HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-02, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Grand Bend, the Popular Summer Resort'■'THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934
posed in
a fine.
found on Main Street ex-
a bathing suit is liable to
By Order of
all of Walkerton.
Among those at Mr. E. Bender’s
this week; Misses Isiabel and Norma Coppin and Miss Rheta McCauley,
Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. Car
rie and Miss Eileen Values, London Mr. - -- - ----- . „ .
Chain Store
lorder to keep Grand Bend
and sanitary all garbage
(be buried or taken icare of
and must not 'be allowed 'to remain an the surface.
By Order of
Exeter Side
(Continued from the previous page)
“Happy Hours”—Mr. and Mrs.
C. AV. Graham, of London with their guest Aliss Alary Graham, of Saint
Joseph’s Hospital, London.“Bee Kist”—i Mrs. Tiros. Barnes
and Winnifred, of London with
their guests Miss Francis Hart, of
Byron; Misses Bernice and Irene
Smith, of Crumlin; Airs. Will Chap^- nran and Eunice, 'of London,
“Tak-It-Aisy”—Mr. and Airs. A).
K. Charlesworth and June, of London.
“Ferndeflle" —'Irene (CtKry an(di
Edith Cary, Helen and June Smith
Kathleen Ross and Alary Keays, of 'London.
“ATatablane”—Air. and Airs. A.
JF. Lupton, Lester, Edna and Lorna,
Of Stratford and Miss Ann McEwen
of (Stratford.
“Algremar Lodge" — Airs. E.
Kelby and Mrs. Gregory, Dorothy
Kyte Eddie Norton, Alargaret Kelly
• Miargiaret Skinner, Dorothy Dun'bar
and Bessie Dunbar, all of Lambeth.
“Bonnie Brae”—Air. and Airs.
Fred Morgan, Alargaret, Mona, Bob
and Barbara, London; with their
guests Mr. and Airs" George Morgan
of Hamilton and Bud CocWwell, of London.
“Bubbling Inn"—Mr. and Airs.
AVm. Greb, Douglas and Dorothea,
Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Racey
of Stratford; Mrs. Herman Racey, land Mrs. J. Kalbflei'scli, of Strat
ford; Air. and Airs. Eddie McElroy,
Detroit and Jimmie Rose, of St. Thomas.
Mr. and Airs. H. Ironside, of London at their cottage,
“Edgewood”—Mrs. Brand has as
guests, Alissas- Blanche Hill, Myrtle Cumber, of London.
“Ellwood”—. AI1*. and Airs. Fred
Ubelacker, of Stratford, Airs. H.
Swanson, of Toronto is their guest.
“Ajlanroy”—-Air. and Airs. R. E.
Holmes, of AVindsor; Peggy Hallatt
of Toronto as their guest.
“AVestbro'om”—Air, and |AIrs. Qeo.
Weeikes and family, of London,
guests, Afiss Shirley and Alastei’
Billie Lawrence, London, here for the summer.
“Los Villa"—■ Dr. and Airs. J. F.
Griffin, London, and son Jimmie,
Aliss Sue Griffin is their guest.
“Zomerzet"-—Air and Mr.s. Thom
son and Jean of Centralia; Airs.
Rose Russell and Patsy, of Exeter;
JuneMisses Isohel, Edna and
Saundercock, of Hensail.
“Friendship”—Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Doyle, Norma and Pauline, Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hearn from Syra-
use, N.Y.
Mr. Bender’s cottage, No. 8—
Mr. and Alr.s. Wood, London; Mrs.
Harry Coates, London; Mrs. Kath
leen Desand, Miss Florence Mc-
Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Bark and son all of London.
“Fairview”— Mrs. Franzlau, Ar
chie and Jarvis and Anna Freihalter
of Detroit.
“ My-T-Fine-Inn " — Mrs. S. R. Brenneman; guests, Gerald Brenne
man, Stratford; Mr. Ewart Semple,
Kitchener; Mr. Walter Stein, Kit
chener; (Miss Minnie Ratharmel, 'of
Stratford; Mr. Walter Brenneman,
Stratford; Mr. Frank Yendle, Stratford; Mr .and Mrs. Albert D'annedk-
er and Fred Carl, of Stratford.
“Taman’s Cottage”—Mildred Me-.
Donell, Margaret'Taman and Jean
ette Taman and Airs.' Taman.
“Pine Villa”—Airs. Pryor has as guests Air. and Airs. Freeman and
Carol, of Detroit.
“Annazra"—Air. and Airs. E. AV.
Kreutziger and Jack; last week (Airs.
Gowdy ,of Walkerville.
“Simple Life’”—Mrs. Fred Moore Blossom and Elsie, Airs. Charles
Moore and 3 children, of London.
“Seldom Inn”—Air. and Airs. AVm.
Doerr, of Kitchener; Helen and
Dorothy for a month. Their guests
on Sunday were Mr. and Airs. Ed.
Engle. Air. Fallar, Airs. Broussa
and Aliss Broussa, of Now York;
Mr. and Airs. William Weber, of
Kitchener^ Mr. and AIrs: Lou Sacks
Mr. and
and Airs.
McNulty, „ __ .
er, of St. Marys.
“Suits Us”— Alr.s. Eddie, Odhert,
Mrs. Al.orrow, Aliss Anabelle Alen-
zies, Ethel Worden, Airs, AVorden,
Air. Al. Jones, Mr. R. Mantle, all of Stratford.
“At Grieves”— Mrs. F. S. Glass,
London; Air. and Airs. Jack Buttery
Mr. and Airs. Robert Newcombe,
Of Blyth; Mr. and Airs. O. Barthol
(Mr. ancl Airs. William Pliillipps, of
Jersey City, N.Y., visited Air. and
Mrs. Archie E. Bender.
“Az-U-C-Us"—Airs. Gardener, of
Stratford; Aliss Gladys Wilgar, Air.
and Airs. Emsley and Air. Jarrett,
all of Stratford.
“Sea Gull”— Mrs. Dear, Patsy, Dennis, Lucy Dear, Hazel Cook,
Fred Dear, Jiack Griffith ,and Joo Van B U ski ilk, all of Londofi.
“Shore Wood”—Dr. E. AV. Linklater and family, Noranda Quebec;
Dr. Sadler and mother, Mrs, Jane
Sadler, ’Airs. McCutcheon; Aliss
Pearl Remington, all of Sarnia.
“All’s. Guest’s cottage"—Mr, and
Mrs. AIcTIennon and Mary, Toronto;
Mrs. Tuthill and Muriel, Stratford;
Wm. Reed, 'Stratford: Mrs. Halli
day add Betty Stone, of Stratford.
Airs. II. H. Brown, Loudon, Bus
ter and Charles at their cottage.
“Sunset Lodge"— Air. and Airs.
Lloyd Ginn ahd children, Marjorie
land baby, of Detroit; guests, Air. and ’Airs. Baring, of Detroit, ““
the. week-end.“Kumfort inn"— Air. and
George Clark, Ja'ck, Shirley
Bud, all of London.
"Grieve’s Cabin, No. 3"— Janet
Whitby, Lexio McKenzie, Ivy Smith
all of London.Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Willard had as
guests, Air. and Airs. Geo. Seeder,
and their children, - Ada, Willard,
and Marion, Mitchell, on Sunday.“ Strath-Glen " — Mrs. Sparling
Claire, Atm. Cross and Jack McLean
Mrs. Gordon Rupple; Mr.
Rupple, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Senbig, Mr.
Albert Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Air. and Mrs. Harry Fish
' Mr.
Mrs. and
and Mrs. F. Mollard, Detroit.
London Side
Mrs, T. F. Turnbull’s, Mr. and
E. Webb, of Munro; Mr. and
Hiram Blanshard, of Win-
We Sell the Best for Less .
$1.00 a week to your cottage
Arkona Woollen and Knitting Mills
Mrs. Mrs.
■throp and Miss Myles, Windsor.
“Heainan Cottage”—Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Conley and guests Mr. and
Mrs. Hellan'bach, of Port Huron.
‘‘Thornton Cottage”— Mr. and
Airs. Harold Thornton and guests
Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson and Mr.
R. G. Smith, Jr.., of Port Huron.
“Baird’s Cottage”—Mrs. Trem-
eer, Doris and Margaret, of Lon
don and their guests, Miss Kath
leen McGarvie, Mrs. Paisley and daughter, Emma, of Chatham; LMrs.
Guthrie and sons Fred and Glen, of
London and Miss Acres, of London.
“Pinecroft”—Mr. T. H. McCal
lum and his guests, Mrs. Gilcrest,
of Barrie and Dr. iC. H. McCallum,
of Buffalo.
“Lone Pine”—>AIr. and Mrs. A.
J. Walker and their guests, M'iss J.
Walker, London; Mrs. Fletcher, of
Newbury; Mr, and Mrs. Ai
Walker Jr., of Port' Arthur.
“Camp Cabin" — Mrs. Burton,
Marian and Richard, of Detroit.
“Idle Hours”—Dr, and Mrs. F, S.
Burkholder, Merton and Mary and
their niece, Marjorie Houlahan, all
of Flint, Mich.
“Kill-a-Krakie"—,'Miss (Magladery
and her guest, Miss Grace McIntosh
of Edmonton.
“Pine Crest"—Mrs. H‘. F. Park
inson and her guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Pickup, Ann and John, of Toronto.
“Retreat"—Mrs. John Buchanan
and her guests Mrs. Dow and her
daughter, of London.
“Huron"—Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
and their .guests, Mr. Jack Wilson
and Miss AlcKilver, of London.
“The Pines”....Dr. and Mrs. E. L.
Hodgins and their guests, Mr. and
Mrs. T. F. Kingsmill, of London.
“Alpha"—Misses L. Jackson and
Olive Jaclk&on, of Woodstock and
their guests Miss Eleanor Watson
and (Air. McKenzie Thomas, of
____ Evelyn" — Aliss Freda
Spackman and her guests Air. Fred
Spackman and daughter Alarjorie
and Mr. and 'M!rs. Glen C. Ruther
ford, of Blenheim; Air. and Airs. G.
D. Wilson, Alary and Gordon.
“Bonnie View"—Airs. Jarmafne
and her guests Air. Ted Force and
Aliss McCallum, of Galt.
■Oakwood Inn was again filled to
capacity for the week-end and
among those who are remaining
are as follows; Aliss H. Armstrong,
of Detroit; J. AV. Curtis and J. D. Harnett, of Toronto; Air. and Airs.
J. AV. Bioecli, of Buffalo; Air. and
Airs. T. Al. Sargant and daughter,
of Toronto; Air. and Airs. B. E.
Norrish and Bill Norrish, of Mont
real; Aliss Cowan, Alontreal; Airs.
Euler and party of Kitchener; R.
Aleyer, of London.
A wire from Air. George Al. Ross secretary of the Canadian Flying Club Association to- the Oakwood
Inn stated that it was found nec
essary to postpone the weeik-end trip
for which reservation were made
and they now plan to make the
trip in the autumn and Oakwood
will be a stopping place on the tour
Col. Joy, of Ottawa and Air. Al.
A. Seymour, of St. Catharines,
Treasurer of the Canadian Flying
Club Association were at Oakwood
Inn having come up in an aeroplane
Visitors at Oakwood Lodge —
Air. and Airs. Hadsel) Smith of De
troit; Miss Dryman, of Strathroy;
Air. .and Airs. AV. N Humphries, of
London; Air. and Airs. Ferguson, of
Toronto; Airs. J. J. AIcLeod, daught
er Barbara, were visitors; Airs.
Thomas and daughter, Afairn, Inger
soll; General Ross and wife, Lon
don.“Yellow Bands"— Air. Campbell
and daughter, Al'a-rilyn, of London;
aij,d their guests, Airs. Schutrum,
and Airs. De Peau, of Buffalo; (Air.
and Airs. Bewley, Mrs. Seegrist,
Alaster Gordon Seeg.rist,, (Master Ear,
Hughes, all of London.“Aitken’s Cottage”—Air. and Airs.
C. A. AVhitwam, of London; guests
with Airs. Aitken for the week-end.
“ALinuel Cottage"— 'Alaster Gcto. Al. Bricltenden, of London, guest
for a week.“Edgemere”—■ Aliss G. Falls, of
London guest for the week.
“AVood’s Cottage”—MLses Esther and Kitty Finch-Noyes, of Oakville
with Miss Alarion AVoods for the
“Oak Haven”—<Ir. and Airs. AI(a-
gee, Col. and Airs. AVare guetss for
the week-end; Airs. Ware remaining
for a couple of weeks.................- Aliss Louise Aloore,
guest for the week.
End”—Mr. and Airs.
John and /Alice and
Aliss Grace Afountain
Of London, a
Lome Eedy,
their guests, Aliss Grace Afountain
Aliss Roberta Sparling, Air. Ro&s
Andrews, all of St. Alarys; and Miss
Joyce Rutherford, of Florence Ont. Air. and Airs. John AlafaKenzie, of
Sarnia were Sunday visitors.“Endsleigh"—Air. AV. A. Thomp
son, of London and guests, Air. and
Airs. Bert Goss, New York and Aliss
Polly Stone, Tolsa Oklahoma.
Air. Maurice Turner with .his par
ents, Dr. H. H. and Mrs. Turner.Visitors with Air. and Airs Cliff
Robinson wore Mr. and Airs. AV. A. Brown, Elmira, Ernie and Roy, of
Sarnia.“Robinson Cottage"—Airs. AV. J.
Robinson, Miss Ruth Robinson, of
London and their guests, Air. and
Airs. Gerald Pearson. London.
“The Poplars"—Grant Brown has
as guests, Messrs. Arthur Brown and Billy Barkey, of Till son.hu rg.“Ivanhoe"—Mr. Allan R. Mitchell
and Fraser D. and Alurray G., De
troit; ATrs. N. E. Nettleton, of Chi
cago with Mrs. Robt ATitcliell.
“The Pioneer" —■ Alessrs. Ralph and Lome AValker. of Lambeth,
with Dr. and Airs. L. L. Follick.
Dr. and Mrs. Haucli, of Kitchen
er; Mrs. J. T. AVilton, of Mount
Brydges; Mrs. Guay nnd son, Jack,
of St. Thomas; Air. and Mrs. D. F.
Kirkland, Janet and James of Dut
ton with Airs, and AHfis Boyle.
" Pine Oaks " — Miss Gertrude
Kruse, Air. and Airs- Victor Tovell
of St. Alarys with Air, and Mrs, P.
Airs, G. Andrews and Aliss Bea
trice, of Toronto, with Air. and ATrs,
TJ. L. Garner.
Aliss Jean AVhitG, of stTUtford,
with Airs, Roy Broth.ors.
Get our Circular for
We appreciate your
A. E. Ravelie
Muin Cornei'
Opposite Brenner’s Hotel
Work Guaranteed
Hamilton’s Dairy
Daily Delivery
morning and evening
All Cream and Milk handled
in clean and sanitary
Pass a Pleasant Hour at
Pete’s Place
Ice Cream andl Refreshments
cabins to rent
Patronize the
Postoffice Store
and get service
A general line of Dry Goods
Groceries, Fruits and
Vegetables, China and
Confectionery. Paints
We call for and deliver
Our Aim is to Please.
Special for this Week
Redpath Sugar . $5.75 cwt.
Desjardine’s Store
Store next to Casino
For —
China Films
Patent Medicines
Toilet Preparations
Cigarettes, Candy
Howey Special Poison Ivy
Sun Burn Creams
Newspapers, Magazines
for Rent or Sale
All modern or built to suit.
Electric stove for coo'k'ing. All
Simmons beds, mattresses and)
springs. Hot or cold running
water with showers.
Every cottage Up to the
We do repair work or
carpenter work of all kinds.
When at Grand Bend See
W. H. Bender
We are prepared to repair any type of pocket or wrist watch
or any make of Clock
See our exclusive Frying-Pan Clocks
J. Butcher B. Chesterfield
Right next to the Dance HallWe appreciate your
patronage All Work Guaranteed
For Sale by A. E. RAVELLE, Grand Bend
more economymore-si
that’s i J
Just as streamlining eliminates
wind-resisting surfaces and
vacuum drag, those thieves of
power and speed ... so the
Blue Sunoco refining process
eliminates those undesirable
parts of petroleum which re
tard swift acceleration, high
speed and knockless power.
That’s why, even though your
car. may not be streamlined,
you can streamline its perform
ance by using Blue Sunoco.