HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-05-24, Page 8THURSDAY* ftlAY 34th, 1031 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Bonat Permanents SPECIALS CONTINUED This method revitalizes the hair, leaving it in a lustrous and perfect condition. Many have already avail­ ed themselves of the opportunity to secure a Bonat wave at reduced prices. Small work at reasonable prices/ also*. Make your appointment now. Evening appointment of course Phone 231j, Exeter, Residence 30r31, Crediton Exeter Markets H. M. SMITH NEW BEAVTY SHOPl’E Wheat, 93e. Oats 39c. Barley 4Se. Buckwheat, 48e. Manitoba’s Best, $2.35 Model Flour $2.25 Welcome Flour $2.30 Low Grade Flour, $1.40 Bran $1.25 Shorts, $1.30Creamery Butter, 25c., 26c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S, Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“Unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth.” 7 p.m.—“The Descent of the Holy Spirit.” organist To Our Customers We take this opportunity to thank all our customers and friends for their patronage during our eight years in business and hope for a con­ tinuance of same for our suc­ cessor. Grant’s Bakery “MAN WANTED with ear to handle Ward’s Quality Teas, Coffees. Cocoa, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Preparations direct to established users in Huron County. Write stating age T, H. Ward Company, John South, Hamil­ ton.”—■ 5-2 4-2t.p. LET’S have a good ’‘under-standing” use Cress Corn Salve. Recommend­ ed by your druggist, Grieve’s drug­ store, Exeter. The regular meeting of the Cana­ dian Legion will be held on Friday evening. May 25th. All members are urged to be present. FOUND—A sum of money. Own­ er may have same by proving pro­ perty and paying for advt. Apply to G. A. Hawkins. FOR SALE — Stove Wood. 48. Call ltc. STRAWBERRY PLANTS for “Quality fruit.” Order this week from Frank Gollings, Phone 33 r 2, Kirtkon. all-round 'Goderich. of WANTED — Excellent cook for small hotel in Capable of taking full charge kitchen. Apply Box 47 8, Goderich. As we have disposed of our busi­ ness all accounts are now due and we would kindly ask that they be settled by Saturday, May 2 6 th. Grant’s Bakery. House for Rent—Apply to Wells. Hap CLOSING NOTICEDr. Roulston desires to announce that his Dental Office Is closed week. this New Hot Weather Dresses In beautiful plain and printed crepes, There are many smart styles and you will be surprised at the low prices. r $2.19, 2.95, 4.95, 5.95 We have decided to continue our sale until June 2nd Butter, 20c., 23c. extras 16 c. firsts 14c. seconds 12 c. $7.50 n-.mrrtl ----------1----------- - „ mj I j LOCALS 1 i i The annual meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held Tues­ day, May 29tli at the home of Mrs. George Etlierington. Annual report and election of officers. LOCALS JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choi-* Leader UNBLEACHED SHEETS This is a splendid quality unbleached They are 72 inches wide and 90 inches long These are selling fast EACH 98c. BLEACHED SHEETING 72 inches wide, A good quality bleach­ ed sheeting which we are offering during outr May Sale FOR PER YARD 39c. 11 a.m.—The 'Minister 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—‘‘Tighten Your Belt” , Y. P, S. Thursday 7 a.m.—Meet at the Church Wednesday-— Prayer Service. CONGOLEUM BORDERLESS RUGS In the season’s newest patterns 6 by 9 ft. $3-85; 9 by 9 $5.70 9 by 12 $7.90 7 1-2 by 9 ft. $4.95; 9 by 10 1-2 $6.70; 9 by 15 $9.85 LARGE SIZE LINOLEUM RUGS AT BIG SAVINGS 10 1-2 ft. by 12 ft. $13.50 reduced to $11-90 12 12 ft. by 12 ft. $15.45 reduced to $13.95 ft. by 15 ft. $19.20 reduced to $16.95 W. J. BEER FOR SALE 1— used stove, coal or wood 2— Electric Ranges, used 1—Electric Washer $15.00 1—Hand washer $3.00 FOR SALE OR RENT — Brick residence on corner of Andrew and North Streets with garage. Posses­ sion May 10th. Mrs. Edith Snell. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the fifteenth day of June 1934 at 7 p.m. for repaint­ ing thp exterior and the interior of the schoolhouse at SUipka. Tenders to state lump sum for the work with material furnished by the contractor. Work to be done before August 21, 1934. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.—N. C. Switzer, R. R. 2, Dashwood. 5-10-’34 FOR SALE—The brick house and land where the late Susan Atkinson lived on William Street, Exeter. Apply to R. N. Creech. FOR SALE—Mulch fertilizer for flower beds and gardens, with peat moss litter. Apply at Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery. FOR SALE OR RENT—Storey and a half frame house on Andrew Street. Apply to Times-Advocate 5-4-tfn. WIRE FENCING — We are still agents for the Canada Steel Wire fencing. Get our quotations before purchasing your wire. J. S. Dignan & Son. PIGEONS: Pure bred, mated pairs White Kings $2.75; Carneaux, $1.75. C. V. Pickard, Phone 1&5. Stores will be open this (Wednes­ day) evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Bowey visit­ ed in Kippen on Sunday. Miss Marjorie Gould, of Hay, spent Sunday with Miss Belva Fisher. Mr. George Geddes and son Wil­ liam were in London on Tuesday. The lilacs are in bloom and the blossoms are beginning to appear. To-day, May 24th is a public holiday, with all the places of busi­ ness closed. Vote for the Waterworks By-law and provide employment for men this summer. Miss Phylis Medd, of Clinton, vis­ ited with relatives and friends over the week-end. Mrs. G. Manson and Miss Jessie, visited with town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank family, of London, with Mrs. S. West. Miss Gladys Ryckman and Ade­ line Stone were week-end visitors at their homes here. Miss Pearl Wood was the soloist at the Young People’s Anniversary in Kippen on Sunday. Mr. Bert O’Brien is able to be out again after being confined to his home through illness. Mr. Jas. Etlierington. of Usborne, who has been ill for some time is at present in a critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. B. De Jean, and Miss Betty, of Bronte, spent the week-end with Mrs. H. K. Hyndman Mr. Earl Christie returned on Wednesday from Victoria College, Toronto, having completed the term Miss Irene Steeper, of London, was a week-end visitor with Dorothy Ryckman, who is home on holidays. Mr. E. S. Hogarth, of Hamilton, spent the latter part of the week with his brother, Mr. S. J. Hogarth and other relatives'. Mrs. H. W. Doerr, of Toronto, vis­ ited for a few .days last week with Dr. and IM'rs. Weekes. Mrs. Wm. Essery has improved her residence by the addition of a large window in the front. Mrs. Edna C. Preston, of Cleve­ land, is visiting for a few days with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Sanders. The first of the weekly half holi­ days for the summer months will be­ gin Wednesday afternoon of next week. Mr. Norman Hannigan is making extensive alterations to his home on Huron street and the work is well under way. ■Mrs. Russell and Patsy visited with the former’s brother Mr. R. H. Patterson and other friends in Blytli over the week-end. Dr. G. F. and Mrs. Roulston are in Toronto this week where the form­ er is attending the Annual Conven­ tion of the Dental Association. Mr. and Mirs. J. C. Horton and family, of Oshawa, and Mrs. George Irwin, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mrs. Horney and Miss Hior- ton. Mr. and Mrs. K. Clarke, of town, were in London on Saturday after­ noon last attending the funeral of the former’s father, _Henry Clarke, who passed 75 th year. Clarke was don Street years ago. two daughters survive, Mrs. H. Lew­ is, of London and IM’rs. Herbert (Mon­ roe, of Windsor. Twenty-eight members of the Canadian Girls in Training under the leadership of Mrs'. Cecil Stewart and Mrs. W. R. Goulding motored to London where they attended the May Festival and with about 315'0 girls enjoyed a banquet at the Met­ ropolitan United Church. Follow­ ing a number of toasts Dr. IM'adge Macklin of the University of West­ ern Ontario gave a very instructive talk to the girls. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH CANADA E. Elliott, Pastor Evelyn Huston and Choir-Leader OF Rev. A. Miss Organist a.m.11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- Monday Thursday- Bible Study. —“Epaphroditus” Sunday School -“Onesiph'orus” —Y. P. S. ■Prayer 'Meeting and the Curtains and Curtain Nets at Reduced Prices We are offering special prices on a number of lines of Curtains and Curtain Nets dur­ ing our May Sale. 30c. values reduced to 22c. yd.; 60 and 65c. values reduced to 45c. yd. BARGAINS IN ROOM LOT PAPERS Don’t miss these bargains in room lot papers. They are exceptional value. Many are less than half price. Room lots at 98c., $1.19, $1.29 and $1.49 BORDERLESS FELTOL RUGS Splendid for Bedrooms 6 by 9 ft. $3.00 7 1-2 by 9 ft. $3.75 9 by 9 ft. $4.50 . 9 by 10 1-2 ft. $5.25 9 by 12 ft- $6.00 9 by 15 ft. $7.50 daughter, friends in Cook and> spent Sunday away on Thursday in his. For eighteen years Mr. connected with the Lon- Railway retiring four Besides 'his' son Kenneth 10 10 11 BANG! Have you h*ad this exper­ ience with youir tires. You can avoid it by taking advantage of our Tire sale. FIRESJONE & DOMINION in all sizes Greatly Reduced Prices Repairs on all makes of cars TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M.. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class a.m,—Sunday School a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon 7.45—Thurday, Prayer Service A season of Retreat and Prayer 7-30 p.m. — Friday, Confirmation Class For the Charm of Lovely Hair If you are. interested in a perma­ nent wave that is out of the ordin­ ary, that gives lasting satisfaction, that leaves the hair in its original glossy state and creates a coiffure of beautiful distinction Phone 245. We use standard supplies only and guarantee every wave. L. Stackhouse Exeter Florists We have now ready for sale Tomatoes, 6 kinds, Celery, Pepper 6 varieties Akters, mixed or separate colors Stocks, Verbena, Salvia, Geraniums, Drecena, Petuna, Ageratum, Silver Leaf, Snap Dragons, Vinca, 3 kinds of Ferns, Wandering Jew, Zinna, Canna, Gypsophila, Pansy, Dusty Miller,. Begonia and other flowering plants for verandah boxes and hang­ ing pots. Verandah boxes and hanging bas­ kets filled to order. L. DAY & SON Florists Box 82, Exeter FORMER USBORNE MAN DIES IN MANITOBA Mr. Robert Kydd, of Usborne, has received word of the 'death of his uncle, Mr. George Crawford, of Kill- arney, Man., a respected pioneer of that district. Up until a few months previous to his death the deceased had enjoyed good health. Deceased was born at Dalhousie, Ont., in 1851 of Scotch parentage and came to Usborne with his parents living on the farm now ioccupied. by Mr. Or­ ville Cann living there until he mov­ ed to Manitoba in 1881. He is the last of a family of nine children. After farming for a number of years he moved to Killarney and conduct­ ed a livery business until 1905. He is survived by his widow and ten sons and daughters. The deceased was a brother of the late Mrs. Wm. Kydd. SPECIALS IN MEN’S WEAR SPECIALS IN MEN’S WEAR 59c. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers Sale Price ............................................ 49c. Men’s Blue Work Shirts Sale Price ............................. Men’s Cottonade Pants Regular $1.50 Sale Price 79c. $1.29 Men’s Work Sox of Exceptional value Sale Price Men’s Blue Riveted Pants Good weight and well made sale price 1.29 Men’s Fine Collar Attached Shirts Regular $1.35 sale price 15c. 98c. GROCERY SPECIALS JEWEL SHORTENING GRANULATED SUGAR SILVER LEAF LARD best quality «g Per pound ................*UC or Yellow g q 10 pounds for .... O wC Choice Per pound ...... 10c PINEAPPLES—Pines are at their best now. Let us supply your needs. ANGLER SALMON TOMATOES SAUER KRAUT Select Pink >g 2 tins .......................XOC Standard quality g 3 for........................d&OC tin . large .........5c GOOD BREAD FLOUR . . . .98 lbs. $210 PASTRY FLOUR................ 24 lbs. 52c. PORK & BEANS Kellogg’s CORNFLAKES SODA BISCUITS Large tins .............1OC 3 for 25c Weston’s 2 pounds 23C DEANE’S Cleaning & Dyeing I have now been appointed agent for the above firm for Lucan, Cen­ tralia, Exeter, Hensall and Zurich and the surrounding territory. Have your garments properly call­ ed' for and delivered. K. G. Clarke Phone Exeter 168 or 247 lM!r. T. O. Southcott motored to Toronto Sunday and was. accompan­ ied home by Mrs. Southcott who has been visiting with her sister. Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Johnston and family, of London, visited with Mrs. Johnston’s brothers Messrs. George and Albert Geddes, on Sun­ day last. The W. M. S. of James St. church held their monthly meeting on Tues­ day afternoon. 'The President led the meeting. After the business part was over. Miss Hartnoil the dele­ gates to the Presbvterial gave an excellent report of the convention held in Clinton after which the W. M. S. of Main St. church came by in­ vitation to visit with James Street Society. Mrs. Wickwire 'presided and gave a very nice introductory talk, after which she read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Pearce led in prayer. Misses. Martin and Dignan sang a duet accompanied by Miss Medd on the piano which was enjoyed by all, then followed an address by Mrs, Rev. Elliott on " of mission work1 lent. Another and Dignan Medd and a Mrs. Layton very much. Miss Murray closed the meeting with prayer, then followed lunch by the and‘at the same time ex-^Mnes St. Society. Everyone enjoy- them every good wish for I ed the visit very much. PRESENTATION A social evening was held home of Mrs. Eunice Stone about forty members of the St. W. ‘M. S. gathered to honour one of their members, Mrs. J. S. Grant, who is about to leave Exeter and ire- turn to her former home in. Glencoe. A short program was given with Mrs. C. W. Christie in the chair. Duets were sung by Misses Gladys Stone and Hazel Elliot and readings were given by Grace Strange; hum­ orous reading “A previous Engage­ ment” was given by Mrs. David Rowcliffe. Mrs. Down on behalf of the society presented Mrs. Grant with a well-worded address and a beautiful bouquet of flowers ex­ pressive of appreciation the splendid service rendered to the society by Mrs. Grant. Mi’s. Grant in a very feeling and able manner expressed her appreciation. Rev, Mr. Stainton and Rev, Mr, Down both paid a very fitting tribute to the work and in­ fluence of Mr, and Mrs, Grant in the church and expressed regret at their departure, tending to the future. at the when James IM'rs. William Ward, of Exeter has received wtord of the death of her brother Mr. William W. Stevenson, aged 85 years', a pioneer of the Nee- pawa district in Manitoba. Deceased was born at Carleton Place and mov­ ed to the west 47 years, ago. He Is survived by one daughter Mrs. Alma Caldwell at Belleville and four sis­ ters. Jean and Reba .Stevenson, of Toronto; Mrs. Lamont of Galt and ‘Mrs. Ward of town. The funeral was held1 May 12th, service 'being held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Neepawa. interment in the Riverdale cemetery FRIDAY, JUNE 1st IS A DAY TO REMEMBER—That’s the day you get Extra Trousers at no extra cost With Every “Clothes of Quality” Suit Ordered It’s the Day, Mr. Park, Special Representative, “Clothes of Quality” will be at this Store During his visit we offer you extra trousers at no extra cost with every “Clothes of Quality” suit ordered. “Clothes of Quality” Brand, made to your individual measure from world’s famous woollens in any style you desire, will please the most exacting. Fit and 'Satisfaction Guaranteed. Spring and Summer Fabrics arc now on display. You Can’t Afford to Stay Away. Berger ‘Clothes of Quality ’ $22.50 and up PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT, Workmen have been engaged in setting the guide-posts! north of the river several feet farther back from the pavement, restringing the cable and painting the posts. Peter .Smith, one time Ontario Provincial Treasurer in .the Drury Government died at Stratford1, on Monday from a heart attack. He was 56 years of age. Many of the side streets of Exe­ ter have received a coat of gravel during the past week. The gravel has 'been drawn by the large county trucks which do the work rapidly and spread the gravel evenly. ES3KSS DRESSES & SUITS Master Cleaned Tailor PressedC^ Arguments in favor ” which was excol- duet hy Misses. Martin accompanied by Miss reading or address by which was appreciated After singing a hymn, Marvo System of Dry Cleaning THE FOLLOWING AGENCYS WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU J. M. ROSS & CO. Lucan W. W. TAMAN, Exeter, ALL GARMENTS INSURED 0 E. W, CROUCHER, DISTRICT REP.