HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-02-01, Page 5rth
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■; cooking j on by t
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Don’t foygpt the sale of hoine-
; and the lQc< tea being put
. the ladies -of St, Paul’s An
glican church on Saturday afternoon
February (3rd,
The Ladies’ Guild of St, Paul's
Anglican Church will serve tea and
hold a sale of home-made cooking
on Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock,
Mr. Milton Love spent the week
end in Toronto.
Mr, Walker Carlisle spent a few
days in London this week.
Mr. William Foster lias treated
himself to a new Ford V8 car.
rTlie government snowplow opened
up No, 4 highway on Monday.
Mrs, Joynt and daughter,
Wingham, are visting in town
Mrs. Hillyard entertained
bridge club on Thursday afternoon
Miss Mona Miller visited with
friends in Clinton for a few days
last week.
Mr, Donald McKaig is spending a
few days visiting friends out on the
Mr. Jonah Green, of Tuckersmith
was sailing on friends in the village
on Saturday.
iMrs. Lome McNaughton,
Cromarty, visited with
latives1 last week.
Douglass (Cook, little
and Mrs. Norman Cook
ill with pneumonia.
(Mrs. Enoch Parker is spending a
few days this week with IM’r. and
Mrs. Gordon Parker.
The Jolly Four are having another
dance in the town hall on Tuesday
evening, February 6th.
Miss Grace Gibbins, of the Bank
of Montreal staff, spent the week
end at her home in Clinton.
Miss Mary McKaig, of Exeter
a week-end visitor here with
mother and other relatives.
Mrs. Ben Keys of the Babylon
line, Stanley, was palling on friends
in the village on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, McDonald and
family visited with Forest, London
and Sarnia friends recently.
My. and Mrs. Frank Coleman were
visiting friends on the Goshen Line
Stanley, on Wednesday last.
Mr. Harold Scruton left last week
for Coldwater where he has secured
a situation at his trade of printing.
Beverley Alexander of the boun
dary is spending a few days visit
ing with his aunt, Mrs. K. Hutton.
Mr. Reg. Parlmer is spending a
few days this week visiting with
his brother, Earl Parlmer at Wind
Miss Martha Carlisle, of London,
spent the week-end here visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
son Carlisle.
A lot 'Of logs are being delivered
to the local saw mill and Mr. Welsh
owner of the mill, is looking for a
busy season. |
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Parker, who
have been living for some time in
Mitchell, have moved back to their gram
farm, south of Chiselhurst.
Hensall re
son of Mr.
is seriously
Mr. William Consitt spent a few
days last week in Goderich visiting
friends and taking in some of the
meetings of the County Council.
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Manns were congratulat
ed them on Monday of last week, it
being Mr. and Mrs. Mann’s twenty
fifth wedding day.
Miss Ellis, Mrs. Maude Hedden,
Mrs. George Hess and Dr. Smillie
took part in the program at the
Scotch concert, in Main St. Church
Exeter on Thursday evening last.
Rev. Mr. W. A. Young took the
services in the Presbyterian Church
Seaforth on Sunday last and the
Rev. Mr. Lane, pastor of the Sea
forth Church took Mr. Young’s work
Mr. T. C. Joynt was in Toronto
a few days last week and while
threre had an X-ray taken of his
foot which has bothered him a great
deal lately. Dr, Campbell drove
him down.
Mrs. Chas. Sandercock, of Hay
Twp., has moved into the village
and! will occupy the McArthur house
King St. East. We believe Mr. San-
dercock has hired with Robert Cam
eron to work the farm.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Young, of
Nairn, spent a few days last week!
visiting with their son and his
wife. Rev. W. A. Young and Mrs.
Young. Mrs. Young took part in the
Scotch Concert in the Town Hall on
Thursday evening.
The funeral of the late Mrs.
Henry Horton, who died at 'her
home here early Saturday morning'
and which was to be held on Mon
day afternoon to McTggart’s Ceme
tery, had to be postponed on account
of the severe storm which blocked
the roads to the cemetery.
Following- the heavy rain of Sat
urday night a severe snow storm
swept over this
.The roads are
and only a few
ting to school,
severe storm so
the weather prophet promised a very
mild winter.
Dr, Gilbert Jakrott, of Kippen,
who last week took over the medi
cal practice of Boctor McKay, of
Seaforth, Is well known here, hav
ing attended school here for a num
ber of years and frequently calls1
on friends in the village. The doc
tor’s many friends here wish him
every Success.
Tho services in the United.' Chtirch
last Sunday were well attended con-1
sidering the stormy weather. Tlio
pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair preaching
both morning and evening. Tlie
■ Mission Band hehl their meeting at
; two o’clock in the afternoon. The
- Young’s People’s meeting for Mon-
■ day evening was withdrawn.
There is some talk of a covered
- skating rink being built in the vil
lage by local men. This would be a
: splendid thing for the village and
would help to keep the young people
home. We have splendid material
hero for hockey and -curling tennis
if there was- only a place to practice
We hope this will come true.
The Hensall firemen are putting
on a big dance and. progressive
euchre on Friday evening of this
week in the town hall. There will
be six prizes given and also the
lucky ticket. The admission will be
35c, for men and' 15c. for ladies
Who do not bring lunch. The fire
men’s dances are always looked for
ward to by old' and young, as the
firemen are great entertainers and
everyone always has a splendid
time. ..Mr. L. R, Coles, manager of the
Bank of .(Montreal here, received
word last week that he had been 1
appointed manager of the Bank ot,
Montreal at Listowel and is1 leaving
this week to take over his new
duties. Mr. Coles has been manager
of the bank here for several years
and has always taken an active in
terest in the municipal, business,
lodge and social life of the village.
Mr, and Mrs. Coles and family will
be missed' in the village.
Death of Mrs .Henry Horton
There passed away at her home
here, early Saturday morning, Mrs.
Henry -Horton in her 7 8th year.
Mrs, iHorton was stricken with can
cer .several months ago and suffer
ed severely, despite the best medi
cal skill and nursing. Mr. and Mrs.
Horton moved here a number of
years ago from their farm
Brucefield and she has been a val
ued resident here since. (She was a
member of the United Church and
took an active interest in church
wonk. Besides her husband she
leaves to m-ourn her loss, two sons
Jarvis, -of the London Road, near
Brucefield and Harry at home and
two daughters Mrs. Mears, of Sask
atchewan and Mrs. Harpole, Hen
sall. The funeral took place . on
Tuesday afternoon to the United
Church where a service was held,
conducted by the pastor Rev. Arthur
Sinclair and burial at McTaggart s
The Scotch Concert
The Scotch Concert put
the managers of the Carmel
1 terian Church in the town
Thursday evening last, celebrating I Bobby Burns Birthday, was largely
I attended. The Rev. W. A. Young,
pastor of the Cannel Church acted
as -chairman. Harvey bicGee, come
dian, of Auburn, Mrs. Young, elocu
tionist, of Nairn; Ja-s. Murch and
son, of Clinton, with the bagpipes
and local talent -supplied the pro-
~----1, which was as 'follows: ad
dress by the Rev. Mr. Young, of
Nairn on Bobby Burns; selection on
the bagpipes by Jas. Murch and son
solo, W. A. McLaren; reading, Mrs.
Young, of Nairn; duet, Mr. Young
and Mrs. W. A. McLaren; bagpipe
selection, Murch & 'Son; reading by
Mrs. Young; trio, Mr. Young, Wm.
McLaren and James Bengough,
Highland Fling dance,. Margaret
Bell; reading by Mrs. Young; song
by Harvey McGee; sword dance by
William Sangster; duet 'by Mr.
Young and Mrs. John Murdock; bag
pipe selection, Munch & Son; solo
Mrs. James Bonthr-on; song by
Harvey McGee. This splendid Pr°"
gram was brought to a close by all j
singing Auld Lang fSyne. After- the
concert was over the management j
entertained the artists taking
in the program to supper.
on by
hall on
Times-Advocate drawThe
prizes has been postponed
spent the week-
ltJilher attended,
of the Hay Twp.
Mr, Fraser Brown
end In Detroit.
Mr. Herbert K.
the annual meeting
Fire Insurance Company ,at Zurich
on Monday.
(Mr. and Mrs. Verde Haberer and
Mrs. Wm, Decker, of Zurich visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaiser last
Miss Alma Smith, of London, spent
Sunday at her home here.
Last Saturday 24 young men or
the Star’s Class of the Evangelical
Sunday School motored to Exeter
and had a class photo taken. After
posing pleasantly before the camera
a number of the class went to Lon
don and took in a show.
The farmers of this community
are all smiles these days. The price
of hogs are advancing.
Some young men who visited, their
lady friends Sunday evening had to
remain over until Monday morning
on account of the snowstorm.
A special program was held in
connection with the Evangelical
Sunday School Sunday morning. Mr-
Alvin Finkbeiner acted as chairman
and took charge of the opening de
votion. A missionary reading was I
given by Miss Grace Totter and a i
vocal duet was rendered by Mr. Al- '
fred Wuertli and Miss Alva Wuerth.
The superintendent Mr. Art Amy
then took charge of the meeting.
The regular meeting of the Sr. E.
L. C- E. of the Evangelical church
was held On Friday night. The meet
ing was in charge of Loreen Hirt-
zel, the Scripture was read by Miss
Evelyn fiippell, A piano duet was
rendered’ by Thelma Weber and
Marguerite Amy. The subject of the
evening “The Place of Youth in tne
Church” was ably discussed by Ella
M'orlock. Rev. Sippell and Freeman
Morloc'ki contributed a vocal duet
and a reading was given by Alma
Ratz. Mr. Addie Gaiser then took
charge of a Bible baseball match.
The meeting closed 'with the E.
C. E. benediction.
toMrs. Eldon Merner was taken
Victoria Hospital London on
day for an operation.
Mr. John Schroeder spent
day in London visiting his
daughter Miss Dorothy Schroeder of
Clandeboye, who was recently oper
ated upon for appendicitis.
Miss Clara Lewis, of London,
spent the week-end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis.
Mr. and (Mrs. Jake Messner, (of
Dashwood, visited Wednesday with
the former’s sister and brother-in-
law Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz.
Mr. Eldon Merner spent Saturday
in London with his wife at Victoria
and is
Robert Carruthers suffered a
stroke on Saturday morning
now /confined to his bed.
Gwen. Hicks visited with
in London over the week-
district on Sunday,
in a bad condition
of the scholars get-
This is the most
far this winter and
Miss K. Wiseman with her friend
Miss Margaret Campbell returned on
Wednesday to Western University,
London having spent the week here.
■ Miss Allison, of Agincourt, was a
visitor with Mr. and Mrs. R. Kydd
over the week-end,
Mr. and Mrs. Seers, of I-Iemsall, are
moving to this community this week
Mr. Beers has1 engaged with Mr. J.
Anderson. They will make their home
on the farm formerly owned by'
Mrs. Creery.
Miss Anna Rhode was a tfecent
visitoi’ with her sister Miss Marguer
ite Rhode, of London.
The Anglican Playei’s of Kirkton
presented their play, a comedy in
three acts “Two days to Marry” with
credit to themselves at Farquhar
Hall on Wednesday to a full house.
The players were afterwards enter
tained by the Horticultural Society
in whose interest they made the
presentation, The mu-sic between
acts was furnished by Miss M. Berry
and her brother Mr. H. Berry with
two Hawaian gu
and Mrs, Fossett of Mitchell.
Mrs. Norman Passmore Is laid
up with trouble in her knee and ie
under the Doctor’s care.
Mr. D. Brown was in London the
past week where he is undergoing
On Friday evening of last week
the supper put on in the schoolroom
of the church by the Women’s As
sociation was very largely attended.
Following the supper a splendid
program was put on by members of
the Association assisted by other
members of the congregation. The
program consisted of musical num
bers readings and two playlets, all
of which were very capably present
ed before an appreciative audience.
During the month of February the
ladies of the Association will put on
another snipper and evening of en
tertainment. The date will be made
known in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Skelton and Mrs. Paine,
of London, attended the funeral of
Mrs. Brooks* brother at Belgrave on
Thursday of last week.
Mr. Herman Hodgson, of 0. A. C.
at Guelph, visited over the week-end
with hie parents Mr. and Mrs.
_ .itars and Masters’
and Webber assisted by Mr. C.
and Mre. pollen and family
week-end visitors with Mr.
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
j At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood. first three days of
at office over the Post
Zurich, last three days of
LOST—A gent’s wrist
the Dashwood rink on Saturday
ening. Finder kindly return
Wallace Wein,
The Carnival which was to
held last .Saturday night was post
poned owing to the mild weather
will be held this coming Saturday
night when a number of prizes will
be given. Following the Carnival
a game of broom ball will be play
Miss Phyllis Reid is oil the sick
Misses Anna and Ruth Tieman en
tertained their Sunday
on Friday evening.
Mr. Harry Hoffman,
tho past two weeks in
returned home.
Miss Lovina Kellerman is confin
ed to her home with an attack of
Junior League Elect Officers
The Junior League of tho Evan
gelical Church hold their election of
officers recently with the superin
week and
watch at
School class
who spent
London has
WONDERFUL LAUNDRY SOAP ..............10 bars for 25c.
FAIRSEX TOILET SOAP.................................:. Ocake 5c.
GOOD COOKING RICE.......................................6 lbs. for 25c.
RED AND WHITE COFFEE...............................Per lb. 39c.
FANCY PINK SALMON .......................................per tin 10c.
PEANUT BUTTER IN BULK...........................2 lbs. for 25c.
Sweet White Com
2 tins for 19c.
Sweet Tender Peas
No. 3’s per tin 10c.
Perfection Tomatoes
Large tin 3 for 25c
LIBBY’S, CLARK’S, AYLMER PORK AND BEANS .....................Large tins 2 for 25c.
Cowan’s Cocoa
1 lb tin each 23c.
Broken Sodas
3 lbs. for 25c.
Mincemeat in bulk
2 lbs. for 25c.
DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS....................................................... Assorted Flavors 6 for 25c.
Large Meaty Prunes .........2 lbs. for 25c.Fresh Mushrooms ..................per lb. 39c.
Dried Peaches, fancy quality . . per lb. 21c.Fresh Spinach.............. , . 2 lbs. for 25c.
Dried Apricots....................... per lb. 23c.Fresh Cabbage.............................per lb. 5c.
Fresh Oysters ............. per jar 25c.Marsh’s Grapefruit . . .................5 for 25c.
Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver
tendent Mrs1, M. Tieman presiding.
The new officers are as follows:
Pres., Ralph Weber; Vice-Pres., L.
Kleinstiver; secretary, Myrtle Gais
er; Treasurer, Murray Wolfe; Li
brarians, Jack Gaiser and Donald
Gaiser; Department Con., Worship,
Lois Gaiser; Instruction, Milford
Mason; Servile, Margaret Wein; re
creation, Alvin Willert.
Death of Mrs. Chas. Baumgarten
This community was shocked on
Thursday morning, January 215-th,
1934, when it was learned that Mrs.
Charles Baumgarten had passed
to that Great Beyond. Mrs. Baum
garten went to visit her neighbor on
Wednesday afternoon when she was
suddenly stricken with a paralytic
stroke and when medical aid was
summoned it ws found to no' avail
she passed peacefully away on
Thursday morning never regaining
consciousness. -She was, born in
Germany in the year 18'5 2 and was
married to her now bereaved hus
band 60 years ago and reached the
age of SI years, 3 months and 25
days and has lived in Dashwood for
the past 2b' years. Besides her sor
rowing husband she leaves to mourn
her loss a grown up family of six
(Augusta) Mrs. H. Goodrich, of
Battle Creek; (Lydia) Mrs. .Schlom-
mer, of Detroit; (Sarah) Mrs. Rik
er of Flint, Mich.; (Bertha) Mrs. G.
Maxwell, of Battle
daughter (Martha)
predeceased her 16
three sons William,
•Marshall, Mich.; also 15 grandchil
dren. The funeral was held on
Sunday afternoon from their resi
dence and to the Lutheran Church
with interment in the Bronson Line
Line Lutheran cemetery with Rev.
T. Luft officiating. The pallbearers
were the son-in-laws.
girls and three boys.
Mrs. Harman of Grand
(Annie) Mrs. Frank, of
Creek and one
Mrs. Bradley
years ago and
and Charles of
was closed here on Mon
Tuesday 'owing to rough
day and
Miss Clara Douglas spent the
week-end at her home in Ilderton.
(Mr.' and Mrs. M. Schenk enter
tained a few of their friends to a
dance last Tuesday evening. All re
port an enjoyable time.
Miss Jean Willert, of Dashwood,
spent the week-end, at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Mason and family and Mrs.
Jas. Ziler and Miss Marie spent last
Wednesday at Mr, and Mrs. Earl
Stebbin’s, of Sodom.
Missf Clara Dietrich has returned
home after spending the past month
with Mr, and Mrs. G. McKeever, or
Mt. Carmel.
Miss Alda Squire,is epending this
week with friends in Washington.
Miss Myrtle Brethour has been
visiting with friends in London.
Rev. Mt, and (Mre. Lovegrove and
Miss Alda Sqire spent last Thurs
day in London calling on Mrs. Jas.
Miss Elizabeth Lovogrove leaves
oh Thursday of this week to train
for a nurse in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Messrs. Raymond and Carman
Switzer of London wore Sunday vis1-
itors at their home here.
Miss Netta Shier and Miss Ger
trude Glass, of London, were week
end visitors at Mr; and Mrs. Wesley
Pure Pennsylvania Poultry Farm “Strain” large type S. C.
White Leghorns
Lakeview Leghorns, larger than ordinary kind. Blood tested
for Diarrhoea. Government Approved. Backed by 26 years of
Breeding for More Eggs.
Pennsylvania “Strain” breeding cockerels on range. They are
much larger than ordinary kind all weighing over 6 lbs and up to
7J lbs. The best cockerels are selected from flock of 1,000'.
TWO EXTRA EGGS per month per bird (with eggs averaging
15c. per doz.) means MORE EXTRA profit in twelve months than
the entire cost of your chicks (Lakeview Chicks at that),
it out for yourself.
It Pays to Start Chicks Early. Get your chicks in time
will get broilers away at a good price and have pullets
large eggs by October and November when egg prices are highest.
We are starting 2,00'0' chicks February 15th and1 have 2 orders
of 1,0'00 each for delivery in Feb. and four others of 400 and 500
each for Feb. and early March, beside several others, so place your
orders early to be sure
Write for circular
scription of our Stock.
so you
of getting your chicks just when you want
and price list giving full details and de
Kenneth Wein, Dashwood, Ont.
The friends of Mrs. Harry Rodd
are sorry to know she is still confin
ed to her bed through illness.
Mrs. John Routlj7 is confined to
her bed through illness.
Mr. Robert Rundle of the Base
I Line and one of the members of the
i Kirkton Hockey team, met with an
unfortunate accident while playing
i in a game between Kirkton and
Granton at the time of writing he is
improving nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilburt Wynn spent
Saturday last in London and called
on Mrs. J,as. Routly in St. Joseph’s
Mr. Victor Chatten spent Satur
day last in London and called on Mr.
Robert Rundle in Victoria Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and little
daughter visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Mills.
Tlio Annual Meeting
The congregational meeting of tlie
members of the Woodham United
church was held in the church on
Thursday evening last. The pastor,
Rev. W» M. Lovegrove was chairman
of the meeting and Mr. Cecil Camm
recording secretary. The meeting
was opened by a hymn and prayer
by the pastor. Very interesting re
ports were given by the various of
ficers. The report from the treas
urer Mr. J. Camm showed all ac
counts paid for the year 1933 and a
balance on hand around $60 in the
treasury. (Mr, Gordon Sinclair road
the Sunday School report with quite
classes read
balance on
reported an
12 6*. Messrs.
a good balance on hand. The two or
ganized- Sunday School
a good report with a
hand. The Librarian
average attendance of
Wm. and Ray Mills favored us with
a duett “Have thine own way Lord”
which was much enjoyed. Mrs. F.
McNaughton gave the report for the
Women’s Association showing var
ious things bought and paid for, for
the parsonage, and a small balance
on hand, Mrs. Wilburt Wynn read
the floral report having remember
ed sixteen with either fruit or flow
ers and several cards of sympathy
sent. Mrs, Clarence Mills read the
report of the Mission Band showing
an increase over the previous year.
Miss /Marion Shier reported the. Mis
sion Circle behind that of last year.
Mrs. Ben Wilson read the W. M. S.
report being several dollars behind
last year, Mi’s. Wilson added “If the
women had the money they would
have given it.” making this report
quite humorous, Mr, Samuel Mills
the retiring elder was re-elected
and Mr. W. L. Switzer was also
elected. Board of Stewards, Frank
McNaughton, James Squire, William
Rodd, Fred Doupo, Cecil Camm, H.
Parkinson, Mervin Copeland, John
Camm, Harold Thompson, Mrs. Wil-
hurt Wynn then gave a splendid
reading and Rev. W. M. Lovegrove
closed the meeting
ter which he invited
basement for lunch
time together.
with prayer af-
all down to the
and a social