HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-07-26, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, JULY 20, 1031 Exeter Markets On your vacation? Get a Bonat permanent Wave for genuine com­ fort and used are Prices isfuc tion Phone 231j for appointment Residence Creditoni 30r31 H. M. SMITH smartness. AU supplies chemically pure. to suit everyone, and >at- guaranteed. Whea* 85 c. Barley 50 c. Buckwheat 60c. Manitoba's Best $2.7’5 Model $2.7.0-Welcome $2.60Low Grade Flour $1.4j Bran $1.25 Shorts, $1.30 Creamery Butter 24e. Dairy Butter 19-23c. Eggs, extras, 16c. Eggs, firsts, 15c. Eggs, seconds, 12c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, R.A., B.D. Minister Mrs, J, G. Cochrane^ organist 10 A.m.—Sunday School 11 a.tn.—Rev. W. A. Young, He-n* sail, will occupy the pulpit. Evening service withdrawn. UNION SERVICES Main Street and James Street NEW BEAUTY SHOPPE BIRTHS on andCLARK—In Stephen Township Wednesday, July 18tli to Air. Airs. Harry Clark, a son. THOMSON—At Woodham on 4 day. July 10th, to (Mr. and Harold Thomson, a ’ ’ (Rhea Joy). THOMPSON—In Victoria L 'lnlon. on Monday, July 16th, toDouglas Thompson, Hosp it til, Mr. and Mrs. a daughter. THOMSON—In July 2<'th. to on Friday, Mrs. LeslieU .-borne ___ _ .... ... Mr. and Thomson, a daughter. SIMPSON—In Usborne. July 20th. to Air. and Simpson, a daughter. GOSS-MAN—In Hay Tp.. on Sunday July sth, to Air. and Airs. Wm. Gvssman a son. on Friday,Mrs. James DEATHS •In London -on Monday, July d, Edna Lueille, daughter of Henry Ford, aged FORD«>,» Mr. and Mrs. lt» years. McCOY—At daughter. 169 J 4m July 23. Mc(’’\v McCoy McFALLS—In- Biddulph Township, on Friday, July 20, 1934, Margar­ et Ann Luxton, beloved wife of Charles MOFalls, in her 5 7th theMi>. street, London, Monday , 1934. Rebecca (Nevin) widow of the late Sam’l formerly of Centralia. residence of her Rebecca McNevin, year CARD OF THANKS Rev. wish to ■who so Stainton and all >peciall«y services WE WERE FORTUNATE IN BUYING BLANKETS BEFORE THE ADVANCE IN PRICES. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK Of ALL-WOOL BLANKETS IN PLAIN SHADES, REVERSIBLES AND PLAIDS; ALSO PLAIN WHITE WITH CANDY STRIPE. PRICES RANGE AT $2.75 $3.95, $4.95 to $7.50 PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Pure Irish Linen Table Cloths in fine quality and new designs. These are real values. ' Size 72 by 72 in. $3.50 & 72 by 90 in. $4.50 Napkins to match, per dozen $4.50 • ENGLISH TURKISH TOWELS AND TOWELLING In a range of new patterns. Some ex­ cellent values in towels at 20c., 2]5c., 29c», and 39c. also towelling by the yd. 15c., 20c. & 25c. THISTLE DOWN FINGERING YARN A lovely soft yarn for knitting, in all the popular shades PER BALL 18c. IRISH LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Size 54 by 70 in. A good quality linen cloth splendid for cottages and summer homes. They come with colored borders SPECIAL AT $1.89 REV. J. H. STAINTON, BA., B.D. James Street. Minister and James Street Choir in Charge during July Rev. Hugh Taylor. Tliamts Road1, will have charge of bath services. 10 a.m.—Sunday Schools 11 a.m.—James St. Church 7 p.m.—Main Street Church ) ■f . U ,w—■ 0 11 MR u* j LOCALS 1 | I Miss Hazel Clarke has secured a position in Guelph. Mr. and. Mrs. E. G. Lowry spent a few days in Brussels last week. Mrs.visited Jones. Miss,Sarnia, here. Mr. andpast week LOCALS Murray Knox, of Fergus, lust week with Mrs. Arthur V R-N., . ol visiting with relativesMildred Wood, is ’ Mrs. Jos. May spent the holidaying at Grand TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middleuiiss and Mrs. J. H. Stainton thank the many friends kindly remembered Mr J during his recent illness j '\;<i ".... ,a»? „esM and 'otherwho sent flowers; i to Rev. A. E. Elliott so cheerfully rendered. i Bend. , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawson spent - the week-end in London and Port Stanley. Mrs. F'red Delbridge is visiting with her sister Mrs. Wes. Freeman m Stratford. Mrs. R. R. Rogers, of Toronto, is yisiting with her mother, Mrs. E. Christie, Sr. Miss Pearla Sanders; of Detroit, is visiting her parents Air. and Mrs. Robert Sanders. Mist Leola Johns, of Southeott Bros, staff is holidaying at Grand Bend this week. Air. and- Airs. Wm. Bloomfield and family spent Sunday w*th Air. Fred Bloomfield. Mrs. J. C. Mawson, of Dundurn, Sask., is visitmg this week with | Mr. and Airs. George Mawson. Miss- Mildred Fraser, of Walker- I ville, visited, for a few days with : Mr. and Airs. Bruce Rivers. i Master Billy Jones- is spending ! his holidays wit-h his grandmother ; Airs. Robert Traquair, near Hensall Aliss Lillian Ford-, of Detroit, is- spanning her holidays at the home 'of her parents- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ’ Ford. -Miss Rhoda Hunkin of Newark, >. visited Mrs. Benson Tuc'key • relatives in this com- 10 10 11 Ser- July a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—Morning Prayer and mon. No evening service during and August. 7.45 p.m. Thursday—Prayer Service Bathing Suits For all the Family ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS IN MAN Y SHADES AND STYLES. WE ARE SHOWING A SPECIAL VALUE FOR MEN IN ATHLETIC STYLES IN SHADES OF BLUE, GREEN OR BLACK PRICED AT $1.59 Modern Beauty Service PERMANENT WAVES, AND ALL LINES OF BEAUTY CULTURE L. Stackhouse Phone 245 • • •Clearance Sale... on SUMMER DRESSES MEN’S COLLAR-ATTACHED SHIRTS Made by Tooke. A real vhlue in fine shirts. Good patterns and full fitting. EACH $1.19 WHITE DUCK & FLANNEL TROUSERS Men’s white duck and flannel trousers. Wear a pair of these cool, smart-looking trousers. MEN’S STRAW HATS All men’s Straw Hats will be cleared this week. Valdes to $1.95 CLEARING AT $1.25 Hatchway No Button Underwear* Boy’s and Men like Hatchway. There are no buttons to break off, come off and are and comfortable. Rnv«t» CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whyte and Miss Mildred Murphy wish to thank the many friends and1 neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown during their recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes ('ABD OF THANKS Mr. Chas. McFalls wishes-' to thank and neighbours and sympathy recent sad be- Rev. R. N. Stew- hL many friends for the kindness shown him in his reavement, also to___ _ art the Centralia Church choir and male quartette and for floral trib­ utes and to those who so kindly loaned their ears. A private funeral for the late Mrs. Richard Murphy was held on Friday afternoon of last week with interment in the Exeter cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Hunt. ' A large number latiuns were present. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Appleton during the past were: Miss K. Bengough, -of Kippen Mr. and Mrs. RObt. Bengough, of Midland, Mich., on Friday last; Miss Bessie Besch, Miss1 Lou Besch Miss H. O’Dell and lady friend, of London, on Sunday. PRICED AT $2.25 AND $4.95 Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Lux Toilet Soap 3 cakes for 19c Jelly Powders 3 flavors only y| per pkg. Mr C Jewel Shortening 1 lb. pkg. 10c. LOWEST PRICES ON—RUBBER RINGS, ZINC RINGS AND GRANULATED SUGAR Certo per bottle 29c Lipton’s Tea Black or Mixed g per lb. OOC Cascade Salmon 1 lb. tins 2 for 25c FLOUR IS STILL ADVANCING—OUR PRICES ARE LOW—ORDER NOW Aylmer Pork & Beans Large tin 10c For Pickling Season All New Spices Finest of Vinegar New Honey very choice 5 lb. pail 55c.; 10 lb. $1.10 for i munity, i Mr. and- pleasure of White, of former. Mr. and ___have returned to their home after spending a week with relatives in Exeter and Dashwood. Mrs. Chas. Devine and. three sons of Trenton, New Jersey, are visit­ ing with the former’s- parents Mr. and- Mrs. Rd,. Hunter. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Taylor, James and Dorothy, of Plainsfield, New Jersey, visited, in the home of W. H. Johnston end- other friends recently. Mrs. T. M, Dinney and daughter Barbara are spending the week at “Su-mme-rholm” cottge, a-t Grand Bend, the guests of Miss Ethel Budd of Detroit. Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. L. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horney, of London, were at Grand Bend Wed­ nesday of last week taking in the Sunday School picnics. Mrs-. M. McAvoy had the misfor­ tune to fall down the cellar steps at her home a few days ago and as a 'consequence is suffering from a badly bruised leg and arm. Mrs. Mary Willard has returned from the hospital, in London, much improved in health and- will s-pend the summer with her son Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Willard, Grand Bend-. Master Mac Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. c ~ ................... fourth having ren of vited. .Mrs, Man., boro, are visiting Mrs. Johnston had the a visit from Mrs. Harry Montreal, sister of the Mrs. Stire, of Chicago, AND SILK SUITS —f--------- Ward’s Ladies’ Wear A visit to our store will be appreciated LOCAL NEWS of r.e- Ernest week DECORATION SERVICE — will be held at the Zion cemetery, Us’- /borne, on Sunday, July 29th at 2 p.m. Music, by Granton quartette Good speakers. Everybody welcome G. M. Grant, celebrated his . birthd-ay on Wednesday by a birthday party. The chil- the neighborhood were in- LOST—Leather foldier contain­ ing two drivers' licenses, insurance card. Finder please return to the Times-Advocate lie FOR SALE— Electric Washing machine, copper tub, good condi­ tion. Apply at Times-Advocate. ltp FOR SALE—-Choice Clover hon­ ey, at popular /prices.—-Darrell Parker, R.R. 3, Exeter ltp. toe-Notice -— Corns, Ingrown nails, Athlete’s foot, Odorous, feet, relieved by Cress Corn (Salve at Browning’s Drug Store, Exeter. NOTICE—All .accounts are now due for planting of flowers on the graves at the Exeter cemeitery and settlement at once will be appreciat­ ed.—John Ford. 7-19-2tp. Mary Borland, of Crandall, and Mrs. Moon, of Londes1- ___, __ among their cou­ sins and were guests of Mr. M. L. Beavers and Mr. B. W. F. Beavers during the week. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd were Mrs. S. Hedden, Mrs. L. McDonald and son Donald, Mrs. Bloomfield, Miss Hazel Bloomfield and (Mr. Chamiberlain all of London. .Mr, Thos. Thomson and nephew Ross Sutherland^ of Toronto, are visting for a few days with Mr. “"and and Mr&. W. C. Pear-ce. visited Messrs, cott. . Miss They have for the past few weeks with Cecil Rowe and Wm. North- FOR SALE—We can supply our customers with. No, 1 Clover Honey at 10c. a lb, in your own container; 50 lbs. or over 9c. per lb. and am­ ber honey at 7c per lb. Bring your containers as soon as possible. J. Haberer & Sons, Zurich, 'Ont. 2 blocks south, of hotel; telephone 122. 7-19-2tc. FOR SALE—Ford coupe, T, in good shape. Apply at Advocate model Times- FOR RENT—Cottage at Bend, ter. Grand Electric lights, running wa- Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR S'ALE—The brick house and land where the late .Susan Atkinson lived on William Street, Exeter. Apply to R, N. Creech. FOR SALE OR RENT—Storey and a half frame house on Andrew Street, Apply to Times-Advocate 5-44t'n. Helen O’Connor and Mr. G. Beavers, of Toronto, are spending a week with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mr. W. Rigdon, of Ilderton and Mr, R. Beavers, of 'Sarnia, spent end here. Mr. Ed. St. Clair De turned, on Friday to visit __ J. W. and Mrs, Down, before leav­ ing for his- home in Lihlue, Kauai, Hawaii Islands. Mr. De Lacey is leaving in a few days to visit in Toronto and San Francisco. Mrs. W. H. Wilder, of Imke Vil­ lage, Ind., and. her son Oliver Wild­ er M.A,, and wife, of the Agricul­ tural Experimental Station, Woost­ er, O„ were visitors at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston Tues­ day. They first met on their trip from the West in 1913 and have corresponded ever since. Uniox services uf Main Street and James Street Unitea Churches were conducted on Sunday by Rev, A. E, Elliott owing to the illness of Rev. J. H. Stainton, Large con­ gregations were present *.( Main Street church in the morning and at James Street in the evening when Mr. Elliott preached two inspiring sermons. Mrs. A. O, Elliot sang a mo«Ft acceptable solo at the. morn­ ing service and Miss Kathleen the week- Lacey re- with. Rev. i Dr. and Airs. Dunlop are holiday­ ing for two weeks at Petawawa. James Street Choir held a picnic at Turnbull’s Grove on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Broderick and- Airs. R. Alous- seau visited in Petrolia over the week-end., Air. Lewis Seebach, of Mitchell, is holidaying with Air.* and1 Airs. Frank Triebner. Donald) Traquair spent a couple of days last week with Neil Jones at Grand Bend, Aliss Florence Houston R.N., of Chatham, visitedi recently with Air. and Airs. M. R. Cud-more. Air. A, AV. Pickard, of Regina, -Sask., is attending summer school at Western University. Air. and Airs. Samuel Sweet are visiting with their daughter, Air. and Airs. D. McInnis, of Paisley. (Mr. Jas. Morley, of town, and Dr. W. Lawson,, of Listowel, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hind at Walkerton. Air. J. S. Riddell, of Frobisher, (Sask., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard. Air. Riddell is Mrs. Pickard’s father. Miss Della Bennett, of Port Hope, and Aliss Jones, of Moose Jaw, Sask are spending the week with Rev. J. H. and Airs. Stainton. Airs. J. G. Jones, Air. and Airs Richard Tapp and Verne, and Airs. Coultis motored to Detroit Wednes­ day to visit with relations. Mr. and- Mrs. Geo. Anderson, Miss Thelma Boon and Air. Art Broder­ ick spent the week-end. at Petrolia, Sarnia and Detroit. Mr. and Airs. N. M- Graham anld! children, of Walkerville are holi­ daying with Mrs. Graham’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Rowoliffe. Mr. I. R. Carling and his sisters, Misses Elizabeth, Mary and Ida Carling spent the week-end at Nia­ gara Falls, Ft. Erie and other points. Air. and Mrs. Langmaid and Air. and Airs. Pearce, of Osliawa, were week end guests with Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Stainton at the James St. parsonage. -Mrs. Alary Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield, and Arnold and Air, and Airs. M. Cudmore spent last Sunday with -friends at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. W. ____J|„ and daughter, Betty, of St. Marys, have returned from a trip, going as far as the Noranda Gold Mines in Northern Quebeic. Mrs. MoBride and son Russell, of Springfield, Ohio, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders, Mrs McBride was formerly Miss Loret­ ta Lambrook. Airs. C. L. Wilson is a candidate in the Travel Club contest of the Stratford Beaeow-Herald and will appreciate any subscriptions for the paper as well as the coupons. Mr. R, R, Hagermsk» and Dougla*. Gloria and Geraldine, San Diego, Cal., motored up to the homo of Mrs. Horney and Mi*s A. Horton. Mr. Hagerman went on to Toronlio and relatives N. Harrison Bros SPECIALS IN -Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes and: Claudette, of Hensail and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grant, of London) are visiting with Mr. H. S. Walter. Mr. Grant has undergone an operation for the removal of his tonsils. Mr. Stanley Walter, of Hanover and1 Mr. Graham, of Durham, were here over the week-end. Mr, H. M. Montieth from the head office Montreal has been oppointed manager of the Clinton Branch of 'the Bank of Montreal. He will take on his new duties on the retirement of iMIr. Sharpe at the end of August. The t-ax rate for Goderich for 193 4 was fjxed at 5 0 mills for Pub­ lic School supporters and 51% mills for Separate School supporters. The rate which is the same as last year, is made up: general 36% separate school 10 mills, school 8% mills, Collegiate tute 5i mills. mills, public Insti- Bob Stoddart, of Goderich, took part in the British Empire trials at Hamilton-. He failed by a slim mar­ gin to qualify for the games at London, England. Jumping in a field of ten entries, Bob placed third at a height’ -of twelve feet, three inches. The winner headed the list at twelve feet six inches. £1 i trip, going aS Strang sang a delightful solo’in the land the -children are spending’ Wia evening. summer here, GENTS’ FURNISHINGS A SPECIAL LINE, SOCKS WASHABLE TIES ./. SUMMER CAPS BATHING SUITS, Special SWEATERS, Turtle-Neck and Sleeveless FLANNELS at 35c 50c 35c" $2.50 $2.50 $3.50 & $5.00 W. W. T A PHONE 81 A REAL BARGAIN DRESSES & SUITS A N EXETER, ONT. 59c MARVO ■*■ MASTER CLEANED AND TAILOR PRESSED SYSTEM OF / DRY-CLEANING WHITE FLANNELS CLEANED THE FOLLOWING AGENCYS WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU W. W. Taman, M. C. Sleamon, J. M. Ross & Co., S. Rannie, Exeter . Centralia Lucan Hensail ALL GARMENTS INSURED E. W. CROUCHER, DIVISION REP.