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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-01-18, Page 2
THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1931 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE IT’S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WtR-Hcu Wako up your Liver Bile -'--No Calomel necessary healthy and happy, your aver must nou,r two pounds of liquid bile into Without that bile, trouble starts. Poor digestion. Slow elimination. Poisona in the body. General wretchedness. ... -xiS ®an you expect. tQ clear up a situation uke this completely with mere bowel-moving °d, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gum, or roughage? They don’t wake up your liver.You need Carter’s Little Liver Pills. Purely vegetable. Safe. Quick and sure results. Ask them by name. Refuse substitutes. 25c. at *11 druggist*. 50 YEARS AGO POLAND—-HIND—At the B. C. parsonage, Exeter, on the 9 th Inst., by the Rev. W. S, Pascoe, Mr. Geo. Poland, to Miss Lucy Hind, both of Elimville. On Friday evening of last week, the first carnival of the season was held on the Exeter skating rink. Messrs. Fanson and Evans deserve much credit for having the ice in such smooth condition. Among those in costume appeared: Samuel Sweet ,George Bailey, Alfred Drew, Thos; Isaac Mr. James F. Brock, of Usborne holds what we consider is a record on hogs. He Sold seven last week of an aggregate weight of 1680 lb. These hogs were just six months and one week old. A load of Crediton young people one night last week drove to Exeter and spent a pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. M. Brokensliire, who were recently married and are mak ing their home with Mrs John Mit chell. Mr. Wm. Ewington and- his sister Miss Nellie left Friday for St. John N.B. and sailed on Tuesday for Eng land. Mr. C. T. Brooks was last week appointed C.N.ft. express agent in place of the late T. G. Creech. Mr. Thos. Newell this week pur chased the dwelling property owned by Mrs. Foweli on William street. Edward Fahner has bought Alfred Melick’s fine 100 acre farm Stephen. We believe that a man .has to raised to it to enjoy loafing. in be Sunday School Lesson JESUS BEGINS HIS MINISTRY Ida Carling, Evans, Mrs. last the resi- and and last gentlemen from Staffa the immediate neigh meeting of the Exeter James Bissett, Thos-. Snell, Bowerman, Frank Howard, Carling, David Lait, Wm. Folland, Ed. Evans and J. Bawden, C Wil lis, Fred Elliott, John Elliott, C'has. MoDonell, Ed. Clarks, Walter Evans, Thos. Lyndall, Chas. Tom, Ralph Mc Intyre, Harry Gidley, Ida Sparling, Mary Fairburn, Ross Evans. On Friday evening dence of N. J. Clark, Esq. near Ex eter, was visited by a large number of ladies Mitchell, borhood. At the young People’s Christian Association held in the B. C. church the follow ing officers were installed: Pres., Rev. W. S. Pascoe; vice-pres., W. J. Clark; sec’y Ed. Harwood; treas., E. Roberts; organist, Miss L. Pascoe managing com., Miss Braund, Miss Popplestone, Miss Tom, Silas Whit lock, J. Braund and R. J. Pickard; ushers, Robt. Pickard and Luther Braund. Mr. Isaac Carling intends erecting a handsome brick residence at south end of the village during ensuing summer. the the 25 YEARS AGO Messrs. Fred Kerr and John Trieb- ner of the Huron Indian Gun Club won in the events at Hamilton last week to the extent of $25 each. Mr. Richard Snell has returned from Winnipeg, where he spent several months. He will go West again shortly. Mr. Tebbutt, of Galt, formerly of Exeter, was last Sunday presented with a beautiful gold mounted um brella, suitably engraved by his Sunday School class. A league has been formed in town of the ho-cky players, three teams being entered, Bankers, Clerks and North End. The Banxers con sist of Fleing, Acheson, Andersen, Palmer, Graham, James Knight; Clerks, Southcott, Rendle, Statham, Hodgert, Boyle, Hawkins, Browning; North End, Martin, Hawkshaw, 6. G. Bawden, F. Bawden, Atkinson, El liott, Axt. Mr. Maurice Bobier left Tuesday for Buffalo’ where his mother has been residing for some time. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mace arrived here on Friday from their wedding trip to Europe. Mr. Mace has since gone to Toronto while Mrs. remains here for a few days. Mr. Wm. Bray, of Virden, arrived here Friday to visit tives in this neighborhood for weetks. Mr, Simon Pollen came east with Mr. Bray and is visiting his brother Mr. Wm. Pollen. Mace Man., rela- a few 15 YEARS AGO On Friday last Mr. Earl Parsons purchased the farm of Mr. George Williams on Con, 7, Usbotne, con sisting of 150 acres. Sunday, January 21.—Matthew 12-25. Golden Text Repent: for the Kingdom Heaven is at hand. (Math. 4:17) 4: of weIn a little more than 300 words have an account of tne untque char acter, amazing influences, method of work, supernatural power and ac tivity, and nation-wide fame of the greatest man that ever lived. The events reported here took place al most two thousand years ago. The man died when He was in his early thirties, but letters and newspapers and legal documents and national and international covenants through out a large part of the world are dated in his memory: A.D., 1934, He was the greatest man wiai ever lived because he was more than man; God as well as man. Let us try to get the facts and teachings that are packed into this brief hitsorical re cord. It was still early in the public ministry of the Lord Jesus, but al most a year had passed since His wilderness experience of temptation that -we studied last week. He had been in Jerusalem and Judea, which are in the southern part of Spria, and now He heard that John the Baptist. His cousin, friend and special forerunner or herald, was cast into prison. Did He go at once to John with a message of comfort and assurance- had heard that John was cast into prison, He departed into Galilee,” going to Nazareth and Capernaum, some eighty miles to the north. It is just the opposite of what we would expect. But the Saviour of the world makes no mistakes-. Nor is He ever lacking in love; He so loved the world that He gave His life to save all. who believe. And He loved John and admired him; we shall have in a later lesson Christ’s tre mendous tribute: “Among them that are born of women there hath not arisen a greater than John the Baptist.” But there are times in the ex perience o?f G’od’s children when, for God’s own loving and' wise pur pose, the heavens seem as brass-, and God seems far away and unhearing. This must have seemed one of those times to John. He knows today, in the presence of his Lord, why it was best for Christ to do as He did and stay away. And now a prophecy was fulfilled “There are more direct and indirect quotations and references to the Old Testament in Matthew than Other New Testament book, 100 of them.” Seven centuries before “Now when Jesus in any about Christ Came to earth Isaiah had predicted by divirfP. inspiration, that, whereas God had'^fflicted the land of Zeb- Distressing Pams After Every Meal LOO For the past 55 years MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited Toronto, Ont. When yout stomach is put in proper condition you can eat what you HkO without having to suffer for it after. Mr. M. Kindyball, East Kildonan, Man., writes:—“Some time ago I suffered distressing pains in my stomach. After eating my meals the pains would be something awful. I decided to tty a bottle Of Burdock Blood Bitters and after finishing it I felt very much relieved, and after having taken three bottles I found the pains had completely left me?* uuln and the land of Naphali . . . beyond Jordan, in Galilee, of the nations,” this people that walked in darkness should see a great light, and the lights should shine upon those dwelling in the land of the Shadow of death (Isaiah 9:1-2,) Again, Isaiah prophesied that when th© Messiah should 'come God would give Him (for a light of the Gentiles’ (Isa. 42:6.) We read these very words in this lesson in Matthew, when Christ came from Nazareth to live in Capernaum, and the 'pro phecy was fulfilled in tne exact geo graphical region named by Isaiah, when, “the people which sat in the dankness saw a great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.” The detailed and liberal fulfil ment of hundreds of Old Testament prophecies in the New Testament is one of the unanswerable evidences of the divine inspiration of the Bible, -Christ, walking by the sea of Gal ilee, saw two brothers, fishermen, casting a net, and Ho said to them; “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Simon Peter and Andrew were their names. They had come to know Jesus almost a year earlier, as John’s Gospel tells us. (John 1:315-42.) At that time they had begun to believe that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel. Now, at his definite call to service, “they straightway left their nets and fol lowed him.” He was giving them the greatest call any man 'can have; to bring souls out of death into salvation and life. The Greek verb used in the ac count of another incident, in Luke 5, 10, sho>ws that Christ there said, literally; “From henceforth thou shalt take men alive.” The Lord saw two other fisher men brothers, Jameis and John, in a boat with their father mending their nets, and He gave them the same call. “And they immediately left the ship and thesr rather, and followed Him.” The instant obedience of these four disciples to the call of the Sav iour is impressive, And it is the way of blessing, How much richer our lives would be, how many disap pointments and failures and sorrows we should avoid, if we obeyed Word instantly. Then the Lord made a torn* of entire Province of Galilee, and public ministry included three dif ferent things: Teaching. Preaching the Gospel of the King- .dom. Healing every kind of siakness. His teaching must have f included opening the Old Testament (Scrip tures to the Jews in their synagog ues. His the his A DIRECT OBLIGATION OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ISSUED UNDER AUTHORITY OF R-3.O. 1927, CHAPTERS 23 AND 57, AND 23 GEORGE V, (ONTARIO), CHAPTER 45, AND A CHARGE AS TO PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST UPON THE His preaching was a proclaiming of the Gospel of the Kingdom as at hand, j'ust as John the Baptist had done. Hjs healing was supernatural, miraculous, omnipotent.; it had no limitatons whatever, He healed “all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” The inspired narrative also tells us that He healed those who were possessed with devils,” or demon, and the “lunatic" or insane. Here and elsewhere the New Testa ment is careful to distinguish them selves- between bodily disease and de- mon-^possession and insanity. They are different, but they were all sub ject to the healing power of the His fame was nation-wide, going throughout all Syria, and great crowds of people followed Him from every part of the country, If only they had all let Him heal their souls as well as their bodies, how different history would have been! CONSOUDATED REVENUE FUND OF THE PROVINCE New Issue ONTARIOs THE TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO OFFERS FOR PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION $40,000,000 Government of the Province of Ontario Non-Callable Coupon Bearer Debentures Dated January 16, 1934, and offered in three maturities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber, as follows: Three-Year 4% Debentures Due January 16, 1937 Denomination, $1,000 Price: 99.00 and interest, yielding 4.36% to maturity. Six-Year 4V2% Debentures Due January 16, 1940 Denominations, $500 and $1,000 Price: 100 and interest, yielding 4.50% to maturity. Fifteen-Year 4%% Debentures Due January 16, 1949 Denominations, $100, $500and $1,000 Price: 97.00 and interest, yielding 4.78% to maturity. Coupons payable January 16 and July 16. Debentures registerable as to principal only. Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada, at the holder’s option in the cities of Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Halifax or Saint John, N.B. Legal opinion of E. G. Long, Esq., K.C. The proceeds of this issue will be used to retire ‘short-term indebtedness incurred for capital expenditures of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission and of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission, for advances to the Agricultural Development Board and for Unemployment Relief. APPLICATIONS TO THE ABOVE LOAN WILL BE RECEIVED BY ANY BRANCH OF ANY CHARTERED BANK IN CANADA, ANY BRANCH OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SAVINGS OFFICE, AND BY RECOG NIZED BOND DEALERS AND STOCK BROKERS, FROM WHOM MAY BE OBTAINED COPIES OF THE OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS CON TAINING COMPLETE DETAILS OF THE LOAN. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THIS LOAN WILL BE SUBJECT TO AL LOTMENT AND THE LIST WILL CLOSE AT THE DIS CRETION OF THE TREASURER OF ONTARIO. INTERIM DEBENTURES IN BEARER FORM WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY ON OR ABOUT JANUARY W. Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, January 15,1934. I I