HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-06-28, Page 8THUBSUaY, JVNE 2Slh, IDS J THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Distinctive Permanents There's a special Bonat Wave to glorify your hair. Scientifically treat­ ed preparations to mt-et individual needs. We use only chemically pure Bonat Supplies. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Phone 21 j Residence 30r31 Exeter. <Crediton H. M. SMITH NEW BEATTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 90c. Oats 42c. Barley She. Buckwheat 60c. Manitoba’s Best $2.50 Model Flour $2.50 Welcome Flour $2.60 Low Grade Flour $1.45 Bran $1.25 Shorts, $1.30Creamery Butter, 25c, 26c. Dairy Butter. 20c., 2?^ Eggs, extras, 16c. Eggs, firsts. 14c. Eggs, seconds, 12c. Hogs, $8.50 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.Am B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. Jas, Reidie, of Crom­ arty, will occupy the pulpit. Evening service withdrawn. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor ..Reduced Prices on all Summer Dresses This week we are greatly reducing prices on all summer dresses. We are making specials at $1.89 $2.39 $3.95 Miss V. Fisher, of Hamilton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Rollins and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London, spent Sunday in town FOR SALE—-Ford truck, cheap, 5 heavy duty tires, Ruxtel axle, stock rack complete. Apply at Times-Ad- vocate. HD The regular meeting of the Cana­ dian Legion will be held on Friday. June 29th at S p.m. A full atten­ dance is requested, FOUND—On the townline between Stephen and McGillivray, a purse containing a sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. Apply to Ed. Faulder. R. 2, Ailsa Craig. STRAYED—Onto the property of Ben Makins a heifer and steer, two- year-olds. Owner may have same by proving property aud paying ex­ penses.—B. Makins, R. 1, Hay P.O. COTTAGE FOR RENT—At Beach -O’-Pines for July and August. Com­ pletely furnished, modern conven­ iences. See Salter Co., or address letters to* Box 280A. Exeter. MAN WANTED—With car to hand­ le Ward’s Quality Teas, Coffees, Co­ coa, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Prep­ arations direct to established users in Huron County. Write T. H. Ward Company, John South, Hamilton. FOR SALE— A Singer drop-head sewing machine, nearly new. Price moderate. For information apply at Central Hotel. ltp. LOST—In Exeter, a brooch with ston-s, valued as a keepsake. Find­ er kindly leave at Times-Advocate. ltp WARNING Warning is hereby given to any­ one who takes peas from fields in or near the village, a. practice of which has been complained of by owners, also any caught taking peas from wagons as they are passing through the streets of Exeter with­ out the permission of the owner will be prosecuted. By Order STRAYED—From pasture farm in Hay swamp, a red heifer, yearling past, split ear and pig ring in other ear. Please notify Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Frame barn 15x21, suitable for stable or garage with storage room above. Apply Times- Advocate. ltp, FOR SALE—Ice refrigerator, good as new; also oak dining room suite, ■buffet, and china cabinet combined table and six chairs__Mrs. C. Cook, Hensail. FOR SALE—Two storey solid brick {house, well located in the village of Exeter, with 3 1-6 acres of land, at present occupied by owners. Immed­ iate possession if desired. If you wish to buy a good home at a very low price apply to—>C. V. Picikard, phone 165, Exeter. STRAYED—Onto lot 1 and 2, con. 1, Usborne, a yearling Holstein heif­ er. Owner may have same by prov­ ing property and paying expenses. Apply to Alvin Essery, R. R. No. 1, Centralia. FOR SALE ,4 only slightly used Goodyear’ All Weather tread casings and tubes at less than half price. 2 Metal tub electric washers. 2 wood tubs. 1 only, 6-cyllnder Chrysler car at a sacrifice. W. J. BEER BARN FDR SALE—Size 50x36. Apply to Albert Gaiser, Shipka. Ad­ dress Dashwood P. O. ltp. FOR SALE—The brick house and land where the late Susan Atkinson lived on William Street, Exeter. Apply to R. N. Creech. FOR SALE OR RENT—Storey and a half frame house on Andrew Street. Apply to Times-Advocate 5-4-tIn. FOR SALE Used tractor In A-l shape, a real snap ...................$250.00 Shop Worn Quebec Sulky Plow, single furrow .... at $10.00 Several spreaders at your own price. We have the Newest Farm Equip­ ment on display in an All-Steel Spreader; self oiling, enclosed geer Mower; all steel Farm Truck and Stainless Steel iCTeam Separator Discs. International Harvester Company Exeter, Ont. I I ] LOCALS 1 j______________.____i Mrs. Feeman Perkins spent a few days in London last week. .Mr. Harry West, of Sarnia, spent the week-end at liis home. Mrs. Green, of Montreal, is visit­ ing, with her sister, Mrs. Stacey. Mr. Ed. French, of Toronto, visit­ ed for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick. Mr. Stanley Ward, of London, is holidaying with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. John Ward. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston, of Simcoe, visited with their parents in town over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Carter, of Sea­ forth, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lowry last week. , Mr. Jack Stacey, of Detroit, call­ ed on Mr. aud Mrs. George Grant over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Pollen, of Flint Mich., are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. Wm, Pollen. Mr. F. L. Grieve has closed his drug store in Exeter having moved the contents to Grand Bend. .Mr and Mrs. John McGill, of Brussels, spent a day, with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lowry last week. Mr. and, Jas. Dearing and son Phillip and Mr. Oliver spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Dearing. Miss Pearl Rollins, who has been visiting Mr. and M|rs. Wm. May has returned to her home in London. Miss Utah Clarke, of London, ac­ companied by little Paula Denny spent the week-end at her home here Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williamson, of Carswell, Alberta, were visitors of the former’s sister, Mrs. E. G. Low­ ry. Mrs. W. C. Cann, of town, is in Pankhill, visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. W. Taite, w*ho is quite ser­ iously ill. Mi’s. Wm. Laverty returned home last week after visiting for a week with her mother at Wallaceburg and with friends in London. Mrs. Thos. Sanders has left for Toronto where she will spend sev­ eral weeks with her son Mr. Fred W. Sanders. Mrs. John Ward has opened up a j store for ladies wear in the build­ ing recently vacated by the rural hydro commission. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and little daughter, Janetta, of De­ troit, visited at the home of Mir. and Mrs. George Grant. Mr. Marvin Howey, of the Bank of Montreal staff at Aylmer, is holi­ daying for a couple of weeks under the parental roof. Mrs. George Jaques and Mrs. Her­ man Kyle .spent one day this week with the former’s sister, Mrs. Sam­ uel Stevenson at Birr. Mjrs. (Rev.) A. MaLauchlan, who ha's been visiting her father, Rev. J. W. Down and Mrs. Down return­ ed to her home in Almonte on Tues­ day. Mrs. Elliott, who has been visit­ ing with her son, Rev. Mr. Elliott at the Main Street parsonage return­ ed to her home in Brantford on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bickell and daughter Dorothy Anne, of London, and Mr. John Kuntz, of Windsor, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson and children, of Arkona, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Collingwood on Sun­ day. Miss Ruth Collingwood return­ ed with them on a. visit. Mrs. Herbert, of London; Mrs. Durham and Miss Durham, oMLucan visited with Mrs. Eagan on Sunday. Mrs. Herbert remained for a few days to visit with friends. Mr. L. Victor Hogarth returned home last week from Christie- Street Hosiptal, Toronto, where he has been for the past several months re­ cuperating from his very serious op­ eration. The rose garden of Mr. Wm. Ward has been a marvellous sight during the past week. He has many beauti­ ful _ varieties and they are now at their best. Mr, Ward lost very few bushes during the heavy frosts of the winter. Mr. -and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake and family attended the Lyon re­ union held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb, of Goderich 'Town­ ship on Saturday. Following the dinner the afternoon whs spent in races and games. Miss Olive Caldwell, ten-year-old daughter of Mr, John Caldwell had the misfortune to swallow a nail one day last week. Miss Bernice Caldwell, nurse-in-trainin.g at Guelph is home for her holidays- and assist­ ed in waiting on her .sister who was laid up for a couple of days, Mrs. H. K. Hyndman returned last week from a motor trip with Mr. and Mrs. DqJean, of Bronte, to Montreal and several points in N.. Y. state, Mr. and Mrs, DeJean spent the week-end here leaving tbelr daughter, Betty who will visit for a tew days. W. R. Gouldjng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Gho>-Leader 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m:—Sacramental Service. All members and adherents are urged to be present for this im­ portant service. 7 p.m.—“Save the Pieces.” Wednesday—Prayer Service MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor’ Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—’Communion Service 7 p.m.—The Minister Thursday—Prayer Meeting TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 10 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Holy Communion .and Ser­ mon. The 150 th anniversary of the United Empire Loyalists of Canada, No evening service during July and August. 7.45 p.m. Thursday—Prayer Service A VERY 1934 PERMANENT WAVE — in — SPIRAL, CROQUINOLE or COMBINATION Genuine Standard Supplies used exclusively L. Stackhouse Phone 245 WONGS’ CAFE Exeter Welcomes Tourists SPECIAL DINNER FOR LADIES & GENTS 35c. & 40c. & up SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER ROAST CHICKEN 45c. Lunch—Sandwiches 10c., 15c. & 25c. Milk, Tea or Coffee 5c. Dr. Atkinson, wishes to announce ?that his office will be closed froHjl July 9 th to July 21st, inclusive. Mr. Reg. Beavers, of Sarnia, spent the weeik-end at his home. Examinations are on this week. School closes Friday for the summer. A number from here attended the Down picnic at Springbank on Sat­ urday. Mr. M. W. Pfaff attended a post­ master’s convention in Windsor on Tuesday. Mrs. Doerr and son George, of Toronto, are visiting with Dr, and Mrs. W, E. Weekes. Mr. and Mirs. W. E. Bnadt and family and Mr. Gep. Jewell, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewel. Mr. Howard Dignan, of the Colleg­ iate staff at Port Hope, has return­ ed home. He will be leaving for Toronto for the marking of examina­ tion papers. Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Gordon and family are leaving the latter part of the week for Peinis'ula. Lake in the Muskoka district where they will spend the month of July. The members of the Women’s As­ sociation of the Main Street United Chur-ch were peasantly entertained to a picnic at the home Of M(r. and Mrs. J. Elston on Friday last. Dr, and Mrs. W. E. Weekes and son, Billy, Visited with the former’s mother, M!rs. Sarah Weekes in Glen­ coe on Sunday. Mrs. Weekes return­ ed with them and will visit for a week. Mrs. Wm. Smith and son Gerald, of Credtion, visited With Mr. and Mrs.. Gambrill ton Sunday and ren­ dered a duet at the morning service in Win .Street United Church which was much appreciated, The auction sale of the effects of the late Miss Addie Kernick was held Thursday of last week. Ah of­ fer of $425 was received for the residence and has been submitted to . th Public Trustee, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ferguson, of Aylmer, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Ferguson of Chiselhurst, M-r, and Mrs, Will. Ferguson, of Wlnchelsea and Mir. and Mrs. Will Horftey and Miss Ir­ ma Ferguson, of Kippen were Suh* day visitors with the former’s Moth­ er, Mrs. Joseph Stacey, GOLD STRIPE HOSE ANGELSKIN SLIPS In service and Chiffon. We also feature an out size, service weight In tea rose and white. A good quality slip with lace trim. PRICED AT 79c., $1.00 and $1.25 EACH 98c. WHITE MESH GLOVES ANKLE SOX Very smart for the Hot weather trimmed with organdy cuff They are in big demand. They come in a good range of colors, also white, all sizes PER PAIR 50c.PER PAIR 25c. 25 only Ladies’ Voile Dresses In several very neat styles and a range of smart patterns and shades with Puff Sleeves or Sleeveless. These are real values at $1.39 ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS FOR MEN In the athletic styles An all wool suit in colors of green, wine and black EACH $1.59 TOOKE’S COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS Well made, and fast colors. They are exceptional values. All sizes $1.19 HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR NEW STRAW HATS For men and boys. Cool comfortable Un­ derwear with no buttons to come off In the newest shapes and straws. BOYS’ 75c., MEN’S $1.00 PRICED AT $1.50 to $1.95 New Patterns in Wedgewood Dinnerware We are showing four good patterns made by this well-known maker. They are 97 piece sets. The regular price is $25.00 Special at $22.50 Grocery SpechilsforThursday, Friday and Saturday Southcott Bros. SPECIAL Corn Beef 2 tins for 25c SPECIAL Campbell’s Spaghetti 3 large tans 25c SPECIAL Aylmer Catsup 2 large hotties 25c Leave Your Order for Choice Strawberries—Fresh every day. Sweet Mixed Pickles large jar 29c Jam: Raspberry, Strawberry large jar 34c McCormick’s Ass’d Cookies 2 pounds for 29 c Just a little bettor Don’t forget—Our prices on Flour are always the best. E. L. JOHNSTON, Painter and Paper Hanger, Sunworthy Papers, Martin-Senor paints. See my samples and get an estimation on your job during the slack season. All work guaranteed satisfactory. No obliga­ tion Residence behind Presbyter­ ian Church. HIGH SCHOOL RESULTS The standing of the six highest pupils in the recent Form I promo­ tion is as follows, the mantos being based on a maximum of 800: 1. Eileen Lewis 69 8. 2. Jean MacKenzie 6;5(1 3. June Taylor 634 4. Elaine Stan bury 610 5. iStewart Fuke 60i8 6 Marion Gladman 588 , Form II The standing of first three in Form II with same maximum is: 1. Borden Sanders 751 2. Mildred Hicks 725 3. Robert Dinney 621 BASEBALL DROPS TWO M(0RE The local baseball team continued their losing streak during the past week when they dropped twjo more games. 'On Thursday night the Zurich team took a very erratic game by the score of 1-9-9. Zurich took the lead in the opening innings by- scoring eleven runs. Hum Willard and Bill Motz pitched for the losers Dick Welsh was in the box for Zu­ rich and although quite wild -had little difficulty in silencing the lo­ cal bats. Leroy O’Brien was the big hitter of the night. Clinton IO, Exeter 3 ■On Monday evening with the lo­ cals striving for their second win of the season the Clinton team defeat­ ed them by the score of -l'ty-3. Brant was in the box for Clinton While Bill Motz again took the mound for the losers. Clinton staged a four run rally in the second inning due to er­ ratic fielding on the part of the local infield. A shakeup in the third in­ ning proved a good move but the locals Still failed to hit the ball. Goderich comes to town on Thursday evening, SOFT BALL STANDING T FWL Crediton U.8 1 0 16 Thames Rd,6 3 1 13 Dashwood 6 3 ..0 12 Cfedlton Eh 4 3 0 8 James St.3 4 0 6 Main St.2 3 0 4 Centralia 2 7 O'4 Elimvllle 1 1 0 2 SPECIALS IN GENTS’ FURNISHINGS A SPECIAL LINE, SOCKS.........................................at 35c WASHABLE TIES .........................?......... 50c SUMMER CAPS .................... 35c BATHING SUITS, Special................................... $2.50 SWEATERS, Turtle-Neck and Sleeveless . . . $2.50 FLANNELS ... $3.50 ■& $5.00 W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. The Grand Opening of WARD’S Exclusive Ladies’ Wear We carry a full line of Ladies’ and Misses* Pure Silk Crepe Swagger Suits and Dresses, Chiffon Suits and Dress­ es and Sleeveless Crepe Dresses. Ladies* and Misses’ Sleeveless Capelet and long sleeve Voile Dresses, sizes 14 to 46 in all the newest Summer styles and colors. We also carry a large assortment of House Dresses. We have a large assortment of Ladies Hose in service weighty chiffon and crepe hose. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. YOU ARE WEfc^OME WARD’S LADIES’ WEAR