HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-09, Page 6THURSDAY, AVGVST 9th, 1934 THE EXETER TIMES-AD VO CATE ==c .= 1-...-................... — ..........—...................................-............................................... - TRAIL’S END ....................................................................... by Agnes Louise Provost ............................. ........................ ........................... ISYNOP8IS—Three weeks aftei’ a (years -ago there was a river here, uppose it looks pretty ugly to you, ■but it has its points, ^nd aftex" the rains it will be streaked with purple and gold.” “Purple and gold.” .She narrowed ed thoughtful eyes and stared at it, half dreaming. '"No, I don’t think it is ugly. It’s fascinating. It’s empty and brood­ ing and ratiher terrible, but it be­ ckons you. It keeps promising you something and you want to go on and on until you fines it.” The grey eyes warmed. They al­ most; blazed. She had a quick feel­ ing that somewhere behind this brown young man there was an ea­ ger little -boy, rather pathetically anxious to have someone admire a thing he loved, but with all a little boy’s sensitiveness to rebuff. That was curious, when in other ways he seemed so completely potsed and as­sured, quite as much as any man sha knew. iSIhe wondered what had happened, to make him feel like that. The glimpse was only a glimpse, pasing as quickly as it had come. The car gave a jolt of protest and slanted off obliquely from the road they had been following. She had wanted privacy and here it was. “Now,” said her host cheerfully, “we are aiming straight—more or less straight—for your ranch. The real road it back of us. This is just ycur short cut to it. See that little jag in the hills? Your ranch is right below that, in a valley.’She looked at it with sharpened interest. A valley sounded nice; sort of snug and tucked away. The agent had told her that a stream ran through the ranch. She hoped that was true, but she did not ask Barry Duane. The hills were coming closer and a slow rise of land -began to be spotted thinly with dwarf evergreen Higher slopes towered ahead, great, wrnkled rocky folds, almost black in shadow, Further south, where the car was heading were long, thin­ ly wooded ridges. Lying lonely but protected, there was a little valley. Ann had a glimpse of willows and cottonwoods, hugging what must be a little creek. There was water! They swept in with a triumphant burst of speed, past a strip of fence with tired looking posts and dis­ couraged wire, past a ragged field or two, catching sight of dow. “Here we are,” said “at Cushing’s Ranch, judge it by first appearances, cause a handy man with a hammer and a few nails can work wonders.” His voice sounded nervous. They were all looking at her, a little an­ xiously. She began to laugh. Softly at first, but with a swelling note. This was her ranch, hers, bought insane­ ly over the counter in’ a dirty little office in a small town. “The I don’t mine! orange Flaming orange! Let’s explore! She was out before anyone could help her, running up a careless path to a frankly sagging porch, and turned at the d-oor. “I forgot the most important part. Welcome to Trail’s End. Mrs. Larrabee, if I help, do you think I dare invite the gentlemen to our first meal. They .stayed. It would have tak­ en force to have dragged at least one of them away from that glow­ ing picture on the low, lazy old porch, with the weathered logs mak­ ing a silvered background for her vivid youth and the lovely flame in her cheeks. “Don’t see why they shouldn’t,” she agreed calmly. “There’s plenty to eat, and we can easy keep two men, busy until supper time. Boone, you take these things out and I’ll show you where they go. And then you might clean out the stove—it will need it—and lay a fire for me. Barry, .suppose you show Miss Cush­ ing around and tell her about things And you might take a look at the well and see if it needs cleaning out.” Anne listened to them, eye alight with laughter. “Tell me when I can help. I’m not going to be a drone you know. But I want to see what the house is like, first. Coming?, This was not. addressed to Mar­ tha. A slightly dizzy young man picked up a suitcase in each hand, aDd followed her. The door yielded under her hand with a gentle squeak, and a slant­ ing ray of sunlight followd her in. •She was! in a fairosized room, with doors' on both sides leading to other rooms. The first impression was one of dust and bareness, the hasty litter of odds and ends drop­ ped In moving. The room wasn’t -bad at all. The bare floors needed scrubbing, but then was a generous stone fire­ place with some glinting quartz *ream colored roadster had been hut it has been dry a, long time found wrecked in the .sea at the suppose it looks pretty ugly to j foot of a cliff, a girl calling her­ self Anne Cushing appears at the desert town Marston. She had bought, sight unseen, a ranch lo­ cated thirty miles away. Barry Duane and his man, Boone Petrie procure a reliable woman for her and in Barrys car, loaded down with supplies, the desert. licence has THIRD Fortunately mind, the girl who called Anne Cushing had no suspicion of t<he too eager eye Which had found that evidence of a discarded iden­ tity in her coat. She did have a faintly disagreeable memory of a sharp-faced woman who had been rather offensively inquisitive but that could have meant no more than the ill-restrained curiosity of a sm,all-town gossip. She put it be­ hind her, and settled back, content­ edly. Marston, low against its sands, had vanished in a sprawling blur. The old car made excellent Petry was driving. Martha bee sat beside him. Barry sat with Anne in the rear seat. Blazing sunlight beat down and a long plume of dust waved wavered in their wake, ran on ahead of them, mile mile, wit'h nothing to impede their view. Thorp was not a house in sight, nothing moving. In the opu­ lent flare of sunshine distance took on strange colors, turning to purple in the folds of those sudden hills. “You are in the’ Junipero Valley now,” Duane told her. “You must remember that, because it is your next-door neighbor. A lew thousand car, loaded down . they start across In Marston her aroused suspicion. ENSTAX.MENT re- otfor her peaceherself time. Larra- Duane and The road after Come in and see THE NEW 1934 GQffiDF^BKIE PATHFINDER 12 months guarantee 3” /■* ''''■ againiti/.-: 7 ' defects and road hazards "Economy" Tires backed by the Ml Goodyear guarantee We have your size! F. W. Clark, Credit on M. Peariso, Grand Bend G. F. Penwarden, Centralia Shingles! British Columbia xxxxx Best grade at $3-60 per square A. J. CLATWORTHU Phone No. 12,GRANTON a lovely inea- Barry Duane, You mustn’t be- dear little funny old thing!’ mind it if’s run down. And I’m going to curtains at the windows. > J It’s have Take Those Twinges Out Of That Aching Back The dull pains, or the sharp, quick twinges in the small of the back may be warnings that the kidneys are not working properly. If you would bo free from backaches', swelling of fho feet and ankles, puffiness under tho eyes, and bladder and urinary troubles you must keep your kidneys well. Help them to work freely, and help them to flush off the body’s waste and impurities, Doan’s Kidney Pills have a healing and soothing effect on the kidneys and give comfort to those suffering from backache. .-mrfaces, and a lung mantel above it lea med of a single cedar slab. The time-darkened beams were hand hewn, and if the few pieces of furni­ ture were heavy and primitive, that, had she known it, was something to give thanks for. “•M’m, I’m glad Mrs. Larrabee is a cyclone. But I love the old beams and that fireplace—although i/s hard to imagine needing a fire after that sunshine outside.” “Wait until the nipping niglus come. They can be chilly enough now.” He lingered in the doorway. “I’ll do a chore or two for Martha before she gets after me, and then if you’re ready, we can take around. Or perhaps you’d unpack first.” “Before I’ve seen my own Never! I just want to get out some sensible shoes. I’ll join you in just a minute.” He went, but with a backward look. Interested and not a little puzzled. ‘ He knew that the girls of his own generation did practically what they pleased, but they didn’t usually please to .bury their talents in humdrum and unspectacular farm work. Perhaps it was just a whim, or a let-down .after a live affair, or —Oh, damn it, what business was it of his, anyway? He went to find Martha Larrabee. Left to herself, Anne grimaced frankly at the slightly dingy looik of her new quarters and blessed Martha’s stern creed of soap and water. She slipped into a pair of smart .sport shoes and hurried out “Mrs. Larrabee, I -can’t ask two perfect strangers to do all my work for me. It’s awfully nice of to be willing, but it’s really to “My name’s Martha,” said capable woman composedly, don’t you worry about the work. It won’t hurt ’em. It’s only enighbor- ly. Now you run along and tell Barry to chow you around, -but be­ fore he goeg he might as well help Boone out with that table. I thought we might have supper early, and eat it outside.” A step .sounded on the porch. Ann knew already who it was. “I’ve brought you some water, Martha. The well seems in good .-hape, but I'll take a better look at it tomorrow. It’.s placed right for drainage, too.” i He sighted Anne. White, even teeth flashed. “All ready for action? Come along, and IRl show you the estate.” She Trudged off gaily with him, to look at her kingdom. Martha locked after them, with elevated brow and that little quirik at the corner of her smiling mouth. "Him!” she said “Runnin’ after a girl!” “Runnin’ after a girl!” The tour of inspection hay barn and wagon house and store house, blacksmith shop cluttered with odds and ends, a fairly good cabin with several bunks, used, no douibt, in busier times. There were farm im­ plements more or less in repair, a fair assortment of tools, some no­ ticeably patched harness and a quite respectable saddle. They left these dusty’ details be­ hind them and walked slowly down beside the little creek, hustling busily along over its stones. Young willows crowded close to its banks, cottonwoods towered gracefully, golden green with young leaves. It was a quiet and lively spot. “A'n Indian,” said Barry Duane, “would feed a tribe on what a Simp­ son wastes. A primitive dam out there and some irrigation ditches on eac.li side would add acres to this place. But try to make them do it” There was a curious bitterness in his voice, out of all relation to such a harmless subject. She wondered. “Why, I think it sounds exciting.’ “Yes. it’s exciting enough.” 1-Ie broke off with an apologetic grin. “Don’t let me get started. It's a hobby of mine. Come on, let’s go up to that knoll. You will get a good view down your little valley and a nice gimpse of some aspens, cm the other side. When they turn in the autumn that upper slope is like running gold.” Ditches and views and creeks, bit­ terness and an eye for mountain slopes running with autumn An unexpected younng man. might not be so solitary here all. That had been hours ago. had eaten pinic fashion, with ful appetities and in the open Strange that it should .seem so na­ tural! They had talked of deserts and of deep bosomed hills, of the tempermcntal habits of the dry san­ dy washes in the season of rains. Of everything, in fact, except the reason why a gill with beautiful hands and the smart tailoring of ex­ pensive city shops should have elect­ ed to live in a liffle ranch in an is­ olated valley. Then finally, rather reluctantly, her two sun-browned guardians had climbed into the and departed, Affer that she into a big apron Martha, dispite protest, after two hours of beating and dust­ ing and washing and dragging things around she sat quietly by herself on the amiably sagging porch. From somewhere near the- lower meadow Hie heard the deliberate thump of hoofs, the tear and crunch of the meadow grass. That would be one of her horses. The steady, crunching sound made her drowsy. The valley was so quiet. The wooded ridges lucked it in. Back of the ridges tall peaks a look rather ranch? them much that “and eloquently took in the shed, tool a disused gold!- Life after They zest­ air. disreputable car bad tied herself and worked with and now, loomed darkly, mysterious in moon­ light . . . Trail’s End. ered if it would bo. She had Barry was hills. She ways lived been away like the others . . . She liked him. Martha’s solid stop sounded back of her. “You better get to bed. You look mighty near done out to me.” “Just lazy. You’ve done -wonders, I like my ranch, Martha. Perhaps I’m a hopeless greenhorn, but I do.” “So do I,” said Martha unexpect­ edly. “I’ve always liked it.” “Oh, do you?” A certain listless­ ness had gone out of her voice. “I thought perhaps—well, it’s gener­ ally agreed to be rather run down, isn’t it?” "Nothing that plain, ordinary hard work and a little backbone won’t bring up again,” said Martha bluntly. “There’s a home and a reasonable livin’ on it, and in good years there ought to be a little over to tuck in the bank.” She looked shrewdly down at the small dark head, at shapely, taper­ fingered hands clasped over a dound- ed knee. Martha had a head and usd it, but whatever she may have felt of curiosity or doubt she kept to herself. She added thought, cautiously. “And if you ever ranchin’, I guess you any trouble turnin' over. Anybody could easily it into a dude ranch, and I guess there’s rich men that would like/it just for the shootin’ and fishin’ back in the hills. Now I’m on my way to ■bed. We’ve got to ger up early to­ morrow morning.” “All right, Martha. I’ll follow in a minute. Be sure to call me.” The firm step retreated. Anne was alone again, and thoughtful. Home and a living. It was curious how precious that seemed now. Hid­ den away in her smaller suitcase there was still a little store of bills in that golden bag, hated and yet miraculous. Enough to buy some needed things for her ranchito, and a little in reserve, always in reserve, if by any chance disaster should pursue her even here, and the need for flight should come suddenly. “Hide me!” she whispered fierce­ ly. “Hold me and hide me, until no one remembers my face!” A memory stung her like a nettle. She shook it off abruptly and jump­ ed to her feet; Four days had passed since Anne .had arrived at this tucked aavay, ne­ glected ranch of hers, four days of almost unremitting work which had sent her to bed with every muscle protesting and had swept her in five minutes into dreamless sleep. From the kitchen came a subdued rattle of pans. Anne’s eyes fell open wide and she reached for the watch lyng on an unsteady little table be­ side her bed. Seven o’clock! A swing and a soft tlium.p took her out of bed, and she threw open the door and ran out. “Martha, you viilian, you’ve let me oversleep! Don’t you know I’m a hard-working woman!” Her shrewd eyes warmed, in spite they looked in the kit- and surly thrust into silken, py- She. wond- “home” for up in the learned that rather high wondered if lie had al- there. He must have to school. He didn’t talk a brieg after- get tired of wouldn’t have your money turn of an inner protest, as at the gay little figure chen door Bright eyes mop of hear, bare feet gaudy Chinese slippers, jamas, scarlet, and black. “If 'you’re goiu’ to run around in those red pants, you’d belter keep an eye on the door. First thing you know one of your reg’lar callers will be stickin’ his head in, and then what’ll you look like?” “Why, just like this!” She pluck­ ed a bit of gay silk in each thumb and forefinger and bower extravi- gantly. Then with a sudden glint in her eye she swung out a slippered foot at a perilous angle ana twirled off in a series of extraordinary dance steps. The older woman star­ ed at her, a girl gone mad, whirling and swooping, small feet stamping a curious time beat in light, staccato thuds. “Like it, Martha?” Martha got her breath back. “Oh, go ’long,” she said crossly, and a laugh come back to her as the slim legs flashed through the bedroom door. (Continued next week) HYDRO NEWS (By E. George .Smith) Dashwood is listed in the new 1933 Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission Municipal Report as one of 83 Hydro municipalities which are now regarded as “out of debt”—that is its local liquid Hydro assets exceed liabilities. Publicly owned power was first turned on in Dashwood in Septem­ ber 1917, since which time the total number of consumers in the muni­ cipality has increased from 47 to 94; average horsepower used in­ creased from 46.5 to 50.2; total rev­ enues have declined from $4,0'5-2 to $3,551 last year, while lighting revenues have increased from $743 to $2,411; kilowatt hours sold for lighting have increased from 6,522 to 52,514 and plant, capital has in­ creased in value from $3,911 to $7,- 02 6. Dashwood lias .-built up $12,594 reserves and surplus in its local Hydro enterprise. These assets are recorded on Commission ibooiks as follows: reserve for equity in Hydro system $4,929; reserve for depre­ ciation on local plant $1,Q17; de ■bontiiroft paid $1,268 and operatin surplus $4,478. The average cost of electricity to Dashwood lgliting consumers ha<s been reduced from 11.39 cents in 1918 to 4.59 cents in 1933. Last year’s rates of 4.2 and 5.4-cents per domestic and are to be com- 10 and 12 cents municipalities kilowatt houy for commercial lighting pared with rates of in gimiliar sized prior to Hydro. Ontario’s average ing rate, i Orange Pekoe Blend Hydro, is 1.7 cents; that of 25 rep­ resentative United States cities ser­ ved by private companies cents per kilowatt hour; New York city is 6 cents. Hydro statisticians estimate that Hydro since its inception, has saved over $600,000,OiOiO to Ontario elec­ tricity consumers on their monthly bills. In the provincial field, the people’s light and power business improved materially as to load con­ ditions and reserves during 1933. In February of 1933 the load sup­ plied to the municipalities reached the lowest point snee 1929, covery was .such summer and fall that 19 33 the Commission ■the municipalities on the largett load in ts • During ’933, $3,000',000 was add­ ed to Commission reserves, making a total commission reserve of $69,000,000, cash assets of Hydro light and power users. In addition $3,000,00'0 was added to municipal reserves, making total municipal re­ serves of $60,000.00 or mission and municipal $129,000,000. Ontario Hydro users paying $50,000,00'0 more per annum ■on their electricity hills, according to Hydro statisticians, if they were assessed the basis is 5.7 that of ■ A MB flU, «11 A Si ■ ■Fresh from the Gardens in effect i services in the latest under i the 1933 load from Tacit it in yw travelling bag Ten never know when yea'll need Minard’s. NEW METAL CAP hermetically electricity rates private company United States. According to statistics, the provincial peak has grown in the last decade 669,080 'to 1,511,033 horsepower; the number of municipalites served has increased from 393 to 757; to­ tal number of consumers, has in­ creased from 387,983 to 617,00'0 including rural; capital Hydro in­ vestment has increased from $179,- 000,000 to $288,000,0-00; capital municipal investment has’' increased from $60,0'0 0/000 to $ 112,OiOfO,0-00; miles1 of rural lines have increased during the decade from 60'51 to 000 and rural customers have creased in number from 7,700 62,00'0. seals in strength of liniment. Prevents spill­ ing, yet is easily removed. RubinMinard’s freely to relieve any muscular pains or stiff­ ness, sore fect> r h_e u JEL_a 4 1c aches, "etc/ > Sales Agents t Harold F. Ritchie 6T Co., Ltd., Toronto total Coin­ reserves of WEST—McEWEN average would ibe Master Six Coach Master Six Special Sedan with Ttunk Delivered, fully equipped, at factory, Oshawa, Ont, Freight arid Government license only extra. New low time-prices on the GMAC plan. Standard Six from s710 domestic light­ including rural, under Re- throughout last in December supplied to all .systems history. The marriage was solemnized the manse of Ivan United Church, of iMargaret, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen, of Ivan, to Percy West, of Parkhill, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. West, of Thedford. Rev. George Weir officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Percy West left by motor for Muskoka and Northern points. On their return they will reside in Parkhill where Mr. West is Prin­ cipal of the Public School. way in 1934!” And, as everybody knows, Chevrolet has justified the prediction. First of all came the new Chevrolet Master Six, pioneering fully-enclosed, protected Knee-Action! Then came the 1934 Chevrolet Stan­ dard Six—the lowest-priced car in Canada. Now comes a brand-new, five-passen­ ger Master Six Sedan with built-in trunk — a further proof, if one were needed, that Chevrolet leads its field in modern body styling. Is it any wonder that the car to score all these triumphs is Canada’s Great Sales Leader? Drive a Chevrolet your­ self, today! Standard Six Coupe READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Master Six from $844 SNELL BROS. & CO., EXETER Associate John Passmore & Son, Hensail, Ont. Dealers C. Fritz & Son, Zurich; John Sprowl, Lucan „ fgjTrflWTJtril