HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-02, Page 2THTOSPAX, AUGUST 3ml, 1034 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE^
Grand Bend, the Most Popular Resort on the Great Lakes
Among the many who are holidaying at
Grand Bend we list the following:
Curb Service. Step into our Grocery Department and see
our stock. You will see among the nice things the following:
Burns’ Hormel Ready-Cooked Chicken
New Honey in Comb or Jar. 5-Point Marmalade
Fresh Vegetables daily. Shamrock Creamery Butter
Old Cheese Horne’s Sun-Dried Coffee
Neal’s Wonder-Sliced Bread
Complete Stock of Heinz’s 57 varieties
If there is fruit available we have it. -Apples, berries, peaches,
also head, lettuce, cauliflower, etc. Prices are coming down.
Our grocery line is complete in every department at the low
est possible price.
Always a comfortable room available. Cottages to rent; List
your .cottage with us.
GOULDS—“The Little Store With the Big' Business”
The open-air services each Sun
day have attracted large congrega
tions. Seated on comfortable benches
beneath large oak trees, with the blue sky for a roof and surrounded
by automobiles these open air ser
vices prove to be very attractive,
Rev. John B. Moore, the new pastor
who came to the Grand Bend Unit
ed Church in July has conducted
the services for the imonth. He is a young man and his messages have
been well received. He goes on va
cation this week and will spend
some time in Toronto and Muskoka
His sister, Miss Olive Moore has
been visiting him and has returned
f.o Toronto. At the morning sendee
on Sunday M'iss Ella Jones, of Stratford, and Miss Rtta Rowe, of
Exeter sang a duet, Ax the evening
service Miss Lorna M. Lupton, so
prano, gold medalist at the Strat
ford musical festival, sang a solo
and the Main St. Quartette, of Exe
ter; composed of H,avoid and Gerald
Skinner, Jas. Francis and Frank
Wildfong also sang.
For the next three weeks the
open air services in connection with the United Church will be in charge
of outsanding speakers. Next Sun
day, Rev. Dr. .Sayles, pastor of the
First Baptist Church, of Ann Arbor
Mich., will preach. On the follow
ing Sundays Rev. Dr. Geo. T. Webb
sec’y of the Baptist Y, P. Union, Toronto and Col. Wm. Dalziel, 2nd
in command of the Salvation Army
in Canada will preach.
— for —
Health & Exercise
Riding Stables
Imperial Hotel
a —.......................................—b
at the
Red Store & Butcher
s————————■ ■
Brenner’s Garage
Imperial Gas and Oils
We cater to Tourists
Battery Service
Repairs on all makes of
Officia1 O.M.L. Road Service
M. Brenner
Laco-Mazda Electric Lamps
Your guarantee of quality
Pratt & Lambert’s
Quick-Drying Enamels and
Plumbing & Electrical Work
Our Specialty
Shelf Hardware
Phone 59rl9
B--------------------------------------------------------- --
Gas Station
and Garage
Towing and Repairing
Tires and Batteries
Let us sesvice your car
Prices Reasonable
Work Guaranteed
| Near the Golf Course
Provisions of all kinds
Fruits and Vegetables
Buy where the dollar goes
the farthest
We Deliver
List your cottage with us.
We have big connection.
Imperial Hotel
We welcome all summer
visitors and invite you to
avail yourself of oUr splen
did dining-room service.
Chicken, Steak and those
famous Tobermory Trout
Reasonable Rates
Close to the Beach
Airy, Comfortable Rooms,
in one of the finest hotels
Bruce Bossenbetry
Brenner House—» The week-end
guest list was exceptionally large.
Among those registered for the
•• week are Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bes-
’ ancon, Miss Longeway, R. J. O’
Briand, Miss B. O'Connell, Harold
! E. Pauli, R. Shaw, M’iss E. M. Smith j Miss Myra Willis, ail of Detroit; G. I Longworth, Miss M. Wals'h, Wind-
isor; (Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Neale, of
'.London; Mrs. G. E. Snutch, of Galt
. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shantz, Wood- ’ stock.; Holiday visitors this week are:J “Mollard Lodge”—Ruth Day, of
Windsor; Aileen Reddie, Windsor;
Mr. and Mrs. N. Shilling, Sarnia;. Mr. and Mrs. F. Parker, Toronto;
Adeline Smith, Detroit; Jack Copeland, Windsor; Mr. and Mfrs. Tyn-
al and family, of Toronto; Mr. and
; M.rs. E- R. Dengate and daughter, ' Audrey, Toronto; Irene Huber, of
i Waterloo; Florence Helm, Water
At the Oakland House—Miss Nina
(Montgomery, Chatham; M'iss Vada
I Roszell, Detroit; R. H. Kutteruf
Detrtoit; Jas. Russell, AJrthur H.
| Watson, A. J. Cahill, Miss Dorothy.
fFaryon, Miss Ila. Lane, Mr. and Mrs.
■ McIntosh, all of London; Mr. and Mrs. S. MacKay, Miss Dorothea Mc>-
Neil, George Day, Toronto.
I Guests registered at the Imper
ial Hotel were: Mr .S. W. Rog
ers and family, Detroit; Mrs. J.
I McGleish, J. D. Gordon and wife
and family, Detroit; E. N. Smith
Toronto; J. A. Wiliams and Edw.
Peterman, Toronto; Lou Miller and
Don Shapevo, Marine City, Mich.;
Mary Sutherland and Carrie Baum
Detroit; Misses E. Rossider and
Gladys Sellifant, of Stratford; Pearl
Holman, Detroit; Winnifred Myers
Detroit; Ann Truthey, of Stratford
Norma Rossed, Denfeld; Estelle
Wilson, Denfield; F. J. Turnbull, and wife, Chicago; Wm. Tu.rnbull
and wife, of Hinsdale, Ill.; Ross
Stevens and family, Detroit; Mr«u and Mrs. H. E. Dodds, Flint, Mich,;
Miss E. M. Lyons, 'Miss M. E. Duncan, Toronto; Mr. 'and Mrs. Leo J.
Cluney, Detroit; J. F. Gibson, Tor
onto; M. Hamilton', Montreal.
Bine Water Highway, South
At Mrs. D. R. MacPhers'on’s, Mar
ion and Ilene Macpherson, Verna
Brigham, Marjorie Morgan, of Ker- wood; Mr. Ed. McKenzie and his
fri'ends, of Lond'on; Donald Pollock,
Fred Wood and Harry Fuller, Ker-
At Mrs. Robt. Carewell’s, Mr. F.
Carswell, of London.
At Mrs. Desjardine’s—Miss Mary*
Mackey, of Detroit.
At !Mirs. W. Jennison’s—Miss Wil
lis and Miss Hartlip, of Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLeod, of
Kitchener. Miss Norma and Master
Lee Jennison, of St. Joseph, spent
the week-end with their grand
mother, Mrs. Jennison.
. At Ed. Stanlake’s—|Mr. and Mrs. S. Hutton, of St. Marys; Mr. Elmer
Daniels, of Strathrpy and Douglas
Burnett, of London.
Ait' Mr. Walter England’s—Mir.
and iMrs. Bert Cox, George, Reg.
and Lionel, of London and Mr. Joe
Colwell, of Toronto.Messrs. George Digby and Nor
man McNeely, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with Rev. J. B. Moore
Parkhill Side
“Waterloo”—Misses Reta Tucker
Mildred Deedles, Ilene Brenner,
Priscilla Brenner, Colette Seibel
Gerry Beaupre, Norma Weinstein,
Alice Klenn, Elizabeth Utnut, Es
ther Schlosser an d Mrs. Pym, of
Waterloo and Kitchener.
Mr. E.. C. Humphreys, of Van
Wert, Ohio and his daughter, Mrs.
C. A. Wheeler with hei’ two chil
dren, Jean and Charles, who have
been visiting with Mr and Mrs. C.
E. 'Wheeled at the Gibbs Cottage,
have returned home.
"Restholm.”—Mi’. and Mrs. W. At.c
Mullin, of Galt; Mr. and Mrs. R.
J. Mooney, of Hamilton and Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Cowan of Grosse Point
“Dunela”— Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Wo I win, of Detroit.
“Del Mar”—Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Klopp, Zurich were guests of Dr.
and Mrs. Norman Schram o.n Sun
day.“Bona Vista”—-iMr. Sam’l Turner
of Detroit, spent Friday add Satur
day with Dr. and M'rs, J. Schram.
"Ozone”-—Miss Helen Bizzine, of
Detroit, is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Griffith.
“Never-Dun-Fillan”—Mr, and Mrs.
A. Anderson, of Daytoo, Ohio; Mr.
Albert MbCllnehey, Clayton Robert
son and Miss Annie strong; Goder-
ifch, with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Manna “Riverdale”—Mr, and Mrs. W. A.
Chant, of Toronto,
"O-So-Hoimy”—Mrs, Leo. Schal
ler, Dolly, Roth, Framcis, Kenneth
and Tom and Miss Cecelia Pad den,
•of Kitchener,
“Buena Vista”—Mr. and Mrs, C.
Zwieker and Gerald and Mi'ss
Zwicker, of London.
“Longview”’—Mr, and Mrs. Walter Logan, Dick Logan and Mrs. T.
J, Thompson, of London.
“Comfort Inn"—Mr. and Mrs.
George Clark, Jack, Shirley and young Buddy, of London.
“Mor Rest”—Dr. and Mrs. Mor
rison and their guests, Dr. Smith,
of Detroit; Mrs. Wilkins, of Detroit
and Mr, and Mrs. Skidmore and
Donald of Detroit.
“Summr Holm"—Mrs. Bre'wer and
her guests Misses Reta Douglas,
Kennedy and Armstrong, of Brant
“Gud Enuf”—Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liamson, Viola, Billy and Ronny,
and Miss Grace Gray, of London.
Jack Pryde, Bill Penhale, Jim
BrintneM, Bill Wilson and Warren Sanders, of Exeter, are staying
at Ellerington’s cottage for the
week.“Sunset Lodge”— Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Gatehouse and daughter,
Miss Freda Weland, of Preston;
Mrs. Fred Kruger, of Kitchener;
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Horner and
daughter, Betty and M'rs. Wilson,
of London, have returned home.
“Kuiuonin”—Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Henderson and son, of Toronto;
guests of*W. E. Dyer oveT the week
“Ohio Cottage” —i Rev. Mr. and
Mrs. Spiers and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Ahrons, of Kitchener;
Mrs. A. D. Means, of Chic|a,gio.
“Inverary”— (Mr. and Mrs. Cole
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Arthurs, of London.
“Huronia”—• Mr. and Mrs. Bray
and two children, of Kitchener;
Mr. Hays, of Chatham guests for
the week.
“ Craigie Lea ”■— /Mr. and Mrs.'
Smythe, of Stratliroy guests of Mr. and /M'rs. Rd. Pincombe.
“Tipperary”—Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Robinson , Miss Eleanor Robinson,
Miss Marian McCallum, of Ailsa
Craig; Donald McCallum and friend of Aurora.
“Log Cabin”—Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Campbell a’<d family, of Montreal; on their annual visit.
“Aberdovey”— Mr. dnd Mrs. R.
0 Gatehouse and family, Mr. and
Mrs. La^ren’ce Ramsay, Mr. and
Mrs. Godwin, all of Preston return
ed home Monday.
“ Bide-A-Wee ”— Mr. Wade and
daughters, Misses Norah and Elean
or of London; Miss Eleanor is re
maining for two weeks.
Exeter Side
Bender’s No, 1, Warwick Ave.—
Mr. and Mrs. Kingsborough, of
London and their guest, Miss Verna Crawford, of London for one
week. On Friday evening last they
entertained the District Comercial
office of the Bell Telephone Co. of
Bender’s No. 2, Wadwick Ave.—
Mr. and Mrs. E. Shoemaker and
Ellen and Ruth, of Kitchener with
their guests Miss Esther .Schmitt
and Miss Lein, of Kitchener for
three weeks.
Bender’s No. 3, Warwick Ave.—
Mrs. W. J. Carson and the Misses
Carson of London with their guests
Mrs. W. D. Taylor and Miss ‘Taylor,
of London; Miss W. F. Balfour, of
Hamilton; the Misses McCauley, of
Detroit and Miss M. Robinson is
expected this week.“Parkdale”—Mr. and Mrs, Robt,
A|tkinson, of Granton with their
guests Dr. and Mrs. E. N. Lewis, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beatson,
of Granton and Miss Audrey Mor
ley, of Granton.
“Limberlost”—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Westlake and Wilma, Helen and
Leona, of Wyoming.
“Shack of the Jacks”—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. MacMillan and their
guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. MacWil-
liams and daughter of Buffalo and
Miss Dee Dee Domenech, of Ban
Juan, Porto Rico.
“BBBB” — Warwick Avenue—
Mrs. Annie Berry and her guests,
Miss Ellen Ford, Hensail; (Mirs. E.
H. .Ford,, Fargo, N.D.; Miss Doris
Bolton, Mr. Gordon Clemis and Miss
Clemis, of London.
Mrs. Harpole and Pearl, of Hen-
•sall; Mrs. J. F. Timball, Betty and
Virginia, of Chicago and Donald Blad, of Loch Glen, Sask,; Ray Pat
terson, of Hensail are camping at
four B’s.“The Detour"—Mr. and Mrs. F.
Gillies and Marion and Miss Jean
Hewitt, of Kitchener and Miss Amy
Andrews, of Clinton.
“Ivy Green"—Mr. and Mrs. Ho
ward McLean, Margaret, 'Marie and
Cameron, of Kerwood; Miss Mabel
McGugan, of Woodham; Donald
Lamont, of Courtright; Miss Alma
Lamont, of Lobo; Misses Evelyn
and isohel Gailbraith, of Kerwood.
“The Trees"—Mr. and Mrs. M. R.
Rennie, Evan, Ross and Donald, of ’Seaforth and Rev. and Mrs. Knech-
tel and M-iSs Elizabeth Rennie, of
Mr. Bender’s cottage—Mrs. Reid Mrs. Gurnett and Miss Sadie Reid,
Andrew Reid, Billy Gurnett, all of
Hespeler."(Miss Detroit”—’Mrs. Gracey, of
Riverside Drive, Detroit.
"Dew Drop Inn”—Mr. and Mrs.
Klubman and family, of Kitchener;
with their guests Mi'ss Dioris Free
man,- of Sault iSte. Marie and Mrs.
Klemm, of^Montreai.
"Ardargie”-—Mr. and Mrs. Bon-
thron, of Hensall and their guests
Miss Jarvis, London and Miss Jeah
Bonthron, of London.
Kamp Kumfort No. 243”—Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Near and family of
Stratford with their guests, |Mr. and
Mrs, R. L. Donaldson, of Stratford;
Mrs. Worden, of Mitchell,"Droimineer”'—/Mrs. J, J. Mod-
gins, Lucan with her guests, Miss
Viola Hodgins, of Mitchell and Miss
Dorothy McNairn, of Mitfchell and
Miss Donna Hodgins, of Lucan.
"iLingermote"—< iDr. Schelig, of
Detroit with his fuests, Mt. and
Mrs. Machu, of Detroit for the
week-end; Mr. and Mrs, J. Douglas
of Blake, Ont,, and Mr. and Mrs.
Gram, of Lansing, Mich.
(Continued on the next page)
| Oakwood Golf Club |
H Spend a day on one of the finest ||
H courses in Western Ontario ||
g Playing Fees $1.00 per day g
|| 15 days’play $10.00 g
j Playing Fees, Shower, Dinner $1.50 g
H Lunch or Dinner in Dining Room 75c =
I C. M. Walker & Son S
Grieve’s Drugstore
Lunch Room and Fountain
Where Food Tastes Better
Drugs, Candy, Cigars,
Bathings Caps and Suits
Kodak Films and Supplies
Souvenirs, Novelties
Visit Grieve’s Gift Shoi>
(Next to Elsie’s)
English China Novelties
Kenwood Blankets
beds that let you sleep.
Comfortable Cabins
Kitchen and Dining-Room
Onq of Nature’s Beauty
Also Comfortable lodge
with room and board at
prices within reach of all.
W. A. Mollard
Visit the
Peggy Marie Beauty Shoppe
Benders’ Grocery
A N I)
Meat Market
Electric Refrigeration
We keep a full line of'Fresh and
Cured Meats; also Broilers.
Be sure to get our price before
you buy elsewhere
Highest Quality Lowest Prices
We Deliver Phone 56rll
Cottages and Rooms for Rent
S" — 1 1 1 ” — ...8
Lakeview Hotel
Overlooking the lake with
its magnificent subsets
Excellent Dining-Room
Ample Accommodation
Meet your friends at the *
Lakeview House
Harmon Gill
M —................. -E
Wheal’s Lunch
We specialize in Dining
room service at moderate
Tasty food in clean and
pleasant surroundings
Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and
Open all hours
Two cabins to Rent
Riding Academy
Opposite Brenner’s Hotel
Riding Horses and Ponies
All quiet and well broken
Ponies with Carts & Saddles
This is our sixth year at the
Bend—our best advertisement
is hundreds of satisfied
Call and see us.
We will giv.e you service.
W. J. Roberts & Son
x Proprietors
Wallis dhraimrr
—- and —
®ra Sbup
You to inspect our carefully
selected assortment of gifts.
We cater to private bridge,
luncheon and dinner parties
The “Mystic Lady*’ will
read youfr future in the tea
cup from 7.30 to 9 p.m.
Try a box of our
Homemade Fudge
Try a Fish, Steak, or Chicken Dinner
Special Weekly Rates to Campers
50 Rooms—Mineral Baths & Showers