HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-06-21, Page 9Times-Advocate Supplement THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1934 DASHWOOD members present. Margaret Johns presided over the meeting which was opened by singing a hymn and Lord’s Prayer was then repeated in unison. The .Scripture lesson was from John 7-9th verse and 20-26, and was read by Eula Herdman. The Devotional leaflet “Jesus and his friends” was read by Audrey Prance. The roll call was answered by a quotation on "Prosperity.” The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Heralds reporting were Helen Murch on India; Wil­ helmine Ferguson on China; Margar­ et Johns on Africa. Laura Ford reao an article “By the Stream”; > Mar­ jorie /Delbridge read “Gio-Education in West China”; Lavona Cooper read “Nine Happy Days”; .Marjorie Delbridge gave a 'report of the Hur­ on Presbyterial held in .Clinton. Meeting closed with hymn and bene­ diction. T'he Y.P.S. met on Monday night for their last meeting until flail. Af­ ter usual opening exercises and business Lavona Cooper took charge Marjorie Delbridge read the Scrip­ ture lesson from John 10-1-18. Mr, Martin Johns gave a very interesting ^talk on his experiences in China. Other Scripture lessons were read from Mark 21, 32-34 by Margaret Johns; Acts 3, 1-10 by Lulu Hunter1, Matt. 10: 5-8 by Eula Herdman Hern Jr. of Zion. Laura Ford read the talk on the lesson. Mirs. O’Rielly read a poem “The Mission Hospital Speaks.” Prayers were offered by Rev. Mr. Peters and Mary Herdman. Meeting closed with hymn and benediction. iThe Y.P.S. are intending to go to ! the County Home in Clinton on While Tending a Tow" with"Tsmaji; Thursday evening and provide a pro- Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Blair, Mrs. D. Hodgson. Hymn. The report of the Presbyterial Conven­ tion was given by Mrs. A. Isaac which was held at Clinton. The Supply secretary reported the send­ ing of the bale which was vfalued at The meeting was closed I the $25.00. with the singing of a hymn and benediction. A (Strawberry Social will be given underJfthe auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of Zion Lutheran Church Dash­ wood on Wednesday, June 20 th. will be served from 5 to 8 p. m. A varied program will be given and the Dashwood Band will be in at­ tendance. You are cordially invit­ ed.—Miss-Grace Guenther, of Strat­ ford, spent the week-end with her brother Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guen­ ther.—Mr. and Mrs. A. Bills and family of Detroit, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Rader ana other relatives.—'Mr. Henry Calfas, who spent the winter with his son Gordon in Sarnia is spending a few weeks at his home here.—Mr. Wm. Kessell, who accompanied the re­ mains of his brother 'here a few weeks ago left for the West again on Monday. His brother Jonah re­ turned with him and will spent some time with him.—Mr. Samuel Birk, of Maxbass, N. Dakota, who attend­ ed the funeral of his brother the late Adam Birk, left for his home on Sat­ urday.—-Dr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestrioher and Miss Ella Martinson and Mr. G. Keener, spent the week-end with Miss Mar­ tinson’s parents in Elmira----Master Alvin Willert spent last Thursday in London.—Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft spent last week with their daughter in London.—The open air Children’s Day program on the church lawn on j Sunday evening was well attended. calf from pasture Arthur Weber of sram and treat tor the inmates; > the Bronson Line was gored by the [Miss Maizie O’Rielly has returned to cow and but for the timely arrival i Sarnia to resume her work there.— of a neighbor might have been ser-; Mr. Charge's Stephen and sons, Lau- iously injured. He was knocked I rie and Murray, also Mr .and Mrs. down and badly bruised about the ( body. A serious accident occurred to Master Carl Wein, son of Mr. ana Mrs. Herb Wein on Saturday after­ noon. While playing he’ stepped on a bottle cutting Ian artery and iniflici- in'g a nasty gash in his foot which required seven stitches to close. The Ladies Aid and W. M. S. of Dashwood Evangelical church held their regular meeting in the church basement with Mrs. A.. E. Oestricher in the chair. After the devotional ex­ ercises Mrs. M. Tiernan gave a splen- I did report of the W- M. S. iCopven- tion held in Kitchener. A reading was given by Mrs. V. Shatz and Mrs. M. Neeb sang a sol-o. At the busi­ ness session 4 8 sick visits were re­ ported and seven bouquets donated. The new committee for the month are: Visiting Com., Mrs. H. England, Mrs. M. Neeb; Flower, Mrs. Dave Tiernan, M'r.s. M. Neeb. A motion carried to contribute $10 towards a Seating Fund for outdoor services and that the amount would be doubled should chairs be purchased for the basement. * A play entitled "Old Fashioned Mother” was successfully presented by members of the Walther League, of Zion Lutheran church, Dashwood in .t'he church shed on June 6th. The cast consisted of Nelda Fassold, Hel­ en Luft, Reta Hayter, Margaret Restemeyer, Martha Rader, Kathleen Merner, Alvin Walper, Norman Wal- per, Melton Walper, Melvin Reste­ meyer, Ervin Rader, Edward Gack- stetter. The proceeds amounted to $43.34. J. Heckman, of Dashwood., motored to Chesley on Sunday and brought Mrs. C. Stephen to her home, who has been visiting her son, Mr. R. Stephen.—Mr. and Mrs Gordon Del- ! bridge and daughter, of St. M.airys, j were visitors with Mr .a,nd Mrs. H. I Murch on ‘Sunday__Mrs. Whiteford is quite ill at the home of her daugh- I ter, Mrs. Wes. Horne,. Mrs. McFalls of Exeter is helping to wait qn. her. Miss Leila McFalls also visited there for a couple of 'days.—Mr. and Mrs. Will. Routly visited relatives .at Zi-on ! on Sunday.—Quite a few from this (congregation attended Zion Anni- I w^rsary services last Sunday.—Rev. and Mrs. Peters and Miss Catherine visited over the week-end. Mr. Peters supplied for Rev. McMillan, who was preaching at Zion.—The new stone crusher purchased by the 'Township has been Set up in Mr. R. Skinner’s gravel pit and has beenSkinner’s gravel pit and h;as busy during the past week. CENTRALIA Mr.Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson and Herman Hodgson attended the Hodg­ son picnic held at Poplar Hill on Wednesday of last week.—Miss Mar­ garet Hicks R. N., of London, is vis-| WOODHAM theQuite a number here attended Zion anniversary services last Sun­ day.—Miss Annie GiJfillan had her tonsils removed last Tuesday at Dr. Fletcher’-s Hospital, Exeter and is getting along nicely.—Miss Hannah Rinn spent Saturday last in Lon­ don.—<Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ander­ son, of Washington spent the week­ end at the latter’s home.—Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Earl _____ ham Sunday Schoolfpicnic will held Saturday 'June 16 th in S ford Tuesday night at the home of Miss Marion .Shier.—Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn, Mrs. William Wynn and .her daughter Mynland spent Sunday last with Mr. and’Mrs. George Brock, of Squire, Mrs. J. James of Zion._The annual Wood- 1 be __ ___ . Strat- Park.—Mission Circle met' on Zion.—Mr. and Mrs. Janrqs i.pent Sunday with Mr. and GRAND BEND greeted -Mrs. L. Two good congregations Rev. DeMille on Sunday.— Ravelie spent Sunday with Mrs. Walter Statton.—.Mr. Geo. Oliver, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver. —The Union picnic of the United churches of the Grand Bend circuit and Anglican church at Greenway will be held next Saturday at the church grounds, Grand Bend..—Mr.’ Ben Yeo, of Detroit, visited at Mr. Abner Mollard’s over the week-ena. —Mr. John Manure, who had his finger taken off while driving stakes in the lake is getting along nicely.— Mr. Ab. Kennedy, of Pt. Huron, who has been helping the fishermen for the past few weeks returned to his home last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Her­ man Elliott and 'son Bruce, of Sar­ nia visited Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mol­ ln rd on Sunday. MT. CARMEL number from here attended the staffa Rev. Mr. Turner and family have returned from attending Conference. —iMrs. Halliday, of Toronto, spent several weeks with her daughter Mrs. H. Leslie.—'Mrs. Robt. Norris is under^the doctor’s| care. We wish her a ^speedy recovery.—Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris attended the grad­ uation hit the University, Toronto, of. their son Clarence.—The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid wias held at the ho’me of Mrs. G. G. Wilson on Thursday afternoon. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served hy the hostess. iting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hidks.—On Sunday next, June 17t'h the church services will be withdrawn in the chu.rch^here on account of the Anniversary services in the Whalen United Church. The Sunday School service will be at 10,• 30 a.m.—Miss Mary O’Brien, Lon­ don, stent the weekf-end at her home here.—“Mr. 'and Mrs. Maltby, of, Galt, the week-end with their son Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Maltby.—Mrs. Fitzger­ ald, of Granton and Mr. Morgan, of London, recently visted with Mr. C. Fairhall and Mrs. Clara Abbott.— Watch next week’s paper for the date of the Strawberry Festival will be held on the church Mr. Kenneth Hodgins spent at his home near Greenway, W. M. S. Meeting The monthly meeting of which lawn__ Sunday ELIMVILLE The May meeting of the Missoh Circle was held on May 30 th at the home of Audrey Plrance with ten , ____ w - the W. M. S. was held in the basement of the church. The devotional exercises were led by Mrs. H. Pbwe, opening with the use of a hymn after which Mrs.. A. McFalls led in prayer. The, temperance secretary read a paper. T.,»c uwviwvua, lean MJ ......,~ -Mrs, G. Hicks, A vocal solo was sung Mullins, Biornish; by Mrs. Fletcher. Misisonary 'papers were read by Mrs. H, Powe, Mrs. The devotional leaflet w&s read by £*• Cormiok.,w < ‘v’”*'* .... ■■* .. . ...» J............... il/T ulllvSn Tj>L\irt A Fowl Supper and dance at Bornish on Monday evening.— The members- of Holy Name .Society attended the Annual Rally held at Zurich on Sun­ day afternoon.—Mr. Richard Sulli­ van of Green Bay, Wis.„ called on f.'iends here on (Sunday.—Mr. Joseph Halrtm'an, of Waterloo, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Ragier and other) friends here last week. The death of Mrs. Mary Walker of Khiva tooita place on Saturday, June 9th at the borne of Mr. Step­ hen Morris, 14th con. Stephen. Def ceased had been in. poor health, for I some time. Mrs. Walker had been visiting her sister, Mrs. O. Cameron of Sarnia, since \ Christmas, re.tu|rn- ing three weeks ago to spend a few weeks with her mother-in-law, Mrs. D. Walker when her condition be­ came more serious and she sudden­ ly passed away. She is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Miller, Detroit; Miss Catherine Walker at home; two sisters, Mrs. O. Cameron, Sarnia; Miss Florence McCotrmick, Detroit; ■one brother, Rondal McCormick at Detroit and a host of friends who re­ gret her demise.. Funeral took place to the R. C. Cemetery with requiem mass celebrated by pastor, Rev. Fr. Corcoran with Rev, Fr. Kinberger of Detroit assisting at the grave. Thlose attending tli.e funeral of the late Mrs. Walker on Monday were: Mr, Levi Cameron, Courtwright; Mr. and Mrs. O. Cameron and Miss K. McKinnon, Sarnia; Miss Florence McCormick, Detroit; Mrs. Annie Me- i Eachen, Port Huron: Mr. and Mrs. Detroit; Misses Mc- ' ; Mir, and Mrs. J. Allison, Parkhill and Mr. L. Mc­ Donald, Bornish, | THAMES ROAD Mr Wilfred Allen and bride were recent visitors with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen__Mr. James Cottle is attending the jury at Goderich this week.—Mr and Mrs. Wm. Martyn, of Onomarty, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hackney. *—Miss Bernice Golfings is holiday­ ing at her home here,—Mrs, William Kay and son Thomas have come to live on their farm, formerly rent­ ed to Mr. Cooper,—Next Sunday is Sunday School Anniversary here the Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Kippen will be in charge.—The little 'daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H. McDougal is a pneu­ monia patient in Seaforth Hos­ pital having suffered severe burns on her foot by scalding. We wish the wee gird a happy recovery. W. M. S. The regular meeting of the above society was held on Thursday after­ noon, June 7th in the hasement of the church. The president Mrs. Kyd'd in the chair. The meeting was open­ ed wit.’Ji singing hymn 87, Mrs, Al­ lison \?ead the Scripture lesson fol­ lowed by prayer by Mrs. Kydd. The members answered to the roll call and several visitors were present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Business was then dealt with and the collection taken. Mrs. Taylor, then in her very kindly and capable manner extend­ ed a welcome to the Chiselhurst W. M. S. whom we were entertaining at the meeting. Their president Mrs. Cudmore then took the chair and opened the program by all singing hymn 109; the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison which was follow­ ed by a splendidly arranged program of choruses, readings .and solos which where thoroughly enjoyed. At the close iof the meeting a contest was held. All formed in groups and the next half hour 'was spent in so­ cial chat while lunch was served. A beautiful morning so refreshing after a long 'drought and a large congregation .greeted Rev. G. Murray Chidley, of St. Andrews, at Watford, at the reopening and anni­ versary of Roy’s church. The church has been in the hands of the 'decor­ ators for some time and the. result is very gratifying for the congrega­ tion. The choir were ably assisted by Mr. E. 'Graham of London ( a form­ er resident of the community) who contributed some beautiful solos in an accomplished manner. The choir also sang a fine anthem. Rev. Mr. Chfdley’s discourse was taken from the book of Samuel "Putting the ark of God on a new cart”. At the event­ ing service again large numbers were present. The minister’s room also was occupied. A splendid ad­ dress was listened to, the text being "It is better for a man to control his spirit than to take a city.” Mr. Graham sang three fine numbers. After the bendiction closing the ser­ vice wT.h a beautiful prayer in song. Mrs. CnidJey accompanied Mr. 'Chid­ ley who were the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Simon Dow, KHIVA The deepest sympathy iof this community is extended to Miss Cath­ erine Walker in the loss of her mother the late Mrs. Mary Walker, who passed away on Saturday after a lengthy illness.—Miss Clara Doug­ las is re-engaged to teach the Khiva school for another year.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchinson and Miss Ruth, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason.—(Don’t forget the Khiva School picnic which will be held at Grand Bend on Friday af­ ternoon June 15th.—Mr. William Kes-tle, who has been visiting with relatives for the past few weeks left on Monday for his home in Mars­ den, Sask., accompanied by his brother Jonah who intends to remain wth him for a few weeks.—..Inspect­ or Beaeom, of Goderich, visited the school here on Tuesday.—Mr, and Mrs. W. Mason entertained a number of their friends to an icecream party Saturday evening.