. 3, ♦iSkinner, Gerald, F.A. 3; F. C. C ~ ‘ *; C. Hist 2. Lit. Snell, Eileen, Lit. 3; Spencer, Mavis, Comp. 3; Anc. Hist, C. .Stanbury, jean, Lit. 2. Stanbury, John Comp, 2. *Stone Gladys, Geom. 2. ♦Strange Grace, An. His. o 3; c; Phy. Supper served from 6 to 8 Followed by an open-air concert by the Old Reliable Brunswick Concert Co., of London SOFTBALL AT 6.30 Admission 25c. and 15c. Family Ticket $1.00 Under auspices of Hurondale Women’s Institute A special meeting of the Council of the Township, of Stephen was held in the Clerk’s Office on Saturday, the 11th of August 1934, at 8 p.m. All members were present. The Clerk was instructed to post up notices asking for tenders to haul gravel >on several divisions on the First side-road and the Exeter Side­ road. Tenders to be received by the Clerlk on or before one o’clock on Tuesday, the 4th of September j next. It was moved by Mr. Mawhinney and seconded by Mr. E. Lamport that the cement work of the Finkbeiner bridge on Cons. 14 and 15 be awarded to Norman Vin­ cent at $3,510 per cubic yard and that the ibe allowed $3 5. for remov­ ing the old cement abutments and floor and $3.50 a cord for drawing the necessary gravel from Eisenbach pit. Carried, It was moved by Mr. Edward Lam-;,« pout and seconded by Mr. Roy Ratz i that By-law No. 486 for entering ill-! to a contract with Norman Vincent! for the purpose of building what is ( known as the Finkbeiner bridge, j having been read three times, be passed and signed by the Reeve and I Clerk and the Seal of the Corpora­ tion attached thereto. Cai’i'iod. The Road Superintendent was in­ structed to buy the cement required for the above mentioned bridge. The Council then adjourned to meet again at the next regular eoun" cil meeting to be hold on Tuesday, the 4th of Septembr 1934 at 1 p.m, Herbert K. Either Township Clerk ♦Sweet, Irene, comp. C; Hist. 2; Alg. 1; Phy. C. ♦Taman, Jeanette, C. Histi Geom. 2; Phy 1; Ch. C; I L.C. C; F.A. 3; F.C. C.I *Tp1 for. 1! F.A. ♦V I 2; C ; W< 0 Lit. L.A. C; 0; 0; 3; F.C. C. Helen Anc. H. 2; Geom. 2 F.C. 2. Camp, Mary, Comp. 2; Lit. it 2. an Hi 'stcott, Roylance, L.A. C; I. Wilson, William. Comp 3; Lit C; Alg. 2. ♦Wuorth, Elva, An.H. i!> L.A, 1; L.C. 1 names of on J., 1, 3 Ch. C;The failing on.l, 1, sportively do not * Passed in all Geom, 1 , F.A. 1 FC 1 four candidates and 3 papers re­ appear, subjects. E. J. Wether, Word has been received from Rev. J. H. Stainton, who recently underwent an operation for appen­ dicitis at Dr. Lickwood’s Clinic in Toronto, that his condition is good and that he sat up Sunday for the first time since the operation. You pay less for Stylish Footwear of better quality at PEOPLES’ CASH