HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-02, Page 4THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WHAT ARE YOUR INTENTIONS ? FOR THIS WEEK-END ENJOY CIVIC HOLIDAY at IPpERWASH REACH Dance to the entrancing melodies 'of SNIDER’S ROYAL COLLEGIANS GRAND MID-NITE DANCE Monday Morning, August Oth—Commencing at 12.15 a..in, A JOYOUS HOI JI) AY FROLIC DANCE ON MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 6th Special Prizes for Both Dances and OUR REGULAR BIG SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE, AUGUST 4th No advance in Prices^—Dances* 5c.—22 Tickets for $1.00 FULE COURSE MEALS SERVED AT THE CASINO “Everyone Enjoys the Bathing” IPPERWASH is the safest, cleanest, most comfortable Beach in Canada I THAMES ROAD | Miss JIazel Thomson, of Kippen, 1 has been engaged to teach at S.S. ‘No. 2, Usborne, Mr. Hy. Anderson . having resigned to teach Timmins, N. Ontario. I Miss Ann Allison, of New York, ’ is home for the summer vacation. Mrs. Taylor and family have re­ turned. to the Manse. Roy’s Church are having a Dec­ oration Day on Sunday, August 12, Rev. Mr. Down, of Exeter, occup­ied the pulpit here on Sunday morn­ ing. Rev. Mr. Hugh Taylor preach­ er at James Street. Miss Hazel Hamilton, of Crom­ arty, is visiting her sister Mrs. A, Hunkin. Miss Jean Tuffin, of ,Staff U holiday* visitor here with her sin Vera Pollen,Mrs: J. W. Hackney, Mrs. T. lantyne, Mrs. C. Frayne were cent visitors with Mr. and Robinson at Grand Bend. MT. CARMEL Rev, Fr. Glavin, Of Toronto; Ft. Guinan, of Assumption College, of (Sandwich were visitors with friends here last week.Ed. Boland and two chil- f Detroit, visited with Mrs. s aunt Mrs. J. O’Rourke Going Forward with Exeter and District is a cou- Ba'l- re- Mrs. LOCAL NEWS iMisg Mary McKaig is holidaying this week at Grand Bend. All roads will lead to Centralia next Monday for the Old Boys’ Re­ union.. Miss Caroline Davis has returned after holidaying in Brantford and Dorchester. ’ Mrs. George Hunter, who has spent the past few weeks visiting in the West, is expected home Fri­day. Mr. Wm, Kress, who has been re­ lieving at the Bank of Commerce at Newsteadt is now relieving at Orediton while Mr. M. W. Telfer is on vacation. James St. Young People will pre­ sent their popular play “Civil Ser­ vice” at Elimville on Friday, Aug. 1.01th. This will be the tenth ap­ pearance and you will miss a good laugh if you miss this play. TORONTO MARKETS Hogs Decline 35c. and Cattle 25c. on Toronto Market Monday’s ReceiptsCattle .............................. 13,810 Calves .............................. 510 Ho,gs .............................. 1,020 .Sheep and lambs .......... 1,5 80 ■Losses predominated trading on the Toronto Live Stock Market on Monday, with lambs leading the way with a drop of 5 0c. to 75c. follow­ ed by hogs with a decline of 35c. Common classes of cattle also drop­ ped closing 25c. lower than last week. Calves and sheep held steady. ‘Cattle trading was very- dull with""2,00 0 head unsold at the close. Weighty steers sold mostly* at $4 to $5.25 with one good load making $5.85. Good and choice butcher cattle brought $4 to $4.50.. Butcher cows held steady at $2 to $2.6)5' while canners were 25c. lower at 75c. to $1. .Good butcher bulls brot $2.60 to $3 and bolognas were down 25c. at $1.75 to $2. Fed calves ranged from $4.50 .to $6.25, accord­ ing to quality. Stores were dull at $2 to $3. Hogs settled 25c. lower, selling at $8.15 f.o.b, for bacons, $8.40 off truck ana a.t $8.90‘ of cars. Selects brought $1 premium. Calves continued firm at $4.50' to $5 for choice vealers with a few* Kosher calves selling at $5.50. Com­ mon graseers brought $2 to $2.25. . After an unsettled opening lambs settled 50c. to 715c. lower than Thursday’s close, -selling at $6 to $6.25 for good ewes and wethers. Culls and bucks brought $4 to $5. Sheep held steady* at $1 to $2.50 a cwt., according to quality. run off as follows with Wm, Hod­ gson, Harvey French, Earl John­ son and Ross Hern as sports com­ mittee: children under |5 years, Harry* Hern Catherine Baitten; boys, 8 and under, Harry* Squire, Kenneth Hodgson; girls, under 8 years, Irene pooley, Anne Brock Erlma Jacques tie; boys under, 10 years, Billy* Morley, Cecil Squire girls, under 10 years, Hazel Hern Shirley* Squire; boys, under 13, B. Ogden, Gerald Hern; girls, under 13, Laurene Hern, Velma Squire; young men’s, raice, Bill French, Clive Dobbs; yoking ladies’ race, Jean Morley, Gladys Squire; mar­ ried men’s race, Milne Pullen, Ward Hern; married women’s race, Mrs. Melville Hern, Mrs. M. Pullen; 3-legged race, open, Lloy*d Hern and Clive Dobbs, Milne Pull­en and Ward Hern; elastic race, Mrs. Ephriam Herns’ side won against Mrs. Thomas Gunning; ladies’ kicking the slipper, Mrs. Edgar Squire, Mrs. Thos. Gunning men kicking the slipper, Milne Pullen, Edgar Squire; dodge ball Kenneth Heim stayed in the ring ’the longest; nail driving contest for ladies, 2£ inch nail, Mrs. Thos Gunning, Mrs. Wilson Morley; nail driving contest, for men, 4 in. nail, Harry French; stepping a measured 40 yard, Melville Hern, Bill Cornish; guessing the number of beans in jar, Mrs. James Earl was the only one who guessed the corect number. After the sports, sight-seeing, boating and bathing as well as softball was enjoyed urn- til supper time which was served at six o’clock. The only unfortun­ate accident of the day happened during the ball game before din­ ner, while making the first run in the .game, Mr. Earl Johnston had the misfortune to twist his ankle, causing him considerable .pain and requiring the attention of a doc­ tor. However we were glad that it affected neither his spirits nor his appetite and at the time of writ­ ing is somewhat better. STAFFA Mr, Wm. Sadler is in the Strat­ ford Hospital where he has under­ gone an eye operation. We wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Halliday, Toronto, are visiting their daughter Mrs. H. H, Leslie.■Mr. Wm. Fell, of Alberta, is vis­ iting relatives and renewing old ac­ quaintances. Mrs. W- O’Brien and baby, Flint, Michigan, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. O’Brien. Mr. and Lorena, of visitors at Tuffin.Mr. and .. dren of Niagara Falls, have return­ ed .home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sadler. Women’s Institute Picnic The annual picnic of the Women’s Institute was held at Grand Bend on Thursday last with over one hundred person's in attendance, The afternoon was spent in bathing and immediately after supper the races were held and were as follows: Foi* children under 5 yrs., Johnnie Ba|k- er; Girls 5 to 8, Marilyn Gray, Bet­ ty Baker; boys 5 to 8, Bobbie Sad­ ler, Jack Currie; girls 8 to 12, M. Treffry, Hazel Laing; boys 8 to 12, Keith Parsons, Bruce Baker; girls 12" to 15, Winnifred Elliott, Iva Leary; boys 12 to 15, Eldon Allen, Keith Parsons; young ladies’, Win­ nifred Elliott, Jean Smale; young men, Anthony Allen, Tom Bingham married ladies, Mrs. A. McLellan, Mrs. R. McDonald; married men, E. Treffry, Tom Laing; three-legged race, Jean Smale and Anthony Al­ len, Iva Leary and Donalda Gray; necktie race, MrL F. Allen, An­ thony Allen, Mr. and IMrs. T. Laing; peanut race, Mrs. O. W. Reed, Mrs. R. McDonald; kick the slipper, Mrs. Mrs. dren, < Boland ............................_ and other relatives here.Miss Irene Wiggins, R.N., Lon­ don, was the guest of Miss Marie Regan last week, Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield Denomme and family, of Detroit, are visitors with Mrs. Denomme 6 parents Mr. and Mrs. John Ragivr and other relatives.Mrs. Brady, of Hamilton, is the guest of her sister Misses Carey. Mrs. Thomas Glavin, uf Detroit, is visiting with Peter Doyle.Mr, and Mrs. of Detroit, spent •Mrs. Rowcliffe’s Hall. The small son is seriously ill with an pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. R. Etue, Detroit, spent a few days recently with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carey. Miss M. Moser and lady friend, of Detroit, is spending their holi­ days at the former’s home. 'her daugher Mrs’ Frank Rowcliffe, the week-end with mother Mrs. Ed. of Mr. Peter Doyle attack of Mrs. G. Suhr and Miss Stratford, were Sunday the home Of Mr. Frank Mrs. W. Ratz and chil- ELIMVILLE Mrs. Cotton and daughter, Sauli Ste Marie, are visiting with the former’s sister, Mrs. Len. O’Riel'ly, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne, IMr, and Mrs. Will Routly and others at­tended the decoration service at Z'ion cemetery last Sunday. We are pleased to report that Mr. Ronald Elford, who is in St. Joseph Hospital, Londoi), is recovering very nicely from his recent operation for appendicitis and expects to be able to return home on Wednesday of this week.Mr. and Mrs. A'vin Bannerman, Miss Vera Bannerman, Mr. Cecil Bannerman and Miss Webb, of St. Marys, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns last Sunday. While hoeing in the garden^ on Monday Master Clarence ■found a penny piece dated "Bank of Upper Canada.” Mr. Henry Johns has been _ fined to the house and to his bed part of the time this week! past. He will be eighty-one years of age on Wednesday August 1st. His many friends sincerely hope he will soon regain his strength. Damage by Wind Wild storms visited .our vicinity during Sunday* night and the wind blew Mr. Isaac Gower's verandah down and shifted the bank barn on it’s foundation. Stocks of grain were •blown from the field into another and flattened corn considerably. A large number of trees were broken & Ford 18152 con- A. W. Norris,’Miss E. Frayne; needle or blown down in several orchards, and thread race, Mrs. R. McDonald Mr. Bruce Cooper’s large bank barn HURON GARAGE SALES AND SERVICE ON Plymouth and Chrysler Products FIRST CLAUSS REPAIRING ON ALL MAKES OF CARS British American Oil and Gasoline Monarch Batteries, Super-Lastic Tires and Tubes Official Ontario Motor League Road Service STEWART BROS. Main Street Phone 155w TUCKEY’S TRANSPORT LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING GENERAL TRUCKING “Service that Satisfies” Bonded and Insured Vans’ Service to London, Toronto, and intermediate points Prompt Careful Economical Imperial Gasoline and Oils Goodrich and Atlas Tires & Tubes AGENTS FOR FOREST CITY LAUNDRY & DRY-CLEANING Phones: 25w and 25j R. G. SELDON GRAIN ELEVATOR Hard COAL COKE Soft Thrifty householders realize while lower warm weather our reputation, for handling we guarantee that you cannot buy better fuel anywhere. PROMPT SERVICE that NOW is the time to fill their bins prices are in effect. We (believe that only quality fuel is unquestioned, and COMBINED PICNIC The combined picnic of the Zion and Whalen 'Sunday Schools was held on Friday of last week at Queens Park, Stratford. There was a good attendance, both churches (being well represented, over 200 being present everyone reporting a good time. A bail game was played -before dinner which helped everyone to do full justice to the meal which was served at 12.15 o'clock. After dinner while the ■ladies cleared the tables etc. two more ball games were enjoyed af­ ter which a line of sports were RECEPTION On "Wednesday* evening of last week the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol­omon Martin, -on the Bronson Line, was the scene of a reception held in honor of the newly-wedded coup­ le, Mr. and Mrs. Osonr Qreb. Mrs. Greb (nee Lylyan Martin) is the only daughter of Ml*, and Mrs. Sod. Martin. About seventy guests- sat down to the reception dinner. The tables were beautifully -arrayed, be­ ing decorated in nuptial colors of pink and white and the three-layer wedding cake, having its auspicious place before the bride and groom. An abrupt arid noisy feature then noised its way in on the festivities when the younger folk expressed their good wishes vd the bridal couple by a real old time charivayi. This was folloyed by an important program with Rev. E. Burn, Zurich, as chairman. Speeches, musical and vocal numbers were given, after which Rev. H. H. Leibold, of Se- bringville, closed the program with the beneditcion. Exhibition Park, home of the Canadian National Exhibition, is one of the most beautifully land­ scaped parks in Canada. It is a mile and a half in length on the short of Lake Ontario and covers an area of 350 acres, Buy now- Take advantage of a real bargain! Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are today’s outstanding value in cereals. Many servings from the big package at a cost of only a few' cents. Grocers are featuring Kellogg’s for a limited time only. Buy now! Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. •and Anthony Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laing; egg race, Mrs. R. Mc­Donald; Mrs. E. Treffry; youngest person present, Willie Baker; es't person present, (Mr. Angus Donald. GREENWAY old- Mc- the andRev. J. B. Moore B.A., of United Church is on vacation Rev. Dr .Sayles, of Ann Arbor, Midi, will conduct the services next' Sun­ day afternoon. Mrs. Leask, Bruce and Allan Barry, of Sarnia and Mrs. R. Oliver of El Paso, Texas, visited Mr. Leask and Miss Leask last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheittler, Mrs. Wm. Miller and Lois, of Buffalo, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Mac­ pherson and holidayed at Grand Bend last week., Mr. Lawrence Pollock and Mr. R. Pollock, of Kerwood attended the horse races in Toronto the early part of last week. Mrs. Ross Baittram returned from the iSanitorium much improved in health. Mrs. Ray Pollock and sons Don­ ald, Grant and Jack, of Kerwood, spent last Wednesday at Grand­ Bend. Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor, is spending her vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Mr. and Mrs. James Wellman, of Pont Huron, returned to their home last Monday. Mrs. Sarah McIntosh, accompanied them and remained until Friday. Mrs. J. B. Nichol, Miss Martha Nichol and Miss Ali’ce Brown, of Hamilton spent last Tuesday with Mrs. Robert Pollock. Mrs. Elton Curts was in Ankona for' a few days last week. Mrs. C. 'Grieves is spending this week with London friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jonnson and family, of Beulah, Man.; Mrs. Borland, of Crandall, Man. and Mrs. Geo. Moon of Londesboro, spent last Tuesday at the home of Mr. W. J^ Brown. Miss Doreen Hayter of Detroit, is a guest with Miss Jlhirloy Mur­ ray.Mrs. James Gerometto and Miss Phyllis Geromette had their tonsils removed last week at Dr. Taylor’s hospital.Miss Olive Moore, Mr. Geo. S. Digby and Mr. Norman McNeil, of Toronto, were guests with Rev. J. B. Moore at the Manse, Grand Bend.Miss Erma Goodhand and Miss Thelma .Sheppard spent a day at Goderich Summer School recently.Miss Pauline Eagleson visited .her aunt Mrs. Robert pollock last week.Mr. Allen Johnson, Miss Gladys McLean and Miss Marion McQueen of Kippen were guests of Miss D. •Mason on Sunday. Miss Marion Mc­ Queen is remaining for a short vis­ it.Mr. ... „. ________tended the reunion picnic of Tufts family in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs, John pollard, Mr. and Mrs, N. Pollard, of Centralia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Steeper on ‘Sunday, Mrs. Austin Hayter has moved back to the 21st and will make her homo with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagle­ son.Mr, and Mrs. J, T. Appleton, of Rochester N. Y., visited; >Mr and Mrs, Dean Brown last Tuesday. Mrs. James Gardiner has return­ ed home after nursing Mrs. Wil­ mer McLinchey and baby son, Mr. Roy Mason and Miss Helen Mason of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Llolson. was the worst damaged; it had a large portion of roof lifted out on the West side and left hanging over the edge with the silo holding it from falling, inside the beams and other supports were broken ana twisted badly. A wide piece of the east side was .blown off entirely. Houses shook with the force of the wind and many occupants were wondering what was coming next. •Thunder and lightning were ibut no buildings were struck as we have learned. The Funeral The funeral of the late Lucille Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford w*as' held last Wednesday, a very large number attending to show their sympathy. Rev. Stewart, of Centralia conduct­ ed the service in the absence of Rev. Mr. Peters, who was on vacation. Mr. Roy Golding, of Exeter sang a beautiful solo “Gathering Buds”; Messrs. Bruce Cooper, Win- Elford, Alvin Pym and Kenneth Johns also assisted with hymns. 'The floral tri­butes were numerous and beautiful and were carried by fourteen girl friends of the deceased. The pall­ bearers w*ere Messrs. Kenneth Johns Allen Johns, Howard Johns and Lome Elford. Interment was made in the Exeter cemetery. Among those present from a distance who attended were: Mr. Jno. Allison, Marjorie, Marian and Margaret, of Springfiieldj_ Mr. A. C. Whitlock, Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock from St. Thomas; Mrs. Robt. Den­ nison, Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. R. R. Dinney, Miss Emily Dinney, Mr. and Mrs. Grant' Milligan and Mr. C. Ford from London; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Isaac and Shirley; Mrs. W. Eagleson, Mrs. David Eagleson, of Greenway; Mr. and Mrs. Will Rae from Stratford; Mr. Bert Turnbull fiom Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLagen, Mrs. Jas. Roy, of Logan; Mr. Chas. Isaac and Mrs. A. Essery and Mr. Grant Ford from Centralia; Mrs. C- Weitzman and Miss L. Mc­Culloch from Cromarty and. Miss C. Colquhoun from Science Hill. Station, Exeter Phone 90 ■» severe as far Edna AUCTION SALE—of Household Effects on Mill St., Hensail on Sat­ urday, August 11th at 1.30 p.m. Full line of household effects in­ cluding piano. Terms Cash. Miss Mary Pybus, Proprietress; G. A. Elliott, Auctioneer 2tc. MORTGAGE SALE — of REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of .the Pow­ ers of Sale contained in a Mortgage WlllCll ***'11^ 11 n a/I Ati + I10 finv of the sale will sale on W. J. Brown and family at- * the be produced on the day there will be offered for the Premises on TUESDAY, AUGUST 21st, at 2.30 pan. the following estate: Lot number 37 in hthe 1034 real Lot number 37 in hthe North Boundary of the Township of Ste­ phen, in the County of Huron con­ taining 100 acres more or less. The farm is well built on. tile drained and conveniently located to schools and markets.TERMS 10 per cent, on the day of sale— balance in thirty days. , The farm will be offered subject to a reserv­ ed bid. For further particulars op­ lily toARTHUR WEBER. ESQ., Auction­ eer, Dashwood, Ont. iCARLlNG & MORLEY. Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ontario. Centralia Co-Operative GRAIN FEEDS SEED FLOUR and all t farm supplies CENTRALIA, ONT. Co. formed and com- to be of real ser- An organization posed of farmers vice to the (farmers of this district. We are vitally interested growth and welfare of our ity and are constantly on to serve our patrons in a and mutually satisfactory jn the commun- the alert practical manner. Crediton phone 40r22 Winer Bros. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Trucking of All Kinds We Specialize in Moving Cattle ■Courteous and economical service. Modern equipment and thorough experience. At your service day and night. Phone 91w EXETER LUMBER CO. BUILDING SUPPLIES DOORS—SASH—TRIM—LATH—SHINGLES—ETC. INTERIOR EXTERIOR “Lumber That Stands The Test of Time” Only the highest quality oif materials are handled by this home-* owned organization Our stock is complete and the prices in keeping with the times, Phone 48Exeter, Ont. ■ ■< BUTTER: “Winchelsea Star Brand” “Exeter Brand” Pasteurized, Sweet and Mild flavored Made by Exeter Creamery Co., Limited Sold in Exeter by,— Jones & May, S. J. V. Cann Southcott Bros., H. C. Rivers,; H, Bierling, Cock’d Cash Store and at the Creamery