HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-02-01, Page 8THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 1931 THE EXETER 11MES-ADV0CATE MEN’S BANQUET The banquet of the Men’is Club of the Trivitt Memorial church on Wednesday evening of last week was put on by the losing side in their membership contest, and was cater­ ed to by the U-Go-I-Go closs. The banquet was fairly well attended and the youug ladies provided excellent meal. There were special speeches and euchre was joyed. The prize winners were Atkinson for lone hands and Alvin Cornish for high count. The meeting will be held early in ruary. Exeter Markets I an no en- G. next Feb- The Times-Advovate draw prizes has been postponed Monday. for until Wheat 75c. Oats 39c. Barley 48c. Buckwheat 45c. Manitoba's Best, $2.50. Model Flour $2.3'5 Welcome Flour $2.00 Low Grade Flour $1.35 Shorts $1.15 Bran $1.10 Creamery Butter 29, 30c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 21, 24c. extras 23c. firsts 21c. seconds 17 c. $9.15 Annual Sale of Krusehen Salts in Giant Packages for 69c. at Howey's Drugstore. FOR RENT—-'Comfortablp brick house in good location on Albert St. modern conveniences. Apply to R. D. Hunter, R. 3, Exeter. 1-25-2tp. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., organist 19 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Subject—"Jesus Speaks Blessed Words” 7 p.m.—Evening Worship Subject!—"Wonk’ for All” LOCALS JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. II. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Fastoi1 W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader SKATING MAN WANTED to handle Ward’s Quality Teas, Coffees, Cocoa. Spices, Extracts, Toilet Preparations direct to established users. Opening in Hu­ ron County for man with travelling outfit. Write, stating age, T. II.. Ward Company, John south, Hamil-' ton. j ------------------------ j Tenders for Wood for S. S. No. 1. j Usborne, 12 single cord beech and j end in London, maple wood 16 ins. long. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. All tenders to be in the hands of the secretary not later than 6 p.m. Saturday, January 27th. L. Reynolds, Sec’y., Hensail R. R. 1. Old-Timers’ Night Thursday No one under 21 years allowed Mr. Wm. Geddes spent tlie week- I Mr. and Mrs. C. W- Kestle visited | in Brantford on Sunday. j Miss Dorothy Sims is visiting with friends at Hillsgreen for a few days. Margaret Johns is confined home suffering from influen- FOR SALE OR RENT—2-story brick house in the Village of Exeter. Apply to Carling & Morley 9-19-tfc Rubie Creech is visiting with LOST—A black leather purse be­ tween Gibson’s service station and Bierling’s store on Monday, Janu­ ary 2nd. Purse contained two 2 dollar bills and some change, a fountain pen, pencil and some val­ uable papers. Finders rewarded by leaving !at Bierling’s store. Ileen Stebbins. PIGS pounds. Hay P. FOR SALE—From 40 to 70 Apply to Mervin Cudmore, 0. SELL OR EXCHANGE—For fire­ wood. Used hemlock lumber, colony houses, outside toilets. R. E. Balk­ will. The Thames Road Farmers’ Club are now booking .orders for Cedar Posts.—Percy Passmore, Sec’y. LADIES ATTENTION I wish to extend to all the ladies of this community a cordial invita­ tion to visit my new Beauty Shoppe. As an introductory for the next two weeks we are offering specials that will pay you to investigate in all lines of Beauty Culture. Permanent Waves, Oil or Solution Spiral, Croquinole or Combination. You will like the Bonat Method, its different. Chemically pure solutions, used exclusively, with sterilization after each operation. School Children special in Finger waving. H. M. SMITH, Exeter Phone 23lj for appointment. Even­ ings Crediton 3 01'31. Open Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Lucan over the niisfor- wrist from Usborne. has been Joseph’s home on NOTICE TO FARMERS yet to con- We have a few acres of peas and corn tract. Mr.and and Bruce in London Dr. be the Phone office ger’s residence 2 8; Mana- 36. B. R. Bartow, Manager CANADIAN CANNERS LISTEN TO THIS To Whom It May Concern,— This is to certify that Mrs. Nor­ man Hookey is authorized head agent of Exeter and vicinity and she has the privilege of taking orders from customers with their own furs or from samples submitted. We also guarantee the best workmanship and trimmings, our skins are of the nest quality, carry a full line of Hudson Persian Lambs, Muskrats, and Foxes. NORTH ALASKA FUR CO. TORONTO, of All We Seals, Jackets C. V. PICKARD Wishes to announce that he is con­ tinuing the Insurance and Real Es­ tate Businesses previously carried on by the late R. E. Pickard and him­ self Representing The Great West Life Assurance Company Offering every type of Life Insurance Policy The Casualty Company of Canada Covering Fire, Burglary, Automo­ bile, Guarantee Bonds, Accident & Sickness, Public LlaTrtHiy, Etc. O. V. Pickard assures tho highest tpye of service to all old and new policy holders m.—The Minister, p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—“The Rush for the Do'or” or “The Sin of Selfishness” Fifth in the series of the sins of the mind and of the spirit Wednesday—Prayer Meeting. Thursday—Y. P. S. On Tuesday evening next the an­ nual congregational meeting MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY 11 a.m.—Mr. Hazelton White, of St. Marys. 3 p.m.—Open Session of the Sunday School. Mrs. Lorne Eedy, of St. Marys, will speak. pm.—Mr. Lorne Eedy Special Music Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday — Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M<. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MxicFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss We Offer For the next 10 DaysFor the next 10 Days Stock up with Groceries READY CUT MACARONI PURE Clover Honey TOMATO JUICE 5cFLOUR RICE 12c SODA BISCUITS per tin Each Good Quality 3 lbs. for . . Fancy Quality Large size 2 lbs. for. . 1 lb. package$2 fOF 2SC Limited Supply These prices while they last Get your order F in early. 10 lb. pail I Best quality Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag - 49C 5c. a pound QC 6 pounds for .........wdv PHONE 16 PHONE 16 Our Policy For 1934 In appreciation of your support through the tryingjyears and in anticipation of better condi­ tions for 1934, we absolutety guarantee to sell you Groceries at the Lowest Possible Prices con­ sistent with good Quality Fourth Sunday After Epiphany 11a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 2 3 7 p.m.—U-GO-I-GO Class. p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.'—Evensong and Sermon. DRAWING POSTPONED Owing to the severe storm which has been iraging during the week some of the subscribers to the Times-Advocate have been unable to get out this week and renew their subscription as they had intended. We have been asked contest for another and in response to will postpone the Monday next at 2.30 o’clock. to continue the couple of days the request we drawing until YOU’LL BE* AMAZED — use Corn Salve'—Grieve’s Drug Exeter. Cress Store, The Woman’s Association of the James Street United Church will hold a Valentine Supper on Febru­ ary 14tli followed by a program. Mies Mildred Walker, of the staff of the Institute of Public Health, London, and formerly of Exeter, was elected president of District No. 1, of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, at the annual meet held recently in London. i Pure TOMATO CATSUPS Large Bottle Each........................9c PITTED DATES While they last Per pound ..........9c ORANGE MARMALADE Large jar 29c SARDINES (Brunswick) Brand 5c. per tin, 6 for .25c SOAP FLAKES (In Bulk) 4 pounds for ....25c CASTILE HAND SOAP 12 Cakes for.........25c CORN Choice Quality 3 tins for .............23c Good Quality Bread Flour 98 lb. bag$2,|$ CLARK’S PORK & BEANS Large size, per tin Reg. Price 12yzc.9c Raspberry and Strawberry JAM 4 lb. tin 49C Jelly Powders 5c. per pkg. 6 for .........25 c Ml PRUNES PEANUT BUTTER 2 lb. glass bbls. Each . . ..........29c GINGER SNAPS Fresh and Tasty Per pound . . . .10c MAGIC COFFEE Try a lb. with your order Fresh ground HQ Per pound ................. PEAS Choice Quality O 1 No. 3, 2 tins for . . * * C Southcott Bros. (CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS now $1.5'0.—Browning’s Drugstore. The Huron Old Boys’ Association of Toronto, are holding their 34th annual ‘“At Home’’ at the Acadian Court of the Robert .Simpson Friday evening of this week. Big Reductions HOCKEY Co.in all lines of Gent’s Furnishings,League Standing W ......................... 5 ......................... 3 ......................... 2 ......................... 0 T 0 0 0 0 L 1 2 8 4 Suits and Overcoats Miss to her za. Miss her sister Mrs. Wm. Roll-ins in Lon­ don. MI'S. N. J. Dore, is visiting for a few days with her mother in Tor­ onto. Mr. Francis Abbott and Miss Amelia Acheson visited in Forest on Sunday. Mr. Rd. Hunter, who has been quite ill at his home is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. ^Joseph Grant, Lon­ don, spent Sunday with their par­ ents here. Mr. Alvin Ferguson, of Aylmer, is visiting his grandmother Mrs. Jo­ seph Stacey. Rev. J. H. Stainton is spending the forepart of the week in Toronto and Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff. Fisher visited with their son Harold in the week-end. Mrs. A. S. Davis, had tune to sprain her right a fall on the ice. Miss M. Horton attended the fun­ eral of her aunt, Mrs. Henry Hor­ ton, of Hensail on Tuesday. IM'rs. J. McTavish, of Shakespeare, visited during the past week with her mother Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Mr, Harold Wood, of London, spent the week-end with his- parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood, Mrs. Nelson Sheere, who receiving treatment in St. Hospital, London, returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson, of Arkona, spent the week-end with Mrs. Alderson’s mother Mrs. Thos. Collingwood. Miss Marguerite Cann Cann spent the week-end attending the Young People’s 'Coun­ sel of the Salvation Army. An interesting letter from Margaret Strang-Savage will found on another page under heading of Our Letter Box. Mrs. A. Cottle, Ann St., is serious ly ill at her home having suffered a paralytic stroke Thursday of last week. Her condition is somewliat improved. ,The Young Ladies Class' of the Ja3. St. Sunday School under the leader- ; ship of their teacher, Mrs. C. Walker f have quilted two quilts and forward­ ed them for relief in Saskatchewan. A radio program calne over the air from Brantford Tuesday morn­ ing under the direction of Rev. L. C. Harvey and put on by members of the Sydenham United church of which he is the pastor. Mr. Thos. l^estle, who has been in Victoria Hospital, 'London, for the past nine weeks is expected home on Thursday of this week. Mrs. Kestle, who has been in London with him returned home Wednesday. Mr. Hugh Creech, Misses Helen Penhale and Margaret Taman, oi Western University, London, were home for a few days-, the University having been closed Monday ano Tuesday following the mid-term ex­ aminations. Mr.'W. G. Mcdd, M.L.A., accom panied by Mrs. Medd left for Tor­ onto Tuesday to be present at the fifth and final opening of the Leg­ islative Assembly of Ontario Wed­ nesday afternoon. The session is ex­ pected to be a brief onp perhaps not more than five weeks. Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Griffith and two sons Maurice and Harry, of Toron­ to, and Miss Holman, of Kitchener, motored up from Toronto to spend the week-end at tho home of Mr, J, Handford, They were delayed by tho sferm and left for their home Wed­ nesday morning, was down from Goderich for E few Howey’s Drugstore. Two sizes days, $1,19 and $1,69. Guaranteed, The Hogarth Baby Chick Hatch­ ery are providing a banquet for their egg producers on Wednesday evening'of next week. Following the banquet addresses will he given by 'two outstanding poultry men, Prof. W. R. Graham, of the Poultry Dept, of the O. A. C. Guelph and1 Mr. T. A. Benson, Sr. poultry promoter ’for the Dominion Live Stock Branch, Ottawa Annie Bedford, of John St., observed, her 88th birthday Mrs. quietly on January 21st. Mrs. Bedford was born near Bellville and came to Ex­ eter with her husband, the late Jas­ on Bedford, 15 years ago. Mr. Bed­ ford passed away in 1923. Her son Capt. Wm. J. is spending the winter with her. Her sister, Mrs. Wardell, of Kincardine, observed her 89th birthday on December 17tli. Mrs. Bedford is quite smart considering her years. The regular meeting of James Street Young People’s held on- Thursday evening with the president Mr. Clarence Down in the chair. Norval Jones read the Scripture lesson after which short prayers' were offered. Miss M. Prid- ham, missionary convenor, had charge of the meeting. Miss Irone Sweet, favored with a mouthorgan solution. Interesting stories were given on Korea by Miss Bernioce Dclbridge abet on David Livingstone by Gladys Stone, Miss Dorothy Manning held the attention of the young people while she discussed that great question, “Would Christ send Missionaries where they are not welcome?” th© was Your old hot water bottle is worth Mr. Geo. Holman i 25c. allowance on a new bottle at for Exeter Granton Kirkton Lucan . LOCALS TROUNCE LUCAN The local hockey team wound the first half of the regular schedule on Friday last when they trounced the Lucan team 10-0. The visitors proved little opposition for the lo­ cals and only for many good eaves on the part of the Lucan goalie the score would have mounted higher. The local team displayed some fine passing attacks which could not be matched by the visitors. Pry de and Hockey were the leading marksmen for the winners. Hy. Snell was the best for Lucan, win against one loss for boys and gives them first place the the the up This was the fifth the local in of in standing. The second half schedule will get under way near future. LOCALS BEAT CREDITON the the In an exhibition tilt staged' at local arena on Tuesday night local team gave the Crediton boys a very severe trouncing. Tho losers were unable to cope with the combination plays of the winners and at times their team was com­ pletely disorganized. Tho ice was* in excellent condition. J. G. Cochrane handled the bell. The teams wore: :Crediton.-“’(Goal, Smith; defense, Zwicker and Trick; centre, Haist wings, Haist and Beaver; subs. Tay­ lor, Bowden, Beavere, Bowman and R. Haist, Exeter—Goal Ford; defense, Wells and Creech; centre, Bordux; wings, Boyle and Cornish; subs, iCochrane and Hockey, i, In order to reduce our stock, previous to stock taking, we are offering special bargains in alllines. PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. A BOBBIE BURNS’ NIGHT The ladies of Main Street United church held a National Supper in the church parlors on Thursday ev­ ening of last week: which was a splendid success. There were three tables, one for the English, Irish and Scotch with the attendants in native headdress and the tables and' menus according to native customs. It was Bobby Burns night and the Scotch were particularly featured1, sound of- the bagpipes was imitated on the violin by George Grant, who marched around the tables followed by Highlander W. E. Walker carry­ ing a largo plate of “haggis” which was placed at the head of the table. Thos. Pryde gave a toast to the "haggis” an old' Scotch custom and Jos. Grant gave a real Scotch grace. Following the supper an excellent program of Scotch numbers wore given by Dr. Smillie, IM'rs, Hess, Mrs, Hedden and Mies M. Ellis, of lien- sail; Miss Pearl Wood, Miss Violet Gambrill, the Main St. Orchestra; G. M. Grant, violinist and; Frances Abbott, reader, TO REMOVE TELEPHONE LINES FROM MAIN ST. The Messrs. H. M. Hurd and R. Fries of London, engineers1 of the Bell Telephone Co. were in town last week making arrangements for the removing of the company’s lines off the business section of Main St. It is expected that the work will com­ mence early this spring and that con­ siderable money will bo spent by the company in malkiing the change. It will also require a gang of men to he stationed in Exeter for some time. The company proposes placing the main cables from Huron Street to North street a distance of throe blocks underground, The business section of the town will be served 'from wires running at the rear of ‘buildings, consent of the municipal­ ity for making the change has been secured and permission is now being sought from the owners of tho prop­ erty.