HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-05-03, Page 5»THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MAY 3rdl, 1934 FARMERS WANTED—To contract for growing Peas. Seed furnished on contract basis. If interested com­ municate with COOK BROS. MILL­ ING CO., Hensall, Ont. 4-2 6,2tc DANCE—in Town Hall, Ilensall, on Friday, May 4th, music by Mur­ dock’s orchestra; a short floor show Ladies’ and gent’s lucky ticket. Adm gents 3'5c. tax paid, ladies without lunch 15 c. At the services in the United church last Sunday. At the morning - and Mavis Spencer took a special part while Mrs, Drysdale, Mrs. and iMr. T. Sherritt took a trio in the anthem. Mr. and Mrs. also sang a duet, The Hensall I.O.O.F. accompanied by the Exeter, Brucefield and Clin­ ton Lodges attended divine service in St. Paul’s Anglican church on Sunday evening last. The rector, Rev. M. 11. Parker preached a very appropriate sermon to the brethren A lage crowd was present to enjoy the service. The (Mission Band of the United Church held their regular meeting on Sunday afternoon with a good attendance of members. After the opening exercises a splendid pre­ gram, prepared by Mis's Kathryn Drysdale was given. Duet by Ruth Hess and Marion Sangster; solo by Bobby Hess; a very interesting play- ette, “Coins in Action’’ was put on by several girls. Mrs. Peck gave the story in her usual pleasing manner. The meeting closed with the bene­ diction. Mrs. Peter Munn, Mrs. Robt. Munn, of Hena&ll and (Mr. Clarence Munn, of Aylmer and Dr. J. A. Munn, Sea­ forth, were in Bay City, Mich., last week-end visiting Mr, Alex IMunn, who has been seriously ill at the home of his daughter Mrs. T. D. Wilslon since early in January. His many friends in this district will be so'rry to hear that Mr. Munn is not making headway toward recovery. It is expected that an attempt will be made in the near future to bring him back to Hensall. The provincial election has not begun to warm up yet, although both candidates already nominated are out shaking hands with the elec­ tors. There is a probability of a Temperance candidate and a C.C.F. There will be a hot fight in South Huron and also good fighting ground. The Y. P. S. of the United church held their regular meeting in the basement of the church on Monday evening with a good attendance. The meeting opened 174 after which led in prayer, son was read by which the minutes of the previous meeting were read and the business of the meeting transacted. I-Iymn 240 was sung. Instrumental by Miss Florence Welsh; reading Miss Ver- da Watson; the topic which was taken by Rev. Mr. Sinclair took the form of a contest being questions on geography, history and the Bible This proved very interesting. A solo j by Dr. .Smillie after which one verse of hymn 48 was sung and the meet­ ing closed with the benediction. Invite Pastor to Romain A joint meeting of tlie officials the Hensall and Chiselhurst United churches was held in the vestry of the Hensall church on Thursday ev­ ening with a very large attendance. The date of the Anniversary of the Henhh.ll church was set for May 27 and the Rev. H. V. Workman of Pe­ trolia was selected as the anniver­ sary .speaker. Mr. Workman is a former resident of this community and he will be welcomed by a large circle of friends'. The work of the two churches was discussed and the Board expressed their satisfaction with conditions in the churches. There is a feeling of goodwill be­ tween the two congregations in the charge and remarkable harmony in each. The different organizations) are doing excellent work and iii spite of the depression the congregations are to be congratulated in the man­ ner in which they have met and are meeting their obligations, over $100.0(0. more having been sent to Missions in 193 3 than in 19 3 2. A. very hearty and unanimous resolu­ tion of appreciation was tendered to Rev.-Mr. (Sinclair, the minister, for his leadership. He was also given a most unanimous invitation to re­ main ate) the minister of the charge. Mr. Sinclair in thanking the board expressed his appreciation for the splendid loyal cooperation of the congregations during liis pastorate. Death of Alexander Ma chan Smith Another of Hensall’is aged and respected residents passed away suddenly early Monday in the per­ son of Alexander Maohan Smith, in his 84th year. He was in ibis usual health up to Monday morning when he took -a severe heart attack and passed away in about an hour. Considering his age he was in fair health and he and his daughter were preparing for a trip to Michi­ gan this week. He was born in Lan­ ark County and lived in Blyth for a number of years and moved to Hen­ sall about thirty years ago- where he carried on business as a drover, later going into the produce business which ilie conducted up to a few years ago when he retired. He was a member of the village council for several years and was reeve for two years. During his term as reeve the concrete road was put down. As a member of the County Council he took an active part in county affairs and was one of the best posted men on the County Council. He was a Liberal in. politics and a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Smith predeceased him two years ago. He leaves to mourn his loss, three daughters, Mrs. Ida Craig, of Blyth; (Mrs. Lena McPher­ son, of Tuiscoma, Washington (State and Miss Helen at home and five sons, Mich. * Alex, Floyd, . .. ___ . Eldred at home. The funeral took place from bis late home Queen St. Hensall on Wednesday afternoon, interment in the Blyth Cemetery. Rev. W. A. Young, pastor of Carmel Presbyterian Church, assisted, by ilev. M. B. Parker, of St. Paul’s Anglican church, had charge of the service. The Pall bearers were: service Miss Marion Sinclair Miss duet Pfile part Pfile I Mr. and Mrs. 'Manahan visited on Sunday with friends in Mrs. E. K. Hutton this week at the home tard, Kippen. Mr. and IMrs. Edgar Toronto, were recent friends in town. (Mr. Joseph Hudson Mrs. Broadfoot’s house on the don Road on Monday. Mr. Ladd McEwen is making a number of improvements to his home on Oxford Street. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone, London, attended the wedding ot the form­ er’s! sister on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. William Stone, of London, attended the Fulton-Stone wedding here on Saturday last. Miss Myrna Hudson is spending a few days visiting in London, the guest of her Sister, Mr.s. H. Abrey. A good crowd attended the dance, put on in the Town Hall on Friday evening last by the Murdock! orches­ tra. Mr. Lloyd Pettie, who has spent several weeks here, with his brother Von Pettit returned home to Sarnia on Sunday. Mr. William Bell moved on Tues»- day into the Ortw-ein house on Queen Street recently vacated by Joseph Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker, Lon­ don, and Mrs. Cooper, of Clinton, attended the Fulton-Stone wedding here on Saturday. Miss Margaret Hobkirk, who has been book-keeper for 'Cook Bros, for quite a number of years has re­ signed her position. The farmers are busy seeding in the Hensall district this week. The land is in good condition and a large crop will be put in. Mrs. Peter Fisher has returned home after spending the past two weeks with her daughter Mrs. Wal­ ter Moffatt, of Brucefield. number from town went Sunday evening to hear Group at the mass meet- James St. church. IMrs. Ferris Cantelon, of spent the week-end1 Clinton. is spending of Mr. Mus- Stewart, visitors/ 1 moved , of with into Lon- with Miss The Miss singing hymn Ver da Watson Scripture les- Murdock after Quite a to Exeter the Oxford ing in the Mr., and Stromberg, visiting with Mi. Cantelon’s parents Mr. and Mrs. David Cantelon. IMr. and Mrs. Albert Whitesides, of Kitchener, and formerly of Hen­ sail, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Palmer. Mr. Robert Higgins accompanied by William Reid, of Varna and Joseph Hood, of Stanley Township made a business trip to Greenway on Monday. Miss Minnie Reid arrived home on (Monday after spending the win­ ter visiting friends at Vancouver and other points on the Western Coast. Mr. and IMrs. Ed. Shaffer arrived home on Monday evening after a week’s visit with their daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Reid, Port Rowan. (Miss Margaret Johnson has been assisting in the Post Office for sev­ eral days owing to the illness of Mrs. Maude Hedden. Mrs. Hedden is new recovering nicely. J. Passmore & Sons are selling quite a number of new cars this spring among last weeks sales was a new Chevrolet car to Geo. Thomp­ son, grain dealer of Hensall. Mr. James Bengough returned to work on (Monday, after being off work several weeks caused by an accident in Moore Bros, machine shop were he was employed. (Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, of Kalamazoo, Mich., and Dr. David Smith, of Omar, Mich., attended the funeral on Wednesday of their father the late Alex (Smith. The Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian church intend holding a Mother and Daughter Banquet in the church on Tuesday evening May 8th at 7 o’clock Mrs. B. C. Edwards will be the speaker. IMr. and Mrs. Jas. Howard and family, of Goderich, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drys­ dale. They were accompanied home by their daughter, Miss Margaret, Who had been visiting with Miss Kathryn Drysdale. The Ladies of the Cihiselhurst United church held a sale of home­ cooking in the show rooms of Bon- thron and Drysdale on Saturday af- ernoon. A large crowd attended the sale during the afternoon and a nhce sum of money was realized. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White, who spent the winter with their daugh­ ter Mrs. James Eby, of Collingwood, were in the village several days, last week packing their household fects and moved to Collingwood Monday where they will reside. All the onion setts stored in different warehouses in the village have been shipped out, after about five weeks steady work by a largo staff of men. Contracts are now be­ ing let for the growing of year’s crop. (Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gajsisidy the week-end with relatives friends at Otterville and Tillsonburg They were accompanied home by Miss Lilian (McMullen, Mrs. Cas­ sidy’s sister, who hasl been visiting here for several weeks. A number from here attended the meeting of the Huron Presby- ■terlal, W. M. S. of the United church held in the Wesley Willis United church, Clinton on Tuesday. (Mrs. Herbert Child’® of London and Dr. Retta Kilborn, of China, were pres­ ent and addressed the gathering. ef- ■on the this , spent and of 1 Dr. David iSinith, of Omar VZilll&niy of Pfiiignicij of Fort Benton, Montana; of Kalamazoo, Micln; and William and David Craig and James Scott, of Bly th; Archie Levy, of Kirkton; William Jones and Robt. Cameron, of Hensall. Relatives at­ tended the funeral from Blyth, Clinton. St. Marys, Kirkton, London1 and Michigan. | Fulton-Stone Wedding | A very interesting event took. place in St. Paul’s Anglican church I at 4 o’clock on Saturday afternoon,: when Dora Jeanne, youngest daugh-| ter of Mr. William of Hensail’s most ladies'' was united Frederic Augustine youngest son of Mrs. Kirkland, of London. The ceremony was per­ formed by the Rev. M. B. Parker. The bride entered the church lean­ ing one the arm of her father and looked charming with a white satin dress and bridal veil and carried a bouquet of Colonial roses and Sweet Peas. She also wore the groom’s gift, a beautiful bracelet. She was' attended by her sister Miss Grace Stone, who was dressed in green organdie with hat and gloves to match and carried a bouquet of Yellow roses and mauve Sweet Peas' The groom was attended by his brother John Fulton of London. The wedding march was played by M:is^ Greta Lammie. The groom’s gift to the bridesmaid was a piece of silver plateware; to- the organist, an am­ ber pendant. After the ceremony a buffet lunch was served at the home of the bride’s father. The same evening the young couple left on a short honeymoon trip to Sar­ nia and other points west, the bride travelling in a brown and beige suit with accessories to match. On their return they will reside in London. A feature of the wedding was' the attendance of four generations of the family: His grandmother, Mrs. Ellman, mother, [Mrs. Kirkland; brother, John Fulton and nephew, Donald F’ulton, all of London. Guests were present from London, Clinton, and other places. The bride received many beautiful gifts showing the high esteem in which she was held. Hensall Public Library Board Meeting’ A meeting of the Public Library board was held Chambers of the Town Hall, (Mon­ day evening. The minutes of last meeting were read by the secre­ tary and adopted as read. Bills and accounts amounting to $18.02 were presented and ordered paid. It was moved by Dr. Collyer, seconded by Geo. Follick that we request the council to exempt the board from the municipal audit expenses, as is customary in other municipalities. Carried. Collyer and Bonthrou: That books be purchased more frequently as per the advice of the inspector. Car- The Librarian, Mrs. Cameron re­ ported re the children hour; also that the circulation report shows an increase of 624 over the first three months of 19 33. Follick- Bonthron: That the Co. pupils attending school here pay the usual 5 0c per year for the privilege of being a member of the Library and that a letter be given the Lib­ rarian by the Secretary with in­ structions to carry out the same. Carried. Follick-Bonthron: That we hold our regular monthly meetings on the second Monday of each month. Carried. The meeting then adjourned. James A. Patterson, Secretary Stone, and one popular young in marriage to Ellman Fulton, in the (Council the Uli Dr. DASHWOOD H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. May, Kitchen­ er, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Oestricher. Misses Ruth Kleinstiver with Mr. and, [Mrs. G. Thedford. Luft is attending Con- Kitchener this week, number from here attend- and Phyllis Reid spent the week-end in Stratford. Mrs. J. C. Reid visited a few days last week Elliott in Rev. T. ference in Quite a ed the Walther Leagup Rally in Lo­ gan on -Sunday. Mr. Clarence Rutledge, (Miss Helen •Rutledge and Mr. Louis McKerlip of London were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mr. Wm. Lindenfield, of Parkhill visited his- sister Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen on Sunday. Miss Theada Hayter and friend of Windsor, were week-end visitors' with IMr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Morlock, of Crediton, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Finkbeiner and Cathern. Mr. P. [Mclsaac made a business trip to London on Tuesday. Miss Zeta Nadiger spent the weplo- end with Miss Alma Ratz, of Ship- ka. A number of changes are taking place in town this week Mr. Maurice Andersen has moved into Mr. Cas­ per Walper’s house and Mr. Harry Zimmer moved into P. house. Mrs. E. Gettinger and and IMrs. L. Kellerman, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Thos. Klumpp. Mr.s. Wiggins, of Zurich, spent Sunday with her sister, (Mrs. Fassold An account of the Young People’s League and a presentation to Rev. IMr. Sauer, also presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent and tlie account of the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Snider have been crowded over until' next week. McTsaac daughter Crediton, Mr. and Yeast-Vite Tonic Tablets brings safe, sure relief from headaches, Easy to tak6‘—'quick in action — Yeastvite Tablets will not effect the stomach or disturb the heart. Next tmo you have a headache take Yeast Vite.. At your druggist 15c., 25c. and $1.00. THE RED & WHITE store GROCERY SPECIALS Choice Sweet Corn 2 tins for 19c. f FANCY ALPHA RICE ...................... LIBBY’S DILL PICKLES, 28 oz. jar PUFFED RICE ..................................... PUFFED WHEAT ................................. FRESH SODA BISCUITS................. PEANUT BUTTER IN BULK......... SCHNEIDER’S LARD IN BULK . .. [ WONDERFUL LAUNDRY SOAP .. . 4 lbs. for 25c. ...........each 15c. . . per box 15c, 2 boxes for 25c. .. 2 lb. for 25c. . . 2 lb. for 25c. , , . . per lb. 10c. 10 bars for 25c. C. & B. Pork and Beans 1 lb. tin each 5c. Perfection Tomatoes large tin, 3 for 25c. 1 Large tin Forest City Baking Powder, 1 Sherbet glass free Golden Spray Cheese . . 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 25c. Crosse & Blackwell Catsup, large bottle 15 Cowan’s Cocoa....................1-2 lb. tin 14c. Large Meaty Prunes...........2 lbs. for 25c. Fancy Shortbread Biscuits . . . per lb. 17c. Fresh Mushrooms .......................per lb. 39c. . 25c. New Cabbage...............................per lb. 5c. Celery Hearts........................per pkg. 15c. Leaf Lettuce........................2 bunches 15c. New Carrots........................3 bunches 19c. Radishes or Green Onions . . per bunch 5c. Fresh Spinach........................2 lbs. for 25c. A large shipment of Chocolate Coated Peanuts just arrived. Get some per lb. 19c, A FULL LINE OF ICE CREAM IN BULK, BRIX, POPSICLES, ETC. ALSO FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver I CREDITON Baking sale Saturday afternoon at F. W. Morlock’s by the Living Links Sunday School class. The regular meeting of the Sr. E.L.C.E. was held last Friday ev­ ening. The department of instruct­ ion was' in charge. Gordon Ratz acted as chairman and led the open­ ing devotion. Scripture was read by Agnes Lamport and Mr. Gerald Smith gave a guitar solo. The topic was discussed by and Evelyn Sippell delivered a piano contest conducted Morlock concluded ing program. Next Sunday evening the Evan­ gelical pastor M. Sippell will deliver his closing sermon after a term of seven years. May 13 th he will cupy the pulpit on his newly pointed charge, Hanover. A short Missionary program given in connection with the Evan­ gelical Sunday 'School. The Superintendent, Art Amy occupied the chair. 'Miss Ruby Finkbeiner and Miss Norma Finkbeiner contri­ buted a vocal duett and a very in­ teresting talk was given by 'Miss Ella Morlock. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Treitz, of Harriston, while on their honey­ moon visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Trietz last week. IMr. and Mrs. Carl Haumeller, Mr. Elgin Eilber and lady friend of De­ troit, spent the week-end with Mr. Charles Eilber. Mrs. Cliff Hill and Wein are visiting the ther Mr. Noah Haist, Mich., who is in poor health. Mr. and (Mrs. Norman Holtzman and family, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Leah Holtzman. Seeding operations have started in this vicinity. Charles Kerr, tile manufacturer, died Saturday at his home near Goderich aged 6 8. He was confin­ ed to his home for several months. He was born in this vicinity, son of the late John Kerr and Caroline Wilson Kerr. Twenty years ago he moved to Colborne township where he established a successful manu­ facturing business. He is survived by his widow one son and one daughter, Courtland and Loretta, at home. 'One brother Mr. Fred Kerr and one sifter Mrs. Ed. Beav­ er of this community. Service was conducted by Rev. W. I. Patton, of Benmiller, United Church, of winch Mr. Kerr was a member at home Monday. Interment took Exeter. Hogarth says: GET YOUR ■ SUPER-SIZE CHICKS at Addileen Gaiser and Alva Wuerth duet. A Bible by Miss Ella another interest- ORDER IN EARLY Don’t miss the super-values in Hogarth Super-Size chicks. Extraordinary vitality and growthiness because they come from big eggs, laid by big hens. Seven breeds. Fully Government Approved. Prices based on today’s egg prices. May orders coming faster than ever before. First come, first served. Write or phone. Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery EXETER, ONT. oc- ap- was i KIRKTON Mrs. Godfrey latter’s bro- of . Pigeon, the place CREDITON EAST Annie Mrs. Nelson Schenk and children of Mt. 'Carmel, spent Sunday with the former’s parents lM,r. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. Mrs. Wilson Anderson is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, of Fairfield, who is confined tO' her bed through ill­ ness. The Missies Lottie and Waghorn, of London, spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Waghorn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhn spent a few days the past week with their relatives in Detroit. Mr. Esli Heywood, of Exeter, Is spending a few days with his sister Mrs. Eli Lawson. Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor, spent a few days the past week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Eli Law- son. Mr. Mai-ki Mitchell has returned to his home in Exeter after visiting his sisters Mrs. Anderon and Mrs. Rau. Quite a number from hero attend­ ed the funeral of the late Charles Kerr, of Benmiller, which was held Monday to, the Exeter cemetery. Ho leaves to mourn his loss his wife and one daughter and one son also one sister Mrs. Ed. Beaver, of town and one brother Mr, Fred Kerr the sympathy of this community is ex­ tended to the bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bickell, of St. (Marys, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bickell. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gunning, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gunning and Mr. Kenneth Gunning, of Granton, call­ ed on friends in day. Miss1 Ethelyn ford, spent the friend Miss Thelma Marshall. Mr. Carmen Hazelwood and Mr. James Johnson, cf Walton, spent the week-end at the home of the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hazelwood. A very unusual thing happened for the month of April there being no seeding Saturday, April eter registered frost. Thirty young School met at former teacher Mr. David Goulding and held their Sunday School class Mr. Goulding has a record of not being absent from Sunday School for eleven years and four months, but on account of sickness has been absent for the past three months. the village on Sun- Smith, of Carling­ week-end with her done as yet, and 28 th the th er mom- eight degrees of men of our Sunday the home of their Let us demonstrate the new Ford V-S truck or light delivery now stock. Sandy Elliott, Phone 64. in ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, London were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Johns. Mr. Kenneth Johns spent the week-end in Goderich with his uncle Mr. Walter Hern. ' (Mr. Anson Smale spent a few days ing acquaintances hood. Mr. and Mrs. Patsy visited in St. Marys on day. Messrs. Ed. Rich., Chas, and Johns spent Saturday in Sarnia. The Y. P. S. paid a visit to the Thames Road on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langford, Orville and Hazel, of Lucan, visit­ ed on Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Johns. Mr. Walter Lidston, who had his foot injured recently in London, has recovered sufficiently to be able to walk. He spent a few days in the vicinity last week. Miss Bessie Bell R.N., of London, spent Sunday with her parents. Next Sunday morning at 10:30 Rev. Waldon, of London, will con­ duct special anniversary in this church under the Trustee Board, by the choir. The Hurondalo W. homo of Mrs. Chas. Johns last Wed­ nesday afternoon were present. Rev. and Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Wm, H, Ford were in attending the meeting of Presbyter lai and W M'. S< convention, of , of Farquhar, last week renew- in the neighbor- Lloyd Johns and Sun- Will services the auspices of Special music I. met at the A large number Peters, (Mr. Will Elford and iMrs, Clinton Tues'day ZION Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques, of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Melville Hern. ■Miss Jean Brock Miss Marion Wass, of the week-end. (Mrs. R. Kleinfeldt visited Gi'anton and with over has engaged as housekeeper with Mr. Wm. Hern for the summer. Mrs. I-I. Kyle, of Exeter, spent Sunday with relatives1. Mr. Henry Hern spent a day with his sister (Mrs. J. Gorvett. Mrs. Milne day with her George Earl. Mrs. Frank visited with her Hern on Wednesday. Miss Lorraine Wass week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wass, of Granton. The W. |M. of Mrs. J. T. o’clock p.m. Mr. Harry hydro in his home. Mr. spent Sunday with his Morris Hern. Miss Mary McDonald, bury, is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern. Pullen spent Wednesv- parents Mr. and Mrs. Gunning, niece of Whalen, Mrs. Ross spent the S. meets at the home Hern on Friday at 2 Towle is installing Clifford Culbert,of Lucan, cousin Mr. of Saints- WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher spent Friday with IMr. and Mrs. Geo. Godbolt of Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. George Brock, of Zion, visited with Mr. Brock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Marjorie spent (Sunday Mir's. Ed. St-one, of Kirkton. Mr. Hal Brown and IMiss Brown, of Centralia, visited their mother Mrs. H. Brown Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. baby, of Kirkton, visited latter’s parents Mr. and Bailey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and Mrs. F. •Fletcher and with Mr. and Ethel with on Collier with Mrs. and the H. Fletcher and family spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis, of •Lucan. Miss [Marjorie Fletcher vislited with Miss Jean Davis one day last week. IMr. family visited with Mr. Ed Alexander at Lumley on and Mrs. George Davis and and Mrs. Sunday, SHIPKA held their church on regular Monday Walter Fossold , visited over and the and The Y. P S. meeting in the ■evening. Mr. and Mrs. sfon, of London week-end at the home of Mr. Mrs. Milton Ratz. Mr. and Mrs. TIios. Kenney family last week moved their house­ hold effects in the house owned by Mr. Albert Gaiser. # Next (Sunday will be Missionary day in the (Sunday School. A special program will be given. [Mr. Sam Sweitzer, of Clandeboye spent Sunday at his home here. and