HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-01-18, Page 4THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1031 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
PISHER— In Exeter, on Tuesday,
January 16th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Clarke Fisher a son. (Thomas
McFAELS-™In Biddulph Tp„ on Fri
day, January 12th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Earl McFalls, a son.
RUSSELL— At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos
pital on Thursday, January 11th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russell .a
son, (Robert Earl).
BELLING—At Greenway, on Jan
uary 13tlx, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Belling, a son.
HILL—In Hamilton, on Tuesday,
January 9th, to Mr. and Mrs.
'Francis V. Hill, a son, (Richard
COOK—SCOTT—At the home of
the bride’s sister, Mrs. Turnbull,
St. Thomas, on Monday, January
5th, Miss Myrtle Scott, of Tillson-
burg, to Mr. William Cook, of Ex
eter, by Rev. Mr. Pellem.
B'ROCK—In Usborne, on Saturday,
January 13, 1934, Samuel R.
Brock, aged 69 years, 8 months
and 14 days.
EILBER—In Cred'iton on Friday,
January 12th, Sarah Merner, be
loved wife of Charles E. Eiliber,
aged 67 years, i3 months and 14
PEDLAR—In Exeter, on Monday,
January 15, 1934, John Pedlar,
aged 84 years and 2 months.
PICKARD)—In Exeter, on Saturday,
January 13, 1934, Elizabeth Ver
ity, widow of the late Robert E.
Pickard, aged 72 years and 2 days
FORD—In Usborne on Tuesday,
January 16t'h, 193 4, William Ford
in his 74th year. Funeral will be
held Friday, at two o’clock, from
the residence of his’son Mr. Ar
thur Ford, Usborne.
Mrs. Nelson St. Clair wishes to
thanik the Women’s Association of
the Crediton United Cnurcn and tne
Crediton’s Women's Institute for the
kind remembrances sent to her
mother and father Mr. and' Mrs. Wm.
Smith at Christmas time.
Mr. Jacob Kellerman and family
desire to express their appreciation
for the kindness shown them and the
many expressions of sympathy dur
ing their recent sad bereavement of
wife and mother, also for the many
floral tributes and cars loaned and < visiting pastors.—J. Kellerman and |
family. I
AMY—In loving memory of Well
ington Amy, who passed away on
January 14th, 1930.
Sweet memories will linger forever
Time cannot change them ’tis true
Years that may come cannot sever
Our loving remembance of you.
Ever remembered by wife and family
WEBSTER—In loving memory of
George Albert Webster, who died
five years ago January 21st
Not dead to us who loved him,
Not lost but gone before,
He lives with us in memory still
And will forever more.
Lovingly remembered by Mother,
Father, sisters and brothers'.
Cress Corn Salve—sold by Grieve’s
Drugstore, Exeter.
On Wednesday evening last a very
pleasant time was1 spent at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kestle, Stephen
it being a surprise birthday party in
honor of Mrs. Kestle. About twenty-
five of' the neighbors and friends
gathered when games of different
kinds and music and singing were
indulged in. Refresments were
served after which everybody joined
in singing “For she’s a Jony good
fellow” and departed feeling they
had spent an enjoyable evening.
The New Ford for 1934 is now on display and ready for
immediate delivery
The following cars that have been traded in are priced to sell
1932 Chevrolet Coupe
1932 Plymouth Sedan
1931 Willys Special Club Sedan $450.00
1931 Ford De Luxe Tudor $350.00
1931 Ford Standard Tudor $325.00
1927 Star four Coach $90.00
1926 Overland 6 Coach very small mileage $125.00
1933 De Luxe Sedan Demonstrator at a big reduction
Ford Sales and Service phone 64
League Standing
Exeter ............................3 0 0
Kirkton ...................... 1 1 0
Granton ...................... 1 2 0
Lucan ......................... 0 2 0
The local team will play in Kirk
ton on Friday night while Lucan
make their first appearance at the
local Arena on Monday night. Can
the Irish Nine keep up with their re
cord they made in the baseball
Granton lost their rlrst home
game of the season on Wednesday
last, when the Exeter team outscor
ed them 6-4. The visitors were un
accustomed to the small ice surface
and during the opening period found
difficulty in getting ciose to the net.
The game was a close affair through
out with the Exeter team winning
the game in the last rive minutes of
play by scoring two goals. Cornish
playing on left wing for Exeter re
ceived a bad smash in the third
period. He and a Granton player
collided, with the former going into
the boards head first. He was
knocked out for the moment and it
was necessary for the doctor to dress
a badly split ear. R. Sayers of town
refereed the game.
On Friday last the local team de
feated Kirkton by the score of 8 to
2. This was the first league game
at the local rink ana was played be
fore a large crowd. At the end of
the first period Exeter lead by the
score of 2-0, at the end of the second
3-1 while in the final period the
locals ran wild and netted five goals
in quick order, while Kirkton scor
ed one. /Good ice made the game
clean and fast with only five penal
ties handed out. The game was feat
ured by Bill Penhale, a junior, who
played his first league game in the
nets, who gave a good account of
himself. The local goal getters I
were: Berdux with three, Hockey with two, while Cochrane, Pryde and |
Creech had one each. Cluff and ;
Howe scored for Kirkton. Wiseman 1
handled the bell. I
Kirkton—Goal, Stevens; defense, I
McNaughton and Marshall; centre, :
Paul; -wings, Howe and Hammond; 1
subs, L. Harmer, R. Harmer, G. Cluff j
and W. Cluff.
Exeter—Goal, Penhale; defense, j
Berdux and Wells; centre, Pryde; ;
wings, Cochrane and Hookey; subs,
Creech, Laing, Boyle and Kydd.
In league game before the largest ■
crowd of the season the Exeter
hockey team annexed their third I
consecutive victory by nosing out the |
Granton team 4 to 3. The Granton 1
team led the scoring in the first two j
periods only to, see their margin j
vanish in the final period. The I
score at the end of the first period 1
was 1-0, at the end os- the second ;
period 3-2. Cochrane scored the )
first goal on a pass from Pryde.
Boyle got the second counter, on a
fluke shot, the puck bouncing over
the goaler’s stick. In tip third
period Creech tied the count on a • solo' effort. With one minute left |
to play, Hockey scored the winning (
tally on a pass from Creech. It was j
a fast and clean game, one of the
best staged at the local arena for
some time. Exeter drew four pen
alties, while Granton had two. Tlie
Granton team was strengthened by a
couple cxf outside players. K. Mc
Roberts refereed the game to the
satisfaction of all. The teams were:
Creech and Wells;
and Cochrane; centre, Pryde; subs,
Boyle, Snell, Willard, Berdux.
Granton—Goal, Hordie; defense
McRoberts and White; wings, R.
Gowan and C. Gowan; centre, Taylor
subs, Barthel, Diair, Birch Jamison
and Parkinson.
The Municipal Council elect of the
Township of Usborne for 1934 con
vened as per statute at Elimville on
Monday, January Sth, Those present
were Jas. Ballantyne, reeve; George
Westcott, Peter Moir, Percy Pass-
more and Reuben Shier, Councillors
each taking the necessary declara
tion of office.
The minutes of the meeting of
December 22nd were read and con
firmed with the correction of J. M.
Young $50,00' instead of $59.00 on
motion of Moir—Westcott.
Shier-Westcott: That the follow
ing salaries be paid to Municipal
officers for 1934 viz: reeve, $5&.00
councillors, each, $45.00; clenk
$250.00; Assessor $75.00'; collector
$65,001 treasurer, $90.00; caretaker
$12.00; auditors, each $10.00;
Westcott-Moir; That Henry Strang
be clerk.
Moir-Shier; That H. H. Brown be
Passmore - Westcott: That S. J.
Pym be collector.
S‘hier-Passmore:That Newton Clark
be Treasurer.
Westcott-Shier : That Mary Kell
ett be Caretaker.
Passmore - Shier : That Arnold
Wiseman and Henry Del'bridge be
Auditors to meet as per arrange
ment with the treasurer.
Passmore-Westcott: That Charles
Johns be Weed Inspector and Cow
Supervisor and that Ben Williams be
Sheep Valuator for 1934, each to be
paid fer time employ.ee. Carried.
S'hier-Moir: That Wm. Johns be
School Attendance Officer and that
a By-law be drafted eonrirming the
above appointments.
Moir-Westcott: That the Local
Board of Health for 193 4 be 'James
Ballantyne, chairman; Dr. J. G. Dun
lop, M. O. H.; Joshua Johns, Henry
Strang, Sec’y.; John Kellett, Sani
tary Inspector.
In amendment by Shier-Passmore:
That action be deferred until next
meeting. Amendment carried.
Shier-Westcott: That Frank Down
Wellington Kerslake, J. H. Prance,
Amos Doupe, Jas. Heywood be fence
Moir-Shier: That Jonn Luxton, W.
R. Frayne, W. C. Keddy, John Brock,
Harold Hern, Cecil Dobson, Heber
Shute, T. C. Allen, Jas. Anderson be
The following snow patrolmen were
duly appointed viz: Fred Ford, Con.
2 from lot 1 to 10. rd. ‘5 from Con.
1 to 2. W. T. Quinn, Con. 2, lot 11
to 15, rd. 7 from Con. 2 to Exeter
Corp. IJ. J. Hunter, Con. 4 from lot
2 to Bidd. Bdy., rd. 5 from Con. 2
to Con. 4, narrow rd. Clarence Johns
Con. 4, froim lot 11 to Thames Rd.,
rd. 7 from Con. 2 ?o Con. 4. Roy
Johns, Con. 6 from lot 1 to Bidd.
Bdy., rd 4 from Con. 8 to Bidd. Bdy.
Harry Cole, Con. 6 from lot 1 to 10,
rd. 5 from Con. 4 to Con. 6. Henry
Ford, Con. 6 from lot 11 to Thames
Rd., rd. 7 from Con. 4 to 6. Ernest
Hicks, Bidd. Bdy. from Con. 1 to
Con. 4. Chas. Dayman, Con. 2 from
lot 16 to Thames Rd. Earl Mitchell
Con. 2 from lot 25' to Thames Rd.,
rd. 11 from Con. 1 to 2. Harvey
Hyde, Con. 2 from lot 31 to 35, rd.
11 from Con. 2 to 4, Madge’s Hill.
Luther Reynolds, Con. 2 from lot 26
to 30, rd. 11 from Con. 1 to 2. Hec
tor Rowcliffe, Con. 4 from lot 31 to
35, rd. 11 from con. 4 to ■€. Wm.
Westlake, con. 4 from lot 30' to the
Thames Rd., rd 9 from Con. 2 to 4.
John 'Cann, Con. 6, Thames Rd. to
Hibb. Bdy., rd. 9 from Con. 4, to
Con. 6, rd. 10'. )J. T. Hern, Con. 8,
from lot 6 to 10, rd. 5 from Con. 6
to 10, rd. 20. Ephriam Hern, Con.
8 from lot 6 to Whalen, rd. 4 from
Con. 8 to 10. Hugh Berry, Con. 10
from lot 10 to Blan. Bdy., rd. 4 from
Con. 10 tp. Woodham. Wm. Gilfil-
lian, Con. 14 from Blan. Bdy to lot
15, ex. 6 from Con. 12 to 14. Roy
Coward, Con. 8 from lot 11 Thames
Rd., rd. 7 from Con. 6 to 8. Wm.
H. Stone, Rd. 9 from Con. 6 to point
of contact Co. Highway 23. Albert
Scott, Con. 10 from lot 11 to Thames
Rd., rd. 7 from Con. 8 to con. 10.
Walt. McNicol, con. 10 from Thames
Rd., to Hibb. Bdy. Ray Francis, Con.
12 from lot 11 to Thames Rd., rd. 7
from Con. 10 to 12. Hebdr Shute,
Con. 14 from lot 15 to the Thames
Rd., rd. 7 from Con. 14 to Blan.
Bdy. Wilfred Doupe, rd. 7 from lot
1»5, Con. 14 to Con. 12.
Patrolmen to employ only such
help as may be required to keep the
road passable for mail and other
traffic and to be under the direction
of the Council and Rd. Superinten
dent, an allowance of 15c. per hour
will be allowed for plows, used on
the road, all implements- at the own
er’s risk, time to be paid for at the
rate of 15c. per hour for men and
30c. an hour for man and team. All
snow bills must be presented to the
Rd. Superintendent before the May
meeting of Council by order of the
Dept, of Public Highways.
Shier-Passmore: That the Reeve
and Clerk be authorized to sign and
submit to the Dept, of Pub Highways
the application for the Gov’t, grant
for expenditure on roads for 1933
together wit1’ a letter urging the De
partment not to curtail the grant as
intimated by them early in the year.
That the following Municipal sup
plies for 1934 be ordered from the
Municipal World Co., viz:
1 42 page Assessment Roll; 1 36
page scribble roll; 1 School Census
Book* 1 School Rate Book; 1 42*
page Collector’s. Roll; 1 300 page
Minute Book; 400 Dog Tags, nine
copies of the Municipal World.
Treasurer’s report, 10132 taxes
$167,26; penalties $10.00; 1933 tax
es $700,00.
Moir-Shier; That n grant of $15.
be made to the Sick Children’s Hos
Passmore-Westcott, *hat all ar
rears of taxes for 1933 be charged
1 per cent, for January, 2 per cent,
for February and that 5 per .cent, be
added on March 1st,' Carried.
The Clerk reported mat he had
registered during the year 1933, 20
births, 3 marriages, 11 deaths.
The following bills were paid viz:
Clerk, reg. B-M. and D. $8.50'; D.
Gesterner Ltd., paper stock $11,47;
S. J. Pym, expenses Coll. 1933 taxes
$9.47, telephone, postage 53c. total
$10.00; Collector taxes refund, Chas.
Isaac, dog tax $2.00, Wm. Bibby dit
to $2, C. B. Parsons, ditto $2, Heber
Davis ditto $2, total $80.0; S. Brock
refund dog tax $2,00; J. M. Young
balance on gravel contract $87.5 0;
Henry Ford, superintendance $1.80.
Council adjourned to meet on Sat
urday, Feb. 3rd, at 12 o’clock noon.
Henry Strang, Clenk
. Miss Reta Molland spent the week
end with Mis's Thelma Marshall.
The annual meeting of the Kirk
ton Public Library was held last
Wednesday night and reported a very
satisfactory year. A considerable
number of new booksi have been add
ed and those wishing some good
winter reading should take advan
tage of the large stock of books.
Mrs. R. Pearson and Mr. David
Goulding were taken to tne hospital
in London on Saturday. We hope
they will soon recover.
Mrs. Wesley Batten is in St. Jo
seph’s Hospital, London <. We hope
to see her home soon.
Mr. Lloyd Shier, of Bryanston, is
visiting with his brother Mr. Howard
Our village is humming with ac
tivity. From thirty to forty men are
engaged in road construction work
which has been provided as a relief
measure. This work is expected to
continue until spring and will be the
means of distributing over $13,000
in the municipality.
Mr. Samuel Webb, who has been
ill for sometime is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Reed spent
a couple of days in London recently.
Mr. John Webb, of Hamilton, has
been visiting at the home of his
brother, Mr. and Mrs. S. Webb.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wilson have
returned from a visit with their
daughter, Mrs. C. J. Stewart, Exeter.
The Ladies’ Aid of the United
Church met at the parsonage, the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Turner on
Thursday. The meeting took the
form of a quilting after which Mrs.
Turner served a dainty lunch.
The Sunshine Mission Band held
their regular monthly meeting on
Saturday afternoon of last week in
the church with a good attendance.
Mr. Charles Jacques is the school
janitor for the year 19 3 4.
Mrs. Harold Hern and son Harry,
Miss Myrtle Earl and Mrs. George
Earl visited with the latter’s daugh
ter, Mrs. Milne Pullen, of Whalen
last week.
Mr. Elgin Rowcliffe called on Mrs.
Wellington Brock on Thursday.
Mr. Allen Quance visited with his
mother, Mrs. R. Quance one day last
week at the home of Mr. Wellington
Mrs. Ross Hern visited her aunt,
Mrs. F. Gunning, of Whalen.
Mrs. Levy Leslie, of St. Marys vis
ited with her niece, Mrs. Ephraim
Hern on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock visit
ed with their aunt, Mrs. James
Routly, of Woodham, who is ill in
the hospital on Sunday.
Mr. William Stephen, of Fullar-
ton visited with his mother, Mrs.
John Stephen at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Ephram Hern on Sunday.
Mrs. James Earl spent Monday
with her mother, Mrs. Albert Gun
ning in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern spent
Monday with their aunt, Mrs. Her
man Kyle, Exeter.
The W. M. S. heid their regular
monthly meeting in the church on
Thursday afternoon, January 5th.
The president, Mrs. Warren Brock,
had charge of the meeting. The
meeting opened with the members
repeating the Watchword and the
Lord’s Prayer in unison and singing
a hymn. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted, roll
was called and 11 members respond
ed. The meeting was given over to
business. Reports of the year’s work
were given by the secretaries. The
W. M. S. had a very successful year
but did not reach their allocation.
The Bible lesson was read by Mrs.
Ross Hern; the devotional leaflet,
“The busy feet of Jesus” by Miss
Myrtle Earl; Mrs. Warren Brock led
in prayer; Mrs. Milton Bocik< read a
New Year’s poem. A leaflet entitled
“A shoemaker who became a miss
ionary” was read by Mrs. John Johns
Mrs. Warren BrOck read a New
Year’s Prayer and a leaflet on the
Four Quarters. Mrs. Peters and Mrs.
Wilbur Batten played a duet. “The
March of the Wooden iSoldier” which
was much enjoyed by all. The next
meeting ’is to be the annual social
evening to be held at the home of
the president, when the ladies en
tertain their husbands. After singing
a hymn Mrs. Fetors closed the meet
ing with prayer..
Applications will be received by
the undersigned for the positions of
clerk, treasurer, road superinten
dent, assessor and caretaker for the
Township of Stephen, up to Monday,
the 22nd day of January 1934 at
2 p.m.
The lowest or any application not
^necessarily accepted.
William H. Sweitzer, Reeve
R. R. No. 2, Dashwood, Ont
The annual congregational meet
ing will be held in the basement of
the church on the 2 6tn or this month
A good program is being prepared
and lunch will be served as usual.
Miss Nettie Shier, of London, spent
the week-end with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. W. Shier.
A week of prayer is being held in
this community. The first meeting
was held here Monday night. Rev.
Lovegrove in charge assisted by Rev.
Lewis and Rev. Parsons, Kirkton.
;Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire and
family and other friends visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Earl, of Zion one night last week.
The play “Married in Two Days"
put on by the people of the Anglican
Church Kiiikiton, in the Orange Hall
here Thursday night was much en
joyed. All took theii’ parts splen
Those appointed delegates to at
tend the Perth Preshyterial held at
Stratford on 18th are: 'Mrs. Love
grove and Mrs. Wm. Wynne for the
W. M. S., Misses Marion Shier and
Alda Squire for the Mission Circle.
The Mission Circle was held Tues
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Wilburt Wynne.
The Mission Band will meet next
Sunday in the basement of the
church at 1.15.
A lot of young people from .here
visited Kirkton skating rink Satur
day night all claiming the ice was
Twenty-five dollars will be given
in prizes to the readers of the Times-
Advocate who renew their subscrip
tions this month.
Mr. Samuel Sweitzer left last
Tuesday for Clandeboye where he
lias been engaged to work on a farm.
The sympathy of the community
is extended to Mr. J. Kellermann and
family through the illness and death
of the late Mrs. Kellermann.
The annual meeting of the Ladies’
Aid was held in the church on Wed
nesday afternoon with Rev. Mr.
Johnson in charge. After reports
Were given the election of officers
tooik place. They are as follows:
Pres., Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner; First
Vice-Pres., Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer; 2nd
Vice-Pres., Mrs. Albert Gaiser; Sec
retary, Pearl Keyes; assist, secretary
Mrs. Jacob Ratz; Treas., Mrs. E.
Keyes; assist. Mrs. Baker; Miss.
Treas., Mrs. A. Finkbeiner; Flower
Committee, Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, Mrs.
Roy Ratz, Mrs. M. Sweitzer; Parson
age Committee, Mrs. Lamport, Mrs.
Baker, Mrs. Wm. Ratz; Pianist, Mrs.
Milton Ratz; Assist. Mrs. Roy Ratz;
Chaplain, Mrs. Jacob Ratz; assist.
Mrs. E. Keyes. Meeting was< closed
by prayer by Rev. Mr. Johnson.
The annual meeting and election
of officers of the Sunday School took
place on Wednesday afternoon. Rev.
Mr. Johnson was in charge. William
Sweitzer resigned as Supt. Officers
for the year are as follows: Supt.
Edward Lamport; Assist., William
Sweitzer; Secretary, Vern Sharpe;
Assist,, John Lamport; Treas., Mil
ton Ratz; Teachers, Jacob Kellqr-
mann, Wm. Sweitzer, Mrs. William
Sweitzer, L. Thomson, Pearl Keyes,
Matt. Sweitzer, Mrs. a. Webb and L.
Lovie. The meeting was closed by
prayer by Rev. Mr. Johnson.
(Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shipley are very
ill at the time of writing.
Miss Mary Dayman is’ visiting
with old friends at Kippen for a
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning visit
ed at the latter’s parents on Friday
afternoon at Greenway.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dayman, of Kip
pen, spent Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Squire.
Mrs. Harold Hern, of Zion, was a
recent visitor of Mrs. Milne Pullen.
The January meeting of the W.
M.S. was held at Mrs. Frank Gunn
ing’s home on Thursday afternoon
with twelve members present. The
president, Mrs. H. Squire was in the
chair. Hymn 342 was sung and pray
er was offered by two members. The
Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs.
Roy Sweitzer. Mrs. F. Gunning gave
the Treasurer’s' report. A letter of
thanks was received from the “Or
phans Protestant Home”, London for
fruit sent them recently. A letter
from Mrs. J. ColclOugh, Blyth, sup
ply secretary, was read giving infor
mation in regards to their needs for
this year. Mrs. W. Hodgson was ap
pointed Corresponding Secretary in
Mrs. Baillie’s place, who did not
wish to accept this office, A reading
on “Christian Stewardship” was well
given by Mrs. Milne Pullen. It was
decided that we use the Study Book
this year. Offering $.2.07, Hymn 459
and Rev. Mr, Stewart closed the
Mr. Robert Disjardine, of Grand
Bend is helping Mr Jack Ridley to
haul wood for a few days.
Mrs. Margaret Hayter, Qrvai and
Chrystal spent Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson.
Mrs. Jack Scott, of Ravenswood,
spent Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Murray. (
The Y. P. S. of the United church
’invites you to the supper they will
serve on Thursday nigne irom 6 to
8. The program afterwards will be
made up of music by the Boys’ Or
chestra, of Parkhill* and local talent.
Miss Florence Edwards will tell of
her trip to Rio de Janeiro, South
America, where she was a delegate
of the Canadian Y. P. S. Admission
2'5c. and 15c. not 3 0c, and 15c. as
announced last week.
Last Sunday afternoon the offic
ers and teachers of the United
church school were installed by the
pastor Rev. S. J. Mathers.
The S. S. executive met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGreg
or last Wednesday evening.
Mr. Clem. Bilby, of Ilderton, vis
ited Geo. Chapman recently.
Rev. S. J. Mathers M.A., has been
invited by the student body of Em
manuel College, Toronto to attend
their conference called “The Stu
dent’s' Retreat” late in February and
give a series of three lectures on
“Rural Ministry.”
Mr. Murray Luther and Mr. J.
Rornphf were in Strathroy on busi
ness last Monday.
Mrs. P. Gooding had a successful
quilting last Thursday afternoon.
Misses Arab and Mary McGregor
have returned from a pleasant visit
with Miss D. Ratz, of Khiva.
Miss Vera Isaac has returned to
her work in London after her recent
Miss Annie Laurie, of London,
visited Mr. Laurie and Miss Leask on
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Luther visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, of Brinsley
last Sunday.
Miss Muriel Steeper is visiting in
Mr. Laurie, Miss Leask and Mr. C.
Steeper visited Mr. and Mrs. W.
Hodgson in Ailsa Craig last week.
Mrs. Geo. Steeper has returned
from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Borth
wick of Thedford.
We are glad to report that Mr.
Thos. Bullock is able to sit up in a
chair and we hope to see him out
Miss Mary Pollock is still confined
to her bed and is not recovering as
fast as her many friends would like.
Death of Mrs» W. <T. Wilson
On December the 24th 1933' in
Minneapolis, Minn., after a few days
illness, a former resident of our
community passed to her reward in
the person of Mrs. W. J. Wilson,
whose maiden name was Sarah Jane
Stinson. At the early age of eigh
teen she married the late W. J. Wit-
son who predeceased her in 1918.
Together they did much to build up
the life of this .community from the
pioneer days until they moved to
Alberta in 1910. Their home was al
ways open to everyone anG Mrs.
Wilson was always happy when sur
rounded by the young folks who
found in her a friend whose thought
was for their pleasure and well be
ing. Her influence and help was
always cheerfully given to all church,
enterprises. Her delight was to be
of service anywhere and at any time.
The funeral service was held in
Minneapolis and conducted by Rev.
C. M. Bailie of the Methodist church
followed by the impressive service
of the Order of the Eastern Star.
The large number of floral offerings
from friends in Minneapolis, the
Abraham Lincoln chapter, Depart
ment of Agriculture and Moose
Lodge all of .Springfield and from
relatives and friends in Chicago bore
silent testimony of sympathy and
love. She leaves to mourn the loss
of a loving mother, two sons, Albert
C., of .Springfield, Ill; William A.,
of Chicago; two daughters, Mrs. R.
W. Russell (Alice), of Chicago and
Mrs. S. R. Holbrok (Carrie) of Min
neapolis, Minn.; also four grand
children and two great grandchildren
Tuesday, January 30th, 1934, 1.30
p.m., 30 Head Ontario Work Horses
3 to 10 years and some colts, Clyes-
dale stallion, 8 years old, registered
enrolled Form 1, good type, plenty
size at 18 Concession East Williams
Middlesex County, 1 1-4 miles south
of Ailsa Craig. Terms Cash.
M. A. MacALPINB, Auctioneer.
L. O. Charlesworth, Proprietor.
The meeting of the Huron County
Council will be held in the County
Council Chambers, Court House,
Goderich, at 2 o’clock on the after
noon of January 23, 1934.
All accounts, notices of deputa
tions or applications and other
important business requiring the at
tention of this meeting of the
Council should be in the hands of
the Clerk not later than Monday
previous to the meeting of the
Dated at Goderich this 4th day o£
January, 1934,
J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk.