HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-02, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2nd, 1934 SIXTIETH YEAR, KO. 2816 Store closes every Wednesday at 12 o’clock noon from May 30th to Sept* 12th inclusive. Girls’ Summer Dresses IMPROVED Mr. Wm. A. Turnbull, far many years the efficient secretary-treas­ urer of the USiborne & Hibbert Mu­ tual Fire insurance Co., was taken ill Thursday of last week and has been in a very critical condition. At time of writing he is stated to be considerably improved. ON SALE WE ARE PLACING ON SALE THIS WEEK SEVERAL DOZEN DRESSES IN PRINTED MATERIALS, FAST COLORS, AGES 8 TO 14 YEARS. REG. PRICES $1.00 TO $1.25 TO CLEAR AT* GIRLS’ SUMMER .. 79c each GIRLS’ CELANESE DRESSES AGES 8 TO 14 YRS. REG. $1.59 TO CLEAR • •at $1.19 each All House Dresses for Ladies & Misses $1.50 VALUES FOR $1.19 ea. HURON COUNTY HOME THREATENED BY FIRE The Huron County Home had a scorching fire Sunday evening. A> fire started in the attic, presumably caused, by electricity entering along the hydro wires. The fire had I gained considerable headway before being discovered but was exting- I uished by the fire protection appli­ ances with which the home is equip­ped. It is considered fortunate that the blaze occurred during the day instead of the night, when it might have got beyond control be­ fore being noticed. WINDSOR YOUTHS GIVEN TERM FOR STEALING Summer Sale of Women’s White Shoes Pumps, Ties and Straps at $2.00 each Also Blonde Shoes and Sport Oxfords at $2. Buy Re-Nu White Kid Polish. It does not nib off at 25c. a bottle - New Fall Suits for Men Good Selection of Patterns to choose from. Each suit has an extra pair of pants. The price is the same as last season. Come in and look them over. Congoleum'Rugs on Sale Discontinued patterns of Congoleum and Linoleum rugs. All sizes to clear at greatly reduced prices. Seventeen ' years old and looking younger, two Windsor youths, Roy Harness and Agnew Robinson, were each sentenced by Magistrate Reid at Goderich to reformatory terms of three months definite and three months indeterminate for robbery. They pleaded guilty to breaking and entering the store of Southcott Bros., Exeter, looting to the extent of $400.; also to the theft of gasoline at Winchelsea, where they broke a pump to secure gasoline for a stolen car in which they were riding Harness must serve an additional three months for the theft of the car, this latter sen­ tence being imposed at Stratford. LADIES’ AND MISSES’ KNITTED SUITS ON SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES Two only truiiks, extra strong, regular price $7.75 to clear at $4.95 each. 1 only real Leather Club Bag regular $8.75 to clear at $5.95 LADIES’ AND MISSES’ CREAM FLANNEL SKIRTS REG. PRICE $2.95 clear at $2.19. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORE GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Maple Leaf Salmon...........1-2 lb. tins 17c W Hillcrest Shortening . 1 lb. pkgs. 2 for 21c Brunswick Sardines ......... 5 tins 23c. w Loose Soap Chips ...........................3 lbs. 19c. J Royal York Coffee, 1 lb. tins................39c. I Phone 32 Eagle Condensed Milk tin 18c. or 2 for 35c Sliced Pineapple...........................2 tins 21c, Co(rn Syrup .... 5 lb. tins 35c.; 10 lb. 68c. Cream of .Mushroom Soup .... 2 tins 25c. Huron Toilet Paper......... 8 rolls for 25c. Jones & May Phone 32 > .Mid Summer Specials. Copper Wash Boilers $2.83 Galvanized Tubs ..... 89c. Square Galvan. Tubs . . 98c. White Enam. Chambers 39c. Wire Tomato Strainers 29c. White Wash Basins .... 29c. Cream Cooking Pots . $1.25 White Water Pails . . $1.19 Grey Water Pails .... 60c. Baby Bath Tubs.........$1.89 Window Screens ......... 35c. Galva«. Garbage Cans ,98c. Cast Iron Frying Pans 59c. Ivory and Green Puds 2, 59c. Large Covered S. Pans 69c. Aluminum Tea Kettles $1.15 Covered Alum. Kettles 79c. Alum. Sauce Pans 3 for 65c. Potato Ricers ............... 29c. Grocery Sets ............... 79c. C & G Double Boilers $1.49 C & G Potato Pots . . $1.59 C & G Cookie tins .... 35c. Large White Pitchers $1.29 Bread Boxes .................. 98c. Sheet Iron Pans 2 for 49c. 20 PER CENT. OFF ALL LAWN MOWERS IN STOCK Arsenate of Lead, Arsenate of Lime, Climax Bug Killer, Paris Green, Etc. FAIR PROSPECTS FOR WATER Pumping water at the ' rate of forty gallons a minute night and day for the past week from a well on the property of Mr. W. F. Ab­ bott has failed to lower the water in the well to any .great extent and has effected very little any of the wells nearby. This has given en­ couragement to the members of the Public Utilities Commission in their search for a .pure water supply for the Waterworks system. The water is reported to .be of excellent qual­ ity. The pump was installed on Thursday of last week and since that time has been working to ca­ pacity. What effect a larger pump would have on the supply lias yet to be determined The water is secured at a depth of thirty feet. There is a suggestion that a trench be dug at the water level for a dis­ tance o.f thirty feet in a horizontal position, removing the gravel and inserting perforated tile to be cov­ ered with crushed stone. If sufficient water can be secured at a depth of thirty feet tre problem of lifting it will not be expensive. A test of the springs on the farm of Mr. Garnet Frayne has been made and there is a good supply of splendid water but the cost of gathering the water and pumping it in would be rather high. Engineer Fleming is expect­ ed in Exeter today to go over the situation with the Commission. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD UNION SERVICES The union services with the Main St, and James St. United churches for the month of August will be in charge of Rev. A. E. EJllio.tt and the Main St. choir will have charge of the music. Next Sunday Rev, Jas. Anthony, of Motherwell, will have charge of the services and his many, friends here will be delighted to hear him again, Rev. Mr. Stainton who was in charge of the services for July, but who has been ill is slow in regaining his usual health, He will be on vacation for August. Mrs. Garnet Murray, of Sunshine, was tfaken to Victoria Hospital in London Monday where she under­ went an operation for internal trouble. Her friends Will hope for her speedy recovery, LUCAN LADY DIES The death occurred Monday morn­ ing at Victoria Hospital, London, of Miss Emma E. Atkinson, for 5:01 years a resident of the village of Lucan welrre she operated a china shop. Miss Atkinson was born 77 years ago in Biddulph township and is survived by two brothers Geo. Atkinson, London and James E. At­ kinson, of Arland, Sask. The fun­ eral was held from the home of Miss Atkinson's brother-in-law, Mr, Chas. Haskett, at Lucan and inter­ ment will take place in St. James’ cemetery, Clandeboye. Rev. Mr. Johnston, of Lucan United church will officiate. Mrs. Jos. Senior, who is confined to her home through illntrss, is much improved, Mr. John R. Stewart, of Hensail. , ha.s >been in St1. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for treatment and is much inproved. Mr. W. J. Beer has purchased a Rolling Home that is fitted up with splendid sleeping accommodation ■and is well equipped with all con­veniences. Mr. Wallace A. Fisher, who was recently appointed manager of the Montreal branali of the Dominion Bank, with Mrs. Fisher and two children Billy and Marie, visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Fisher while on vacation. They left here on a visit to Niagara Falls, Mrs. Sarah Pickering, aged 97 years, of McGillivray Twp., was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Strange. Mrs. Pickering is a re­ markably rnnart woman for her age and when Mr. Strange was ser­ iously injured a few weeks ago Mrs. Pickering expressed the desire to come up and see him which she did. Mrs. Pickering is still active with her hands and knitting needles and last winter she braided a mat and knitted a quilt. ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. James Shapton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Shapton and Miss El­ la Shapton were at Mitchell on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Henry R. Greenwood who passed away on Sunday in his 67th year. The deceased had been un­ der the doctor’s care for about three years. He was born on a farm half a mile west cf Monroe, Fullar- ton township. Deceased was a pros­ perous and well-to-do farmer and highly respected by all who knew him. For years he was an official of the Bethel church, Monroe, and for nearly thirty years was superin­ tendent of the Sunday School. He is survived by his widow and one son Melbourne on the farm south of Mitchell. One daughter Mrs. W. G. Milson, died in 1923 leaving five children. FRACTURED ARM Donna, the little .daughter of Mr. i and Mrs. Earl Mitchell, of Usborne,' who is not yet two years old, while playing on the front verandah of her home on Tuesday had the mis­ fortune to fall off, a distance of about four feet, fractcring her right arm above the wrist. OPERATION Mr, Walter Matthews was taken to St. Joseph’s hospital, London on Wednesday of last week where he underwent an operation for an acute attack of appendicitis. The opera­ tion was performed by Dr. E. Wil­ liams, Mr. (Matthews has been quite sick but at present is getting along nicely. DIED IN LONDON Mrs. Edith Duplan, wife of J. Harold Duplan, general manager of Silverwoods, Limited and. one of London’s best known residents died Friday at the Queen Alexandria Sanatorium. Mrs. Duplan was for­ merly Miss Edith M. Hodgins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christo­ pher Hodgins, of London. She is survived by her husband and one son Teddy, also her parents, three brothers and one sister, Mr. Dup­ lay. was a former resident of Cen­tralia. CAR STRIKES WAGON TEAM RUNS AWAY On Monday evening about eight o’clock while Mr. Evelyn Broderick was driving south on Andrew St., with a team of horses and wagon a rear wheel of the wagon was struck by the bumper of a car driven by Mr. Chas. Godbolt. The front wheels of the wagon became separated from the rest and the horses ran away. Mr. Broderidk slid off the front of the wagon and. was unharmed. The horses ran for a couple of blocks and then slowed up and -walked home. CREDITON EVANGELICALS WIN The Church Softball league came to a close on Wednesday afternoon with a tournament at Crediton. Four teams took part in the play­ offs, Crediton Evangelicals, Credit* on United, Dashwood and Main St. from town, a large crowd was on hand, thirty dollars being taiken in at the gate by a ten cent admission. Booths were on the grounds and were kept busy. In the opening game Main Street’ and Crediton United met, With a typical softball score the former team were victorious 2'5-19. Gower did the pitching for the winners as did Lamport for the losers. Main St. scored eight rung in the fourth. Dashwood and Crediton Evangel­icals met in the second game. After three innings of play it was found that the Crediton team were using an illegal bat. However it wag de­ cided to finish the game with the home team winning. The game was protested and the executive decided the game should be replayed and the same teams took the field again This time the Crediton team was again winners by the score of 11-3. Restemeyer pitched tor Dasliwood while Hirtzel pitched for the Evan­gelicals. In the third and deciding game Main Street lost to Evangelicals by the score of 12-4. Gower and Sanders divided the pitching for the Main Street with Hirtzel again in the box for the winners. Hirtzel pitched the entire three games for his team winning them all. Maltby, of Centralia, umpired behind the. plate while Reid and Salters, of Exeter looked after the bases. The league comprised eight teams, those failing to get in the play-off being James Street, Centralia, Elimville and Thames Road. TRAFFIC OFFICER N. LEVER INJURED IN ACCIDENT Traffic Officer Norman Lever is confined to the Clinton hospital suffering from a double fracture of the right leg and body bruises suf­ fered in an accident on the Lake Road near Grand Bend on Sunday. Mr. Lever was chasing a speeding motorist and just opposite the school at Smoky Hollow he lost control of his motorcycle and took to the ditch The machine struck a “'School” sign at the side of the road and broke it off. It crossed a ditch and ran into a wire fence breaking off two posts. The machine with side car turned over and pinned Mr. Lever under­ neath. He was rendered uncon­ scious and was found by a Mr. Wil­ lard who was passing. Mr. William Gossman, who resides close by was also soon upon the scene and Dr. O’Dwyer, of Zurich was called. A doctor and his wife happened to be passing at the time and also stop­ ped to render assistance. Mr. Lev­ er had both bones of the right leg .broken about two inches below the (knee, His back was injured and he. received bruises about the face. He was removed in the ambulance of JMr. P. Mclsaac, of Dashwood, to .the Clinton Hospital and latest re­ ports state that he is geting along nicely. Constable Lever is a county officer engaged to patrol Huron County roads. KIRKTON CHILD DROWNED IN VAT OF WATER A tragedy which cast a shadow of gloom over the whole community occurred at Kinkton on Friday af­ ternoon last when Joan, the young­ est child of Mr. and Mrs. James Howe, met an untimely death by being drowned in a vat of water. The little tot, who was 2 years old on the 11th of November, had had her usual afternoon nap and had been dressed for play and was amusing herself about her father’s blacksmith shop. Tn some unac­ countable manner she fell head first into the vat of water that is used for the cooling of hot irons and was drowned. The 'shocking discovery was made by the little girl’s mother. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereav­ ed. Besides the parents two broth­ ers and one sister survive, Stanley, Malcolm and Betty Jean. The fun­ eral was .held on Monday with ser­ vice in the Anglican church, con­ ducted by the Rector. Rev. Mr. Parsons. The pall-bearers were Reg. Paul, Geo. Webber, Harold O’<Brien and Billy Sweitzer while those who carried the flowers were Gerald and Leon Paul, Preston Morrison, Sidney Pearson, Lome Francis and Norman Waterton, IT PAYS TO SHOP AT PEOPLES’ CASH SHOE STORE M. B. SAVAGE PROPRIETOR Exeter, Ontario LEAVITT’S THEATRE BASEBALL BASEBALL STANDING W L Zurich .......... ......... 9 3Clinton ........................... 8 4 Mitchell ............ ...... 7 5 Staffa ...»......................... 6 5Exeter ....................... 4 11 Goderich ......................... 3 9 T 0 1 1 1 1 0 JAMES ST. CHOIR PICNIC The choir of the James Street United Church held their annual picnic, at Turnbull’s Grove on Wed­ nesday last. It being one of the warmest days of the season, bath­ ing was enjoyed until supper time. In the evening an interesting line up of sports were keenly contested the sports committee being, Mrs. C. Stewart, Miss Helen Penbale and Mr, Clarence Down. A soft ball game was called on account of dark­ ness. Everyone gathered around a bonfire on the beach for a sing-song and social time when a. generous treat of watermelon was quiclkly disposed of. All report the picnic as the best yet. The results of the sports were as follows: driving the blind, horse, Lulu Linden field and. Tom Woodward; blowing out' the candle, iMiss E. Link; feeding the elephant, Mrs. Elliot and E. Lin­ denfield; throwing the rolling pin, Mrs. M. Cudmore; children’s race, Arnold Lindenfield; blowing ball­ oon Mr. Stainton; picking up beans with straw, Lulu L/ndenfield and Cecil Stewart; 2 minute race, Frank Sheere; guessing distance, Mrs. Lawson; slipper race, Celia Christie and Mervin Cudmore. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY August 2nd 3rd and 4Tlr ‘FLYING DOWN TO RIO’ A musical extravaganza staged in the clouds. All star cast: Dolores Del Rio, Gene Raymond and Fred Astaire. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY August 3rd, 4th and 5th “SADIE McKEE” with JOAN CRAWFORD, FRANCHOT TONE and GENE RAYlMOND PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY FOR THE Village of Exeter WILL BE OBSERVED ON Monday, Aug. 6th This day hag ibeen proclaimed Civic Holiday for the Village of Exeter ' and all citizens are requested to (observe is as such W. I>. SANDERS, Reeve LOCALS WIN ANOTHER The league-leading Zurich team suffered their third defeat of the I season at the hands of the local; team on Thursday last, by t-he score J of 5 to 2. The visitors opened the 1 scoring In the third inning with one : run. They added another in theI fourth and three in the fifth. Zur- ■ ieh scored their two in the fifth. I Dick Welsh was knocked out of the ' box in. the fifth inning after Frank | Creech’s triple with two men on.; Stade was the next twirler but gave ■ way to Heideman in the seventh.; Trick went the route for the win-' ners and was in trouble only in the l fifth inning. Floody in right field i for the winners made a nice one-’ handed catch in the third inning. Oosch in right field for Zurich made | the best play of the game when he H leaped in the air to spear Lewis’ I hard drive. J. Creech was the big i a hitter collecting three singles. The | ■ local team are striving for a play- j off berth. The next game W in Clinton on Thursday night, The team’s were: Zurich—Prang If; Stade 3rd; I. Yungblut cf; Gas­ cho ss: O’Brien 2nd; Welsh p; Yungblut c; Oesch rf; Wagner 1st. Exeter—Hodkey ss; Haist 2nd; Floody rf; Lewis e; F. Creech cf; Willard 3rd; J. Creech If; Trick p; | Ford 1st. I OLD BOYS' RE-UNION Centralia - Monday, August 6th Commencing* at 12 o’clock noon 12 noon Grand Parade led by Forest Boys’ Band of 50 pieces $100.00 worth of prizes for Floats, etc. 1.30 p.m.—Addresses—-W. H. Golding, M. P. for South Huron George ft. Elliott, Warden of Huron County Rev, Austin Duplan, Rev. Father Glavin Rev. Gordon Butt, Rev. Father Quigley Rev. Mervin Elston and .others. 2.3 O' p.m.-—Baesball Game—-Returning vs. Resident Old Boys 4.00 p.m.—Exhibiton of Horse Hurdle Jumping Field and Track events, Novelty Races, etc. Generous prizes. 6,00 p.m.—Baseball—Exeter vs, Lucan ____________ Admission to Grounds including all afternoon events 25 and 15 c. Supper served by the Women’s Association at the United Church 35c. aiid 20c. 8.30 p.m.—Dancing'—Music furnished by Lucan Orchestra The Forest Boys’ Band will bo in attendance all afternoon JOHN ESSERY, Chairman. Gao. O. THOMPSON, Sec’y,