HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-12-28, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
of Detroit,
in town.
at her home
Simpson are
with London
Mr. Win. McMartin,
spending the holidays
Miss Jessie Bell, of
spending tho holidays
Mr. and Mrs. James
spending the holidays
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy spent
Christmas at their former home in
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard spent
Christmas with relatives and friends
in Detroit.
Mr. Arnold Bell, of Toronto, is
visiting here with his mother Mrs.
Bertha Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buchanan, of
Toronto, spent Christmas with rela
tives in town.
Mr. Harry Cook, of Toronto Uni
versity, is spending the holidays
his home here.
Mr. Eldrid Smith of London,
spending the Christmas holidays
hie home here.
Mr. Milton Ortwein spent Christ
mas with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Ortwein.
Miss Olive Coxworth, of Detroit,
spent Chrietmas with her sister,
Mrs. A. Scrdton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, For
est, are spending the holidays with
relatives in town.
Mr. Eric Kennedy, of Toronto, is
spending Christmas here with his
wife and family.
Mies Amy Lammie, of Toronto,
spent Christmas wi*D her mother,
Mrs. Wm. Lammie.
Miss Alma Scruton, R.N., of Lon
don, spent Christmas wltn her moth
er Mrs. A. Scruton.
Miss Martha Hunter, of Exeter,
is spending the Christmas holidays
with relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer, of
Windsor, spent Chrietmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Parlmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of Detroit,
spent Chrietmas with Mrs. Harris’s !
mother Mrs. E. Rannie. i
Elder 65; Dorothy Mcqueen 651 O.
Brock 64; Helen Walker 62; Lloyd
Crawfdord 60-; Jessie Dick 58; Allan
Davidson 5|6; Kenneth Manns 56;
Irene Smale 52; Harold Bonthron
The pupils of the Continuation
School also put on a wonderfully
fine program.. The Rev. Mr, Young
gave a short addrees of Christmas
greeting to the pupils which was
followed by dialogues and playlets.
It was encouraging to the teachers
to have so many of the pafente at
The Christmas entertainment
on by the scholars of St, Paul’s
glican Church Sunday School,
Wednesday evening was greatly en
joyed by the large crowd' present.
The children were first given a
chicken supper and after that a con
cert was given: pantominee, readings
recitations and other numbers were
given. A splendid Christmas tree
and a jolly old Santa Claus added
to the gaiety of the occasion. A
New Year’s Eve service will be held
in the 'church at 11,30 p.m. Decem
ber 3 let.
Special Christmas services held
in the Carmel Presbyterian Church
on Sunday last were largely attend
ed. Rev. Mr. Young’s morning ser
mon, a special Christmas message
The large choir under the direction
of Mr. W. A. McLaren and follow
ing are the special numbers at the
morning service: male quartette,
Messrs. W. A. McLaren, James Ben-
gough, R. Y. McLaren and Rev. W.
A. Young; a solo by Mrs. J. W. Bon
thron, also an'anthem by the choir.
At the evening service the sermon
was “Christmas Thoughts." The
special music was an anthem by the
choir quartette by Mesdames W. A.
McLaren and H. Bell and Misses I.
Hoggarth and M. Workman; solo by
Mrs. W. A. Young. Miss Blanche
Mustard presided at the o.rgan.
The Sunday School of Carmel
Presbyterian church held their an
nual Christmas entertainment on
Friday evening. There was a good
crowd present who greatly enjoyed
the evening. The Christmas tree
was there and also .Santa Claus drop
ped in to see the children. The en
tertainment was opened by an ad
Form 3
Norman Sinclair 79;
ick 75; Ian Filsliie 71
rest 71; Elinor Bell
Crerar 68; Mabel Fee 68;
Glen 68; Helen Munn 67;
Thomson 67;
Mildred Foil- ; Edison For-
69 Stewart
John Alexander 63;
Jeanette McAllister 62; Ruth Coles
61; Andrew McKenzie 59; Dorothy
Drummond 5i8; John Farquhar 57;
Minnie Sangster 154; Margaret Bell
5 3; Shirley Koehler 50.
William Jones, Owen Geig-
Robt. Higgins. For the
Geo. C. Petty. William
William Sheppard, William
and David
For School Trustees. A.
Nomination Meeting
A nomination meeting to nominate
candidates to fill the offices of
reeve, councillors, school trustees
and one Hydro Commissioner was
held in the Town Hall Friday even
ing between 7 and 8 o’clock with the
village clerk presiding officer. At
the close of the nomination the clerk
read the lists of those nominated:
For Reeve, William Consitt, Walter
er and
Sangster, David Nicol
Case, Fred Mann, Fred Hess and Hy.
Horton. Hydiro Commissioner, Chas.
Moore. Nominated lor the Hydro
Commission he was declared nomin
ated by acclamation. Mr. Horton re
tired from the Trustee Board, after
four years of service, leaving the
following elevted for iscnool Trus-
following elevated for school Trus-
After the nomination was over a
meeting was held to dfscuss the
questions before the electors and
Clerk Paterson was asked to act as
chairman. All candidates being
quested to come to the platform.
Mr. Case, secretary-treasurer
the school board was first called
good account of school
that the school board
a school this year of
Mr. Horton spoke next
of welcome by Sydney McAir-
The program wae as follows:
Miss Mattie Ellis is spending the i piano duet, Margaret and Jean Love;
holidays with her sistei* Mrs. Fred duet, Margaret and Harry Dougall;
Smallacombe of Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McEwen and
daughter are spending’ Christmas
with relatives ill Toronto.
Mr. John Hunkin. of Exeter, spent
Friday in town the guest of
daughter Mrs. John Bean.
Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto,
spent Christmas with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougall.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson, of
Toronto are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher.
Mr. Will Reynolds, of Tiieonburg,
is visiting with her sisters Mrs. Rey
nolds and Mrs. Robertson.
Mrs. T. Murdock and Miss Mur
dock are spending the Christmas va
cation with relatives in Toronto.
The Rev. Mr. Parker, rector
St. Paul’s Church is spending Christ
mas at his home in Dorchester.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and
family, of Chiselhurst, are spending
the holidays with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weber and
children spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Weber of Zurich.
Miss Lin. Ortwein, of Toronto,
spent Christmas here with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and little
son are spending the holiday visit
ing relatives in town and vicinity.
Miss Jennie Murray, of Exeter is
spending the Christmas holidays
with her nephew, Dr .Ivan Smillie.
A hockey match was played on
Saturday night at Grandi Bend and
Hensail teams, Hensail won 5 to 2.
Mr. and Mrs. James Eby and. little
daughter, of Collingwood spent the
•Christmas holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. White.
Miss Jean Bonthron, of London, is
spending the holidays at the home of
her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bon
Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan, of
London, spent Christmas with Mr.
Buchanan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Buchanan, Sr.
Miss Margaret McLaren, of West
ern University is spending the Christ
mas holidays at the home of her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLaren.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon, of
Stromberg are spending the Christ
mas holidays with Mr. Cantelon’s
parents here Mr. and Mrs David
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins and
sons Harold. Bill and Ray are spends
lug the Christmas holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer at the Beach
o’ Pines.
Mr. W. J. White, who has conduct
ed a general store here for a num
ber of years is closing up business
and he and Mrs. White will spend
the winter with their daughter Mrs.
James Eby, of Collingwood.
A special train on the C. N. R. on
Saturday evening crowded' with
people for various places on the line
to spend Christmas. About 50 got off
at Hensall. The different bus lines
running into Hensall were also
The’wedding of Mr. John Shep
pard to Miss Emma Dickson, daugh
ter of Mrs. Thos. Dickson, Hensall,
took place on Saturday morning at
the United church parsonage with
Rev. Arthur Sinclair performing the
ceremony. They left immediately
on a honeymoon trip and on their re
turn they 'will reside in Hensall.
The Continuation & Public Schools
closed on Friday last for the holiday
season. Each room of tho Public
School putting on good programs.
dialogue, "The
Irene Hoskins,
Daters, Douglas
Cameron; recitations, Ruth Love, D.
Moir and Helen McQueen; monolo
gue, Jean Love; chorus, "Petty Pat"
by the junior classes; dialogue, "The
Minister’s Mistake"; chorus "Hunt
ing a Man.”
Special Christmas services held in
the United Church on Sunday last
were largely attended. Special
Christmas messages were in charge
of Rev. Arthur Sinclair, the pastor,
whose splendid discourses were well
in keeping with the day, the large
choir under the direction of Mr. W.
O. Goodwin, rendered splendid mu-
of ; sic, and following are the special
numbers at the morning service:
duet, "Star of Bethlehem”, Mrs.
Maud Hedden and Mrs. George Hess
solo, ‘Open the Gates of the Temple’
Dr. Ivan S. Smillie; special parts
in the anthem were taken by Mr.
Goodwin. Evening service: solo,
"O’er Manger Bed," Mrs. 'Geo. Hess;
special parts in the anthems were
taken by Mr. Sam. Rannie, Miss
Annie Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H. Phile,
Mrs. M. G. Drysdale, Mts. Hess.ana
Mrs. Hedden; solo /‘Behold, the
morning Cometh” Mrs. Maud Hed
den; anthems and special numbers
were wonderfully rendered
much enjoyed. Miss Eleanor
presided at the organ.
History Class" by
Alice Pfaff, 'Carl
Sangster and Bobby
Junior Hedden, Gordon
A Musical Treat
On Thursday evening last
of music had a great treat in
ing to the Carolina Jubilee Bingers
in the United church, who might be
said to have excelled themselves for
a couple of hours in giving fine num
bers of good old plantation and
other songs, delighting the audience
that filled the capacious church and
whose only regret was when the last
number was rendered. The troupe
were introduced by the Rev. Arthur
Sinclair, .pastor of the church, who
briefly referred to the great satisfac
tion the Carolina Singers had given
wherever they appeared and how
they were so frequently recalled
which spoke for itself. The church
was beautifully decorated for the
occasion which was under the aus
pices of the 'Sabbath School and did
great credit to the commitee in
charge. Two large Christmas trees
were the centre of attraction, par
ticularly for the members of the
Sabbath School, the younger classes
being the particular recipients. San
ta Claus was there all garoed in holi
day dress. He entered1 the church,
having put away his reindeers for
an hour or two and was hailed with
delight and rapture and was not
long in distributing all that brought
good cheer and happiness to the
young people. The proceeds wore
most gratifying to the Sabbath
School as well as affording a fine
musical treat
Hensall Continuation School Report
Form I
Gladys McKenzie 70; Ronald Peck
69; Marion Dougall 66; Audrey
Cochrane 6'5; Verba MftLeab 61; J.
Foster 59; Aghes Fairburn 5'5; Do
ris Alexander >55; Bert Thomson 5i5;
Robert Drysdale 51; Ivan Kipfer
48; Gladys SaUndercocM 40.
Form II
Annie Carlisle 7 6 ;\Alex Fiishie 76;
George Pearce 75; William Glen 68;
Kathryn Drysdale 67; Kenneth
he did
to find
and gave a
affairs and
would have
about 400.
touching on both school and muni
cipal affairs and declined to stand
for election this year.
Reeve Consitt gave a eplent’id ad
dress on town affairs, spoke of the
work done during the year and that
he had succeeded in getting the road
running east from the village, put on
the County Highway System.
The other members of the 19 33
council also epoke except Mr. Mickle,
who was not present. Mr. Geiger
stated he would be in 'the field for
reeveship but in his address
not have a great deal of fault
with the 1933 council.
Robert Higgins was then
upon and thanked his mover and se
conder for the honor of a nomination
for reeve, but would not be a can
didate at present. As the town au
ditor he gave a statement of the
town’s finances as they should be on
the 31st day of December, 19 313. Af
ter all notes are paid and all deben
tures due, are paid, there should be
in cash in the bank of ?350. There
is $16(515.31 of 1933 taxes either in
the collector’s hands or unpaid
which will leave a surplus of $2000.
Mr. Petty and Mr. Jones, who
were nominated, both for reeves and
the council, stated that they would
be in the field for one of the posi
tions. Mr. Robertson seemed to be
greatly displeased with the way the
village affairs are being conducted,
found a great deal of fault with the
poll tax collection and the auditor®
reports for the last five or six years.
Reeve Consitt gave the last ad
dress and spoke very highly of Mr.
Jones as a councillor and that he
would make a‘ splendid
The candidates were
nine o’clock Saturday
qualify and the election
on New Year’s Day as
other attractions in town on Friday
evening.. The nominations were
poorly attended and not much inter
est shown.
At nine o’clock on Saturday even
ing Owen Geiger and William Jones
had qualified for the office of reeve.
G. C. Petty, David Robertson, Wil
liam Sangster and William Shep
pard. for the councillors; Fred Manns
Fred Hess and A. Case for the Trus
tee Board and >Charles Moore for the
Hydro Commission. There will be an
election for the reeveship only. Mr.
Jones has had a good riiunicipal ex
perience and has always taken an
interest in his work as councillor
and will make a splendid reeve. Mr.
Geiger has also been reeve a great
many times and also County War
den once and was always a
capable official. The election
b.e close as both candidates
many friends.
given until
evening to
will be held
there were
A quiet wedding was solemnized
on Saturday at the parsonage, Ailsa
Craig, when Evelyn Anna, daughter
of W. E. Donaldson and the late Mrs.
Donaldson, became the bride of Karl
M. O’Neil, son of Mr. L. O’Neil and
the late Mrs. O’Neil of Ciandeboye.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. W. K. Curtis. The bride, who
was unattended was becomingly,
gowned in dark green chiffon velvet
with beaded trimmings, black' velvet
and metallic hat. with matching ac
cessories. Following a .wedding trip
to Pennsylvania and New Y'Ork City,
the happy couple will reside on the
groom’s farm near Ciandeboye.
and .Mrs. Jacob Kellerman
Adams and
the week-end
of Grand Bena
with Mr. and Mrs.
Corbett, of
at the home
Charles Anderson
of Sarnia, spent
numbers from "Handel's
The choir will be assist-
Walter Cutbush, of Exe-
soloiet. The offering will
. Ar-
is wearing a
!, the stork
Mr. and Mrs.
family with
latter’s home.
Squire and
and Mrs. Edgar
Mrs. Albert Scott
Friday evening, December
the Young People’s League
“Quality always higher than price.”
Cherished among the gifts bestowed by the year
just passed is the memory of the pleasant relations
with whom it has been our privilege to serve. It
is most sincerely that wishes are sent out for a
Happy 1933
Phone 102 We Deliver
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At offiqe in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood. first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, m
Zurich, last three days of week.
Miss Zeta Nadiger, nurse-in-train
ing at Victoria Hospital, London,
spent a few days with ner parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.
Mr. Czar Steinhagen, of Tavistock
spent Sunday at his home here.
Miss Olga Fisher, of London spent
the week-end with her parents.
Miss M. Cunningham and Miss
Andrews, of Kitchener, spent Christ
mas, with the former’s sister Mr.
and Mrs. L. Morenz.
Misses Mary Mclsaac and Maxine
Bishop, of Detroit, are spending the
Christmas holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. P. Mclsaac.
Miss Theda Hayter, of Windsor, is
spending a few weeks with her par
ents Mr. and Mi’s. Robt. Hayter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tieman, of Ham
ilton, spent Christmas with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman.
Mr. Eugene Tiernan, of London,
is spending the holidays with his
Dr. Lome Tieman, of Dublin spent [ were omitted
Christmas at liis home here.
The annual entertainment of the
Blackbush school was held last
Thursday. There was a good crowd
and after a pleasing concert Santa
Claus distributed presents from a
beautifully decorated tree. Miss Greb
deserves much credit as the dirctor
of the program.
The business places in town will
be closed every evening except Sat
urday during the winter months.
A special musical program will be
given in the Evangelical church on
Sunday evening December 31st con
sisting of
ed by Mr.
ter, tenor
go toward the choir treasury.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher and
family are spending a few days with
friends in London and Dorchester.
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Christ
mas in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold and
Mr. 'Clarence Routledge, of London,
were Christmas visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther and
Miss Rose Guenther, of Windsor,
spent the holidays with relatives.
Miss Ella Martinson is spending
the holidays with her parents in El
Miss Thelma Elsie, of Sarnia, and
Mr. Samuel Elsie, of Detroit, spent
Christmas with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Zimmer, of
Portland, Ore., spent the past week
with his father and Misters.
Miss Alice Willert and friend, of
Fort Wayne, are visitors with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willert.
Miss Margaret Willert, of London,
is spending the holidays at her
liome here.
Master Willis Mclsaac is spending
his holidays in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Adams, Lon
don, spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mr. E. G. Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Birk, of Guelph,
spent the holidays here and in Zu
Miss Myrta Hoffman, of Kitchener
spent Christmas with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman.
Miss Elda Kraft, of London, spent
Christmas at her home here.
Mr. Wm. Musser, of Detroit, is
spending, a few days with his fam
Mr. james, of^LondOh, is visiting
at the home Of Mr. J, Wbin. '
Mr. Arthur Goetz, or St. Berue, 1
Sask., is visiting his mother Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Calfas, of
Sarnia, visited relatives in town last
Mrs. P. Humble, of Sarnia, is vis
iting her mother Mrs. Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Anderson
spent Christmas with friends in Lon
Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exetei’
and Miss Zeta Nadiger, of London,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraft spent
the holidays with friends in Sarnia.
The choir of the Lutheran church
entertained a number of the shut-ins
by singing some Christmas carols on
Sunday evening which was very
much appreciated.
Miss Fanny Preeter, of Kitchener
spent the week-end with her sister,
Mrs. Stacey.
Mrs. Eleanor Thiel spent a few
days of last week with her parents.
Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Sauer are
spending a few days in Preston this
In the report of the Ladies’ Aid
of Zion Lutheran church last week
the names of the trio should have
read Mrs. Hy. Restemeyer, Mrs.
Schlundt and Mrs. F. Genttner; also
the sercetary and treasurer’s names
and, Mrs. A. Kuntz
Mrs. J. Rader.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thiel, of
Hensail; Mr. and Mrs. Jack M.
and son Melvin from Wilton Grove;
Mr. and Mrs. Ruesell Pitt and daugh
ter Alma of Thorndale; Mr. Clar
ence Tucker and Milford and Alma
Koch and Artha Jarvis, all of De
troit; and Rosie Jarvis, of Windsor,
spent Christmas with Mr. and
Geo. Koch.
Mr. and’ Mrs. Ike Gower and
daughter, Alma, of Elimville, spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner and
three sons are visiting with Mrs.
Merner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Rocky in Stratford.
Mr. Sam. Merner spent Christmas
with his daughter and son-in-law,
Mr, and Mrs. Davidson in Pt. Huron
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Weido and
three sons spent Christmas in Exeter
with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith.
Master Donald McPherson, of
Greenway, is spending his holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Miss Clara Lewis, of London and
Mr. E. Hamilton,
spent Christmas
Harry Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs.
and son, Jack,
Christmas with the former’s mother
I Mrs. W. Anderson.I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherly and
daughter, Thelma and Mrs. Frank
Scheiding, all of London and Mr.
and Mrs. Roland Motz and two chil
dren, of Exeter spent Christmas with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Motz.
Mr. Sam. Baynham was the lucky
winner of a set of dishes given away
at Zwicker’s store for guessing the
nearest correct number of beans in a
Miss Lottie Waghorn, of London,
spent Christmas with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waghorn.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird and
Bend spent
; 25th,
will hold a Literary entertainment
and meeting and there will be a pro-
grame, consisting of dialogues, read
ings and musical numbers. Lunch
will be served and invitation is ex
tended to all the congregation to
come and help make this a success.
Admission, 10c.
The Christmas entertainment that
was put on in the Orange Hall last
Friday evening was a great success.
The night was fine and a large
crowd turned out, anc» enjoyed the
splendid program that was put on.
The Christmas tree was beautifully
decorated and heavily laden
gifts for both old and young.
Holiday visitors: The Misses
ta Shier and Evelyn Wynn, of
don at their homes here.
Raymond and Carman Switzer, of
London, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Swit
zer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parksinson
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fos-
jter and family, Mr. and Mrs. John
Stevenson, of Devises, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shier. Miss
Ethel Copeland, of London, with
her mother. Mr. and Mrs. James
Squire and daughters, Alda
Violet with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Lean, Chiselhurst. Mr. and Mrs.
nold Hern at the
and Mrs. Harvey
Morley with Mr.
Squire. Mr. and
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Gunning and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Rodd at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Langford. :
Rev. Lovegrove and :
friends at Hamilton.
Mr, Gordon Sinclair i
broad smile these days,
having presented him with a fine
baby girl.
There was a good turn out at our
Church Sunday evening last. Special
Christmas numbers were given by
the choir.
daughter, of Grand
Christmas with Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
two children and Mr.
Leonard Wein and son spent Christ
mas with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Wein near Sharon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Rawlings and
son, Fred, of Ailsa Craig, spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joab
and eon Czar spent the holiday with
relatives in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
babe, of London, spent
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hensall, spent Sunday
of Mr. and Mrs. A. Morenz.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lamport and fam
ily spent Christmas in Ilderton at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
The Christmas entertainment that
was held last Thursday evening at
the church was a great success. The
children all did exceptionally well.
Misses Eveline and Illa Sweitzer,
Mildred Lamport, Blanche Morenz,
Veva Adams, Vergina Moore, all of
London, spent the holiday at their
respective homes.
Miss Lillian Thompson is spend
ing the Christmas holidays at her
home in Strathroy.
Miss Violet Sharpe, teacher at
Auburn, is spending the holidays at
her home.
Mrs. Andy Keough has been con
fined to her bed for the past week
is able to be up again.
Mr. Tom Lamport from Ilderton,
is visiting for a few days with his
Mr. and Mrs. M. Baker and fam
ily speht Christmas at the home or
Mr. and Mrs. prance at Greenway.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rextier and
ba'be, of Thedford, spent Christmas
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. L. Gchroeder has returned to
her homo after spending
weeks In Toledo, Ohio,