HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-01-25, Page 8THURSDAY, JANUARY 2f5th, 1931 THE EXETER IIMES-ADVOCATE AVOID THE MUMPS Use NAMELESS COLD REMEDY. Sold by Coles, Grieves, Motz and J. W. Powell. Easy to use; easy to buy 25c.. FOR RENT—(Comfortable brick house in good location on Albert St. modern conveniences. Apply to R. D. Hunter, R. 3, Exeter. l-25-2tp. WANTED—Alfalfa Hay. Second crop preferred. Would like to ex­ change honey foi’ same. Apply to W. F. Abbott. FOR SALE—-Two-wheeled new tires, price $18.00, F. Crediton, phone 20r2. trailer, Brown, ltc. Exeter Markets Wheat 73c. ■Oats 37c. Barley 48c. Buckwheat 45c. Manitoba’s Best, $2.50. Model Flour $2.3'5 Welcome Flour $2.00 Low Grade Flour $1.35 Shorts $1.15 Bran $1.10 Creamery Butter 29, 30c. Dairy Butter, 20, 23c. Eggs, extras 22c. Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter, 20, 23c. firsts 20c. seconds 16c. $7.90 ADJOURNED MEETING Exe-The annual meeting of the ter Horticultural Society will be held at the Public Library on Fri­ day January 26th at 8 p.m. for the hearing of reports, the election of officers and the transaction of gen­ eral business. All invited. David Rowclifve, President J. G. Stanbury, Sec'y-Treas. MAN WANTED to handle Ward’s Quality Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Preparations direct to established users. Opening in Hu­ ron County for man with travelling outfit. Write, stating age, T. H. Ward Company, John south, Hamil­ ton. Tenders for Wood for S. S. No. 1, Usborne, 12 single cord beech and maple wood 16 ins. long. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. All tenders to be in the hands of the secretary not later than 6 p.m. Saturday, January 27th. L. Reynolds, Sec’y., Hensall R. R. 1. FOR RENT—Lot 14, N. E. Boun­ dary of Township of Usborne. For terms apply to I. R. Carling, Exeter, Ontario. 1-17-tfc FOR SALE)—(Four-wheel trailer, also McClary range, 6-hole, with reservoir. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—1918 Ford car, good tires, good top ond engine in shape, cate or good Cheap. Apply to Times-Ad- phone 122. SALE OR RENT—2-storyFOR brick house in the Village of Exeter. Apply to Carling & Morley 9-19-tfc To Whom I, John statement seau as I same. MISSTATEMENT It May Concern,— Dilling, wish to retract a made about Mr. R. Mous- had no just grounds for JOHN DILLING Phone office ger’s residence 36. yet to con- CANADIAN CANKERS B. R. Bartow, Manager 2 8; Mana- We have a few acres of peas and corn tract. NOTICE TO FARMERS LADIES ATTENTION / I wish to extend to all the ladies of this community a cordial invita­ tion to visit my new Beauty Shoppe. As an introductory for the next two weeks we are offering specials that will pay you to investigate in all lines of Beauty Culture. Permanent Waves, Oil or Solution Spiral, Croquinole or Combination. You will like the Bonat Method, its different. Chemically pure solutions, used exclusively, with sterilization after each operation. School Children special in Finger waving. H. M. SMITH, Exeter Phone 23 lj for appointment. Even­ ings Crediton 301,31. Open Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. LISTEN to this 10’ a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—(Morning Worship Subject—"Jesus, tne Light of the World” 7 p.m.—Evening Worship Subject—"God’s Dwelling Place” LOCALES SKATING TO-NIGHT Old-Timers’ Night Thursday No one under 21 years allowed Twenty-five dollars will be given in prizes to the readers of the Times- Advocate who renew their subscrip­ tions this month. First prize $5.00; 5 prizes of $2.00 each and 10 prizes of $1.00 each. The ladies of x,he Main Street Unit­ ed church are holding a national supper on Bobbie Burn’s Night, Jan. 25th from 5.30 to 8.00 followed by a Scotch program. Aam, 25 and 15c. the Mc- was irn- out CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, R.A., B.D» Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., organist • ft• • • Start early in the year saving a few pieces of this lovely dinnerware. You will be surprised at the low price of this new and popular pattern. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH; OF CANADA Rev, J. H. stajnton, B. A., R.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader .m.—The Minister, 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—"The Starvation Committee” or the Sin of Indifference Fourth in the series of the sins of the mind and the spirit. Wednesday—Prayer Meeting. Thursday—Y- P. S. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA E. Elliott, Pastor Evelyn Huston and Choir-Leader Rev. A. Miss Organist a.m.—The Minister11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister. Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday — Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. "Epistle to the Hebrews” Sunday, February 4th, S. S. Anni­ versary. Fruit......................... 10c.Dinner Plate ..... . . . 25c.Soup Plate.................. , 20c. Bread and Butter . 12 l-2c.Cereal Bowls ........ 15c.Cream Jug ..............., 35c. Tea Plates.............»., 15c.Cup and Saucer ,..... 25c.pgg Cup , 10c. Breakfast Plates ............20c.Salad Bowl ...... . . , 35c.Small Platter ....... 39c. NEW PRINTS FOR SPRING 60 New Patterns to choose from. The patterns are new and pleasing and the colors are guarateed fast. Priced at per yard 20c and 25c “Peter Pan” Prints at Half Price 5 only Patterns of Peter Pan Prints. A wonderful cloth and colors are absolutely fast. These prints have always sold at 50c. a yard. They wont last long at this low price. Per yard only 25c. Art Sateens at Big Savings 6 pieces of Art Sateens, a wonderful cloth for Comforters, Cushions, etc. These cloths sold for 50 and 65c, a yard. You have to see them to appreciate them. Special for this month at per yard 29c. TRIV1TT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M.. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Fourth Sunday After Epiphany lla.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 2 p.m.—U-GO-I-GO Class. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Thomson Tuesday af­ ternoon, January 30th at 2:30 p.m. A good attendance is requested. The regular meeting of the Cana­ dian Legion will be held on Friday January 26th at 8 p.m. A full at­ tendance is requested. “Pride” Bats for Comforters Opens out the size of whole quilt from Chinese Cotton and very easy to roll. in one roll 72 ins. by 90 ins. Made quilt. Quilt patterns comes in every Each 59c. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Sat Pearl White Na ph a F|/\ SOAP 10 bars for Zi^C COWAN’S Perfection Crother’s Soda O F-BISCUITS ZhC 2 one lb. pkgs. , . , 'Pure Castile HAND SOAP 12 cakes for TEA BISK 25c COCOA Clip Coupon From London Free Press SPECIAL Large Bottle of CATSUP 2 bottles for ...19c Try this prepared flour for '' Biscuits. To Whom It May Concern,— This is to certify that Mrs. Nor­ man Hockey is authorized head agent of Exeter and vicinity and she has the privilege of taking orders from customers with their own furs or from samples submitted. We also guarantee the best of workmanship and trimmings. , AU our skins are of the sest quality. We carry a full line of Hudson Seals, Persian Lambs, Muskrats, Jackets and Foxes. NORTH ALASKA FUR CO. TORONTO, McLaren, who somts time with has her C. V. PICKARD Wishes to announce that he is con­ tinuing the Insurance" and Real Es­ tate Businesses previously carried on by the late R. E. Pickard and him­ self Representing The Great West Life Assurance Company Offering every type of Life Insurance Policy The Casualty Company of Canada Covering Fire, Burglary, Automo­ bile, Guarantee Bonds, Accident & Sickness, Public Liability, Etc. C. V. Pickard assures the highest tpye of service to all old and new ■policy holders Mrs. E. A. Follick, who has been ill, is still confined to her bed. Mr. Bert Gillespie is confined to his home suffering from pneumonia. Reeve Wm. D. Sanders is attend­ ing County Council in Goderich this week. Mrs. Susan Egan has recovered af­ ter being confined to her room for a couple of weeks. Miss Janie Hogarth, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Hogarth. Miss Lillian Hopper R.N., of Wing­ ham, is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. E. R. Hopper. Mrs. C. H. Sandersj, who has- been ill in Victoria Hospital, London, is showing some improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Kervin Werner, Lon­ don, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden attended the funeral of the late C. J. Ship- ley, of Blanshard, on Saturday last. Mrs. N- Sheere was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, L,onUon, Monday for an X-ray. She is expected home today (Thursday.) Mr. and Mrs. C. Aidworth were in Stratford last week attending funeral of the late airs. H. B. Clellan. Mr. Alexander Purdon, who injured last week when knocked down by an automobile, is recover­ ing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank: Wildfong have returned after visiting for a few weeks with Mr. arm Mrs. J. Gras- sick at Holmesville. Mrs. J. S. Harvey has returned home after spending ute past three months with her daughter Mrs. N. Stacey, of Willow Grove. Mr. C. L. Jackson, has returned to his duties at the Canadian Bank of Commerce after holidaying for three weeks at Merricksville, Mr. Richard Hunter is confined to his home through illness and his daughter Mrs. Harry Griff, Goderich, is here assisting to wait on him. Mr. David - Goulding, of Kirkton, who has been seriously ill in Victoria Hospital, London, is somewhat proved although he ?s not yet of danger. Miss Dorothy been visiting for sister Miss Jean McLaren, of Lon­ don, has returned to her home in Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ferguson re­ turned to their home in Toronto on Thursday last after a month’s visit with the latter’s sister Mrs. and other relatives in town. Mrs. L. McDonald, Miss Lewis, Mrs. S. Hedden, Miss dine Hedden, Mr. Johnston, Mrs. J. Smith of London, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd recently. About 25 H. S. boys and girls un­ der the direction of Miss Brown en­ joyed a toboggan party at Dow’s hill Monday afternoon after school. All report an enjoyable time. Mrs. Louisa Kyle, of Andrew St. has a novelty in a hybrid tea rose in bloom in her house. When she moved to’ town she took it from the garden and planted It in a pail. Master jack Harness, who- recent­ ly underwent a second operation on his amputated leg at the Children’s War Memorial Hospital, turned home Saturday to be around the house Mr. Wm. Piper and of Seaforth, were visitors with (Mrs, Egan and Mr. Jarnos csweot Thurs­ day evening. They were returning from Lucan where they were repair­ ing the organ in St. Patrick's R. C. Church. Egan Clara Geral- London, re- and Is able on crutches, son Russell, Mrs. H. W. Doerr and son George left on Sunday for Toronto. The new Chevrolet is now on ex­ hibition at the Chevrolet Garage and is attracting the attention of the public. The Men’s Club of the Trivitt Memorial Church are holding a ban­ quet in the Parish Hall (Wednesday) catered to by the U-Go-I-Go Class. The banquet is the culmination of a membership contest. iOn Friday evening of last week a number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. Ted. Harness and surprised him on the occasion of his birthday. Progressive euchre was played and all spent an enjoyable evening. Mi'. Walter F. Graham, of London died Monday following a brief ill- , ness. The deceased was a painter by trade. He is survived by his be­ reaved widow whose maiden name was Martha Bagshaw,.a former resi­ dent of Exeter, and five sons. Mr. Thos. Kestle, who has keen in the hospital in Lonaon, for the past two months and who recently underwent a second operation has shown decided signs’ of improvement during the past week and it is ex­ pected lie will be able to return to his home the first of next week. Word has been received in Exeter of the death of iMU’S. Edwin Braund, of Brantford, a former resident of Exeter, Mrs. Braund passed away on ■Saturday morning in her 63rd year. Her maiden name was Margaret Spicer. Besides her husband she is survived by three daughters and two sons. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late John Pedlar were Mr. Sam'l Rowe, Galt; Mrs.McAuly, of Saginaw, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland, of Ailsa Craig; Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. don. Windsor, of Brown city, Mich,; Manns, of Port Huron; Mr. and Wesley Lamport and Mr. and Chas. Ford, and family, Lon- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE USBORNE and HILBERT MUTUAL EIRE INSURANCE CO. Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be held in the Town Hall, Farquhar, on Mon­ day, February Sth, 1934, at 2 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the re­ ports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, and for the elec­ tion of two Directors, for a throe year term and two Auditors and for any other business that may bo in the interest of the Company. The Directors, whose term expires htU who are eligible for re-election aret J. T. Allison and feam*i Norris, W. A, Turnbull, Sec’y, Dator at Exeter, January ip, 1934. Kitchen Scoop FREE 32c. and get 1 lb. tin for.Brunswick Brand SARDINES 6 tins for 25c Southcott Bros ■CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS now $1.15 0—Browning’s Drugstore. CAVEN YOUNG PEOPLE The devotional meeting of the Ca- ven Church Young People’s Guild was held Monday evening. Vice-Pres., Miss Margaret Campbell occupied the chair. Several items were discussed, then taken by Mrs, spoke on "The Danger of Living just for Things.” During the course of the meeting Mrs. Sillery read, a very fitting poem "What Have We Done Today”. A song "Living for Jesus” was rendered by several of the mem­ bers and the meeting was closed by Rev. Mr. Gordon. Big Reductions in all lines of of business The meeting was Sillery, who MAIN ST. YOUNG PEOPLE The Main Street United Young People’s meeting on Monday night was addressed by the pastor, Rev. A. E. Elliott, who gave a very in­ structive talk on the works of Geo. Eliot whose real name was Marian Evans. Miss M. Sims presided. There was a good attendance. Another item on the program was a duet by the *Kestle sisters, it was decided that the next meeting would take the form of the annual skating party at the rink. In case there is no there will be a crokinole party the church parlour, DIPLOMAS AND SEALS FOR FAITHFUL ATTENDANCE ice in On Sunday last thirty-five Diplomas . and Seals were presented in Main St. United Sunday School as a reward of metit to those who had been at Sun­ day School every Sunday during 1933. The attendance on Sunday was largo. Mr. W. C. Poarce gave ah interesting temperance talk to the school. Sunday, February 4th is their anniversary when the speakers will bo Mr. H. C. White in the morn­ ing and Mr, Lome Eody in the ev­ ening, both laymen of St. Marys. Special music is being prepared by the school. A cordial invitation is given to all who are interested in Sunday School work, to Attend these services. Gent’s Furnishings, Suits and Overcoats I In order to reduce our stock, previous to stock taking, we are offering special bargains in all lines. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. HURON COUNTY JAIL HAS ONE PRISONER With the transfer to Guelph re­ formatory of three prisoners the population of Huron County jail is reduced to one, the lowest in the ex­ perience of the present governor, J. B. Reynolds and believed to be the lowest since the jail was built 93 years ago. As a matter of fact, the lone prisoner had the option of paying a fine on a liquor charge, but prefer­ red doing the term. Otherwise the traditional white flag would have been hoisted on the jail flagpole, Sheriff G. C. Middleton was ' set” for the ceremony. Not in memory of the oldest citizen has county jail ever been without all the the - a prisoner and the white flage cere­ mony was being looked forward to with both interest and pride. Among prisoners transferred was Gordon Young, defaulting county treasurer, sentenced to two year Bailiff Fisk escorted the prisoners. W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church instruction in Vocal Organ TheoryPiano Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 12<L phone 193 EXETER, ONT. CORN, YEAST MAKE ALLEGED BEVERAGE GODERICH—A concotion of corn and yeast cakes, which had been mix-* ed with hot water and allowed to "work” adorned the table of the police court Clerk. It was soltied, ac­ cording to Provincial Constable F<x, at the home of Otto Stephen, Top­ sail, and a sample from the half-gal­ lon sealers will be sent away for analysis. Stephen is charged with having in his possession liquor not acquired on an individual permit.