HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-09, Page 8THURSDAY AUGUST 9th, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Coing Away... On your vacation? Get a B*ma’ Permanent Wave for genuine m'iu- fort and used are Prices hfa>-*is n Phone 231j for apP'dii’ment Residence Crediton 3o:31 H. M. SMITH smartness. All chemically pure, to suit everyone, ami >at- guaranteed. NEW BEAUTY SHOPPE " 1 ........................1 -L.-.L...-..... -.T The II rtieultural Society •b-iro that all persons interested ?i ih-v*- ers will meet with the c-xecutii** a* the Library Monday evenir.tr at 8 p.m. t- decided whether or r. >t a flower -how will be nebi. D. Rv*w- Cliife. pies. Exeter Markets Wheat 90c. Barley 4Uc. Oats 50 Buckwheat 60c. Manitoba’s Best $2.90 Model $2.80 Welcome $2.60 Low Grade Flour $1.45 Bran $1.25 Shorts, $1.30 Creamery Butter 24c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs Eggs, Hogs LOCAL NEWS 0^ m t vi. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes visited eneve on Sunday. Marjorie Smith, iting w A. A. Mito a S. A. in town a few days last week. r il of London, th relatives here. Ferguson h|iis returned ’ter ’visiting in town. McCallum, o*f London, NOTICE Tim office of Dr. W. will be el -sed from Sunday Wednesday of next week. K.WrelU'S until FOR SALE—E’eetrir wa-her ’ll ex*1’IMnt condition, i-oppur tub. Cheap, if sold right away, Tim*—Advocate. FOR SALE—Second hand Apply v (’. l. Wilson. WANTED — Experienced maid. Apply at Times-Advoe; Butter i9-22e. extras 17 c. firsts 15 c. seconds 12e. $8.00 LOCALS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. t’oehrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School The morning service will be with­ drawn. 7 p.m.—“Believing a Lie” UNION SERVICES Main Street and James Street ..New House Dresses • • Just recieved a Fresh Shipment of House Dresses. These come in various styles and patterns. They are fast colors. Priced at S0£ the Bank o The condition of Mr. W. A. Turn­ bull continues to improve. He is now able to sit up a little. Mrs. Henry Ricker and son Ar­ thur, of Kippen, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston recently. Mr. J. G. Dow shipped a car load / SUB-STANDARD SILK HOSE These are wonderful value, our regq- lar $1. quality, in many best selling shades Per Pair 59c. 25% OFF ALL BATHING SUITS We are clearing all lines of Childen’s Men’s and Women’s Bathing Suits at qual­ ity prices at quarter off their regular value Act quickly. BARGAINS IN SHEETINGS 72 and 81 ins. wide. These come in bleached and qnbleached and are good value per yard 45c. AND 50c. TURKISH TOWLING In three qualities. These are genuine English Towelings and are very easily washed. Priced at per yard 121/gc., 15c. AND 18c. Murray Heel Hugger Shoes ARE YOU HAVING SHOE COMFORT THESE HOT SUMMER DAYS? IF NOT WHY NOT TRY A PAIR OF MURRAY’S HEEL HUGGER OR RESTU ARCH SHOES THEY COME IN ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS AAA TO EE. PRICES AT $5.00 TO S7.5O DEACON’S BLUE WORK SHIRTS The best made and roomiest shfrt that we can buy. We are making a special of them AT 79c. MEN’S COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS They are fast colors. Materials made by Tooke. The best value we know of SPECIAL AT $1.19 HATCHWAY BUTTONLESS UNDERWEAR They are very cool and comfortable. Made in good wearing check Nainsook BOYS’ 75c. MEN’S $1.00 MEN’S SILK NECKTIES In a fine range of new patterns and colorings. They are good tie value EACH 55c. Rev. A. E. Elliott and Main Street Choir will be in charge during August 10 a.m.—Sunday Schools 11 am.—James Street. “There was No More Sea.” 7 p.m.—’Main Street “Happiness” Thursday, August 9th—Prayer Ser­ vice., Main Street I)r. G1 Mb vi.- Mi" To Mr 'ite Gordon McBain, of Buffalo, is vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant. Mr. James Francis and l\liss Ina Jaques spent the week-end in Bright ind New Dundee. Mr. Stanley Walter, of of Montreal, Hanover, is holidaying at his home here. Mr. II. Brintnell and family have returned to Moosejaw after v.siting with relatives here. Harold Martin, of London, is vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and family, of Toronto, spent the holi­ day with relatives. Mr. George Beavers has returned to Toronto after holidaying for a week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar N. Smith, of Toronto, were callers with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peart, of Rockwood, spent the week-end with Mr. anj Mrs. George Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. S, J. Elliott have re­ turned after a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Detroit. Warren May has returned home after spending several weeks in Tor­ onto and tlie Thousand Islands, Miss Beriiiice Gollings is spending this week at the A. Y. P. A. Whit- liouse camp, Lake Couehicliing. Airs. Bedford, of London, spent a few dave with her daughter, Mrs. V. Armstrong and Airs. C. Heywood. (Messrs. W. C. and Archie Davis, spent the week-end in Toronto at­ tending the war veterans reunion. Aliss Dorothy Anne Bickell, of London, is visiting -with her grand- paients Air. and Al'rs. Wm. Kuntz. Aliss Lois Hunter returned home on Monday from Stratford where she has spent the past three weeks. Airs. W. R. McClellan, of Strat­ ford, is visiting her parents Air. and Airs. Charles Aidworth this week. Air. Clarence Boyle, of London, is holidaying for a week with liis parents, Air. and Airs. F. Al. Boyle. Alaster Clarence Dilling, of Hen­ sail, is visiting this week with his grandparents Air. and Airs. Jno. Bell. Rev. A. A. Truniper, of London, who is holidaying at Grand Bend called on friends in Exeter on Tues­ day. Miss Beth Francis, of Bright Aliss Betty _ holidaying Jaues. Air. and Gordon, and Miss Alice Handford fare on* a trip to the Aluskoka district this week. 'Mr. and Airs. Frank Hunter, Hel­ en and Russell, of Stratford, attend­ ed the Sims reunion at Grand Bend on Alonday. Air. and Airs. Jas. Jewell, of -town ana Air. and Airs. W. E. Bradt and family, of London, spent a few days at Grand Bernd. Aliss Eleanor Abbott and Miss Isa- bell Appleton are visiting in Forest with their uncle Airs. Arto Delve. Air. and Airs. Charlotte Willis) end with the latter’s parents, and Airs. Jas. Willis. Aliss Fern Welsh has returned to her home after holidaying for two weeks with relatiyes at Pontiac and Commerce Lake,/Michigan. F* Air. and Mrs/C. O. Martin, Engje- liart, Mrs. T ~ Wm. Higgins,, with Air. and Tuesday. Air. and Airs. Windsor, visited parents over the Kuntz returned with them to spend the week. Air. and Mr. Chas. Moore, of Tor­ onto, were guests with Air. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers during the holiday, also with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Gould. Miss Aiarjorie Hunter R.N., who is nursing Mrs. Foster, of Kirkton, in Victoria Hospital, London, spent a few hours with her parents in Us- ,borne on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Hunter returned home Friday last after an extended visit with relatives at Kitscoty, Alta.; Salvador, Sask.; Darlington, Man. and other places. Mr. and Airs. Wm. Ballantyne and Dorothea and Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKenzie, of Fort William, motored to Exeter an,d are visiting with Mrs. T. McCurdy an.d other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Corbett and grandson, of Linden, (Mich., visited with Mrs. Egan and James Sweet a couple of days last week, it is over 43 years since the former left hero. Mrs. R. B. McBride and son Ross, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle for the past “two weeks returned to their home Springfield, Ohio, oh Monday, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ryder daughter Marion, of Burlington, ited R. : former expr Dorothy Sims returned to Burling­ ton with them to days. IMr two SOIL Toronto, former’s Monday gum Re-union Johns as member of the Gipsy Troubadors. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. limit. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr, MiddlemissApply ay. if heavy horses to Montreal Tue>- ltp day. Mr. Dow is in the market for J more heavy horses. Mr. Jack Paisley, manager of the Chainway Store here, is holidaying at his home in Ovilla. His place here is being filled by Mr. Keith Beck, of Strathroy. During the electrical storm which visited this district Thursday ternoon last fuses were blown in five of the houses on Huron by the lightning. Mr. Philip Johnson, of Welland; accompanied by his grtindaugnter, Miss Irene Armstrong is visiting with his Elizabeth Frayne. Mr. ana Mrs. V. L. hicveb* Nnr-e- ■a’f*. Ite. LOST—A ladies’ white g**!tl wrist watch cn August 6tli on* Outialia sell cl grounds. Reward, finder please leave same at Adv* eate. Will the Times- ltKe. STRAYED—.From lot 1*«. on r am ut July 27 a Heref Finder please notify Warren Kirkton 4r3. con. n-d r i Brc lo ill. ck. af- out St., of Fort Erie sister, Mrs. 10 10 11 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—Alorning Prayer and Ser­ mon. No evening service, during July and August. 7.45 p.m. Thursday—Prayer Service ...The Finest — in — • •• FARM FOR SALE OR RENT- a’jre- 10th and 11th cons. IV half mile south of Farquhar. Fansen, phone 3 3r4, Kirkton. r WANTED — Foot sufferer -cannot get results from pads Cress Corr, or Bunion Brownings Drug Store. t* Salve PERMANENT WAVING Croquinole, Spiral and Combination 5 New Patterns in Wedgewood Dinnerware SHOWING FIVE NEW PATTERNS IN THE NEW CREAM GROUND WARE. THESE NEW DESIGNS ARE VERY SMART AND THEY COME IN FULL 97-PIECE SETS. THEY ARE STOCK PATTERNS AND IF YOU BREAK ANY PIECE THEY can be replaced. These are real value, per set $22.50 Roulston, of Simcoe, visited with relatives dur­ ing the week-end. They camping at Grand Bend home “Silver Belle.” Mr. Walter Matthews, ly underwent an operation in Saint Joseph’s HospitaL, London, for ap­ pendicitis, has returned and is again able to be around. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Essery and Mrs. Myrtle Clark, of Chicago, vis- real ’teii far a few days with ■Mrs' ^’n1, ‘ ! Essery and Miss Vera and other rel- afjatives in this community. ‘ rri?o nv Clnnn + cf “ho 1 H n fiiAnin tn tie tai ltp. d. who use at i have been in a rolling who recent-L. Stackhouse Phone 245 FOR SALE U'ed Tractor in A-l shape, a bargain for quick sale. 1 New Fleury Riding half price.2 second hand Alanurc Spreaders at your own price. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Exeter, Ont. Plow co Lakeview Poultry Farm PULLETS FOR SALE 4 to 5 weeks old 30c. each.4 week old Cockerels, 5c. each for de­ livery at once.Egg prices promise to be good this winter. With reasonable care you can haie these pullets doing per cent, before Christmas. KENNETH WEIN Dashwood 60 sec-HAY FOR SALE — 32 acres ond cutting of alfalfa hay on the 7th concession of Usborne, Lot D. Daniel E. Hicks. 2tp. LOST—Two-vear-old black heifer without horns with hole in left ear and strayed from Lot 5. cm. 7 in the Township of Hay about July 1st. Any person finding this heifer please No. 1. 17rl4, notify Wesley Dearing, R. Exeter, Ont., or telephone Crediton. FOR T. in good shape. Apply at Advocate, SALE— Ford coupe,model Times- Grand . Electric lights, running Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR RENT—Cottage a! Bend, te-r. . wa- andFOR SALE—The brick house land where the late Susan Atkinson lived on William Street, Exeter. Apply to R. N. Creech. VOTERS’ LIST 1934 Municipality of Stephen Township County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Vot­ ers’ Liat Act and that I have post­ed up at my office at Crediton on tile 25th day of July, 1934, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elec­ tions and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all vot­ ers to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions last day . __• errors or *omis> corrected according to law, the day for appeal being the 16t.h of August 1 93 4.Dated at Crediton this 25th of July 193 4. HERBERT K. EILBEIt Clerk of Stephen Township Crediton, Ontario day VOTERS’ LIST 1934 Mu^kipality of Usborne Township, County of Huron Not! e is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Vot­ er's List Act and that I have post­ ed up at my office at Usborne on the 28th day of July 1934, the list of all pers,ns entitled to vote in •the said municipality at municipal flp(‘tF)U< and that sul li list re- mahw thf'i’f* fur inspeetioi AND 1 hui'pby mill upon all vot- to take immodiato j>r'oeeei lings to m-ve tny r-rrer?-, or >nmib sions imr- Term'd dpcording to law,the last diy for appeal hohig the 26th day of Augn-t 1934. Dated at Usborne this 28 th day Of July 1934.HHNUY STIL\NG, £ m Clerk of usborne Twp, • • •Clearance Sale... on — The Boy Scouts held a picnic to Grand Bend on Friday and enjoyed •an outing at the lake. Soft ball was the chief attraction. Dinner an£ supper were served at the pa­ vilion. Miss Kathleen Calvert, of Ilder- tan, Mrs. John Grainger, of Bruce- field, and Rev. R. R. and Mrs. Con­ ner and Elaine, of Em’bro, holiday visitors with Mr. Jas. Bowey. Mr. A. L. Stewart, of and Mr, A. Richards, of ’visited with the Mr, also with Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Stew­ art, of Usborne. Mrs. J. Pryde Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John Pryde Jr., and Miss Netta Fryde. of Windsor, and the former’s lister Mrs. J. Kinlock, of Scotland, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pryde. Miss Grace Hunter, R.N., who has been in attendance upon her grand­ father, Mr. Rd. Hunter, since his left Monday for home at SUMMER DRESSES AND SILK SUITS Ward’s Ladies’ Wear were and Mrs. Peart, of Rockwood, this week with Miss Mrs. Wm. May and and are Ina son A visit to our store will be appreciated Montreal Hamilton, former's mother, J. T. Stewart on Tuesday and ricent operation, Goderich, enroute for her Salvador, Sask. Mr. Frank Wildfong and ther Mrs. Amos Wildfong C. Aidworth and Mr. Lewis Aidworth attended the funeqal of the latter’s sister the late Mi’s. Robert Shurmur ut Detroit on Wednesday. Mrs. F. B. Durdle, of Walkerville, Mrs. W. Connor and son Lyle Fan- -on, of Windsor, Mrs. Wm. Carr and Mrs. M. E. Joneg smd. son William of Detroit, visited with Mrs. J. G. Joneg and other relatives the begin­ ning of the Mrs. Geo. Jaques R.N., tea in honor R.N., on Wednesday at her home 50 Alma St., London. Her marriage takes place on August 18th to Mr. Howard Cuanston B.A. ;Mrs. McAvoy, who had the mis­ fortune to fall down the cellar steps, at her home three weeks aigo *and break a large blood vessel, had it lanced some days ago. Her many triends will be pleased to know that t-he is progressing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Jolliffe and two sons, Billie and Bob, of Gari> , who have been on a through the Eastern s with Mr. J. Wickwire and Miss forepart of hig nio- and Mr. week. ( Jaques and Miss Ina attended the troussetau of Miss Beulah Abbott LWv suus, duff, Sask., motor trip provinces were visitors and Mrs. F. J. T. White during the the week. Mr. Bruce Dignan, is holidaying with his James Dignan and his E. M. Dignan. I.L. I nan B.A., operation for the removal of tonsils at the Toronto General pital x * Mr. and Mrs. G. C- Koch Miss Ruble Creech) returned latter part of the week from wedding trip having taken a of Toronto father Mr brother Mr Mr, Howard Dig- recently underwent ar (nee the their __ ___ _ boat fiom Toronto, through the Thousand Island to Montreal and then up the St. Lawrence river to Quebec, and from there they enjoyed a trip up rhe Saugenay river. They are at present visiting in Stratford. _es-Advocate have had on splendid simple of wheat the farm of Mr. Lorne at Warner, Alta. Mr. has 300 acres gimiliar to lie is a nephew of on Baker and Mrs. J. who recently returned west and brought the The Time display a. i grown on McKenzie, McKenzie Ute sample Newt* Chambers from the sample with them LOCAL NEWS and aunt, Mr. and Martin Byre \nee spent the week- Mr. F. McNeil and Mrs. of Clinton, visited Mrs. Geo. Hunter on* Harold Kuntz, of with the former’s holiday. Mr. Wm. in and vis- [ on Sunday with M*r. and Mrs. I). Mousseau. Mr. Ryder was a is agent in town. Miss visit for a Frank Johns and Gordon, wi th few and of tlie Air. Harry West, of Sarnia, with his mother. j (Air. Stanley Ward, of Loindon, ' with his parents. | Airs. W. Washburn, of Essex, with, Air. and Airs. AV. E. Middleton. | Airs. T. O. Southcott is visiting! for a couple of weeks in Preston. i Air. and lAIrs. Jos. Davis and fam­ ily, of St. Marys with their parents. Aliss Florence Norry, of London, spent the week-eiyd with her parents I Air. and Airs. Arto Delve and family, of Forest, with relatives here. Mr. amd Airs. George Cade, of Alt. Brydes, visited with Mrs. T. Mc­ Curdy. Mr. T. S. Neale, of Hamilton, visited in Exeter and Brucefield over the holiday. Rev. A. E. and Airs. Johns, of Hamilton, with relatives' in this community. Mr. Al. E. Gardiner, of Meaford; called on old friends in Exeter on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ford and family, of London, spent Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. London, visited mother, Mrs. T. Misses Vera and Reta Rowe are on a motor trip .to visit with rela­ tives in Wisconsin and enroute. Mr. W. A. Turnbull, who has been quite ill continues to improve and is able to sit up a little each day._ The picnic Park, 3-lst. Mr. don, with Sally Witwer, of London, is holiday­ ing with them. „ Mrs. (Rev.) Jas. Snell, of Toron­ to, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell and Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down over the week-end. Mrs. W. H. Harness was taken ill Wm. Rollins, of with the latter’s G. Creech. Fowler Reunion and basket will be London, held at Spring-bank on Friday, August and Mrs. Mr. John Head, of Lon- Tlios. Hatter. Miss Grocery Specials that will Save You Money McLarens JELLY POWDERS c per package OC u Redpajth Granulated SUGAR g 10 lbs. for OOC RICE Good Quality jb 3 lbs. for lH’C PURE CLOVER HONEY . . .........................................................5 lb. pail 55c.; 10 lb. pail $1.10 Maxwell House COFFEE per lb. OOC Good Laundry SOAP 10 balrs for Fresh GINGER SNAPS per lb. JLUC CHEESE New Cheese per lb. 15c. Tasty Old White per lb. 20c DUTCH CLEANSER per can 10c. MARMALADE Crosse & Blackwell Large Jar 29c. Southcott Bros Mr. Janies Weekes returned home on Wednesday from Victoria Hos­ pital, London, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. He is able tn be up around again. Word has been received in town that Mrs. (Rev.) D. McTavish is ill at her home at Port Hope yith an attack of the mumps, John and Ern­ est having just recovered from them., John has taken a position with the Royal Bank at Port Hope. SPECIALS IN GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Ennis, Sunday friends, enjoyed of the Salvation School scholars to the number of a very pleasant of Mr .anj Mrs. Captain Army, his and a few about 5 0 time at the home Wm. Daverty on Wednesday evening of last week. Supper was served on j the lawn, which was gaily decorated with flags and bunting. Races and other sports were indulged in and after supper Capt. Ennes conducted a sing-song, accompaning same on his accordian. Another pleasing feature of the entertainment was some songs, with guitar accompani­ ment by Mr. Ashbrook, dresssed* in cowboy attire, he having been a cowboy in the West -for some years, before coming to this locality. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the host and hostess and others contributing. Capt. Ennis closed the festivities‘ with prayer. All re­ port a good time. A SPECIAL LINE; SOCKS WASHABLE TIES SUMMER CAPS BATHING SUITS, Special SWEATERS, Turtle-Neck and Sleeveless . . • FLANNELS at 35c 50c 35c $2.50 $2.50 $3.50 & $5.00 k N EXETER, ONT. Saturday and Mrs. PHONE 81 A REAL BARGAIN DRESSES EQzv & SUITS □ UV Friday last with lumbago and has bee keep to her bed for a month. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Penliale and, family, of Toronto, attended the Penhale family last and visited. Jas. Stanlake. Miss Maxine forth, has returned to her ter visiting for a week - uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis. Mr. tund Mrs. F. Burkhart and son, Harry, of Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Wilbur Fulton and two children, of Flint, Mich., and Mrs. McGee, of Sonibra, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis. Among those who attended the Canadian Corps Reunion at Toronto advised by her physician to Lawrence,of Sea-1 1 home af- with her and Mr R( are tnotli with ............. . ---- ---- they attended the old Boys’j[ tor the week-end were: DI’. G. S3, at Flesherton where Afr.1 Atkinson, Tlios. Pryde, Rufus Kestle iger holidaying Mrs. W. Johns. On s, Johns and Mar- er, Mr at r jesnerioii wnere Air.-aiMu.-uu, .listed with a concert as a • Jack Willis, Norman Norry, Fred ' W^lls, Art and. Bill Davis. ... MASTER CLEANED AND TAILOR PRESSED SYSTEM OF DRY-CLEANING WHITE FLANNELS CLEANED............ THE FOLLOWING AGENCYS WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU W. W. Taman, M. C. Sleainon, J. M. Ross &_Co., S. Rannie, Exeter Centralia Lucan Hensall ALL GARMENTS INSURED E. W. CROUCHER, DIVISION REP