HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-01-11, Page 8THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, lf>31 WE SPECIALIZE IN of various Rinds IN THE STOVE BURNER LINE WE HANDLE THE “SILENT GLOW” Many persons are using these burners and save money and labor. Ask them about it. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Exeter Markets Wheat, 70c. oats 34c. Barley 42 c. Buckwheat 42c. Manitoba’s Best, $2.50. Model Flour $2.35 Welcome Flour $2.10 Low Grade Flour $1.25 Shorts $1.10 Bran $1.10 Vim Oat Feed $13.00 a ton Creamery Butter 30c. Dairy Butter, 20, 23c. Eggs, extras. 24c. Eggs, firsts 21c. Eggs, seconds 14c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, S. Moore Gordon, R.A., B.J), Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., organist 10> a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—-“Making the Foundations Sure” 7 p.m.—“The Shepherd’s Task” Friday, Jail, 12, 8 p.m.—Union Prayer Service. Speaker—Rev. R. N. Stewart, of Centralia. LOCALSPhone 61w (THURSDAY) De- Old-Timers’ Night No one under 21 years allowed Reserve Tuesday, January 23rd for the Janies Street Mission Circle Chautauqua novel program. SKATING TO-NIGHT JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rey. J, H. Stainton, B. A., Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader Rings, Watches, Chains, Dental Gold, Etc. Mail orders Promptly attended to LONDON GOLD PURCHASING COMPANY Bank of Commerce Bldg., Richmond and Dundas Sts., London •in.—The Minister, p.m.—Sunday School, p.m.—-“The unpardonable □ rd in the series in the the mind and of the soul. The usual forum will be the close -of the service. Elliott as the speaker. ______ “Conversion.” Have your questions ready. Wednesday—Prayer Meeting. Thursday—Y. P. S. All young people requested to be present to prepare for Y.P.S. Anni­ versary, Sunday, January zist, Thursday 3 p.m.,—Regular meetin of the W.M.S. A new shipment of Crazy Water Crystals at Howey’s Drugstore. Call 50 for delivery. Messrs. Sandy Elliott, Albert Tra- quair, Jas. Bowey of town and Herb Mousseau of Zurich, were in Toron­ to on Saturday and took in the Ot­ tawa Maple Leaf Hockey Game. Mr, Elliott brought back with him a new Ford coupe. CAR GOES INTO DITCH On Sunday evening while Mr. E. J. Wethey was returning from Lon­ don during the snow storm the car took to the ditch but fortunately there was no damage. Passing motorists stopped and assisted him to get back on to the road. The accident happened between Birr and Elginfield, Twenty-five dollars will be given in prizes to the readers of the Times- Advocate who renew their subscrip­ tions this month. See advt. on an­ other page. FOR SALE!—Four-wheel trailer, also McClary range, 6-hole, with reservoir. Apply at Times-Advocate. LOST— A teakettle on highway Please notify Times-Advocate. Starting on Monday, January 15 th we will be prepared to contract tor a limited acreage of peas and' com— Canadian Canners Ltd., B. R. tow, Mgr. Bar- FOR SALE—Durham cow calf one week old. Apply to R. ner, Andrew Street. and Skin- good good Cheap. Apply to Times-Ad- FOR SALE—19IS Ford car, tires, good top ond engine in shape. cate or phone 122. The Thames Road Farmers' are booking orders for both and feed oats. Please place orders as soon as possible.—P. Passmore, Secretry, Club coke FOR SALE—A gent’s overcoat, navy, size about 40, Apply to the Times-Advocate. FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine briCK residence, all modern conveniences. Apply R. E. Pickard FOR SALE OR RENT—2-story brick house in the Village of Exeter. Apply to Carling & Morley 9-19-tfc ANNUAL MEETING OF EXETER AGRICUTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society will be held in The Town Hall on January 19th at 2 o’clock p.m. for the purpose of receiving the report of the secretary and treasurer; the election of offi­ cers for 1934 and for any other business in the interest of the so­ ciety. The directors are’requested to meet at one o’clock. Wm. Coates, President, R. G. Seldon, Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Exe­ ter Horticultural Society will be held at the Public Library on Thursday, January 18th at 8 p.m. for the hearing of reports, the elec­ tion of officers and the transaction of general business. All invited. David Rowcliffe, President, J. G. Stanbury, .Sec’y-Treas. NOTICE Applications will be the undersigned for the Clerk, treasurer, road dent, assessor and caretaker for the Township of Stephen, up to Monday, the 22nd day of January 1934 at 2 p.m, . ’the lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. William EL Sweitzer, Reeve R. R. NO. 2, Dashwood, Ont 1-11-2 to,. received by .positions of superinten- Mr. Aquilla Sheere was in troit over the week-end. Mrs. Roger Northeott is visiting with her family at Sexsmith. Miss Florence Stewart, of Lon­ don, visited in town on Sunday. Mrs. Nelson Sheere is again con­ fined to her bed through illness. Mr. Reg. Beavers, of Sarnia, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates are both confined to their home through ill­ ness. Mrs. Wm. Kay has returned to London after spending a few weeks in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Ford, of De­ troit, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Willis, of London, visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. McTaggart Mr. T. D. Holloway, of Fleming, Sask., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Rowe last week. Mrs. Barton Ford, o-f Ethleton, Sask., is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Houlden. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wildfon-g spent the week-end with the lat­ ter’s parents near Holmesville. Mrs. Wm. Rollins, of London, is spending this week at the home of her mother, Mrs. T. G. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques spent the week-end with her -brother, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, of Zion. Rev. A. E. Elliott was in London Saturday visiting with some of his parishioners who are ill in the hos­ pital. Mr. Wesley Dearing and „Mrs. P. Webber were in _ week-end visiting Mrs. Litchfield. Mr. Walter H. been receiving treatment minster Hospital, London, home last week. Mr. Stanley Peters, of visited with Mr. and Mrs. and is spending a week with rela­ tives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sheppard, or London, visited with Mrs. Shepp- hard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman on Sunday. Mrs. W. Martin is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies and her daughter, Miss Margaret in Hamilton. Mrs. McQueen and Miss Margaret, Mrs. Thompson and son Master Alex, of Brucefield, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowey on Saturday. Mr. George Hunter has returned to Winnipeg after visiting for sev­ eral weeks with his and oth£r relatives in ity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Betty, Misses Abram and Alma Etherington, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ether­ ington. Mrs. J ,S. Grant, who has been confined to her bed for several months through illness, is improv­ ing nicely and is now able to come down stairs. Mr. Tlios. Bissett, who has been confined to his home tnrough ill­ ness for some time is now convales­ cing at the home of his sister, Fannie Bissett. Mrs. Elliott Vesse, of -Shanty Ontario, visited for a couple -of with Mrs. Frank Gill. I V ____ also visited with her son Mr. Chas. Elliott, of Clinton. Mrs. W. C. Pearce was winner of the second prize Christmas cake at Grant’s Bakery in the recent draw­ ing. Mr. B. S. Phillips was tlio winner of $1.00- worth of tickets. Farmers in this community will be glad to know that the Canning Factory will operate this year on both peas and corn. Contracts will be offered the beginning of next; pL. week | “ ’ Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilson, of ’ Dresden, visited with the latter’s grandmother, Mrs, Wm. Walker aim ’ other relatives In this community on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, « Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Hicks and family, of Grand Blanc, Mich., are visiting with relatives in this com* inanity having been called homo, ow­ ing to the illness of Mrs, Hicks’1— — --------father, Mr, William Ford, of Cen-UUv, A. E, Elliott, W, G. Medd, B. tralia, w. Denvers, ; , ■ . ■ . • MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—“We Would See Jesus” The Grantor, male quartette will .give selections at vice. Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday (Jan. er Service—Rev. Hugh Taylor Annual congregational meeting on Thursday, January 18th. a.m.-—Songs in the Night TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Bev. M.. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middletniss Second Sunday After Epiphany 11a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 2 p.m.—U-GO-I-GO Class. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. We deliver the Star Weekly, Liberty and Colliers. Call- Howey’s Drugstore. Detroit for the with their sister, wlio has in West- returned Atwood, Jos. May brother John, this commun- Stanton, Jack Miss Bay, days Mrs. Vesse Twenty-five dollars will be given in prizes to the readers of the Times- Advocate who renew their subscrip­ tions this month. See advt. on an­ other page. The girls of the Exeter H. S. un­ der the direction of Miss Bonis and Miss Brown will hold a party with pork and bean supper in the Bad­ minton rooms Thursday evening. Arrangements are being made by the girls to put on a play. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson .Sheer© received word of the death of cousin Mrs. Alex Grant, of Ft. liam, who passed away in the To­ ronto General Hospital on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant- visited in Ex­ eter a couple of years ago. The roads and sidewalks of town have been very slippery during the past week and pedestrians have had to use every precaution in making their way around. It was also diffi­ cult travelling for horses that were not sharpshod and numerous falls were reported. B.D, the morning ser- 11) United Pray- Sin.” sins of held at Rev. Mr. Subject: THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Ml 36 INCHES WIDE COLOREDNEW PATTERNS IN STAMPED MATS FLANNELETTE % PLAIN BROADCLOTHS 2 0 c. CHINTZ FOR COMFORTERSLADIES SILK AND WOOL HOSE PER YARD 25c. BOYS’ ALL WOOL SWEATERSCOMFORTER BATS SPECIAL AT 98c. Look These Over! 23cStandard Quality CORN 3 cans for........... In U-Neck or with neat collar, an all wool sweater in heather shades A range of beautiful patterns in dif­ ferent shades. Suitable for comforters. In all the best selling shades. A very fine cloth at per yard Splendid for quilting. You will do well to get a supply at this low price PER YARD 18c. Choice Quality 4 Special PEAS xBll No. 3’s 2 cans for . New Wabasso Prints for 1934 60 pieces of the New Wabasso Prints. The finest in quality and decidedly new patterns. Colors are guaranteed fast. PRICED AT 20c. and 25c. yard We are showing some New Patterns in Stamped Mats in sizes 1 yd., 1 1-4 yd., and 11-2 yd. lengths. PRICED AT 25c., 65c., 75c., and 85c. UNBLEACHED SHEETING This is at the old price 72 inches wide by 2 1-2 yards long. A good weight un­ bleached sheeting. Only a limited quant­ ity at each 98c. All Wool Blankets with Candy Stripes $5.95 4 ONLY PAIR OF ALL WOOL BLANK ETS 68 inches BY 84 inches. ■ THESE ARE SUB STANDARDS BUT IT IS HARD TO DETECT ANY IMPERFECTIONS. THE REGULAR PRICE OF THESE BLANKETS IS $7.50. DON’T MISS THESE AT $5.95. In four good shades. A good quality rayon and wool hose for cold weather wear SPECIAL AT PER PAIR 29c. For making quilts and comforters. A full size bat 72 inches by 90 inches. THIS IS A SPECIAL EACH 50c. Grocery Specials for Thurs Friday and Sat. SPECIAL Honey Drip mh JELLY POWDERS V Fjr 5c. pkg. 6 pkgs, SPECIAL PEANUT BUTTER Large Jar . . .19c SPECIAL AYLMER SOUPS alt kinds except Chickerf 3 cans for 23c. have their Wil- Thursday last was Old Timer’s Night at the Exeter skating rink when no one under 21 years of age were allowed on the ice. There was a -particularly good attendance with a number present who had not been on skates for several years.. ’Some of them were a little short in the wind, but everyone seemed to enjoy the occasion. Willing Workers Mission Circle of James- Street Church met at the home of Mrs. W. Witmer on Monday evening with a good at­ tendance. The plresident, Celia Christie took charge of the business part of ‘the meeting when it was ar­ ranged to have a Chautauqua pro­ gram on Jan. 23rd. Group one gave the program with Mildred Rowe m the chair. Meta Salter read the ae- votional leaflet. A short sketch of the work of Miss French, of Saskat­ chewan, was given by Verna Coates; Alice Handford gave the topic on “New Year’s Customs in Different Countries”; Mrs. Carey favored with a piano solo. The introduction of a new book “The Viking Heart” whs read by Leila Stackhouse. The meet­ ing closed with singing a hymn and all repeating the Mizpah benediction Big Reductions in all lines of Gent’s Furnishings, Suits and Overcoats MAIN STREET MEN’S UNION The Main Street United Church Men’s Union held their first meet­ ing of the New Year in the church parlours on Wednesday evening, January 3rd. A short program was given which included a piano duet by Rev. A. E. Elliott and G. C. Koch and a burlesque debate on the subject, “Resolved that the cal­ ender should have thirteen months instead of twelve.” The debaters were: Messrs. C. Pearce, Q, Lamport ' F. Abbott, and J. Francis. The speech I ’ Mr. Abbott, who whs unavoidably 'absent was read by the secretary. jThe following officers were then el- ■ elc.’ted for the year 1934: president G. W. Layton; vice president, Chas. ji-varce; secretary, G. c. Koch; ass*t sec./ E. Harness; treasurer, w. Mar- ■ tin; executive members, A. H» Gam- . brill, E. Walker, J. Caldwell, K, J. (Lanipman, R. Sims; representative to official board, E. Walker; audit­ or, G. MSwson; , visiting committee, W. c. Peartm, G. S. Howard, J. Cald­ well, J. Gteb, Horton, W. Abbott and G, Mawsoh*, church grounds com., A. Ryckman, W. Ward, G. Layton, B. M. Francis; music -com. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION The January meeting of the South Huron Ministerial Association was held at the home of Rev. J. W. Down Exeter on Tuesday afternoon. After the opening devotional period, the paper for the day was ably given by Rev, M. B. Parker, of HenSall. The subject selected was “Evolution.” The speaker dealt at some length with the various aspects of the Evol­ utionary theory as propounded by Darwin, Spencer and Bergson. Con­ siderable attention was given to the theory of “Emergent Evolution” as put forth by Lloyd Morgan which suggests the presence of an unac­ countable factor in the process of organic development. The pyramid­ al scheme of Alexander was also discussed at some length. The speak­ er then proceeded to deal with the subject of Heredity and Genetics in relation to the larger subject of the paper. In closing these facts wore’ related to the question of “Original Sin” and their bearing On the social life and problems of to-day. Follow­ ing the presentation of this very interesting and ever vital problem a very helpful discussion was conduct­ ed. A very hearty vote Of apprecia­ tion was tendered Rev. Farmer for his contribution and to Rev. and Mrs. Down for their kind hospital­ ity. Rev. A. E. Elliott invited the Association to hold its next meet­ ing at the Main street Parsonage on Tuesday, January doth." ’’ ‘ - - In order to reduce our stock, previous to stock taking, we are offering special bargains in all lines. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Mr, Henry Rhode, of Usborne, had the misfortune to lose a horse on the Thames Road. The horse fell on the ice on the bridge about three miles west of Exeter and broke its leg. The animal had to be shot. The annual meeting of Trivitt Memorial Women’s Auxiliary was hold recently at the home of Mrs. Oran Winor. The treasurer’s report was very satisfactory; $200.77 hav­ ing been raised during the year. All pledges had been met and a dona­ tion given to the wardens for the Budget. The annual bale of clothing was sent to St. Paul’s School, Cai’ds- ton, Alta., also a large halo to Wes­ tern Relief. The following of fleet's were elected for 1934: Hon. Pres., Mi's. Nunt;' pres., Mrs. O. Winer; vice pres., Miss N. M. McTaggart; sec., Miss Carolyn Davis; troas, Miss Maty Day; sec. Living Message, Miss A. Acheson; Prayer Partner sec., Miss Rosa Dearing; sec. Di tile Help­ er*, Mrs. Jennings; convenor Dorcas Work-, Miss Ml McTaggart. W. R. Goulding A. T. C, M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in Vocal organ TheoryPiano Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. f LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education Your Family Needs YoUr Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229