HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-06-06, Page 8THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1934 THE: EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE === Bonat Permanents Enhance the beauty of your hair with a distinctive Bonat Wave, method eliminates the large per age of ammonia and the 1 mg ing time of older types which make the hair dry and lifeless. We use only the very best Bonat supplies, which come specially pre­ pared to suit your individual needs, the ingredients are guaranteed pure and non-injurious to scalp and liair. Greatly reduced priced. Make Your Appointment Now Phone 231J Exeter; Residence 30r31 Crediton Thb .•ent­ team- H. M. SMITH NEW BEAUTY SHOPPE Hardy. Mr. family recent- from Warsaw, Exeter Markets Wheat $l.uu Oats 42c. Barley 50 c. Buckwheat 60c. Manitoba’s Be-t $2.50 Model Flour $2.50 Welcome Flour $2.60 Low Grade Flour $1.45 Bran $1.25 Shorts, $1.30Creamery Butter 25'c, 26c. Dairy Butter. 20c., 2?* extras 17 e. Eggs, firsts 15c. Eggs, seconds 13c. Hogs, $8.50 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, Minister Mrs. <J. G. Cochrane, 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“Who is Lord bath?” 7 p.m.—“Peter’s First Sermon.” B.A., B.D, organist of tlio Sab. Eggs, Iii hi—"Q BASEBALL TO-NIGHT CLINTON AT EXETER JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choi*- Leader LOCALS a.m.—-Sunday School a.m The Minister Watch Your Step” 10 11 7 p.m.- Mr. Norman Hockey is having the front of his shop redecorated. Mrs. Dickenson, of London, is vis­ iting with Mrs. Jno. Snell. Mr. T. S. Neale, of Hamilton, spent Sunday and Monday in Bruce- tield and Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman. Mr. Henry Strang is in Toronto this week attending the General As­ sembly of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, of Lon- i don, daughter and grandchild visit- Mrs7 j._BaTri,’of Detroit;I’? ''j1? ?11'3' Mo11’ an'4' 0Lher Irll’n<is i ’I''- « Block, who lias conducted ^d^rr™? ’ °R BrraTvertd’ and i a butcher sUo» in Exeter for several and Mi.. J. R. Calveit a. d; ciOt,e(i i)js place of business of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Webber and two children, of Ingersoll, visited over the week-end with Mrs. Web. ber’s mother, Mrs. S. and Mrs. Webber and ly moved to Ingersoll N. Y. Miss Jean Murray, has visited for the past week with her aunt, Miss J. Murray and other friendis. She was accompanied' to Hamilton on Tuesday by Mrs. Agnes Campbell, who will visit with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Lannin. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Eilber and Master Verne Schrader, of Ubly, Mich., attended the funeral of the late was day and Mrs. Thornwall, James and Don, i and and and Mr. daughter Kathleen, of Ilderton were ; week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. weLK* Jas. Bowey. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield and! family. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cudmore Mrs. C. Cann and daughter, Alminai of town; Mrs. Jacob Lindenfield, ■ Mrs. Jim Johnson and family, Mr. ! and Mrs. George Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parker and Ronald, of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Linden­ field and family, of Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Schoch, of Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and Miss- Margaret Douglas, of Blake, attend­ ed the funeral of the late Miss Eleanor Lindenfield at London on Monday. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH CANADA E. Elliott, Pastor Evelyn Huston and Choir-Leader OF Rev. A. Miss Organist Miss Mary Bertrand, of Detroit, was buried at Crediiton Thurs- last.and they also called on Mr. Mrs. Win. Kuntz, of town. FLOWER SUNDAY Preacher— Rev. C. J. Moorhouse of Brussels 10 a.m.—-Sunday School ■Morning Service-—Decorating the Cross. Evening Service—Illuminated Cross Under the auspices of the Asssociation Special Music—Everybody Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday—-Prayer Meeting Bible Study. Women’s Welcome OCCUPY PULPITS Sunday last being Conference Sunday. Rev. Down conducted -the service in James Street United Church in the morning and in Main Street in the evening. Mr. Do-nald Gladman reversed the 'order, taking Main Street in the morning and James Street in the evening. On the 19th of this month Rev. Mr. Down will celebrate his 75th birthday. In (the ministerial association of this district Mr. Down has- been, termed “The Bishop”. He preached, very fine sermons on Sunday. The ser­ mons of Mr. Don Gladman were also greatly appreciated. FOR SALE- wheat.—Wm. Welsh. iSilverhull seed Buck- Itp. WANTED__General maid, family in Exeter, Apply by Box 2SOD, Exeter. small letter, FOR SALE—1 gasoline engine, 1 (pea .buncher, 1 root pulper. Apply to Times-Advocate. Veterans wishing transportation to London Sunday to attend the Garrison parade kindly leave names with S. J. V. Cann. FOR SALE 1 Used Hand Washer 2 used ranges B. W. F. BEAVERS ClubThe Thames Road Farmers’ are booking orders for hard coal and coke for June delivery.i—p. Pass- more. Secretary. LOST—IA sunburst brooch set with (pearls, valued as keepsake. Finder kindly leave at Times-Advocate. LOST—A logging chain in ■borne on the narrow road c, Marys road. Finder please return to V. Pincombe. R.R. 3, Exeter ltp. _L U9r or ”St. FOR SALE—The brick house and land where the late Susan Atkinson lived on William Street, Exeter. Apply to R. N. Creech. FOR SALE—Mulch fertilizer for flower beds and gardens, with peat moss litter. Apply at Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery. FOR SALE OR RENT—Storey and a half frame house on Andrew Street. Apply to Times-Advocate 5-4-tfn. STRAYED—Onto Lot 6, Gon. 4., Biddulpli, 5 yearlings. Owner may ■Claim cattle by proving same and paying expenses. Apply to Dobbs. Fred 3tc. ATTENTION—Grand Bend Resort, Lake Huron, ten Lake rustic cabins, well built, nearly new, good beds, electric lighted, best location near beach, money makers. Also well built, roomy cottage, adjacent to cabins, suitable for serving meals etc., also large lot on Main Street, near beach, with booth bowling alley etc.; immediate possession; each property priced to sell. Season now opening. Apply C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE—1 good1 used vacuum •cleaner $10.i0i0; 1 only Connor Elec­ tric Washing machine $25.00; 1 only Kribb’s Electric Washing machine $20.00. These two washers are practically as good as new and will give years of service. Used, hand washers from $2.00 up. W. J. BEER, Exeter, ont. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell and father were at London attending the ! funeral of their aunt Mis. Powell, of ■ London Township. I Mrs. A. B. Winchester, of Toronto j mother of Mrs. Gordon, is visiting with Rev. and Mrs. Gordon at the Presbyterian Manse. Mr. Jeffrey Carrick, of Was'hago visited friends over the week-end al­ so attending the ordination service at Sarnia on Sunday. Miss Alice Eacrett, entertained the ladies of the Women’s Institute to a social afternoon Tuesday at the home of Miss Mary Tom. The many friends of Miss Lillian Baker, of London, will be pleased to see her name on the graduation list of Western University. The continued story “Shining Pal­ ace” appearing in the Times-Advo­ cate lias been crowded out this week and will -start again next week. Sunday, June 3rd, was the King’s Birthday. On Monday the high and public schools of town were closed as were the banks -and. the post office Miss- Netta Pryde, of Windsor, spent a few days with friends last week and .-.ervice at ing. Rev. F. ed on Mr. andi Mrs. W- H. Johnson recently, well and spirits. Mr. W. from the he supplied during the May, following the death R. A. Millar. Mr. and Mrs.. Vincent and Mrs. Buckler, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henshaw, of Poplar Hill visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes on Sunday. Mr. Joe Creech has been engaged to teach at S. S. No. 5, Usborne, known as “the Bissett School” be­ ginning with the next term. Joe is at present teaching at Sodom. Mr. Richard Johnston and' son El­ mer, of Ashfield, called on Mr. and Mrs. Johnston last week. They were attending the funeral of a cousin, Sherman Hair, of Watford. Wednesday of last week was the -beginning of the weekly half holi­ days for the summer. A few over­ looked the fact and' came to town to do shopping only to be disappointed. Rev. Mr. Hunt and the choir of the Trivitt Memorial Church ex­ changed services with the Lucan minister and choir on Sunday even­ ing. Mr. Gerald Skinner assisted the Trivitt choir. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake and daughters Grace and Olive, were vis­ itors1 with the former’s sister Mrs. W. H. Johnston recently. Grace wa3 on her way to Arkona where she teaches school. Reeve W. D. Sanders, of Reeve Wm. Sweitzer and Reeve Chester Mawhinney, phen and Reeve Jas. Ballantyne, of Usborne are attending County Coun-, cil at Goderich this week. The proposal to open an open air dance pavilion at Riverside Park which was presented to the council and( turned over to the Women’s In­ stitute did not meet with the ap­ proval of the latter association. The Women’s Institute are asking for geraniums- to plant in Riverview Park. Kindly leave with Mrs. Eth­ erin gton, Mrs. Thomson or Mrs. W. H. Harness before next Monday. Persons who are interested in beautifying the park are asked to meet there next Monday evening and assist with the planting. Some of the things at the park have been ruthlessly damaged, Mr. and Mrs. C. Aidworth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wildfong, Frank Wild- fong, Chas. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Geddes and J Carrick, were at Sar­ nia on Sunday attending the ordina­ tion service of the London Confer­ ence when the former’s son Rev. E. Aidworth was ordained to the min istry in the United Church. Mr. Aldworth, who has been a student at the University at Saskatoon has; been appointed to a charge in the, West. I TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Second Sunday in Trinity > a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class ) a.m.—Sunday School . a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. Subject—“The Great Pilot” p.m.—Confirmation—The Bishop <of Huron. Solo—“Lord of the Night” Handel Mrs. N. J. Dore Hymns'__383, 5’53, 410, 343 7.45 p.m, Thursday1—Prayer Service 10 10 11 7 Spiral and Croquinole PERMANENT WAVES That are Different All Work Guaranteed L. Stackhouse attended the ordination Sarnia on Sunday morn- E. and' Mrs. Clysdale call- They are both feeling in the looking best of returnedE. Aidworth has Tupperville circuit where month of of the Rev. and family town; Deputy- of Ste- DURING THE WARM WEATHER ASK YOURSELF THE FOLLOWING SIX QUESTIONS ilsit Do you want to buy an awn­ ing? Any size. 2nd Do you want to buy or rent a tent? 3rd done? 4 th done? 5 th ed^ 16 th liandi bicycle? ITOT WEATHER DRESSES In Piques, Celanese and Crepes. Some very pretty little styles to choose from in printed and pastel shades* These are reasonably priced at $1.89, $2.19 and $5.95. i WHITE GLOVES In mesh or Chamoisette in plain or or­ gandy Cliff. PER PAIR 50c. SUB-DEBS A combination brassiere and pantie in white and tea rose at 98c. WHITE CANVAS AND KID SHOES Showing some very smart styles for dress and sport wear PRICED $1.89, $2.50 and $2.95 CREPE HOSE In the summer shades, Crashtone, Ex­ tra dry, Mouette PER PAIR $1.00 BATHING SUITS We have a large stock of all wool Bathing Suits in popular styles from which to choose Priced from $1.50 to $2.75. VOILES A splendid range of patterns in dots and floral designs. PER YARD 29c-, 39c. and 55c, PORCH DRESSES A new shipment of Cotton Dresses es, suitable for house and porch wear PRICED AT 98c. FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Another shipment of regular $1.00 Silk Hose in sub-standards. These are won­ derful value at PER PAIR 59c. ORGANDIE BLOUSES Chic new organdie blouses in different shades. SPECIAL $1.50 NEW PATTERNS IN CHINTZ CHINA These new patterns are very pretty: New Salts and Peppers, Bon-Bons, Bread and Butter Plates, Tea Pots, Pitchers, Creams and Sugars and other pieces. Prices range from 50c- to $1.00. WHITE AND LINEN SUMMER CAPS These are very cool and comfortable. They sell for only 25c. MEN’S STRAW HATS In a number of good styles. You will want one this hot weather $1.50 to $1.95 HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR For boys and men no-button to bother with- Cool and comfortable BOYS’ 75c.; MEN’S $1.00 NEW SUMMER NECKWEAR In a big range of patterns and color­ ings, each 55c. LOW PRICES ON GROCERIES SPECIAL TOMATOES 3 large tins 25c SPECIAL Weston’s Sodas 1 lb pkgs 2 for 23c SPECIAL Corn Starch- 3 pkgs, for 25c FLOUR has advanced in price—We are still selling it at cost. SALT Coarse or Fine Salt in 100 lb- bags also Block Salt For your young Chicks O. A. C. Chick Starter and Chick Oatmeal Cool Drinks — Hot Weather Harry Horne’s Punch Orange, Lemon, Grape and Lime in large bottles at 25c (1 bottle makes 13 glasses) Fresh Vegetables at Low Prices—Cabbage, Lettuce, Cdkes, Carrots, New Potatoes, Le­ mons, Oranges, Bananas, and Tomatoes Jewel Shortening per pound 10c CHEESE New Cheese, . . per lb. 15c. Tasty Old Cheese per lb. 20 I Peanut Butter Finest Quality OQa1 2 lb. Glass Jars fcvL Do you need your laundry Do you -want any Dry-Cleaning Do you Do you want your lawn mow- want .to buy a second Call at WILSON’S Provincial Election June 19th, 1934 GEORGE H. ELLIOTT (Warden of Huron County) CONSERVATIVE Huron RidingCandidate in A MAN- with a clean ness ability, practical and record, bu)si- experienced, efficient. Fair play and a square deal for all. Liberal-Conservative Assort of Sooth Huron Southcott Bros aca Exeter Florists We have now ready for sale Tomatoes, 6 kinds, Celery, Pepper 6 varieties Alsters, mixed or separate colors Stocks, Verbena, Salvia, Geraniums, Drecena, Petuna, Ageratum, Silver Leaf, Snap Dragons, Vinca, kinds of Ferns, Wandering Jew, Zinna, Canna, Gypsophi'la, Pansy, Dusty Miller, Begonia and other flowering plants for verandah boxes and hang­ ing pots. Verandah boxes and hanging bas­ kets filled to-order. L. DAY & SON Florists Box 82, Exeter Laird Bros. Specials Genuine Eugene Permanent $5.50 Realistic Croquignole .... $4.50 Charmaine Permanent . . . $3.50 Nu Beauty Oil Wave .... $2.50 With Curl or Ringlet Ends Prices include Shampoo, Finger­ wave, and Trim Specialists in Hair Tinting 425% Richmond St. Met. 4646 LONDON SPECIALS IN GENTS’ FURNISHINGS A SPECIAL LINE, SOCKS WASHABLE TIES SUMMER CAPS BATHING SUITS, Special . .. SWEATERS, Turtle-Neck and Sleeveless . . . FLANNELS w. w. PHONE 81 at 35c 50c 35c $2.50 $2.50 / AMAN EXETER, ONT. A Real Bargain!! Dressed & Suits jEQ/v Master Cleaned, Tailor Pressed Marvo System of Dry Cleaning THE FOLLOWING AGENCYS WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU W. W. Taman, M. C. Sleamon, J. M. Ross & Co., S. Rannie, ' Exeter Centralia Lucan Hensall ALL GARMENTS INSURED E. W. CROUCHER, DIVISION REP.