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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-05-24, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MAY 24 th, 1934 Mrs. A. Sweitzer and two children of the Beach-O'-Pines are spending a few days this week visiting at the home, of her parents, Mr. and Airs. Robert Higgins.—Air. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy visited over the week-end With friends at Otterville.—-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepherd, of Paisley, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd and other rela tives in town.—Aliss Alice Higgins, of Woodstock, is spending a few days this week visiting at her home here.—'Air. George Elliott and Mr. Nelson Trewartha, of Clinton, were in town on Monday, — Mr. Harry Harmon, <of .Stratford, spent Sunday at his home here.—Airs James Bon- returned home after week visiting with rela- frjends at Kitchener.— iM’cKaig and Aliss ILulu were week-end visitors LEAVING FOR ENGLAND Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Tapp are sailing on the jS. iS. Montcalm, leaving Montreal on Sunday a.m., May 27 for Southampton to spend a vacation in England, also to visit i Dr, and Mrs. Jas. S. Tapp, their son. Dr. Tapp is. an old Exeter High School boy and is now attending the Imperial College of Science, London England. This trip will be of special interest tn Mr. Tapp; Devonshire being the land of his birth and North Molton, his “old home town.” Other p.aces of interest will be visited not omitting “Exeter” and “'Crediton,” They will return on the Empress of Britain, landing at Quebec. 1 DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.p.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood. first three days of week an11 at office over the Post Office, id Zurich, last three days of week. CIVIL SERVICE-—-A comedy-dra ma, in three acts, wiU be presented by the young people from (James 'St. United Church, Exeter, in the Evan gelical Church shed on Mondlay, May under the auspices of the ' Bible class. (Aidmission, 20c., children 10c. The play ■of lauglis and is well spoken lIID STORE CREDITON Mr. Herb Young and Shirley spent /Sunday visiting with relatives in Tavistock.—Mrs. Alatt. England is staying with her cousin- -Air. Mrs. Herman Air. Young is Mrs. Harold spent 'Sunday Mary Young.- Wolfe, of Detroit, spent a few 'days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Eilber.—Mr. Melvin Wein, of Flint, spent the week-end with liis parents here.—Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, of Aljlverton. visited with friends- in1 the village several days last week,—- Mr. Harold Pletch, Kitchener, spent the week-end with his parents Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Pletch.-—Mrs. Wesley Jones was rushed to Victoria Hos pital last Wednesday where an op eration for appendicitis was per formed'. 'She is doing as well as can be expected,—Mrs. Jessie Hender shott, of Battle (Creek, Alich.,, visited for a few days with IM>rs,. F. Brown. The Trustees have been advised by the business men of the town that they are desirous of closing their places of business for the weekly half holiday commencing at noon on Wednesday, June 6th and will con tinue throughout June, July, Aug ust and September. Will the public kindly govern themselves according ly. This half holiday each week is greatly appreciated by the employees and to our firemen. Fire drill will be called in the near future. Watch foi* notice.—The Senior Christian En deavor of the Evangelical (church held their regular meeting on Friday evening. The recreation department took charge of the program. Eldon Smith acted as chairman and took charge of the opening devotion. The subject of the evening “What is ( right and what is wrong with mod- ‘ ern youth” was ably presented by Ella Morlock. The Scripture was read by Gladys Rats; piano solo by Addileen Gaiser; reading by Alma Smith. Airs. Emmery Fahrner contri buted a cornet solo and Lorance and Lloyd Wein rendered a vocal duet. The pastor Rev. A. E. Pletch gave a very interesting talk. The meeting ___ ---- ... __ . ._ was closed with the E.L.C.E. bene- church on Sunday afternoon. After diction.—Three Act Play—The young -________________________peOple 0<E James St. Church, Exeter, recently presented their three-act play “Civil Service” at the Town Hall under the auspices of the Wo men’s Institute. The following con stituted1 the cast of Characters:' Clar ence Down, S. B. Taylor, W. >C. Davis Silas Reed, Garnet Hicks, J. Al1. thron has spending a tives and Miss Mary Lind’enfiel'd _ .._____ ___ with relatives and friends in town. Air. and /Mrs. Roy Fleer, of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mrs. Fleers parents, Mr. and Mrs; James Hoggarth.— Air. Ross Johnson, ot Blake called on friends in town last week.—Airs. M. McNiaol, .of Exe ter, was a recent visitor with friends in town.-—Mr, and Airs. A.. L. Case have returned home after spending a week visiting in Detroit.—Mrs. A. E. Fines, of Clinton, and her mother, .Mrs. Albert Whitesides, of Kitchener, were in town last week visiting relatives and friends.—Dr. and Airs. Cawthorpe, of Tavistock, were recent visitors with Mrs. Caw- thorpe’s mother, (Mirs.. Sarah Dick and other (relatives. — Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Buchanan, of St. Thomas, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Airs, John 2uefle and other relatives —Mrs. George Brown has returned home after visiting with her daugh ter, Airs. J. Wilson, of Stratford.—: Dr. J. W. Bell, of Harrisburg, Penn, is here visiting friends and looking after liis farming interests.—(Miss Isabelle Campbell, of Kippen was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs. John Workman.—A court of revis ion on the assessment roll of the village will be held in the Town Hall on Monday .evening, May. 2 8th. The village council will act as the revision board.—Mr. Nelson Blatch- ford, sanitary inspector, intends starting his inspection of the village premises the last week of ATay.'—Mr. and Airs. Albert Spencer and family spent Sunday at Niagara Falls.-—MI. Harry Clarke, of London, is visiting relatives and other friends in town. —Dr. Tapp, a student at the Veter inary College at Guelph, is visiting here with Dr. A. R. Campbell.—Mrs. Donald Parke, has returned home af ter a very pleasant visit with friends in Toronto and Mitchell.—Mr. and Mrs. Lome Zuetle, of St. Thomas, were, recent visitors with Mr. and Airs. John Zuefle and other relatives —Mr. John D. Craig, who has been confined1 to his home through illness for some time is recovering nicely.— A well attended meeting of the Alission Band of the United Church took place in the basement of the cl.....1. “the opening exercises the following interesting program was given. A reading by Audrey Twitshell; in strumental, Alary Goodwin; reading Elaine Peck; mouth organ solo, Ro land Parker; reading, June Saund- ercook; recitation, Jessie Paisley; a story, Mrs. Geo. Hess. reading, Marion Filshie.-—<M;is:s Mary Agur in- and Young of Parkhill. Quite ill.—Mr. -and Young, of London, at the home of (Miss -Mr. and Mrs. Roy tends' holding a sale of her household^'Southcott, Lulu Lindenfield, AIa.bel " ■ - ■ - »■ ----- Hay, Mrs. H. C. Carey, Isobel Turnbull and Pearl Wood. Aliss1 Link Aliss Handfold, Miss Jones and1 Miss Hunter were 'directors, of the play. Marion Lovie provided music be tween acts. The turnout was fairly good and there was a pleasing rythm throughout. The Exeter people are to be congratulated upon their suc- tio effects ion Saturday afternoon, June second and intends leaving shortly for iLondlon.—The storm which was raging to the south of us. Wednes day afternoon and evening didn’t reach here. We had a nice rain and also on Tuesday which (was a great boon to 'the farms and gar dens which were badly in need of rain.—A numbei* of our citizens are 'adding greatly to the appearance of their properties (by repairing and painting their houses' and making other improvements'.—Mrs. John Pope has returned home for the summer months after spending the winter with her daughter in Toron to.—-The Hensall .Stores will be clos ed for the usual Wednesday after noon half holidays during the months of July and August starting Wednes day June 6th.—IA.11 roads, will lead to Hensall/ on the 24th, Victoria Day for the big celebration sponsored by the Hensall Chamber o'f Commerce. At one o’clock the parade will form, up on the station grounds headed by the Seaforth Highlanders B,and, Trade Procession and Cal i thum'pi an s (following.. At the 'ball park two big ball games will be played in the afternoon between Grand, (Bend and'Seaforth, and Ingersoll and Hen sall will line up for the first game. ’Of 'the Inter-County Intermediate B series. In the evening a big min- r-trel show will 'be put on 'in the Town Hall followed by a new andi ■old time dance. cess, the ’ The W. I. served lunch visitors at the close. CREDITON EAST and Mrs. Thomas BairdMr. daughter, of Grand Bend, spent week-end with the former’s mother MrS. John Baird and brothers and sisters.—'Mrs. Young, of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting her sister-in-law Mrs. W. Anderston.—Mrs. George Hayes and daughter iPatsy, of Exe ter, spent Sunday with the former’s mother Mrs. W. Anderson.—Mrs. !A. Wein and two children and (Mrs. C. Schroeder and Mr. Dan Truemner and son Howard attended the funer al of Mr. Truemner’s sister Mrs. Goetz, of Dashwood on Monday.— Mrs. Leonard1 Wein and son Marvin spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. G. Wein near Sharon.—We are sorry to report the illness of Air. John Schroeder at the home of his son William near Fairfield. and the CENTRALIA PURE CANE SUGAR REDUCED .., f 10 Ibts. for 58c, if HAIG (21563) CLYDESDALE STALLION Dark bay; face, nigh off fore and hind legs white, born Alay 19, 1918; bred by David E. Roy, Staples', Ont. Thursday, East to Orville Saw yer’s for noon; thence north and west to Albert Hey’s for night. Fri day, west and south to ihis own stable for noon and night. Saturday East and south to 'the boundary and west to his own stable fori noon where he will1 remain until the fol lowing /Monday morning. TERMS—$10 payable Jam 1, 1985 WM. COLE, Prop., Cromarty, Ont. Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto and Mr. Herman Hodgson, of Guelph, spent the week-end with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson.—~ Trueman Mills, of Wyoming, is iting at his-'home .here.—iM'r. Mrs. C. O’Brien visited with iM’r. Mrs. Miles McCabe in Clinton Wednesday of last week.—Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Jean vis ited with relatives in Brantford1 on Sunday,—Mrs. Cowar'd, of Thames Road, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Fletcher.-— On (Sunday, May 27th Anniversary Services will be held in the Church. Special mu sic will be provided' by the choir. The guest speaker for the day will be Rev. W. Kitely, of Parkhill, a former pastor of this charge. -Air. vis- and and 'On Mi Real Producers ( Top Notch Chicks From Flocks headed by ROP Government Approved Males — Hatching Eggs average 24 ’ounces and over to the dozen—• incubators fumfgaUd sound meai/miy auicKs ORDER NOW FOR PROMPT DELIVERY AT THESE PRICES Leghorns 8c,; Barred Rocks 9c.; White Rocks & Wyandottes 10c. (Started Chicks—10 days old— 2c. more Top Notch Chick Hatchery 29 OhMrlo St., Stratford, Box 50 or phone 1257 28th, Ladies’ adults I is full of, Mr. Willis , , _______ _ . a few days in Windsor and Detroit. —'Air. and Mrs. Ezra Tieman, Mrs. G. Wildfong and' Eugene Tieman I motored to Hamilton on Sunday I visiting with Air. and ,M,'rs, Ira Tie- • man.—Mr, and (Mrs. T. Hopcroft and family visited in Clifford on Sunday. Miss Emma Tieman, of London, spent the week-end with relatives.— Air, and Mrs. P. Humble and. family spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. 'Fimkbeiner and Catherine.—Miss Myrta Taylor, of London, is visiting at the home of her brother D. and Mr,s. Taylor.—Childu’en’s Day will be observed in the Evangelical church on Sunday June 10th. The evening program will take the form of an open air service on the church lawn. The singing will be accom panied by the Dashwood Musical So cieties. Instrumental numbers, re citations and a short missionary playlet will also be given. The usual offering for missions will be received.—Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, of I London, visited relatives in town on Sunday.—Mr. and Airs. Clayton j Wildfong, of London, spent Sunday I with her mother Mrs. Hamacner.— i Mrs. Rose Cummings, of Chicago, is visiting with relatives in town.— Mrs. Donehey and Miss Ida iGoetz and Messrs. Leslie and Gordon Goetz all of Chicago, and Air. and' Mrs. Alilton Goetz, of Erie, Pa., attended the funeral of their mother the lateK. Koetz, on Monday I Death of Airs. J. K. Goetz We are now open for all kinds of Mrs J. K. Goetz, who was >'''»al>'s ot Scales and tenders on all formerly Miss Ernestine Truemiier md^es of cars. Ducoing and tops died on Friday Alay 18th, at the machine work and will be glad to home of her son Reuben in Dash- satisfy your wants with the best wood. She was in her 77th year workmanhip. We are also open for and although in poor health during the past winter her illness becd’me class woik guaranteed, acute about a week prior to her H. WHITE death. Her husband predeceased Phone 91her about seven years. She is surviv ed by two daughters (Laura) Mj’s, Donehey and Ida, both of Chicago; six sons, Leslie aird Gordon, of Chi cago; Eldon, of Vancouver; Milton, of Erie, Pa.; Reuben and Arthur, of Dashwood also a sister Airis, John Geiger, of Pigeon, lAIich. and a brother Mr. Daniel Truemner, c. Crediton. The deceased was an ac tive member cf the Preserve Your Pineapples This Week. WE HAVE ALL SIZES AND LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES J. and Mrs. P. Maclsaac and and. Hubert Restemeyer spent J. i i J GROCERY ! SPECIALS ( KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES, INDIAN CUT OUTS 2 for 15 WESTON FRESH SODA BISCUITS ... 1 lb. pkg. 2 for 23c. ROYAL GOLD CORNSTARCH......................3 pkgs, for 25c. ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER .... 1 lb. tins each 15c. P. & G. LAUNDRY SOAP.................................10 bars for 29c. Peanut Butter in bulk 2 lbs. for 25c% R. & W. Coffee per lb. 39c* Golden Spray Cheese 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c. DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, assorted flavors....................4 for 19c. Spy Apples....................6 quart basket 40c. New Cabbage...........,.................per lb. 5c. New Carrots 2 bunches...........................19c. New Potatoes ............ 4 lbs. for 21c. Welsh Grape Juice pt. bottle................30c. Fresh Chocolate Coated Peanuts per lb* 19c Sweet White Corn choice.........2 tins 19c. No. 3 Peas, fresh and tender ... 2 for 25c* Falcon Tomatoes ......................per tin 10c. Falcon Catsup, quart bottle .... each 15c. Large Meaty Prunes...........2 lbs* for 25c. Fresh Ginger Cookies................per lb. 10c. A FULL STOCK OF ICE COLD DRINKS, ICE CREAM IN BULK, BRIXS, SHER- BICLES, ALASKA BON BON, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT. Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver EXETER MACHINE, BODY AND FENDER SHOP, JAMES ST.Hogarth Fall Now Egg Money KIRKTON Fast Depends Growth on of Airs. Chester and Mrs. Wm. Hazel wood, of Detroit, returned home af ter spending the past' two weeks With Air, Walter Hazlewood.—Mr. of I and Airs. C. Paul and family, Mr. and Airs. A. Humphreys spent Sun- ______ __ Evangelical I hay at the home of Mr, and Airs, church and the Ladies’ Aid and was All. Paul, of St. iM’arys.— Mr. ano beloved iby all who knew her. The Airs. Roy Francis, Lome and Jean floral tributes were many and beau- Hocking spent Sunday with friends £he esteem, in which | at Munro.— A large number from . .. ^ur vmage attended the ,S. 'S. Anni versary services at AVoodham on Sunday.—Most of the farmers ’have finished seeding and are working at roots and corn. — Mr. and Mrs. H. Burgh and Air. E. N. Shier called on friends in Stratford on Sunday. til’ul showing t _ . _ . .. _ she was' held. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon from the home and to the Evangelical Church with interment in Exeter cemetery. Rev. W. Hendrick officiating. GRAND BEND -Z Mr. Detroit, visited week-end.—Air. and Mrs. John Pol- ___ _ _ lard, of Centralia, spent Sunday I visiting "his with Mr. and1 Mrs. Walter England. Johns for a ____ —Mr. Manfordi Luther is all smiles (Fred Wright and two children, Miss over twin babies, a boy and a girl.—> " ’ "" ’’ Mrs. Martha Allister, of St. Marys, is spending a week in the neighbor hood with friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lombard and faipi'ly, of Pt. , c J1CSCUUUHuron, spent the week-end' with Mr. I temperance Federation and Mrs. Bert Holt.—M” '"'/1 1 --- ■ ■ ■ ~ - Melvin Lightfoot, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. Frank .Statton.— ______ __ __„ Mr. Chas. Polinskie is smiling these business Mr. Allen Johns took charge days'—a fine baby boy.—Mr. and Mr, Donald Gladman, of Exeter, Mrs. Kenneth Lawrence and family gave a .splendid address which was and Mrs. Fray, of Brantford, visited| aiuch^ appreciated^ ^The^ Scripture iMr. and^Mrs. Nelson Statton over the week-end.—Don’t forget the ham supper 24th. and ‘Mrs. Gordon ""Pollock, of friends over the ELIMVILLE Rev. A. E. Johns, of Hamilton, is brother, week.— M,r. Wesley Mr. and Mrs. (Sadie Smale, 'Mir. and Airs. Tye and son, from London, were Sunday vis itors with Air. and Airs. Bruce Coop er.—Mr. and Airs. Will Routly vis ited in Woodham on Sunday.—iMr. v* I Laverty, representing the Ontario --- Toironto. Mr. and Mrs. I wXll speak here next Sunday evening. ................ The Y. P. S. met on Monday even ing. After the opening exercises and lesson was read iby Air. Lloyd Bell. M'r. Fred Long read the talk on the , ,, tt -i j rxt ~ i i lesson. A poem “Two Weavers” wasat the United Church ion Alay gjyen Allen Johns. Air. Lorn© Elford led in prayer. After singing ______________ a hymn meeting closed: with the Mizpah benediction. The Youiig People have decided to go to Goderich on May 24th and help with the sum mer camp building, the girls to pro Sunday Rev. >S. J. Mathers j vide the dinner. The May meeting of tbeJW.^M. S. "'- "J " ~ Chas. ...............—Air. C. Harris | Johns presided/After opening exer- of iFordwich, was a recent guest with' cises, the roll call was given, sixteen Ti.r..™ t-> thomTioru rpanrtnrlin o- nndl the SUbieCt GREENWAY Nextwill conclude his .pastorate in the) The May meeting of the W. M. S. United Church.—Mrs. N. Pollard, of | was held at Mrs. Chas. Godbolt’s on Centralia, has been visiting friends Wednesday, May 16th. Mrs. Chas, in the neighborhood.—Mr. C. Harris | Johns presided. After opening exer- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock and Aliss M. Corbett. — Miss Dorothy Luther joined the United' Church on Sunday afternoon.—We are glad to report Miss Mary Pollock is some what improved after so many months illness.'—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shettler have returned to their home in Buffalo after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McPherson.—Mr. and Airs. G. Hepburn, of Crediton, called on Mr. A. M. Wilson Sunday afternoon. —We are glad to report Mr. Robert McPherson has returned to his home in Buffalo after being in the hospit al at Tillsonburg after his accident early in (March., Last Friday afternoon there was a splendid’ gathering of the W. M. S. and Baby Bands at Grand Bend United Church with 66 present, 31 of whom were from Greenway. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. S. E. Eagleson. After the opening hymn, “When Mothers, of Salem” Mrs'. J. (M'cGvegor gave the Scripture reading and Mrs. J. Gill led in pray er. Recitations were given by Joan Williams, Frances Taylor, Clive Brophey and Dounan Ulens.; read ings by Airs. Oliver, Mrs. Sherritt, Mrs. John Love, Miss M. Jennison, and Mrs, Manor©; duet by Lois Brown and Erma Goodhand; hymn, “Jesus Loves; me” and prayer by lAft’s. Frank •Steeper. Miss Young and Mrs. Gioodhand moved a vote of thanks to the Grand Bend Society which was replied to by Airs. E. Desjardins and (Mrs. Alatliers. After a hymn Rev. Mathers pronounced' t'h© Benediction. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed, Collect ion. amounted to $2.72 and was di vided between the two societies. I members responding and) the subject for roll call1 was name of a mission ary and field of labor. One visitor was also .present. Minutes of April meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. Chas. Johns then led in prayer, Mrs. Murch gave the treasurer’s report and some business was dealt with. It was decided to help with supplies for summer school camp at Goderich each one to make "what they wish and. give it to their group leader. Mrs. H. Ford gave a report of the Huron Presibyterial after which the meeting closed with singing “Blest ibe the tie that binds.’ and 'benedic tion. A bale was also packed, valued at about $45,00 WOODHAM The Mission Band meet Saturday afternoon in the church at 2,80 p.m. Zion Mission Band will put on the program and Mrs. Warren Brock their president, will review the Study Book.—The Anniversary services Which was observed here last Sun day was a decided success. The chutcli was beautifully decorated With flowers and plants and crowds of people filled the. church to capa city at both services, The Sunday School scholars led by Mr. William Mills rendered special music With Mrs, Alex Berryhill soloist who sang very sweetly in the evening, Rev. Mr, Love, of Kintore, gave fine ad dresses at both services. Rev. Mr. Lovegrove and Rev. Mr. (Lewis, of Kirkt'on, assisted with the devotional part in the evening.-—Sunday visit ors in this community were: Miss Rumy Brethour, of Kitchener; Miss es Margaret Glass and. Netta Shier, Of London; Mr. and Mrs1. Arthur J3 Chicks More than a million dozen fewer eggs in cold storage this year, than at this time last year, and May egg .prices several cents a dozen above last May’s. That’s a most promising outlook for Fall prices. TO' reap the fullest advantage of this situ ation, you want fast-growing chicks— that will develop into layers at 5 months. Write or phone for details about Hogarth SUP ER-SIZE chicks. They are 'building up a wonderful reputation for fast growth. Prices now lower. Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery EXETER, ONT. Baker and daughter Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire Sr., of Granton; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann and son Arnold, of Thames Road, Air. and Airs. Howard Anderson, of Wash ington, Air. and Mrs. Russell Brock and Airs. Humphrey of Kirkton, Air. and Airs. Ed. Stone and Dr. Camp bell, Kirkiton; Air. Thos. Gunning, Air. and Airs. Edgar Squire and fam ily, Air. and Mrs. Frank iSquire and daughter, Shirley, .Air. and Mrs. Geo. Arksey and daughter, Audrey, Air. and Mrs. Herman Foster and little son and Aliss Jean Morley from Whalen; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jacques and. children, Mr. and Mrs. James Earl and daughters, Misses Edith, Mary and Alarjory from Zion; Air. and (M’rs. Nelson ’Squire and family from Farquhar; 'Mr. and1 Mrs. Si meon /Switzer, of Zion 'on the Mit chell Road and many others spemt the day here. — Miss Marion Shier is visiting with her sister, Airs. R. Denham, at Bridgeburg.. the the We CROMARTY Work has commenced on mountain, the work of lowering hill some fifteen lor twenty feet, hope that this will not in any way, mar the beauty of what we always held as' one of our most beautiful woodland spots. THAMES ROAD Air. and Airs. Stewart Traquair were the recipients of a useful day bed and mirror at a reception held at the Hall by neighbors here. A large number of relatives also ex pressed their good will in a number of useful gifts. The evening was spent in dancing, the music being supplied by Messrs. Ken. and Walt. AlcNicol.—We are glad to see Mr. J. Cann is able to be out again.—Miss Chambers, of Crediton, is staying with Mrs. Christina Gardiner.—A very enjoyable evening was spent on Friday evening last when the Mis sion Circle presented “A Stitch in Time” in six acts being a. trip to China with characters all in costume Misses Jean Duncan, Jessie Monteith Mary Gardiner, Beth Ballantyne taking the leading parts. Between the acts those taking part were Mrs. Aimer Stewart, piano solo; Miss J. Cann, solo; )M5ss Elsie McNicol solo and Mr. Ivan Stewart, song and guitar. The Circle is indebted to Mrs. Taylor for the happy arrange ment of such a pleasant and profit able evening. WANTED—Second hand brooder stove, medium size, also a Buckeye incuibator. Leave word at the Times- Advocate. Song Morning DO YOU like cheery breakfasts? Here’s one your family will enjoy. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes with milk or cream and sliced bananas! Kellogg’s are extra refreshing. A real energy food—* easy to digest. Kept oven-fresh and flavor perfect by the heat-sealed inner WAXTITE bag. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. FOR FLAVOR CORN FEAKES • OVEMFRESH • 0 RAVOR PERFKt 0 liUM m hit X 5 a4wmin«N«^Mr