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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-06-28, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Display of Ladies* Dresses at Wm. Sangster's store continuing Thurs day. Open Thursday evening. There is a splendid rain falling on this district, to-day, Tuesday. MJ, V. R, Petit, of Sarnia, visited with Hensall friends op Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar iStewart, of- Toronto, are spending a few days in towm Miss Amy Lammie, of Toronto, was -a recent visitor at her home here. Miss Martha Hunter, of Exeter, is visiting relatives and friends in town. Mir. Donald McKaig, of the Beach- O’~Pines, spent Sunday at his home ■here. Mr, Thos. Lindsay spent a few days last week visiting relatives in London, Mi*. William Hyde is spending a week or two visiting friends in and around Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. William Gangster and family, visited with Stratford friends on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle and children visited with friends in Kit chener on Sunday. Mrs. John Johnston and daughter Miss Margaret, were recent visitors with Zurich friends. Mr and Mrs. John Culter recent visitors with relatives friends at Milverton. Mr. John Fisher expects to trip to Wind were and leave shortly for a holiday i sor and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Seaforth, wieire calling town on Wednesday. Mrs. John Treeiner, of Tucker smith, is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Parlmer. Mrs. Lome Thompson, of Toron to, is visiting here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. Mr. Ray Lammie, who .lias secur ed a position in London, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Young, of Flint, Mich, was visiting last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McEwen. Quite a number from town attend ed the Decoration Day services at Exeter cemetery on Sunday last. Miss Susan iM'cDonell, of Exeter, spent Sunday visiting at the home of her brother Mr. Charles McDonell. Rain is badly needed in the Hen sall district, all crops and gardens are suffering from the long drought. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell visited on ■Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lome McNaughton and family of Hibbert. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Statham, of (St. Thomas, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Eld er, Mr. William Lauder, sign painter days last sign paint- Williams, of on friends in was in Hensall several week doing so mo fancy ing. Mr. A. Sparks visited day in Brucefield with She continues quite over Sun- his sister, went on operation in the Clinton hospital for the removal of several toes which have been troubling her for some time and which would not yield to radium or other treatment. The Sacrement of the Lord's Sup per will be observed at the morning service in the United Church next Sunday, July 1st and a preparatory service will be held on Friday even ing of this week, ■Mr, David Foss held an auction sale of his household effects on Saturday . afternoon. There was a fair crowd present and bidding was quite brisk. Mr. Oscar Klopp, of Zurich, acted as. auctioneer in his usual able manner. Efforts are being made to have an Old Boy’s RemniQn here next year. This would be a very popular event and would no doubt bring home a large number of Old Boys and Girls to visit the home of their childhood. Mrs. William Foster .has had to undergo a second operation for the removal of her tonsils which were operated on about twelve years ago. Mrs. Foster suffered severely from the operation but is now getting on nicely. Mrs. Cuppard, of Detroit and sis ter Miss Edna Butt, of Toronto are visiting vjith their relatives. Mrs. John Dinsdale, Mrs. IF1. Simmons, Mrs. John M'urdock and Mrs. H. Taylor also with Mrs. J, H. Petty and family of Hay Township. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drummond were in Kincardine Sunday visiting Mr, Drummond’s father, Mr. Thos. Drummond, who is in the Kincar dine Hospital, was in a serious con dition. His many' friends here will be glad to hear that he is showing some improvement. Harold Sherritt was in Hamilton last week competing in the Domin ion Interscholastic Meet held in that city on Saturday, June 16th for the Dominion Interscholastic Champion ships. Harold tied for .third posi tion but Sheridan, of Waterdown was awarded the decision. Inger,sol 1 and Hensall baseball teams will line up on the Hensall diamond on Friday evening at 6 o’clock for another game in the In ter County Intermediate B series. This will be one of the best games of the season as Ingersoll1 is well up in the series having beaten Strat ford last week. Rev. W. A. Young, pastor of Car mel Prtesbtyerian Church, here, took the special service in the War Mem orial Hall, at tural College morning. The tieth birthday Mr. Young was a member of the 1926 graduating class. The Masons of Hensall Lodge No. 224 A. F. & A. Mi. attended divine anniversary service in the United Church on Sunday morning. The pas tor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair, preached a very appropriate sermon on “An cient Free Masonry.” The choir sang two anthems, “Open our eyes” and Hark, My Soul” and Mr. “My God large enjoy loyalty and faithfulness both in weekly sessions of the class on Sun day, and also the many pleasant social times we have spent together Wc regret that these happy associa tions are about to be severed, but we can assure you that our very best wishes will always follow you and we wish you much happiness and prosperity in your new home. And now we ask you to accept these gifts as a mark of our esteem, be lieving they will remind you of many profitable and happy associa- sions we have spent together. Sign ed on behalf of the Wohela Class. Miss Shaddock thanked the class for their gifts and assured them she would always remember her Hensall friends. Miss Shaddock al so received a beautiful hydro floor lamp from the United Church choir of which she was a valued member. the and been the Ontario Agricul- Guelph on Sunday occasion was the six- o£ the 'College. Rev. CREDITON House and lot for sale or rent.—: Apply Jas. Clark, Crediton 6-7-tfc. Miss Elsie Blackhall, of Thames Rood, spent the week-end with Miss Lula Kerr. Mr. Harry Dale, of 'Brampton, was the guest of Miss Laura Clarke over the week-end. Miss Evelyn Sippell spent week-end at the home of Mr. Mrs. Jacob Ratz. Miss Ruth England who has critically ill is improving. Miss Helen Mclsaac, of London spent Sunday, with her parents. There will be no service in the Evangelical church on (Sunday even ing on account of the Decoration Day services Sunday afternoon. Miss Edna Beavers has (returned to her home after completing (her ■term at the Technical School, Lon don. Mr. Howard Johnston left on Tues day -for Bright’s Grove where he has taken a position for the summer months. The Strawberry Supper served on the United Church lawn on Friday evening by the men of the congrega tion was a huge success. An excel lent supper was served with an abundance of berries and cream. Following the supper a play entitl ed “Closed Lips” was put on by the Young People of Fullarton in the Town Hall and was enjoyed by a large audience. The proceeds amounted to $75. The convenors of the supper were Messrs. T. T'reve- thick and F. W. 'Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rodgers, of New York City, are visiting their mother, Mrs. A. King for a few weeks. They will also visit in. Detroit with Mrs. Rodgers sisters and broth er. Mfrs. George Hohmier, of New Hamburg, visited the latter part or last week at the home of her broth er, Mr. W. E. and Mrs. Winer. 1 6 lbs. 25c. .per lb. 5c. THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1031 r LARGE JAR FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER, 1 handsome goblet free , .. / per lb. 19c ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT We DeliverPhone 102 111all ■ Lemon Drops, Chocolate-Coated Carmels ... Iced Carmels, Chocolate-Coated Peanuts . . . “Quality always higher (than price.” . 25c. GROCERY SPECIALS PURE CANE SUGAR ..... BRUNSWICK SARDINES . FANCY PINK SALMON .. PEANUT BUTTER ............. FALCON CATSUP............. PEARL WHITE SOAP .............. 10 |bs. for 59c. .................,..........4 ting for 19c. ..................Large tin, each 10c. ..................Large jar, each 25c. ..............quart bottles, each 15c. Large size Picnic Plates . . . per dozen 10c. Sweet White Corn..................2 tins for 19c. No. 3 Peas small and tender 2 tins for 23c. Falcon Tomatoes .... large tin, each 10c. Dill Pickles...............24 oz. jar each 15c. Palmolive Soap..................3 cakes for 14c. R. & W. Toilet Tissue ....... .3 rolls 23c. New Potatoes No. 1 quality New Green Cabbage........... Fresh Watermelon, sliced or whole Cocoanu.ts .............................................each 5c. Fresh Fig Bars,..........................per lb. 17c. Jumbo Salted Peanuts............. per lb. 15c. Walsh’s Grape Juice...........per bottle 30c. A FULL STOCK OF ICE COLD DRINKS, ICE CREAM IN BULK, BRIXS, SHER- BICLES, ALASKA BON BON, ETC. THAMES ROAD Mrs; Tough, poorly. Mr. Archie this last two at Mount Forest returned homiei on Monday. Mrs. Harry Abray of London, is spending a few days visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson. Mrs. Manly Jinks and children have returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives on the Goshen Line, (Stanley. Miss Dorothy. Wright and friend of Niagara days here Miss Grace Mr. and Filshie, who has spent months with relatives Falls, N.Y., spent a few last week visiting with Dick. Mrs. Gordon Parker and son, Ronald, spent the we.ek-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson, of the Town Line, Hay'. iM(r. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and children left Tuesday for Rondeau Park where they will spend a couple of weeks camping. Miss Dorothy M’cjLean nure-in-train- ing in Clinton Hospital is visiting with Miss Gladys Passmore and other friends in town, Wm. and John Craig and sister Miss Hannah Craig have returned home after a- pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. Wiliam L. McLaren and Mr. and -Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome McNaughton of Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, of Winni peg and M’r. and Mrs. D Reid, of London, wore recent visitors at the home of Miss Minnie Reid. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fulton, of Lon don, were week-end visitors with Mrs. Fulton’s father and sister, Mr. William Stone and Miss Grace Stone Mrs. Wm. Lammie and daughter Miss Greta are visiting in Brantfiord this week and while them attended the re-union at the Brantford Blind School, Mr. John Stacey accompanied by (his mother and sister, Miss Lillian Stacey, of Detroit, are visiting rela tives and friends in Hensall and vicinity. ■Mt. William Stone is able to be out again after being confined to his home for several weeks through injuries received by falling down the stairs at home. 'The students of the Hensall Con tinuation and Public Schools are writing on their examinations this week. The schools will close for the holidays on Friday. Mr. William McLean, of ton, is visiting at the .home “Hark, nauv, Cross sang a bass solo, and Father, while I stray.” A congregation was present to the service. Celebrates 90th Birthday Mr,s. William Henry, one of .... sail’s most esteemed and highly re spected residents celebrated her 90 th birthday on Friday last. Dur ing the day some fifty relatives and friends called at her home to offer their 'congratulations, flow’ers and other gifts. Mrs. Henry also re ceived many letters and telephone congratulations from friends who were unable to call. iShe has spent all her life in this district and for one of her age is quite active and attends the United Church regular ly of which she is a valued member. Mr,s. Henry’s many friends wish her many more happy birthdays. Bride-Elect Honored, Annie Consitt was .hostess evening last at her home street to a very pleasant DASHWOOD Dr. Hen on on H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood. first three days of at office over the Post Zurich, last three days of week and Office, m week. comm, eiice Hamil- „ ___ „ ___ . of Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore. Mrs. -Mc Lean and ’Children have been visit ing here for the la.st two weeks, Mr. T. W, Parlmer is very busy manufacturing several lines of grocery specials. He is constantly adding new linos and there is a good demand for his baking powder and peanut butter. Mr. John Hunkin, of Exeter, and Mrs. Davey and children Croditon Miss Robena Hunkln, London and Mr. Elmer Hunkin Exeter were Sunday visitors Mr. and Mrs, John Bean. Miss Alice Kyle recently under Mr. of of , of with Mrs. Friday Oxford gathering of young ladies in honor of Miss Elva Shaddock bride-elect of this week. The first part of the evening was spent playing bridge, with four tables going. One of the interesting events of the evening was h mock wedding in which Miss Doreen Farquhar acted as groom, Miss Florence McDonald as bride and Miss Mildred McDonell as the minister. Miss Louise Drummond played the wedding march. During th© evening the bridge club to which Miss Shaddock is a member present ed her with a electric toaster and a beautiful although prise, in thanked for their was served .the tables being decorat ed in pinki and white. A very pleas ant evening was brought to a close by all forming a circle and singing Auld Lang Syne. Miss Shaddock who is 'one of Hensail’s most - popular young ladies will be married on 'Sat urday, June 30th to Mr. Harold Scruton, of Port Dover, where, af ter the marriage, the young couple will reside. On Monday the members of the Wohela Class of the United Church held a social -evening at the home of Miss Mfarian .Sinclair in honor of Miss Elva Shaddock, bride-elect of this week, There was a splendid program which was in charge- of Miss Florence McDonald: an instrumental was given by Miss Mildred Smillie, “My Rosary”; solo, Bella Smale, “Wedding Bells”; humorous reading by Mildred Forest, “My Tonsils”; solo by Lome Elder, “I’m A-weary- ing for You”; guitar selection by Kathryn Drysdale, 'Congratulations’ After the program1 a number of games and contests were indulged in. A pleasing feature of the even ing was the presentation to Miss 'Shaddock by the class of half a doz en sherbit glasses add half a dozen large goblets. An address by Miss Verda Watson and entation by The address end-table. Miss Shaddock, taken completely by sur- a few well chosen words the members of the club kindness. dainty lunch Open air services will on ’Sunday evening at 8.3 0‘ p.m. on the Evangelical C'huroh lawn. Spec ial musical numbers will be given and the singing will be accompan ied by the Dashwood Band. Mr. P. Mclsaac attened, the Bell telephone convention in London on Thursday. Mr, and Mns, Gordon Calfas, of Sarnia, visited here or. Thursday. His father, ’ Mr, Henry Calfas, re turned to Sarnia with them after spending two weeks at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther, of Windsor, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. C. Guen ther. Mr. and Mrs. Hiller, of Sarnia, and Mr. Carl Hewick and Miss Schaf er, of Kitchener, were week-end vis itors with Rev. and Mrs. Hawick at the Evangelical parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Adams, of London, were Sunday visitors with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tieman, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Hamilton are .spending their holi days with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman. Dashwood Band attended Decora tion services at Exeter Cemetery on Sunday. The Ladies’ Aid of the Evangelic al Church will hold a lawn social on July 11th on the church lawn. Miss Thelma Fisher, of Strathroy, spent the week-end with her parents. Mrs. Witzel is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Triebner on the 2nd Concession. The annual Strawberry Social of the Lutheran church was held last week with a large attendance. The program consisted of musical num bers, piaho duets, vocal duets, la dies* trio and mixed quartette. Two playlets “The Minister’s Mistake” and “Getting Rid of Agents” and a reading in Pennsylvania Dutch by Ella Eveland were also given. Rev. T. Luft acted as chairman, The la dies in charge of the supper arrange ments wore Mrs. L, Rader, Mrs. T. Hopcroft and Mrs. W. Eveland. The program committee included Mrs. T. Luft, Mrs. L. Restemeyer and Mrs. F, Preeter. The proceeds amounted to $110.00. POllockAVitnici’ was solemnized bride's parents, Witmer, of the their daughter, Miss Mary Kerslake and Mrs. Jas. Marshall, of London, were week- end visitors w’ith Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Smith, of Australia, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. N. 'Squire. Mr. and Mrs. John Ratcliffe, of , iStrathroy, were visitors here with friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. McNicol, of Tor onto, were visitors with relatives here Tuesday. Amongst ,the. visitors in our com munity on 'Sunday were: Mrs. ~ and and and garet Fletcher, and Mrs. Martyn, of Cromarty and Misses Margaret and Hazel Hamil ton, of Cromarty; Mrs. Rebecca Stewart and Mr. Chas. Stewart, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCull- augh, of Woodham with Mr. and Mrs. John McCullaugli. The .Sunday School anniversary services were well attended at the morning the children’s choir sang very creditably. A trio of little girls, Mfisses Jean Cann, Dorothy (Squires and Roberta Duncan sang very nicely. The minister. Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Kippen, took for his text 'Trust in the Lord and do good’ At the evening service the choir ren dered suitable music. A quartette was given by Mr, Moody Mrs. A. Gardiner, Mrs. John Hodgert and Mr. Wm. Cann. Yoiur correspondent regrets the lo cals did not reach the press last weak. Miss B. Gollings has returned to Exeter after spending two weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Sim. Pollen and Miss Patsy are holidaying with Mr. and Mirs. Ed. Pollen and relatives. Mrs. Ross, of Tuckersmith, is vis iting wth Mr. and Mrs-. J. D. Stew art, Miss Kathleen Wiseman was suc cessful in carrying off second class honors in languages at the Western University recent examinations. We congratulate Kathleen. Mission Road Mission Circle The above society held its June meeting at the home of Miss Ruby Chambers. The president was in the choir. The meeting opened with a hymn. Miss Lillian Miller read the Scripture with Miss Anna Rhode' leading in prayer. A good report was I then given by the treasurer ed by minutes of last meeting. It was planned to hold a picnic in the bush on July 6th on Mr. Archie Mbrgan’s farm, the losing side of the recent contest to provide lunch. Winners will arrange a series of .sports. It was moved by Lillian sec onded by Beatrice that $10.00 be set aside for supply work. Carried. Two quilts were sent away recently valued at $4.00 each. Jean then gave the topic from “Fourth Lady of the Land”. The roll call for next month is “Joy”. After singing a hymn the meeting closed with Tapps says: Turn Recent Rains into Fall SUPER-SIZE CHICKS MAKE EARLY LAYERS ■i Miss Marian is as follows. Hensail, .Tune was read the pre*. Sinclair. 25, 1034 Deaf Kiva: We your associates <of hela class of the United 'Church take this opportunity of expressing to you our great appreciation of your the WhO' A quiet wedding at tile home of the Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Goshen Line, when JI ___ Lauretta, became the bride of Floyd Pollock, son of Mr, Robert Pollock and the late Mrs. Pollock, of Grand Bond, The ceremony was performed by Rev, Henrick in the presence of tlio immediate relatives. The bride was .becomingly attired in .a white ensemble and was attended by her twin sister, Eloretta. and Lambert Witmer, Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Pollock loft for a honeymoon at Hamilton and Niagara Falls. Wm. Mrs. Mrs. Mirs. Sir. and Harper, of Mitchell; Mr. Jas Earl, of Zion;- Mr. Hodgert, of Exeter; Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Mar- ■of Centralia; Mr. Egg Money Recent rains assure many extra bushels of grain this Fall. Turn the extra grain in to extra eggs. The outlook for Fall and Winter egg prices continues to be encour aging. Hogarth “Super-size” chicks grow rapidly—the pullets mature and lay early. These chicks have a “head start” from the very first day, due to their extra size and weight at hatching time. Yet they cost little, if any more than ordinary-siz ed chicks. Bred to lay. Bred to pay. Seven breeds. Fully government approved. _ Or ders filled promptly. Write or phone.’ Barred Rocks 8c. W. Leghorns 7c. Ten Day Old Barred Rocks lO^c 2 Week Old Barred Rocks 12c. SUPER-SIZE CHICKS add 2c. per chick Phone 184,Open Day and Night Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery EXETER, ONT. ELIMVILLE The W. M. S. held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Will Johns on Wednesday, June 20th. The meeting was under the leader ship of Mrs. C. Godbolt and opened with the hymn “There is a green hill far away” and all repeated the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Scrip ture lesson from Matt. 26:13430 was read by Mrs. Will Johns. The min utes of last meeting were read and adopted and roll call was answered by twenty-one members, the subject being a quotation on “Flowers.” The devotional leaflet “The Mem orial table” was read by Mirs. H. Ford. Other short leaflets on China were read by Mrs. Elford, Mrs, T. Rell, Mrs. Coultis, Mrs. Frank Brock, Mrs. Sher. Brock, Mirs. R. D. Hunter. Prayers were offered by Mrs. H. Delbridge and Mrs. R. D. Hunter. A temperance reading was given by Mrs. Wes. John. “A dozen do’s for W.M.S.” was read by Mrs. H. Delbridge*. Mrs Godbolt then read a story “Will there be any Stars” which was very interesting. Mrs. Ed. Johns also sang the vdi’ses of the ■song, “Wilf there be any stars in my crown” the other ladies joining in the chorus. Miss Agnes Logan was Sunshine corner, having completed operations at Mi'. Rus. Skinner's pit. Miss Catherine Peters left the first of the week for Muskoka where she has employment for a time. Quite a number from this com munity attended the service- at Exe- ter cemetery last Sunday it being Djecoration Day. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner, ot London, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Rich Johns and Mir. Les. Robinson’s ‘ n presented with a Life Membership ntinJ Tt Certificate by Mrs. W. Skinner on GRAND BEND Mrs. and Mr. Wilf ord Mathers, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Love. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shilling, of Sarnia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter England are all .smiles. It’s a girl. Mr John .Mollard, of Dinsdale, ■Sask., son of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Mollard formerly of Grand Bend, Mr. and .Mrs. Huggins, Miss Slater of Regina, and Miss Slater, of Fort iSan, who have been to Nova 'Scotia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard. Mr. and Mrs. George Yeo and Mr. Ben Yeo, of Detroit, spent the week end with Miss Mary Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pollock, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. end Mrs. Sol. Pollock. Miss Shirley and Rayburn Ulens. of Corbett, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Gerd on Ulens. Rev. Mr. Moore will take charge of the services in the United church Sunday becoming the regular pastor. Mr. Moore is a promising young man You would do well to hear him, behalf of the society. Mrs. Will El- ford read an address to which Miss Logan briefly expressed her thanks. The meeting closed with the hymn “■Stand up for Jesus” and benedic tion. A ten cent birthday tea was served at the close, the hostesses were Mrs. Jno. Prance, Mrs. Sher wood Brock, Mrs. Elford and Mr£. Ford. The July meeting will be held at the church when the members of the Baby Band and their mothers and members of the Mission Band will be entertained by the W.M.S. The losers in the recent copper contest (captain Laura Ford) enter tained the winners (captain Mar garet Johns) at a social evening at the home of Marjorie Delbridge on Tuesday evening of last week. A large number were present and spent an enjoyable evning in games etc., after which a lunch was served Nearly $9 was raised for the Mission 'Circle in the contest. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Johns and Kenneth attended the Hern re-union held near Uderton on Wednesday of last .week. Miss Harriet is visiting her Peters. Rev. Stewart, ■supply for Rev, •on vacation (Sunday in July Malcolm will preach Sunday School anniversary services here at 10.3b a.m. and 7 p.m. Special music, nt both services. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bisnell Roberta, of Toronto, were wjoteh visitors .at Mr. Wes. Johns. Mr. P. Mutch is painting the store which is a great improvement. Tho township crusher has been moved to Mr. Brock’s gravel pit at KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. W. Stade and son, Melvin, and Mrs. S. Gottchalk, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with relatives in :St. Thomas. Mr. Otto Willert is wearing a broad smile, its a boy. Misses Dorothy and Rose Dietrich of London, visited a few days last week at their home here. Miss Jean Willert spent the week end with Miss Alden Eagleson. Mr. and Mirs. H. Lippert and Mr. and Mrs, A. Tiley spent Sunday at Springbank, Mrs. Gottchalk, of Seaforth, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stade. Misses Shirley and Betty Lippert of Melbourne, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lippert. Mr. Jerome O’Rourke spent Sat urday in London, Vestman, of London sister, Mrs. (Rev.) of Centralia will Peters, while he is beginning the second Next Sunday Rev. and ■end ZION Miss Margaret Hern has been suc cessful in passing her first year’s term in the Exeter High School on her year’s work. Miss Loriaine Waas has been re engaged as teacher of the next term. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam ited on Sunday with her Levi Leslie at St. Marys. Hern Faintly Rc-ntiion The members and guests of the Hern family numbering S5 observed their eleventh, annual reunion also the birtlidoy of two of the members, Kenneth Johns and Philip Hern, on Wednesday, June 20th at. the home of Mr. and M'rs. James Walls, Den- field, London Township, where they were most royally entertained by their host and hostess. A hot chick en pie dinner was served at one o’clock. The afternoon was spent in horse shoe pitching soft ball games and an interesting program of sports under the direction Mrs. Melville Hern, Walls and Ross Hern, supper a short business held when Mr. George elected president and Mrs. Herman Kyle secretary-treasurer, both of Exeter. Mrs. James Beer our oldest member now 87 years old was pre sented with a bouquet of roses by the President Mr. J. T. Hern a great nephew of Mrs. Beers, A moment of silence was observed and prayer was offered in honor of our departed members. The reunion is to be held next year nt the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Ephriam Hern the third Wed nesday in June. school for Hern vis-* aunt Mrs, Of Mr Telford Just before meeting was Jaques was