The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-03-29, Page 4THURSDAY, 29th, 1934 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE <** /* EASTER SAVINGS at Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter ORANGES CAKE FLOUR Swansdowq g g29c. pkg. or 2 for . OOCSweet & juicy Per dozen ............29c CABBAGE New, green g Per pound .......... LEMONS Large size 4 for........................9c FANCY BISCUITS SALTED PEANUTS Large Assort. OF 2 pounds for..........AwC Fresh Per pound ..............10c COOKING FIGS Finest quality Og 3 pounds for..........fcwl MAPLE BUDS Fresh q Per pound ...............& 5FC BANANAS Ripe and yellow OCjL 3 pounds for .......... BIRTHS JACKSON—In Stephen Twp., Mon­ day, March 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson, of Chatham, a . daughter. ! PYM—In Usborne Twp. on Tuesday, ! March 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Ajvin Pym, a daughter, (Marjorie Al- deen) COATES!—At Dr. Fletcners hospital on Wednesday, (Marell 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coates, of Usborne a son. KINSMAN—In Tuckersmith, Sun­ day, March 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsman, a son (Robert Wallace.) SKINNER—At Dr, Fletcher’s Hos- pital, on Sunday, March 2:5 th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Skinner, of Usborne, a daughter (Arlene Evelyn.) MARRIAGES WALTERS—CLARKE—At the Unit­ ed parsonage, Woodham, on Sat­ urday, March 24th Laura Blanche, daughter of Mr. and |Mrg. Nelson Clarke, to Mr. William Walters, all of Usborne, by Rev. Mr. Lovegrove Laird Bros. Specials Genuine Eugene Permanent $5.50 Realistic Croquignole .... $4.50 Charmaine Permanent . . . $3.50 Nu Beauty Oil Wave .... $2.50 With Curl or Ringlet Ends Prices include Shampoo, Finger­ wave and Trim Specialists in Hair Tinting 42516 Richmond St. Met. 4646 LONDON WE CARRY CITIES SERVICE COAL OIL 9 , It’s the best Z1C per gal The Store That Gives You'Value Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter Phone 58 We Deliver Mrs. (Rev.) Hagelsteln, of Ful- larton, has been confined to her bed ! for several days through illness. Union services are Being helid in the churches of Exeter and the sur­ rounding district this week with an exchange of ministers. On Good Fri­ day morning at 10.30 a union ser­ vice will be held in James Street | church. i Geo. Brunzlou, aged 17 years, who I has been working for Arthur Rundle ! of the Thames Road, was thrown from a horse Sunday morning andI was taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, suffering a possible fracture of the spine. LEAVITT’S THEATRE Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mar. 29, 30, 31st “NIGHT FLIGHT” A thrilling air drama with Helen Hayes, Clark Gabel, John and Lion­el Barrymore, Robert Montgomery, Myrna Loy.Comedy: Ted Healey »na his Stooges in “Hello Pop” an ai.l technicolor musical review Cartoon Moil., Tues., Wed., April 2, 3, 4th ED WYNN, the perfect fool in “THE CHIEF” Comedy and Sport Reel IN MEMOR1AM SIMS—In loving memory of our dear father William Sims, who passed away one year ago on the 24th day of March, 1913 3.Could we have raised his dying head Or heard his last faint sigh.We only know he passed away, And we could not say “Good-bye.” His heart was always in his home, He toiled and did his best, Until there came a call from heaven, God called him home to rest. —Sadly missed by family Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wilson visited with relatives in Seaforth on Sunday. Friday of this week will be Good Friday and a public holiday. Eas­ter comes on Sunday. Easter this year falls on All Fool’s Day, a very rare oecurance. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coursey, of Lucan, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Sarah Olive to Mr. Charles Gordon Atkinson, .sec­ ond son of Mr. and \Mrs'. Robert Atkinson, of Granton. The marriage to take place (quietly) at Holy Trinity Church, Lucan about the middle of April. KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. E. Bickell, of St. Marys visited at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bickell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, of Lucan, yisited with IMr. and Mrs. R. Humph­rey’s on Saturday. Mr. Halden Vietch, of London, spent the week-end with his friend Mr. Reg. Paul. Mrs. Ira Marshall spent the week­ end with her aunt IMrs. Silas Shier, of Bryanston. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Hazlewood has returned home after spending the winter with their sons Chester and William Hazelwood of Detroit. Mrs. C. Hazelwood and Edison ac­companying them. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. S. N. Shier and family of the death of the late Mr. Shier. auction sale — of --- FARM, FARM UMFLEiMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction at Lot 12, Concession is, STEPHEN Half mile north of Khiva, on FRIDAY. APRIL 6th, 1934 * at 1.30 o’clock the rollowing: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Dresser and stand, centre table, wash stand, 6 dining room chairs, 2 rocking- chairs, bureau, phonograph, parlor suite, dining room table, pedestal, 3 tables, kitchen stove, heater, writ­ ing desk, cupboard, linoleum, lard can and cream can, flour container, 3 beds and 2 springs, dresser, churn, clock, couch, sausage grinder, lard press.IMPLEMENTS — Wagon, cutter, hay fork and pulleys, grain grinder, straw cutter, wire stretchers, disc harrow, gravel box, turnip drill, light double driving harness, forkis, shovels, sugar kettle, fanning mill and numerous other articles. REAL ESTATE—5 0 acre pasture farm, being the south half of lot 14, con. 13, Stephen. TERMSREAL ESTATE—Made known on day of sale.CHATTELS—Cash. WILLIAM WITZEL, Proprietor FRANK TAY'LOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk. AUCTION SALE ---Of ---- HOUSEHOLD EFFECT'S The undersigned has received in­structions to sell by public auction in Exeter, on Alain SL, South, on SATURDAY, APRIL 7th, 1<)34 at 1.30 o’clock p.m. the following valuable property: 1 Extension table, 2 drop-leaf tables; dining-room suite, 2 couches 2 rocking chairs; secretary, 2 clocks living-room suite; player piano; 3 small tables; kitchen cabinet, three bedroom suites; quantity of bedding kitt>lien chairs, 4 rugs, sewing ma­ chine, Brit. T’reas. coal range, West­inghouse hydro range; Electric washer; cutlery; cooking utensils; set china dishes; quantity of odd dishes; pictures; vacuum cleaner; churn, lawn mower, step ladder, one long ladder, scythe, handsaw, saw­ horse, ash sifter, garden tools and other articles too numerous to men­tion. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale this splen­ did brick house and three acres of •hnd. The house is a one and a half storey with modern conven­ iences and is situate in an ideal lo­ cation. Stable on the property. Will be sold subject to reserve bid. TERMSChattels—Cash. Rea? Estate made known on day of sale. MRS. J. PEDLAR, Proprietress FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all 'creditors and others having claims against the estate of MARY ROBERTSON, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in tire County of Huron, Widow, who died on the Seventh day of January, A.D. 1934, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the ninth day of April, A. D. 1934. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall hay© notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont. this 14th day of March, A. D. 1934. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensail, Solicitors for Executor ATTACK THE CAUSE of Rheu­ matism, Seiatiea, Lumbago, USE RUMACAPS. FULL OF FRUIT for Good Friday Morning 20c. per dozen A Gorgeous Assortment of Easter Novelties at lowest Price. MIDDLETON’S BAKERY Phone 52. Leave your order early. Phone 52 GRAND BEND Miss Gertrude Lovie, of London, is spending a week with her parents Mr. and (Mrs. W. P. Lovie. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Statton visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Newton.Hayter Sunday. Mrs. McIntyre, of Ailsa Craig, is visiting her daughter-in-law Mrs. Finnin for a week. IMrs. McNall, of Goderich, is visit­ ing her daughter Mrs. Bert Craig for a week.Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt visited Mr. and (Mrs. Garnett Statton in Forest on Sunday. Miss Mary Yeo, wno has spent the winter in London is home and has opened up her beauty parlor. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bossenbury of Forest, visited the burg Wednes­ day last. Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Statton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker. Leave your orders early for Easter flowers and Easter Lilies at Grieve’s Drugstore. EXPERIMENT no longer—< it’s costly. Use Cress Corn Salve. Sold by Grieve’s Drugstore, Exeter NOTICE TO ckEDfTORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that al 1 creditors and others having claims against the estate of CATH­ ERINE O’MEARA, late of (lie Town­ ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Widow, wlio died ’ on the Second day of February, A'.D. 193 4, are required to forward their claims duly proven to he undersigned on or before the Sixteenth day of April A.D. 1934. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- cutrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 23rd day of March. A.D. 19l3i4. GLADIMAN & SiTANBURY Exeter and Hensail Solicitors for Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Mary Reardon, late of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 1:5th day of February, 1934, are required to for­ ward their claims duiy proven to the undersigned Administrator on or before the 2nd day of April, 1934. And Notice is further given that after this date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims ot which he then shall have notice. Dated at Crediton this 17th day of March, 1934. Herbert K. Eilber, Administrator Crediton, Ont, Veno’s Cough Syrup is composed’ of balsamic ingredients only. Pleas­ ant to take, no bad after-effects and will not harm the lungs. A soothing lightning-like action on all chest and head colds, banishing harshness and healing irritated membranes. At your druggist. Large size, 40c. Fam­ ily size, 715c. THE PRICE WILL ADVANCE April 7th, 1934 WHALEN Miss Alma Parkinson spent the past week with her grandmother Mrs. Jas. Swallow of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Porter and two sons, of London, Miss Ruth Morley and Mr. Ruzseil Brock, of Kirkton, spent Sunday at Mr. Will Morley’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning visit­ ed recently with Mr. anc Mrs. S. Webb of Greenway. Mrs. H. Squire visited several days during the past week with Mrs. J. Anderson, Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exeter, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. The W. A. meet at the home of Mrs. Walter Gunning on Thursday afternoon. The Last Opportunity is now,Yours.SOUTH HURON JUNIOR FARMER’S ASSOCIATION 1934 — year of outstanding auto­ motive achievement brings you Pontiac—a new model of The Domestic Gas Syndicate properties are situated in the very heart of the Haldimand Field, the largest wealth pro­ ducing Gas Section in South-Western Ontario. It has wonderful possibilities. It’s units are rapidly being taken up. Drilling opera­ tions will start in the very near future. The time to buy is now. The price will advance April 7th, 1934. 5,000 Units, with a par value of $2.50 each, are now be­ ing offered at $ 1.00 per unit This offer will expire April 7th, 1934. The price then advances to $1.50 per unit. Take advantage of this opportunity to-day. Send in your order at once for 10, 20, 50 or 100 units. A small in­ vestment made now has great possibilties of making you large profits in a Very short time. Jot down your name and address on the coupon below and we will be pleased to send you further information re­ garding this great opportunity. 11--—.......... a Domestic Gas Syndicate 68 King Street East, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: Without obli­ gation on my part please send me further informa­ tion regarding yom* Syndi­ cate. Name ............................. . Address ............................. ■ .............—......... B Domestic Gas Syndicate 68 King Street East Toronto, Ontario On March 14th the officers and executive of the South Huron Junior Farmers Association were guests of the Parkhill Junior Farmers where Mr. Alex Stewart, of Ailsa 'Craig, was the guest speaker. After the Junior Farmers meeting was ad­ journed they gathered with the Junior Institute to hold a joint meeting. Business was transacted following which the meeting was thrown open for a social hour when the girls and boys including the guests joined in playing a number of games, which were thoroughly en­ joyed by everyone. The Parkhill boys and girls intend visiting the Zurich organizations at a later date. On March 21st the Junior Farm­ ers called a special meeting inviting all girls in the district to attend. Miss Durnin, of Dungannon, was the girls’ special speaker on the organization of a Junior Institute. District repre­ sentative Mr. I. McLeod, of Clinton, also assisted Miss Durnin in helping the girls organize. The following of­ ficers were elected, Ilonorau’ ” IMrs. Harry Hess and Mrs. i:. Uldr-v | I Pres., Irene. Mousseau; vit.“-,L ., G. .Gelinas; 2nd viee-pres., Lottie Frey- muth; sec’y.-treas., Ahnie Coleman;* Dist. Directors, Grace Gelinas, An* j toinette Grenier, Monica Druar and ‘.Eleanor Ducharme. It was decided ■ to hold a meeting Tuesday evening ] April 3rd at 8 o’clock in the Zurich ■ town hall when the Junior 'Farmers ; and Junior Institute will each hold [their separate meeting after which a ’joint meeting will he held, ReV. Mr. ; Young, of Hnnsall, has kindly con­ sented to act as guest speaker for ■ the evening. extraordinary performance, comfort, and value ! Time-proved features which brought fame to past Pontiacs have been retained. Important new refinements have been added... many of them actually suggested by Canadian motorists, through their whole-hearted co-operation with General Motors’ Customer Research activities. First of all, the now-famous Knee- Action Wheels enable you to enjoy a Floating Ride. No bumps!. No jars! No shimmy! Naturally, the exclusive Fisher No-Draft Ventilation, pioneered in last year’s General Motors cars, has been re­ tained and improved to provide an even greater measure of comfort and protec­ tion. Safety is further assured by new Bendix brakes ... a strapping K-Y “Girder Box” frame .. . and new Multi­ Beam headlamps. Pontiac’s mighty Straight-8 engine has been correspond­ ingly advanced. It’s faster, smoother, more powerful, more economical... and, because of live rubber suspension, prac­ tically vibrationless. Then too, increase in wheelbase, in car weight, in body size, and in tire size, all tend to make this the roomiest, easiest-riding automobile ever to bear the famous Indian-head trademark 1 When you see this distinguished modern car, you’ll certainly want to drive it! And when you drive it, we promise you’ll experience an honest-to-goodness new sensation. Please accept our friendly invitation to ride and drive in Pontiac, the car that makes all roads smooth. Start the new year right! Let Pontiac show you the way to a completely new kind of low-cost motoring enjoyment and satisfaction. bigger SMOOTHER SMARTER 5AFER ^’-UROOMJER,knee-acti6n wheels new design NEW BENDIX BRAKES 7 ’^TURtHER • 9 A . lilORE POWERFUL < AND MODERbl STRONGER FRAME FiSHEft BODIES STRAIGHT 8 ENGINE^ STREAMLINING MULTI-BE.AM HEADLIGHTS Sf LVER ANNIVERSARY OF GENERAL MOTORS P-I4C SNELL BROS. & CO., EXETER Associate J. Passmore & Son, Hensall, Ont. Denlets C. Fritz & Son, Enrich, Ont. John Sprowl, Lucan, Ont.