HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-01-11, Page 9KIRKTON
Thursday, January 11th, 1934
The viner shed of the Canadian
Cannersi will operate this year.
Miss Agnes Greason is visiting
with her brother Mr. Henry Greason
at Mt. Elgin.
Mr. Clij£on Moore spent the week
end in tw village.
Mr. Awn Fletcher has been laid
up with a wisdom tooth for the past
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall spent
Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Lark^
Miss Reta Mollard visited Sun
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Paynter.
Little Muriel Shier has been un
der the Doctor’s care with a very
bad cold. We hope she will soon be
out again.
Quite a number in and around our
village have very bad colds,
hope it will soon clear up.
The January meeting of the
W. M. S. met Wednesday afternoon
last in the basement of the church
with the new president Mrs. Doctor
Morphy in the chair. The meeting
was opened by a hymn and prayer
by the president. The roll call was
called and eighteen members answer
ed with a verse of Scripture. A
short time was taken for business
and Mrs. (Rev.) Lovegrove, Mrs. W.
Wynn and the president were ap
pointed as delegates to attend the
Presbyterial at Stratford on the 18th
of January. Reports of the various
officers were read and discussed.
The money sent to the Presbyterial
this year was considerably less than
last year. Those taking part in the
program were Mrs. Wilbert Wynn,
Mrs. Rev. Lovegrove, Mr.s. Mills,
Mrs. McNaughton and the meeting
was brought to a close by a hyinn
and the benediction.
The Young People’s League meets
Monday evening in the basement of
the church at 8 p.m. The new offi
cers will take their places.
We are sorry to »earn that Mrs.
Chatten is at present ill and under
the doctor’s care.
Mrs. Brock, of Zion is spending a
few days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Routly.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Murray and family spent one even
ing last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Sc'ott, Farquhar.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Williams and
their granddaughter, Hazel Williams
of Elimville, spent one day last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Walker Kerslake.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Clarke and
family spent one evening recently
with Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke.
Mrs. Emerson Gunning and baby
of Kirkton spent a week witl^a* parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clar^HF
Miss Lila McCuloch had thtWcfiis-
fortune to fall on the ice one day
last week and' is suffering from a
badly sprained wrist.Mr. J.4B. Hill, of London, govern
ment insRxitor of creameries paid
his official visit to the creamery
here on Friday of last week.
Mr. Ivan Davis, of Saintsbufy vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Fletcher on iSaturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and
family visited with Mr. and Mr®.
Warner McRoberts at Lucan one
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman and
Bobbie, Mr. A. Pearson, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten on Sun
Mrs. J. Walker and daughter Miss
Cathem are visiting with relatives
in Port Huron.
Miss Mano Lippert, of London,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H.
A number from h,ere attended the
funeral of the infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ryan, of Corbett, on Sunday
Miss Greta Becher is visiting with
relatives in Clinton for a couple of
Mr. and Mr$, W. Mason spent
day with friends at Grand Bend.
A number of young people attend
ed the dance at Mr. and Mrs. C. Ra-
gier, Mount Carmel on Tuesday ev
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Squire visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs, Jias. Anderson
at Thames Road recently.
Mr. and Mrs. George Millson also
Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson, of Lucan,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Mardlin, London Township. _
Mr. and Mrs. Hanvey Parkinson
and family spent Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Park
If its anything in the line of
Beauty Culture try the New Beauty
Shoppe. H. M. Smith, Exeter. Phone
231j for appointment. Evenings,
Crediton 30r31.
A Mission Band • was organized
during the past week and the follow
ing officers were elected; Pres., Miss
Gladys Squire; 1st vice-pres., Rus
sell Morley; 2nd vice-pres., Andrew
Arksey; Rec. Sec., David Hodgson;
cor. sec., Jean Morley; treas., Jean
Ogden; organist, Ruth Hodgson. The
Band have for their leader Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Patterson, of
Grand Bend, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Will Love on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs. R.>
Love on Friday evening.
Mr. Garnet Hodgins, of West
McGillivray, called on Mr. Mansel
Hodgins on Thursday.
Mr. W. Lovie spent Sunday with
Mrs. Maurice Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Miller.
Miss Crystal Hayter visited Thurs
day afternoon with Misses Beulah
and Ila Hodgins.
Mrs. Ruth Gill and Miss Janet
Turnbull visited one day last week
with Mrs. Hugh Love.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carruthers and
family spent Thursday evening with
Mr. Mansel Hodgins and family.
Get your next Marcel or Finger
Wave at the New Beauty Shoppe
where the newest methods are in
vogue. H. M. Smith, Exeter. Phone
231j for appointments. Evenings,
Crediton 30r31.
The Y. P .iS. met on Monday night
of this week. The president open
ed the meeting in the, usual manner
with a hymn and the Lord’s Prayer
was repeated in unison. The secre
tary read the minutes which were
adopted. The missionary convenor
Miss Lavona Cooper took charge of
the program. The topic, “Would
Christ send Missionaries where they
are not wanted” was introduced by
Miss Marjorie Delbridge. Mr. Ken
neth Johns read the Scripture Les
son from Acts. The discussion on
thq, lesson was given by Miss, Gladys
Johns., A poem "It Shows in Your
Facq’,’ was read by Mrs. J. H. Brock.
After singing another hymn the
meeting was brought to a close.
Members of the execuMngMB the W M. S.( met last Thursdl^^Kning
at the parsonage to plan th^Brogram
for this year. All members Who
have names promised for the auto
graph quilt are being asked to have
them in February 21st.
g»The executive of the Mission "rcle are to "meet at the parsonage
on Thursday evening of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Motz, of London,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Heywood Sr.
who is under the doctor’s care.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Johns and fam
ily, of Lucan, were Sunday visitors
with Mr®. J. Johns.
Mr. Sam Brock is. very low at time
of writing.
IMt. Rofot. Woods has been very
poorly for the week past.
Messrs. Chas. Stephen and Jack-
son Woods had wood bees this week.
Mr. -Silas Johns is able to be up
around the house after his recent
attack of bronchitis.
Colds are quite prevalent around
Mr Walter Johns returned to Ith
aca, N. Y„ last Friday after spend
ing two weeks at his home here.
The am^h^un
ing was the basem^^^Hpi
lowing offi^ffl^we
Mr. John Hazelwood; Assist.
Mr. Th os. Gunning; wee. and
perance Sec., Mr. Wm. Morley;
Mr. Wilson Morley; teacher for the
•unday arcnooi meet-
“ ursday evening in
le church. The fol-
were elected:Supt.,
adult class, Mr. F. Gunning; teacher
for Treasure Seekers’ class, Mr. D.
A. Johnson; other teachers, Mrs.
Hazelwood, Mrs. Morley and Mrs.
Miss Clara Kraft is at present
nursing Lorney Deitrich who is un
der the doctor's care.
and Mrs. Little
the past week
who continues
very acceptably
viz. Mr. Moody,
Mrs. A.Gardiner
We are sorry to hear Mrs. James
Simpson is laid up with Sciatica.
Tuesday evening the prayer meet
ing was in. charge of Rev. Chalmers
of Kippen.
Miss Marjorie Stewart spent the
week-end with Miss Reba iSimmons
of Exeter.
We are sorry to hear Mrs. Orville
Cann is confined to her room under
the doctor’s care.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and fam
ily with Mr. Frank Kenny spent the
week-end in .Stratford with relatives
Mrs. Jas. Austin
of London,
with Mrs. Austin,
quite sick.
A quartette sang
(Sunday morning,
Mr. Wm. Cann,
and Mrs. John Hodgert.
The homes of Mr. and
SflBhp and Mr. and Mrs. w^J open to two
gatherings* 3 past week.
Friends^of Miss Helen Anthony
will be pleased to hear she, is im
proving slowly after a se/ ill
ness at her home, the ma
erwell. She was unable
her position at
teaching staff.
The W. M. S.
at the home of
The meeting opened with the sing
ing of hymn 571, “Standing at the
Portal of the opening Year.” Mrs.
Allison read the Scripture lesson,
1st chapter John after which the
president, Mrs. Kydd led in prayer.
Roll was then called with fifteen-
members responding and minutes
read and approved. Mrs. Percy Pass-
more gave a short reading on China
and Mrs. >S. Coward on the “Jews in
•Canada.” Hymn 304 was the
after which Mrs. (Rev.) V troduced the new Study 1
.China. Mrs. Kydd and Mrs;
diner then sang a duet which was
much enjowd. Meeting closed with a hymn aiR? sentence prayers by a
t^feof the members. The tea com- n^:ee then took charge, lunch be
ing served and a social half hour
spent over the teacups.
Y. P. S.
Mrs. Wm.
large social
We co-operate with nature at the
New Beauty Shoppe, H. M. Smith,
Exeter. Phone 23 lj for appointment.
Evenings, Crediton 30r31.
The chopping mill at the rear of
the Dufferin House is in operation
and is now open for business. A
new grinder has been installed and
a first class roller. B. D. COOK
“Get your Condition Powders for
horses and hogs at Howey’s Drug
store. Fresh supplies now ready.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Auburn Bell, of
Pomtiac, Mich., Mr. x»a Mrs. Law
rence Stovel and Mr. and Mrs. Theo.
Willert from Cairo, Mich., spent
New Year^ggi Willert Bros.Miss H^^MLter, ef Dashwood,
is spend^^^^Vw weeks with Wil
lert Bros^BP^
Mr. and Mrs. E. Heatherley, of
London visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert. Smith on Tuesday of this
Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard visited
with Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Ford in Us-
borne on Sunday.
On Thursday, January 2'5 th the
Women’s Association win hold a
supper in the basement of the church
Following the supper a good pro
gram will be provided.
On Saturday evening of last week
Mr. and Mrs. D. Maltby entertained
the employees of the Shamrock
Creamery with their wives and
friendls at their home. A very en
joyable evening was spent in pro
gressive Lost Heir. After the games
the hostess served a dainty lunch.
Mrs. Robert Smith was winner of the
prize for ladies and Mt. Richard
Parker for the gentlemen while Mr.
Q. Meyers was the recipient of the
consolation prize.
On Thursday evening of last week
a number from the village motored
to Exeter to skate it being Old-
Timers’ Night.
meetingheld their
Mrs. N. Passmore.
The meeting of the above society
was held January 2nd being opened
by the president, Wm. Lamport in
the chair. After the opening hymn
followed by prayer the minutes of
previous meetings were read and
approved. The roll was answered
with “What I would do with a mill
ion dollars. The meeting being un
der the Literary and Social Com.
Miss E. Thomson then took charge.
Mr. Stewart Campbell gave the
Scripture reading followed by a dis
cussion by Miss M. Sewart. Mr.
Moody then gave a solo followed by
a debate, “Resolved that reading
good books is more educational than
travel.” Miss Mary Gardiner and
Mr. Thos. Farron took the affirm-
tive and Miss Loreen Borland and
Ivan Stewart the negative. The
judges were Mr. Moody, Mrs. Tay
lor and Miss Blackball, deciding in
favour of the affirmative by a few
points. This was followed by lunch
and games.
Twenty-five dollars will be given
in prizes to the readers of the Times-
Advocate who renew their subscrip
tions this month. See advt. on an
other page.