HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-03-15, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE KA THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, 1934 1 Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter * The Store That Gives You Value Cowan’s Pure Cocoa 1 pound cans AA Reg. price,25c. . . . dGVC TOILET SOAP Palmolive g Per cake .................... OC PRUNES Large and juicy 2 pounds for......... Large Assortment FANCY CAKES All one price Two pounds for . . AwC Cook’s Special Blend COFFEE Fresh Ground Per pound ................sfcVC PEANUTS Fresh Salted >g Per pound ........... ■■ VC Fresh Vegetables, Oranges, Grapefruit at cut prices (All other lines cut to the bone) Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter Butter and Eggs Exchanged Phone 58 for Groceries Delivery CARD OF THANKS BIRTHS HODGINS—-At Lucan, on Sunday, March 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hodgins, a son. POOLEY — In Usborne, Thursday, March Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley, a daughter. ABBOTT—In Biddulph, on Sunday, March Uth to Mr. and Mrs. Mur­ ray Abbott, a daughter. DEATHS SHEERE—In Exeter on Thursday, March Sth, Catherine McLellan, beloved wife of Nelson Sheere, aged 5 4 years. ABBOTT — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, March 10h 1934, Francis Alvin Abbott, be­ loved son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Abbott, aged 25 years. IN MEMORIAL! It is one year since Lewis Desjar- dine passed away, March 10, 1933. There is beyond' the sky, A I-Icaven of joy an» love, And little Lewis when Went to that home We loved him yes, we But Jesus loved him And he has sweetly called him To yonder shining shore, The golden gates were open wide, A gentle , voice said come, An angel from the other side, Welcomed- our darling home. Father, mother and family. he died, above. loved him, more. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Abbott and family wish to express their sincere appreciation to the many friends for the many acts of kindness and sym­ pathy extended to them during their recent sad bereavement; also for the many floral tributes and the loan of cars. Special thanks is extended to Rev. Mr. Hunt and Rev. Mr. El­ liott. Miss Vera Essery, Mr. Gould- ing and the members of the Huronia Chorus. Mr. Nelsion Sheere and daughter Jean wish to express their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for the'kindness and sympathy ex­ tended during Mrs. Sheere’s illness and subsequent death and especially for the floral tributes and the loan of cars, also to the ladies who sent a shower of cards; to Rev. Mr. El­ liott, Rev. Mr. Stainton, Mr. W. R. Goulding and the I.O.O.F. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION The Exeter Horticultural Society Premium List for 1934 Closes March 31st MEMBERS ARE ENTITLED TO TWO CHOICES CHOICE 1—YEAR’S SUBSCRIPTION TO CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST or “BEAUTIFYING THE HOME GROUNDS OF CANADA” a booklet of great value to every member. CHOICE 2—LILY—3 Regale - CHOICE 3—HYBRID TEA ROSES: (Mrs. Chas. Lamplough (White) or Hadley (Red) or Captain Harvey Cant (piniki) or Angele Pernet (Apricot and Yellow) or Wm. F. Dreer (Yellow) CHOICE 4—CLIMBING ROSE—-Paul’s Scarlet CHOICE 5—FORSYTHIA (Golden Bell) EXTRA FALL PREMIUM To every member in 19 3 4 the -Society will give in the Fall an extra premium of 1 DOZEN TULIPS or 1 DOZEN DAFFODILS MEMBERSHIP FEE $1.00 MARK AN (X) IN FRONT OF ANY TWO OF THE ABOVE CHOICES, AND ONE OF THE FALL CHOICES....SIGN YOUR NAME AND MAIL OR HAND TO THE SECRETARY NOT LATER THAN MARCH 31st. SIGN HERE ............................................................................. ADDRESS ..................................................................................... DAVID ROWCLIFFE J. G- STANBURY, President Secretary-Treasurer ALL PREMIUMS WILL BE DELIVERED TO MEMBERS Living Room Ensemble Furnish Your Living Room at a Very Small Cost. WE ARE OFFERING A 3-PIECE GENUINE SANIBUILT CHESTERFIELD SUITE UPHOLSTERED WITH RUST TAPESTRY WITH CONTRASTING REVERSE CUSHION 1 Large Chesterfield 1 Large Cliib Chair 1 large Fireside Chair 1 Bridge Lamp and Shade. 1 Table Lamp and Shade 1 Walnut Finish Chesterfield Table 1 Solid Walnut End Table with Book Trough 1 Solid Walnut Smoker. 1 Foot Stool 1 Satin Cushion to Match Chesterfield. at this remarkable low price Don't miss this Opportunity E. R. HOPPER, Exeter M.A., of Toronto. Dr, was assisted by Madame Russian Prima Donna, a remarkable life history I SPLENDID SERVICES The week of special services held in the James St. United Clinch were brought to a olose Friday evening with an interesting lecture on the customs and -costumes of the people of Bible lands. The services during the week were in charge of Dr, F. A. Robinson, Robinson Karinska, who has and whose singing delighted the au­ dience, He was. also assisted by Miss C. B. Grunert, pianist. On Wednesday evening Dr. Robinson gave his lecture on "Building bet­ ter bodies.” For twenty years Dr. Robinson suffered from arthritis and other ailments. He had' under­ gone nine operations and had' been in the hands of numerous specialists A tenth operation was ad-vised. Twice he had hadi the skin burned from the upper -part of his- body and a running ulcer had bothered him for years. Four years ago he start­ ed on a special diet and today he is free of all ailments. He tells a remarkable story. On Thursday evening Dr. Robinson gave an illus­ trated lecture showing many beau­ tiful views of the Holy land. On Friday evening he spoke on the cus­ toms of the people of Bible lands and about fifteen persons were dressed in native costumes purchas­ ed abroad by Dr. Robinson. (Some of the costumes were very elaborate and expensive. The pictures and lec­ tures were very instructive and en­ tertaining. There were splendid audiences each evening. I KIRKTON A number of hockey fans motor­ ed to gtratford Wednesday night to witness the game piayeu between Stratford and Toronto. Miss Nettie Routly, of London, is home for a two weeks* vacation. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Geo. Hall fell and fruciureo her hip. Miss Mahaffey, of St. Marys, is at­ tending her. Mr. and Mi’s. Reg. Doupe and family, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with IMr. and Mrs. Wm, Denham. •Mr. and Mrs. N. Routly, little Floyd and Miss Ella spent -Sunday with their mother Mrs. M. Routly also Mrs. E, Allen, of Staff,a. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis, their son Lome and Miss Jean Hocking spent gunday with friends at Munro Miss Evelyn Walkoni returned them. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions from the. exe­ cutor of the estate of the late Hannah Kent to offer the following real estate for sale at her late resi­ dence in the Village of Centralia on with FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1934 at 2 o’clock pan.; more particularly described as Lots 69 and 74 accord­ ing to a survey of a portion of the SJ of Lot 4, .in .the 1st concession of the Township of Stephen, made by John S. V. Caddy, P.L.S. containing by admeasurement two-fifths of an acre of land more or less. There is a brick house, stable and well on the place, making a desirable resi­ dence. ELIMVILLE Terms of Sale Ten per cent on day sale; balance in thirty days thereafter. Neil from near iSea- at Mr. Bruce Cooper’s last. and Evelyn Whitlock FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. NELSON BAKER, Executor of the Hannah Kent, Estate. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodgert, Jeanette and forth, visited on .Saturday (Misses Joy of St. Thomas, were 'callers nere on Sunday. Miss Catherine Peters, of London spent the week-end at her home here. About thirty-five members of the brotherhood attended the ban­ quet at Dundas Centre church in London on -Friday night of week. Friends of Mrs. (Rev.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS L. last The South Huron Ministerial Association held its regular month­ ly meeting at the home of Rev. A. E. Elliott, Tuesday afternoon, Mar. 6tli with a splendid attendance. The paper for the day was in charge of Rev. Hugh Taylor, M.A., B.D., pas­ tor of Thames Road United Church The speaker dealt with "The For­ eign Missionary Outlooito,” basing his remarks on the report of the Appraisal Committee, as contained in the book "Re-thinking Missions Mr. Taylor stated that the cause of Foreign Missions was at present at crosss-roads, and wondered just what the attitude of the ministry of the church was with regard to this great work of the Christian Church suggesting that such attitude would be reflected in the congrega-. tion. The speaker felt that, on the whole the report of the Committee was friendly. While they did not deny the centrality of Jesus they did not give him the place of en­ thronement which he ought to have' Mr. Taylor pointed out that the central purpose of the missionary' enterprise was to evangelize, but that a Christian Church should not be oblivious to the tremendous phy­ sical and mental needs of the people and consequently Medical and Edu­ cational work came into being and were in themselves definite Christ­ ian woriki in addition to a means of opening the way for evangelistic effort. Tribute was also paid to the work of the West University. Following tion of the paper the tered into an earnest the future of Missionary work. The Association is fortunate in having among its membership two veterans of the foreign missionary field in the persons of Rev. Mr. Taylor and Rev. S. M. Gordon of Caven Church both of whom spent a good many years in China and. are by personal deal with a On behalf Mr. Parker of the splendid thought provoking paper. As a visitor for the afternoon the Association was glad to welcome Dr. Robinson, who was conducting special services at James St. United Church. Dr, Robinson spoke briefly to those present with relatiorf to Dr. F. B. Meyer with whom he had been closely associated during many of his preaching tours. In the course of his remarks he related many in­ teresting incidents which revealed the simplicity and godly earnestness of the great expositor. The next meeting will be held at the home of Rev. W. A. Young, of Hensall. At .the close of the meeting Mrs. Elliott delighted the members with a delicious lunch. JAMES STREET w. M. S. St. after- M. S. years 1889. China Union the presenta- members en- dis|eussion of experience fitted to subject of this nature, of those present Rev. expressed! appreciation FORMER EXETER BOY DIES IN HAMILTON A former Exeter boy in the per­ son of William E. Smith died in Hamilton Wednesday of last week, in his 44th year. The deceased was born in Crediton the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Smith. For sev­ eral years the family were residents of Exeter leaving here about thirty years ago for Hamilton. For the past twenty-five years |Mr. Smith was a member of the staff of Wood, Al­ exander & James and was one of the most popular commercial travel­ lers in Western Ontario. Sometime ago he underwent an operation for appendicitis and was on his way to recovery when he was stricken with a heart attack. He is survived' by his parents, his widow and one daughter Frances Mary, also two brothers, C. F., of Hamilton r Edgar N., of Toronto. Th- ain<-ra’ was held on Friday last. Mr. U, K. Silber, of Crediton and Mrs. Wil­ liam Kuntz, of town, attended the funeral. The W. M. S. met in James Church parlors on Tuesday noon March 6th, as the W. was first organized forty-five ago on that late in the year It was -thought advisable to- observe the day for the regular meeting but the celebration of the day will be on Sunday, April 15tn, when" Mrs. Childs will be the special speaker of j the evening service and on Monday, the 16th there will be a supper in the church followed by a good pro­ gram The president, Mrs. Christie, took charge of the business. Follow­ ing the roll call the secretary Mrs. Horney read the minutes of the last meeting which was adopted. The corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. j Shapton and the Treas., Mrs. Down I gave their reports which were quite satisfactory. Plans were made for the coming anniversary and sup­ per. A hymn was- sung followed by several sentence prayers. Mrs. Geo. Snell read the scripture lesson; Mrs. Stone gave a reading followed by a duet by Miss Link and Mrs. E. [Lin­ denfield of 'the Mission Circle ac­ companied' by Mrs. H. -C. Carey; Mr.s. Eli Coultis gave a reading on "Education in China”; (Mrs. D. Row- cliffe on "Educating the adults of China”; and a reading by Mrs. Og­ den on "Religion in China.” The C.'G.I.T. girls in charge -of Mrs. W. R Goulding gave two numbers; Miss Grace Strange giving a reading ac­ companied on the piano and obligato from the violin and a -chorus from the other girls. Four girls of the Mission Band gave a selection. A trio was then sung by Mrs. Goulding, H. Elliott and G. Stone. The meeting closed with singing and prayer after which lunch was served to all. The only surviving member of ithe orig-) inal W. (M1. S. organized in 1889 is Mrs. E. A. Follidk and the corres­ ponding secretary Mrs. E. iShapton was -asked- to write h$r a letter. Mrs. R. E. Pickard, who recently passed on to her reward, was als-o a mem­ ber of the first W.M.S. organization. j White will be pleased to ikmow that she is making satisfactory progress after her recent operation in a Windsor hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C'has. Stephen and- family visited at Mr. Wilson Haw­ kins at Seaforth last Sund-ay. Mrs. Hawkins has been confined to her bed with heart trouble for the past month. Mrs. Ivor Morgan is recovering from an attack of tonsilitis. WHALEN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of LAWRENCE BARRY, j late of the Township of McGillivray in the County of Middlesex, farmer deceased, who died on or anout the 16th day of October 1933, are re­ quired to forward their claims', duly proven to H. Elilber & Son, Crediton on or before the 24m aay of March 1934. , AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after this date the Execu­ tors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Crediton, this 7 th day of March 1934. Theresa Heffernann James. Glavin R.R. I, Clandeboye R.R. 1, Crediton Executors atMrs. E. Foster visited of Mr. and IMrs. Herman Winchelsea, recently. Mrs. C. Millson and fam- NOTICE TO CREDITORS For children’s bronchial and chest ailments, Veso’s Lightning Cough Syrup brings comforting relief. No hasty taste—-no violent breath-tak­ ing suddenness or questionable af­ ter effects—a quick soothing and healing of the fnflamodr area. Safe and effective. At your druggists— Large Size 40fe., Family size 75c. Mr. and the home Foster, of # Mr. and ily of Lucan, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Millson. Mrs. Wilson Morley and Ola spent several days during the past week with Mrs. Alex -Gunning of Exeter. (Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, Exeter, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. Miss Mabel Elliott, of Lucan, spent the week-end with her friend Miss Dorothy Hazelwooa. Mr. and Mrs. Franlki Gunning spent Saturday in London. The Ladies’ Association are hav­ ing a meat pie supper in the base­ ment of the church on Friday even­ ing March 16tli. The program will consist of lantern- slides on "A Trip From Coast to Coast” and talent from Kirkton and Centralia. W. M. S. meeting of the W.M.-S. Thursday afternoon in Mrs. E. 'Squire was in The meeting opened by NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ■all -creditors and others- having claims against the estate of MARY ROBERTSON, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, Huron, Widow, Seventh day.of are required to 1 duly proven to or before the A. D. 1934. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont. this 14th of March, A. D. 1934. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall, Solicitors for Executor in the County of who died on the January, A.D. 1934, forward their claims, the undersigned on ninth day of April, day A regular was held on the church, the chair, singing hymn 239 and Rev. |Mr. Ste­ wart offered prayer. A dialogue "Harriett’s New Six Pence’’ was giv­ en by Jean Morley and Merle Squire The Devotional leaflet and Scrip­ ture lesson was reaa by Mrs. Will Hodgson. A short time was taken for buiness and readings were given by Mrs. Hazelwood. "Jesus Shall Reign Where ere the Sun” and Mary Morley "The Way of the Cross” Hymn 3 84 was sung and benediction by Rev. Mr. (Stewart closed the meeting. HARPLEY Don’t forget the St. Patrick’s So­ cial at Grace Church Greenway on Friday night March 16th. Every­ body welcome. The community extend their deep­ est sympathy to Mr. gtanley Hart on the death of his brother in Corn­ wall, England. .Mrs. J. J. Carruthers is staying with her mother Mrs. Fin)k/beiner who is ill at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love -spent Saturday evening in Exeter with Mr. and |Mrs. S .Greb. Miss Nola Wilson entertained the choir of Grace church Greenway to choir practise and a social evening last Thursday evening. Grand Champion Bakers of 27 Ontario Counties! Miss Betty Dickson, Grand Cham­ pion Cake-Maker of the Five Roses Baking Contest, and Mrs, Roy Pat­ ten, Grand Champion Bread-Maker, have each won the sterling silver tea set pictured above and a cheque for $50. Mrs. A. Rodine. Niagara-on-lbe-Lake. Mrs. D. B. Ritchie, Parry Sound. Mrs. D. B. Ritchie, 2nd Cake-Maker, and Mrs. A. Rodine, 2nd Bread-Maker, have each received a sterling silver bowl and a cheque for $25. Macdonald Institute, Guelph, has judged the final com­ petition of the Five Roses Baking Contest, and the ladies shown here have been declared Grand Champions of the entire territory in which total baking contests were held during the past winter. Our. congratulations to them, and to everyone who qualified to enter the Grand Championship competition. There were 327 entries in all (160 Cake and 167 bread), representing the baking skill of 27 Ontafio Counties. Judging was done by Miss M. M. Darby, Miss M. C. Kay and Mtss Jean Millar, of the staff of Macdonald Institute. ' ............ If XPU haven’t yet cnj’oyed the all-purpose Convenience of live Roses Flout in your home, why not try it now? A richer, more satisfying flavour; foods that keep fresh longer; and a greater yield per bag than from softer flours, are some of the reasons why Five Roses Flour IS used exclusively in thousands of Canadian homes. FIVE ROSES FLOUR Officii at Toronto (For takes, Pastry, biscuits, Rolls, Bread, etc.)' Milled by LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING CO. Limited Ottawa London Hamilton Brantford Sudbury Saule Ste. Mafic, Ont.; and Montreal, P.O.