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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-01-04, Page 4
THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th,. 1931 THE; EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ATTRACTIVE Price Reductions In order to reduce our stock of appliances we ftre offering some very attractive price reductions. If interested you will do well to see the following and investigate our prices. One Norge Refrigerator, wite enamel, beautiful hardware One McClary 4-plate Electric Range with oven at bottom Two Easy Electric Washing Machines, enamel tubs, large size Wringer Rolls One Perfection Ironer. Two McClary single Hot Plates Premier Spic-Span Electric Vaccum Cleaner Two 660 watt and one 1100 watt Electric Heaters Table and Bedroom Lamps; Electric Percolators, Irons and Toasters You can save money by buying now! Exeter Public Utilities DEATHS DUNSFORD—In Sudbury on Thurs day, December 28, 193 3, Charles Dunsford, aged 44 years. FINKBEINER—On Monday, Janu ary let, 19 34, Milton B. Finkbein- er, aged 27 years and 6 months. SUTTON—At St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Saturday, December 30, 1933, Alfred E. Sutton, of Clandeboye, in his 66th year. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Christian Finkbeiner wish to thank the many friends for the kindness and sym pathy extended during their recent bereavement and to those who so kindly loaned cars. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner desire to express their thanks to their many friends "for flowers, cards and letters and also kindnesses shown during the illness of Mrs. Skinner in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. O. Pedersen desire to express their thanks to the many friends for the kindnesses and gifts presented to their daughter Karen during her recent illness. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Ladies and Gentlemen,— I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the ratepayers of Stephen for the confidence that has again been plac ed in me as demonstrated by the loyal support given me at the polls on election day. I shall endeavor to serve the municipality without fear or favor and hope this year to reduce the taxation. To one and all I extend best wishes for happiness and increased prosperity in 1934. WM. SWEITZER TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Ladies and Gentlemen,— I wish to express my hearty ap preciation of the splendid support that was given me at the polls on Monday in re-electing me as coun cillor of the township and I assure the ratepayers that I will give my best efforts in serving the municip ality. I extend to one and all best wishes for a happy and prosperous 1934. EDWARD LAMPORT ELECTION RESULTS (Continued from page one) jority vote of 440 in favor of the commission. Results of the elections were: Reeve—Mannings, 5i83; Moser, 539; majority, 44. Deputy-reeve—Turner, 824; Hayes 295; majority, 529. Council (first six elected)—D. Sproul, 623; Geo. Gould, ,5)42; 'C. H. Humber, 532; F. Seabrook, 444; N. Colclough, 386; J. Huckins, 13180; F. A. Elliott, 3 69; J. A. Chisholm, I3i47; Was So Short of Breath Coukl Not Lie Down to Sleep Mrs. P. J* Chemoil, Shoreacres, B.O., writes:— “I had been so troubled with shortness of breath I could not lie down to Bleep. I could not do any hard work, or climb the stairs, and had such nervous and smothering feelings I became very weak, I tried all kinds Gl medicine, but get no relief until I had taken three boxes of Milburn’s H. & N. Pills, and since then I have felt better in every Way.” For eak at all drug arid general atorcs; put up only by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont, Alex Malpas, 335; T. L. Gundry, 1'5.3. Mayor Lee was re-elected by ac clamation, also Dr. W. E. Gallow, to the Public Utilities Commission. McKillop Township J. M. Eckert was elected reeve of McKillop Township when he polled 49 4 votes over John Campbell who polled 275, All of the old township council was re-elected. They were: Hugh Alexander, 59 8; Elmer Hack well, 506; Joseph O’Rourke, 437; Russell Dorrence, 379. The defeated candidate was William Shannon with 3 65 votes. Bayfield Mrs. Thomas Bailey, with 84 votes headed the polls for three trustees of Bayfield Police Village. Others elect ed: Samuel Houston, 81; Murdock Ross, 60. The defeated candidate was Lewis Thomson with 51 votes. He was a member of the 1933 board along with Mr. Ross and W- J. Mc Leod, who did not .contest a seat this year. At the annual school meeting John A. Camderon was re-appointed trustee for a three-year-term. Dashwood Trustees are: Ed. Nadiger, Addis on Tieman and Thomas- Klumpp. Grand Bend Grand Bend Village trustees—A. Ireland, Thomas Webb and one more to be filled. Biddulph Township Melville Westman was again elect ed reeve of Biddulph Township poll ing 416 votes to the 374 secured by W. J. Dewan. Councillors elected were: John Parke, 49'5i; C. W. McRoberts, 447; Myron Culbert, 423; and William Morkin, 3 68. The other two candi dates were Sidney Hodgins, 352 and Percy S. Armitage, 2 82. McGillivray Township Henry Belling, a former reeve, nosed reeve Dave (Sheppard from the reeveship by 11 votes, polling 3172 to the 3 61 cast for Sheppard. Councillors, first three elected, are—Wilbert Young, 414; Cecil Ell- wood, 398; and- S. M. Emery, 33 8; W. J. Allison, 318. Turnberry Township The vote in Turnberry Township was light, probably because there was no fight for the reeveship. Isaac Wright having been returned by ac clamation The old council was re elected, as follows: Harold Moffatt, 290; James MoTavish, 219; Richard Wiluton, 184; James Breckenridge, 173. Defeated .candidates for the council were: William Austin, 170; Roy Porter, 165; Peter McEwen, 10)3 Hullett—Reeve — James Leiper. Councillors (accl.)—'Bert Allen, H. Mogridge, James Forbes, Robert Lawson. Wawanosh East —Reeve—P. W. Scott. Council—J. MCBurney, T. Reid-, George Youngblutt, T. Robert son, Blyth—Reeve George McNall maj. 153. School Trustees—Wm. Thuell, W. H. Lyons, J. S. Chellew. Twenty-five dollars will be given in prizes to the readers Of the Times- Advocate who renew their subscrip tions this month. See advt. on an other page. HIBBERT PLANS $13,000 RELIEF EXPENDITURES One-Third of Township’s Families Affected—Grading Projects* Post poned, Hibbert Township in 1934 will spend $1)3,000 on a federal-provin cial-municipal relief program, de signed to make possible the collect ion of nearly $10,000- in overdue tax es, eliminate direct relief, solve a serious transportation problem, over come a shortage of gravel in one section, and supply needed employ ment. Reeve Joseph Nagle stated “The council has hesitated to seize the property of hard-pressed farmers, who through no fault of their own, are in arrears in payment of taxes. Preference in the allotment of works is to be given those now on relief, to those who have been unable to pay'lheir taxes, or who have had to borrow money to do so. The amount owing the township for taxes wilf be deducted from ther pay cheques.” The reeve said 200 out of 600 families in Hibbert will be directly affected and believes the increased circulation of money would bring a measure of relief to everybody. The cutting down or “Cromarty Mountain,” a project sponsored by the Perth County Council, will cost Hibbert residents 10c. each. Reeve Nagle stated. Gravel estimated at a value of $4,-000 when delivered to the southeastern part of the town ship will be obtained from the township and governmental enter prises of cutting down the “Staffa Hill,” at a net cost of $3,200. Both hills are regarded as dangerous. CHISELHURST Mrs. George Chambers had the misfortune to fall on the ice break ing her leg in two places. We are sorry to report that Mr. Janies Stark was taken to Seaforth Hospital to be operated on. At time of writing- he is getting along as well as can be expected. Ae meeting was held at the home of Mr. George Parker on Thursday, December 28 th to re-organize the beef-ring which has not been runn ing for over six years. It was large ly attended, everyone taking a keen interest in the re-opening. When all reports were given it was found that only a few more shares were needed to complete the ring. The election of officers were as follows: president, Roy T. McDonald; secretary, Len. Purdy; directors, Glenn McLean, Carl Stoneman. Mr. Wm. Shepherd, of Hensall, received a unanimous vote to be the butcher. Ring to start the latter part of May. WINCHELSEA The extreme cold weather of the past week was hard on the ©old bins. The rain on .Sunday has left the roads very slippery in some places. We are pleased to report that Mr. H. Bailey is improving nicely, and expects to be up around in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fletcher, of Exe ter, spent New Years with their daughter Mrs. Walker Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym and fam ily of Exeter visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis. Mr. Harold Prance, of Shipka, call ed on his parents Mi', and Mrs. Jno. Prance on Saturday. Miss Greta Fletchei' spent the week end in Exeter with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher. Mr. A. Pearson spent the holidays with his brother in Komoka. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thomson in Exeter on Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Kerslake and) Genevieve M:r. and Mrs. True man Fletcher spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fletcher and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Fletcher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and family spent New Years with Mr and Mrs. John Fletcher of Exeter. CREDITON EAST Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daughter Helen spent a few days the past week with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gower at Elimville. Mr, and Mrs. David Baird and two sons and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Sims and family spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird near Grand Bend. Mrs. John Baird is visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daughter Helen spent New Years with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Bullock at Greenway. Mrs. Charles Anderson and son Jack returned, to their home Friday after spending a few days with Mrs. Wilson Andersbn. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brokenshire and two children, Windsor, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Law- son. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and two children, of Exeter; Mr, and Mr. Wm. Motz spent New Years with their sister and brother-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Frank S’cheidlpg in London Wo are sorry to report at tiine of Writing that Mrs. JTohn SOhroedfer is seriously ill at her home. Her two sons were called home, Mr. Rus- ■seil Schroeder, of Clandeboye and Mr. Wm, 'Schroeder, of Fairfield* THAMES ROAD The annual meeting of S. S. No* 2 was held December 27th with a good attendance. Rev. Hugh Taylor was elected to the chair and Mr. E<i- gar Monteith Secretary. Mr. James Simpson was elected irustee and Mr. Borland caretaker for 193 4. Mr. A. iScott had the misfortune to lose one of his good horses re cently. Mr. Wilfred Allen and friend were visitors for New Years with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mi’s. T. Allen. Mr. John McDougall and Mr. and Mrs. Upshaw, of Seaforth, were New Year’s Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDougall. A social evening was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Beavers on Friday. A jolly time was report ed. Mr. and Mrs, A. Morgan and fam ily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart on New Year’s Day. The weather was very rough anU bad roads (ice and snow) prevented many from getting out to New Year’s Sunday service, but those who were able to be present, enjoyed a fine ad dress by the minister. His text was, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stone, of Exeter joined a New Year’s Day social gath ering at Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Fletcher’s. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fletcher. We are sorry to hear M!rs. Austin is on the sick list. We wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Vera Pollen was a visitor last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and. Mrs, Benson Tuckey, Exeter The families of Mrs. A. Campbell from Galt and .Stratford spent part of the holiday season with their mother. Good skating is being enjoyed by the young people on Mr. Anderson’s field, Thames Road. ZION The School meeting was held on Wednesday of last week the trus tees for 193 4 are Alvin Pym, Wes ley Jaques, Warren Brock, Harold Hern, Secretary-treasurer. This year they decided to let ’the cleaning of the school, by tender. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock and Norman spent New Year’s Day with their aunt and uncle Mr. ant: Mrs. James Routly, of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl and fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques and family spent New Year’s Day with, the latter’s sister Mr. and Mrs. Wil son Morley, Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. George Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, of Whalen and Mr. George Brock spent New Year’s evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brock. Laurene Hern returned home on Thursday of last week having spent a few days with her aunt Mrs. Her man Kyle, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stephen and family, of Woodham and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rogers and family, of Kirkton, visited with their mother Mrs. John Stephen at the home of their sister Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brock and Mr. and Mrs. George Earl spent Wed nesday of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, Whalen. ;Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Frink Gunning, Whalen. Mrs. H. Kyle spent New Years with her nephew Mr. and Mrs. Har old Hern and brother Mr. Ephriam Hern. Mr, and Mrs. James Earl and fam ily spent Tuesday afternoon in Exe ter. Mr. and Mrs’. Hodgins, of Biddulph spent New Years with the latter’s sister Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock. The Brotherhood meeting will be held, in Elimville Church on Thurs day evening of this week. The Official Board meeting will be held in Zion church on Tuesday ELIMVILLE Mrs. Fuke and daughter Cora from Detroit were recent visitors with the former’s sister Mrs. Bruce Cooper, Mr. Silas Johns has been confined to his bed for the past week with a heavy cold. His friends hope he will soon be fully recovered. Miss Florence Bell, of Woodslee, and Miss Maizie O’Reilly of Sarnia, who visited during the holidays at their homes here have returned. Mr. and Mrs. Will Johns and fam ily spent New Year’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore, Thames Rd. Mr. Allen Johns returned home on Monday after attending the Boys’ Parliafnent at Aurora. The officers of the Mission Band for the 1934 are as follows: Slipt,, Mrs. Thos, Bell; Pres., Ina Ford; Vice-Pres., dladys Skihner; Record- Sec., Billy Brock; Treasurer, Marian Minors; Cor. Sec,, Harold Davis; Mite Box iStipt., Philip Johns; World Friends Sec,, Doteeh CoUltis; Her alds—Canada,' Doris Elfotd; Africa, Ross Skinner; Japan, Gfhhhrti Bell; Trinidad, Margaret Miners} Korea, Edna Ford; Temperance, Bessie Johns; China, Jean Davis* The December irieeting of the Mission Circle was held on Wednes day of last ’week at the home of Miss Gladys Johns with ten mem bers present. After' singing opening hymn, th© Lord’s Prayer was repeat ed in unison. The scripture lesson was read by Florence Bell from Matt. 2nd chapter. A reading “One Christmas Eve” was given by Miss Thelma O’Reilly. Some business was discussed. Minutes were read and adopted. Roll .call was responded to by a quotation on Christmas. The new officers for this year are ae fol lows: Hon, Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) Peters Pres., Marjorie Delbridge; Vice- Pres., Lavona Cooper; Rec, Sec., L. Ford; Corr. Sec,, Wilhelmine Fer guson; Treas., Margaret Johns; C, Steward, Sec., Helen Murcli; Mite B. Sec., Wilhelmine Ferguson; Organ ists, Audrey Prance and Margaret Johns; Heralds, China, W. Fergus on; Japan, Laura Ford; Korea, Eu- la Herdman; India, Lavona Cooper; Africa, Margaret Johns; Temperance Mary Herdman. GREENWAY Word has been received of the death of Mrs. W- J- Wilson, a former resident here, in"Minneapolis on De cember 24th, 1933. Further particu lars next week. Mr. Earl Christie, of Exeter, will conduct the services, in the United Church next 'Sunday. Rev. S. J. Mathers spent the Christ mas week With Mrs. Mathers and the children in Toronto. The special Christmas service in the United church was much appre ciated by the large congregation present. The choir rendered! three special Christmas numbers. The members of the junior school took part in the Bible readings a recita tion and a beautiful candle lighting exercise and the pastor told a. Christ mas story and gave a short Christ mas message. ■On New Year’s (Sunday a splendid male choir added to the service by singing two appropriate voluntaries. Mr. Bullock fell on Christmas night and broke his hip. We hope he will soon recover. Holiday visitors here,— Mr. Byron Brown B.A., of Toron to at home. Mr. S. English, of Detroit, and Roy Sheppard, London, with Mr. and Mrs. R. English. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wellman and Marilyn, of Port Huron, with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs, Manford Belling and Don, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belling. Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, Mr. Claude Fallis, London, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brophey, Parkhill, with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Miss Dorothy Luther, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luther. Miss Maude Brown, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown. Master Carmen McLinchey, Bryon, with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks. Mr. Harvey Gratton, Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hotson. Mr. Dawson Woodburn and his pupil, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pollock and family, of Kerwood, Mr. and Mrs. E. Webb and family, of Grand Bend, with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McPher son. Miss Viola Curts, Mr. and Mrs- W. O. Curts, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Curts. Mr. W. Fraser, Miss. Margaret Fraser and Mr. J. Elliott, of Park hill, with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mc Gregor. Mr. Newton McGregor, Miss Isabell and Mise Bernice Webb, all of Tor onto, with Mr. and Mrs. McGregor. Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor, Mr. Gordon Ulens, London, with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks and family, of Parkhill, with Mr. and* Mrs. Will Hicks. Mrs. A. Matthews and Mr. Edison Matthews, the Misses Jean and Mary Matthews, all of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ulens. A family re-union at Mr. E. Mas on’s home on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. S. Webb with Mr. and Mrs. A. Webb, of (Shipka. Mr. Elmer Webb at ms home in Granton. Mrs. W. Sherritt with Mr. and Mrs* K. Powe and family in Wind sor. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hotson, Marion and Willie with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mas on, of London. Miss Lydia Mathers with her mother Mrs. M. Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. R. English spent New Years in London. Mr, and Mrs. Fred .Steeper and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Huthinson of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Curts and Iva spent Christmas In Sarina. Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Bullock en tertained their family on New Year’s Day. Miss Evelyn Isaac, of London, spent New Year’s with her parents Mr. and1 Mrs. Tom Isaac. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor and family, attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of her parents Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Webb, of Grand* Bend on New Year’s Day. There was a splendid turnout of the electors for the municipal elec tions bn Monday. . The iChristriiAS cdhcdrt in’fho Unit ed Church iiadJa splendid at'tdhdahfee in spite of the icy toads. The pro gram this year carried the Christmas idea through every number and much appreciated. The closing num ber on the program was a pageant put on by 3(2 of the young folk and was very impressive. AUCTION SALE — of — YOUNG HORSES The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub- loc auction on Lot 8, Concession 10, Hibbert 2 miles East of Cromarty, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 12tll, 1931 • at 1 o’clock p.m. Thirty young horses from 3 to 6 years old; including matched teams of greys, bays and blacks. All On tario bred. TERMS OF SALE—CASH For further particulars apply to D. C. GARDINER & JOHN KEMP, Proprietors WILLIAM E. NAIRN, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE --- of --- HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has re ceived instructions to sell by public auction, on Main Street, Exeter, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1934 at 2 o’clock the following household effects: Chesterfield and chairs, hot air circular stove, floor lamp, rug, stove pipes, ironing board, felt paper, lin oleum 12x14, high chair, refrigerator 6 kitchen chairs, dining-room table/ buffet, kitchen stove, nearly new with oil burner and pipes, electric washing machine, sewing cabinet, kitchen cabinet, phonograph records, mantle clock, kitchen articles, seal ers, dishes of all kinds, earpets, mats linoleum, pictures, 2 wash tubs, Air Way sweeper, step ladder, 2 set of garden hose, sprinkling can, garden tools, pots, pans, bed crib, 2 dressers 2 mattresses, 2 new linoleums, two ro,ckers, 2 blackboards and other ar ticles. TERM'S OF SALE—CASH MRS. THOS. WILLIS, Proprietress FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the essate of RICH ARD BLATCHFORD, late of the Vil lage of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the Twenty-First day of January A.D., 1933, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersign ed on or before the Fifteenth day of January A.D., 19 3 4. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the sals elate the Exe cutrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, Ont. this 27th day of December, A.D. 1933. ' GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Executrix WOODHAM The W. M. S. will hold their first meeting of the new yeai* in the base ment of the church on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. with Mrs. W. Wynn, convenor, of group No. 1, in charge of the program. The Mission Circle meets .Saturday afternoon at 2.3O' p.m. in the (Sun day School room. The officers for the coming year will be elected at this meeting. All members are ex pected to be present and bring their fees. Messrs. Victor Chatten and Lome McNaughton spent last Friday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire and daughter Violet visited on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. John Camm. Mr. Basil Martin, Mr. Wm. Love grove and Miss Elizabeth Lovegrove have been spending the past week with friends at Hamilton. Visitors for New Year’s Day—- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirk and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mills with the latter’s daughter Mr. and Mrs. T. Tufts, Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mills and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Johnson, Audrey and Marion, Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Camm with Mr. and Mrs. John Camm, Rev. and Mrs. Thompson, a form er minister of this place with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNaughton and family with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaughton, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire and their daughter with Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hern, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle and family with friends at London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Swallow, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shier and family with Mr. and Mrs. Blight, Thorndale. Mise Alda Squire and Mr. D. R. Anderson at Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hern, Zion. A special mtiscial and literary ev ening of the League was held on Fri- # day evening of last week in the base ment of the church with Rev. W. Lovegrove in the chair, A Christmas reading was given by Mrs. Wilbert wynn, an. instrumental on the piano by Mr. Wendell Camm, A poem by Miss Evelyn Camm; piano and gui tar solo by the Misses Alda and Vio- lot Squire;, .piano solo, bY Miss Myf- ihnd Wynn; a dialogue of “Simeon's Cold” by a number of tne boys and girlo and woo much enjoyed, Then all took part in several contests. Lunch was served by the young people of the League.