HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-01-04, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4th, 1934 SIXTIETH YEAR, NO. 2787 !I January Sale I NEW MINISTER ARRIVES Men’s Fine Shirts In order to reduce our stock we are placing on sale this week our en­ tire stock of men’s fine shirts, over twenty-five dozen. These comprise collar attached and two separate collar styles, in Arrow, Forsythe and Gordon brands. Get in a supply at these prices. On Tuesday evening Rev, S. Moore Gordon, the new minister of Cavep. Presbyterian Church, arrived with his household effects from Cooks- town. Hq was arcompanied by his sons Murray, Richard, David, Bruce and Douglas and was met at the manse by a number of the congre­ gation who assisted in the unloading and served supper. On Wednesday evening Mrs, Gordon, wljo had been visiting her parents Rev. Dr. and. Mrs. Winchester, of Toronto, joined the others here bringing Janet, Mar­ garet and baby Allan with her. Rev. Mr. Gordon will be installed at a special service in the chui'ch on Friday evening and will commence his ministry on Sunday morning. The Times-Advocate extends to Rev. Mr. Gordon, Mrs. Gordon and family a heary welcome to Exeter. COOPER—CARRICK GROUP ONE—ALL SHIRTS UP TO $2.50 VALUES ON SALE AT $1BS9 GROUP TWO—ALL SHIRTS UP TO $1.50 VALUES ON SALE AT $1.19 each. Ladies’ Silk and Wool Hosiery on Sale 10 dozen pair Mercury Brand Ladies’ Silk Plaited Over Wool Hosiery, good shades, including black. Our regular 85c. line. January Sale price 65c. per pair or 2 pairs for $1.25. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United Church parsonage at Centralia, Monday afternoon, Janu­ ary first, Rev. R. N. Stewart offic­ iating, when Miss Bernice Carrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Carrick, of Hay Township was unit­ ed in marriage to Cooper, son of Mr. Cooper also of Hay bride was attended Collingwood, of Exeter while , the bridegroom was supported by his brother Orval Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will take up residence in Stephen Township where Mr. Cooper is employed. WEEK OF PRAYER A week of prayer will be held in this community as follows: Exeter Monday, January 8, Trivitt Mem­ orial, speaker, Rev. Gordon. Tuesday, Jan. 9, Salvation Army, speaker, Rev. Down. Wednesday, January pOth James Street United, speaker, rtev. Young. Thursday, January 11th, Main Street, speaker, Rev. Taylor. Friday, January 12, Caven Pres­ byterian, speaker, Rev. Stewart. Hensall Monday, January 8, Carmel Pres­ byterian, speaker, Rev. Stainton. Tuesday, January 9, St. Paul's Anglican, speaker, Rev. Elliott. Thursday, January 11th, United Church, Rev. M. A. Hunt. District Thames Road United, Tuesday, January 9th, speaker Rev. E. F. Chandler. Kippen United, Wednesday, Jan. 10th, speaker, Rev. M. B. Parker. Centralia United, Tuesday, Jan. 9, speaker, Rev. A. Sinclair. ORGANIZE FOR, HOCKEY At a meeting held in Lucan on Wednesday night the TrLCounty Hockey Ass’n was organized. Teams will include Lucan, Granton, Kirk­ ton and Exeter in one group with the expectation that Crediton, Cen- ralia, Grand Bend, Zurich Dashwood and Hensall will forjn a second group. Robert Sayers was elected president and S. Reid sec’y-treas. The schedule for the first group is as follows: Jan. 10—Exetei’ at Granton. Jan. 1'0.—Lpcan at Kirkton, Jan. 12—Kirkton at Exeter. Jan. 12—Lmcan at Granton, Jan. 15—Granton at Exeter, Jan. 1.5—Kirkton at Lucan, Jan. 19—Exeter at Kirkton, Jan, 19—Granton at Lucan, Jan. 22—.Lucan at Exeter, Jan. 22—Granton at Kirkton, Jan. 26—Exeter at Lucan, Jan. 26—Kirkton at Granton. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL FOR 1934 FINAL CLEARING OF LADIES’, MISSES AND GIRLS’ COATS. REAL BARGAIN PRICES Annual Stock-Taking WE ARE STOCK TAKING THIS WEEK AND CLEARING ALL REM­ NANTS AND ODD LINES AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES. SIMPLICITY PATTERNS FOR SPRING NOW IN STOCK AT 15c. EACH SUPERIOR CHAIN STORE SPECIAL VALUES FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Clark’s Pork & Beans, large 2 tins for 19c. Oxydol,................. Cereal Blend......... Royal York Coffee Red Cohoe Salmon .........1 lb. tin 23c., y% lb. tin 12yzc. Bulk Dates...............................4 lbs. for 25c. per pkg. 17c. per pkg. 23c. 1 lb. tin 39c. Surprise Soap...............................5 for 23c. Crother’s Soda Biscuits, 16 oz. pkg. lZy^c Hilcrest Shortening ....... 1 lb. pkg. 11c Red Pitted Cherries...............per tin 10c. Minute Tapioca ......................2 pkgs. 25c. Kippered Snacks........................per tin 5c. Richard’s Carbolic Soap .... per cake 5c. Chateau Cheese, . . y% lb. pkgs., 2 for 21c. Phone 32 Jones & May Phflne 32 1 ..A Good Resolution for 1934.. Resolved that I will feed Royal Purple Specifics to all my stock and poultry and get the best results possible. Mr. Bert Ravers was taken to Vic­ toria Hospital in London on Wed­ nesday of last week, suffering from a chronic case of appendicitis. He underwent an operation on Tuesday of this -week his condition being reported as quite satisfactory. Hubert Morley and Mrs. Wm. Township. The by Miss Ruth DIVINITY STUDENTS CONDUCT SERVICE wasA very impressive service held in James Street United church on Sunday morning conducted by three divinity students. The service was in charge of Mr. Earl Christie. Mr. Stuart East, of Regina, a student of Emmanuel College, Toronto, and a guest of Mr. Don Gladman, in a few remarks outlined some of the conditions in Saskatchewan and he thanked the people of Ontario for the relief that had been sent to needy districts which he stated had done much to cement the feeling of good will between the east and the west. Mr. Donald Gladman took the ser­ mon and delivered a very thoughtful atyd appealing message leaving a most favorable impression upon his hearers. At the service in the day'1 School, Mr. East gave a impressive talk to the scholars ing of some of his experiences student misionary during the sum­ mer holidays in Northern Saskatche­ wan. OFFICERS INSTALLED On Wednesday of last week the newly elected officers of Lebanon Forest Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 133 were duly installed by the installing master V. Wor. Bro., W. W. Taman assisted by Wor. Bro. E. M. Dig- nan. Following the installation re­ freshments were served and a num­ ber of addresses were delivered by the officers and visitors. The officers installed were as follows: W. Mas., Wor. Bro. Chas. .Salter; I.P.M., Wor. Bro. George W. Law- son; Sr. W, Bro. M. W. Pfaff; Jr. W., Bro. W. E. Middleton; Chap., Wor. Bro., E. M. Dignan; Treasurer, V. Wor. Bro. W. W. Taman; Secretary, Wor. Bro. R. N. Creech; Director of Ceremonies, Rt. Wor. Bro. T. Pryde; Sr, D., Bro. W. A. Skelton; Jr. D., Bro. S. Reed; I. G„ Bro. C. Morlock; Sr. S., Bro. H. Pollen; Jr. S., Bro. C. Mawhinney; Tyler, Bro. S. Sweet. Sun- very tell- asi a SUDDEN DEATH OF CHARLES DUNSFORD Royal Purple Hog Tonic and Worm Specifics This is a newcomer in the Royal Purp-le line but has given really wonderful results in the last month. Many farmers are using their second package and are recommending it very highly. Royal Purple Stock Specific Unequalled as a Stock. Conditioner Royal Purple Poultry Specific Keeps the hens in perfect laying condition Royal Purple Roup Cure....................................• • • • 50c. a lb. Royal Purple Cough Remedy.................................60c. a pkg. Royal Purple 40% Protein Concentrate! for making your laying mash. Ask the man who feeds it. One 30c. Package of Roup Cure free with every bag. We also carry Oyster Shell, Grit, Beef Scrap, Epsom Salts, Glauber Salts, Sulphur, Salt Petre, Bone Meal, Powdered Charcoal, Ground Flax Seed TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD found dead near A sudden heart be caused by the the cause. Appar- wheels of a it was stated, was Miss Win- Exeter. Mrs. MISTAKEN IDENTITY A dispatch from Cleveland to the London papers Saturday stated that a young woman supposed to be Mrs. Winnifred Cake, 24, of Emmery St., London, had been killed when she leaped beneath the trolley. The woman before her marriage, nifred Bishop, of Bishop, who resides in London, from the description, she has re­ ceived of the woman who was killed, is led to believe that it is not her daughter. Mrs. Cake has been sep­ arated from her husband for some time and her four children are now in a home in London. She has been residing in Toronto for a time but her present whereabouts are not known. Mi’s. Norman Hockey, of town, is a sister and Mr. and Mrs. Hockey and family were in London Sunday and Monday owing to unfortunate report.o the At the Main Street United Church on Sunday morning the pastor, Rev. Mr. Elliott preached an interesting sermon of a retrospective nature taking for his subject "The Way of Remembrance?’ At the evening ser­ vice a male chorus sang two num­ bers and the male quartette also sang. The pastor took for his sub­ ject "What Jesus did for a. Man." Headquarters for Crazy Water Crystals at Howey’s Drug store. New Price $l.'5O. TWenty-five dollars will' be given in prizes to the readers of the Times- Advocate who renew their subscrip­ tions this month. (See advt. on an­ other page. Mrs. I-Ioner, of Brucefield, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith. Among those who nave returned to Western University at London after spending the holidays at their homes here are Messrs. H. Creech, H. Jennings, Misses Helen Penhale Ruby Stone, Margaret Taman and Kathleen Wiseman. Misses Adeline Stone and Gladys Ryckman have returned to WesterVelt college. Visitors at the heme of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Ryckman for New Years Were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Parsons, of near Cromarty, Archie and Mrs. Parsons, of Kippen; Robt. and Mrs. Parsons, of Heneall; Mr. and Mrs. Joo Ferguson and family, F. Ryck­ man, Fred parson, of. London and Miss Verna. Sinden, of Denfield. ASHFIELD —- Murdock Matheson, J. Johnston. C'OLBORNE—A. J. Goldtliorpe EAST WtAWANOSH—Peter Scott. GODERICH TOWN. — Wi’^mot Haacke. GREY—J. McNab, D. Hemingway. HAY—A. Melick. HOWICK—J. W. Gamble, L. Dem- erling, HULLETT—J. A. Helper MORRIS—L. E. Cardiff McKILLOP—J. M. Eckert. STEPHEN—W. Sweitzer, Chester Mawhinney. STANLEY—M. Hanley TUCKERSMITH—W. B. Archibald TURNBERRY—I. Wright USBORNE—James Ballantyne WEST WAWANOSH—W. Stewart 'GODERICH—C. Munnings, Robert Turner. WINGHAM—J. Ferguson EXETER—W. D. Sanders BLYTH—George McNa.ll HENSALL—J. Jones ■CLINTON—George Elliott SEAFORTH—Crozier - BRUSSELS—R. J. Bowman. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. John Parsons quiet­ ly celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home on Gidley Street on Monday, January 1, 1934. Mrs, Parsons, nee Mary Charley, eld­ est daughter of the late Alfred Char­ ley of the first con. of Usborne Town­ ship a,nd John Parsons, third son of the late William Parsons, of the third con. Stephen Township were married in 1884 at the home of the bride’s parents by Rev. Mr. Veal, of Crediton. Mr. and’ Mrs. Parsons have been esteemed residents of Exe­ ter and vicinity during the entire fifty years of their married life. On Monday at six o’clock dinner was served' when only a few of the re-■ maining members of their 'family were present. Two have died with­ in the past year. A sister Mrs. M. Ai. Jones, through illness was not able to be present. The dining-room table was decorated in gold and white and a beautiful bouquet of yellow Toses, a gift of friends adorn­ ed the centre. Yellow streamers were hung around and yellow mums decorated the rooms. A number of congratulations were received thro’ the mail and well wishes were tend­ ered by relatives and friends. Those present enjoyed the social hour to­ gether and congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Parsons on the fact that they had spent fifty years of happy mar­ ried life, which so many have not the privilege to enjojy. After singling "For they are jolly good fellows" those present bid Mr. and Mrs. Par­ sons God speed and blessing thro’ the remaining years they may be. spared to live. ELECTION RESULTS As the result of elections in sev­ eral municipalities in Huron Goun- ty on Monday, there will be eight new faces on the 1913.4 County Coun­ cil. There are twenty-nine seats on the council and twenty-one of these had been filled by acclamations only eight municipalities in the county going to the polls on New Years. Three new members elected were: J. Jones, of Hensall, elected to the reeveship; C. Munnin^ was elected, reeve of Goderich, defeating J. Mos­ er, who was deputy-reeve last year; Robert Turner was elected deputy­ reeve on the new council, J. Craige retired as reeve of the Huron capital at the conclusion of the year. The five new members who secur­ ed their seats on the council last month were: Mervin Hanley, Stanley C. Mawhinney, deputy-reeve, Steph­ en Township; W. W. Crozier, Sea­ forth; F. L. Davidson, Wingham; W. D. Sanders, Exeter. L. E. Cardiff was re-elected de­ puty-reeve of Morris Township by acclamation when the nominations took place in that municpaJty last Tuesday. Goderich In Goderich the plebiscite taken to determine the wish of the rate­ payers regarding the appointment of a cemetery commission in control of Maitland .cemetery, received a ma- (Continued on page 4.) While proceeding to the city Po­ lice Station shortly before eight o’clock Thursday night Inspector Ed. Pyle of the 'Sudbury Police force waved a cheery evening to his old friend Charles Dunsford. When the inspector reached the police offi.ce he answered the telephone to leara that Charles had been the C.N.R. depot, attack thought to extreme cold was ently in good health Charlie left his home to go curling and was calling at the C.N.R. station regarding trains with the intention of meeting a friend. Charles seizure was sudden and death was instantaneous. An accountant at the C.P.R. office in Sudbury Charlie had been an em­ ployee of the C.P.R. for twenty years, except for two years spent in the Great War. Born in Stephen Tp. forty three years ago Charlie was the youngest son of the late William and Mrs. Dunsford of Exeter. He received his early education here and later graduated from Chatham Business College. Eleven years ago he was married to Miss Esther Guise who survives him. ‘Charles chief hobby was horticul­ ture and this winter he was taking a keen interest in curling. He was a member of St. Andrew’s United Church where a service conducted by the Rev. E. Cockram was held. The veterans of Sudbury marched in a body to the church. Upon receiving the sad news Isaac Dunsford left for Sudbury to accom­ pany the remains home and from whose home the funeral took place on Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. M. A. Hunt. He is survived by his wife, mother, two brothers and four sisters: Isaac and Percy, Mrs. Wm. Sanders, Stephen; Mrs. Milton Russell, Mrs. Wm. Gould, Mrs. Mel­ vin Gould of Hay' Twp. The high esteem in which the deceased was held was shown by the numerous floral tributes. Those attending the For Reeve WM. SWEITZER RE-ELECTED REEVE OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP /'I'2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 totalH.Beaver .............. 51 4*1 6’Ot 95 1'5 56 17 20 20 375W.Sweitzer .......... 64 53 78 84 94 135 93 86 136 823Majority for Sweitzer 448. For Deputy-Reeve Chester Mawhinney was elected Deputy-Reeve by acclamation. 50 YEARS MARRIED Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rhode, Royal Oak B.iC., who for 2>5 years were esteemed residents of Dash­ wood, celebrated their Golden Wed­ ding Anniversary on December 29th. Three daughters were present for the Jubilee as was a brother of Mrs. Rhode, who also resides in the locality. Mr, Rhode was married at Grediton on December 29th, 1884 to Miss Catherine Dearing, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Dearing the ceremony being per­ formed by Rev. Mr. Veal. The at­ tendants at the wedding were Mary Rhode and John Dearing, sister and] funeral from a distance were: Mrs. brother of the bride and groom. Mr. jc, Dunsford, Mrs. Helwig, of Sud- of Elected—E. Lamport, R. Plebiscite for Roy Holt .............. 56 2131 E. Lamport ............ 20i 43 A. McCann ............ 85 23 Rs Ratz .................. 47 35 E. 'Shapton ............. 82 83 Highway Improve­ ment Act ........ 49 21 For Statute Labor...................... 8 27 For Councillors 33 52 38 56 30 35 95 4185180671547771966t5®68 90 84 72 52 B3 33 5401031335591696782682831023678161838536Ratz; and a. :McCann. 38 39 20 64 20'18 32 301 31 46 .3(8 31 36 36 43 296 Rhode is a brother-in-law of Mrs. E. Rhode of town, while Mrs. Rhode is a sister of Mrs. A. S. Davis and Mrs. Harry Smith, of town; Mr. Walter Dearing, of London and Mr. Abe Dearing of Stephen. Mr and Mrs. Rhode have been residents of British Columbia fot the past 25 years. bury; Mr. Jas. Brownlee, represent­ ing the C.P.R. of (Sudbury; Mrs. McWhaw, Miss Agnes Kitchen, of Toronto; Mrs. Linklater, of Nora.nda Que.; Mt. and Mrs. owOn Atkinson, of Grand Bend. The pall-bearers were .Tas. Brownlee, Wm. May ,R. G. Seldon, Owen Atkinson, Norman Sanders and Homer Russell. HAY TOWNSHIP The following Is the result of the election by polls in Hay Twp. For Reeve Alfred Melick was elected reeve by acclamation. For Councillors spoils 12345678 total G. Armstrong .......... 88 75 107 81 35' 91 45 26 543 G. Becker ..................... 6 3 27 52 26 106 8 9 237 F. Corbett ............... 34 45 50 73 11 18 36 17 284 D. Ducharme ......... l<0* 22 81 53 30 24 12 30 262 J. Geoffrey ....... 0 7 33 313 43 12 4 47 179 W. Haugh ..................... 24 24 105 98 68 127 19 37 502 M. Turnbull ................. 315 29 91 76 56 123 17 81 50'8 E. Walper ............ 16 13 46 55 24 100 14 23 291 Elected:C. Armstrong, M. Turnbull, W. Haugh, E. ‘Walper.