HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-01-18, Page 5i wow
Mr, and Mrs. James Bonthron
spent Saturday in London,
Mr, John Dallas is recovering nice
ly after her recent accident,
Mr. Nathan Peck has been quite
poorly this last week or two,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett were
in London on Monday visiting with
A great deal of grain and wood is
being brought to market and finding
ready sale
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale spent
Thursday with relatives and friends
in Kirkiton.
Mr. and (Mrs. Orval Beavers, of
Farquhar, visited with Hensall rela
tives on Monday.
A number from here were in Lon
don Friday evening taking in the
wrestling match.
Mrs. W. A. Young
daughter have returned
the Seaforth hospital.
Miss Jennie Murray,
was a week-end visitor with relatives
and friends in town.
IMr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle are
spending a few days this week vis
iting friends in Toronto.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the hockey games played at Zu
rich on Monday evening.
There is a great deal, of sickness
in the village and vicinity at pres
ents .he doctors being kept very busy
Mr. Thos. Welsh shipped out a
number of cars of lumber’ last week,
giving employment to a number of
Miss Robena Hunkin, of Exeter,
has returned home after a very pleas
ant visit with her sister, Mrs. John
Mrs. Fred Corbett, of Hay, spent
a few days in town last week visit
ing with her daughter Mrs. Roy Mc
John Carmichael and Joe Hagan
have returned home after spending a
very pleasant holiday with friends in
Mr, A. G. McLean of the staff of
the Bank of Montreal, .has returned
after spending a pleasant two weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren and W.
L. McLaren were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin, of
Mrs. Henry Horton is seriously ill
at her home here and her many
friends are very anxious about her
Clarence McNaughton and his sis
ter Miss Helen McNaughton, Crom
arty, were week-end visitors with
their grandfather, Mr. AV. McLar
McArthur has returned
in Whitby.
Mrs. Robt. Newell, of
Annie Maxwell,
of weeks here
Mrs. Peck and
and little
home from
of Exeter,
who spent a
visiting her
Mrs. Sidney
to her home
Lake, Sask., is visiing relatives and
friends here. She was called home
owing to the death of her mother the
late Mrs Peter Roberson.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carlisle have
returned home after being away sev
eral days attending the funeral of
Mrs. Carlisle’s father, the late Wm.
Landeborough of near Seaforth.
Miss Annie Smit had the misfor
tune recently, While emptying a boil
er of hot water to let it slip- out of
her hands, scalding her feet very
badly. It is not only painful but will
be some time for the flesh to heal.
Mrs. Robert Cameron spent last
week at the home of her mother Mrs
Alex. Foster, of Varna. During the
week Mrs. Foster passed away and
was buried on Saturday afternoon.
During the absence of Mrs. Cameron,
Miss Helen Smith had charge of the
public library.
In Carmel Presbyterian church on
Sunday last the services were well
attended, Rev. Mr. Young preaching
at both services,
ening of this week a prayer meeting
will be held; and Friday evening
preparatory services and on Sunday
Communion service.
* The prayer meeting held in the
United Church on Thursday evening
was largely attended. The three resi
dent ministers .Mr.’Young, Mr. Park
er and Mr. Sinclair all took part In
the service and were assisted, by the
Rev. Mr. Gordon of the C’aven Pres
byterian Church at Exeter.
The Sunday services at the United
church were well attended, Rev. Ar
thur Sinclair, pastor of the church,
preaching at both services. At the ev
ening service Sam. Rennie and Dr.
Smillie sang a duett “Drifting.” On
January 30th the annual congrega
tional meeting of this church will be
The bridge club met at the home
■of Miss Mattie Ellis on Wednesday
evening. During thv evening Mrs.
John Rhepherd (nee .Miss E. Dick
son) was presented with eight sher
bet glasses by the club of which she
is a member. Mrs. Shepherd made a
very fitting reply expressing her ap
preciation of the gift. The evening
was devoted to cards after which a
dainty lunch was served by the host
Tlw many ffiends here of Mr. R.
E. Pickard, were sorry to hear of
Ills death which occurred At hfs
home in Exeter on Tuesday last. He
made frequent business trips to Hen
sall in connection with his Real Es
tate and Insurance business and ho
also conducted a .general' store here
a number of years ago in the store
that is now a part of the Joynt s
On Thursday ev-
The anniversary of the birth of
Bobby Burns, January 25th, will be
celebrated in Hensall by an exclusive
ly Scotch concert in the town hall
I under the auspices of the board of
management of Carmel Presbyterian
• church. They have been fortunate
in securing Harvey IM’cGee, the weR
* known entertainer, of Auburn, Fred
Mutch, piper of Clinton, and Mrs. G.
1 M. Young, elocutionist, of Nairn.
■ This i® an event to which all lovers
of Scotish music and fun have been
j looking forward to.
On Monday evening the Young
, People of the United church held
, their weekly meeting with the presi
dent Verda Watson. After the open
ing services, Doreen Farquhar took
charge. Mildred Smillie was appoint
ed pianist for the presenz year tak
ing the place of Gladys Luker who
resigned. Bella Smale sang a solo
accompfinied on the piano by Greta
ing. The topic, ‘Citizenship’ was tak
en by Mr. Ross McKay, who gave a
splendid address and was warmly
congratulated' by the Rev. Mr. Sin
clair, A solo was given uy Mr. Sam.
Rannie accompanied on the piano by
by Miss Eleanor Fisher and also a
solo by IM'iss Florence Welsh. Next
Monday evening a radio program
will be given which promises to be
very interesting.
On Thursday afternoon the W.M.-S.
of Carmel Presbyterian church held
their annual day of prayer. The
meeting was opened) with a call to
worshi-p then hymn 60 6 was sung,
after which Mrs. C. S. Hudson led
in prayer. The first scripture lesson
was read by Mrs. Logan and a pray
er by Mrs. Workman. The minutes
of the previous meeting were read by
the acting secretary Mrs. Roy McLar
en; roll call was then called, with a
bible, “fear not” verse by Mrs. R. Y.
McLaren. Mrs. James Bonthron was
instructed to secure flowers for some
of the shut-in members. Mrs. Arnold
brought many items of interest from
the Presbytery; Mrs. David Nicol
read the second scripture lesson;
Mrs. Arnold led in prayer and the of
fering was then taken; prayer by
Mrs. Frank Farquhar. Mrs. R. Y. Mc
Laren gave a splendid address- on
“Blessed are the peacemakers”; Mrs.
James Bonthron sang a solo entitled
“Sweet Peace, the Gift of God’s Love’
prayer by Miss McGregor. The meet
ing closed by singing 111 and
The Board of Trustees) of the
lie and Continuation Schools
their first meeting of the year on Fri
day evening with all the members
present. Election of officers) for the
present year took place Fre.d Manns
was) appointed chairman and A. L.
Case Secretary-Treasurer. The other
members of the Board are: W, O.
Goodwin, A. Clank, E. McQueen and
Fred Hess. Mr. Manns takes- the
place of Henry Horton as chairman
of the Board. The Board reports
everything in extra good shape this
year having all accounts paid up
and over $30 0 in the treasury. With
a splendid staff of teachers the
board expects a very prosperous year
inspectors reports or both schools
were received and reported every
thing very favorable in all rooms.
About fifty relatives -and friends
of Mr. and Mrs. John /Shepherd as
sembled at the home of Mr. Thomas
Dickson -one evening recently to ex
tend to them their heartiest good
wishes and' congratulations on their
recent marriage. During the evening
games were played by everyone pres
ent. In the course of the entertain
ment Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd were
presented with a purse or money,
following a speech by Mr. Henry
Horton. A short address was read' by
Mrs. Glen Broadfoot while Mrs. Stan
ley Mitchell made the presentation.,
Mr. .Shepherd replied with a few
well chosen words, thanking their
many Relatives for their kindness
and inviting them to their home. Af
ter a delicious lunch was served all
left for their homes reeling that they
had spent a very pleasant evening.
Hensall School Report
Sr. IV—David San'gtser, 73; Jack
Simmons 71; Kenneth Passmore 71;
Herbert Drmmond 67; Mona Glenn
66; Ruth Bell 65'; Irene Hoskins. 64
Edna iSaundercoc/k 64; Margaret
Shepherd 60; Keith Buchanan 54;
Erma Kipfer 53; Nellie Fee 53.
Jr. IV—Mary Clark 78; Elva Mc
Queen 75; Jack Coles- 73; Alice
Pfaff 72; Pearl Harpole 70; Bar
bara Shepherd 66; Douglas (Sangster
Sr. Ill—Carey Joynt 86; Russel
Hedden 83; Norma cook so; Jim
Campbell 78; Gerald Passmore 77;
Elaine Peck 77; Marion Filshie 74;
George Sangster 67; Max Hudson
65; B. Thomson £2; Lloyd Brock 61
No. on roll '30; average attendance
29.56. '
0. Blowes, Frin.
HI a—-Ray Taylor 64; Shirley
Twitchell 58; Laird Hudson 52; Her
man Wolf'51; Cecil Kipfer 49*.
HI B—Harold Koehler 80; Nor
ris McEwan 72; June Saundercock
67; Mary Goodwin 66; Howard Love
65; Ronald Parker 63; Ja'cik Shep
herd' 60; Billy Coles 59; Madeline
Vanlandighcm 54; Carl Datersi 59*;
Preston Lemon 48.
H—Haines in order of merit—M.
Drummond 82? Emily Hoskin, Don
ald Joynt, Robert Cameron, Mar
garet Sangster, Robert Sangster, B.
Hess, Reta Bell, Lois MacLaren.
Miss Ellis, teacher
Junior Room
2nd class—Ross Kennedy, Bobby
Nicol, Joe Marks, Gordon Camp-
James Clark, Mildred Brock, !
John Beer, James (Sangster, Donald)
Williard, Howard Smale, Ross Green j
Williard, Howard Smale, Ross Green
First class—Jackie Drysdale, Mar
ion MacLaren, George Otterbein, Al
pine McEwan, Alvin Smale, Harold
Sr. Pr,-—Elain Hoskins 76; Don
ald Shepherd, Mona Hedden, Helen
Wolff, Bobby Cook, Ronald Stephen,
Shirley Wolf, Gloria Twitchell.
Jr. Pr.—Donald Bell 67; Ronald
Bell, Marian Green, Annie Vanland-
(*)denotes examinations missed,
Miss A. Consitt, teacher
Mrs. Gottfried Wein, who has been
on the sick list is recovering.
Miss Dorothy Ryte spent the week
end at her home in Lambeth.
Miss Alma Ratz is visiting rela
tives and friends in Kitchener.
Miss Grenzebaucli, nt Kitchener, is
visiting at the home of Mr, W. M.
Friendfei of Mrs. W. M- Sippell will
be gladi to learn that she is getting
along as well as expected after a
serious operation at St. Joseph’s
The Young Men’s Class of the
United Church Sunday School, held
theirtannuai election of officers at
the home of their teacher, (Mr. M. S.
Finkbeiner on Wednesday evening,
January 10th. The evening was spent
in games and contests, after which
a dainty lunch was served by the
hostess'. The following were elected
president, Gordon Mathers; vice
pres., Ed. Lamport; sec. Stewart
Wright; ass. sec., Jack Galloway,
treas., Roy Lamport; teacher, M. S.
Finkbejner; assts., Alvin Baker,
Thos. Chambers.
The United Young People’s Society
held their annual business meeting
on January 5th, 1934. The follow
ing officers were electee?: President,
Hannah Mathers; vice-president, M.
Lamport; secretary, Ila Lamport;
asst, secretary, Helen Mathers;
treasurer, Russell Finkbeiner; pian
ist, Audrey Yearley; conven. of com
mittees—'Christian Fellowship, Jack
Galloway; Missionary, Hazel Wood-
all; Christian Citizenship, Helen
Finkbeiner; Literary Recreation, M.
Lamport. An enjoyable half hour’s
recreation closed the meeting.
The Sr. E.L.C.E. of the Evangel
ical church held their regular meet
ing on Friday evening. Eldon
Smith acted as chairman and took
charge of the opening devotion. The [
subject of the evening
by Alvin Wuerth; piano solo by Miss
Helen Telfer. An interesting contest
closed this part of the meeting after
which a short business meeting was
conducted by the president, E. Haist.
Miss Margaret Kuhn who has been
the very efficient recording secretary
for the past two year® has accepted
a position at London. The young
people regret to lose her services
but join to wish her every success-.
Mr. Harry Hertzel was appointed to
take her place. Meeting was closed
by Mizplia benediction.
The Mission Circle of the United
church met recently at the home of
Mrs. I. Hill. The following officers
were elected for the ensuing year;-
Hon. Pres., Mrs. I. Hill, Mrs. Thos.
Trevethick; Pres., Doreen Baker;
1st Vice-Pres., Laura Woodall; 2nd
Vice-Pres., Grace Hill; Corres. Sec.,
Marion Lovie; Rec. Sec., Ethel Wag
horn; Assist. Rec. .Sec., Mardel Wat
son; Treas., Lillian Finkbeiner; Supt
qf Christian Stewardship, Rhena
Yearley; Supt. of Mite Boxes, Mary
The regular meeting of the Wom
ens’ Association was held in the
basement of the United church on
Thursday, January 11th. The new
president, Mrs. C. Jones, presided.
Over twenty ladies responded to the
roll call. A great many letters were
read from shut-ins in appreciation of
Christmas cheer that had been sent
out by the Association.
Several items of business were
transacted and plans made for the
congregational meeting to be held on
Thursday, January 25th. Mrs. Tel
fer favored the meeting with a read
ing, after which a. social time was
spent. The following hostesses were
in charge, Mrs. C. Zwicker, Mrs. F.
Clark and Mrs. J. Woodall.
Mrs. Chas. Eilber was born Sept.
29, 1866, daughter of the late Got-
lieb Merner, of popular memory, ill
Zurich, Ontario. Her maiden name
was Sarah Merner and she married
Chas. Eilber of Stephen Township in
1890. Until 8 years ago they lived
on the Eilber farm, Finkbeiner Un,6
and then moved to the comfortable,
new home in Crediton. The follow
ing are their sons and daughters:
Mildred, who- is Mrs. C. Haumuller,
of Detroit; Merner, Clarence, Elgin
and Russell, all of Detroit; Ila, who
is Mrs. Jack Marr and Lillian, both
of Cleveland. Mrs. Eilber has been
a faithful, conscientious and active
member of the Evangelical church
for many years. She was of a very
congenial and jovial disposition and
will be greatly missed in the com
munity. She died Friday evening In
her 68th year. Largely attended fun
eral services were held Monday tif-
ternooii conducted by the pastor M,
Sippell assisted by Rev. E. Burn, of
Zurich. The, choir and other sym
pathizing friends rendered solemn
Sweet White Corn . ,
Perfection Tomatoes
Huron Toilet Tissue
Fresh Broken Sodas
RED AND WHITE COFFEE.................................per IK 39c.
. GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE 1-2 lb. pkg. each ......... 10c.
‘ LIBBY’S TOMATQ JUICE ...................................2 tins for 9c.
HEREFORD CORN BEEF ................ ^tins for 25c.
GOOD QUALITY COOKING RICE...............G lbs. for 25c.
u NO. 3 PEAS, large tin..................... each 10c.
. per lb. 15c.
, per lb. 15c.
, per lb. x9c.
. per lb. 15c.
per lb. 12c.
FRESH SPINACH...................................
GREEN PEPPERS t...............................
MUSHROOMS ..........................................
CABBAGE ................................. ..
. 2 tins for 19c.
. 3 tins for 25c.
.........6 for 19c.
. 3 lbs. for 25c.
Phone 102
. 2 lbs. for 25c.
, • . per lb. 20c.
.... 4 for 25c.
. . . per lb. 39c.
. . . per lb. 5c.
..... 4 for 23c.
. . per doz. 19c.
New Dried Peaches fancy .... per lb. 21c.
Large Meaty Prunes ...... 2
Mixed Nuts...............
Fresh Oysters............................
lb. for 25c.
per lb. 15c.
per qt. 85c.
“Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver^
selections. Mr. Eilber could not at
tend the memorial servrces of his
beloved wife being confind to his
bed for several weeks with an afflic
tion that needs'quiet and rest. The
floral display was exquisite. Pall
bearers were: Christ. Haist, Edward
Beaver, Everett Fahrner, Frank
Clark, Ezra Faist and Herb Fahrner.
Interment at the Crediton Evangel
ical cemetery.
Mrs. Sam. Hedden
Geraldine and /Mrs. L.
Mr. E. Johnson and Mr. Jack Smith
and Miss Clara Lewis, all of London
spent Sunday with the latter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. I-Y. imwis.
Mrs. John Baird has returned to
the home of her son, Mr. David
j Baird here after vismng for a few
was discussed weeks with her son and daughter-In-
and daughter,
McDonald and
law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird,
near Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and
sons and Mrs. John Baird visited on
Sunday with relatives in Exeter.
iMrs. Wilson Anderson is visiting
for some time with her sister and
brother-in-law, (Mr. and Mrs. J. Mor
ley in Exeter.
Mrs. Annie Flynn and grandson,
Alvin have returned home after vis
iting for several weeks with Mr. and
Mrs.Jack Jasney in Brinsley.
Dr.H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood. first three days of
at office over the Post
Zurich, last three days of
week and
Office, m
son, Mr.
Mrs. Jane Guenther, of
spent last week with her
and Mrs. E. R. Guenther and family.
Harry Hoffman is spending a few
weeks in London. His sister Gertie
is relieving at the telephone central
during his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft motored
to Clifford and Walkerton on Friday.
|Mr. Earl Gaiser is confined to his
home through illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merner and
family attended the funeral of his
sister the late Mrs. Chas. Eilber in
Crediton on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther and
family were Sunday visitors with
friends in Zurich.
Dashwood Hockey team played a
fast game in Zurich on Monday night
Rev. J. B. Dengis, of Kitchener,
Occupied the. pulpit in the Evangel
ical church on Sunday evening.
Miss Grace Kellermartn returned
to Toronto on Sunday.
Mr. S. ‘Elsie, of Detroit, spent the
week-end with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Granger and Mrs.
Miles have returned to town after
spending the holidays in Sarnia.
Rev. A. W. Sauer is attending the
Evangelistic services held in
cheher this week.
Mrs. Wes. Horne aixa mother, Mrs.
Sympathy of many friends is ex
tended to relatives of the late Mr.
Sam. Brock, who passed away on
Saturday evening and also to the
relatives of the late Mr. Wm. Ford,
who died on Tuesda y morning at
the home of his son, Mr. Fred Ford
at Eden.
Mrs. Wm. Johns spent a few days
last week with her sister, (Mrs. A.
Gardiner at Farquhar.
Mrs. Harry Johns has
fined to her bed for the
and has been quite ill.
friends will hope for a ,
provement and recovery,
Mr. Allen Johns gave an interest
ing report of the Older Boy’s Parlia
ment held at Aurora, at the Sunday-
School session last Sunday.
The Y. P. S. met on Monday even
ing. The vice, president, Mr. Delmar
Skinner opened the meeting with a
hymn and the Lord’s Prayer repeat
ed in unison. The minutes were read
and adopted. Mr. Allen Johns took
charge of the worship period. After
singing hymn Mr. Kenneth Johns in
troduced the topic, “What is your at
titude to poverty and wealth.” Mr.
Mr. Allen Johns. Mr. Delmar Skin
ner led in prayer. After singing a
hymn the meeting closed.
The Elimville Women’s Associa
tion met at the church, Wednesday,
January 10th for the election of of
ficers for the present year: President
Mrs. Wm. Routly; Vice-Pres., Miss
Dora Delbridge; Sec’y., Mrs. Harry
March; Corres. Sec., Mrs. 'Hubert
Hunter; Treasurer, Mrs. Gar. Johns;
Pianist, Mrs. John Brock; Assistant
pianist, Mrs. James Kirkland; De
votional Committee, Mrs. O’Reilly;
Mrs. Chas. Stephen, Miss Ruth Skin
ner and Mrs. Ivor Morgan; Parson
age Committee, Miss Dora Delbridge,
Mrs. George Bailey, Mrs. IJames
Kirkland, Mrs. Alvin Pym, Miss R.
Skinner; Sewing Committee, 'Mrs.
E. Cowdry, Mrs, Mervin Pym, Mrs.
Wm. Bradshaw, Mrs. Lloyd Johns,
Mrs. James Kirkland, Mrs. Herman
Foster. The meetings will be held
the first Wednesday of each month.
Next meeting to be held at the
been con-
past week
Her many
speedy im-
Elford read the Scripture
from Proverbs 14:20, Psalm
Math. 25: 31-40. The dis-
on the lesson was taken by
The W.. A. held a social evening
at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Pym recently. The evening was spent
in progressive crokinole, the win
ners of the highest prizes were iMrs.
Wm. Bradshaw and Mrs. J. W. Brock
and the winners of the consolation
prizes were Mrs. Ivor Morgan and
Rev. J. W. Teters. Lunch of pork and
beans was served afterward. The
treasurer gave a report of the year’s
wonk! ahd a vote of thanks was mov
ed to Mr. and Mts. Pym for the use
of their home,
Mrs. Alex McFalls, of Exeter,
spent a few days with her sister,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Douglas, of Win
nipeg, Man., visited during the past
week with Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Wil
Miss Mary O’Brien and girl friend
of London, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. C. O’Brien.
Mr, and Mrs. B. Dinsmore, Lon
don, visited on Sunday wnn Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Hicks.
Don’t forget the supper in the
schoolroom of the church on Jan
uary 26th under the auspices of
group one of the Women’s Associa
tion. Following the supper group II
Will provide the evening’s program
of dialogues entitled ‘Jane’s Legacy’
and ’Wanted!
numbers and
service which
ed church on
Iasi week was largely attended. Rev.
Mr. Sinclair, of Hensall, a former
pastor of this charge was- the speak
er for the evening. Special music was
provided by tile male quartette.
Mrs. Wm. Moodie, of Usborne, vis
ited for a few days last week with
her daughter Mrs. Roy Fletcher.
The January meeting of the Wo
men’s Association was held in the
schoolroom -of the church on Thurs
day afternoon January 4th. Mrs. D.
Hodgson had charge of the devotion-
A Maid’*’
was held
also musical
The prayer
in the Unit
evening of
al exercises. The meeting was opened
by the use of hymn 191 after which
the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in
unison. Mrs. Maltby read the Scrip
ture lesson from Proverbs 15th chap,
verses 1 to 21; piano solo by Mrs.
Stewart; reading by Mrs. Skelton en
titled “The New Scroll”; hymn 3 47
and a reading by Mrs. D. Hodgson
entitled “God’s Beauty Parlor." Mrs.
T. Willis then took the chair for the
business. The annual reports show
ed that the association had a very
successful year. The association di
vided in two groups the first group
to have a supper on January 25th
and the second group to have one in
February, with one group providing
the supper and the other providing
the program in each case. Mrs. A.
Hicks read an article entitled ‘Ways
to Kill an Institute”. It was decid
ed to serve a dinner on August 6th.
when an Old Boys’ Reunion is be
ing held in Centralia. Hymn 3 89
was sung and Mrs. Arthur McFalls
closed the. meeting. A dainty lunch
was served by Mrs. R. Smith, Mrs.
N. Mitchell, Mrs. W. J. Smith and
Mrs. Shouldice.
Wedding Bells will soon be ring
ing on the Mollard Line.
Miss Mildred Zavits, of Popular
Hill is visiting Mr and Mrs. Ted.
Miss Mary Davidson, of Thedford,
spent the week-end with Miss Melba
Mr. Arnold Becker, of Dashwood,
has been visiting at Mr. Alex Periso
for a couple of weeks.
Mr. Alf. Tiederman, Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Holt, Mrs. Gordon Tiederman,
visited in Pt. Huron on Friday and
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Pollock on
Mr. Fred Kadding enterained his
neighbors and friends to a dance
Thursday night. All enjoyed them
Mr. Peter Ravelie was elected
Trustee for the third party fast Wed
nesday night.
The deepest sympathy of the com
munity is extended to Mr. Sherwood
Brock and family in the death Of
his father the late Mr. Samuel Brock
of Elimville. Mr. Brock was for
many years an esteemed resident or
this district having retired from the
farm now owned by his son Sher
wood, north of the village.
•Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Day, of Exe
ter, spent Sunday with Mr.and Mrs.
Jno. Prance.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clank and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs. E.
Gunning at Kirkton on Sunday.
Mr. W. J. Veal and Mr. W. A.
Coleman attended the Western On
tario Dairymen’s Convention held in
London on Wednesday of last week.
Mr. H. Bailey suffered a slight
relapse last week but we are pleased
to report that he is again improving
Mr. Hal Brown and Miss< Ethel
Brown, of Centralia, spent Sunday
with their mother Mrs. H. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake en
tertained a number of rrrends on
Friday night last. Dancing was in
dulged ih until the wee snia” hoors.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake
entertained a number of friends oh
Friday- evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis spent
Friday with Mr. ahd Mrs. Clarence
Miss- Elaine Robinson, of Kinktori,
Spent the week-end With her friend
Miss Genevieve Kerslake,