The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-02-08, Page 8THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1934 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE for your nature’s the Sau- eliminate method We can or com- and a possess Of Interest to Ladies! Try the Bonat Method next permanent, and get own curl. You will like terello self-winders which about half the time the old takes, and its comfortable, give you spiral, corquignole bination in oil or solution, wave you will be proud to as we co-operate with nature in pro­ ducing it. Marcels, Fingerwaves, Manicures, Facials, Shampoos and Eyebrow Arching at popular prices and you can .gave on morning appointments. We give you the very latest styles that are in vogue, known to the art. Our specials will continue until further notice. Hazel M. Smith, New Beauty Shoppe, one door south Times-Ad- vocate, Exeter, phone 23lj for ap­ pointment from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings Crediton 30r31. Open Sat­ urday evenings until 10 p.m, Other evenings by appointment. Exeter Markets Wheat 75c. Oats 39c. Barley 48c. Buckwheat 45c. Manitoba’s Best, $2.50. Model Flour $2.3'5 Welcome Flour $2.00 Low Grade Flour $1.35 Shorts $1.25 Bran $1.25 Creamery Butter 29, 30c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Miss Lona Coates, A.L.C.M., organist 10' a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—(Morning Worship Subject—Blessings with promises 7 p.m.—Evening Worship Subject—Dominion Butter 21, 24c. extras 26c. firsts 24c, seconds 19 c. $8.75 LOCALS JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. stainton, B. A,, B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader SKATING The regular meeting of the Main Street Women's Association was held on Thursday afternoon last. Mrs. Layton had charge of the de­ votional part and gave a talk on prayer. Plans were made for a quar­ terly tea taking the form of a pan­ cake supper to be held on March 1st and for a cooking sale to be held on February 10th. Old-Timers’ Night Thursday No one under 21 years allowed The Thames Road Farmer’s Club are booking orders for a car of feed oate.-—Percy Passmore, Secretary The Women’s Association of the Main St. Church will hold a home­ made cooking sale at Beavers' Hara- ware store on Saturday, February 10th from 3 to 6 o’clock. FARM FOR SALE—Lot 10, con­ cession 9 in McGillivray Township, 2i miles west of Mooresville; 99J acres of land. Brick house with brick kitchen and woodshed, bank barn on cement foundations; imple­ment house, good water ’supply, about 29 acres fall plowed. Conven­ ient to churchs and market. For par­ ticulars Write to J. D. Stewart, R. R. No. 2, Kippen, Ont. (3tc. A Pancake Social will be held in the Parish Hall on Shrove Tuesday, February 13th, under the auspices of the W. A. of the Trivitt Memorial church. Admission 25> and 15c. Sup­ per from 5.30 to S p.m. SPECIAL YOUNG PEOPLE’S ANNIVERSARY with special Young People’s choir and special Young People’s speaker M)R- F. PLEWMAN, of Toronto morning and evening and at 8.30 a Young People’s forum to which the Young People of the community are invited. Good pro­ gram is being provided by the Young People of Main Street. Refresh­ ments will be served. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. Monday »—« Brotherhood meeting with Rev. Hugh Taylor, of Thames Road, “China, its social, political and the religious problems. Wednesday—Prayer Meeting. Thursday—Y. P. S. FOR RENT—Comfortable brick house in good location on Albert St. modern conveniences. Apply to R. D. Hunter, R. 3, Exeter. l-25-2tp. SELL OR EXCHANGE—For fire­ wood. Used hemlock lumber, colony houses, outside toilets. R. E. Balk­ will. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.in.-"Action” spent the week-end in Lon- Bros, and Co, brought up new Chevrolet sedan from this week. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—"The Sympathy of Jesus” ■Study. Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday — Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. STOCK UP WITH GROCERIES PRUNES READY CUT MACARONI 25c TOMATO JUICE 5c. a pound 6 pounds for STAMPED MATS A nuipber of new Patterns have just been received. It U a good time to start SPECIAL AT 25c. THISTLEBLOOM YARNS This is a lovely yarn very suitable for Afghans, Sweaters, Hats and Suits. Worth today 20c. We still quote the old price. 18c. PURE SILK HOSE The?e are good sub-standards. And are the same quality that we sell for $1.00. We were fortunate in securing another lot SPECIAL AT PER PAIR 59c. NEW WABASSO PRINTS Many new and striking patterns as well as a fine range of small neat patterns for quilts and children’s wear AT PER YARD 20c. Fancy Quality nr* Large size 2 lbs. for. .ZiDC 10 Dozen New Spring House Dresses showing a number of very neat styles, in good pattern prints, that are fast colors and excellent value EACH 79 c. CHINESE COTTON BATS This beautiful Chinese Cotton Bats. Open out 72 inches by 80 inches. It is very easy to qUilt and well bleached and fluffy, We are selling them at the old Price EACH 59c. NEW PATTERNS IN CHINTZ 10 good patterns and colorings in a good quality Chintz. Splendid for Comfort* ers, Covering Boxes, Etc. AT PER YARD 25<* Unbleached and Bleached Sheetings We handle only the famous Wabasso Sheetings. During the month of February we hem and finish all sheets bought ‘Free of Charge.’ Prices are higher bite we continue to quote old prices during the month. Let us have your order early. — ________40c., 45c., 65 and 75c. NEW BROADCLOTHS This is a particularly good quality and comes in all the best selling shades AT PER YARD 20c. CHATELAINE PATTERNS The new smart styles for spring are featured in Chatelaine Patterns. They are made in Canada and retail for 15c. FOR SALE—A used Beatty Elec­ tric Washer, in good repair. Beav­ ers Hardware. 2-8-trc FOR SALE—One 2 h.p. Grey and one 3 ginee. eter. h.p. International gasoline en- Apply to W. F. Abbott, Ex- ltp. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M- A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaui Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemlss per tin Each 5c FARiM TO RENT—'Lot 19, con. 3, Hay Township. Mostly seeded to hay and pasture; would cultivate part also a quantity of hay in barn ror John Bell estate. ltp. on Sun- Pickara Wilbert ill with lla.-m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 2 3 7 p.m.—U-GO-I-GO Class. p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. SODA BISCUITS 1 lb. packages^ fOF 2Sc FLOUR Limited Supply These prices while they last Best quality Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag-49C Good Quality Bread Flour 981b. bag $2.15 also sale. WANTED—At once, an equipped farm to work on shares by exper­ ienced farmer or would consider work by the year. Apply to J. C. Saundercock, Hensail, Ont. ...Permanent Waves • ® • NEW FARM EQUIPMENT ON DISPLAY All farmers are interested in farm equipment of new design. Come in and see the McCormick-Deering 4A all steel Spreader, ite copperized to resist rust and ammonia. The New No. 7 mower with all gears ana mechanism in an enclosed case run­ ning in a bath of oil, absolutely noiseless. Our Cream Separators are second to none. Over 200 have been sold from. Exeter office in 1932-33. Ask your neighbors about the all steel stainless discs, and the turbine prin­ ciple that makes them turn so eas­ ily. We will gladly demonstrate it for you. We have a number of trade in Machinery, Binders, Drills, Spread­ ers, Plows, Cultivators and Cream Separators at bargain prices. The new prices for 193 4 have ar­ rived, they will be a pleasant sur­ prise for contemplating purchasers. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY, LTD. Exeter, Ont. LISTEN TO THIS To Whom It May Concern,—- This is to certify that Mrs. man Hookey is authorized Nor­ head agent of Exeter and vicinity and she has the privilege of taking orders fro.m customers with their own furs of from samples submitted. We also guarantee the best of workmanship and trimmings, our skins are of the nest quality. We carry a full line of Hudson Seals, Persian Lambs, Muskrats, Jackets and Foxes. NORTH ALASKA FUR CO. TORONTO, All C. V. PICKARD Wishes to announce that he is con­ tinuing the Insurance and Real Es­ tate Businesses previously carried on by the late R. E. Pickard and him­ self Representing The Great West Life Assurance Company Offering every type of Life Insurance Policy The Casualty Company of Canada Covering Fire, Burglary, Automo­ bile, Guarantee Bonds, Accident & Sickness, Public Liability, Etc. C. V. Pickard assures the Highest tpye of service to all old and new policy holders Batson and Leo. in Hamilton on the death of Mrs. Wednesday, February 14th, will be Valentine Day. Mrs, M. Fletcher is confined to her home through illness. Mr. Emmerson Cornish visited with relatives in Hamilton Sunday. Misses Viola Hodgson and Jean Penhale don. Snell another Oshawa Dr. L. L. and Mrs. Follick, of St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick Sunday Miss Irene Wonkle, R.N., of Sea­ forth, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes. iMr. and Mrs. M. F. Gladman ana children, of London, visited day with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. The condition of Mr. Gillespie, who has seriously pneumonia, continues to improve. The label sheet of the Times-Ad- vocate has not been changed since the contest but we expect to change it this week. Messrs. J. W. Hennessey were Sunday owing to M, R. Complin, Miss Doreen Westcott has return­ ed home after completing hei’ three- year course in training at Victoria Hospital, London. Flight-Lieutenant W. I. Riddell and Mrs, Riddell, of Trenton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, C. V. Pickard. Mrs. Arthur Mitchell, who has been confined to her bed for the past five weeks, was able to be up Wednesday for the first time. Jean, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis is ill with pneu­ monia at the home of her grand­ mother Mrs. A. S. Davis. Mrs. Ira Moir and daughters Ola and Audrey spent the past week with the latter’s grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green in Hay Town­ ship. Mrs. Green accompanied them home and spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. Moir. Mrs. W. G. Medd, who accompan­ ied Mr. Medd to Toronto last week to attend the opening of the Ontario Parliament spent the week-end in Napanee with her son Mr. Bruce Medd, she returned home Wednesday and was met in London by her daughters Misses Eleanor and Mar­ jorie Medd and Miss Helen Dignan. SPECIAL CROQUINOLE OR COMBINATION WAVES $3.50 UP, OR JUST RINGLET ENDS $1.50 or $2.50 (Shampoo and Finger Wave includ­ ed with each wave) Try our new Sheltonic Vegetine Permanent. It reconditions and re­ juvenates. The vegetine stimulates the natural functions of the hair glands, softens dry hair, revives limp hair and makes every type or hais receptive to perfect waves. Phone 245 for an appointment L. Stackhouse CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS $1.5 0.—'Browning’s Drugstore. PEANUT BUTTER 2 lb. glass bbls. Each ...............29c CLARK’S PORK & BEANS Large size, per tin Qf* Reg. Price 12y2C.' GINGER SNAPS Fresh and Tasty 1 A Per pound .................* Vv Raspberry and Strawberry JAM 4 lb. tin 49C CORN Pure TOMATO CATSUPS Large Bottle Each .... .... ..9c SARDINES (Brunswick) Brand 5c. per tin, 6 for .25c CASTILE HAND SOAP 12 Cakes for.........25c Choice Quality 3 tins for . . .23c Southcott Bros WINS CUP FOR THIRD TIME The first carnival of the Season was held in the skating rink Wed­ nesday evening of last week and at­ tracted one of the largest crowds In several years. Gordon Haist, of Crediton, won the open mile race in the fast time of 3 minutes, and 37 seconds. Haist set a pace that long before the com­ pletion of the 16 laps eliminatec any real threat from his 15 rivals. He gains permanent possession of the Chevrolet Sales Cup, having won for three consecutive years. Gordon MacDonald from Centralia, was second. Gloria Cann won. the girls’ race and also, garbed as an Indian maid, won the prize for na­ tional costume, Vaughan Berdux and his partner, Miss Helen Dignan, proved too fast for the field in the couple race. Chester Cornish in the! puck-carrying contest found the ’ obstacles in his way no real hina- rance. Costume winners were: Ladies* fancy, Florence West as “Lady of Quality.’* Gentlemen’s fancy, Frank Deibridge as "Irishmen,” Animal costume, Ed. Anderson, completely garbed in rabbit skins to represent that animal. Character costume Mrs, H. C. Carey as Red Riding HloodA Girls’ Marion Powell as “old Lady’ fancy, Calvin UeywObd as Puncher.” The details of the death of Samuel Fleming, a prominent zen of Wolseley, Sask., who killed in a motor accident in Nov­ ember last have been received in Exeter. Mr. Fleming was driv­ ing his. car with several occupants to Regina when a tire blew out ana the car left the road breaking off two posts. Mr. Fleming was crush­ ed and died shortly after In hospit­ al. Mr. Fleming ie survived by his widow whose maiden name was Miss Agnes Carrick. Miss Carrick was born and raised in Exeter and has a number of relatives in this com­ munity. She Was united in marriage with Mr. Fleming at Orillia 39 years .ago. Three daughters also survive. The family visited in Exeter about two years ago. Mr. citi- wa® Luxuries are things which we can’.t afford and buy anyhow. Bargains for February '‘Little fancy, ; boys “Cotv Kruschen Salts, giant Size 69c. Shiloh 49c. Gin Pills 39c. Bring in your old hot water bottle for a, 26c. allowance oil a new one. Two sizes 2 qts. quaranteed 2 years 3 qts. $1.69 Guaranteed 3 years Mason’s 49—4Oc. Rem 60c, Grazy Water Crystals „ $1.50 It’S all right to put all your eggs in oho .basket it they’re bad eggs, Howey’s Drugstore Phone 50 We Deliver CAVEN CIRCLE The newly orgainzed Caven Pres­ byterian Circle held its first meet­ ing on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Rod Ellis, the presi­ dent. Thirty eighty women of the congregation attended and the Circle was off to a splendid start. The de­ votional exercises were under the leadership of the president and then many items of business were dealt with and live en to direct the work. It corn beef and Central Hotel on February Tea was served and a enjoyable so­ cial time followed. committees were chos- different branches or was decided to' have a cabbage supper at the 24th. presided over the business the meeting when it was to hold, the anniversary on April 15th this year, being JAMES STREET W. M. 8. The James Street W. M. S. met m .Church parlors for their regular meeting Monday. The president, Mrs. Christie part of decided Sunday. the forty-fifth year of the organiz­ ing of the Women’s Missionary So­ ciety. The Willing Worker’s Mission Circle were then invited in as guests of the W.M.S. The ladies’ all stood and sang “Blest Be the Tie that Binds" as the girls came in. The president extended a hearty welcome to the guests which was responded to by the Mission Circle president. Celia Christie. Miss Stella .Southcott, convenor of group two then took charge of the meeting, Greta Harness read the Devotional leaflet which was followed by sev­ eral sentence prayers. Reta Rowe gave the missionary for prayer fol­ lowed by prayer by Mrs. J. Rowe. iM’rs. T. Coates favored with a solo accompanied by Mrs. Carey. The Watchtower wds given by Miss . Hor­ ton on China., LulU Lindenfield on Japan and Rubie Creech on India. Mrs, Witmer gave an instrumental; a dialogue was given by Alice Hand­ ford and Reta Rowe; a duet by Reta Rowe and Lula Lindenfield; Ruby Stohe gave an interesting and lengthy reading on the story and life of Mary Slessot and her work aS a missionary In Africa. A very fine program closed with singing a hymfi and the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by the W. M. S. bringing to a close a, very interest­ ing and well-simnt evening, Big Reductions in all lines of Gent’s Furnishings, Suits and Overcoats In order to reduce our stock, previous to stock taking, we are offering special bargains in all lines. PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. Gould’s Grocery & Tea Room — Specials for this Week — Salada Tea, regular 6'0c. per pound Blue Ribbon Orange Pekoe Tea...... Kayo Orange Pekoe Tea ................. Crown Tea, Black ................... ......... Blue Ribbon Coffee .......................... One Pound Tin Favorite Cocoa...... Kellogg’s Whole Wheat Flakes ..... Kellogg’S Rice Krispiee ......... .......... Post Bran Flakes ............................. Cereal Blend, large size ........ Grape-Nut Flakes ......... ............... . Fancy Sockeye salmon .................... Royal Gold Cornstarch ................... Sei Windsor Salt Premier Baking Powder ........ . Swansdown Cake Flour .................. Gold Medal Jams ........ ........... .......... Capo Shoe Polishes ................... Ideal Silver Cream .......................... Old Windsor F1O0T Wax ................... Jumbo Salted Peanuts mON® 44 ... 50c. per lb. .... 50c. pbr lb. 1 lb. 39c. ... 80c. per lb. ....43c. per lb. ............... 25c. ... 3 for 25c. ...... 2 for 23c. .......2 for 25c. . 23c. per pkg. ......2 for 23c. . Tall this, 80c. ....9c. per pkg. per box ..... lb. size 23c. ................. 32c. ,40 oz. size 30c. .........3 for 23c. 23c. large size .....................25c. ......... 2 for 25C. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY i'M-