HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-04-12, Page 8THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1931 New Beauty Shoppe Specials Continued Our Guaranteed "Bonat” Perma­ nent Wave revitalizes the hair, im­ parting nature’s lustre; in Combin­ ation, Croquignole, Ringlet - Ends, Spiral and Oil, complete with Sham­ poo and Finger Wave, in all the new authentic styles at half priee. Small work at reduced prices; also Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Please make appoinmonts early in order that we may serve you better. Evening appointments of course. Phone 2i3lj, Exeter; Residence 30r31 Crediton One door south Times-Advocate, Exeter H. M. Smith Exeter Markets Wheat 80c. Oats 39c. Barley, 50c. Buckwheat 50c. Manitoba's’ Best $2.25 Model Flour $2,25 Welcome. Flour $2.30 Low Grade Flour, $1,50 Shorts, $1.35. Bran, $1.30 Creamery Butter 33, 34c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, Butter, 25c., 28c, extras 14c, firsts 12c. seconds 11c. $7.25 ECZEMA and PSORIASIS are stubborn skin diseases. I suf­ fered for years. Write—-Francis Brock, Foy Bldg., Toronto 2, Canada CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B,A., B.D. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A*L«C.M«» organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—"God’s Grace.” 7 p.m.—"The Virtue of Patience.” LOCALS con- liis <Mr. Percy Vahey, who has been suffering with blood poison, is mak­ ing a satisfactory recovery. Elliott visited afternoon. is not as well again to his home. of Ford- SEED BARLEY FOR SALE—A quantity of O. A. C. 31, third gener­ ation. .See Ed. Knight, Centralia. 3tc. FOR SALE—Pigeons. To make room in my pens I am selling Pure Bred White King and Carneaux squabbing pigeons at low prices. These are all mature birds of large size and will commence nesting right away.—C. V. Pickard, phone 16'5. tfc THRESHED TIMOTHY HAY .also Velvet Seed Barley. Apply to Geo, Hepburn, phone Crediton 26r2. Seed Peas are now available for contract growers.—Canadian Canners, Exeter. Get Ready for Spring and the Good Old Summer Time by bringing your Dry-Cleaning, Dyeing and Laundry to us.—C. L, Wilson agent for Parisian Laundry. and Mrs. Ellwood Gregg, of George B. C., called on Dr. and Mrs. Weekes on Friday M. Belling and son, Don, of PROPERTY FOR SALE—Brick house and approximately 5 3-5 acres of land, west side of town of Exeter. Priced to sell. Small cash payment. Balance over 5 years.—-C. V. Pickard phone 165. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE—Ap­ ply to Alvin Essery, Centralia. 3-8-tfc FOR SALE — 10-20 McC-Deering tractor, guaranteed good as new, price $45 0.; also Case tractor, good working condition, cheap.—Phone or write Stevenson & Son. Thorndale. ltp. 5X Cedar Shingles for sale at rock bottom prices. Positively cash. At reai’ of Exeter Machine, Body & Fender Shop, James St., Exeter, S. M. Sanders. FOR SALE—10 (h bus. of Banner seed oats and about 10 0 bushels ot mixed oats and barley fit for seed. Chas, Godbolt, phone 176r23, Exe­ ter. Private Sale of Household Effects at (Mrs. Bedford’s on John Street near Carling. Sale begins Wednes­ day, April 18, 1934. ltp. ONLY corns, warts, eter. 0 > MM 1,1 IMP iii Miss Annie Weekes, of Guelph, is visiting her sister and brother here. Mrs. W. H. Johnston is still fined to her bed. Mr. Truman father Tuesday Mr. E. Kestle and is confined -Miss Esther -Sotheran, wieh, visited in town last week. Neil McDonald spent Easter week visiting with his grandparents at Clandeboye. Misses Vera and Reta Rowe spent a few days last week in Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs. Gordon Stonehouse and children spent Easter week with her parents in Forest. Mrs. H. W. Doerr and son George of Toronto, spent Easter week with Dr. W. E. and Mrs. Weekes. Mr. Clifford Eyre, of London, is spending a few days in town this week with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kervin Werner, of London, visited with Mr. and (Mrs. W. J. Beer on Thursday last. Mr. Prince W. E. last. Mrs. Detroit, are visiting with the form­ er's parents, (Mr, and Mrs. A. Fran­ cis. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gladman and two children, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard. Mrs. Frank Wildfong forepart of the ents, Mr, and Holmesville. Mr. and iMrs. sons, of Burford, visited over the week-end with Mrs. Amy’s mother, Mrs. E Jory. Mrs. W. J. Bissett and daughter, Mrs. Rousom, ’have returned to their home in Exeter after spending the winter in Paris. Mr. Thos. Sargent and Beatrice Clark, both of made a pleasant call on (Mrs. John Hind on Sunday. Miss Alma Etherington turned to London after spending two months’ vacation at her home here. Her mother a few days. Mir. and Mrs. W. C. attended the Charles Lindenfield on Friday noon at London. Mrs. Samuel Hutchinson and sons, John and Garnet Hutchinson, of London, spent -Sunday with tihe former's brother, <Mr. Rd. Quance, who is seriouly ill. (Mrs. John Snell arrived home on Friday after spending the winter with her daughters, Mrs. -Smith 46" lbs. to the airs’ McDonald in Windsor. CRESS SALVE — removes calluses, ingrown toenails, At Grieve’s Drugstore, Ex- week Mrs. Win. .spent the with, her par- J. Grassick, (Miss London, Mr. and has re- is accompanying her for Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield, Cann and Miss Gloria burial of the late af- two We still have some good Western’ Seed Oats, testing 46 lbs. to the bushel; also a few bushels of good, also visited in Sarnia, clean seed barley, requirements early. Better get your HARVEY BROS •Cottage to rent. Apply at Times- Advocate. ltc For children’s, bronchial and cnesc ailments, Veno’s Lightning Cough Syrup brings comforting relief. No nasty taste—no violent breath-tak­ ing suddenness or questionable after effects—a quick soothing and heal­ ing of the inflamed area. Safe and effective. At your druggist. Large size 40c. Family size 75c. ... Reasons ■ ■■ 10 of them why you should buy from Snell Bros. & Co. 1 2 3 4 5 Labor rates are lower. Tire Prices greatly re­ duced. Batteries from $4.25 ujp. Only genuine parts used All grades of oil carried in stock* 6 All grades of gas at at­ tractive prices. We service all makes of Cars. Complete line of Acces­ sories. Night calls promptly taken care of. Courteous attention every customer. 7 8 9 10 to Snell Bros- & Co. Phone 100, Exeter and She mo- and THE EXETER TIMES-AQVOCATR Wonderful values at SI7.95 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A-T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader W M. S. Anniversary .—The Minister p.m.—-Sunday School p.m.—45th Anniversary of the W. M. S. Mrs. Herbert Child’s of London, will be the special speaK- er. The Mission Band, C. G, I. T. Mission Circle and W. M. S. will occupy the centre seats. Duet by Mrs. .Stainton and Mr. Gutbu-sh. Monday, April 16th—W. M. S. An­ niversary Supper. Wednesday—Prayer Meeting Thursday—Y. P. S. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA E. Elliott, Pastor Evelyn I-Iuston and Choir-Leader Rev. A. Miss Organist 11 S. Anniversary ■Special W.M.S, service, ■ - -- * - will W. M. L a.m.- Mrs. (Rev.) S. M, Gordon speak. Thank-offering, p.m.—'Sunday School p.m.—The Minister 3 7 Monday Y, P. S. Thursday—-Prayer Meeting & Bible Study. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 10 11 a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and .Sermon. Laird Bros. Specials Genuine Eugene Permanent $5.50 Realistic Croquignole .... $4.50 Charmaine Permanent . . . $3.50 Nu Beauty Oil Wave .... $2.50 With Curl or Ringlet Ends Prices include Shampoo, Finger­ wave and Trim Specialists in Hair Tinting 425/6 Richmond St. Met. 4646 LONDON DEAN’S Dry Cleaning & Dyers London Have your garments Properly dry cleaned; properly pressed; properly called for; properly delivered. Phone K. G. CLARICE, Exeter, 168 Are You Savin’ Any Money? Nyal Spring Specials Milk of Magnesia, 16oz .... 39c Nyal Beef Russian Oil, 16 oz Iron and Wine, 16oz, 09c .89c. For quality and style we are positive that you cannot beat these and at the priee of new materials will sooU be selling for several dollars more, See opr pew styles and cloths for youths for $7.95; also exceptional values for small boys 2-pants for $5.95. Sun Fast Wallpapers at Half Price We have received this week a number of Sun Fast Wall Papers. They are all new and dainty patterns. We bought them half price and less and are passing them on to our customers Gotham Gold Stripe Hosiery We have received our first shipment of this beautiful Hosiery. It comes in the new­ est Spring shades and has the adjustable tops. We also carry an out size in a service weight Service weight Chiffon Crepe Out Sizes 7.9c $1.00 $1.25 $1.25 Congoleum Rugs and Linoleums We carry a full range of sizes in the New Pattern Congoleum and Linoleums also sev­ eral New Patterns in four yard wide Linoleums. Bring in the size of your room and get our prices. 5 DOZEN GREEN WINDOW BLINDS IN SECONDS AT ,69c Dominion and Miner Rubber Boots You will want a pair for the muddy weather. We carry these two good makes. They are fully guaranteed All sizes, 6 to 11 per pair....................«50* • Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday WE WANT YOUR EGGS—HIGHEST PRICESFAID SOAP FLAKES in bulk 4 lbs. for 25c LIBBY’S HAPPYVALE SAUER KRAUT large tins 2 for 15c HONEY DRIP JELLY POWDERS 6 pkgs, for 25 c ORANGES, SWEET AND JUICY, large size 39c. a dozen; Medium size at 25c. a dozen SWEET MIXED PICKLES 38 oz. jars 35c McCORMICK’S SODAS in bulk 10c per lb HANDY AMMONIA per pkg. 5c tea—WE HAVE A GOOD BULK TEA AT 44c. A POUND. TRY A POUND CLOTHES PINS 5 doz. for 11c CORN STARCH 3 pkgs. 25c CH1PSO large pkg. 19c We also have in stock O. A. C. Laying Mash and O. A. C. Chick Starter Southcott Bros. JAM/ES STREET W. A. A memorial service for the late Mrs-. Nelson Sheere was held at the regular meeting of the James Street Women’s Association on Thursday afternoon of last week. The devo­ tional exercises were taken by Mrs. Rowe and Mrs. Grant. A solo was sung by Mrs. Elliot and Miss Flos­ sie Hunter gave a piano solo. %Ar- rangements were made to entertain the choir to a banquet on Friday, April 20 th. A social hour was spent at the close. O N C E MOR EI W. W. Taman welcomes the visit of MR. HUDGINS Special representative of TIP TOP TAILORS LIMITED who will be at this store on Thursday, April 19th We welcome him on behalf of all the men in t-own who are interest­ ed in good clothes. He brings with him large samples and suit ends of the Spring and Summer fabrics from famous mills in the British Empire, also mod­ el garments showing the latest style trend. Tip Top clothes, hand cut and individually tailored to your person- at measurements by the largest tailoring establishment in Canada, offer you the greatest value in clothing to-day. Regardless of whether you purchase or not, we would welcome the opportunity of showing you what we have to offer. $23.50 TIP TOP CLOTHES are Exclusively Sold by Par-Ru $1., Nu-Erb 98c., Vinol 89c. Nyal Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste 39c. Mr. Alex Lloyd, of Toronto, tored up for over was accompanied Lloyd and family, week with Mr, L. Mr. and Mrs. .. .............. and daughters, Thelma and Luefla of Detroit, visited with friends and relatives during the past week. Mrs. E. J. Passmore returned with them on a visit. , Mr. C. R. Howard, of New York, who has spent the past week with his mother Mrs. Hy. Gidley left on, Tuesday for Ottawa, to- again be present at the bank investigations before the banking committee. Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes and family, -Mir. and Mrs. Walter Geddes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eyre and family, all of London, and Mrs. D. McCall, of Kintore, spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes. The large steel roller belonging to the tennis club disappeared from the grounds last fall and it was with some difficulty that it was located this spring. On Hallowe’en some bf the boys hid It in an empty barn. The staff of Oaven Presbyterian Sunday School was increased last Sunday by the addition of Mrs. - .. , . H .(Mason, Miss Violet Hyde and Miss! Ocularly the boys and girls of this Jean Stanbury as teachers in order community, are invited to be pres- to take care of the newly formed i classes. Mr. Thos. Wilkinson, who has spent several months with his uncle ' and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bir­ ney and with relatives at Wingham, spent Wednesday last with Mr. and ; Mrs. Birney and left Thursday for ; -His home at Escanaba, Mich. I Mr. C. J. Patterson, of Detroit, motored here Saturday and' spent the week-end. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Patterson and daugh­ ter , Marion, who have -been here owing to the illness of Mrs. Pater­ son’s father, Mr. Rd, Quance. She expects to return again in,a few* days, '5 * the week-end home by (Mrs. who spent Easter Day. W. C. Robinson Dr. West Tooth Paste 17c. 2 for 33c iColgates Tooth Paste 22c. 2 for 39c Moth Balls, Moth Flakes, Cleaners The Nyal Drugstore W. S. HOWEY Canadian Bird Life will be the subject of an address to be given by MR. W. E. SAUNDERS, of London in. the Town Hall, Exeter, on FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 20tli under the auspices of the Boy Scouts and the C. G. I. T. Mr. Saunders is a Naturalist of wide distinction and an outstanding authority in Ontario on Bird Life. He will have many interesting pic- Mrs*"1 tures' to show. The public., and par- TRIVITT MEMORIAL A. Y. P. A. The regular meeting of the A. Y. P. A. was held on Monday evening in the Parish Hall with Miss Amelia Acheson in charge. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn followed by prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were then read and adopted. After the business a program in charge of the Social con­ venor, IMiss Carrie Davis, consisting of musical selections by T. Walker, reading by -Bernice Gollings. and several interesting games and -con­ tests Rev. with after which lunch was served. M. A. Hunt closed the meeting the benediction. PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. ent to hear Mr. ISaunders, DANCE — at — THE PAVILION GODERICH EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT “Tony Farr’s” Orchestra LADIES’ MEETING The regular monthly meeting of Caven Congregation Circle was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Rose Russell, William street, with a particularly large attendance in spite of the rainy weather. T.he President Mrs. Rod Ellis was in the chair and the devotional exercises were led by Mrs. Margaret Ketch en. A short program consisting of a de­ lightful solo by the guest -of the af­ ternoon, (Mrs. Penwarden, Centralia, and„o£ a well-rendered reading by Mrs, Mae Campbell provided a pleas­ ant introduction to the business dis­ cussion. It was decided to hold a sale of aprons and heme-made oo0‘k** ing on Saturday the 21st inst. at (Miss, Grigg’s Store. The next meet­ ing will be held at the home of Mrs, G. J. Dow. Tea was served by Committee in Charge, The Boy Scouts, of town, are ting up new quarters ih the 1 house at the tennis' courts. The regular monthly meeting of the Main St. Women's Assocation was held at the home of Mr-s. R. H. Sayers Thursday afternoion. April 5th. Mrs. Layton, who had charge of the devotional period, gave a short talk on ‘Easter.” Im the ab­ sence of -the president, the chair was taken by the vice-pres,, (M'rs. Medd. Mrs. Layton gave U splendid reading which .was enjoyed by all. The meeting closed with the (Mizpah benediction after Which a ten-cent tea was served. JAMES STREET MISSION CIRCLE MISSION BAND CONCERT the » fit- tiub The /Mission Band of Caven Pres­ byterian church gave an excellent concert in the school room of the church last week consisting of re­ citations, solos, choruses and pan­ tomines, The rendering of these re­ flected much credit on both the chil­ dren and the instructors. A special feature was the presentation of a Junior Life Membership to Mis,® Co- quoline Simmons, with Mrs. Will Sillery, president of the W. M. S. of­ ficiating. The regular meeting of the James Street Willing Workers. Mission Circle was held at the home of 'Miss Mildred Rowe on Monday evening During the business part of the meeting a letter of thanks was read from Saskatchewan in acknowledg­ ment of one the layettes that the Circle had seilt* Arraiigenients were made for the May meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Rollins, London. A short sketch or the work of Miss Laurie of Saskat­ chewan was given by Miss Loreen Dunn followed with prayer by May Jones. Pearl Wood favoured with an instrumental solo; readings were given by (May-me Pridham, Celia Christie, Ruby Stone and Ina Hard­ ing. An acceptable quartette was sung by Mrs. Goulding, Ina Hard­ ing, Loreen Dunn and Celia Christie. Mrs. Witmer read a chapter from the Study book. The meeting closed by all repeating the Mizpah benedic­ tion after which lunch was served.