HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-03-08, Page 4THURSDAY, MARCH 8th. 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE KIRKTON MT. CARMEL TIMELY VALUES AT Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter THAT MEANS EXTRA DOLLARS TO YOU FINEST COCOA Nothing better Per pound ............... 1UC HANDY AMMONIA Softens water g Per package ...................OC ROMAN MEAL * Jackson’s Per package dfci 5rC CORN SYRUP Edwardburg 5 pou,nds ....................wOC FINEST SALT 100 pound bagsEach .......................... /OC VANILLA Finest Quality *1 Large bottles..............UC past few are prac- spring is met at FULL SIZE LOAF OF BREAD- White or Brown, per loaf 6c. The Store That Gives You Value Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter Phone 58 We Deliver BIRTHS M-oFALLS—ffn. Biddulph on Tues­ day, February 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McFalls, a daughter iMiss Mildred Doupe lias gone to London for a month ta'klng Miss N. Routly’s position, while she is home on a month’s holidays. We welcome the mild weather that we have been having the days. The ice and snow tically all gone. We think just round the corner. The Ladies Association the home of Mrs. Ira -.Marshall last Thursday afternoon with fourteen ladies present. They are planning on a supper for the 27th of March. The Library held a very success­ ful concert on Saturday evening. This -concert was to have been held in February but owing to the ex­ treme weather had- to be postponed until the following night when con­ sidering the roads a good crowd was present. The concert started with community singing led by MT. >C. Paul, with 'MTs. C. Paul at the piano. Rev. Lewis assisted by several of the boys gave the first half of the pro­ gram, the last half being contributed by Miss M. and Mr. A. Berry; Mr. Wheelen, the iMisses Mills-, McNaugh­ ton and Wynn; Mr. W-m. Mills, Mr. C. Paul and boys and Eva White. Miss Walkom directed the children in a dialogue. Rev. Parson was in the chair and. gave a talk on the lib­ rary in which he stated the fee had been reduced to 75c. per year and expressed the hope that more people would be induced to join. •Miss Ellen Quinlan passed away on Wednesday, February 29tli at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she had been taking treatments for the past ten days aged 74 years. Miss Quinlan had been living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Carey from whose home the funeral took place to the R. C, cemetery on Friday at 10 a.m. with requiem mass celebrat­ ed by Rev. Fr. Corcoran. Mrs. Andrew Morrissey and babe arrived home on Thursday from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mr. William Barry left last week Milton, N. Da'ktota.for WJNCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delbridge of St. Marys, visited with the former’s mother Mrs. Geo. Delbridge on Sun­ day. IMr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkland and son visited with Mr. and- Mrs1. Jas. Horne on Thursday evening of last week. Miss Vera Pollen, of Farquhar, is Visiting her cousin Miss Ethel Co­ ward for a few days. • Mrs. Nelson Clarke spent a few days- last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quance of Exeter. Mr. George Fletcher has engaged for the summer with Mr. Jack- Hod­ gert Thames Road. Mr. Ray Norris lias gone to work with Mrs. Dann near Granton. 5 years old, .due July 16th; 1 4 years old, due July 19th; 1 7 years old, due August 8th; 1 7 years old, due August 30th; CLEARING AUCTION SALE --- of --- FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction, LOT 8, NO. 4 HIGHWAY Half a mile north of Hensall, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1934 at one o’clock sharp HO-RSES—1 Belgian team geld­ ings, rising 4 years old, weighing 1600 pounds each. •CATTLE—1 Durham cow, due middle of March, 5 years old; 1 cow due'middle of April, 5 years old; 1 cow, cow, cow, cow, 1 caw, 7 years old, due September 7; 1 heifer, 3 years old, due September 29th; 1 heifer, 1 year old; 2 baby beef steers, 7 months old. HOGS—Two Pure bred Yorkshire sows, due time of sale; 5 store hogs about 180i lbs.; 7 pigs, seven weeks old. IMPLEMENTS—4M. H. binder, 6- ft. cut; M. H. seed drill, 11 hoe; M. H. hay rake, 10 ft. cut; M. H. mow­ er 6 ft. cut,; land roller; 3-horse cultivator; disc, scuffler, bean cul­ tivator, set diamond1 harrows, Beav­ er, two-furrow gang plow, single riding plow, walking plow, turnip and1 mangold sower; 4 h.p. Gilson engine, good as new; Clinton fan­ ning mill; 1 three-quarter wagon; 1 low-down wagon; gravel box, 1 set sleighs, 1 flat sleigh rack; wagon box with spring seat and shelvings complete; hay rack; stock rack; 1 cutting box, set fox scales; 1290 lbs. buggy and cutter; root pulper; 1 pea harvester and buncher. HARNESS'—|Set heavy breeching harness; set plow harness; set single harness; number of horse collars. Brooder stove with pipes and can­ opy, complete; logging chain; scoop, shovel, 2 neck yokes, 2 sets heavy whiffletreesx 4 sets light whiffle- trees, sling -chain, 6 sling ropes, De Laval Cream separator, canvas stack cover size 20x20 ft.; hay knife, coal oil drum, 25 gallons; two barrels. And numerous other articles. TERMS. All sums of ten dollars cash over that amount credit will be given on approved joint notes or of 4 per cent, straight will be given for cash. No reserve, as the pro­ prietor has rented his farm, DONALD M. PARK, Proprietor R. Y. MCLAREN, C.lark FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer and under, 7 months furnishing a discount Take Beecham’s Pills, the safest and best family laxative for the re­ lief of constipation, liverishness1, in­ digestion, headaches and- tiredness. Take Beecham’s Pille yourself to­ night, and feel better in the morn­ ing. The ideal laxative, safest, best cheapest. and. 50e. at your druggist. DEATHS HOOPER—In London on Saturday, March 3rd, Adolphusi Hooper, in. his 76th year. HOOPER—In March 2nd son, widow Hooper, of year. Hensall Margaret of the Clinton., on Friday, Jane Atkin-- late Albert in her 71st THAMES ROAD Miss Anna Hackney has returned afer visiting with her sister Mrs. William Harper, of Mitchell. fMr. Arnold Hern, of Woodham, was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. James Anderson. With the advent of milder weath­ er, seed catalogues and spring chickens. Help is being secured for the coming season, Mr. R. -Mavens has engaged with Mr. N. Passmore and Mr. George Fletcher with Mr. John Hodgert. Miss Rheta Cottle is under Dr. Fletcher’s care; we wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollen accom­ panied by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Poll­ en of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sim. Pollen in Flint, Michigan. W. M. S. The W. M. S. held their meet­ ing at the “Manse” Thursday with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Kydd was in the chair and an interesting program was arranged Mrs. Allison gave a reading, entit­ led' “The Deacon’s Tenth”; Mrs. Rhode, a reading; Mirs. Archie Mor­ gan sang a beautiful solo, “Holding My Hand” accompanied by IMrs. A. Stewart. A report of the finance committee was heard from Mrs. P. Stone also a good visiting committee Miss Montieth also paper. The meeting tence prayer after which tea served’ and enjoyed by all. Thames Road Y. P. regular meeting Road Y.P.S. wasi night, February 27th. The was opened with president Lamport in the chair. A after which the report from the for February, gave a splendid closed with sen- was S. of held on theThe Thames Tuesday meeting William hymn was sung Lord’s Prayer was repeated in uni­ son. The minutes of the last meet­ ing were read; moved by William Allison and seconded by Lloyd Ball- antyne minutes be adopted. Carried The roll call was' answered. Eliza­ beth Thomson then took charge of the meeting. Jeanette Stone read the Scripture lesson. The explana­ tion of the Scripture was given by Anna Rhode. The topiic was given in two parts by Elizabeth Thomson and Ivan Stewart. Miss Blackball gave a reading. A musical selection was given by Noreen MeNicol and Ivan Stewart. Rev. Mr. Taylor gave a short talk. The meeting closed by the Mizpah Benediction and an en­ joyable time was spent in contests and games under the leadership of Jean Duncan. Lunch was served./ ELIMVILLE Miss Agnes Logan has been con­ fined to her b^d for a week past. Mrs. Murch has been attending her. Miss Logan’s friends all hope she will soon regain her usual health.— The W. A. intend' holding a St. Pat­ rick’s social on .March 16th. will also present Brotherhood of this going to Dundas Church, London, on if the condition of weather are favorable.—Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Johns were host and hos­ tess to their neighbors numbering about twenty-five on Thursday ev­ ening of last week. The supper was of the potluck! order and was of gteht variety. A program of musical numbers and speeches was given af­ terwards and the remainder of the evening wa spent in woefal chat.— Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Johns and Patty visited relatives in St. Marys Tues­ day.—Messrs, Benson and Roland Williams were in Chatham on Wed­ nesday on business. They a play.i—The church intend Centre United Friday evening the roads and •Mr. ai W. S. HOWEY DRUGGIST EXETER We DeliverPhone 50, 2 for 35c MURIEL2 for 1” HOME REMEDIES 2 for 50c lyal Milk of M Mint Flavored,2 For 50c NYAL FIZZ SALTS THIRTY FIVE LINE NYAL LAXATIVE CAPSULES 2 for 50c 25c 25c 35c 15c 25c 25c NYAL ANALGESIC BALM 50c 25c 50c NYAL KLEER-A-HED NYSIS BATH SALTS (Small) 2 for 50c Small 60c 2 For 60c Brilliant Lilac Hair Oil. • 2 For 50c 2 For 50c 2 For 1.00 $1.00 EMULSION COD LIVER OIL 2 for $1.00 NYAL ANTACID POWDER For Indlgertiqn, Heart-burn, ■ Acid Stomach and ,pyipep»|a 2 hr 50c DALON DUSTING POWDER A cooling, drying Bath Powder for use after the Sil bath. Large box with puff 2 for $1.00 NYAL HUSKEYS. ’ Relieve Tickling Coughs or Huskey Throats. 25c Box 2 for 25c 25c NYAL CARBOLIC SALVE- 2 for 25c 20c 25c 25c NYAD HEALTH SOAP (Carbolated) 10c a Cake ..............'... 2 for 10c Twice yearly, Nyal Service Drug Stores offer this nation-wide /z2 for V' sale—an opportunity to buy two standard, full-sized items of the same kind or the same price for the price of one. In other words, you buy one—we give you another FREE. Come early, shop and save on everyday drug needs. lAAAAAAA^ 50c NYAL DYSPEPSIA TABLETS 2 for 50c 35c Shaving Cream 2 for 35c 35c Shaving Lotion 2 for 35c 35c Men’s Talcum. 2 for 35c 25c Nyal Charcoal Lozenges 25c Nyal Castor Oil Tasty... 50c Nyal Eye Drops............... 25c Nyal Headache Pdrs.... ' NYNAPS—SANITARY PADS L Deodorized, Sterile and very Absorbent.........................2 for 45c^ 1.00 Cod Liver Oil (Stand). ?5c Nyal Earache Drops.. 50c r •- ■ ' 25c oc ^50c 25c $50c VEGETABLE <25c LAXATIVE < 50c TABLETS C 2 for 25c ^25c 35c ' NYAL ’ MENTHOLATED * BALM 2 for 3.5c ■fWJII 2 for 89c $1.00 NYAGAR NYAL CHOCOLAX 2 for 25c CONSTIPATION 2 for $1.00 NYAL FIGSEN 2 for 25c NYSS (Large) $1.00 NYAL BLOOD PURIFIER $1.00 BEEF, IRON &. WINE 2 for $1.00 $1.00 NYAL NYAL WHITE LINIMENT 2 for 50c NYAL A. B. S. & C. TABLETS 2 for 25c THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY March 8th, 9th and 10th DALON TOILETRIES AT "2 for 1 ^1 "Q® new and beautiful Dalon Toiletries include NYAL every requisite for a complete Home STRENGTHENING > Beauty Treatment. TONIC <75c NOURISHING CREAM. Firms and strengthens facial muscles 2 for $1.00 >75CPOUNDATION SEp^^P2h!^c 75c FACE POWDER. Fine but very adherent. ...........................2 for 75c 75c‘FACIAL FRESHENER. Facial tonic and astrin­ gent lotion... 2 for 75c 75c CLEANSING CREAM. A deep pore cleanser. ............................2 for 75c 35cTALCUM POWDER. ............................2 for 35c HOI*IEREHEDII MiEDlGlWl PYLORA TOOTH POWDER An antiseptic, cleans­ ing, Tooth Powder. Economical. Large Tin 2 for 50c A Brushless, Latherless Shav­ ing Cream, that will make the dullest razor do its best. 2 for 35c V8 SHAVING CREAM ► MEDICINE CABINET SPECIALS .25c Camphorated Oil...-......................2 for 25c ’ 20c Boric Acid (Sifter)............................2 for 20c ► 25c Castor Oil Tasteless.. 2 for 25c 1,00 Mint Cod Liver Oil,2 for 1.00 fig ► 25c Compound Licorice p® Po.........................2 for 25c Epsom Salt...........2 for 15c tS Flaxseed Whole..... 2 for 25c Glycerin A Rose Water........................2 for 25c Pure Glycerin..... .2 for 25c Mercurochrome..... 2 for 25c Olive Oil....................2 for 35c Seidlitz Powders..-. .2 for 25c Soln. Iodine (Weak).2 for 20c Spts. Camphor............2 for 25c Dist. Ext. Witch Hazel ........................................2 for 25c "2 fori” COUGH SYRUPS Nyal Baby Cough Syrup................2 for 25c Nyal Cherry Cough Syrup.............2 for 25c Nyal Ephedrine Cough Syrup.. .2 for 50c Nyal H. & H. Cough Syrup.........2 for 50c Nyal Pinol..........................................2 for 50c Nyal White Pine & Tar..................2 for 25c Nyal White Pine & Tar.................2 for 50c 50c < NYAL < EPHEDRINE < JELLY < 2 for 50c wawa 25c NYAL CORN REMOVER 2 for 25c Nycetal Tablets 24s.. .2 for 25c Nycetal Tablets 50s... .2 for 40c Nycetal Tablets 100s . .2 for 75c Nycetal Comp. Tabs. . .2 for 25c Milk of Magnesia..........2 for 50c Aromatic Cascara............2 for 25c Blaud Laxative Tablets.. 2 for 50c Nyal Vaporizing Salve.2 for 50c Cascara Sagrada Tablets.2 for 50c Nylax..................................2 for 25c Nyal Boric Acid Oint­ ment Tubes....................2 for 25c Nyalyptus..........................2 for 75c 1.00 Nyal Mineral Oil..........2 for 1.00 25c Nyal Cold Sore Lotion.2 for 25c 1.00 Nyal Digestive Tonic.. .2 for 1.00 ® 50c Nyal Face Cream............2 for 50c 1.00 Cod Liver Oil (Stand)... 2 for 1.00 _______________________2 for 25c Nyal Emulsion Cod Liver Oil..................................2 for 50c Saccharin Tablets J4 gr..2 for 30c Saccharin Tablets 1 gr...2 for 40c Nyal Fig Syrup................2 for 50c “ ‘ ' 1 “ - ■ 2 for 1.00 30c 40c 50c _____________. 1.00 Nyal Celery Nervine... 2 tor 1 .OC. 25c Nyseptol Tooth Paste..2 for 25c 1.00 Nyseptol Antiseptic.. .2 for 1.00 50c Nyal Milk of Magnesia Mint Flavored.............L______ 50c Nyal Worm Powders.. .2 for 50c 50c 50c Nykaline, 8 oz.. 1.00 Nykaline, 20 oz.............irur i.w 1.00 Nyal Comp. Syrup Hypo­ phosphites....................2 for 1.00 50c Rectone.............................2 for 50c 25c Nyal Stomach A Liver Pills.....................is...2 for 25c .. .2 for 25c <. . .2 for 25c .. .2 for 50c ...2 for 25cs NYSIS ALMOND AND CUCUMBER CREAM A delicately perfumed, quick drying lotion. Soothes and softens irritated skin. 2 for 50c NYAL NYALOIDS 2 for 25c 25c 15c 25c 25c 60c 1.00 50c 50c "2 for 1” SPECIALS Nyal Headache A Neuralgia Tablets.............................................2 for 25c Nyal Little Liver Pills..................2 for 25c Nyal Soda Mint Tablets.......2 for 15c Nyal Yellow Pills...........................2 for 25c Nyal Eas'em................ 2 for 25c Nyal Kilcr.i .......2 for 60c Nyal Kilem. ..................*............ 2 for 1.00 Foot Balm......... ...............*..............2 for 50c Kidney Pills............ .............. 2 for 50c ’ RUBBER GOODS AND SUNDRIES ’ 1.75 Nimrod Hot Water Bottle............2 for 1.75 »1.25 Nycert Hot Water Bottle..... .2 for 1.25 '2.00 Windsor Douche Syringe... *••2 for 2.00 k 2.00 Fountain Syringe ..........»., .2 for 2.00 Black Band Nipples... •. ..... >2 for 10c Nyceit Lead Pencils........ ,.2 for 5c Nycest Rubber Eraser,. .. .,.. .2 for 5c Shaving Brush................t for 95c Nylo Playing Cards,.;».2 for 75c Nurstr............................2 for 10c PAR SHAVING CREAM Softens the beard and makes the Razor cut better. 50c Large Tube. 2 for 50c ASTOR AT "2 fori" 50c Cleansing Cream.2 for 50c 50c Brilliantine............2 for 50c 50c Deep Pore Cleanser ..................................2 for 50c 50c Face Powder, Flesh and Brunette...................2 for 50c 50c Powder Base Cream ...................... .2 for 50c 50c Wave Set.................2 for 50c 50c Camphor Iced Skin Cream.....................2 for 50c 50c Cocoa Butter Night ' Cream.....................2 for 50c 50c Special Hand Lotion ..................................2 for 50c 50c Rose Water, Glycerin & Benzoin..................2 for 50c STATIONERY SPECIALS Dunbar Flat Paper. .. 2 for 75c Dunbar Envelopes.. .2 for 30c Saintclaire Papetries, Linen & Kid Finish.2 for 50c De Ramesav Papetries, Linen & Kid Finish.2 for 75c Warncliffe Papetries, Linen & Kid Finish............2 for 1.00 Glenalda Envelopes, Linen A Kid Finish............2 for 15c Glenalda Pad, Note Size, Linen A Kia Finish.2 for 15c Glenalda Pad, Linen A Kid Finish, Ladies Letter Size .....................................2 for 25c Glenalda Pad, Linen A Kid Finish, Letter Size.2 for 30c 50c NYAL CATARRHAL BALM 2 for 50c BATH SALTS *2 for 1” TOILETRIES 2 for 50c Nyal Hirsutone...............................2 for 60c Nyal Hirsutone......................... 2 for 1.00 Nyal Milk of Magnesia Tooth' Paste.;.,..................2 for 50c .Nydenta Tooth Paste.....................2 for 50c Nyal Tooth Paste (Mint 'or Wintergreen)............................... .2 for 25c Nysis Brilliantine, Liquid..... .2 for 50c Nysis Cocoanut Oil Shampoo.. .2 for 50c Nysis Quinine and Sage Hair Tonic..;...........................................2 for 50c Nysis Tar Shampoo.. t. .............2 for 50c NylotisTheatrical Cold Cream.. .2 for 1.00 Nysis Wave Set............................’.2 for 50c Nysis Witch Hazel Cream..... .2 for 50c Nysis Hand Lotion...........2 for 50c Nysis Hand Lotion.. ....................2 for 25c Baby Powder........ 7....... 2 for 25c Nysis Face Powder, Flesh and . Brunette............................ 2 for 25c 50c Nyal All Purpose Cream. 60c.............. 1,00 50c EXTRA I 2 for $1.00, AAAAAAA/SOAP SPECIALS Nyal Cocoanut and Almond Soap.,. *4 for 31c Nyal Hardwater Soap. ....................4 for 29c Nyal Medicine Cabinet Soap....... .2 for 25c COMBS AND TOOTH BRUSHES 25c Dressing Comb.................... .2 for 25c 20c Men's Comb.-.................................. 2 for 20c 20cPocket Comb.....................................2 for 20c 15c Bobbie Comb.............2 for 15c 25c Royal Windsor Tooth Brush.. .2 for 25c 50c Nyseptol Tpoth Brush . ..............1'.... 2 for 50c FIRST AID SUPPLIES 16 oz. Hospital Cotton.......M.2 for 75c 2 oz. Absorbent Cotton..........................2 for 25c 1 lA, Gauze Bandage..r... 2 for 10c 2 in. Gauze Bandage............... .2 for 15c 1 yd. Sterile Gauze..............2 for 20c Yl in. x 2)4 yd- Adhesive Plastet.... .2 for 20c 1 in. x 1 yd. Adhesive Plaster,........ 2 for 15c •STONE ROOT COMPOUND 2 for $1.00 ' Gentle but efficient In action. 50c Box. NYAL LAXACOLD COLO IN Hi 10 ^AAAAAA^