HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-06-06, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1931 mo-, his and his Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie and little daughter, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. McMurtrie’® ther, Mrs Alex McMurtrie and brother Hugh, of the Town Line John J., of Stanley Township, Donald McKinnon, moved family on Monday to their new home on Mill Street, Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle and children spent the week-end with friends at Kitchener, Verne Hedden moved his family on Friday, from their la.te home in the Petty Block to the McTaggart house on Mill street, Mr. and Mrs. James McMartin, of Barrie, were week-end. visitors with Mrs. Robt. Bonthron and other rel­ atives. Miss Eliza Newell visited with Exeter friends on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick, of Orillia, were visitors with relatives and friends in town last week. Mr. James Ballantyne, candidate for the Huron riding in town on Saturday. Mr. T. C. Joynt spent a day week in Wingham, visiting ■ mother and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McEwen with Lon- Liberal was last his and daughter Donna visited' don friends on Friday Miss Florence Welsh, day visiting with friends er, Harold Higgins left Monday ifor the Beach-o’-Pines, where he will spend the summer. The sale of the household effects of the late Mrs. Agur, took pllace on Saturday afternoon. There was a large crowd attended the sale and the prices were good. Mr. Frank Taylor, of Exeter, was the auction­ eer. Miss Mary Agur intends making her home in London. Mr. and Mrs. John-Parke accom­ panied by Mrs. J. Keyes, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Scar­ lett in Seaforth last week. Mr. andi Mrs. Bert North and daughter Audrey have returned to their home in Wood-stock after a pleasant visit -with relatives here. The Ontario Highway Department had tAVO large oil trucks hauling oil last Aveek from the Hensall station to the Blue Water Highway. The De­ partment are oiling that road from Thedford to Goderich. Mrs. Robt. Parsons, Avhile going dOAvn cellar on Thursday fell and broke her leg. She Avas taken to the Clinton Hospital for treatment and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. -and Mrs. P. H. Devlin, Strat­ ford, spent the Aveek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. John C'orbett Avere visiting Avith London, and Hyde Park friends on Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Collyer have return­ ed home after a pleasant visit Toronto. Anniversary services Avere held the Carmel Presbyterian, Church Sunday. Rev. Dr. Smart, of Ailsa Craig occupied, the pulpit at both services. At the morning service the choir rendered' two anthems “Lord God of Hosts” and “Evening and Morning”; a sold, “Hear My Prayer" by Mrs. W. A. Young and a quartette “-Sweet Solemn Thought” by R. Y. McLaren. A't the evening service the choir gave the an,them, “High Time to AAvake” and: a solo by Mrs. Jas. Bonthron, “The Saviour of Galilee” Large congregations Avere present for both services. .Reeve William Jones is attending the June session of the Huron Coun­ ty Council at Goderich this week., Miss Eleanor Lindenifleld, Lon­ don, daughter of Mr. Israel Linden­ field, formerly of Hensall and grand­ daughter of Mrs. Jacob Lindienfieldi, of Hensall and Adam Birk, Dash­ wood were instantly killed on. Thurso day morning at .tit© Lake Road: dross­ ing of the C. N. R. about one half mil© north of the Exeter station. The A Y. P. A. of the. Anglican church held a banquet in the church on M'onday evening. The church and tables were beautifully dcorated for the occasion/ The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer. The scrip­ ture lesson was read by Mrs. Drum­ mond. A violin selection was given by Miss Greta Lammie. The topic was ably taken by Mrs. Thos. Levan- der. A vocal number was given by the Staffa A. Y. P. A. who were the guests for the evening. Reading by Mrs. James Simpson. At the close 'of the program all Sat doAvn to the tables Avhich were loaded Avith good things provided by the ladies of the church. The following toasts Avere given and ably responded to: “The ‘Church’ Mrs. Valey, responded to by Mr. Geo. C. Petty; “The King” by Wesley Rogers and responded to by all singing the National Anthem; “The Officers” were proposed by Miss Emma Johnson and responded to by Miss Irene Drummond; “A.Y.- P.A.” by Canon Appleyard', of Sea­ forth and responded to iby Mrs. Drummond. Canon Appleyard spoke spent Sun­ in Kitchen­ in in on Still Holding Off Sending that Chick Order? Buy on Quality basis as Well as price. T-N Chicks bred by ROP Government Approved males. They mature quickly for early producers White Leghorns 7c.; Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Wyandottes 83/4C. Two week Chicks 2c. more. CREDITON of the number all en- Geo, O. for about one half hour and: gave a splendid' address. Canon Smith of Seaforth, was also a guest evening, There was a large present at the banquet and joyed the evening. Rev. M. B. Parker and.,Mr. Petty attended a Deanery meeting at Wingham on Wednesday. Mr. William Frayne, Returning Of­ ficer for the riding of Huron was in the village on Monday. Mr, Lome Scott and Mrs. Scott, or Toronto, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Petty and other relatives. Mr. Blowes’ room in the public school -was closed1 on Wednesday af­ ternoon while Mr. Blowes attended the funeral of Mrs. Blolwes’ mother, the late Mrs. H. S. Walter, of Exeter. Mr. and/ Mrs. William Sheppherd attended the funeral of Mr.- herd’s brother, the late Dr. at Hagersville, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Coles. . Shep- McKay of Lis- towel, Avere calling on friends in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parker and Mrs. James Johnson attended the funeral' of the late Miss Eleanor Lindenfield in London on Monday, Rev. Mr. Poulter, of Varna, occu­ pied the pulpit of the United Church here both morning and evening on Sunday in the absence of the Rev, Arthur Sinclair, Avho is attending Conference at Sarnia, Mr. Robert Daypian and sister Miss Sarah Dayman, of Kippen, vis­ ited friendsi in town on Friday. Hensall Council The regular meeting of the coun­ cil was held Monday after court of revision Avith all members present. Minutes of previous tAvo meetings Avere read andi adopted. D. A. Cante- Ion, J. Bonthron and others appear­ ed as a delegation asking to. have road oil applied on all' streets in the village and 'considerable discussion took place, moved' that streets and be chargedi places at the same rate. Yeas, Petty -Sangster, 'Shepherd; Nays, Robin­ son. Motion carried. The motion passed May 7th relating to road oil or calcium chloride AVas rescinded. F. G. Bonthron, tax collector, hand1- ■ed in his report. Robinson and Sang­ ster, that the council be instructed not to collect from J. M. Hawes, Carried. Petty and Shepherd, that the collector be instructed 'to return J. E. McEwan, H. Roses, W. Daubes and C. Huisier’s taxes. Not collected Communications were read and laid on the table. The folloAving accounts Avere paid: H. Hedden, labor streets $1.45; W. Berry, cartage on oil, $15. Imperial Oil Ltd., road oil, $42.97; G. ■ E. Brock, repairs hall and fire tank, $5.65; J. Priest, labor streets $6.SO; A. Taylor, labor streets $6.45 C. Hudson, labor streets, $6.40; R. Higgins, labor streets, $8.00; F. G. Bonthron, re W. Dabus, $1.00; Hen­ sall Hydro, hydro, • $6.94. Total $100.66. Petty and Shepherd that accounts as read be paid except the William Dabus account and that the Collect­ or* be paid $1.00 for the dog tax same. Carried. Petty and Shepherd oil he secured for the that each hotrsehol'dier $1.00 and all business DASHWOOD Dr. on H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post C22L. Zurich, last three days of week. Office, in EXETER MACHINE, AND FENDER SHOP, JAMES ST. BODY We are noAv open for all kinds of machine Avork and will be glad to satisfy your wants A^itlithe best workmanhip. We are also*'tfpen for repairs of bodies and fenders on all makes of cars. Ducoing and first class work guaranteed. H. WHITE Phone 91 Mr. -and Mrs1. Ira Tieman, of Ham­ ilton, spent the Aveek-end Avith his parents-, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Tieman. —Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Stadelbauer and family, of London, Avere Sunday visitors Avith Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft. —Mrs. H.- Hoffman and Mrs Stacey and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan spent a CeAv days in Kitchener last Aveek. Mrs. Tieman attended the W M. S. Convention as a delegate held in that place.— Mrs. A. Tieman under­ went an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last Aveek. We are pleased to report she- is progressing very favorable.— Mrs. Heller, of Sarnia, is visiting hei’ parents Rev. and Mrs. Henrich at the Evangelical parsonage.!—Dr. Taylor attended a Medical Convention in Toronto a feAV days last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Clay­ ton Pfile attended the funeral of a relative in Michigan last Aveek.— Mr. and Mrs. J. Raschke, of Detroit, spent the Aveek-end Avith Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merner. Mr. Raschke re­ turned to Detroit on Sunday Mrs1. Raschke will remain for holidays.—Mr. and Mrs. A. E. tricher -spent the Aveek-end in don.—An open air Children’s program Avill be given on the Evan­ gelical church laAvn on Sunday ev­ ening, Juno 10th at 8 o’clock accom­ panied by DashAVOOd brass band. A cordial invitation is extended to all. —’Miss Anna Tieman and Gertrude Hoffman are attending Religious Education Rally in Rostock this week.—Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Edig- lioffer and family and Miss Blancho Edighoffer, of Mitchell, visited rel­ atives in town on Sunday.—Mrs. Fulton and son, oLToronto, is- visit­ ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis.—Mrs'. Jane Guenther, Strat­ ford and Mis® Elizabeth Rannie, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. S. Schaab, of Kitchener arc among those Avho attended the funeral of the late Mr. Adam Bink on Monday, tops and her Oes- Lon- Day Top Notch Chick Hatchery STRATFORD (Formerly FERGUS) Box 56, 29 Ontario St., phone 1257 guaranteed. Grleve’s Drugstore. CRESS CORN SALVE—made espec­ ially for those difficult cases— I House and lot for sale or rent,—■ Apply Jas, Clark, Crediton 6-7-tfc. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mitchell and family are visiting with friends in Kingsville. { Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Oestricher, Miss Matilda Oestricher, of Windsor and Miss Clara Oestricher. of De-, troit, Avere guests at the home ol\Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oestricher over the week-end. | Mr. Clinton Morlocto, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Faist, Noth and Pauline spent the week-end in Ghesley and attended the 3rd. of June celebra­ tion there on Monday. * Judge Costello, of Goderich Avas in the village on Monday revising the Voters’ List of the Township Avhich are to be used at vincial election. It is hoped, that through tOAvn will long. The dust is almost able, A heavy coat of crushed rock has been placed on the street and itj is the intention of the County to oil' the same making a solid base. j Assistance Day Avas observed last Sunday in the United,1 Church Sun­ day School with all assistant teach­ ers and officers in charge. United Church Sunday School lias decided to hold thei£ annual picnic at Grand Bend on Saturday, June 16. Please keep the date in nuind. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston are attending Conference of 'the United 'Church which is being held in Sar­ nia. Dr. C. C. Misener .attended the Medical Conference in Toronto the past week. 'Mrs, C. C. Misener and' son have returned home after holidaying with Mrs. Misener’s parents at Fenwick. /Mrs. Ellen Holtzmann and Miss Loretta were visitors Avith relatives in the community last Aveek. Children’s Day next Sunday at the Evangelical Church. The services will be accompanied by a junior choir ivhich is attracting consider­ able interest. The real program will be in the evening beginning at 7.30 The beginners, primaries. Juniors and young people will take part. Missionary offerings all day'. Every­ body cordially invited. There will be a special meeting of the Senior Christian Endeavor on Friday evening at 8.30. Rev. A. E.i Elliott, pastor of Main St. United Church, Exeter, will address the meeting. A real treat -is in store. Everyone cordially invited. The monthly business meeting wall be held at the close of this meeting. The summer meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held on June 15th, Crediton Institute is entertain­ ing the Exeter branch. We trust all members Avill be present to hear the speaker the Department is sending us. , Miss Cora Stahl, and Janet” and David Gunn, of London, topent sever­ al days last Avees at the home -of Mrs. R. Stahl and family. Miss Myrtle Mountain Bi’oav visited Avith her Pletch Harold Pletch man from New the former’s parents over Wm. Miller and Harry Toronto, were visitors >in gelical parsonage on Sunday Monday. ■Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kleinfeldt, of Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bfuce, of Cromarty, spent Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kleinfeldt. the the be coining Pro- Main street oiledi before unb ear-, Pletch R. N., of Hospital. Hamilton, parents, Rev. E. and Oliver Zimmer- Hamburg called on Sunday Pierce, of the Evan- and CREDITON EAST Mr. John Appleton, of Parkhill1, spent Friday with friends here.— Mrs. Wilson Anderson spent Sunday in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes.—Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and two children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz.- Truemner Wein and Schroeder Mr. Adam -Mr. Dan and daughter Mrs. Aaron two children and Mrs. O', attended the funeral Birk at Dashwood on Monday.1—iMr, Isaac Sims and Mervin and Mr. K. J. Sims, all of Ex­ eter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Sims.—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benedick, of Kitchener, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Hoff­ man and Mrs. H. Hoffman. of son Old and CENTRALIA 'Centralda is planning a big Boys’ Celebration for July 1st 2nd. Mrs. BroiMenshire and Mrs. Bask­ erville are visiting with relatives in Thedford, and Windsor. Mrs. C. O’Brien visited with her sister. Mrs. Mcllhargey in Lucan one day last week. Mis® Dorothy Hicks, was a guest with Miss Florence Mitchell on Sun­ day. Mrs. ill for of her able to Rev. Wm. Bowden, who has been the past week at the home daughter, Mrs. R. Smith, is be around again. R. N. Stewart and Mr. Nor­ man Mitchell attended Conference last week. The fine new barn which Mr. Elliott is putting up .to replace the one destroyed by the windstorm last year is almost complete. On Tuesday of this week he had a diir.t bee for the gangway. Farmers Attention Why Feed Non­ Laying Hens? Have your flock culled by an expert SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 172 Swift Canadian Co., EXETER I c RED & WHITE store GROCERY SPECIALS 10 lbs* for 59c.PURE CANE SUGAR P. & G. SOAP....................................................10 bars for 29c. PURE CORNSTARCH...................................2 pkgs, for 25c. ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER...........lb.’tin each 15c. HEREFORD CORN BEEF...............................2 tins for 25c. Hot House Tomatoes..................per lb* 25c. Peanut Butter in bulk.........2 lbs. for 25c. Fresh Ginger Cookies................per lb. 10c. Chocolate Coated Peanuts .... per lb. 19c. GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE .............. 1-2 lb* pkg. 2 for 25c. Choice Sweet Com 2 tins for 19c. No. 3 Peas 2 tins for 25c. Falcon Tomatoes Large tin 2 for 19c. nm PimRS i arc.F IAR .........................................................EACH 15c. Pure Castile Soap............. Very Thing Toilet Tissue 10 cakes 25c. . . 8 for 25c. New Cabbage..............................per lb. 5c. New Potatoes..........................5 lbs. for 25c. Big Five Cleanser......................per tin 5c. Falcon Catsup qt. bottle................each 15c« Kellogg’s Corn Flakes .............3 for 25c. Schneider’s Pure Lard in bulk . per lb. 10c A FULL STOCK QF ICE COLD DRINKS, ICE CREAM IN BULK, BRIXS, SHER- BICLES, ALASKA BON BON, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT I Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver GRAND BEND DANCING Saturday, June 9th Wednesday, June 13th 9-PIECE ORCHESTRAS OF HAMILTON AND LONDON IN ATTENDANCE Plan to bring your picnics and out­ ings to Grand Bend. Free picnic hall with tables and hot water at beach. Attend the big political rally Wednesday, June 13tl), at 2 pm. Hear Mr. Hepburn, the Liberal lead­ er and many prominent speakers. .MEN’S SOFT BALL LEAGUE L O' 0 \1 2 .2 1 3 ■ 3| Crediton U. ... James Street Thames Road- Centralia ....... Dashwood ..... Main Street ... Elimville ...... Crediton E. .. w : . 4 3 , 2 . 1 . 1 11 . 0. . 0 P • 9 6 5 2 2 2 0 0 ■r THAMES ROAD Rev. Hugh D. Taylor conducted the service in Wesley Church, Lon­ don, Sunday evening, work of Rev. B. Thomson, at Conference. Mrs. Robert Cann is on list, Ave are sorry to hear. We wish her speedy recovery.—'Rev. A. Mur­ ray Chidley, of St. Andrew’s Church Watford, will officiate at Roy’s next Sunday, it being anniversary and re­ opening of the church which has been redecorated, etc__The Squire’s reunion was held on Saturday at the Bend.—. Miss K. Wiseman is holi­ daying at her home here.— Those interested in the park and its inter­ ests were asked to meet on Monday evening, following the softball game (which, by the way, was played with Crediton, resulting in a tie) at the Church.A good attendance was there and after business was discussed the following were elected: pres., Mr. John Hodgert; vice pres., Mr. Tom Ballantyne, sec.-treas., Mr. N. Pass- more; executive committee, Rev. Hugh Taylor, Mr. Wm. Cann, Mr. Wm. Lamport, Mr. Wesley Ballan­ tyne; Sports committee, Mr. Edgar Montieth, Alvin Passmore, John Bray, Jas. Hodgert Roy Ballantyne. We understand that plans for a hard ball tournament are on foot. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to the retirng president, Mr. Edgar Montieth. Your correspondent joins in wishing the boys a pleasant and successful ball season.-— The effects of the blacksmith shop at Russel- dale were sold recently and will later -be opened by Mr. Russell Fer­ guson as a motor repair garage. taking •who tlie was I the sick ZION The Sunday school’ will hold their anniversary services next Sunday, June 12th., Services will be conduct­ ed by Rev. Mr. McMillan, of Dun­ gannon; morning service at 10.30 and evening service at 7. Music will be furnished by the Sunday School orchestra, iOn Monday evening, June 14th, the Women’s Missionary Society will hold their annual tea in the shed/ adjoining the church followed by a play “Civil Service” put on by the James Street Young People, ter. The Brocild reunion was Springbank on Wednesday week. HURONDALE of Exe- held at of this The annual meeting of the Insti­ tute was held' at the home of Mrs. Alfred Hicks on Wednesday after- noon, May 30tli. The meeting was opened by all singing the Opening Ode and repeating the Lord’s Pray­ er in unison. Then the roll call was answered by “Helpful suggestions Hogarth says: at June Prices it Pays to Buy the Best For bigger cockerels for the Fall markets and bigger pullets for your laying house, buy Hogarth Super-Size chicks. They’re -bigger than average chicks, when they’re hatched, and they have built up a wonder­ ful reputation for better-than-average groAvth. Yet, at our reduced chick prices, they will cost you very little more than the most “ordinary” chicks you could find. Seven breeds. Government Approved. Scientifically hatched. Orders filled promptly. Write or Phone 184 Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery Setek. Ont. ft __________ SPECIAL OFFER till June 9th Barred Rocks 9c Clip this advertisement and bring it with you, if you want to take advantage of THESE SPECIAL PRICES. Ten Day Old Barred Rocks 11c. W. Leghorns 8c 2 Week Old Barred Rocks 121/2c. SUPER-SIZE CHICKS add 2c. per chick. Open Day and Night • Phone 184, Exeter THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY ‘for next year’s program.” The con­ test between Mrs. A. Morgan and Mas. Etherinigton’s sides- for points to see which side won /for answering the roll call during the year was Avon by Mrs. Morgan’s group. Th secretary then read last year’s annual report and also some items of busi­ ness were dealt with. It was 'decid­ ed t'o hold a picnic at Grand Bend, July 7th. Mrs. Cudmore was then called to the chair to preside over the election of officers which were as follows: President, Mrs. R. Kestle 1st vice-pres., Mrs. A. Rundle; 2nd vce-pres., Mrs. G. Bolton; sec.-treas., Mrs. Etherington; Assist., Mrs. Beckler; District Director, Rundle; Branch Directors, Mrs. Cud- more, Miss H. Keddy, Mrs. S. Mc­ Queen, Mrs. H. Perkins; District Re­ presentatives, Mrs. R. Kestle, Mrs. A. Rundle, Mrs. G. Dunn, Mrs. Whit­ lock; Emergency fund com., Mrs. Frayne, Mrs. Sillery, Mrs. Dalyrmple Miss N. Keddy; Press reporter, Mrs. M. Beckler; auditors, Miss K. Strang Mrs. F. Down; pianist, Miss Kath­ leen Strang. Miss Strang oured us with a beautiful meeting closed with the Anthem and a- social half spent. Lunch was served by the hos­ tess and her assistants Mrs. L. Row- ciliffe, Mrs. A. Ford', Miss Keddy and Mrs. M. Beckler. The supper for then fav- solo. The National hour was CHILDREN always love Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, And there’s nothing better for their evening meal than a bowl of this crisp, delicious cereal with milk or cream. Rich in energy. Easy to digest. Invites restful sleep. Kept oven-fresh by the heat-sealed inner WAXTITEbag. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. VAD VT11VADJK wJ JRui * Miirtw wfJNi CORN FLAKES O'WEN-FRESH' 0 Q FUNOft-PERFECt g v n