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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-03-08, Page 8
THURSDAY, MARCH 8th. 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BEAUTY SHOPPE Manicuring Finger Waving Eyebrow Arcliing Marcelling Facials Permanent Waving We Co-Operate With Nature Phone 231J for Appointment EXETER, ONTARIO 20 years' Exeter Markets Wheat, 82c. Oats 39c. Barley, 50c. Buckwheat, 48c. Manitoba’s Best, $2.00. Model Flour, $2.00 Welcome Flour $2.00 Low Grade Flour, $1.50 Shorts, $1.30. Bran, $1,30 Creamery Butter 33, 34c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter, 25c., 2 8c. extras 20c. firsts 18c. seconds 14 c. $8.75 PIANO TUNING and repairing. S. Boardman, of London, will be in Exeter Thursday, Mar. Sth. Orders left with S. Martin will receive prompt attention. Over experience. CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS—now $1.50.—Browning’s Drugstore will deal His Uni Woman The Extension Department, Uni versity of Western Ontario presents The University of the Air over CFPL The Free Press, London, at 6.15 to 6.30 pan. The lectures this week with “The Student Views versify.” March 12 th—An Arts Views her University—IMiss Mar gery Rean. March 13th—An Arts IMIan Views his University.—Mr. John Symons. March 14th—A Medical Student Views his University.—-Mr. Palmer McCormick. March 15th—An Athlete Views His University, Mr. Stewart Ward. March 16th—A Student in Pub lic Health Nursing Views Her Uni versity.—Miss Mary Rutherford. In the World of Science March 19th—Chemistry Surmounts the Depression—Dr. J. A. Gunton. (March 20th—The Infinite Uni verse.—Dr. R. C. Dearie. March 21st—The Infinitesimal Universe.—Dr. R. C. Dearie. March 22nd—The Mathematical Universe.—Dr. R. C. Dearie. March 23 rd—The Metaphysical Universe.—Dr. R. C. Dearie. THERE IS a remedy made for pos itive foot relief. Use Cress Corn Salve. At your druggist.—Grieve’s Drug Store POTATOES FOR SALE—No. 1, Dooley, Frank Lewis, phone Credit- on 40r24. An Auction Sale of Ontario horses and Seed Grain is being held at Baker’s barns, Exeter, today (Thurs day) Godbait and Sparks*, propriet ors. Thames Road Farmers’ Club are booking orders for a car of Feed Oats and a car of 'cedar posts. Phone orders right away as we cannot buy unless we have the orders.—Percy Passmore, Secretary. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE—Ap ply to Alvin Essery, Centralia. 3-8-tfc i I j LOCALS ' I_________________i Mr. J. Kuntz, of wmasor, spent the week-end Miss Viola after a severe Mrs. J. R. _ ill in Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital return ed to her home in Biddulph on Mon day. * (Miss Marjorie Hunter R.N., has- returned to her home arter waiting on Mrs. Hy. Rodd, of Woodham, who is improving. Miss Harriet Knipe, R. N., who has spent the winter here with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Sanders, left Mon day for Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pollen, Mr. C. W. Kestle and.Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollen spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. & Pollen at Rev. J. H. Stainton Monday evening after past week in Toronto His aunt, Mrs. Jones, serious operation Sunday. Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.D., of Caven Presbyterian Church was the guest speaker at St. Marys on Mon day evening. Mrs. Gordon accompan ied him and visited her sister there. The many friends of Mrs. C. H, Sanders, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London, for several weeks, will be pleased to know that she is improved. She returned to her nome on Satuday. Miss Hilda Sims very pleasantly entertained her Sunday School class one evening last week. A pork and bean supper was enjoyed followed by games and music. A jolly time was spent by all. A beautiful bouquet of flowers adorned the pulpit in the James St. United church on Sunday the gift of Mrs. Spackman and daughter, Toronto, in loving memory of late John Dickson Spackman. Messrs. Frank Creech, of Times-Advocate staff, and V. dux, of the Canadian Bank of merce, joined a hockey team Pabkihill and left for Chicago day two the city ed together a strong team having se cured a forward line from Listowel, the rest of the players being from Parkhill and Ailsa Craig. This should make a fine outing for the boys. LOCALS at his home here. Skinner is improving attack -of appendicitis. Ogden, who has been Flint, Mich, arrived home spending the and Whitby, underwent a of the the Ber- Com- from Mon playevening where they will exhibition games this week with “Baby Ruth’s” of the Chicago league. Parkhill have gather- incuba- running Reasonably priced. FOR SALE—2 Buckeye tors, 175-egg 'capacity. Good condition. ply to Mrs. Ben Elder. Hensall Caven Young People’s Guild their regular meeting Monday Ap- ltp re-SEED FOR SALE—Double cleaned Alberta Oats.—-Apply Cen tralia Farmers’ Co-Operative Go. held even ing. The program was in charge of the Missionary -Committee. Norman Stanlake gave a talk on the life of Dr. James Robertson and this theme was enlarged upon by IMiss Jeckell and Mr. Strang. MAIN ST. Y. P. S. DOG LOST—Black collie dog with white around the neck and white breast. Lost for about a week. Ans wers to the name or Tony. Kindly notify Hilton Ford, R. 1, Exeter, Telephone, Dashwood. SPECIAL SALE Our sale continues for this week only of our 3 grades of flour Mani toba’s Best, Model & Welcome at $2 per cwt. Better estimate your re quirements and put in a good -supply. HARVEY BROS. The ing of Society was well attended on Mon day evening. Mfr. Koch was in the chair. Two violin duets by Marion Powell and. Charles Pearce were en joyed. Mr. W. G. Medd then ©poke on “Enrichment through Church Relationships”, dealing with the topic under four main headings: Worship; Friendship; the program of the Church; Fellowship with Jesus. Special references were made throughout to Rev. E. Crossley Hun ter, of Toronto. Christian Fellowship- meet- the Main St. Young Peoples SEED GRAIN FOR S-AJOE—Im proved Banner Oats, test 3 8 lbs.; O. A. C. No. 21 Barley, test 51 lbs. Both perfectly clean and grown from certified seed. A. Hicks, Centralia. WANTED1—Soyabean acreage for Chatham factory. They are mort gage lifters and land builders, Apply to Roy Stebbins, R.R. No. 4, Thed ford, contractor. 2-22-4t. HOUSE FOR SALE—On the Lake Road in North ward of Exeter. Four acres of land, good house, barn, chicken coop, also good well. This- place can be bought with a down payment balance to be paid each month as rent. For particulars see- or write Charles Wileon, Hay P.O. FOR SALE COLUMN 1 Light Oak side board, extension table, dresser. 2 Amberola phonograph, 49 rec ords, $5.00; 3 Oak Treasure, medium sized heater $6.00 4 Range, good grates, oven res ervoir and warming cabinet, $15.00 Push sleigh, bedroom suite, baby buggy, springs. See J, w. Powell, phone 122. PAIN GONE IN 15 MINUTES us> ing RUMACAPS for Rheumatism. Backache and Sciatica.—-W. S. Cole, Druggist. JAMES STREET W. A. The regidar monthly meeting of the James Street W. A. was held in the basement ol the Church Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. iSteiner, the President, presided. After the open ing exercises, Mrs. Hubert Jones read the Scripture lesson. Plans were made for -catering to the bro therhood: banquet in April. (Mrs. Ru fus Kestle gave a -splendid reading and a trio iby Mrs. Goulding, Hazel Elliott and Gladys Stone was ap preciated by all. The meeting clos ed with the Mizpah benediction and a social half hour was s-pent. TRIVITT A. Y. P. A. Th© regular meeting of he Trivitt Memorial A. Y. P. A. was held on Monday in the Parish Hall. The meeting was opened by Miss Flor ence West, vice-pres., with everyone singing the hymn "Jesus Lover of My Soul” followed by prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Tena McCurdp, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted1 and the roll called. Mrs, Hunt gave an interesting Literary talk on two- famous poets, Archibald Lampman and J. G. Whittier. "My Task” was sung by ,Mrs. N. J. Dore, Rev. M. A. Hunt closed the mooting’, with the benediction, 1 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Subject: “Anger that Kills” 7 p.m.—Evening Worship Subject: “In Honour Preferring One Another”i I JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH* OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“John Wesley and the Methodist Period.” 3rd in the ser ies ‘Contributions of the Heretics’ p.m.—iSunday School p.m.—“Humanity Uprooted” a re view of the book) oy Maurice Hin dus on the subject of Communism The following question’ will be anwsered “Is Communism a Chris tian social order.” Wednesday—Dr. Robinson “Build ing better bodies” Thursday—Illustrated, lecture. Friday—Pagea’nt Everybody welcome. -Come and bring yours friends 3 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. 13. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader H 3 a, MEN’S FINE CLOTHING What about Ordering that New Suit for Easter ? Present prices on clothing cannot last as fine woollens are much higher in price. We would suggest that you buy early while we have such a fine variety to choose from. Beautiful all wool materials at $17.95, Extra Pants $3.95 TOOKE COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS NEW HATS FOR SPRING Are well made and come in such a fine range of pattern. Besides they are fast col- Showing the new shapes and shades. You will want one when you’ see them. lors. Extra Value $1.00.The Price is $1.95 NEW CAPS MEN’S ALL WOOL |SWEATERS In a fine range of new patterns. These come in fine worsteds and tweeds. They give wonderful wear as well as being warm and cazy. 79c. and $1.00 Special at $1.40 Wear Heel Hugger Shoes this Spring If you are having trouble with your feet—why not triy a pair of Murray’s Heel-Hug ger shoes. They are wonderful fitters. They come in 192 sizes in all widths and the new spring styles are sitre to please. MINER OR DOMINION RUBBER BOOTS We offer you either of these well known makes. T^ey are hard to beat. Per Pair $2.50 ALL WOOL SWEATERS FOR BOYS a.m.—'“The Face of Jesus. p.m.—Sunday School u.m.—-Service will be 'conducted by Western University Students: Harry Jennings, Theology; IMiss I Jean Vail, Arts; William Klinok:, Medicine. “Chrisian Fellowship I Group.” High school students ' and other young people especially J invited. Monday!—>Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer meeting 7 i I ! 10 PRIDE BATS FOR COMFORTERS Don’t fail to see this wonderful quality Chinese Cotton Bat, size 72”x90”. Special at 59c. STAMPED MATS 10 Dozen Boy’s All Wool Sweaters worth easily $1.25. Sizes 24 to 34. Special at 98c. A new shipment showing the newest patterns, just arrived this week. Each 25c. Don’t Fail to See the New Wallpapers A splendid assortment suitable for any room in your home. You will be surprised at their low prices. A few rolls will make a wonderful difference in the |appearance of your home SEE OUR ROOM LOTS AT 99c., $1.29 and $1.49 Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middletniss a.m.—U-Go-I-Go Class 11a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—-Evensong and Sermon. — WHY NOT ATTEND — A BETTER DANCE '■—IN — Exeter Opera House — on — March 8Thiirs., ADMISSION 25c. and 15c. ALL THE MODERN DANCE HITS J DUTCH COCOA Per lb. Pure 10c EXTRA — AT — PRUNES APPLE or RASPBERRY JAM Large Jar 24c 10 c. PER CAN SALMON Angler of nr 1-2 ib. tins.. 3 tor 25c My-T-Nice Wheat Flakes The Ideal Porridge, per lb..........OC ALYMER PUMPKIN Large Size AYLMER TOMATOES Large Size AYLMER SAUER KRAUT Large Size AYLMER PORK & BEANS Large Size I Choice Quality 2 lbs. for .... FIG BARS Dried Per lb. PEACHES 20c Dried Per lb. APPLES 5c Fresh Per lb.15c REPORT OF S. S. NO. 2, LSBORNE The following is the report of S. S. No. 2, Usborne for the months of January and February. ■Sr. IV—-Ruth Taylor, Lawrence Anderson, Lenore Anderson, Nor- hian Ferguson. Jr. IV—Marilynn Campbell, Vera Pollen. Wilmer Fergus-on. iSr. IIP—Margaret Allison, Doris Duncan, Alma Borland, Ruby Simp son, Mildred Allen, Graham Canup- bell, Mildred Hodgert. Jr. Ill—Jack Stewart, June Co ward, Ronnie Gollings, Billie Rhode, Reg. -Hodgert, Robert Simpson. Sr. II—Billie Allen, Glen Stewart Mao Hodgert. Edwin Miller, Wilma Borland, Gerald Campbell, Allan Co ward, ' " Jr. Sr. Bray, gert, Annie Simpson. Jr. Pr.—Jack Borland, Melvin Coward. Best spellers for garet Allison, Jack Stewart. Number on roll tendance 91.5 per A Certain Standard of Appearance for the West, making their M. S. meeting Everett Pollen. II—Jean Coward. Pr.—iRay Stewart, Donald Roberta Duncan, Marion Hod- the months .Mar- Stewart and Ray 37; average at- cent. H. G. Anderson, teacher LUCAN The weekly meeting of the Chris tian Fellowship Group was held on Thursday evening at th© home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blair. The presi dent, Mr. .Spencer Blair, presided. SPECIAL DOMINION AND FIRESTONE TIREJ3 A big stock to choose from at greatly reduced prices BATTERIES Guaranteed Batteries at all prices Trade-in allowance on your old Battery LOWER LABOR RATES ON ALL MAKES OF CARS DON’T OVERLOOK seeing the new tsandard Chevrolet The lowest priced car in Cana da, Now on display at our showrooms. Snell Bros. & Go. Phone 100 i A number of young people from Lon don motored out for the meeting. One of the guest speakers was Mr. Harry Jennings who brought to the Y. P. a very profitable message. The Christian Fellowship meetings are proving a wonderful blessing to those who attened. t Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Whalen left Wednesday morning where they intend future home. The monthly W. was held, at the home of )Mlrs. I. Gil son on February 22nd. The president Mrs. Zurtrigg presided. The reports from the delegates, (Miss. G. White andi Mrs. Rev. Johnston, of the re cent convention held, in London were ejoyed by all. Mrs. Myron Culbert favored us with a beautiful solo ac companied by Mrs. Chown. After the meeting lunch was served, by the lumch committee, Mrs. McNamee, Mrs. Freckleton, Mrs. Durham, Mrs. •Quigley, Mrs. M. Culbert, Mrs. Gib son. iMrs. John Blair is confined to her bed with the ’flu. -On Tuesday evening a good num ber gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ehler for Bible Study under the leadership of Rev. S. MclFalls. After the meeting a beautiful Bible was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Whalen before their departure to the West. Miss Elizabeth Butler read the address! and Edna and Kathleen Hodgins made the presen tation. Mr. Whalen thanked the friends for their token of remem brance. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. We are pleased to report that one of the members of the Women’s In stitute in the person of Mrs. Roy Patton received first prize for her bread at Guelph recently. Mrs. Pat ton also received first prize here in the contest the Institute held re cently. (Mrs. Patton received val uable pizes on both occasions. Con gratulations Mrs. Patton. Yoast-Vite Tonic Tablets bring safe, sure relief from headaches. Easy to take, quick in action, Yeast- Vite Tablets will not effect stomaich or disturb the heart, time you have a headache Yeast-Vite. At your druggist. 35c. ahd $1.00. , the Next take 15c., CO must be maintained by the man who is con stantly making social and business contacts. To these men Taman’s Clothes are a simple means of being well dressed on a moderate budget. For Taman’s Clothes, though moderately priced, possess that fine char acter inseparable from custom tailored clothes. Every garment is hand cut and tailored to individual measure from genuine all-wool British fabrics. Visit out NEW showing at your earliest convenience. Sel ect your fabric from our choice array of patterns, weaves and colors, and have it tailored to your measurements in exactly the style you prefer. “ Clothes of Quality ” sold by W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. ELEVEN NEW CAR SALES THIS YEAR AND THESE TRADE-INS ARE GOOD VALUE 1930 FORD COUPE 1930 PONTIAC COACH 1933 FORD COACH 1932 CHEVROLET COUPE $5.90Batteries—Heavy 13-plate our special price ..... Best Prices on Tires, Tubes and Gasoline Our old established low labor rates are still quite' popular, SANDY ELLIOT We use genuine Ford parts , >... ............................. Phone 64 B,