HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-02-22, Page 8■» THURSDAY, FEBUVAM’ 22, l»3 t THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE iW—»iirT/inw>iiWfc»M E. L. JOHNSTON, Painter and Paper Hanger, Sun worthy Papers, Martin-Senor paints. See my samples and get an estimation on your job during the slack season. All work guaranteed satisfactory. No obliga­ tion Residence behind Presbyter­ ian Church. BOX SOCIAL Under the auspices of the C.G.I.T. in James St. church, on Wednesday, February 28th, at 8 p.m. Play “From Down East.” Admission 15c. Box limit 10c. Ladies with boxes free. Exeter Markets Wheat, 82 c. Oats 39c. Barley 48c. Buckwheat, 48c. Manitoba’s Best, $2.50, Model Flour $2.3'5 ■Welcome Flour $2.00 Low Grade Flour, $1.50 Shorts, $1.30. Bran, $1.30 •Creamery Butter, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH wwrw RKE3Witl!9U3 ONLY CRESS CORN SALVE is sola with money-back guarantee Grieve’s Drugstore, Exeter. at (SEED GRAIN FOR SALE—Im­ proved Banner oatts, test 38 lbs.; O. A. C. No, 21 Barley, test 51 lbs. Both perfectly clean and grown from certified seed. A. Hicks, Centralia. FOR SALE—A bunch of York chunks in good condition, around 100 lbs. each. Apply John B. Hyde, Lot 8, Con. 2, Stanley twp., or phone 41 r 86, Hensall. 2-22-ltc WANTED—Soyabean acreage for Chatham factory. They are mort­ gage lifters and land builders. Apply to Roy Stebbins, R.R. No. 4, Then- ford, contractor. 2-22-4t. acresFOR SALE OR RENT—75 pasture, never failing water in creek Would lease a term of years crop­ ping forty aces. Lot 16, con. 7, Hay W. C. Pearce, Exeter Itc. FOR SALE—17 hogs weighing around S'5 pounds.—Apply to A. B. Rowcliffe, Hensail, phone S5r33. Itc. HOUSE FOR SALE—On the Lake Road in North ward of Exeter. Four acres of land, good house, barn, chicken coop, also good well. This place can be bought with a down payment balance to be paid each month as rent. Foi’ particulars see. or write Charles Wilson, Hay P.O. ■Come in and see our mixed chop which sells for $20.00 a ton. We carry a full line of cilick feed in­ cluding starter, chick scratch, con­ centrate, meat scraps, fish meal, bone meal, oyster shells and grit. Leave your order for No. 2 C. W. double recleaned Alberta Oats seed.—HARVEY BROS. for NOTICE— Owing to uncertain road conditions we are taking in hogs at R. G. Seldon’s weigh scales and yards every Monday morning up until 12 o’clock noon. Bring in your hogs and get the top price for them, phone ington For further information 171r6, Exeter. A. W. Ether- £"-Son. FOR SAFE COLUMN 1 Light Oak side board, extension table, dresser. 2 Amberola phonograph, 49 rec­ ords, $5.0 0> 3 Oak Treasure, medium sized heater $6.00 4 Range, good grates, oven res­ ervoir and warming cabinet, $15.00 Push sleigh, bedroom suite, baby buggy, springs. See J. W. Powell, phone 122. SALE—Eight-room red brick in Centralia, with three ac- land and frame stable. House condition and land in FOR house res of is in good good state of cultivation. For terms and conditions apply at Sleamon’s Store. FARM FOR SALE—Lot 10, con­ cession 9 in McGillivray Township, 2% miles west of Mooresville; 99J acres of land. Brick house with brick kitchen and woodshed, bank barn on cement foundations; imple­ment house, good water 'supply, about 29 acres fall plowed. Conven­ ient to churehs and market. For par­ ticulars write to J. D. Stewart, R. R. No. 2, Kippen, Ont. 30c., Buttei' 21, 24c. extras, 33c, firsts, 30ic, seconds, 25c. $9.00 31c. 0M ’■’I-’? W ■R’111 "*** ■ i i 1 LOCALS 1 i i The Exeter Women's Institute are holding a Progressive Euchre and Crokinole in the Town Hall on Tues­ day, February 27 th. Admission 25 c. Rev and Mrs. Gordon will be at home at the Presbyterian Manse, on Wednesday, February 2Sth, from 3 to 6 in the afternoon, and in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Norry, Lon- par- Sun- Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, Sunday with his parents, Mr. :3tc. IFOR RENT—Comfortable brick house in good location on Albert St. modern conveniences. Apply to R. D. Hunter, R. 3, Exeter, l-25-2tp. WANTED—At once, an equipped farm to work on shares by exper­ ienced farmer or would consider work by the year. Apply to J. C. Saundercock, Hensall, Ont. NEW FARM EQUIPMENT ON DISPLAY All farmers are interested in farm equipment of new design. Come in and see the MeCormick-Deering 4A all steel Spreader, ite copperized to resist rust and ammonia. The New No. 7 mower with all gears ana mechanism in an enclosed case run­ ning in a bath of oil, absolutely noiseless. Our Cream Separators are second to none. Over 200 have been sold from Exeter office in 1932-33. Ask your neighbors about the all steel stainless discs, and the turbine prin­ ciple that makes them turn so eas­ ily. We will gladly demonstrate it for you. We have a number of trade m Machinery, Binders, Drills, Spread­ ers, Plows, Cultivators and Cream Separators at bargain prices. The new prices for 1934 have ar­ rived, they will be a pleasant sur­ prise for contemplating purchasers. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY, LTD, Exeter, Ont. Mr. Ted Taman, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Florence Stewart, of Lon­ don, visited in town Sunday. Mr. Clarence Boyle, of London, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. K. Clarke visited in London for a few days last week. Mr. Marvin Howey, of Aylmer, visited at his home here over the week-end. Mrs, N. Sheere, who has been ser­ iously ill with pneumonia, is slowly improving. Mrs. C. H. Sanders, who is ill in Victoria Hospital, London, is slowly improving. Mr. Grafton Cochrane visited with his aunt, Mrs. Lounds, in Windsor over the week-end. )Mrs. R. A. Crawford returned on Saturday after visiting for two weeks with relatives at Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Black, don, visited with the latter’s ents, day. Dr. spent and Mrs. Jas. Lawson. The many friends of Mr. Samuel Sweet will regret to know that he is confined to his home through ill­ ness. Miss Zeta Nadiger, nurse-in-train­ ing at Victoria Hospital, spent Sunday with Mr. Odgen. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. the latter’s father IMr. London visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Pulleyblank on Sunday. Mr. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, and Miss Dorothy Snell, of St. Thomas visited at the latter’s home in town ovei’ the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard and little daughter the week-end. daughter are week. Hot Corned Supper by Cavan Circle at the Central Hotel, Satur­ day, February 24th from 5.3 0 to 8 o’clock. Admission 25c. ‘Mrs. Maud Heywood, of London, spent several days in town, the guests of Mrs. H. Parsons visiting her brother Mr. Arthur Francis ana other friends. Mrs. John May, of Toronto, visit­ ed. with relatives in Exeter for a couple of days last week. Mrs. May came to Hensall to visit with her sister, Mrs. Albert Hooper, who is quite seriously ill. /Mrs. F. Triebner, of town, recent-, ly celebrated her 73rd birthday. Members of the family together with a number of friends were present and enjoyed a sociable evening. Luncheon was served. Permanent Waves in Spiral, Cro- quignole or Combination, ringlet ends, Marcels, Finger Waves, Mani­ cures, Shampoos and Eyebrows Arched at popular prices at the New Beauty Shoppe, phone 23lj for ap­ pointment.—H. 'M. Smith, Exeter. Reeve W. D. Sanders was in To­ ronto last week gathering informa­ tion in connection with the govern­ ment grants for relief purposes. He was assured that the government is willing to assist to the extent of two-thirds of the amount spent on relief in Exeter, In the report of the death of IMr. Walter E. Batten, of London, a former resident of Exeter, the names of three omitted, ley, Mrs. an d Mrs. ton. Mr. George Chittick, who has been manager of the local branch of the; Chainway Store has Marys, where he will new duties as Marys branch. St. Marys Strathroy, ent. Messrs, W. E, Middleton, I J. M. Southcott Wednesday evening of last week at­ tending the banquet in Hotel Lon­ don in connection with the General Motors silver anniversary. The principal speaker of the evening was R. IL Grant, of Detroit, vice presi­ dent, in charge of sales of the Gen­ eral Motors Corporation. Among the entertainers was Miss Blanche Senior, of Exeter, who sang several solos and received a splendid ovation. London, and Mrs. N. Skinner and Turnbull, of were in London over Mrs. Pickard and remaining for the Beef and Cabbage Congregational sisters were inadvertantly They were: Mrs, T. Mor- W. Gunning, of Whalen Byan Rowcliffe, of Clin- boy. is in Ulric left fur St. assume his manager of the St. Mr, (Chittick is a Mr, Keith Beck, of charge Shell, R, were ltev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., BJ>. Minister Miss Lena. Coates, A.L.C.M., organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—iMorning Worship Subject—The Law Fulfilled. 7 p.m.—Evening Worsnip Subject—Sinners Called to Re­ pentance. 4 pieces only of genuine Peter Pan Prints, good patterns and 9 absolutely fast colors. We are clearing them this week at a yd, JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J, 11. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“The Torch Bearers of Bo­ hemia” •Secolid in the series of sermons on “Contributions of the Heretics” p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—Special C.G.I.T. service with visit of C.G.I.T, girls from Lon­ don. Girl speakers. A forum will be held in the base­ ment at the close of the evening service to which all the girls of the community are invited. Wednesday—Prayer Service Thursday—Y, P. S, 3 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. Miss Organist 11 a.m,--The CHATELAINE PATTERNS Are becoming very popular. We carry these in stock. They retail at 15c. STAMPED MATS We are showing some new patterns in stamped mats in different sizes PRICED AS LOW AS 25P. “WINNIE WINKLE” CLOTH A new cloth in pinin colors, suitable for Children’s Dresses^ Slips and Under­ wear. AT PER YARD 25c. THISTLEDOWN YARN A wonderful quality of knitting yarns for Suits, Sweaters and Afghans PER BALL 18c. Wabasso Prints and Plain Broadcloths 60 Patterns of New Prints and Broadcloths. These are all vat-dyed and are fast col­ ors. You will like the new patterns. Per yard PRIDE BATS The whole quilt in one roll made from Chinese cotton. Very easy to quilt. Still selling at the old price 59c. IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Largest size Ibex Blankets In Grey or White with blue or pink borders worth to $2.45. SPECIAL AT $2.25 36 in. COLORED FLANNELETTE Splendid for quilting purposes. You’ll de well to get your supply at this low price * PER YARD 18c. j UNBLEACHED SHEETING 72 inches wide. A good weight cotton that can be easily bleached these days SPECIAL AT PER YARD 45c. DATESEXTRA SPECIAL per lb. 10c sppfthlnfiSPECIAL READY-CUT MACARONI 3 5c. per pound Any Flavor6 lbs. for 25c 3 for 23 cSPECIAL GINGER SNAPSOLD DUTCH CLEANSER Choice Quality 4 pounds for . . Medium Sized Tins McCORMICK’S SODA BISCUITS (AYLMER SOUPS CANADIAN New Wallpapers for Spring Brighten up your home this spring. The new papers are ready for your approval. We also have some good room lots at 99c., $1.29, $1.49, $1.99 Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday LUM- Big Reductions Memor- in all lines of Gent’s Furnishings Suits and Overcoats Young evening Marion of the conduct- 1st vice- 5c. package 6 pkgs, for Friday, p.m. DEATH OF KING ALBERT RECALLS VISIT TO PALACE 14. Elliott, Pastor Evelyn Huston and Choir-Leader Minister 3 pan.—'Sunday School 7 p.m.—The minister Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday — Prayer Meeting and Bible Studjh TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M>. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 11a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 2 p.m.—U-GO-I-GO Class. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. The regular meeting of the Cana­ dian Legion will be held on evening, February 23 rd at 8 RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, BAGO, quickly relieved by this new treatmentl—USE RUMACAPS —W. S. Cole, Druggist. You can regain and retain the na­ tural lustre that your friends so much admire with the Bonat Method The New Beauty Shoppe, phone 231J for an Exeter. appointment.—H. M. Smith, Rd. Terry is confined to herMrs. home 'through illness. Mr. Francis Abbott gave several readings over the radio from Lon­ don Tuesday evening. Another cold spell visited this sec­ tion- early in the week. The ther­ mometer registered around twenty below early Tuesday morning. The students or the Exeter H. S. held a skating party at the rink on Tuesday evening followed by light refreshments at the Trivitt ial parish hall. MAIN STREET Y. P. S. The meeting of the People’s Society on Monday was under the leadership of Miss Olive Lawson as convenor of the ■Citizenship committee. Mr. Chas. Pearce occupied the chair. The meeting was "opened with the usual devotional exercises. A special feature of the program „was a de­ lightful musical number given by Misses Olive Lawson, Violet Gam­ brill, Dorothy Sims and Powell. In the absence president, the business was ed by Miss Evelyn Howard, president. The topic was very ably given by Mr. W. H. Johnston on "Wealth and Poverty.” He stres­ sed the point “What are we doing about it-” He concluded by saying that the main cause of our present depression was that we had drifted too far from God and churches become fuller tion will not be much until our the situa- advanced. The meeting was brought to a close with a hymn, and the repeating In unison of the (Mizpah benediction. ■CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS now $1.50.—Browning's- Drugstore, CHEVROLET JELLY POWDERS CATSUP Falcon Brand Per Bottle Fresh and Tasty Per pound Southcott Bros ■Canadian will mourn with other nations in the tragic death of King Albert, of Belgium, who was acci­ dentally killed while mountain­ climbing on Saurday evening. His death recalls the visit of several residents of Exeter to Europe in 1924 when along with 170 members of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association they visited the Royal ■Palace at Brussels and were most graciously received by King Albert. It was shortly after five o’clock in the evening when the party were driven by auto to the Royal Palaeo. Passing through a line of gaily dressed soldiers and through sever­ al halls the party arrived at a largo waiting room. In a few minutes His Majesty appeared with several officials and in a most kindly man­ ner delivered a short address of welcome and paid a fitting tribute to the heroism and sacrifice of the Canadian soldiers in the late war. A few minutes later the party were ushered into the reception room where King Albert received the members one by one shaking hands With all and talking freely to some. The members of the party from Exe­ ter present on that occasion were Mr, and |Mr.s. R. N. Creech, Mrs. J. A. .Stewart, Mrs. O. M. Skelton, Mrs. W. J. Heaman and J. M. Southcott. Miss L. Hopper, cf Wingham, is visiting with her covieins, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hoppei. Mr. C. L. Kress, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Ft. Erie, is fting for three weeks with brother, Mr. W. L. Kress, vis­ ing for the pres- I Geo. Tracey, . Hopper and in London The Leader Scores Again! Five times the eales in this territory of its nearest com­ petitor 1934. Bring in your old Battery and get an allowance on a new one. TIRES A big stock to choose from at greatly reduced prices Lowest rates on Labour on. all makes of oafs Snell Bros. & Co. 1’iiono loo CAVEN Y. P. GUILD The Young People’s Guild of Cav- en church held a skating party on Wednesday evening, February 14th at tho rink. Everyone reported a very enjoyable time. Alfter the skat­ ing they were invited to the home of Mr. ’ ~ ' porh The was ful supper was served at Which was followed by a- short pro­ gram, The meeting was taken by Rev. Mr. Gordon Who spoke on “Get­ ting along with others”. Two and Mrs. Thos. Pryde where a and bean lunch was served, devotional meeting of the Guild held Monday evening. A beaut!- 6 p.tn. Tlme^Advocate clubs with papers and magazines. of all In order to reduce our stock, previous to stock taking, we are offering special bargains in all lines. PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. the members sang a duet “Brighten the Corner Where You Are” and a profitable evening was brought to a close. VALENTINE SUPPER A successful Valentine Supper un­ der the auspices of the Women’s As- socation aws -held in James Street church on Wednesday evening last. A bountiful supper wad served lh the basement followed by an inter­ esting program put oh in the church auditorium with Rev. J. H. Staintoft in the chair. The main feature was a play put oh by the members ot the W. A. California, were; Mrs. bolt, Mrs, Mrs. Wm, cliffe and Mrs. F. A. Ruhdle. Other numbers were: a piano duet by Mbs. Carey and Miss Pearl Wood; duet by Lloyd and Lawrence Wein; trio by Misses Lula Linoenfield, Pean Wood ana Celia Christie and several Scotch numbers by Chas. Godbolt. The weekly meeting of the A. Y. P. A. was helcL on Monday evening in the Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall. The meeting was opened with the president Miss Amelia Acheson dn charge. Everyone joined in sing­ ing a hymn followed by prayer. Rev. A. E. Elliott gave a most interesting talk on “The origin and mihistry of music’* .going back as far as the 4tli chapter of Genesis and up until the present day hymns. Mr. Francis Abbott gave d reading on “The ori­ gin and circumstances under which the song “When You and I Were Young, Maggie” was written. Rev. Mr. Hunt closed the meeting' w'ith prayer. entitled, “Our Aunt from ” T hose taking part Earl Sliapton, Mrs. God- Motz, Mrs. G. Hunter, Wnroihg, Mrs, 1®. Row- W. R. GOULDINC5 A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction In Piano Vocal organ Theory Supervisor of Music in schools Studio, Main st. Box 123, phone 192 EXETER. ONT