HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-04-12, Page 5Ml THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL IS, 1»34 Seed Peas are now available for contract growers.—Canadian Can- 11 ers, Exeter. The sai> run lias this year. Mrs. Thos. Berry friends in Windsor. Mrs. Henry Mew, been very poor is visiting her of Goderich, spending a week visiting friends town, Mrs. Robt. visiting with in town. Miss |M‘ona is in isLove, of Hillsgreen, relatives and friends Miller has returned to her home after a pleasant visit with friends at Centralia- Miss Doris Adair, who has been away for some time visiting friends has returned home, Mr, Wm, Hoskins, of Mitchell, is spending a week visiting his daugh­ ter Mrs. Vern Hedden. Miss Pearl Harris, of Exeter, vis­ ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore on ISunday. Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London, was a recent visitor with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Ortwein. The Public and Continuation Schools reopened on Monday morn­ ing after the Easter holidays. Miss Ruth Coles, of Listowel has returned home after a pleasant week’s visit with friends here. iMr. Donald -Hoggarth left Monday for London where he expects to se­ cure a position on the railroad. Mr. John Passmore and friend of Delhi, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. Jas. Stapleton and little son, of London, were recent visitors at the home of iMr. William Stone. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Goderich, visited on Mr. and and (Mrs. Jas. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Thomas, spent the week-end at the home of |Mr. and Mrs. John Zuefle. IMiss Etta Bell, -of the London Life staff was a week-end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell. Mrs, J. L. Wils-on, of Stratford, was a week-end visitor with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buchanan, of St. Thomas, spent a few days last week visiting with Hensail relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Parlmer have mov­ ed into -the residence on Main St. recently vacated by Garfield Brown. Miss Margaret Hobkirk left last week for the west to visit her mother who has been -quite ill for some time. Mrs. James Dick, of the London Road south, spent last week here visiting with her daughter Mrs. Roy Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen, of Crom­ arty, visited on Saturday with Mr. W. -S. McLaren and Mr. and Mrs. R. McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and family, of Hyde Park were recent visitors with Mrs. John Johnson and Miss Margaret Johnson. Mrs. James Ross, of Seaforth, spent a few days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Basil Edwards and other friends. Mrs. Fred Corbet and daughter Evelyn, of Hay Township, visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy -McLaren. Mrs. Andrew Dougal and daugh­ ter Miss Cassie, have returned home after spending the winter with their friends out of town. Messrs. Fred Hess and Geo. Hess -have finished their contract of re­ pairing the pipe organ in the Lu­ theran (Church Zurich. Mr. and iM:rs. Roy McLaren, Mr. W. L. McLaren and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell, spent Srunday with Mr. Mrs. Alf. Hunkin, of Farquhar. Mr. Rory Geiger, who last week broke -his leg. in two places has re­ turned home from the Clinton Hos­ pital and is now doing splendidly. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein and family, of Crediton and Mr. and Mrs. (Samuel Gottschalk, or Seaforth, vis­ ited on iSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fee.Master Donald Willard, who had his leg badly fractured a couple of weeks ago in Welsh’s mill yard, is re-covering nicely and has the leg in a plaster cast. ‘The onion setts stored in the sev­ eral storehouses in the village are being rapidly moved out. A great many of them are being shipped to Toronto by motor truce. Mr. Edmund Geiger and daughter Miss Ruth have returned to their home in London after a very pleas­ ant week’s visit with his parents, Mr. and Mirs. Owen Geiger. Our council have had the roads ■all graded and» repaired and they are now in splendid condition. The work was done under the supervis­ ion of Reeve Jones and Councillor Robinson. Mr. William BOnthron and sister Mrs. L. -Simpson, of Detroit were called home last week -owing to. the very serious illness of the-ir sister Mrs. T. C. Joyrtt, who suffered a very Cleveland, of iSunday with A. Paterson. Zuefle, of St. severe heart attack but at time of i four brothers, William of Chicago; writing is somewhat improved. (John, of Exeter; George of Seaforth Miss Ellis entertained a number: and Thomas of Elimville, The funer- ' al which was private took place from his late home Thursday after­ noon, interment at McTaggart’s cemetery. of lady friends on Friday evening in honor of her aunt Mrs, Mew, of . Goderich, who is visiting in I-Iensall, About and a spent. The can church entertained the yoilng peoples society of the Anglican church, Seaforth. The visitors pro­ viding the program which was much enjoyed. Following a social hour lunch was served. The Welfare of Youth’s Club held their regular meeting on M-onday evening it being in charge of the Missionary committee. Following the Orchestra in attendance. Admission devotional exercises the business1 was discussed and the 'topic read by Hannah Murray, ‘Our First Herald to. the Redman” by Rev. (James Nis­ bet. The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction. IAI social half hour was spent. The W. M. S. of the United church held their monthly meeting last Thursday with Mrs. C. A. McDonell presiding. The meeting was opened with singing a hymn. After which a prayer was given. Mrs. McDonell read the Scripture lesson, Mrs. A. Sinclair then read the devotional leaflet. Mrs. Maud Hedden sang a solo ' ' * J ‘ and which was much enjoyed by all. The cer, Mrs. C. A. McDonell. Alfter which a hymn was sung and IMrs. Lammie closed the meeting with prayer. The Pageant and play which was held in the Presbyterian church on Flrd-ay evening was largely attend­ ed, The pageant "Our Easter (Chal­ lenge” presented by the members- of the Mission Band was much en­ joyed. Each member -doing excep­ tionally well. The costumes were very dainty representing Easter flowers. A short missionary play, “Joan’s -Rejoinder” was given by the members- of the Arnold Circle. Different characters taken by 'Mrs. Roy MacLaren, Mrs. Hutton, IMiss Olive Workman, Miss Hannah Mur­ ray, Irene Daters, (Sarah Manson, Dorothy Daters. This proved to be a very interesting play. The Young People's League of the United Church met on Monday evening with a fair attendance. The program was in charge of Miss Mil­ dred Smillie and -the evening was (Missionary night and the topic was along that line, Lome Elder presid­ ed in the absence of the pres., Miss Ver-da Watson. Following the devo­ tional period a pleasing instrument­ al was played by Lome Elder and the topic was in four parts and in­ troduced by Rev. A. Sinclair fol­ lowing are the ones who- took part and t-he various papers which they read: “Jesus as a Missionary,” (Miss Mildred Scruton; “Jesus as a Heal­ er,” Miss Marion Sinclair; “Jesus ■as a Teacher”, Miss Dorothy Mc­ Queen; “Jesus as a Preacher”, Miss Gladys Luker. Miss Ellis (gave a splendid reading which was much enjoyed. Next 'Monday evening will be Citizenship night and will be in charge o-f ‘Miss Doreen Farquhar. The Easter dance held in the Town Hall Friday evening and spon­ sored by the lucky four was well at­ tended, the hall being packed for the occasion. Splendid music Was furnished by the Murdock orchestra. One of the pleasing features -of the evening was the floor show during lunch, given by the following ar­ tists; violin selections, Miss Greta Lammie, accompanist, Miss Bella Smale; solos, “When Its lam'pligli-t- ing Time in the Valley”, “Over Somebody’s Else’s. Shoulder”, Mrs-. iMaud Hedden with Miss Florence Welsh at the piano; piano s-olo, Miss Florence Welsh; duet, “Down in the Valley”, “Coming Round the Moun­ tain” and “That (Silver Haired Dad- day of Mine” Mrs. Maude Hedden and Mr. Jiin Watson with guitar ac­ companiment by Jim Watson, by Mr. (Cyril Strange, artist and a -novelty fifteen ladies were present very enjoyable evening was A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul’s An gib in her usual pleasing manner study was taken by Mrs. Spen- Mrs. Carlisle, Mrs, Hobkirk, RED & WHITE STORE CREDITON A concert will be presented in the Town Hall, Crediton, Monday even­ ing, April 16th under t-he auspices of the Evangelical Ladies’ Aid and W. IM. S. Group 1. Program, solos, trios, readings, quartettes, instru­ mentals and (Scotch -songs. Musical numbers by W. R. Goulding, A.T.C. M. of Exeter. Play ‘That Rascal Pat’ GROCERY SPECIALS ( P. & G. LAUNDRY SOAP ......................................10 bays 29c. FAIRSEX TOILET SOAP...............................6 cakes for 25c. ANGLER SALMON ........................................1 lb. tin each 10c. GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE ........... 1-2 pkg. 2 for 25c. LIBBY’S PORK AND BEANS......................tall tin 4 for 25c. PEANUT BUTTER IN BULK.............................2 lbs. for 25c. DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS assorted flavors ., 6 for 25c. FRESH MOLASSES SNAPS....................................per lb. 10c. s Perfection Tomatoes Red & White Peas 1 Choice Sweet Corn 3 tins for 25c.Large and Sweet, 2 tins 25c I 2 tins for 19c. LARGE TIN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER—1 SHERBERT GLASS FREE FOR 25c adults 20c.; (children, 10c. Rev. Mr. Stainton, of Exeter, will ■give an illustrated lecture in the Evangelical Church on Friday, April 20 th, sponsored by the Young People’s Society. At the quarterly official board meeting of the United Church held on Monday afternoon, April 9th a unanimous Rev. J. W. Johnson to remain for. the third year. Mr. Johnson accepted the same. Mr. and Mrs. E. French, who'have been spending several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H, Oestricher returned to Toronto on Tuesday. IMr. and Mrs. Sam Lamport spent the holidays with relatives in De­ troit. Miss Lavina Smith is visiting in London for a week. The Wide Awake Class of the Evangelical Sunday School met re­ cently at the -home of Mr. and. (Mrs. E. Guettinger for their annual busi­ ness meeting. After a short pro­ gram consisting of musical selections and .readings the following, officers were elected: Pres,, Gertrude Beav­ er; Vice-Pres., Dorothy Fahrner; Secretary, Thelma Weber; Assist., Alma Ratz; Treasurer, Dorothy Ratz -Librarian, Agnes Lamport; -reporter Velma Guettinger. The remainder of the evening was spent in a social way. Refreshments were served and all reported an enjoyable time. Mrs. I. H. jM'acDonald, of Wallace­ town and son Aubrey visited Mrs. Zwicker for week. Mrs. Thomas Easter with her at London. Mrs. C. A, Rintoul has returned (to her home in Wingham after spending the past two months with her daughter, Mrs. M. W. Telfer. Miss Helen Telfer spent Easter week with relatives in Wingham. A reception service was held 'in the United Ghurch on .Sunday even­ ing, April 1st when fifteen were added to church membership on confession of faith and five by card. A baptismal service was also held at which one child received baptism Communion service was held at the close of the regulars service when a very Jarge number partook at the Table of -Our Lora, thus bring­ ing to a close -the end of a perfect .day. The Late William B. Gaiser William B. Gaiser, wa^ born July 11, 1862, near Grediton, a son of the late pioneer Adam Gaiser and hi;s wife Magdalene. In 1891 -he was married to Miss Sarah (Schwartz. This union was blest with sons and daughters; their whereabouts is as follows.: Pearl, at Toledo, Ohio; El­ sie, who is Mrs. (Dr.) G. E. Truem- n-er, of Cihesley; Earl, of Dashwood; Emmery in this vicinity; Addleen, who is our Continuation School prin­ cipal; Nola, who is Mrs. Wilkie iM-c- Gewan, of Ailsa Craig; Royal on tihe homestead and Borden with -his mother in Crediton. (Mr. Gaiser was an industrious farmer of our vicin­ ity for many years, a liberal sup­ porter of the Evangelical cnurch, ac­ commodating to friends and neigh­ bors and an all around respected cit­ izen. He died in the early hours of Saturday morning in the 72nd year of his age. -Private memorial ser­ vices were held the pastor Mr. assisted by Rev. wood. The pall Gaiser, John Haist, Albert Fahrner, and Edward Wurm. Interment at the Evangelical cemetery. ■invitation was- given Large Meaty Prunes New Cabbage........... Head Lettuce........... Fresh Dried Peaches Cowan’s Cocoa .... Fresh Soda Biscuits . 2 lbs. for 25c. . . . per lb. 5c. ... . each 10c. . , per lb. 20c. 1-2 lb. tin 15c. 2 lbs. for 23c. Crown Corn Syrup......... Big Five Cleanser ......... Fresh Mushrooms......... Fresh Celery Hearts . . , Fresh Spinach............... New Tomatoes............... , .. 5 lb. pail 35c. ...... per tin 5c. .... per lb. 39c. ................each 20c. ... 2 lb, for 25c. .........per lb. 18c. a few days with last spentTrevethick sister and friends ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 CENTRALIA “Quality always higher than price.” EXETER, ONT We Deliver Mona Miller, of Hensail, Easter holidays with Miss Florence Mitchell. Miss spent cousin__ Mr. W. T. Colwill and Aaron Hod­ gins left last week for tne west. Aaron Hodgins is going out to work for his. brother Mr. Elgin Hodgins. Mr. Jonah Kestle ana Mrs. Brown of near Dashwood visited over the week-end with Mrs. Armstrong and Mr. John Brown. _______ Mrs. Herman (Mitchell wa,s taken to London last week where she was operated on for appendicitis. Mrs. Murray Elliott underwent an operation for the removal -of her tonsils last week. Mr. Wm. Skelton, Mr. Kenneth Hodgins and Mr. Maurice Anderson, •of the Shamrock Creamery staff at­ tended a convention at the O. A. C. in Guelph on Wednesday of last week. The April meeting of the W. A. was held in -the solioolroo-m of the church on Thursday afternoon, April 5th with 3)5 members present. Mrs. FVank Langford had charge of the devotional exercises. The meeting was opened by the use of hymn 183 _ after which Mrs. A. Isaac led in prayer. A reading entitled “My Re­ ligion” was given by Mr. Langford. The .Scripture Lesson was read by .Mrs. H. McFalls, from the 22nd chapter of Proverbs. Hymn 191; A duet by (Mrs. A. Mitchell and Mrs. A. Isaac; reading by Mrs. H. McFallg entitled “The Ladies’ Aid.” Mrs. Willis then took the chair for a short business session. It was decid­ ed to hold a quilting on Thursday afternoon; hymn 231 was sung and Mrs. Willis closed the meeting. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. W. Esse-ry, Mrs. A. Hicks, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Haddock. CREDITON EAST her (John and Hogarth says: Good Chicks— Modest Profits— Satisfied Customers April Prices Greatly Reduced With egg prices lower, we are passing on our saving to our customers. That has al­ ways been Hogarth policy—to sell chicks at a moderate profit and give the best possible value -to the chick-buyers. Don’t buy any chicks till you have seen our new prices and catalogue. Seven breeds. Gov­ ernment Approval. “Super-Size chicks” from -extra large eggs. Write or phone 184 Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery EXETER, ONT. WHALENTHAMES ROAD Miss Florence Saunders, of Clin­ ton, was a visitor among old friends recently. ,Mr. N. Lamond has taken a posi­ tion with the Fuller Brush Company as one of their representatives. ■Mr. John Stewart is visiting with (Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Stewart. Miss H. Monteith and Mrs. N. (Hunkin were selected as delegates to the Presbyterial at Clinton. We are glad to hear Miss Rheta Cottle is improving after a -severe illness. Mrs. N. Passmore is unable to be around yet we are sorry to say. Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. Fossett, Mit­ chell and M-r. and Mrs. Harvey Pol­ len with Mrs. Pollen 1S1’., of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollen. (Mrs McKellar Sr. returned from London on Friday after a visit with Mrs. Lammond of that city. When ;S. IS. No. 2, opened on Mon­ day so-me new pupils were added to the number in school, about 40!, the largest for a few years. Mrs. John Morgan, of Russeldale, i-s recovering from an attack of sin­ us trouble. She is under bell’s care. Mr. Wm. Francis, of spent Monday afternoon old acuaintance, Mr. Dave Brown. Mr. Wm. Hillburn, of Toronto, is spending this week with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stewart. Master Charlie Harris was- a itor with friends at Munro the week. Miss Evelyn Parkinson is spend­ ing a few weeks with her cousin, Mrs. Stanley Orchard, of Thorndale Mrs. Hannah Millson, of Strat­ ford was a visitor with Mr. and )Mrs. George Millson during the week. Miss Dorothy Hazlewood was a. recent visitor of IMiss Mabel Elliott Lucan. < Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire and Shir­ ley spent Friday with Mrs. H. Whet­ stone, Anderson. Master Gerald Millson, of ILucan holidayed during the week with his cousin, Shirley Squire. Mrs. Alice Gunning, of Exeter, is visiting with her daughter, Mirs. Wilson Morley. IMr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire and family, of Farquhar and Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. George Squire. IMrs. Wellington Skinner and small daughter are staying with. Mrs. E. Foster for a time. MT. CARMEL Miss Katherine Doyle is spending a few weeks with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rowland, Park­ hill. (Martin O’Rourke left last week' for Milton, N. Dakota, where he will remain for a few months. [Miss Annie McPhee is on the sick list. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maters and small son of Simcoe spent a few days with Mrs. Maters parents Mr. and Mrs. dames- Garey. Master Regie Gooding, of Park­ hill, spent the week-end with his brother Norbet Gooding. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ash, of Detroit, spent a few days with Mrs. Ash’s parents iMr. and Mrs. Joe McKeever. Miss Mary McCann left on Mon­ day for “The Pines” Chatham to re­ sume her studies. (Michigan, with his -Se'lec- CIFPL solo, Miss were tions radio „ “The Old Spinning Wheel” June introduced by Mr. William Haylter. Lucky lunch ticket, Miss Edna Cor­ bett, Death of Robert Bell There passed away at his home on Lot 33, con 5, Usb-orne Township, south east of iHensall, Robert Bell aged 74 years. He was a son oLLthe late Mr. and Mrs. Robt Bell, of U-s- borne Twp. <Since the death of his -father Mr. Bell farmed the home­ stead farm on which he -died. He had been in poor health for some time but gradually grew weaker un­ til he passed away. Besides his widow he leaves to mourn his loss two daughters, Mrs. Thos. Drover and Mrs. Wm. Brintnell, of Hibbert Township and two sons, John at home and Earl in Washington; also Murdock. The artists Monday afternoon, Sipfptell- officiating A. W. Sauer, Dash­ bearers we-re W. H. Morlock, Christian Ezra Faist I Mrs. H. Pfaff .has- returned the past few of Ailsa Craig vis- past Cent a Mile Round Trip Friday April 20 v (Minimum 7'5c. adult, 40c. child) To TORONTO, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Woodstock, Paris, Brant­ ford, Hamilton, St. Catherines, Niagara Falls and intermediate points. Excursion tekets sold at all Stations Sarnia to Georgetown, includ­ ing all branch lines north to Goderich, Kincardine, Southampton, Wiarton, Owen Sound, -Durham, Cr-eemore, Sarnia, Komoka, Pot- tersbung, Stratford Excursion tickets also sold locally BETWEEN ANY 2 STATIONS at which tickets sold on Friday, April 20tli Also on FRIDAY, APRIL 20—'Prom selling stations named above to Whitby, Osliawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, CoboUrg, Trenton, Belleville, Naphnee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brookville, Prescott/ iMorrisburg, Cornwall and intermediate points. Eor fares, transit limits, train information, tickets consult nearest Agent, (Ask for handbill) CANADIAN NATIONAL SHIPKA The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid was held on Wednesday last at the home of IMS’S. Wm. Sweitzer. The president, Mrs. L. Finkbeiner, •opened -the meeting by singing hymn “The Great Physician now is near” aftea* which all repeated the- Lord’s Prayer in unison. The reports of the Secretary, Treasurer and Flow­ er committee were given. After the business was .over plans were made for a social evening at the home of Mrs. William Ratz on Thursday evening,-the 12th of April. The re­ mainder of -the afternoon was spent in a program and contests, consis­ ting of readings by Miss Pearl Keyes and Mrs. E. Keyes; piano solo by Mr. Roy Ratz,' a vocal solo by Mar­ garet Ratz. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Meeting was closed by a hymn and prayer by Mrs. E. Keys. Miss Vova Adams, who has spent the winter months is London has returned home. Miss Mona Teatreau spent EasteV holidays at the homo of lior aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. Isenbaeh, of Grand Bend. Miss Aludrey Yearley, of Creditor! spent tho Easter holidays with rela­ tives -here, Wm. Heatherly, of Sunday with Mr. Motz. The Misses Ila and Norma Shirley Schroeder have returned to their -home in Clandeboye after spending their Easter .holidays with their grandparents, M-r. J. Schroede1* Mrs. C. Oesch has returned to her home in Zurich after a few weeks visit with her sister, Sr. Miss Clara Lewis home after spending months in London. Mr. Fred Rawlings, is visiting at the home of his cousin Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and other relatives. Mr. and (Mrs. Thomas Baird and daughters, of Grand Bend spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. Garnet Rau left for Michigan this week after visiting for some time with .his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rau. Mr. and Mrs, London, spent and Mrs. Henry Miss Margaret Kulm, nurse-ln- training in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent the week-end with her parents, (Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn. IMr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein and two children attended the show in Hen­ sail on Saturday. Mr. John Schroeder visited Satur­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroeder at Clandeboyo the latter having injured -his knee and con­ fined to -Ills bed with it in a cast. Miss Mabel Hay and Victor Jeff­ rey, of Exeter, spent Sunday with the former’s. femandmoither,t IM^rs. Wilson Anderson. Mrs, Sam, Baynhain is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott near Fairfield where the latter is -confined to ■home through illness. her Rev. conduct Church GRAND BEND A. Laing, of Embryo, __ -the services- in tho United ton (Sunday. will WINCHELSEA School has reopened after Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. -George Frayne son Harold, of Exeter, spent a last week with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Clarke. Miss Marjorie Fletcher visited one day last Prance. Mrs. W. Eli in ville, family spent one day last week with -Mf; and Mrs. -Chas. Godbolt. Miss Grace Hocking, of Munroe, is spending a few days with her aunt Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Mr. and Mrs. William Wightman and • family, of Sebringville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman on Sunday. Miss Rhea Foster, of Granton, is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mr. I-Ierm-an Foster. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and family Misses Greta and Audrey Fletcher visited With Ml’, and Mrs. Warner McRoberts at Lucan on Fri­ day last. Mr. and Mrs. MerVin Pym and Donald, of ElimVille, Miss Leia Mol- lard, of Dashwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Prance on Sunday. Mr. R. E. Pooley spent Saturday last in London. (Mr. and -Mi‘s. Clafehce Fletcher and family spent Wednesday even­ ing of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis at Saintsbury. Mr “ Road, visited on Sunday with aunt Mrs. Walker Kerslake. the and day week with Miss Lois F. Batten and Gladys, of Mrs. Ray Fletcher and George Fletcher, of Thames his KIRKTON Seed Peas are now available fol4 contract growers.—Canadian Can- ners, Exeter. , Mrs. A. Tufts has returned home after spending a month with her son, Mr. Harold Tufts, of Toronto. Mrs. Ira M. Marshall is visiting this week with her mother, Mrs, Wm. Lankin, of Granton. Miss Mildred Doupe has returned home after working in London for a month. Miss Ivy Simms, of Owen -Sound, is visiting with iMr. and Mrs. T. Westborne. Milton and Mary IMieCuIlough Vis­ ited the past week with their grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. William Ryckman, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr, and^Mrs. John Cluff, Mt. Thomas Washburn, Mrs. Wes­ ley Doupe and Mrs. c. Routiy visited friends in Walkerton on Sunday. IMiss Helen Bickel! is visiting this week with friends in St. Marys. Definition of golf: Dale plllsi pur­ sued by purple people,