HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-02, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, H>tM HENSALL isMr. Eldrid Smith, of London, visiting at his home here. Miss Ruth Coles, of Listowel, vi'sitinig with friends in town. Mr, Chas. Jinks has purchased a car front J. Passmore and Sous. Master Billy Higgins i's visiting with his sister at Beach-o’-Pines. is and W. A. McLaren 3 plus 26; 3rd, Mr. Koch and L. R. Coles, Listowel 3 plus 24; 4th, John Beatty and W, A. Reid, Seaforth, 4 plus 16, A Douglas re-union was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Thames Road, The tables were set out on the lawn and ninety people sat down to partake of the good things provided to eat. Games, races and other sports were indulg- from , Toronto, London, Detroit, Exeter and Hen- sal 1. I During the month of August the morning service in St. Paul's Ang- , lican Church will be withdrawn. The evening service will be at the usual time. Canon Appleyard, Sea­ forth, will preach on August '5th 1 and 12 th and Rev. Mr. McGowan, i of Clinton on August 19th. Rev. M. IB. Parker, rector, will then take the service on August 2 6th, Ser­vice will be held at Staffia, on Sun­ day afternoon at three o’elQ'ck. Cannel W. M. S. The Women’s Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their July meeting on« Thurs­ day afternoon July 2.5th at the home of Mrs. Thus. Hudson. The meeting took the form of a picnic and the society entertained the Home-Helpers at three o’clock. Mrs. Robt. Cameron took the chair and opened the meeting by singing hymn 379 and " repeated, The read from the Helen (Smith, .called the roll, CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. J. pa'ssmore visited ed. Guests were present a Manitoba, Saskatchewan, 'Mrs. K. Woods, of Otterville, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cas­sidy. I Miss Jennie Taylor has taken a position in H, O. Dayman’s Groceri- teria. Miss Elizabeth and Miss Margaret Slavin are vigiting with friends in Varna. ‘ | Mr. and Mrs. H. Hilliard are spending a few week’s camping at! Bright’s Grove. Mrs, Marshall, of Seamon, Sask., vi'sited last week with her sister Mrs. Geo. Hess. Master Roger Ventier, .of Chisel­hurst is visiting at the home of Mr. W. L. McLean, Mr. Garnet Webber, of London, was a recent visitor witn her. sister Mrs. C. S. Hudson. Miss Lois J. Moffatt, of Bruce- field, is visiting with her grand­ mother Mrs. P. Fisher. Miss Beryl Drummond and Aud­ rey Kew spent a few days visiting in Kincardine this week. Mrs. Harold Twitchell, of Detroit is visiting with her relatives Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell. Mr. John Pas'smore, of Delhi, was a recent visitor with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. Wm. Simpson, of Detroit ha's .been visiting with relatives and friends in Hensall and vicinity. Miss Dorothy Peck, of Stanley, has been visiting with her grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. Miss Ada Gram, of Lansing, Mich visited over the week-end with her parents Mr. * Rev. Mr. . ____ and children left this week to spend a month at Highland Park Forest. Miss Ellen Pybus, of Windsor, is visiting with friends in town al­ so with her brother at Chiselhurst. Mr. Roy Palmer, wno has been in Windso.r for the past l’ew months spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watman and son Harold, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Moore and family, of Detroit, visited over the wee’k-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abray, of London, were recent visitors with Mrs. A;bray’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson. Mrs. Thos. Dougall, of Saskatche­ wan, is visiting with Mrs. Robt Mc­ Laren also other relatives and friends in this vicinity.Mr. T. E. Drummond was called to Toronto last week owing to the serious illness of his father, who passed away on Monday. Mrs. Peter Fisher and daughter Miss Eleanor after spending their relatives Mrs. Percy Jack, London, after spending and Mrs. Geo. Gram. W. A. and Mrs. Young have i eturned home the past month with in Gravenhurst. Southern and son have returned home „ the past week visit­ ing her mother Mrs. J. Pope. Mr’s. Wm. McLean and children, Hamilton, have returned home af­ ter spending several weeks visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Miss Edyth IMcEwen, of Kitchen­ er, and sister Miss- Lillian of Tor­ onto, are visiting with their broth­ er Mr. George McEwen and other friends. * Mrs. James Dougal, of White­ water, Sa'sk., is visiting with her sister Mrs. Robt. Patterson .Sr. also with other realtives and friends in this vicinity.Mis's Stella Ingram, of London, visited over the week-end with her relatives here and also attended the Dougall re-union on Saturday last. Miss Audrey Kern, of Toronto, has returned to her home in Toron­ to after spending the past three weeks with hr uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Drummond. Miss Grace Gibibins, of the staff of the Bank of Montreal has resign­ ed her position and her place in the bank is being taken by Misst, M. Thompson, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mi’s. Floyd Lee and Mrs. •Charlotte Biv'in, of Fenton, Mich., Mr. Wm. Callahan, of Detroit, vis­ ited and and union Mr. abd Mrs. Wm. Corbett and grandson, of Flint, Mich., are spend­ ing a week visiting Mr. Corbett’s brother Fred, of Hay Township, and other relatives in Hensall and vi­cinity and also a/ttended the Corbett reunion on Saturday last. During the month of August the service in Carmel Presbyterian church will be held in the morning and the evening service will be withdrawn. Rev. Mr, S. Gordon, /of Caven Presbyterian Church, EXe-i ter, will take the morning service in Hensall. The ball game which was played on the Hensall diamond on Friday last between Ingersoll and Hensall resulted in a win for Ingersoll by the score of 7 to 2, this puts Hen-*, sail in third place. The play-off games will be played with Hensall •and Ingersoll on Saturday afternoon August 4th at Ingersoll and the same two teams play in Hensall on Wednesday, August Sth. The Bowling Tournament which was held on the Hensall green last' Wednesday afternoon was quite a success. Rinks playing were Ailsa •Craig, Listowel, Seaforth and Wing­ ham. Winners in the tournament were: 1st Allen McDonell and Alf. Clark 4 plus 20; 2nd Geo. Brock over the week-end with Mr. Mrs. Fred Corbett and family also attended the Corbett re- SOURED ON THE WORLD?—THAT’S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel necessary Many people who feel sour, sluggish and generally wretched make the xniatako of taking Balts, oil, mineral water, laxativo candy or chewing cu-m, or roughage which only move the bowels and ignore the liver. What you need is to wake’up your liver bile. Start your liver pouring the daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Get your stomach and intestines working as they should, once more. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon fix you UP'. Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick. Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 25o. at all druggist*. 51 the opening prayer Bible Lesson 91st Psalm by The Secretary the members was Miss then ___ re­sponding with one of God’s promis­ es. Mrs. Edwards the Preslbyterial Home Helper’s Secretary, gave a most interesting address full of helpful hints to H. Helpers. Mrs. A, Dougal sang a solo accompanying herself on the guitar. This was much enjoyed. The business period followed conducted by the president Mrs. Rev. W. A. Young and the offering was received, Mrs. Robert Cameron took the topic “Women .of the East” which wa» both interest­ ing and instructive. Hymn number 5 53 was then sung and Mrs. Young closed the meeting with, prayer. A social hour followed vVhere a dainty lunch was served. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Hud­ son for her generous hospitality. Corbett Re-Union Corbett re-union was Saturday, July 28th at the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett The held on home of _ of Hay Township and which is the old homestead. The tables which were set on the lawn were beauti­fully dcorated and laden with the •good things to eat. Over eighty •people sat down to enjoy the feast During the afternoon games, races and other sports were Indulged in. Prizes were awarded the winners, this part of the program was in charge of Misses Hazel and Pearl Thompson and was greatly enjoyed Among those present from a dis­ tance were: Mr. and Mrs. William Corbett and grandson, of Flint, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd See and Mrs. Charlotte Brown, of Trenton, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. George Martz and Peggy, of New Baltimore, Mich. Mr. Wm. Callahan, of Detroit; Mrs. McBride and son Ross, Mrs. Stewart' McCallum, Mrs. Hannah Colvin and son John, of London; Mrs. Oscar Meters, of Prospect Hill. Other guests were present from Seaforth, Kippen, Hensall, Exeter and Chiselhurst. Death of T. C. Dru.nun.ond The death-occurred in Toronto on July 30th of Mr. Thomas C. Drum­ mond in his 75th year. Tie had been in poor health for some time but until recently had been able to be around and had made frequent vis­its to Hensall. A few weeks ago he was stricken with a s.evere heart attack and since then has been in •a critical condition in spite "of the best of nursing and medical skill. He passed away on Monday. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. with interment in Mount Pleasant cemetery, Toron­to. He leaves to mourn his loss two daughter's, Mrs. Leslie Al'len, of Guelph; Mrs. Marshall Hethering­ ton, of Toronto; also four sons, T. E. Drummond, Hensall; L. B. Drum­ mond and W. N. Drummond, Tor­ onto; H. F. Drummond, Moncton, N. B. His wife predeceased him 'some three years a'go, IMr. and Mrs. Drummond were formerly valued residence of Hensall moving here 15 years ago from Wingham where they resided until about five years ago when Mr. Drummond disposed of his butcher business to his son, and, retiring to Toronto, where he has resided until hi's death. Those attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Drummond, Miss Louise Drummond and Mrs. C. McKenzie. Death of J. W. Lloyd Davis The death occurred in Toronto General Hospital on Friday, July 27 of J. W. Lloyd Davis, only son of the late W. C. Davis and Mrs. Davi's of Hensall, and was in his his 48th year. He spent his Gariy life in Hen'sall. When a young man he went into the bank and continued in the baulking business for twenty- three years, leaving it to go into the mercantile business about five years ago. He was married about eight years ago to Miss Jane Cald­well, of Winnipeg, Man., who sur­ vives him. He loaves to mourn his loss beside his widow, his mother, Mrs. W. C. Davis and one sister, Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill, both of Hensall. The funeral which was private was held on (Monday after­ noon at 2.30 from the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. A. W. E. Hemp­hill. Interment in Hensall Union cemetery. The services was con­ ducted by Rev. Arthur Sinclair pas­ tor of the United Church, assisted by Rev. W. A. Young of Carmel Presbyterian Church. The pall bear­ ers were: Messrs. A, L. Case, W. O. Goodwin, C. Cook, W. A. McLaren, Wm. Buchanan and Fred Manns. Mr. Davis was well known in this district having worked in the bank at Exeter and Clinton also real, Winnipeg, Windsor and onto. GRANTON of Ohio; of Lobo; Mont-Tor- A.Lang­ tie which wife for The death of Mrs. W. ford, in Granton, broke a had united husband and __ - nearly 60 years, Mrs. Langford, for­ merly Louise Metcalf, was the daughter of Anthony and Cather­ ine Metcalf. She was married in 1875. Mr. Langford is the only survivor, Funeral service* were eon* ducted at the family home and in­ terment was in Birr cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the latter’s mother, Mrs. A. King. Mr ’ " . “ ‘ son, Glenn, of Detroit, the week-end with Mr. W. Clark. Mrs. Eilber and son, _____ Ohio, were guests of (Mr and M>rs. Herb Fahner a few days last week. Misses Lily and Ila Eilber spent the week-end with their father, Mr, 'Charles Eilber. Miss Clarissa Hill, Mrs. Daye Gei) and daughter, Marion, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Faist a few days last week. Miss Verna Pridham, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Miss Mar­ guerite Lamport.Rev. and Mrs. Fred Faist, of Chesley, visited a few idays with Mr, and (Mrs. Ezra Faist. Mrs. Hagelstein, oil Fullarlton, Mrs. Baker, of Exeter, are visiting With Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill. Mr. Clinton Morlock and Mr. Ross Taylor spent several days in Toron­ to. Clinton Morlock attended the Rogers Majesitic and De Forest Crosley Radio Convention held in the Royal York Hotel in that city. Mrs. Walker, of (Saskatchewan, who lias been visiting several weeks with her father, Mr. Isaac Hill, re­ turned home last Thursday, The Missionary committee of the Evangelical Sunday School under the convenorship of iMr. Emmery Fahner presented a program during the Sunday morning session. .The pastor, Mr. Pletch, gave an address stressing ithe Christian’s duty toward missions. Miss Alma Smith’s class sang a song entitled “Watch and Pray.” Mrs. Fanny Kennedy, of Ilderton and Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy and family, of Ettrick and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dearing, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill. Mr Richard Hill returned Satur­ day after a pleasant visit to rela­ tives in Alberta and Manitoba. He visited Mr. Wm. Sweet and family' in Old, Alberta and friends in Red Deer, Alberta and Mr. and ’Mrs. Vera Meade, Bindloss, Alberita and Mr. •and Mrs. Wm. England in Calgary, Alberta and Mr. Eli S^yeet and fam­ ily in Keyes, Man., and Mr. James Dempsey at Nippawa, Man., and friends in Winnipeg. Mrs. Meade and Messrs. William Sweet and Eli (Sweet were formerly from Crediton. A very happy re-union of the immediate family of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill was "held at Grand Bend recently in honor of Mrs. (Rev.) E. H. Walker and little daughter, Mar­ ion, who are visiting from Carie- vale, Sask. Those from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Hill, Ralph and Roberta, of Detroit and Rev. and Mrs. Hagelstein, Jean and Marshall from Fullarton.Mrs. Newton Baker and Mr. H. W. Hagelstein are spending a few days with Mr. and ’Mrs. Isaac Hill. and Mrs. Russell Clarlk and visited over and Mrs, F. WOODHAM of Newark ™ RED & WHITE STORE Redpath GRANULATED SUGAR, ...............10 lbs. for 59c GROCERY SPECIALS X y SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES............................per pkg. 7c. I AYLMER PORK AND BEANS large tin..................each 10c. I SELECT PINK SALMON..........................1 lb. tin each 10c. HANDY AMMONIA..........................................4 pkgs, for 19c. P &G NAPTHA SOAP.......................... 10 bars for 29c. PURE CASTILE SOAP.............................. 10 cakes for 25c. RASPBERRY AND STRAWBERRY JAM (Maple Leaf) Huron Toilet Tissue...........3 rolls for 25c, Gold Medal Tomatoes, large tin . . each 9c< Peanut Butter in bulk.........2 lbs. for 2Sc. Pure Clover Honey.............S lb. pail 55c. Fly Coils................................per doz. 19c. Ginger Cookies..........................per lb. 10c. Fancy Sweet Mixed Cookies . . per lb. 17c. . . per jar 32c. Pic Nic Plates...................... per dozen 9c. Silverskin Pickling Onions . . , per lb. 10c. Fresh Peaches.......................per doz 39c. New Watermelons........................dach 55c. Sweet Juicy Oranges...........per doz. 29c. New Potatoes ........................per peck 30c. Jelly Beans................................per lb. 19c. 1 LARGE CAN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER—1 handsome goblet free .... 25c. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF VINEGARS, PICKLING SPICES, ZINC RINGS, RUB­ BER RINGS, GLASS TOPS, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of at office over the Post Zurich, last three days of week and Office, week. rushed to on an ZION CENTRALIA In Rev. . „ , . . „ _turned from his vacation up North, his work here was taken Sunday last by ’Mr. Glen Sawyer a College student and son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer, a former resident of this place. Mr. Sawyer preached a very inspiring and interesting ser­ mon and created a very favorable impression. Our sincere sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. James Howe, Kirk­ ton in the sudden and unexpected death on Friday last of their young­ est daughter Joan. She had been .playing around the blacksmith shop and in gome unknown manner fell head first into a small vat of water which is used to cool ‘the irons and before help arrived, life was ex­ tinct. Mr. and Mrs. ITowe were former residents of this place. Mr. L. Beavers, of Exeter, spent Friday last in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd is spending their vacation up North, about 350 miles from here.A number from here attended the Decoration services at Zion on Sunday last.Mr. and Mrs. James Squire and daughter Violet and Mr. and [Mrs. Howard Anderson, of Washington, motored to Ipperwash Beach and Grand Bend on Sunday last. The W. M. S. meets this week the home of Mrs. John Camm. the absence of our pastor Mr. Lovegrove, who has not Miss Reta Fassold was London to St. Joseph’s Hospital Saturday where she underwent operation for appendicitis. Miss Ruth Kleinstiver is in Toronto. Messrs. Maurice and Klumpp and Miss Selma spent a few days in Detroit. W. Schultz, who has been here returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. May and Miss Tillie, Ehlers of Kitchener, spent a lbw days with Mr. and Mrs. S. Oes- tricher. Mrs. Shore and Miss Tillie Miller oi Woodbridge, called on friends in town on Sunday evening. Mrs. J. Raebke and son Bobbie who has been visiting here for some time returned to Detroit on Sunday. Master Russel Tieman returned with them to spend his holidays. Miss Rose Guenther, of Windsor, is spending her vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guen­ther. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther, of Windsor, visited his parents over itlie week-end. Mrs. G. Dultz, of Detroit, is vis­ iting her parents Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac and family, of Detroit, are spending their vacation with relatives.’Miss Myrta Hoffman, of Kitchen­ er, spent a few days with her ents, CREDITON EAST ar SHIPKA Next Bunday will be Missionary day in the Sunday School. A special program will he given. Miss V. Moore, who has- spenli the past two weeks at Grand Bend, has returned home. Mrs. L. Schroeder is at present visiting at the home of her mother Mrs. Mason at Parkhill. The Ratz family attended a re­union in Kitchener on Saturday last.Master Billy Maier, who has been spending his holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Morenz has returned to his home in Detroit.Miss Blanche MorehA spent the week-end with her shier, Mrs. Jack Corbett, of Hensall.'Mr. and Mrs. Hardcastle, ol Chatham, visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. Miss Edith Ball is camping for a few weeks at Grand Bend. KHIVA and Mrs. Arthur Nichol ’Mrs. __ and visited J. Mr. ___ ____ _ Mr. M. Weiss, of Kinkora on Sunday with Mr. and Hanover. iMiss Ruth Willert left on Mon­day with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. A'lvin Sararas, of Toron­ to, for Stoney Lake, where they will spend their vacation. Mr. and iMrs. Louis Held and soli, Peter, of Waterloo, Mrs, Harry Lehley, Miss Annie Hanover and Mr, Karl Hiclilet, all of Buffalo, visit­ ed this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanover. Mr. and Mrs family spent Mrs. Almorc •Miss Rose London last in,g a couple here.Mr. Edward Lippert of Melbourne, visited ... . with 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Lippert, Art Sunday Willert, Deitrich Thursday of weeks Willert and with Mr. and Grand Bond, returned to after spoild- at her home and bride, on Friday visiting Harold Rader Mrs. visiting par- Chris. Rau is making a rapidMr. _ _____ __ ___ recovery since his operation at St. Joseph’s hospital, London and is ex­ pected home soon. Miss Doreen Sims, of Exeter, is holidaying with relatives here. Mr. Blake Heath and nis children of Windsor, are holidaying with her parents Mr. .and Mrs. H. Kuhn.Mr. Dan Truemner ig visiting with his son and daughter-in-law Dr. and Mrs. Truemner in Chesley. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wilson and daughter of Centralia, and Miss Evelyn Heaman and Mr. Melvin Edwards spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter and daughter and Mr. . and Mrs. Isaac Sims and three children, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joab Sims. Mrs. Nelson Schenk and children •of Mt. Carmel, spent Sunday the former’s parents Mr. and Henry Pfaff Sr. Mrs. George Hayes and daughters returned to their home in Exeter after a few days’ with the former’s mother Mr.s W. Anderson. Mrs. Mervin Brokenshire and three children, of Guelph are holi­daying with the former’s mother Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. Russell Bayrham, of Exeter, spent Sunday at bls home .here. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor, spent the week-end with the former’s parents IMr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. Miss home Grand with Mrs. two visit Jean Raynham has returned after a week’s holidays Bend. at HARPLEY Miss Lillian Hayter, of Detroit, Mr. Willis Hayter and Mrs. W. Hay­ ter, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey. Miss Dorothy Harlton, of Shipka is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. J. Hickey. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hodgins, of Petrolia, visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Catharine Hodgins. Mr. Gerald Carruthers entertain­ ed about .thirty young people at an ice cream party on Tuesday evening in honor of big birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Esley Hodgson and Murray, Clandeboye, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Jackson and Gerald, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Trevetliick and fam­ ily, of Detroit, Mich,, called at Mr. Mansell Hodgin’s on Friday after­ noon. Miss Jennison and Mrs. Toni Love visited on Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love. The Taylor nual re-union Wednesday of __ _____ Ideal weather prevailed for the first Decoration Day Service which was held at Zion Cemetery ,on Sun­ day afternoon. A large crowd' gath­ ered to pay their tribute of respect to loved ones who have departed. Flowers adorned most of the graves placed there by loved ones. Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Centralia, who is con­ ducting the union services of the Zion and Whalen United Churches in the absence of the pastor Rev. J. Peters, conducted the services. Music was provided by the Granton Male Quartette and Miss Celia Westman sang a solo. The Zion choir led in the singing of the hymns. Addresses were given by Rev. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Hector Taylor, of Exeter, a former resident of Zion. The trustees of the cemetery are asking for the co-operation of the people in securing money for a trust fund, the interest of which will be used for the upkeep of the cemetery. The trustees wish to thank, those who have contributed and for the liberal collection Sunday. family held their an- at Grand. Bend on last week. WINCHELSEA and Mrs. M. Fletcher, of •on Ex-Mr. eter, spent one day last week with their daughter, Mrs. Walker Kers- lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher and family spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, of Saintsbury.- Master Harold Davis spent a coup­ le of days last week with Mr. Mrs. Jas. Horn.The Ethel latter Grace Mr. .. . family spent Tuesday afternoon at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stone, Thames Road spent Sunday with the latter’s uncle Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kers- lake. Mrs. Neil Cameron and son, Jack of Detroit, spent last week with the former’s sister, Mrs. Lawrence Mills. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster were Mr. and |Mrs. George Parkinson, _of Blan- shard; Mr. Granton. Mrs. H. day at the Brown, at Mr. R. E. Pooley was in London one day last week. and and the Misses Marion Pooley spent a few days part of the week with Miss Hocking at Monroe. and Mrs. Ray Fletlcher and Parkinson, ___ and Mrs. Fred Foster of Brown visited on Satur- home of her son, Mr. H. Centrarlia. Mrs. George Thompson and Jean are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mrs. Grant Ford visited for a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Madge, near Hen­sall. Mrs. visited er the Misses Jennie and Rachel Wilson visited with Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton in Ailsa Craig on Sunday. Misses Iva and Ila Willis, of Exeter are visiting wth .their grand parents, <Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davey. Miss Marie Fletcher is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie in Usborne. Cameron Procter, of St. Marys, and Teddy Powe, of London, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Rev. and Mrs. Stewart and daugh­ter, Lorraine, accompanied by the latter’s gitter and young son, who have been visiting here for the past couple oi’ weeks left on Wednesday of this week for Montrea/^SS“here ! they will spend the montli'T-V Aug ust. Mrs. Milton Mitchell,, who has been in St. Joseph’s hospital, Lon­ don receiving treatment* for the past couple of weeks is e’xpected to be able to return to her home this week. On Sunday, August '5th, the ser­ vice in the church will be at 10.30. a.m. followed by the usual Sunday school service. Rev. J. R. Peters, of Elimville, will conduct the services during the month of August. There will be no evening service. On Friday evening of last week a large number of friends and neighbours spent a social evening together in honour of [Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks and presented them with an electric clock, a bridge lamp and a walnut living room table A very pleasant evening was spent in dancing. Lunch was served by the ladies. Mrs. Wes. Horne and Mrs. Will. Routley, of Elimville, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Maltby and family visited with relatives in Galt over the week. Miss Cora Malt­ by returned with them for a week’s, visit. Don’t forget the Ola Boy’s union on Monday, Auugst 6th.Misses Beatrice and Helen ser.y and Harry Stephen spent past week with their uncle aunt- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden. Kershaw and Mrs. Parsons with relatives in London ov week-end. KIRKTON WHALEN and Mrs. Alymer Morley and Brantford, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mr. family, of visitors of Morley. Miss Marjorie Hodgins, of is holidaying with her cous- E. " ' F. near Lucan, in Mrs. Mrs. Monday in N. Ogden. Mr. and Dorchester man Millson, Sunday with Mr. Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire, of Farquhar, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Goo. Squire. (Mr. Clark Slierwill, of Norwich, is spending some time with friends in the community.Shirley Squire has returned home from Lucan Sunday where she spent several days with her cousin Miss Ruth Millson.Mr. Henry Squire, of Exeter, is spending several days at the home I of his son Mr. Geo. Squire. Meeting of the W. A. The W. A. met at Mrs. J. Hodg­ son's homo on Thursday afternoon with ton members and eight visitors present. Mrs. Wm. Morley presid­ ed. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. Roy Bwitzer. Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart invited the ladies to meet at her home for the September meeting. Several committees were1 appointed. Splendid readings were given by Dorothy Hazelwood, Ruth Hodgson and Mrs. Baillie. A vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart was very much enjoyed by all arcordoon solo by ’Mary Singing and prayer by Rev, dosed the; meeting, a ten was served by th® hostess assistants, Foster. Squire and Shirley spent Exeter with ’Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Caleb Millson, of and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- O'f Lucan, visited on and Mrs. George also an Morley. Stewart Cent tea and her few Re­ Es- the and iStanley Howe returned homeMr.after spending the past two months in Detroit. •Mrs. Sam Switzer was taken tO' Victoria Hospital last week, hope for a speedy recovery./Mrs. Cihester Hazelwood Mrs. J. Newman, of Detroit We and _ _ are holidaying with Mr. Walter Hazel­ wood. M'iss Proctor, of Sarnia, is visit­ ing her sister Mrs. McHardy. Mr. Robert Hazelwood had the misfortune to fall from the beam of the barn while unloading hay, hurting his back very badly, but is improving nicely. We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howe and family of the death of their little daughter Joan who was drowned last week. The farmers in this district .have their fall wheat cut «nd while the yield is are not ■ing and crop. Miss ____ dale, spent a few days this week with Thelma Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphrey and Joan, Mr. and Mrs, R. Hum­ phrey spent Sunday in Windsor. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons of the Rectory are spending their holidays at Otterville. Mr. .and Mrs. Norman and family, of St. Marys, J. not as good as usual they discouraged, buit are plow­ getting ready for another’s Geraldine Mollard, Tliorn- Foully __ _____ . _ _____ spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Rout- iy.Lloyd Colgin. Mr. and Mrs. Les­ter McCurdy, all of Detroit, at­ tended the funeral of little Joan Howe, An Ohl School Teacher Mr. John Harnwell, of Goderich, a former school teacher of thirty- five years ago called on some o£ his old pupils and friends and re­hearsed school days. Mr, Harnwell said 'there were sixty eight On the roll while today there is only, twenty,